1 /*
2  * ====================================================================
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  * ====================================================================
20  *
21  * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
22  * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more
23  * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
24  * <http://www.apache.org/>.
25  *
26  */
28 package ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.client.protocol;
30 import java.io.IOException;
32 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.androidextra.HttpClientAndroidLog;
33 /* LogFactory removed by HttpClient for Android script. */
34 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.HttpException;
35 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.HttpHost;
36 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.HttpResponse;
37 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.HttpResponseInterceptor;
38 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.annotation.Immutable;
39 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.auth.AuthScheme;
40 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.auth.AuthState;
41 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.client.AuthCache;
42 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.client.params.AuthPolicy;
43 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.conn.scheme.Scheme;
44 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry;
45 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.impl.client.BasicAuthCache;
46 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.protocol.ExecutionContext;
47 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.protocol.HttpContext;
48 import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.util.Args;
50 /**
51  * Response interceptor that adds successfully completed {@link AuthScheme}s
52  * to the local {@link AuthCache} instance. Cached {@link AuthScheme}s can be
53  * re-used when executing requests against known hosts, thus avoiding
54  * additional authentication round-trips.
55  *
56  * @since 4.1
57  *
58  * @deprecated (4.2)  use {@link ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.client.AuthenticationStrategy}
59  */
60 @Immutable
61 @Deprecated
62 public class ResponseAuthCache implements HttpResponseInterceptor {
64     public HttpClientAndroidLog log = new HttpClientAndroidLog(getClass());
ResponseAuthCache()66     public ResponseAuthCache() {
67         super();
68     }
process(final HttpResponse response, final HttpContext context)70     public void process(final HttpResponse response, final HttpContext context)
71             throws HttpException, IOException {
72         Args.notNull(response, "HTTP request");
73         Args.notNull(context, "HTTP context");
74         AuthCache authCache = (AuthCache) context.getAttribute(ClientContext.AUTH_CACHE);
76         HttpHost target = (HttpHost) context.getAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_TARGET_HOST);
77         final AuthState targetState = (AuthState) context.getAttribute(ClientContext.TARGET_AUTH_STATE);
78         if (target != null && targetState != null) {
79             if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
80                 this.log.debug("Target auth state: " + targetState.getState());
81             }
82             if (isCachable(targetState)) {
83                 final SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = (SchemeRegistry) context.getAttribute(
84                         ClientContext.SCHEME_REGISTRY);
85                 if (target.getPort() < 0) {
86                     final Scheme scheme = schemeRegistry.getScheme(target);
87                     target = new HttpHost(target.getHostName(),
88                             scheme.resolvePort(target.getPort()), target.getSchemeName());
89                 }
90                 if (authCache == null) {
91                     authCache = new BasicAuthCache();
92                     context.setAttribute(ClientContext.AUTH_CACHE, authCache);
93                 }
94                 switch (targetState.getState()) {
95                 case CHALLENGED:
96                     cache(authCache, target, targetState.getAuthScheme());
97                     break;
98                 case FAILURE:
99                     uncache(authCache, target, targetState.getAuthScheme());
100                 }
101             }
102         }
104         final HttpHost proxy = (HttpHost) context.getAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_PROXY_HOST);
105         final AuthState proxyState = (AuthState) context.getAttribute(ClientContext.PROXY_AUTH_STATE);
106         if (proxy != null && proxyState != null) {
107             if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
108                 this.log.debug("Proxy auth state: " + proxyState.getState());
109             }
110             if (isCachable(proxyState)) {
111                 if (authCache == null) {
112                     authCache = new BasicAuthCache();
113                     context.setAttribute(ClientContext.AUTH_CACHE, authCache);
114                 }
115                 switch (proxyState.getState()) {
116                 case CHALLENGED:
117                     cache(authCache, proxy, proxyState.getAuthScheme());
118                     break;
119                 case FAILURE:
120                     uncache(authCache, proxy, proxyState.getAuthScheme());
121                 }
122             }
123         }
124     }
isCachable(final AuthState authState)126     private boolean isCachable(final AuthState authState) {
127         final AuthScheme authScheme = authState.getAuthScheme();
128         if (authScheme == null || !authScheme.isComplete()) {
129             return false;
130         }
131         final String schemeName = authScheme.getSchemeName();
132         return schemeName.equalsIgnoreCase(AuthPolicy.BASIC) ||
133                 schemeName.equalsIgnoreCase(AuthPolicy.DIGEST);
134     }
cache(final AuthCache authCache, final HttpHost host, final AuthScheme authScheme)136     private void cache(final AuthCache authCache, final HttpHost host, final AuthScheme authScheme) {
137         if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
138             this.log.debug("Caching '" + authScheme.getSchemeName() +
139                     "' auth scheme for " + host);
140         }
141         authCache.put(host, authScheme);
142     }
uncache(final AuthCache authCache, final HttpHost host, final AuthScheme authScheme)144     private void uncache(final AuthCache authCache, final HttpHost host, final AuthScheme authScheme) {
145         if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
146             this.log.debug("Removing from cache '" + authScheme.getSchemeName() +
147                     "' auth scheme for " + host);
148         }
149         authCache.remove(host);
150     }
151 }