1# Language file - Source file is en_US - cashdesk
2CashDeskMenu=Point of sale
3CashDesk=Point of sale
4CashDeskBankCash=Bank account (cash)
5CashDeskBankCB=Bank account (card)
6CashDeskBankCheque=Bank account (cheque)
8CashdeskShowServices=Selling services
12CashDeskThirdParty=Third party
13ShoppingCart=Shopping cart
14NewSell=New sell
15AddThisArticle=Add this article
16RestartSelling=Go back on sell
17SellFinished=Sale complete
18PrintTicket=Print ticket
19SendTicket=Send ticket
20NoProductFound=No article found
21ProductFound=product found
22NoArticle=No article
26TotalTicket=Total ticket
27NoVAT=No VAT for this sale
28Change=Excess received
29BankToPay=Account for payment
30ShowCompany=Show company
31ShowStock=Show warehouse
32DeleteArticle=Click to remove this article
33FilterRefOrLabelOrBC=Search (Ref/Label)
34UserNeedPermissionToEditStockToUsePos=You ask to decrease stock on invoice creation, so user that uses POS needs to have permission to edit stock.
35DolibarrReceiptPrinter=Dolibarr Receipt Printer
36PointOfSale=Point of Sale
38CloseBill=Close Bill
41AddTable=Add table
43TakeposConnectorNecesary='TakePOS Connector' required
44OrderPrinters=Add a button to send the order to some given printers, without payment (for example to send an order to a kitchen)
45NotAvailableWithBrowserPrinter=Not available when printer for receipt is set to browser:
46SearchProduct=Search product
50AmountAtEndOfPeriod=Amount at end of period (day, month or year)
51TheoricalAmount=Theorical amount
52RealAmount=Real amount
53CashFence=Cash desk closing
54CashFenceDone=Cash desk closing done for the period
55NbOfInvoices=Nb of invoices
56Paymentnumpad=Type of Pad to enter payment
57Numberspad=Numbers Pad
58BillsCoinsPad=Coins and banknotes Pad
59DolistorePosCategory=TakePOS modules and other POS solutions for Dolibarr
60TakeposNeedsCategories=TakePOS needs at least one product categorie to work
61TakeposNeedsAtLeastOnSubCategoryIntoParentCategory=TakePOS needs at least 1 product category under the category <b>%s</b> to work
62OrderNotes=Can add some notes to each ordered items
63CashDeskBankAccountFor=Default account to use for payments in
64NoPaimementModesDefined=No paiment mode defined in TakePOS configuration
65TicketVatGrouped=Group VAT by rate in tickets|receipts
66AutoPrintTickets=Automatically print tickets|receipts
67PrintCustomerOnReceipts=Print customer on tickets|receipts
68EnableBarOrRestaurantFeatures=Enable features for Bar or Restaurant
69ConfirmDeletionOfThisPOSSale=Do your confirm the deletion of this current sale ?
70ConfirmDiscardOfThisPOSSale=Do you want to discard this current sale ?
72ValidateAndClose=Validate and close
74NumberOfTerminals=Number of Terminals
75TerminalSelect=Select terminal you want to use:
76POSTicket=POS Ticket
77POSTerminal=POS Terminal
78POSModule=POS Module
79BasicPhoneLayout=Use basic layout for phones
80SetupOfTerminalNotComplete=Setup of terminal %s is not complete
81DirectPayment=Direct payment
82DirectPaymentButton=Add a "Direct cash payment" button
83InvoiceIsAlreadyValidated=Invoice is already validated
84NoLinesToBill=No lines to bill
85CustomReceipt=Custom Receipt
86ReceiptName=Receipt Name
87ProductSupplements=Manage supplements of products
88SupplementCategory=Supplement category
89ColorTheme=Color theme
91HeadBar=Head Bar
92SortProductField=Field for sorting products
94BrowserMethodDescription=Simple and easy receipt printing. Only a few parameters to configure the receipt. Print via browser.
95TakeposConnectorMethodDescription=External module with extra features. Posibility to print from the cloud.
96PrintMethod=Print method
97ReceiptPrinterMethodDescription=Powerful method with a lot of parameters. Full customizable with templates. The server hosting the application can't be in the Cloud (must be able to reach the printers in your network).
98ByTerminal=By terminal
99TakeposNumpadUsePaymentIcon=Use icon instead of text on payment buttons of numpad
100CashDeskRefNumberingModules=Numbering module for POS sales
101CashDeskGenericMaskCodes6 = <br><b>{TN}</b> tag is used to add the terminal number
102TakeposGroupSameProduct=Group same products lines
103StartAParallelSale=Start a new parallel sale
104SaleStartedAt=Sale started at %s
105ControlCashOpening=Open the "Control cash" popup when opening the POS
106CloseCashFence=Close cash desk control
107CashReport=Cash report
108MainPrinterToUse=Main printer to use
109OrderPrinterToUse=Order printer to use
110MainTemplateToUse=Main template to use
111OrderTemplateToUse=Order template to use
112BarRestaurant=Bar Restaurant
113AutoOrder=Order by the customer himself
115CustomerMenu=Customer menu
116ScanToMenu=Scan QR code to see the menu
117ScanToOrder=Scan QR code to order
119HideCategoryImages=Hide Category Images
120HideProductImages=Hide Product Images
121NumberOfLinesToShow=Number of lines of images to show
122DefineTablePlan=Define tables plan
123GiftReceiptButton=Add a "Gift receipt" button
124GiftReceipt=Gift receipt
125ModuleReceiptPrinterMustBeEnabled=Module Receipt printer must have been enabled first
126AllowDelayedPayment=Allow delayed payment
127PrintPaymentMethodOnReceipts=Print payment method on tickets|receipts
128WeighingScale=Weighing scale
129ShowPriceHT = Display the column with the price excluding tax (on screen)
130ShowPriceHTOnReceipt = Display the column with the price excluding tax (on the receipt)