1 #include "stdafx.h"
2 #include "TTNMQTT.h"
3 #include "../main/Logger.h"
4 #include "../main/Helper.h"
5 #include <iostream>
6 #include "../main/localtime_r.h"
7 #include "../main/mainworker.h"
8 #include "../main/SQLHelper.h"
9 #include "../main/json_helper.h"
10 #include "../webserver/Base64.h"
11 #include "cayenne_lpp/CayenneLPP_Dec.h"
12 #include <sstream>
14 #define RETRY_DELAY 30
16 #ifdef _DEBUG
17 //#define DEBUG_TTN_R
18 //#define DEBUG_TTN_W
19 #endif
21 #ifdef DEBUG_TTN_W
SaveString2Disk(std::string str,std::string filename)22 void SaveString2Disk(std::string str, std::string filename)
23 {
24 	FILE *fOut = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb+");
25 	if (fOut)
26 	{
27 		fwrite(str.c_str(), 1, str.size(), fOut);
28 		fclose(fOut);
29 	}
30 }
31 #endif
32 #ifdef DEBUG_TTN_R
ReadFile(std::string filename)33 std::string ReadFile(std::string filename)
34 {
35 	std::ifstream file;
36 	std::string sResult = "";
37 	file.open(filename.c_str());
38 	if (!file.is_open())
39 		return "";
40 	std::string sLine;
41 	while (!file.eof())
42 	{
43 		getline(file, sLine);
44 		sResult += sLine;
45 	}
46 	file.close();
47 	return sResult;
48 }
49 #endif
CTTNMQTT(const int ID,const std::string & IPAddress,const unsigned short usIPPort,const std::string & Username,const std::string & Password,const std::string & CAfilename)52 CTTNMQTT::CTTNMQTT(const int ID, const std::string &IPAddress, const unsigned short usIPPort, const std::string &Username, const std::string &Password, const std::string &CAfilename) :
53 	mosqdz::mosquittodz((std::string("Domoticz-TTN") +  std::string(GenerateUUID())).c_str()),
54 	m_szIPAddress(IPAddress),
55 	m_UserName(Username),
56 	m_Password(Password),
57 	m_CAFilename(CAfilename)
58 {
59 	m_HwdID = ID;
60 	m_IsConnected = false;
61 	m_bDoReconnect = false;
63 	m_usIPPort = usIPPort;
64 	m_TopicIn = Username + "/devices/+/up";
66 #ifdef DEBUG_TTN_R
67 	std::string sResult = ReadFile("ttn_mqtt.json");
68 	mosquitto_message mqtt_msg;
69 	mqtt_msg.topic = "domo_rob/devices/lopy4/up";
70 	mqtt_msg.payload = (void*)sResult.c_str();
71 	mqtt_msg.payloadlen = sResult.size();
72 	on_message(&mqtt_msg);
73 #endif
75 	mosqdz::lib_init();
76 }
79 {
80 	mosqdz::lib_cleanup();
81 }
StartHardware()83 bool CTTNMQTT::StartHardware()
84 {
85 	RequestStart();
87 	StartHeartbeatThread();
89 	//force connect the next first time
90 	m_IsConnected = false;
92 	m_bIsStarted = true;
94 	//Start worker thread
95 	m_thread = std::make_shared<std::thread>(&CTTNMQTT::Do_Work, this);
96 	SetThreadNameInt(m_thread->native_handle());
97 	return (m_thread != nullptr);
98 }
StopMQTT()100 void CTTNMQTT::StopMQTT()
101 {
102 	disconnect();
103 	m_bIsStarted = false;
104 }
StopHardware()106 bool CTTNMQTT::StopHardware()
107 {
108 	StopHeartbeatThread();
109 	if (m_thread)
110 	{
111 		RequestStop();
112 		m_thread->join();
113 		m_thread.reset();
114 	}
115 	m_IsConnected = false;
116 	return true;
117 }
on_subscribe(int mid,int qos_count,const int * granted_qos)119 void CTTNMQTT::on_subscribe(int mid, int qos_count, const int *granted_qos)
120 {
121 	_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Subscribed");
122 	m_IsConnected = true;
123 }
on_connect(int rc)125 void CTTNMQTT::on_connect(int rc)
126 {
127 	/* rc=
128 	** 0 - success
129 	** 1 - connection refused(unacceptable protocol version)
130 	** 2 - connection refused(identifier rejected)
131 	** 3 - connection refused(broker unavailable)
132 	*/
134 	if (rc == 0) {
135 		if (m_IsConnected) {
136 			_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: re-connected to: %s:%d", m_szIPAddress.c_str(), m_usIPPort);
137 		}
138 		else {
139 			_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: connected to: %s:%d", m_szIPAddress.c_str(), m_usIPPort);
140 			m_IsConnected = true;
141 			sOnConnected(this);
142 		}
143 		subscribe(NULL, m_TopicIn.c_str());
144 	}
145 	else {
146 		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Connection failed!, restarting (rc=%d)", rc);
147 		m_bDoReconnect = true;
148 	}
149 }
on_disconnect(int rc)151 void CTTNMQTT::on_disconnect(int rc)
152 {
153 	if (rc != 0)
154 	{
155 		if (!IsStopRequested(0))
156 		{
157 			if (rc == 5)
158 			{
159 				_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: disconnected, Invalid Username/Password (rc=%d)", rc);
160 			}
161 			else
162 			{
163 				_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: disconnected, restarting (rc=%d)", rc);
164 			}
165 			m_bDoReconnect = true;
166 		}
167 	}
168 }
ConnectInt()171 bool CTTNMQTT::ConnectInt()
172 {
173 	StopMQTT();
174 	return ConnectIntEx();
175 }
ConnectIntEx()177 bool CTTNMQTT::ConnectIntEx()
178 {
179 	m_bDoReconnect = false;
180 	_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Connecting to %s:%d", m_szIPAddress.c_str(), m_usIPPort);
182 	int rc;
183 	int keepalive = 60;
185 	if (!m_CAFilename.empty()) {
186 		rc = tls_set(m_CAFilename.c_str());
188 		if (rc != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS)
189 		{
190 			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Failed enabling TLS mode, return code: %d (CA certificate: '%s')", rc, m_CAFilename.c_str());
191 			return false;
192 		}
193 		else {
194 			_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: enabled TLS mode");
195 		}
196 	}
197 	rc = username_pw_set((!m_UserName.empty()) ? m_UserName.c_str() : NULL, (!m_Password.empty()) ? m_Password.c_str() : NULL);
199 	rc = connect(m_szIPAddress.c_str(), m_usIPPort, keepalive);
200 	if (rc != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS)
201 	{
202 		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Failed to start, return code: %d (Check IP/Port)", rc);
203 		m_bDoReconnect = true;
204 		return false;
205 	}
206 	return true;
207 }
Do_Work()209 void CTTNMQTT::Do_Work()
210 {
211 	bool bFirstTime = true;
212 	int msec_counter = 0;
213 	int sec_counter = 0;
215 	while (!IsStopRequested(100))
216 	{
217 		if (!bFirstTime)
218 		{
219 			int rc = loop();
220 			if (rc) {
221 				if (rc != MOSQ_ERR_NO_CONN)
222 				{
223 					if (!IsStopRequested(0))
224 					{
225 						if (!m_bDoReconnect)
226 						{
227 							reconnect();
228 						}
229 					}
230 				}
231 			}
232 		}
234 		msec_counter++;
235 		if (msec_counter == 10)
236 		{
237 			msec_counter = 0;
239 			sec_counter++;
241 			if (sec_counter % 12 == 0) {
242 				m_LastHeartbeat = mytime(NULL);
243 			}
245 			if (bFirstTime)
246 			{
247 				bFirstTime = false;
248 				ConnectInt();
249 			}
250 			else
251 			{
252 				if (sec_counter % 30 == 0)
253 				{
254 					if (m_bDoReconnect)
255 						ConnectIntEx();
256 				}
257 				if (isConnected() && sec_counter % 10 == 0)
258 				{
259 					SendHeartbeat();
260 				}
261 			}
262 		}
263 	}
264 	clear_callbacks();
266 	if (isConnected())
267 		disconnect();
269 	_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Worker stopped...");
270 }
SendHeartbeat()272 void CTTNMQTT::SendHeartbeat()
273 {
274 	// not necessary for normal MQTT servers
275 }
SendMessage(const std::string & Topic,const std::string & Message)277 void CTTNMQTT::SendMessage(const std::string &Topic, const std::string &Message)
278 {
279 	try {
280 		if (!m_IsConnected)
281 		{
282 			_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Not Connected, failed to send message: %s", Message.c_str());
283 			return;
284 		}
285 		publish(NULL, Topic.c_str(), Message.size(), Message.c_str());
286 	}
287 	catch (...)
288 	{
289 		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Failed to send message: %s", Message.c_str());
290 	}
291 }
WriteInt(const std::string & sendStr)293 void CTTNMQTT::WriteInt(const std::string &sendStr)
294 {
295 	if (sendStr.size() < 2)
296 		return;
297 	//string the return and the end
298 	//std::string sMessage = std::string(sendStr.begin(), sendStr.begin() + sendStr.size());
299 	//SendMessage(m_TopicOut, sMessage);
300 }
GetSensorWithChannel(const Json::Value & root,const int sChannel)302 Json::Value CTTNMQTT::GetSensorWithChannel(const Json::Value &root, const int sChannel)
303 {
304 	Json::Value ret;
305 	for (auto itt = root.begin(); itt != root.end(); ++itt)
306 	{
307 		uint8_t channel = (uint8_t)(*itt)["channel"].asInt();
309 		if ((channel == sChannel) && !(*itt)["used"])
310 			return (*itt);
311 	}
312 	return ret;
313 }
FlagSensorWithChannelUsed(Json::Value & root,const std::string & stype,const int sChannel)315 void CTTNMQTT::FlagSensorWithChannelUsed(Json::Value &root, const std::string &stype, const int sChannel)
316 {
317 	for (auto itt = root.begin(); itt != root.end(); ++itt)
318 	{
319 		uint8_t channel = (uint8_t)(*itt)["channel"].asInt();
320 		std::string type = (*itt)["type"].asString();
322 		if ((type == stype) && (channel == sChannel))
323 		{
324 			(*itt)["used"] = true;
325 			return;
326 		}
327 	}
328 }
UpdateUserVariable(const std::string & varName,const std::string & varValue)330 void CTTNMQTT::UpdateUserVariable(const std::string &varName, const std::string &varValue)
331 {
332 	std::string szLastUpdate = TimeToString(NULL, TF_DateTime);
334 	int ID;
336 	std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > result;
337 	result = m_sql.safe_query("SELECT ID FROM UserVariables WHERE (Name=='%q')", varName.c_str());
338 	if (result.empty())
339 	{
340 		m_sql.safe_query("INSERT INTO UserVariables (Name, ValueType, Value) VALUES ('%q',%d,'%q')", varName.c_str(), USERVARTYPE_STRING, varValue.c_str());
341 		result = m_sql.safe_query("SELECT ID FROM UserVariables WHERE (Name=='%q')", varName.c_str());
342 		if (result.empty())
343 			return;
344 		ID = atoi(result[0][0].c_str());
345 	}
346 	else
347 	{
348 		ID = atoi(result[0][0].c_str());
349 		m_sql.safe_query("UPDATE UserVariables SET Value='%q', LastUpdate='%q' WHERE (ID==%d)", varValue.c_str(), szLastUpdate.c_str(), ID);
350 	}
352 	m_mainworker.m_eventsystem.SetEventTrigger(ID, m_mainworker.m_eventsystem.REASON_USERVARIABLE, 0);
353 	m_mainworker.m_eventsystem.UpdateUserVariable(ID, varValue, szLastUpdate);
354 }
GetAddDeviceAndSensor(const int m_HwdID,const std::string & DeviceName,const std::string & MacAddress)356 int CTTNMQTT::GetAddDeviceAndSensor(const int m_HwdID, const std::string &DeviceName, const std::string &MacAddress)
357 {
358 	int DeviceID = 0;
360 	//_log.Log(LOG_NORM, "TTN_MQTT: Looking for Device and Sensor (%i): .%s. , .%s.", m_HwdID, DeviceName.c_str(), MacAddress.c_str());
362 	//Get our internal device_id, if not found, add it
363 	std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > result;
364 	result = m_sql.safe_query("SELECT ID FROM WOLNodes WHERE (HardwareID==%d) AND (MacAddress=='%q')", m_HwdID, MacAddress.c_str());
365 	if (result.empty())
366 	{
367 		//New one, let's add it to the system
368 		m_sql.safe_query("INSERT INTO WOLNodes (HardwareID, Name, MacAddress) VALUES (%d, '%q', '%q')", m_HwdID, DeviceName.c_str(), MacAddress.c_str());
369 		result = m_sql.safe_query("SELECT ID FROM WOLNodes WHERE (HardwareID==%d) AND (MacAddress=='%q')", m_HwdID, MacAddress.c_str());
370 		if (result.empty())
371 		{
372 			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Problem adding new Device with MacAddress %s !!", MacAddress.c_str());
373 		}
374 	}
376 	if (!result.empty())
377 	{
378 		DeviceID = atoi(result[0][0].c_str());
379 		//Add last received in database ?
380 	}
382 	return DeviceID;
383 }
on_message(const struct mosquitto_message * message)385 void CTTNMQTT::on_message(const struct mosquitto_message *message)
386 {
387 	std::string topic = message->topic;
389 	if (topic.find("/up/") != std::string::npos)
390 		return; //not interested in sub-topics
392 	std::string qMessage = std::string((char*)message->payload, (char*)message->payload + message->payloadlen);
394 #ifdef DEBUG_TTN_W
395 	SaveString2Disk(qMessage, "ttn_mqtt.json");
396 #endif
398 	//_log.Log(LOG_NORM, "TTN_MQTT: Topic: %s", topic.c_str());
400 	if (qMessage.empty())
401 		return;
403 	try {
404 		int rssi = 12;	//Set a default, means unknown
405 		int BatteryLevel = 255;	// BatteryLevel is not measured, but needs to be provided
407 		//Get device name from MQTT topic
408 		std::vector<std::string> strarray;
409 		StringSplit(topic, "/", strarray);
410 		std::string MQTTDeviceName = strarray[2];
412 		//Check if we received a JSON object with payload_raw
413 		Json::Value root;
414 		bool ret = ParseJSon(qMessage, root);
415 		if ((!ret) || (!root.isObject()))
416 		{
417 			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Invalid data received from %s ! Unable to parse JSON!", MQTTDeviceName.c_str());
418 			return;
419 		}
420 		if (root["payload_raw"].empty())
421 		{
422 			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Invalid data received from %s ! No payload_raw found in JSON data!", MQTTDeviceName.c_str());
423 			return;
424 		}
426 		//Get data from message
427 		std::string DeviceName = root["dev_id"].asString();
428 		std::string AppId = root["app_id"].asString();
429 		std::string DeviceSerial = root["hardware_serial"].asString();
430 		int MessagePort = root["port"].asInt();
431 		std::string lpp = base64_decode(root["payload_raw"].asString());
433 		//Check if the payload_raw contains valid CayenneLPP structured data
434 		//TO-DO: The current CayenneLPP Decoder assumes Dynamic Sensor Payload structure and not other possible Sensor payload structures like Packed
435 		//       The LoRa FramePort should be checked to find out which type of patload structure is used. Port 1 is Dynamic, Port 2 is Packed, etc.
436 		//       But as for LoRa mostly port 2 is used as the default and Dynamic the most implemented CatenneLPP payload structure, we stick with these assumptions
437 		Json::Value payload;
439 		if (!CayenneLPPDec::ParseLPP((const uint8_t*)lpp.c_str(), lpp.size(), payload))
440 		{
441 			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Invalid data received! The payload_raw does not contain a valid CayenneLPP payload!");
442 			return;
443 		}
445 		if ((payload.empty()) || (!payload.isArray()))
446 		{
447 			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Invalid data received! The CayenneLPP payload doesn't contain (valid) data!");
448 			return;
449 		}
451 		//See if we can find the rssi
452 		if (!root["metadata"].empty())
453 		{
454 			Json::Value MetaData = root["metadata"];
455 			if (!MetaData["gateways"].empty())
456 			{
457 				Json::Value Gateways = MetaData["gateways"];
458 				// TO_DO: there could be multiple gateways and we should loop them to find the lowest rssi
459 				if (!Gateways[0].empty())
460 				{
461 					Json::Value Gateway = Gateways[0];
462 					int rssi = Gateway["rssi"].asInt();
463 					//_log.Log(LOG_NORM, "TTN_MQTT: Found Gateway 0! RSSI %i", rssi);
464 				}
465 			}
466 		}
468 		int DeviceID = GetAddDeviceAndSensor(m_HwdID, DeviceName.c_str(), DeviceSerial.c_str());
469 		if (DeviceID == 0) // Unable to find the Device and/or Add the new Device
470 		{
471 			return;
472 		}
474 		// Walk over the payload to find all used channels. Each channel represents a single sensor.
475 		int chanSensors [65] = {};	// CayenneLPP Data Channel ranges from 0 to 64
476 		for (auto itt = payload.begin(); itt != payload.end(); ++itt)
477 		{
478 			uint8_t channel = (uint8_t)(*itt)["channel"].asInt();
479 			std::string type = (*itt)["type"].asString();
481 			chanSensors[channel]++;
482 			//_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Increased count for channel %i (%s)!", channel, type.c_str());
483 		}
485 		// Now walk over each channel/sensor to find the different measurement types and values
486 		int channel = 0;
487 		do {
488 			if(chanSensors[channel] > 0)
489 			{
490 				//_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Processing %i Sensorvalues for channel %i!", chanSensors[channel],channel);
491 				bool bTemp = false, bHumidity = false, bBaro = false, bGps = false, bDin = false, bDout = false, bAin = false, bAout = false, bPresense = false, bLuminosity = false;
492 				float temp = 0, hum = 0, baro = 0, lat = 0, lon = 0, alt = 0, ain = 0, aout = 0, presence = 0, luminocity = 0;
493 				int din = 0, dout = 0;
494 				uint8_t nforecast = wsbaroforecast_some_clouds;
496 				int current = 1;
497 				do {
498 					// Look for Sensorreading for the sensor of this channel that hasn't been processed yet
499 					Json::Value vSensor = GetSensorWithChannel(payload, channel);
500 					if ( vSensor.isObject() )
501 					{
502 						std::string type = vSensor["type"].asString();
503 						//_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Processing Sensor of type %s for channel %i!", type.c_str(),channel);
505 						if (type == "temp") {
506 							temp = vSensor["value"].asFloat();
507 							bTemp = true;
508 						}
509 						else if (type == "humidity") {
510 							hum = vSensor["value"].asFloat();
511 							bHumidity = true;
512 						}
513 						else if (type == "baro") {
514 							baro = vSensor["value"].asFloat();
515 							bBaro = true;
516 						}
517 						else if (type == "gps") {
518 							std::stringstream sstr;
519 							sstr << vSensor["lat"].asFloat() << "," << vSensor["lon"].asFloat() << "," << vSensor["alt"].asFloat();
521 							SendPercentageSensor(DeviceID, channel, BatteryLevel, vSensor["alt"].asFloat(), DeviceName + " Altitude");
522 							UpdateUserVariable(DeviceName, sstr.str());
523 							bGps = true;
524 						}
525 						else if (type == "digital_input") {
526 							SendGeneralSwitch(DeviceID, channel, BatteryLevel, vSensor["value"].asInt(), 0, DeviceName, rssi);
527 							bDin = true;
528 						}
529 						else if (type == "digital_output") {
530 							SendGeneralSwitch(DeviceID, channel, BatteryLevel, vSensor["value"].asInt(), 0, DeviceName, rssi);
531 							bDout = true;
532 						}
533 						else if (type == "analog_input") {
534 							SendCustomSensor(DeviceID, channel, BatteryLevel, vSensor["value"].asFloat(), DeviceName, type);
535 							bAin = true;
536 						}
537 						else if (type == "analog_output") {
538 							SendCustomSensor(DeviceID, channel, BatteryLevel, vSensor["value"].asFloat(), DeviceName, type);
539 							bAout = true;
540 						}
541 						else if (type == "presense") {
542 							SendCustomSensor(DeviceID, channel, BatteryLevel, vSensor["value"].asFloat(), DeviceName, type);
543 							bPresense = true;
544 						}
545 						else if (type == "luminosity") {
546 							SendLuxSensor(DeviceID, channel, BatteryLevel, vSensor["value"].asFloat(), DeviceName);
547 							bLuminosity = true;
548 						}
549 						else if (type == "accel") {
550 							_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Sensortype %s not implemented!", type.c_str());
551 						}
552 						else if (type == "gyro") {
553 							_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Sensortype %s not implemented!", type.c_str());
554 						}
555 						else if (type == "unixtime") {
556 							_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Sensortype %s not implemented!", type.c_str());
557 						}
558 						else {
559 							_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "TTN_MQTT: Unhandled Sensortype %s!", type.c_str());
560 						}
562 						FlagSensorWithChannelUsed(payload, type, channel);
563 					}
564 					else
565 					{
566 						_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Could not process all Sensorvalues for channel %i! Now at %i, but expected %i values!", channel, current, chanSensors[channel]);
567 					}
568 					current++;
569 				}
570 				while (current <= chanSensors[channel]);
572 				// Let see if we can predict a forecast based on the barometer value
573 				if(bBaro)
574 				{
575 					if (bTemp)
576 					{
577 						nforecast = m_forecast_calculators[DeviceName].CalculateBaroForecast(temp, baro);
578 					}
579 					else
580 					{
581 						nforecast = m_forecast_calculators[DeviceName].CalculateBaroForecast(baro);
582 					}
583 				}
585 				// Now store the sensor values if not stored already
586 				if (bTemp && bHumidity && bBaro)
587 				{
588 					SendTempHumBaroSensorFloat(DeviceID, BatteryLevel, temp, (int)rint(hum), baro, (uint8_t)nforecast, DeviceName, rssi);
589 				}
590 				else if(bTemp && bHumidity)
591 				{
592 					SendTempHumSensor(DeviceID, BatteryLevel, temp, (int)rint(hum), DeviceName, rssi);
593 				}
594 				else if(bTemp && bBaro)
595 				{
596 					SendTempBaroSensor(DeviceID, BatteryLevel, temp, baro, DeviceName);
597 				}
598 				else
599 				{
600 					if (bTemp)
601 					{
602 						SendTempSensor(DeviceID, BatteryLevel, temp, DeviceName, rssi);
603 					}
604 					if (bHumidity)
605 					{
606 						SendHumiditySensor(DeviceID, BatteryLevel, (int)rint(hum), DeviceName, rssi);
607 					}
608 					if (bBaro)
609 					{
610 						SendBaroSensor(DeviceID, channel, BatteryLevel, baro, (uint8_t)nforecast, DeviceName);
611 					}
612 				}
613 			}
614 			channel++;
615 		}
616 		while (channel < 65);
617 	}
618 	catch (...)
619 	{
620 		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "TTN_MQTT: Error parsing message!!!");
621 	}
622 }