3namespace Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\sqlite;
5use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
6use Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseNotFoundException;
7use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection as DatabaseConnection;
8use Drupal\Core\Database\StatementInterface;
11 * SQLite implementation of \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection.
12 */
13class Connection extends DatabaseConnection {
15  /**
16   * Error code for "Unable to open database file" error.
17   */
18  const DATABASE_NOT_FOUND = 14;
20  /**
21   * {@inheritdoc}
22   */
23  protected $statementClass = NULL;
25  /**
26   * {@inheritdoc}
27   */
28  protected $statementWrapperClass = NULL;
30  /**
31   * Whether or not the active transaction (if any) will be rolled back.
32   *
33   * @var bool
34   */
35  protected $willRollback;
37  /**
38   * A map of condition operators to SQLite operators.
39   *
40   * We don't want to override any of the defaults.
41   */
42  protected static $sqliteConditionOperatorMap = [
43    'LIKE' => ['postfix' => " ESCAPE '\\'"],
44    'NOT LIKE' => ['postfix' => " ESCAPE '\\'"],
45    'LIKE BINARY' => ['postfix' => " ESCAPE '\\'", 'operator' => 'GLOB'],
46    'NOT LIKE BINARY' => ['postfix' => " ESCAPE '\\'", 'operator' => 'NOT GLOB'],
47  ];
49  /**
50   * All databases attached to the current database.
51   *
52   * This is used to allow prefixes to be safely handled without locking the
53   * table.
54   *
55   * @var array
56   */
57  protected $attachedDatabases = [];
59  /**
60   * Whether or not a table has been dropped this request.
61   *
62   * The destructor will only try to get rid of unnecessary databases if there
63   * is potential of them being empty.
64   *
65   * This variable is set to public because Schema needs to
66   * access it. However, it should not be manually set.
67   *
68   * @var bool
69   */
70  public $tableDropped = FALSE;
72  /**
73   * {@inheritdoc}
74   */
75  protected $transactionalDDLSupport = TRUE;
77  /**
78   * {@inheritdoc}
79   */
80  protected $identifierQuotes = ['"', '"'];
82  /**
83   * Constructs a \Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\sqlite\Connection object.
84   */
85  public function __construct(\PDO $connection, array $connection_options) {
86    parent::__construct($connection, $connection_options);
88    // Attach one database for each registered prefix.
89    $prefixes = $this->prefixes;
90    foreach ($prefixes as &$prefix) {
91      // Empty prefix means query the main database -- no need to attach anything.
92      if (!empty($prefix)) {
93        // Only attach the database once.
94        if (!isset($this->attachedDatabases[$prefix])) {
95          $this->attachedDatabases[$prefix] = $prefix;
96          if ($connection_options['database'] === ':memory:') {
97            // In memory database use ':memory:' as database name. According to
98            // http://www.sqlite.org/inmemorydb.html it will open a unique
99            // database so attaching it twice is not a problem.
100            $this->query('ATTACH DATABASE :database AS :prefix', [':database' => $connection_options['database'], ':prefix' => $prefix]);
101          }
102          else {
103            $this->query('ATTACH DATABASE :database AS :prefix', [':database' => $connection_options['database'] . '-' . $prefix, ':prefix' => $prefix]);
104          }
105        }
107        // Add a ., so queries become prefix.table, which is proper syntax for
108        // querying an attached database.
109        $prefix .= '.';
110      }
111    }
112    // Regenerate the prefixes replacement table.
113    $this->setPrefix($prefixes);
114  }
116  /**
117   * {@inheritdoc}
118   */
119  public static function open(array &$connection_options = []) {
120    // Allow PDO options to be overridden.
121    $connection_options += [
122      'pdo' => [],
123    ];
124    $connection_options['pdo'] += [
126      // Convert numeric values to strings when fetching.
128    ];
130    try {
131      $pdo = new \PDO('sqlite:' . $connection_options['database'], '', '', $connection_options['pdo']);
132    }
133    catch (\PDOException $e) {
134      if ($e->getCode() == static::DATABASE_NOT_FOUND) {
135        throw new DatabaseNotFoundException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
136      }
137      // SQLite doesn't have a distinct error code for access denied, so don't
138      // deal with that case.
139      throw $e;
140    }
142    // Create functions needed by SQLite.
143    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('if', [__CLASS__, 'sqlFunctionIf']);
144    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('greatest', [__CLASS__, 'sqlFunctionGreatest']);
145    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('least', [__CLASS__, 'sqlFunctionLeast']);
146    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('pow', 'pow', 2);
147    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('exp', 'exp', 1);
148    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('length', 'strlen', 1);
149    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('md5', 'md5', 1);
150    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('concat', [__CLASS__, 'sqlFunctionConcat']);
151    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('concat_ws', [__CLASS__, 'sqlFunctionConcatWs']);
152    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('substring', [__CLASS__, 'sqlFunctionSubstring'], 3);
153    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('substring_index', [__CLASS__, 'sqlFunctionSubstringIndex'], 3);
154    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('rand', [__CLASS__, 'sqlFunctionRand']);
155    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('regexp', [__CLASS__, 'sqlFunctionRegexp']);
157    // SQLite does not support the LIKE BINARY operator, so we overload the
158    // non-standard GLOB operator for case-sensitive matching. Another option
159    // would have been to override another non-standard operator, MATCH, but
160    // that does not support the NOT keyword prefix.
161    $pdo->sqliteCreateFunction('glob', [__CLASS__, 'sqlFunctionLikeBinary']);
163    // Create a user-space case-insensitive collation with UTF-8 support.
164    $pdo->sqliteCreateCollation('NOCASE_UTF8', ['Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode', 'strcasecmp']);
166    // Set SQLite init_commands if not already defined. Enable the Write-Ahead
167    // Logging (WAL) for SQLite. See https://www.drupal.org/node/2348137 and
168    // https://www.sqlite.org/wal.html.
169    $connection_options += [
170      'init_commands' => [],
171    ];
172    $connection_options['init_commands'] += [
173      'wal' => "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL",
174    ];
176    // Execute sqlite init_commands.
177    if (isset($connection_options['init_commands'])) {
178      $pdo->exec(implode('; ', $connection_options['init_commands']));
179    }
181    return $pdo;
182  }
184  /**
185   * Destructor for the SQLite connection.
186   *
187   * We prune empty databases on destruct, but only if tables have been
188   * dropped. This is especially needed when running the test suite, which
189   * creates and destroy databases several times in a row.
190   */
191  public function __destruct() {
192    if ($this->tableDropped && !empty($this->attachedDatabases)) {
193      foreach ($this->attachedDatabases as $prefix) {
194        // Check if the database is now empty, ignore the internal SQLite tables.
195        try {
196          $count = $this->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $prefix . '.sqlite_master WHERE type = :type AND name NOT LIKE :pattern', [':type' => 'table', ':pattern' => 'sqlite_%'])->fetchField();
198          // We can prune the database file if it doesn't have any tables.
199          if ($count == 0 && $this->connectionOptions['database'] != ':memory:' && file_exists($this->connectionOptions['database'] . '-' . $prefix)) {
200            // Detach the database.
201            $this->query('DETACH DATABASE :schema', [':schema' => $prefix]);
202            // Destroy the database file.
203            unlink($this->connectionOptions['database'] . '-' . $prefix);
204          }
205        }
206        catch (\Exception $e) {
207          // Ignore the exception and continue. There is nothing we can do here
208          // to report the error or fail safe.
209        }
210      }
211    }
212    parent::__destruct();
213  }
215  /**
216   * Gets all the attached databases.
217   *
218   * @return array
219   *   An array of attached database names.
220   *
221   * @see \Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\sqlite\Connection::__construct()
222   */
223  public function getAttachedDatabases() {
224    return $this->attachedDatabases;
225  }
227  /**
228   * SQLite compatibility implementation for the IF() SQL function.
229   */
230  public static function sqlFunctionIf($condition, $expr1, $expr2 = NULL) {
231    return $condition ? $expr1 : $expr2;
232  }
234  /**
235   * SQLite compatibility implementation for the GREATEST() SQL function.
236   */
237  public static function sqlFunctionGreatest() {
238    $args = func_get_args();
239    foreach ($args as $v) {
240      if (!isset($v)) {
241        unset($args);
242      }
243    }
244    if (count($args)) {
245      return max($args);
246    }
247    else {
248      return NULL;
249    }
250  }
252  /**
253   * SQLite compatibility implementation for the LEAST() SQL function.
254   */
255  public static function sqlFunctionLeast() {
256    // Remove all NULL, FALSE and empty strings values but leaves 0 (zero) values.
257    $values = array_filter(func_get_args(), 'strlen');
259    return count($values) < 1 ? NULL : min($values);
260  }
262  /**
263   * SQLite compatibility implementation for the CONCAT() SQL function.
264   */
265  public static function sqlFunctionConcat() {
266    $args = func_get_args();
267    return implode('', $args);
268  }
270  /**
271   * SQLite compatibility implementation for the CONCAT_WS() SQL function.
272   *
273   * @see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/string-functions.html#function_concat-ws
274   */
275  public static function sqlFunctionConcatWs() {
276    $args = func_get_args();
277    $separator = array_shift($args);
278    // If the separator is NULL, the result is NULL.
279    if ($separator === FALSE || is_null($separator)) {
280      return NULL;
281    }
282    // Skip any NULL values after the separator argument.
283    $args = array_filter($args, function ($value) {
284      return !is_null($value);
285    });
286    return implode($separator, $args);
287  }
289  /**
290   * SQLite compatibility implementation for the SUBSTRING() SQL function.
291   */
292  public static function sqlFunctionSubstring($string, $from, $length) {
293    return substr($string, $from - 1, $length);
294  }
296  /**
297   * SQLite compatibility implementation for the SUBSTRING_INDEX() SQL function.
298   */
299  public static function sqlFunctionSubstringIndex($string, $delimiter, $count) {
300    // If string is empty, simply return an empty string.
301    if (empty($string)) {
302      return '';
303    }
304    $end = 0;
305    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
306      $end = strpos($string, $delimiter, $end + 1);
307      if ($end === FALSE) {
308        $end = strlen($string);
309      }
310    }
311    return substr($string, 0, $end);
312  }
314  /**
315   * SQLite compatibility implementation for the RAND() SQL function.
316   */
317  public static function sqlFunctionRand($seed = NULL) {
318    if (isset($seed)) {
319      mt_srand($seed);
320    }
321    return mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax();
322  }
324  /**
325   * SQLite compatibility implementation for the REGEXP SQL operator.
326   *
327   * The REGEXP operator is natively known, but not implemented by default.
328   *
329   * @see http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html#regexp
330   */
331  public static function sqlFunctionRegexp($pattern, $subject) {
332    // preg_quote() cannot be used here, since $pattern may contain reserved
333    // regular expression characters already (such as ^, $, etc). Therefore,
334    // use a rare character as PCRE delimiter.
335    $pattern = '#' . addcslashes($pattern, '#') . '#i';
336    return preg_match($pattern, $subject);
337  }
339  /**
340   * SQLite compatibility implementation for the LIKE BINARY SQL operator.
341   *
342   * SQLite supports case-sensitive LIKE operations through the
343   * 'case_sensitive_like' PRAGMA statement, but only for ASCII characters, so
344   * we have to provide our own implementation with UTF-8 support.
345   *
346   * @see https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_case_sensitive_like
347   * @see https://sqlite.org/lang_expr.html#like
348   */
349  public static function sqlFunctionLikeBinary($pattern, $subject) {
350    // Replace the SQL LIKE wildcard meta-characters with the equivalent regular
351    // expression meta-characters and escape the delimiter that will be used for
352    // matching.
353    $pattern = str_replace(['%', '_'], ['.*?', '.'], preg_quote($pattern, '/'));
354    return preg_match('/^' . $pattern . '$/', $subject);
355  }
357  /**
358   * {@inheritdoc}
359   */
360  public function prepare($statement, array $driver_options = []) {
361    @trigger_error('Connection::prepare() is deprecated in drupal:9.1.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Database drivers should instantiate \PDOStatement objects by calling \PDO::prepare in their Connection::prepareStatement method instead. \PDO::prepare should not be called outside of driver code. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3137786', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
362    return new Statement($this->connection, $this, $statement, $driver_options);
363  }
365  /**
366   * {@inheritdoc}
367   */
368  protected function handleQueryException(\PDOException $e, $query, array $args = [], $options = []) {
369    // The database schema might be changed by another process in between the
370    // time that the statement was prepared and the time the statement was run
371    // (e.g. usually happens when running tests). In this case, we need to
372    // re-run the query.
373    // @see http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q15
374    // @see http://www.sqlite.org/rescode.html#schema
375    if (!empty($e->errorInfo[1]) && $e->errorInfo[1] === 17) {
376      @trigger_error('Connection::handleQueryException() is deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and is removed in drupal:10.0.0. Get a handler through $this->exceptionHandler() instead, and use one of its methods. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3187222', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
377      return $this->query($query, $args, $options);
378    }
380    parent::handleQueryException($e, $query, $args, $options);
381  }
383  public function queryRange($query, $from, $count, array $args = [], array $options = []) {
384    return $this->query($query . ' LIMIT ' . (int) $from . ', ' . (int) $count, $args, $options);
385  }
387  public function queryTemporary($query, array $args = [], array $options = []) {
388    // Generate a new temporary table name and protect it from prefixing.
389    // SQLite requires that temporary tables to be non-qualified.
390    $tablename = $this->generateTemporaryTableName();
391    $prefixes = $this->prefixes;
392    $prefixes[$tablename] = '';
393    $this->setPrefix($prefixes);
395    $this->query('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ' . $tablename . ' AS ' . $query, $args, $options);
396    return $tablename;
397  }
399  public function driver() {
400    return 'sqlite';
401  }
403  public function databaseType() {
404    return 'sqlite';
405  }
407  /**
408   * Overrides \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::createDatabase().
409   *
410   * @param string $database
411   *   The name of the database to create.
412   *
413   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseNotFoundException
414   */
415  public function createDatabase($database) {
416    // Verify the database is writable.
417    $db_directory = new \SplFileInfo(dirname($database));
418    if (!$db_directory->isDir() && !\Drupal::service('file_system')->mkdir($db_directory->getPathName(), 0755, TRUE)) {
419      throw new DatabaseNotFoundException('Unable to create database directory ' . $db_directory->getPathName());
420    }
421  }
423  public function mapConditionOperator($operator) {
424    return isset(static::$sqliteConditionOperatorMap[$operator]) ? static::$sqliteConditionOperatorMap[$operator] : NULL;
425  }
427  /**
428   * {@inheritdoc}
429   */
430  public function prepareStatement(string $query, array $options): StatementInterface {
431    try {
432      $query = $this->preprocessStatement($query, $options);
433      $statement = new Statement($this->connection, $this, $query, $options['pdo'] ?? []);
434    }
435    catch (\Exception $e) {
436      $this->exceptionHandler()->handleStatementException($e, $query, $options);
437    }
438    return $statement;
439  }
441  public function nextId($existing_id = 0) {
442    $this->startTransaction();
443    // We can safely use literal queries here instead of the slower query
444    // builder because if a given database breaks here then it can simply
445    // override nextId. However, this is unlikely as we deal with short strings
446    // and integers and no known databases require special handling for those
447    // simple cases. If another transaction wants to write the same row, it will
448    // wait until this transaction commits. Also, the return value needs to be
449    // set to RETURN_AFFECTED as if it were a real update() query otherwise it
450    // is not possible to get the row count properly.
451    $affected = $this->query('UPDATE {sequences} SET value = GREATEST(value, :existing_id) + 1', [
452      ':existing_id' => $existing_id,
453    ], ['return' => Database::RETURN_AFFECTED]);
454    if (!$affected) {
455      $this->query('INSERT INTO {sequences} (value) VALUES (:existing_id + 1)', [
456        ':existing_id' => $existing_id,
457      ]);
458    }
459    // The transaction gets committed when the transaction object gets destroyed
460    // because it gets out of scope.
461    return $this->query('SELECT value FROM {sequences}')->fetchField();
462  }
464  /**
465   * {@inheritdoc}
466   */
467  public function getFullQualifiedTableName($table) {
468    $prefix = $this->tablePrefix($table);
470    // Don't include the SQLite database file name as part of the table name.
471    return $prefix . $table;
472  }
474  /**
475   * {@inheritdoc}
476   */
477  public static function createConnectionOptionsFromUrl($url, $root) {
478    $database = parent::createConnectionOptionsFromUrl($url, $root);
480    // A SQLite database path with two leading slashes indicates a system path.
481    // Otherwise the path is relative to the Drupal root.
482    $url_components = parse_url($url);
483    if ($url_components['path'][0] === '/') {
484      $url_components['path'] = substr($url_components['path'], 1);
485    }
486    if ($url_components['path'][0] === '/' || $url_components['path'] === ':memory:') {
487      $database['database'] = $url_components['path'];
488    }
489    else {
490      $database['database'] = $root . '/' . $url_components['path'];
491    }
493    // User credentials and system port are irrelevant for SQLite.
494    unset(
495      $database['username'],
496      $database['password'],
497      $database['port']
498    );
500    return $database;
501  }
503  /**
504   * {@inheritdoc}
505   */
506  public static function createUrlFromConnectionOptions(array $connection_options) {
507    if (!isset($connection_options['driver'], $connection_options['database'])) {
508      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("As a minimum, the connection options array must contain at least the 'driver' and 'database' keys");
509    }
511    $db_url = 'sqlite://localhost/' . $connection_options['database'];
513    if (isset($connection_options['prefix']['default']) && $connection_options['prefix']['default'] !== NULL && $connection_options['prefix']['default'] !== '') {
514      $db_url .= '#' . $connection_options['prefix']['default'];
515    }
517    return $db_url;
518  }