1# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - salaries
2SALARIES_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT=Accounting account used for user third parties
3SALARIES_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_Desc=The dedicated accounting account defined on user card will be used for Subledger accounting only. This one will be used for General Ledger and as default value of Subledger accounting if dedicated user accounting account on user is not defined.
4SALARIES_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CHARGE=Accounting account by default for wage payments
7NewSalaryPayment=Uus palga makse
8AddSalaryPayment=Add salary payment
9SalaryPayment=Palga makse
10SalariesPayments=Palkade maksed
11ShowSalaryPayment=Näita palga makset
12THM=Average hourly rate
13TJM=Average daily rate
14CurrentSalary=Current salary
15THMDescription=This value may be used to calculate the cost of time consumed on a project entered by users if module project is used
16TJMDescription=This value is currently for information only and is not used for any calculation
17LastSalaries=Latest %s salary payments
18AllSalaries=All salary payments
19SalariesStatistics=Salary statistics
20# Export
21SalariesAndPayments=Salaries and payments