3namespace Drupal\filter\Entity;
5use Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginInspectionInterface;
6use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase;
7use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityWithPluginCollectionInterface;
8use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface;
9use Drupal\filter\FilterFormatInterface;
10use Drupal\filter\FilterPluginCollection;
11use Drupal\filter\Plugin\FilterInterface;
14 * Represents a text format.
15 *
16 * @ConfigEntityType(
17 *   id = "filter_format",
18 *   label = @Translation("Text format"),
19 *   label_collection = @Translation("Text formats"),
20 *   label_singular = @Translation("text format"),
21 *   label_plural = @Translation("text formats"),
22 *   label_count = @PluralTranslation(
23 *     singular = "@count text format",
24 *     plural = "@count text formats",
25 *   ),
26 *   handlers = {
27 *     "form" = {
28 *       "add" = "Drupal\filter\FilterFormatAddForm",
29 *       "edit" = "Drupal\filter\FilterFormatEditForm",
30 *       "disable" = "Drupal\filter\Form\FilterDisableForm"
31 *     },
32 *     "list_builder" = "Drupal\filter\FilterFormatListBuilder",
33 *     "access" = "Drupal\filter\FilterFormatAccessControlHandler",
34 *   },
35 *   config_prefix = "format",
36 *   admin_permission = "administer filters",
37 *   entity_keys = {
38 *     "id" = "format",
39 *     "label" = "name",
40 *     "weight" = "weight",
41 *     "status" = "status"
42 *   },
43 *   links = {
44 *     "edit-form" = "/admin/config/content/formats/manage/{filter_format}",
45 *     "disable" = "/admin/config/content/formats/manage/{filter_format}/disable"
46 *   },
47 *   config_export = {
48 *     "name",
49 *     "format",
50 *     "weight",
51 *     "roles",
52 *     "filters",
53 *   }
54 * )
55 */
56class FilterFormat extends ConfigEntityBase implements FilterFormatInterface, EntityWithPluginCollectionInterface {
58  /**
59   * Unique machine name of the format.
60   *
61   * @todo Rename to $id.
62   *
63   * @var string
64   */
65  protected $format;
67  /**
68   * Unique label of the text format.
69   *
70   * Since text formats impact a site's security, two formats with the same
71   * label but different filter configuration would impose a security risk.
72   * Therefore, each text format label must be unique.
73   *
74   * @todo Rename to $label.
75   *
76   * @var string
77   */
78  protected $name;
80  /**
81   * Weight of this format in the text format selector.
82   *
83   * The first/lowest text format that is accessible for a user is used as
84   * default format.
85   *
86   * @var int
87   */
88  protected $weight = 0;
90  /**
91   * List of user role IDs to grant access to use this format on initial creation.
92   *
93   * This property is always empty and unused for existing text formats.
94   *
95   * Default configuration objects of modules and installation profiles are
96   * allowed to specify a list of user role IDs to grant access to.
97   *
98   * This property only has an effect when a new text format is created and the
99   * list is not empty. By default, no user role is allowed to use a new format.
100   *
101   * @var array
102   */
103  protected $roles;
105  /**
106   * Configured filters for this text format.
107   *
108   * An associative array of filters assigned to the text format, keyed by the
109   * instance ID of each filter and using the properties:
110   * - id: The plugin ID of the filter plugin instance.
111   * - provider: The name of the provider that owns the filter.
112   * - status: (optional) A Boolean indicating whether the filter is
113   *   enabled in the text format. Defaults to FALSE.
114   * - weight: (optional) The weight of the filter in the text format. Defaults
115   *   to 0.
116   * - settings: (optional) An array of configured settings for the filter.
117   *
118   * Use FilterFormat::filters() to access the actual filters.
119   *
120   * @var array
121   */
122  protected $filters = [];
124  /**
125   * Holds the collection of filters that are attached to this format.
126   *
127   * @var \Drupal\filter\FilterPluginCollection
128   */
129  protected $filterCollection;
131  /**
132   * {@inheritdoc}
133   */
134  public function id() {
135    return $this->format;
136  }
138  /**
139   * {@inheritdoc}
140   */
141  public function filters($instance_id = NULL) {
142    if (!isset($this->filterCollection)) {
143      $this->filterCollection = new FilterPluginCollection(\Drupal::service('plugin.manager.filter'), $this->filters);
144      $this->filterCollection->sort();
145    }
146    if (isset($instance_id)) {
147      return $this->filterCollection->get($instance_id);
148    }
149    return $this->filterCollection;
150  }
152  /**
153   * {@inheritdoc}
154   */
155  public function getPluginCollections() {
156    return ['filters' => $this->filters()];
157  }
159  /**
160   * {@inheritdoc}
161   */
162  public function setFilterConfig($instance_id, array $configuration) {
163    $this->filters[$instance_id] = $configuration;
164    if (isset($this->filterCollection)) {
165      $this->filterCollection->setInstanceConfiguration($instance_id, $configuration);
166    }
167    return $this;
168  }
170  /**
171   * {@inheritdoc}
172   */
173  public function toArray() {
174    $properties = parent::toArray();
175    // The 'roles' property is only used during install and should never
176    // actually be saved.
177    unset($properties['roles']);
178    return $properties;
179  }
181  /**
182   * {@inheritdoc}
183   */
184  public function disable() {
185    if ($this->isFallbackFormat()) {
186      throw new \LogicException("The fallback text format '{$this->id()}' cannot be disabled.");
187    }
189    parent::disable();
191    // Allow modules to react on text format deletion.
192    \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('filter_format_disable', [$this]);
194    // Clear the filter cache whenever a text format is disabled.
195    filter_formats_reset();
197    return $this;
198  }
200  /**
201   * {@inheritdoc}
202   */
203  public function preSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage) {
204    // Ensure the filters have been sorted before saving.
205    $this->filters()->sort();
207    parent::preSave($storage);
209    $this->name = trim($this->label());
210  }
212  /**
213   * {@inheritdoc}
214   */
215  public function postSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage, $update = TRUE) {
216    parent::postSave($storage, $update);
218    // Clear the static caches of filter_formats() and others.
219    filter_formats_reset();
221    if (!$update && !$this->isSyncing()) {
222      // Default configuration of modules and installation profiles is allowed
223      // to specify a list of user roles to grant access to for the new format;
224      // apply the defined user role permissions when a new format is inserted
225      // and has a non-empty $roles property.
226      // Note: user_role_change_permissions() triggers a call chain back into
227      // \Drupal\filter\FilterPermissions::permissions() and lastly
228      // filter_formats(), so its cache must be reset upfront.
229      if (($roles = $this->get('roles')) && $permission = $this->getPermissionName()) {
230        foreach (user_roles() as $rid => $name) {
231          $enabled = in_array($rid, $roles, TRUE);
232          user_role_change_permissions($rid, [$permission => $enabled]);
233        }
234      }
235    }
236  }
238  /**
239   * Returns if this format is the fallback format.
240   *
241   * The fallback format can never be disabled. It must always be available.
242   *
243   * @return bool
244   *   TRUE if this format is the fallback format, FALSE otherwise.
245   */
246  public function isFallbackFormat() {
247    $fallback_format = \Drupal::config('filter.settings')->get('fallback_format');
248    return $this->id() == $fallback_format;
249  }
251  /**
252   * {@inheritdoc}
253   */
254  public function getPermissionName() {
255    return !$this->isFallbackFormat() ? 'use text format ' . $this->id() : FALSE;
256  }
258  /**
259   * {@inheritdoc}
260   */
261  public function getFilterTypes() {
262    $filter_types = [];
264    $filters = $this->filters();
265    foreach ($filters as $filter) {
266      if ($filter->status) {
267        $filter_types[] = $filter->getType();
268      }
269    }
271    return array_unique($filter_types);
272  }
274  /**
275   * {@inheritdoc}
276   */
277  public function getHtmlRestrictions() {
278    // Ignore filters that are disabled or don't have HTML restrictions.
279    $filters = array_filter($this->filters()->getAll(), function ($filter) {
280      if (!$filter->status) {
281        return FALSE;
282      }
283      if ($filter->getType() === FilterInterface::TYPE_HTML_RESTRICTOR && $filter->getHTMLRestrictions() !== FALSE) {
284        return TRUE;
285      }
286      return FALSE;
287    });
289    if (empty($filters)) {
290      return FALSE;
291    }
292    else {
293      // From the set of remaining filters (they were filtered by array_filter()
294      // above), collect the list of tags and attributes that are allowed by all
295      // filters, i.e. the intersection of all allowed tags and attributes.
296      $restrictions = array_reduce($filters, function ($restrictions, $filter) {
297        $new_restrictions = $filter->getHTMLRestrictions();
299        // The first filter with HTML restrictions provides the initial set.
300        if (!isset($restrictions)) {
301          return $new_restrictions;
302        }
303        // Subsequent filters with an "allowed html" setting must be intersected
304        // with the existing set, to ensure we only end up with the tags that are
305        // allowed by *all* filters with an "allowed html" setting.
306        else {
307          // Track the union of forbidden tags.
308          if (isset($new_restrictions['forbidden_tags'])) {
309            if (!isset($restrictions['forbidden_tags'])) {
310              $restrictions['forbidden_tags'] = $new_restrictions['forbidden_tags'];
311            }
312            else {
313              $restrictions['forbidden_tags'] = array_unique(array_merge($restrictions['forbidden_tags'], $new_restrictions['forbidden_tags']));
314            }
315          }
317          // Track the intersection of allowed tags.
318          if (isset($restrictions['allowed'])) {
319            $intersection = $restrictions['allowed'];
320            foreach ($intersection as $tag => $attributes) {
321              // If the current tag is not allowed by the new filter, then it's
322              // outside of the intersection.
323              if (!array_key_exists($tag, $new_restrictions['allowed'])) {
324                // The exception is the asterisk (which applies to all tags): it
325                // does not need to be allowed by every filter in order to be
326                // used; not every filter needs attribute restrictions on all tags.
327                if ($tag === '*') {
328                  continue;
329                }
330                unset($intersection[$tag]);
331              }
332              // The tag is in the intersection, but now we must calculate the
333              // intersection of the allowed attributes.
334              else {
335                $current_attributes = $intersection[$tag];
336                $new_attributes = $new_restrictions['allowed'][$tag];
337                // The current intersection does not allow any attributes, never
338                // allow.
339                if (!is_array($current_attributes) && $current_attributes == FALSE) {
340                  continue;
341                }
342                // The new filter allows less attributes (all -> list or none).
343                elseif (!is_array($current_attributes) && $current_attributes == TRUE && ($new_attributes == FALSE || is_array($new_attributes))) {
344                  $intersection[$tag] = $new_attributes;
345                }
346                // The new filter allows less attributes (list -> none).
347                elseif (is_array($current_attributes) && $new_attributes == FALSE) {
348                  $intersection[$tag] = $new_attributes;
349                }
350                // The new filter allows more attributes; retain current.
351                elseif (is_array($current_attributes) && $new_attributes == TRUE) {
352                  continue;
353                }
354                // The new filter allows the same attributes; retain current.
355                elseif ($current_attributes == $new_attributes) {
356                  continue;
357                }
358                // Both list an array of attribute values; do an intersection,
359                // where we take into account that a value of:
360                //  - TRUE means the attribute value is allowed;
361                //  - FALSE means the attribute value is forbidden;
362                // hence we keep the ANDed result.
363                else {
364                  $intersection[$tag] = array_intersect_key($intersection[$tag], $new_attributes);
365                  foreach (array_keys($intersection[$tag]) as $attribute_value) {
366                    $intersection[$tag][$attribute_value] = $intersection[$tag][$attribute_value] && $new_attributes[$attribute_value];
367                  }
368                }
369              }
370            }
371            $restrictions['allowed'] = $intersection;
372          }
374          return $restrictions;
375        }
376      }, NULL);
378      // Simplification: if we have both allowed (intersected) and forbidden
379      // (unioned) tags, then remove any allowed tags that are also forbidden.
380      // Once complete, the list of allowed tags expresses all tag-level
381      // restrictions, and the list of forbidden tags can be removed.
382      if (isset($restrictions['allowed']) && isset($restrictions['forbidden_tags'])) {
383        foreach ($restrictions['forbidden_tags'] as $tag) {
384          if (isset($restrictions['allowed'][$tag])) {
385            unset($restrictions['allowed'][$tag]);
386          }
387        }
388        unset($restrictions['forbidden_tags']);
389      }
391      // Simplification: if the only remaining allowed tag is the asterisk
392      // (which contains attribute restrictions that apply to all tags), and
393      // there are no forbidden tags, then effectively nothing is allowed.
394      if (isset($restrictions['allowed'])) {
395        if (count($restrictions['allowed']) === 1 && array_key_exists('*', $restrictions['allowed']) && !isset($restrictions['forbidden_tags'])) {
396          $restrictions['allowed'] = [];
397        }
398      }
400      return $restrictions;
401    }
402  }
404  /**
405   * {@inheritdoc}
406   */
407  public function removeFilter($instance_id) {
408    unset($this->filters[$instance_id]);
409    $this->filterCollection->removeInstanceId($instance_id);
410  }
412  /**
413   * {@inheritdoc}
414   */
415  public function onDependencyRemoval(array $dependencies) {
416    $changed = parent::onDependencyRemoval($dependencies);
417    $filters = $this->filters();
418    foreach ($filters as $filter) {
419      // Remove disabled filters, so that this FilterFormat config entity can
420      // continue to exist.
421      if (!$filter->status && in_array($filter->provider, $dependencies['module'])) {
422        $this->removeFilter($filter->getPluginId());
423        $changed = TRUE;
424      }
425    }
426    return $changed;
427  }
429  /**
430   * {@inheritdoc}
431   */
432  protected function calculatePluginDependencies(PluginInspectionInterface $instance) {
433    // Only add dependencies for plugins that are actually configured. This is
434    // necessary because the filter plugin collection will return all available
435    // filter plugins.
436    // @see \Drupal\filter\FilterPluginCollection::getConfiguration()
437    if (isset($this->filters[$instance->getPluginId()])) {
438      parent::calculatePluginDependencies($instance);
439    }
440  }