1Mrp=Manufacturing Orders
2MOs=Manufacturing orders
3ManufacturingOrder=Manufacturing Order
4MRPDescription=Module to manage production and Manufacturing Orders (MO).
5MRPArea=MRP Area
6MrpSetupPage=Setup of module MRP
7MenuBOM=Bills of material
8LatestBOMModified=Latest %s Bills of materials modified
9LatestMOModified=Latest %s Manufacturing Orders modified
10Bom=Bills of Material
11BillOfMaterials=Bill of Materials
12BOMsSetup=Setup of module BOM
13ListOfBOMs=List of bills of material - BOM
14ListOfManufacturingOrders=List of Manufacturing Orders
15NewBOM=New bill of materials
16ProductBOMHelp=Product to create (or disassemble) with this BOM.<br>Note: Products with the property 'Nature of product' = 'Raw material' are not visible into this list.
17BOMsNumberingModules=BOM numbering templates
18BOMsModelModule=BOM document templates
19MOsNumberingModules=MO numbering templates
20MOsModelModule=MO document templates
21FreeLegalTextOnBOMs=Free text on document of BOM
22WatermarkOnDraftBOMs=Watermark on draft BOM
23FreeLegalTextOnMOs=Free text on document of MO
24WatermarkOnDraftMOs=Watermark on draft MO
25ConfirmCloneBillOfMaterials=Are you sure you want to clone the bill of materials %s ?
26ConfirmCloneMo=Are you sure you want to clone the Manufacturing Order %s ?
27ManufacturingEfficiency=Manufacturing efficiency
28ConsumptionEfficiency=Consumption efficiency
29ValueOfMeansLoss=Value of 0.95 means an average of 5%% of loss during the production
30ValueOfMeansLossForProductProduced=Value of 0.95 means an average of 5%% of loss of produced product
31DeleteBillOfMaterials=Delete Bill Of Materials
32DeleteMo=Delete Manufacturing Order
33ConfirmDeleteBillOfMaterials=Are you sure you want to delete this Bill Of Materials?
34ConfirmDeleteMo=Are you sure you want to delete this Bill Of Materials?
35MenuMRP=Manufacturing Orders
36NewMO=New Manufacturing Order
37QtyToProduce=Qty to produce
38DateStartPlannedMo=Date start planned
39DateEndPlannedMo=Date end planned
40KeepEmptyForAsap=Empty means 'As Soon As Possible'
41EstimatedDuration=Estimated duration
42EstimatedDurationDesc=Estimated duration to manufacture (or disassemble) this product using this BOM
43ConfirmValidateBom=Are you sure you want to validate the BOM with the reference <strong>%s</strong> (you will be able to use it to build new Manufacturing Orders)
44ConfirmCloseBom=Are you sure you want to cancel this BOM (you won't be able to use it to build new Manufacturing Orders anymore) ?
45ConfirmReopenBom=Are you sure you want to re-open this BOM (you will be able to use it to build new Manufacturing Orders)
47QtyFrozen=Frozen Qty
48QuantityFrozen=Frozen Quantity
49QuantityConsumedInvariable=When this flag is set, the quantity consumed is always the value defined and is not relative to the quantity produced.
50DisableStockChange=Stock change disabled
51DisableStockChangeHelp=When this flag is set, there is no stock change on this product, whatever is the quantity consumed
52BomAndBomLines=Bills Of Material and lines
53BOMLine=Line of BOM
54WarehouseForProduction=Warehouse for production
55CreateMO=Create MO
56ToConsume=To consume
57ToProduce=To produce
58QtyAlreadyConsumed=Qty already consumed
59QtyAlreadyProduced=Qty already produced
60QtyRequiredIfNoLoss=Qty required if there is no loss (Manufacturing efficiency is 100%%)
61ConsumeOrProduce=Consume or Produce
62ConsumeAndProduceAll=Consume and Produce All
64TheProductXIsAlreadyTheProductToProduce=The product to add is already the product to produce.
65ForAQuantityOf=For a quantity to produce of %s
66ForAQuantityToConsumeOf=For a quantity to disassemble of %s
67ConfirmValidateMo=Are you sure you want to validate this Manufacturing Order?
68ConfirmProductionDesc=By clicking on '%s', you will validate the consumption and/or production for the quantities set. This will also update the stock and record stock movements.
69ProductionForRef=Production of %s
70AutoCloseMO=Close automatically the Manufacturing Order if quantities to consume and to produce are reached
71NoStockChangeOnServices=No stock change on services
72ProductQtyToConsumeByMO=Product quantity still to consume by open MO
73ProductQtyToProduceByMO=Product quantity still to produce by open MO
74AddNewConsumeLines=Add new line to consume
75ProductsToConsume=Products to consume
76ProductsToProduce=Products to produce
77UnitCost=Unit cost
78TotalCost=Total cost
79BOMTotalCost=The cost to produce this BOM based on cost of each quantity and product to consume (use Cost price if defined, else Average Weighted Price if defined, else the Best purchase price)
80GoOnTabProductionToProduceFirst=You must first have started the production to close a Manufacturing Order (See tab '%s'). But you can Cancel it.
81ErrorAVirtualProductCantBeUsedIntoABomOrMo=A kit can't be used into a BOM or a MO
84WorkstationsDescription=Workstations management
85WorkstationSetup = Workstations setup
86WorkstationSetupPage = Workstations setup page
87WorkstationList=Workstation list
88WorkstationCreate=Add new workstation
89ConfirmEnableWorkstation=Are you sure you want to enable workstation <b>%s</b> ?
90EnableAWorkstation=Enable a workstation
91ConfirmDisableWorkstation=Are you sure you want to disable workstation <b>%s</b> ?
92DisableAWorkstation=Disable a workstation
94NbOperatorsRequired=Number of operators required
95THMOperatorEstimated=Estimated operator THM
96THMMachineEstimated=Estimated machine THM
97WorkstationType=Workstation type
100HumanMachine=Human / Machine
101WorkstationArea=Workstation area
103THMEstimatedHelp=This rate makes it possible to define a forecast cost of the item