1 //! Generate sources for instruction encoding.
2 //!
3 //! The tables and functions generated here support the `TargetISA::encode()` function which
4 //! determines if a given instruction is legal, and if so, its `Encoding` data which consists of a
5 //! *recipe* and some *encoding* bits.
6 //!
7 //! The `encode` function doesn't actually generate the binary machine bits. Each recipe has a
8 //! corresponding hand-written function to do that after registers are allocated.
9 //!
10 //! This is the information available to us:
11 //!
12 //! - The instruction to be encoded as an `InstructionData` reference.
13 //! - The controlling type variable.
14 //! - The data-flow graph giving us access to the types of all values involved. This is needed for
15 //! testing any secondary type variables.
16 //! - A `PredicateView` reference for the ISA-specific settings for evaluating ISA predicates.
17 //! - The currently active CPU mode is determined by the ISA.
18 //!
19 //! ## Level 1 table lookup
20 //!
21 //! The CPU mode provides the first table. The key is the instruction's controlling type variable.
22 //! If the instruction is not polymorphic, use `INVALID` for the type variable. The table values
23 //! are level 2 tables.
24 //!
25 //! ## Level 2 table lookup
26 //!
27 //! The level 2 table is keyed by the instruction's opcode. The table values are *encoding lists*.
28 //!
29 //! The two-level table lookup allows the level 2 tables to be much smaller with good locality.
30 //! Code in any given function usually only uses a few different types, so many of the level 2
31 //! tables will be cold.
32 //!
33 //! ## Encoding lists
34 //!
35 //! An encoding list is a non-empty sequence of list entries. Each entry has one of these forms:
36 //!
37 //! 1. Recipe + bits. Use this encoding if the recipe predicate is satisfied.
38 //! 2. Recipe + bits, final entry. Use this encoding if the recipe predicate is satisfied.
39 //!    Otherwise, stop with the default legalization code.
40 //! 3. Stop with legalization code.
41 //! 4. Predicate + skip count. Test predicate and skip N entries if it is false.
42 //! 5. Predicate + stop. Test predicate and stop with the default legalization code if it is false.
43 //!
44 //! The instruction predicate is also used to distinguish between polymorphic instructions with
45 //! different types for secondary type variables.
47 use std::collections::btree_map;
48 use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet};
49 use std::convert::TryFrom;
50 use std::iter::FromIterator;
52 use cranelift_codegen_shared::constant_hash::generate_table;
53 use cranelift_entity::EntityRef;
55 use crate::error;
56 use crate::srcgen::Formatter;
58 use crate::cdsl::cpu_modes::CpuMode;
59 use crate::cdsl::encodings::Encoding;
60 use crate::cdsl::instructions::{Instruction, InstructionPredicate, InstructionPredicateNumber};
61 use crate::cdsl::isa::TargetIsa;
62 use crate::cdsl::recipes::{EncodingRecipe, OperandConstraint, Recipes, Register};
63 use crate::cdsl::regs::IsaRegs;
64 use crate::cdsl::settings::SettingPredicateNumber;
65 use crate::cdsl::types::ValueType;
66 use crate::cdsl::xform::TransformGroupIndex;
68 use crate::shared::Definitions as SharedDefinitions;
70 use crate::default_map::MapWithDefault;
71 use crate::unique_table::UniqueSeqTable;
73 /// Emit code for matching an instruction predicate against an `InstructionData` reference called
74 /// `inst`.
75 ///
76 /// The generated code is an `if let` pattern match that falls through if the instruction has an
77 /// unexpected format. This should lead to a panic.
emit_instp(instp: &InstructionPredicate, has_func: bool, fmt: &mut Formatter)78 fn emit_instp(instp: &InstructionPredicate, has_func: bool, fmt: &mut Formatter) {
79     if let Some(type_predicate) = instp.type_predicate("func") {
80         fmt.line("let args = inst.arguments(&func.dfg.value_lists);");
81         fmt.line(type_predicate);
82         return;
83     }
85     let leaves = instp.collect_leaves();
87     let mut has_type_check = false;
88     let mut format_name = None;
89     let mut field_names = HashSet::new();
91     for leaf in leaves {
92         if leaf.is_type_predicate() {
93             has_type_check = true;
94         } else {
95             field_names.insert(leaf.format_destructuring_member_name());
96             let leaf_format_name = leaf.format_name();
97             match format_name {
98                 None => format_name = Some(leaf_format_name),
99                 Some(previous_format_name) => {
100                     assert!(
101                         previous_format_name == leaf_format_name,
102                         "Format predicate can only operate on a single InstructionFormat; trying to use both {} and {}", previous_format_name, leaf_format_name
103                     );
104                 }
105             }
106         }
107     }
109     let mut fields = Vec::from_iter(field_names);
110     fields.sort();
111     let fields = fields.join(", ");
113     let format_name = format_name.expect("There should be a format name!");
115     fmtln!(
116         fmt,
117         "if let crate::ir::InstructionData::{} {{ {}, .. }} = *inst {{",
118         format_name,
119         fields
120     );
121     fmt.indent(|fmt| {
122         if has_type_check {
123             // We could implement this.
124             assert!(has_func, "recipe predicates can't check type variables.");
125             fmt.line("let args = inst.arguments(&func.dfg.value_lists);");
126         } else if has_func {
127             // Silence dead argument.
128             fmt.line("let _ = func;");
129         }
130         fmtln!(fmt, "return {};", instp.rust_predicate("func").unwrap());
131     });
132     fmtln!(fmt, "}");
134     fmt.line("unreachable!();");
135 }
137 /// Emit private functions for checking recipe predicates as well as a static `RECIPE_PREDICATES`
138 /// array indexed by recipe number.
139 ///
140 /// A recipe predicate is a combination of an ISA predicate and an instruction predicate. Many
141 /// recipes have identical predicates.
emit_recipe_predicates(isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter)142 fn emit_recipe_predicates(isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter) {
143     let mut predicate_names = HashMap::new();
145     fmt.comment(format!("{} recipe predicates.", isa.name));
146     for recipe in isa.recipes.values() {
147         let (isap, instp) = match (&recipe.isa_predicate, &recipe.inst_predicate) {
148             (None, None) => continue,
149             (isap, instp) if predicate_names.contains_key(&(isap, instp)) => continue,
150             (isap, instp) => (isap, instp),
151         };
153         let func_name = format!("recipe_predicate_{}", recipe.name.to_lowercase());
154         predicate_names.insert((isap, instp), func_name.clone());
156         // Generate the predicate function.
157         fmtln!(
158             fmt,
159             "fn {}({}: crate::settings::PredicateView, {}: &ir::InstructionData) -> bool {{",
160             func_name,
161             if isap.is_some() { "isap" } else { "_" },
162             if instp.is_some() { "inst" } else { "_" }
163         );
164         fmt.indent(|fmt| {
165             match (isap, instp) {
166                 (Some(isap), None) => {
167                     fmtln!(fmt, "isap.test({})", isap);
168                 }
169                 (None, Some(instp)) => {
170                     emit_instp(instp, /* has func */ false, fmt);
171                 }
172                 (Some(isap), Some(instp)) => {
173                     fmtln!(fmt, "isap.test({}) &&", isap);
174                     emit_instp(instp, /* has func */ false, fmt);
175                 }
176                 _ => panic!("skipped above"),
177             }
178         });
179         fmtln!(fmt, "}");
180     }
181     fmt.empty_line();
183     // Generate the static table.
184     fmt.doc_comment(format!(
185         r#"{} recipe predicate table.
187         One entry per recipe, set to Some only when the recipe is guarded by a predicate."#,
188         isa.name
189     ));
190     fmtln!(
191         fmt,
192         "pub static RECIPE_PREDICATES: [RecipePredicate; {}] = [",
193         isa.recipes.len()
194     );
195     fmt.indent(|fmt| {
196         for recipe in isa.recipes.values() {
197             match (&recipe.isa_predicate, &recipe.inst_predicate) {
198                 (None, None) => fmt.line("None,"),
199                 key => fmtln!(fmt, "Some({}),", predicate_names.get(&key).unwrap()),
200             }
201         }
202     });
203     fmtln!(fmt, "];");
204     fmt.empty_line();
205 }
207 /// Emit private functions for matching instruction predicates as well as a static
208 /// `INST_PREDICATES` array indexed by predicate number.
emit_inst_predicates(isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter)209 fn emit_inst_predicates(isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter) {
210     fmt.comment(format!("{} instruction predicates.", isa.name));
211     for (id, instp) in isa.encodings_predicates.iter() {
212         fmtln!(fmt, "fn inst_predicate_{}(func: &crate::ir::Function, inst: &crate::ir::InstructionData) -> bool {{", id.index());
213         fmt.indent(|fmt| {
214             emit_instp(instp, /* has func */ true, fmt);
215         });
216         fmtln!(fmt, "}");
217     }
218     fmt.empty_line();
220     // Generate the static table.
221     fmt.doc_comment(format!(
222         r#"{} instruction predicate table.
224         One entry per instruction predicate, so the encoding bytecode can embed indexes into this
225         table."#,
226         isa.name
227     ));
228     fmtln!(
229         fmt,
230         "pub static INST_PREDICATES: [InstPredicate; {}] = [",
231         isa.encodings_predicates.len()
232     );
233     fmt.indent(|fmt| {
234         for id in isa.encodings_predicates.keys() {
235             fmtln!(fmt, "inst_predicate_{},", id.index());
236         }
237     });
238     fmtln!(fmt, "];");
239     fmt.empty_line();
240 }
242 /// Emit a table of encoding recipe names keyed by recipe number.
243 ///
244 /// This is used for pretty-printing encodings.
emit_recipe_names(isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter)245 fn emit_recipe_names(isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter) {
246     fmt.doc_comment(format!(
247         r#"{} recipe names, using the same recipe index spaces as the one specified by the
248         corresponding binemit file."#,
249         isa.name
250     ));
251     fmtln!(
252         fmt,
253         "static RECIPE_NAMES: [&str; {}] = [",
254         isa.recipes.len()
255     );
256     fmt.indent(|fmt| {
257         for recipe in isa.recipes.values() {
258             fmtln!(fmt, r#""{}","#, recipe.name);
259         }
260     });
261     fmtln!(fmt, "];");
262     fmt.empty_line();
263 }
265 /// Returns a set of all the registers involved in fixed register constraints.
get_fixed_registers(operands_in: &[OperandConstraint]) -> HashSet<Register>266 fn get_fixed_registers(operands_in: &[OperandConstraint]) -> HashSet<Register> {
267     HashSet::from_iter(
268         operands_in
269             .iter()
270             .map(|constraint| {
271                 if let OperandConstraint::FixedReg(reg) = &constraint {
272                     Some(*reg)
273                 } else {
274                     None
275                 }
276             })
277             .filter(|opt| opt.is_some())
278             .map(|opt| opt.unwrap()),
279     )
280 }
282 /// Emit a struct field initializer for an array of operand constraints.
283 ///
284 /// Note "fixed_registers" must refer to the other kind of operands (i.e. if we're operating on
285 /// inputs, fixed_registers must contain the fixed output registers).
emit_operand_constraints( registers: &IsaRegs, recipe: &EncodingRecipe, constraints: &[OperandConstraint], field_name: &'static str, tied_operands: &HashMap<usize, usize>, fixed_registers: &HashSet<Register>, fmt: &mut Formatter, )286 fn emit_operand_constraints(
287     registers: &IsaRegs,
288     recipe: &EncodingRecipe,
289     constraints: &[OperandConstraint],
290     field_name: &'static str,
291     tied_operands: &HashMap<usize, usize>,
292     fixed_registers: &HashSet<Register>,
293     fmt: &mut Formatter,
294 ) {
295     if constraints.is_empty() {
296         fmtln!(fmt, "{}: &[],", field_name);
297         return;
298     }
300     fmtln!(fmt, "{}: &[", field_name);
301     fmt.indent(|fmt| {
302         for (n, constraint) in constraints.iter().enumerate() {
303             fmt.line("OperandConstraint {");
304             fmt.indent(|fmt| {
305                 match constraint {
306                     OperandConstraint::RegClass(reg_class) => {
307                         if let Some(tied_input) = tied_operands.get(&n) {
308                             fmtln!(fmt, "kind: ConstraintKind::Tied({}),", tied_input);
309                         } else {
310                             fmt.line("kind: ConstraintKind::Reg,");
311                         }
312                         fmtln!(
313                             fmt,
314                             "regclass: &{}_DATA,",
315                             registers.classes[*reg_class].name
316                         );
317                     }
318                     OperandConstraint::FixedReg(reg) => {
319                         assert!(!tied_operands.contains_key(&n), "can't tie fixed registers");
320                         let constraint_kind = if fixed_registers.contains(&reg) {
321                             "FixedTied"
322                         } else {
323                             "FixedReg"
324                         };
325                         fmtln!(
326                             fmt,
327                             "kind: ConstraintKind::{}({}),",
328                             constraint_kind,
329                             reg.unit
330                         );
331                         fmtln!(
332                             fmt,
333                             "regclass: &{}_DATA,",
334                             registers.classes[reg.regclass].name
335                         );
336                     }
337                     OperandConstraint::TiedInput(tied_input) => {
338                         // This is a tied output constraint. It should never happen
339                         // for input constraints.
340                         assert!(
341                             tied_input == tied_operands.get(&n).unwrap(),
342                             "invalid tied constraint"
343                         );
344                         fmtln!(fmt, "kind: ConstraintKind::Tied({}),", tied_input);
346                         let tied_class = if let OperandConstraint::RegClass(tied_class) =
347                             recipe.operands_in[*tied_input]
348                         {
349                             tied_class
350                         } else {
351                             panic!("tied constraints relate only to register inputs");
352                         };
354                         fmtln!(
355                             fmt,
356                             "regclass: &{}_DATA,",
357                             registers.classes[tied_class].name
358                         );
359                     }
360                     OperandConstraint::Stack(stack) => {
361                         assert!(!tied_operands.contains_key(&n), "can't tie stack operand");
362                         fmt.line("kind: ConstraintKind::Stack,");
363                         fmtln!(
364                             fmt,
365                             "regclass: &{}_DATA,",
366                             registers.classes[stack.regclass].name
367                         );
368                     }
369                 }
370             });
371             fmt.line("},");
372         }
373     });
374     fmtln!(fmt, "],");
375 }
377 /// Emit a table of encoding recipe operand constraints keyed by recipe number.
378 ///
379 /// These are used by the register allocator to pick registers that can be properly encoded.
emit_recipe_constraints(isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter)380 fn emit_recipe_constraints(isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter) {
381     fmt.doc_comment(format!(
382         r#"{} recipe constraints list, using the same recipe index spaces as the one
383         specified by the corresponding binemit file. These constraints are used by register
384         allocation to select the right location to use for input and output values."#,
385         isa.name
386     ));
387     fmtln!(
388         fmt,
389         "static RECIPE_CONSTRAINTS: [RecipeConstraints; {}] = [",
390         isa.recipes.len()
391     );
392     fmt.indent(|fmt| {
393         for recipe in isa.recipes.values() {
394             // Compute a mapping of tied operands in both directions (input tied to outputs and
395             // conversely).
396             let mut tied_in_to_out = HashMap::new();
397             let mut tied_out_to_in = HashMap::new();
398             for (out_index, constraint) in recipe.operands_out.iter().enumerate() {
399                 if let OperandConstraint::TiedInput(in_index) = &constraint {
400                     tied_in_to_out.insert(*in_index, out_index);
401                     tied_out_to_in.insert(out_index, *in_index);
402                 }
403             }
405             // Find the sets of registers involved in fixed register constraints.
406             let fixed_inputs = get_fixed_registers(&recipe.operands_in);
407             let fixed_outputs = get_fixed_registers(&recipe.operands_out);
409             fmt.comment(format!("Constraints for recipe {}:", recipe.name));
410             fmt.line("RecipeConstraints {");
411             fmt.indent(|fmt| {
412                 emit_operand_constraints(
413                     &isa.regs,
414                     recipe,
415                     &recipe.operands_in,
416                     "ins",
417                     &tied_in_to_out,
418                     &fixed_outputs,
419                     fmt,
420                 );
421                 emit_operand_constraints(
422                     &isa.regs,
423                     recipe,
424                     &recipe.operands_out,
425                     "outs",
426                     &tied_out_to_in,
427                     &fixed_inputs,
428                     fmt,
429                 );
430                 fmtln!(
431                     fmt,
432                     "fixed_ins: {},",
433                     if !fixed_inputs.is_empty() {
434                         "true"
435                     } else {
436                         "false"
437                     }
438                 );
439                 fmtln!(
440                     fmt,
441                     "fixed_outs: {},",
442                     if !fixed_outputs.is_empty() {
443                         "true"
444                     } else {
445                         "false"
446                     }
447                 );
448                 fmtln!(
449                     fmt,
450                     "tied_ops: {},",
451                     if !tied_in_to_out.is_empty() {
452                         "true"
453                     } else {
454                         "false"
455                     }
456                 );
457                 fmtln!(
458                     fmt,
459                     "clobbers_flags: {},",
460                     if recipe.clobbers_flags {
461                         "true"
462                     } else {
463                         "false"
464                     }
465                 );
466             });
467             fmt.line("},");
468         }
469     });
470     fmtln!(fmt, "];");
471     fmt.empty_line();
472 }
474 /// Emit a table of encoding recipe code size information.
emit_recipe_sizing(isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter)475 fn emit_recipe_sizing(isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter) {
476     fmt.doc_comment(format!(
477         r#"{} recipe sizing descriptors, using the same recipe index spaces as the one
478         specified by the corresponding binemit file. These are used to compute the final size of an
479         instruction, as well as to compute the range of branches."#,
480         isa.name
481     ));
482     fmtln!(
483         fmt,
484         "static RECIPE_SIZING: [RecipeSizing; {}] = [",
485         isa.recipes.len()
486     );
487     fmt.indent(|fmt| {
488         for recipe in isa.recipes.values() {
489             fmt.comment(format!("Code size information for recipe {}:", recipe.name));
490             fmt.line("RecipeSizing {");
491             fmt.indent(|fmt| {
492                 fmtln!(fmt, "base_size: {},", recipe.base_size);
493                 fmtln!(fmt, "compute_size: {},", recipe.compute_size);
494                 if let Some(range) = &recipe.branch_range {
495                     fmtln!(
496                         fmt,
497                         "branch_range: Some(BranchRange {{ origin: {}, bits: {} }}),",
498                         range.inst_size,
499                         range.range
500                     );
501                 } else {
502                     fmt.line("branch_range: None,");
503                 }
504             });
505             fmt.line("},");
506         }
507     });
508     fmtln!(fmt, "];");
509     fmt.empty_line();
510 }
512 /// Level 1 table mapping types to `Level2` objects.
513 struct Level1Table<'cpu_mode> {
514     cpu_mode: &'cpu_mode CpuMode,
515     legalize_code: TransformGroupIndex,
517     table_map: HashMap<Option<ValueType>, usize>,
518     table_vec: Vec<Level2Table>,
519 }
521 impl<'cpu_mode> Level1Table<'cpu_mode> {
new(cpu_mode: &'cpu_mode CpuMode) -> Self522     fn new(cpu_mode: &'cpu_mode CpuMode) -> Self {
523         Self {
524             cpu_mode,
525             legalize_code: cpu_mode.get_default_legalize_code(),
526             table_map: HashMap::new(),
527             table_vec: Vec::new(),
528         }
529     }
531     /// Returns the level2 table for the given type; None means monomorphic, in this context.
l2table_for(&mut self, typ: Option<ValueType>) -> &mut Level2Table532     fn l2table_for(&mut self, typ: Option<ValueType>) -> &mut Level2Table {
533         let cpu_mode = &self.cpu_mode;
534         let index = match self.table_map.get(&typ) {
535             Some(&index) => index,
536             None => {
537                 let legalize_code = cpu_mode.get_legalize_code_for(&typ);
538                 let table = Level2Table::new(typ.clone(), legalize_code);
539                 let index = self.table_vec.len();
540                 self.table_map.insert(typ, index);
541                 self.table_vec.push(table);
542                 index
543             }
544         };
545         self.table_vec.get_mut(index).unwrap()
546     }
l2tables(&mut self) -> Vec<&mut Level2Table>548     fn l2tables(&mut self) -> Vec<&mut Level2Table> {
549         self.table_vec
550             .iter_mut()
551             .filter(|table| !table.is_empty())
552             .collect::<Vec<_>>()
553     }
554 }
556 struct Level2HashTableEntry {
557     inst_name: String,
558     offset: usize,
559 }
561 /// Level 2 table mapping instruction opcodes to `EncList` objects.
562 ///
563 /// A level 2 table can be completely empty if it only holds a custom legalization action for `ty`.
564 struct Level2Table {
565     typ: Option<ValueType>,
566     legalize_code: TransformGroupIndex,
567     inst_to_encodings: BTreeMap<String, EncodingList>,
568     hash_table_offset: Option<usize>,
569     hash_table_len: Option<usize>,
570 }
572 impl Level2Table {
new(typ: Option<ValueType>, legalize_code: TransformGroupIndex) -> Self573     fn new(typ: Option<ValueType>, legalize_code: TransformGroupIndex) -> Self {
574         Self {
575             typ,
576             legalize_code,
577             inst_to_encodings: BTreeMap::new(),
578             hash_table_offset: None,
579             hash_table_len: None,
580         }
581     }
enclist_for(&mut self, inst: &Instruction) -> &mut EncodingList583     fn enclist_for(&mut self, inst: &Instruction) -> &mut EncodingList {
584         let copied_typ = self.typ.clone();
585         self.inst_to_encodings
586             .entry(inst.name.clone())
587             .or_insert_with(|| EncodingList::new(inst, copied_typ))
588     }
enclists(&mut self) -> btree_map::ValuesMut<'_, String, EncodingList>590     fn enclists(&mut self) -> btree_map::ValuesMut<'_, String, EncodingList> {
591         self.inst_to_encodings.values_mut()
592     }
is_empty(&self) -> bool594     fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
595         self.inst_to_encodings.is_empty()
596     }
layout_hashtable( &mut self, level2_hashtables: &mut Vec<Option<Level2HashTableEntry>>, level2_doc: &mut HashMap<usize, Vec<String>>, )598     fn layout_hashtable(
599         &mut self,
600         level2_hashtables: &mut Vec<Option<Level2HashTableEntry>>,
601         level2_doc: &mut HashMap<usize, Vec<String>>,
602     ) {
603         let hash_table = generate_table(
604             self.inst_to_encodings.values(),
605             self.inst_to_encodings.len(),
606             // TODO the Python code wanted opcode numbers to start from 1.
607             |enc_list| enc_list.inst.opcode_number.index() + 1,
608         );
610         let hash_table_offset = level2_hashtables.len();
611         let hash_table_len = hash_table.len();
613         assert!(self.hash_table_offset.is_none());
614         assert!(self.hash_table_len.is_none());
615         self.hash_table_offset = Some(hash_table_offset);
616         self.hash_table_len = Some(hash_table_len);
618         level2_hashtables.extend(hash_table.iter().map(|opt_enc_list| {
619             opt_enc_list.map(|enc_list| Level2HashTableEntry {
620                 inst_name: enc_list.inst.camel_name.clone(),
621                 offset: enc_list.offset.unwrap(),
622             })
623         }));
625         let typ_comment = match &self.typ {
626             Some(ty) => ty.to_string(),
627             None => "typeless".into(),
628         };
630         level2_doc.get_or_default(hash_table_offset).push(format!(
631             "{:06x}: {}, {} entries",
632             hash_table_offset, typ_comment, hash_table_len
633         ));
634     }
635 }
637 /// The u16 values in an encoding list entry are interpreted as follows:
638 ///
639 /// NR = len(all_recipes)
640 ///
641 /// entry < 2*NR
642 ///     Try Encoding(entry/2, next_entry) if the recipe predicate is satisfied.
643 ///     If bit 0 is set, stop with the default legalization code.
644 ///     If bit 0 is clear, keep going down the list.
645 /// entry < PRED_START
646 ///     Stop with legalization code `entry - 2*NR`.
647 ///
648 /// Remaining entries are interpreted as (skip, pred) pairs, where:
649 ///
650 /// skip = (entry - PRED_START) >> PRED_BITS
651 /// pred = (entry - PRED_START) & PRED_MASK
652 ///
653 /// If the predicate is satisfied, keep going. Otherwise skip over the next
654 /// `skip` entries. If skip == 0, stop with the default legalization code.
655 ///
656 /// The `pred` predicate number is interpreted as an instruction predicate if it
657 /// is in range, otherwise an ISA predicate.
659 /// Encoding lists are represented as u16 arrays.
660 const CODE_BITS: usize = 16;
662 /// Beginning of the predicate code words.
663 const PRED_START: u16 = 0x1000;
665 /// Number of bits used to hold a predicate number (instruction + ISA predicates).
666 const PRED_BITS: usize = 12;
668 /// Mask for extracting the predicate number.
669 const PRED_MASK: usize = (1 << PRED_BITS) - 1;
671 /// Encoder for the list format above.
672 struct Encoder {
673     num_instruction_predicates: usize,
675     /// u16 encoding list words.
676     words: Vec<u16>,
678     /// Documentation comments: Index into `words` + comment.
679     docs: Vec<(usize, String)>,
680 }
682 impl Encoder {
new(num_instruction_predicates: usize) -> Self683     fn new(num_instruction_predicates: usize) -> Self {
684         Self {
685             num_instruction_predicates,
686             words: Vec::new(),
687             docs: Vec::new(),
688         }
689     }
691     /// Add a recipe+bits entry to the list.
recipe(&mut self, recipes: &Recipes, enc: &Encoding, is_final: bool)692     fn recipe(&mut self, recipes: &Recipes, enc: &Encoding, is_final: bool) {
693         let code = (2 * enc.recipe.index() + if is_final { 1 } else { 0 }) as u16;
694         assert!(code < PRED_START);
696         let doc = format!(
697             "--> {}{}",
698             enc.to_rust_comment(recipes),
699             if is_final { " and stop" } else { "" }
700         );
701         self.docs.push((self.words.len(), doc));
703         self.words.push(code);
704         self.words.push(enc.encbits);
705     }
707     /// Add a predicate entry.
pred(&mut self, pred_comment: String, skip: usize, n: usize)708     fn pred(&mut self, pred_comment: String, skip: usize, n: usize) {
709         assert!(n <= PRED_MASK);
710         let entry = (PRED_START as usize) + (n | (skip << PRED_BITS));
711         assert!(entry < (1 << CODE_BITS));
712         let entry = entry as u16;
714         let doc = if skip == 0 {
715             "stop".to_string()
716         } else {
717             format!("skip {}", skip)
718         };
719         let doc = format!("{} unless {}", doc, pred_comment);
721         self.docs.push((self.words.len(), doc));
722         self.words.push(entry);
723     }
725     /// Add an instruction predicate entry.
inst_predicate(&mut self, pred: InstructionPredicateNumber, skip: usize)726     fn inst_predicate(&mut self, pred: InstructionPredicateNumber, skip: usize) {
727         let number = pred.index();
728         let pred_comment = format!("inst_predicate_{}", number);
729         self.pred(pred_comment, skip, number);
730     }
732     /// Add an ISA predicate entry.
isa_predicate(&mut self, pred: SettingPredicateNumber, skip: usize)733     fn isa_predicate(&mut self, pred: SettingPredicateNumber, skip: usize) {
734         // ISA predicates follow the instruction predicates.
735         let n = self.num_instruction_predicates + (pred as usize);
736         let pred_comment = format!("PredicateView({})", pred);
737         self.pred(pred_comment, skip, n);
738     }
739 }
741 /// List of instructions for encoding a given type + opcode pair.
742 ///
743 /// An encoding list contains a sequence of predicates and encoding recipes, all encoded as u16
744 /// values.
745 struct EncodingList {
746     inst: Instruction,
747     typ: Option<ValueType>,
748     encodings: Vec<Encoding>,
749     offset: Option<usize>,
750 }
752 impl EncodingList {
new(inst: &Instruction, typ: Option<ValueType>) -> Self753     fn new(inst: &Instruction, typ: Option<ValueType>) -> Self {
754         Self {
755             inst: inst.clone(),
756             typ,
757             encodings: Default::default(),
758             offset: None,
759         }
760     }
762     /// Encode this list as a sequence of u16 numbers.
763     ///
764     /// Adds the sequence to `enc_lists` and records the returned offset as
765     /// `self.offset`.
766     ///
767     /// Adds comment lines to `enc_lists_doc` keyed by enc_lists offsets.
encode( &mut self, isa: &TargetIsa, cpu_mode: &CpuMode, enc_lists: &mut UniqueSeqTable<u16>, enc_lists_doc: &mut HashMap<usize, Vec<String>>, )768     fn encode(
769         &mut self,
770         isa: &TargetIsa,
771         cpu_mode: &CpuMode,
772         enc_lists: &mut UniqueSeqTable<u16>,
773         enc_lists_doc: &mut HashMap<usize, Vec<String>>,
774     ) {
775         assert!(!self.encodings.is_empty());
777         let mut encoder = Encoder::new(isa.encodings_predicates.len());
779         let mut index = 0;
780         while index < self.encodings.len() {
781             let encoding = &self.encodings[index];
783             // Try to see how many encodings are following and have the same ISA predicate and
784             // instruction predicate, so as to reduce the number of tests carried out by the
785             // encoding list interpreter..
786             //
787             // Encodings with similar tests are hereby called a group. The group includes the
788             // current encoding we're looking at.
789             let (isa_predicate, inst_predicate) =
790                 (&encoding.isa_predicate, &encoding.inst_predicate);
792             let group_size = {
793                 let mut group_size = 1;
794                 while index + group_size < self.encodings.len() {
795                     let next_encoding = &self.encodings[index + group_size];
796                     if &next_encoding.inst_predicate != inst_predicate
797                         || &next_encoding.isa_predicate != isa_predicate
798                     {
799                         break;
800                     }
801                     group_size += 1;
802                 }
803                 group_size
804             };
806             let is_last_group = index + group_size == self.encodings.len();
808             // The number of entries to skip when a predicate isn't satisfied is the size of both
809             // predicates + the size of the group, minus one (for this predicate). Each recipe
810             // entry has a size of two u16 (recipe index + bits).
811             let mut skip = if is_last_group {
812                 0
813             } else {
814                 let isap_size = match isa_predicate {
815                     Some(_) => 1,
816                     None => 0,
817                 };
818                 let instp_size = match inst_predicate {
819                     Some(_) => 1,
820                     None => 0,
821                 };
822                 isap_size + instp_size + group_size * 2 - 1
823             };
825             if let Some(pred) = isa_predicate {
826                 encoder.isa_predicate(*pred, skip);
827                 if !is_last_group {
828                     skip -= 1;
829                 }
830             }
832             if let Some(pred) = inst_predicate {
833                 encoder.inst_predicate(*pred, skip);
834                 // No need to update skip, it's dead after this point.
835             }
837             for i in 0..group_size {
838                 let encoding = &self.encodings[index + i];
839                 let is_last_encoding = index + i == self.encodings.len() - 1;
840                 encoder.recipe(&isa.recipes, encoding, is_last_encoding);
841             }
843             index += group_size;
844         }
846         assert!(self.offset.is_none());
847         let offset = enc_lists.add(&encoder.words);
848         self.offset = Some(offset);
850         // Doc comments.
851         let recipe_typ_mode_name = format!(
852             "{}{} ({})",
853             self.inst.name,
854             if let Some(typ) = &self.typ {
855                 format!(".{}", typ.to_string())
856             } else {
857                 "".into()
858             },
859             cpu_mode.name
860         );
862         enc_lists_doc
863             .get_or_default(offset)
864             .push(format!("{:06x}: {}", offset, recipe_typ_mode_name));
865         for (pos, doc) in encoder.docs {
866             enc_lists_doc.get_or_default(offset + pos).push(doc);
867         }
868         enc_lists_doc
869             .get_or_default(offset + encoder.words.len())
870             .insert(0, format!("end of {}", recipe_typ_mode_name));
871     }
872 }
make_tables(cpu_mode: &CpuMode) -> Level1Table874 fn make_tables(cpu_mode: &CpuMode) -> Level1Table {
875     let mut table = Level1Table::new(cpu_mode);
877     for encoding in &cpu_mode.encodings {
878         table
879             .l2table_for(encoding.bound_type.clone())
880             .enclist_for(encoding.inst())
881             .encodings
882             .push(encoding.clone());
883     }
885     // Ensure there are level 1 table entries for all types with a custom legalize action.
886     for value_type in cpu_mode.get_legalized_types() {
887         table.l2table_for(Some(value_type.clone()));
888     }
889     // ... and also for monomorphic instructions.
890     table.l2table_for(None);
892     table
893 }
895 /// Compute encodings and doc comments for encoding lists in `level1`.
encode_enclists( isa: &TargetIsa, cpu_mode: &CpuMode, level1: &mut Level1Table, enc_lists: &mut UniqueSeqTable<u16>, enc_lists_doc: &mut HashMap<usize, Vec<String>>, )896 fn encode_enclists(
897     isa: &TargetIsa,
898     cpu_mode: &CpuMode,
899     level1: &mut Level1Table,
900     enc_lists: &mut UniqueSeqTable<u16>,
901     enc_lists_doc: &mut HashMap<usize, Vec<String>>,
902 ) {
903     for level2 in level1.l2tables() {
904         for enclist in level2.enclists() {
905             enclist.encode(isa, cpu_mode, enc_lists, enc_lists_doc);
906         }
907     }
908 }
encode_level2_hashtables<'a>( level1: &'a mut Level1Table, level2_hashtables: &mut Vec<Option<Level2HashTableEntry>>, level2_doc: &mut HashMap<usize, Vec<String>>, )910 fn encode_level2_hashtables<'a>(
911     level1: &'a mut Level1Table,
912     level2_hashtables: &mut Vec<Option<Level2HashTableEntry>>,
913     level2_doc: &mut HashMap<usize, Vec<String>>,
914 ) {
915     for level2 in level1.l2tables() {
916         level2.layout_hashtable(level2_hashtables, level2_doc);
917     }
918 }
emit_encoding_tables(defs: &SharedDefinitions, isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter)920 fn emit_encoding_tables(defs: &SharedDefinitions, isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter) {
921     // Level 1 tables, one per CPU mode.
922     let mut level1_tables: HashMap<&'static str, Level1Table> = HashMap::new();
924     // Single table containing all the level2 hash tables.
925     let mut level2_hashtables = Vec::new();
926     let mut level2_doc: HashMap<usize, Vec<String>> = HashMap::new();
928     // Tables for encoding lists with comments.
929     let mut enc_lists = UniqueSeqTable::new();
930     let mut enc_lists_doc = HashMap::new();
932     for cpu_mode in &isa.cpu_modes {
933         level2_doc
934             .get_or_default(level2_hashtables.len())
935             .push(cpu_mode.name.into());
937         let mut level1 = make_tables(cpu_mode);
939         encode_enclists(
940             isa,
941             cpu_mode,
942             &mut level1,
943             &mut enc_lists,
944             &mut enc_lists_doc,
945         );
946         encode_level2_hashtables(&mut level1, &mut level2_hashtables, &mut level2_doc);
948         level1_tables.insert(cpu_mode.name, level1);
949     }
951     // Compute an appropriate Rust integer type to use for offsets into a table of the given length.
952     let offset_type = |length: usize| {
953         if length <= 0x10000 {
954             "u16"
955         } else {
956             assert!(u32::try_from(length).is_ok(), "table too big!");
957             "u32"
958         }
959     };
961     let level1_offset_type = offset_type(level2_hashtables.len());
962     let level2_offset_type = offset_type(enc_lists.len());
964     // Emit encoding lists.
965     fmt.doc_comment(
966         format!(r#"{} encoding lists.
968         This contains the entire encodings bytecode for every single instruction; the encodings
969         interpreter knows where to start from thanks to the initial lookup in the level 1 and level 2
970         table entries below."#, isa.name)
971     );
972     fmtln!(fmt, "pub static ENCLISTS: [u16; {}] = [", enc_lists.len());
973     fmt.indent(|fmt| {
974         let mut line = Vec::new();
975         for (index, entry) in enc_lists.iter().enumerate() {
976             if let Some(comments) = enc_lists_doc.get(&index) {
977                 if !line.is_empty() {
978                     fmtln!(fmt, "{},", line.join(", "));
979                     line.clear();
980                 }
981                 for comment in comments {
982                     fmt.comment(comment);
983                 }
984             }
985             line.push(format!("{:#06x}", entry));
986         }
987         if !line.is_empty() {
988             fmtln!(fmt, "{},", line.join(", "));
989         }
990     });
991     fmtln!(fmt, "];");
992     fmt.empty_line();
994     // Emit the full concatenation of level 2 hash tables.
995     fmt.doc_comment(format!(
996         r#"{} level 2 hash tables.
998         This hash table, keyed by instruction opcode, contains all the starting offsets for the
999         encodings interpreter, for all the CPU modes. It is jumped to after a lookup on the
1000         instruction's controlling type in the level 1 hash table."#,
1001         isa.name
1002     ));
1003     fmtln!(
1004         fmt,
1005         "pub static LEVEL2: [Level2Entry<{}>; {}] = [",
1006         level2_offset_type,
1007         level2_hashtables.len()
1008     );
1009     fmt.indent(|fmt| {
1010         for (offset, entry) in level2_hashtables.iter().enumerate() {
1011             if let Some(comments) = level2_doc.get(&offset) {
1012                 for comment in comments {
1013                     fmt.comment(comment);
1014                 }
1015             }
1016             if let Some(entry) = entry {
1017                 fmtln!(
1018                     fmt,
1019                     "Level2Entry {{ opcode: Some(crate::ir::Opcode::{}), offset: {:#08x} }},",
1020                     entry.inst_name,
1021                     entry.offset
1022                 );
1023             } else {
1024                 fmt.line("Level2Entry { opcode: None, offset: 0 },");
1025             }
1026         }
1027     });
1028     fmtln!(fmt, "];");
1029     fmt.empty_line();
1031     // Emit a level 1 hash table for each CPU mode.
1032     for cpu_mode in &isa.cpu_modes {
1033         let level1 = &level1_tables.get(cpu_mode.name).unwrap();
1034         let hash_table = generate_table(
1035             level1.table_vec.iter(),
1036             level1.table_vec.len(),
1037             |level2_table| {
1038                 if let Some(typ) = &level2_table.typ {
1039                     typ.number().expect("type without a number") as usize
1040                 } else {
1041                     0
1042                 }
1043             },
1044         );
1046         fmt.doc_comment(format!(
1047             r#"{} level 1 hash table for the CPU mode {}.
1049             This hash table, keyed by instruction controlling type, contains all the level 2
1050             hash-tables offsets for the given CPU mode, as well as a legalization identifier indicating
1051             which legalization scheme to apply when the instruction doesn't have any valid encoding for
1052             this CPU mode.
1053         "#,
1054             isa.name, cpu_mode.name
1055         ));
1056         fmtln!(
1057             fmt,
1058             "pub static LEVEL1_{}: [Level1Entry<{}>; {}] = [",
1059             cpu_mode.name.to_uppercase(),
1060             level1_offset_type,
1061             hash_table.len()
1062         );
1063         fmt.indent(|fmt| {
1064             for opt_level2 in hash_table {
1065                 let level2 = match opt_level2 {
1066                     None => {
1067                         // Empty hash table entry. Include the default legalization action.
1068                         fmtln!(fmt, "Level1Entry {{ ty: ir::types::INVALID, log2len: !0, offset: 0, legalize: {} }},",
1069                                isa.translate_group_index(level1.legalize_code));
1070                         continue;
1071                     }
1072                     Some(level2) => level2,
1073                 };
1075                 let legalize_comment = defs.transform_groups.get(level2.legalize_code).name;
1076                 let legalize_code = isa.translate_group_index(level2.legalize_code);
1078                 let typ_name = if let Some(typ) = &level2.typ {
1079                     typ.rust_name()
1080                 } else {
1081                     "ir::types::INVALID".into()
1082                 };
1084                 if level2.is_empty() {
1085                     // Empty level 2 table: Only a specialized legalization action, no actual
1086                     // table.
1087                     // Set an offset that is out of bounds, but make sure it doesn't overflow its
1088                     // type when adding `1<<log2len`.
1089                     fmtln!(fmt, "Level1Entry {{ ty: {}, log2len: 0, offset: !0 - 1, legalize: {} }}, // {}",
1090                            typ_name, legalize_code, legalize_comment);
1091                     continue;
1092                 }
1094                 // Proper level 2 hash table.
1095                 let l2l = (level2.hash_table_len.unwrap() as f64).log2() as i32;
1096                 assert!(l2l > 0, "Level2 hash table was too small.");
1097                 fmtln!(fmt, "Level1Entry {{ ty: {}, log2len: {}, offset: {:#08x}, legalize: {} }}, // {}",
1098                        typ_name, l2l, level2.hash_table_offset.unwrap(), legalize_code, legalize_comment);
1099             }
1100         });
1101         fmtln!(fmt, "];");
1102         fmt.empty_line();
1103     }
1104 }
gen_isa(defs: &SharedDefinitions, isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter)1106 fn gen_isa(defs: &SharedDefinitions, isa: &TargetIsa, fmt: &mut Formatter) {
1107     // Make the `RECIPE_PREDICATES` table.
1108     emit_recipe_predicates(isa, fmt);
1110     // Make the `INST_PREDICATES` table.
1111     emit_inst_predicates(isa, fmt);
1113     emit_encoding_tables(defs, isa, fmt);
1115     emit_recipe_names(isa, fmt);
1116     emit_recipe_constraints(isa, fmt);
1117     emit_recipe_sizing(isa, fmt);
1119     // Finally, tie it all together in an `EncInfo`.
1120     fmt.line("pub static INFO: isa::EncInfo = isa::EncInfo {");
1121     fmt.indent(|fmt| {
1122         fmt.line("constraints: &RECIPE_CONSTRAINTS,");
1123         fmt.line("sizing: &RECIPE_SIZING,");
1124         fmt.line("names: &RECIPE_NAMES,");
1125     });
1126     fmt.line("};");
1127 }
generate( defs: &SharedDefinitions, isa: &TargetIsa, filename: &str, out_dir: &str, ) -> Result<(), error::Error>1129 pub(crate) fn generate(
1130     defs: &SharedDefinitions,
1131     isa: &TargetIsa,
1132     filename: &str,
1133     out_dir: &str,
1134 ) -> Result<(), error::Error> {
1135     let mut fmt = Formatter::new();
1136     gen_isa(defs, isa, &mut fmt);
1137     fmt.update_file(filename, out_dir)?;
1138     Ok(())
1139 }