1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #include "ProxyAutoConfig.h"
8 #include "nsICancelable.h"
9 #include "nsIDNSListener.h"
10 #include "nsIDNSRecord.h"
11 #include "nsIDNSService.h"
12 #include "nsThreadUtils.h"
13 #include "nsIConsoleService.h"
14 #include "nsIURLParser.h"
15 #include "nsJSUtils.h"
16 #include "jsfriendapi.h"
17 #include "prnetdb.h"
18 #include "nsITimer.h"
19 #include "mozilla/net/DNS.h"
20 #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
21 #include "nsNetCID.h"
23 namespace mozilla {
24 namespace net {
26 // These are some global helper symbols the PAC format requires that we provide that
27 // are initialized as part of the global javascript context used for PAC evaluations.
28 // Additionally dnsResolve(host) and myIpAddress() are supplied in the same context
29 // but are implemented as c++ helpers. alert(msg) is similarly defined.
31 static const char *sPacUtils =
32   "function dnsDomainIs(host, domain) {\n"
33   "    return (host.length >= domain.length &&\n"
34   "            host.substring(host.length - domain.length) == domain);\n"
35   "}\n"
36   ""
37   "function dnsDomainLevels(host) {\n"
38   "    return host.split('.').length - 1;\n"
39   "}\n"
40   ""
41   "function convert_addr(ipchars) {\n"
42   "    var bytes = ipchars.split('.');\n"
43   "    var result = ((bytes[0] & 0xff) << 24) |\n"
44   "                 ((bytes[1] & 0xff) << 16) |\n"
45   "                 ((bytes[2] & 0xff) <<  8) |\n"
46   "                  (bytes[3] & 0xff);\n"
47   "    return result;\n"
48   "}\n"
49   ""
50   "function isInNet(ipaddr, pattern, maskstr) {\n"
51   "    var test = /^(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})$/.exec(ipaddr);\n"
52   "    if (test == null) {\n"
53   "        ipaddr = dnsResolve(ipaddr);\n"
54   "        if (ipaddr == null)\n"
55   "            return false;\n"
56   "    } else if (test[1] > 255 || test[2] > 255 || \n"
57   "               test[3] > 255 || test[4] > 255) {\n"
58   "        return false;    // not an IP address\n"
59   "    }\n"
60   "    var host = convert_addr(ipaddr);\n"
61   "    var pat  = convert_addr(pattern);\n"
62   "    var mask = convert_addr(maskstr);\n"
63   "    return ((host & mask) == (pat & mask));\n"
64   "    \n"
65   "}\n"
66   ""
67   "function isPlainHostName(host) {\n"
68   "    return (host.search('\\\\.') == -1);\n"
69   "}\n"
70   ""
71   "function isResolvable(host) {\n"
72   "    var ip = dnsResolve(host);\n"
73   "    return (ip != null);\n"
74   "}\n"
75   ""
76   "function localHostOrDomainIs(host, hostdom) {\n"
77   "    return (host == hostdom) ||\n"
78   "           (hostdom.lastIndexOf(host + '.', 0) == 0);\n"
79   "}\n"
80   ""
81   "function shExpMatch(url, pattern) {\n"
82   "   pattern = pattern.replace(/\\./g, '\\\\.');\n"
83   "   pattern = pattern.replace(/\\*/g, '.*');\n"
84   "   pattern = pattern.replace(/\\?/g, '.');\n"
85   "   var newRe = new RegExp('^'+pattern+'$');\n"
86   "   return newRe.test(url);\n"
87   "}\n"
88   ""
89   "var wdays = {SUN: 0, MON: 1, TUE: 2, WED: 3, THU: 4, FRI: 5, SAT: 6};\n"
90   "var months = {JAN: 0, FEB: 1, MAR: 2, APR: 3, MAY: 4, JUN: 5, JUL: 6, AUG: 7, SEP: 8, OCT: 9, NOV: 10, DEC: 11};\n"
91   ""
92   "function weekdayRange() {\n"
93   "    function getDay(weekday) {\n"
94   "        if (weekday in wdays) {\n"
95   "            return wdays[weekday];\n"
96   "        }\n"
97   "        return -1;\n"
98   "    }\n"
99   "    var date = new Date();\n"
100   "    var argc = arguments.length;\n"
101   "    var wday;\n"
102   "    if (argc < 1)\n"
103   "        return false;\n"
104   "    if (arguments[argc - 1] == 'GMT') {\n"
105   "        argc--;\n"
106   "        wday = date.getUTCDay();\n"
107   "    } else {\n"
108   "        wday = date.getDay();\n"
109   "    }\n"
110   "    var wd1 = getDay(arguments[0]);\n"
111   "    var wd2 = (argc == 2) ? getDay(arguments[1]) : wd1;\n"
112   "    return (wd1 == -1 || wd2 == -1) ? false\n"
113   "                                    : (wd1 <= wd2) ? (wd1 <= wday && wday <= wd2)\n"
114   "                                                   : (wd2 >= wday || wday >= wd1);\n"
115   "}\n"
116   ""
117   "function dateRange() {\n"
118   "    function getMonth(name) {\n"
119   "        if (name in months) {\n"
120   "            return months[name];\n"
121   "        }\n"
122   "        return -1;\n"
123   "    }\n"
124   "    var date = new Date();\n"
125   "    var argc = arguments.length;\n"
126   "    if (argc < 1) {\n"
127   "        return false;\n"
128   "    }\n"
129   "    var isGMT = (arguments[argc - 1] == 'GMT');\n"
130   "\n"
131   "    if (isGMT) {\n"
132   "        argc--;\n"
133   "    }\n"
134   "    // function will work even without explict handling of this case\n"
135   "    if (argc == 1) {\n"
136   "        var tmp = parseInt(arguments[0]);\n"
137   "        if (isNaN(tmp)) {\n"
138   "            return ((isGMT ? date.getUTCMonth() : date.getMonth()) ==\n"
139   "                     getMonth(arguments[0]));\n"
140   "        } else if (tmp < 32) {\n"
141   "            return ((isGMT ? date.getUTCDate() : date.getDate()) == tmp);\n"
142   "        } else { \n"
143   "            return ((isGMT ? date.getUTCFullYear() : date.getFullYear()) ==\n"
144   "                     tmp);\n"
145   "        }\n"
146   "    }\n"
147   "    var year = date.getFullYear();\n"
148   "    var date1, date2;\n"
149   "    date1 = new Date(year,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0);\n"
150   "    date2 = new Date(year, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59);\n"
151   "    var adjustMonth = false;\n"
152   "    for (var i = 0; i < (argc >> 1); i++) {\n"
153   "        var tmp = parseInt(arguments[i]);\n"
154   "        if (isNaN(tmp)) {\n"
155   "            var mon = getMonth(arguments[i]);\n"
156   "            date1.setMonth(mon);\n"
157   "        } else if (tmp < 32) {\n"
158   "            adjustMonth = (argc <= 2);\n"
159   "            date1.setDate(tmp);\n"
160   "        } else {\n"
161   "            date1.setFullYear(tmp);\n"
162   "        }\n"
163   "    }\n"
164   "    for (var i = (argc >> 1); i < argc; i++) {\n"
165   "        var tmp = parseInt(arguments[i]);\n"
166   "        if (isNaN(tmp)) {\n"
167   "            var mon = getMonth(arguments[i]);\n"
168   "            date2.setMonth(mon);\n"
169   "        } else if (tmp < 32) {\n"
170   "            date2.setDate(tmp);\n"
171   "        } else {\n"
172   "            date2.setFullYear(tmp);\n"
173   "        }\n"
174   "    }\n"
175   "    if (adjustMonth) {\n"
176   "        date1.setMonth(date.getMonth());\n"
177   "        date2.setMonth(date.getMonth());\n"
178   "    }\n"
179   "    if (isGMT) {\n"
180   "    var tmp = date;\n"
181   "        tmp.setFullYear(date.getUTCFullYear());\n"
182   "        tmp.setMonth(date.getUTCMonth());\n"
183   "        tmp.setDate(date.getUTCDate());\n"
184   "        tmp.setHours(date.getUTCHours());\n"
185   "        tmp.setMinutes(date.getUTCMinutes());\n"
186   "        tmp.setSeconds(date.getUTCSeconds());\n"
187   "        date = tmp;\n"
188   "    }\n"
189   "    return (date1 <= date2) ? (date1 <= date) && (date <= date2)\n"
190   "                            : (date2 >= date) || (date >= date1);\n"
191   "}\n"
192   ""
193   "function timeRange() {\n"
194   "    var argc = arguments.length;\n"
195   "    var date = new Date();\n"
196   "    var isGMT= false;\n"
197   ""
198   "    if (argc < 1) {\n"
199   "        return false;\n"
200   "    }\n"
201   "    if (arguments[argc - 1] == 'GMT') {\n"
202   "        isGMT = true;\n"
203   "        argc--;\n"
204   "    }\n"
205   "\n"
206   "    var hour = isGMT ? date.getUTCHours() : date.getHours();\n"
207   "    var date1, date2;\n"
208   "    date1 = new Date();\n"
209   "    date2 = new Date();\n"
210   "\n"
211   "    if (argc == 1) {\n"
212   "        return (hour == arguments[0]);\n"
213   "    } else if (argc == 2) {\n"
214   "        return ((arguments[0] <= hour) && (hour <= arguments[1]));\n"
215   "    } else {\n"
216   "        switch (argc) {\n"
217   "        case 6:\n"
218   "            date1.setSeconds(arguments[2]);\n"
219   "            date2.setSeconds(arguments[5]);\n"
220   "        case 4:\n"
221   "            var middle = argc >> 1;\n"
222   "            date1.setHours(arguments[0]);\n"
223   "            date1.setMinutes(arguments[1]);\n"
224   "            date2.setHours(arguments[middle]);\n"
225   "            date2.setMinutes(arguments[middle + 1]);\n"
226   "            if (middle == 2) {\n"
227   "                date2.setSeconds(59);\n"
228   "            }\n"
229   "            break;\n"
230   "        default:\n"
231   "          throw 'timeRange: bad number of arguments'\n"
232   "        }\n"
233   "    }\n"
234   "\n"
235   "    if (isGMT) {\n"
236   "        date.setFullYear(date.getUTCFullYear());\n"
237   "        date.setMonth(date.getUTCMonth());\n"
238   "        date.setDate(date.getUTCDate());\n"
239   "        date.setHours(date.getUTCHours());\n"
240   "        date.setMinutes(date.getUTCMinutes());\n"
241   "        date.setSeconds(date.getUTCSeconds());\n"
242   "    }\n"
243   "    return (date1 <= date2) ? (date1 <= date) && (date <= date2)\n"
244   "                            : (date2 >= date) || (date >= date1);\n"
245   "\n"
246   "}\n"
247   "";
249 // sRunning is defined for the helper functions only while the
250 // Javascript engine is running and the PAC object cannot be deleted
251 // or reset.
252 static uint32_t sRunningIndex = 0xdeadbeef;
GetRunning()253 static ProxyAutoConfig *GetRunning()
254 {
255   MOZ_ASSERT(sRunningIndex != 0xdeadbeef);
256   return static_cast<ProxyAutoConfig *>(PR_GetThreadPrivate(sRunningIndex));
257 }
SetRunning(ProxyAutoConfig * arg)259 static void SetRunning(ProxyAutoConfig *arg)
260 {
261   MOZ_ASSERT(sRunningIndex != 0xdeadbeef);
262   PR_SetThreadPrivate(sRunningIndex, arg);
263 }
265 // The PACResolver is used for dnsResolve()
266 class PACResolver final : public nsIDNSListener
267                         , public nsITimerCallback
268 {
269 public:
PACResolver()272   PACResolver()
273     : mStatus(NS_ERROR_FAILURE)
274   {
275   }
277   // nsIDNSListener
OnLookupComplete(nsICancelable * request,nsIDNSRecord * record,nsresult status)278   NS_IMETHOD OnLookupComplete(nsICancelable *request,
279                               nsIDNSRecord *record,
280                               nsresult status) override
281   {
282     if (mTimer) {
283       mTimer->Cancel();
284       mTimer = nullptr;
285     }
287     mRequest = nullptr;
288     mStatus = status;
289     mResponse = record;
290     return NS_OK;
291   }
293   // nsITimerCallback
Notify(nsITimer * timer)294   NS_IMETHOD Notify(nsITimer *timer) override
295   {
296     if (mRequest)
297       mRequest->Cancel(NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT);
298     mTimer = nullptr;
299     return NS_OK;
300   }
302   nsresult                mStatus;
303   nsCOMPtr<nsICancelable> mRequest;
304   nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSRecord>  mResponse;
305   nsCOMPtr<nsITimer>      mTimer;
307 private:
~PACResolver()308   ~PACResolver() {}
309 };
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(PACResolver,nsIDNSListener,nsITimerCallback)310 NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(PACResolver, nsIDNSListener, nsITimerCallback)
312 static
313 void PACLogToConsole(nsString &aMessage)
314 {
315   nsCOMPtr<nsIConsoleService> consoleService =
317   if (!consoleService)
318     return;
320   consoleService->LogStringMessage(aMessage.get());
321 }
323 // Javascript errors and warnings are logged to the main error console
324 static void
PACLogErrorOrWarning(const nsAString & aKind,JSErrorReport * aReport)325 PACLogErrorOrWarning(const nsAString& aKind, JSErrorReport* aReport)
326 {
327   nsString formattedMessage(NS_LITERAL_STRING("PAC Execution "));
328   formattedMessage += aKind;
329   formattedMessage += NS_LITERAL_STRING(": ");
330   if (aReport->message())
331     formattedMessage.Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(aReport->message().c_str()));
332   formattedMessage += NS_LITERAL_STRING(" [");
333   formattedMessage.Append(aReport->linebuf(), aReport->linebufLength());
334   formattedMessage += NS_LITERAL_STRING("]");
335   PACLogToConsole(formattedMessage);
336 }
338 static void
PACWarningReporter(JSContext * aCx,JSErrorReport * aReport)339 PACWarningReporter(JSContext* aCx, JSErrorReport* aReport)
340 {
341   MOZ_ASSERT(aReport);
342   MOZ_ASSERT(JSREPORT_IS_WARNING(aReport->flags));
344   PACLogErrorOrWarning(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Warning"), aReport);
345 }
347 class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoPACErrorReporter
348 {
349   JSContext* mCx;
351 public:
AutoPACErrorReporter(JSContext * aCx)352   explicit AutoPACErrorReporter(JSContext* aCx)
353     : mCx(aCx)
354   {}
~AutoPACErrorReporter()355   ~AutoPACErrorReporter() {
356     if (!JS_IsExceptionPending(mCx)) {
357       return;
358     }
359     JS::RootedValue exn(mCx);
360     if (!JS_GetPendingException(mCx, &exn)) {
361       return;
362     }
363     JS_ClearPendingException(mCx);
365     js::ErrorReport report(mCx);
366     if (!report.init(mCx, exn, js::ErrorReport::WithSideEffects)) {
367       JS_ClearPendingException(mCx);
368       return;
369     }
371     PACLogErrorOrWarning(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Error"), report.report());
372   }
373 };
375 // timeout of 0 means the normal necko timeout strategy, otherwise the dns request
376 // will be canceled after aTimeout milliseconds
377 static
PACResolve(const nsCString & aHostName,NetAddr * aNetAddr,unsigned int aTimeout)378 bool PACResolve(const nsCString &aHostName, NetAddr *aNetAddr,
379                 unsigned int aTimeout)
380 {
381   if (!GetRunning()) {
382     NS_WARNING("PACResolve without a running ProxyAutoConfig object");
383     return false;
384   }
386   return GetRunning()->ResolveAddress(aHostName, aNetAddr, aTimeout);
387 }
ProxyAutoConfig()389 ProxyAutoConfig::ProxyAutoConfig()
390   : mJSContext(nullptr)
391   , mJSNeedsSetup(false)
392   , mShutdown(false)
393   , mIncludePath(false)
394 {
395   MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(ProxyAutoConfig);
396 }
398 bool
ResolveAddress(const nsCString & aHostName,NetAddr * aNetAddr,unsigned int aTimeout)399 ProxyAutoConfig::ResolveAddress(const nsCString &aHostName,
400                                 NetAddr *aNetAddr,
401                                 unsigned int aTimeout)
402 {
403   nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSService> dns = do_GetService(NS_DNSSERVICE_CONTRACTID);
404   if (!dns)
405     return false;
407   RefPtr<PACResolver> helper = new PACResolver();
409   if (NS_FAILED(dns->AsyncResolve(aHostName,
410                                   nsIDNSService::RESOLVE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM,
411                                   helper,
412                                   NS_GetCurrentThread(),
413                                   getter_AddRefs(helper->mRequest))))
414     return false;
416   if (aTimeout && helper->mRequest) {
417     if (!mTimer)
418       mTimer = do_CreateInstance(NS_TIMER_CONTRACTID);
419     if (mTimer) {
420       mTimer->InitWithCallback(helper, aTimeout, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
421       helper->mTimer = mTimer;
422     }
423   }
425   // Spin the event loop of the pac thread until lookup is complete.
426   // nsPACman is responsible for keeping a queue and only allowing
427   // one PAC execution at a time even when it is called re-entrantly.
428   while (helper->mRequest)
429     NS_ProcessNextEvent(NS_GetCurrentThread());
431   if (NS_FAILED(helper->mStatus) ||
432       NS_FAILED(helper->mResponse->GetNextAddr(0, aNetAddr)))
433     return false;
434   return true;
435 }
437 static
PACResolveToString(const nsCString & aHostName,nsCString & aDottedDecimal,unsigned int aTimeout)438 bool PACResolveToString(const nsCString &aHostName,
439                         nsCString &aDottedDecimal,
440                         unsigned int aTimeout)
441 {
442   NetAddr netAddr;
443   if (!PACResolve(aHostName, &netAddr, aTimeout))
444     return false;
446   char dottedDecimal[128];
447   if (!NetAddrToString(&netAddr, dottedDecimal, sizeof(dottedDecimal)))
448     return false;
450   aDottedDecimal.Assign(dottedDecimal);
451   return true;
452 }
454 // dnsResolve(host) javascript implementation
455 static
PACDnsResolve(JSContext * cx,unsigned int argc,JS::Value * vp)456 bool PACDnsResolve(JSContext *cx, unsigned int argc, JS::Value *vp)
457 {
458   JS::CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
460   if (NS_IsMainThread()) {
461     NS_WARNING("DNS Resolution From PAC on Main Thread. How did that happen?");
462     return false;
463   }
465   if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "dnsResolve", 1))
466     return false;
468   JS::Rooted<JSString*> arg1(cx, JS::ToString(cx, args[0]));
469   if (!arg1)
470     return false;
472   nsAutoJSString hostName;
473   nsAutoCString dottedDecimal;
475   if (!hostName.init(cx, arg1))
476     return false;
477   if (PACResolveToString(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(hostName), dottedDecimal, 0)) {
478     JSString *dottedDecimalString = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, dottedDecimal.get());
479     if (!dottedDecimalString) {
480       return false;
481     }
483     args.rval().setString(dottedDecimalString);
484   }
485   else {
486     args.rval().setNull();
487   }
489   return true;
490 }
492 // myIpAddress() javascript implementation
493 static
PACMyIpAddress(JSContext * cx,unsigned int argc,JS::Value * vp)494 bool PACMyIpAddress(JSContext *cx, unsigned int argc, JS::Value *vp)
495 {
496   JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
498   if (NS_IsMainThread()) {
499     NS_WARNING("DNS Resolution From PAC on Main Thread. How did that happen?");
500     return false;
501   }
503   if (!GetRunning()) {
504     NS_WARNING("PAC myIPAddress without a running ProxyAutoConfig object");
505     return false;
506   }
508   return GetRunning()->MyIPAddress(args);
509 }
511 // proxyAlert(msg) javascript implementation
512 static
PACProxyAlert(JSContext * cx,unsigned int argc,JS::Value * vp)513 bool PACProxyAlert(JSContext *cx, unsigned int argc, JS::Value *vp)
514 {
515   JS::CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
517   if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "alert", 1))
518     return false;
520   JS::Rooted<JSString*> arg1(cx, JS::ToString(cx, args[0]));
521   if (!arg1)
522     return false;
524   nsAutoJSString message;
525   if (!message.init(cx, arg1))
526     return false;
528   nsAutoString alertMessage;
529   alertMessage.SetCapacity(32 + message.Length());
530   alertMessage += NS_LITERAL_STRING("PAC-alert: ");
531   alertMessage += message;
532   PACLogToConsole(alertMessage);
534   args.rval().setUndefined();  /* return undefined */
535   return true;
536 }
538 static const JSFunctionSpec PACGlobalFunctions[] = {
539   JS_FS("dnsResolve", PACDnsResolve, 1, 0),
541   // a global "var pacUseMultihomedDNS = true;" will change behavior
542   // of myIpAddress to actively use DNS
543   JS_FS("myIpAddress", PACMyIpAddress, 0, 0),
544   JS_FS("alert", PACProxyAlert, 1, 0),
545   JS_FS_END
546 };
548 // JSContextWrapper is a c++ object that manages the context for the JS engine
549 // used on the PAC thread. It is initialized and destroyed on the PAC thread.
550 class JSContextWrapper
551 {
552  public:
Create()553   static JSContextWrapper *Create()
554   {
555     JSContext* cx = JS_NewContext(sContextHeapSize);
556     if (NS_WARN_IF(!cx))
557       return nullptr;
559     JSContextWrapper *entry = new JSContextWrapper(cx);
560     if (NS_FAILED(entry->Init())) {
561       delete entry;
562       return nullptr;
563     }
565     return entry;
566   }
Context() const568   JSContext *Context() const
569   {
570     return mContext;
571   }
Global() const573   JSObject *Global() const
574   {
575     return mGlobal;
576   }
~JSContextWrapper()578   ~JSContextWrapper()
579   {
580     mGlobal = nullptr;
582     MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(JSContextWrapper);
584     if (mContext) {
585       JS_DestroyContext(mContext);
586     }
587   }
SetOK()589   void SetOK()
590   {
591     mOK = true;
592   }
IsOK()594   bool IsOK()
595   {
596     return mOK;
597   }
599 private:
600   static const unsigned sContextHeapSize = 4 << 20; // 4 MB
602   JSContext *mContext;
603   JS::PersistentRooted<JSObject*> mGlobal;
604   bool      mOK;
606   static const JSClass sGlobalClass;
JSContextWrapper(JSContext * cx)608   explicit JSContextWrapper(JSContext* cx)
609     : mContext(cx), mGlobal(cx, nullptr), mOK(false)
610   {
611       MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(JSContextWrapper);
612   }
Init()614   nsresult Init()
615   {
616     /*
617      * Not setting this will cause JS_CHECK_RECURSION to report false
618      * positives
619      */
620     JS_SetNativeStackQuota(mContext, 128 * sizeof(size_t) * 1024);
622     JS::SetWarningReporter(mContext, PACWarningReporter);
624     if (!JS::InitSelfHostedCode(mContext)) {
625       return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
626     }
628     JSAutoRequest ar(mContext);
630     JS::CompartmentOptions options;
631     options.creationOptions().setZone(JS::SystemZone);
632     options.behaviors().setVersion(JSVERSION_LATEST);
633     mGlobal = JS_NewGlobalObject(mContext, &sGlobalClass, nullptr,
634                                  JS::DontFireOnNewGlobalHook, options);
635     if (!mGlobal) {
636       JS_ClearPendingException(mContext);
637       return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
638     }
639     JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(mContext, mGlobal);
641     JSAutoCompartment ac(mContext, global);
642     AutoPACErrorReporter aper(mContext);
643     if (!JS_InitStandardClasses(mContext, global)) {
644       return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
645     }
646     if (!JS_DefineFunctions(mContext, global, PACGlobalFunctions)) {
647       return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
648     }
650     JS_FireOnNewGlobalObject(mContext, global);
652     return NS_OK;
653   }
654 };
656 static const JSClassOps sJSContextWrapperGlobalClassOps = {
657   nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
658   nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
659   nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
660   JS_GlobalObjectTraceHook
661 };
663 const JSClass JSContextWrapper::sGlobalClass = {
664   "PACResolutionThreadGlobal",
666   &sJSContextWrapperGlobalClassOps
667 };
669 void
SetThreadLocalIndex(uint32_t index)670 ProxyAutoConfig::SetThreadLocalIndex(uint32_t index)
671 {
672   sRunningIndex = index;
673 }
675 nsresult
Init(const nsCString & aPACURI,const nsCString & aPACScript,bool aIncludePath)676 ProxyAutoConfig::Init(const nsCString &aPACURI,
677                       const nsCString &aPACScript,
678                       bool aIncludePath)
679 {
680   mPACURI = aPACURI;
681   mPACScript = sPacUtils;
682   mPACScript.Append(aPACScript);
683   mIncludePath = aIncludePath;
685   if (!GetRunning())
686     return SetupJS();
688   mJSNeedsSetup = true;
689   return NS_OK;
690 }
692 nsresult
SetupJS()693 ProxyAutoConfig::SetupJS()
694 {
695   mJSNeedsSetup = false;
696   MOZ_ASSERT(!GetRunning(), "JIT is running");
698   delete mJSContext;
699   mJSContext = nullptr;
701   if (mPACScript.IsEmpty())
702     return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
704   NS_GetCurrentThread()->SetCanInvokeJS(true);
706   mJSContext = JSContextWrapper::Create();
707   if (!mJSContext)
708     return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
710   JSContext* cx = mJSContext->Context();
711   JSAutoRequest ar(cx);
712   JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, mJSContext->Global());
713   AutoPACErrorReporter aper(cx);
715   // check if this is a data: uri so that we don't spam the js console with
716   // huge meaningless strings. this is not on the main thread, so it can't
717   // use nsIURI scheme methods
718   bool isDataURI = nsDependentCSubstring(mPACURI, 0, 5).LowerCaseEqualsASCII("data:", 5);
720   SetRunning(this);
721   JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(cx, mJSContext->Global());
722   JS::CompileOptions options(cx);
723   options.setFileAndLine(mPACURI.get(), 1);
724   JS::Rooted<JSScript*> script(cx);
725   if (!JS_CompileScript(cx, mPACScript.get(), mPACScript.Length(), options,
726                         &script) ||
727       !JS_ExecuteScript(cx, script))
728   {
729     nsString alertMessage(NS_LITERAL_STRING("PAC file failed to install from "));
730     if (isDataURI) {
731       alertMessage += NS_LITERAL_STRING("data: URI");
732     }
733     else {
734       alertMessage += NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(mPACURI);
735     }
736     PACLogToConsole(alertMessage);
737     SetRunning(nullptr);
738     return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
739   }
740   SetRunning(nullptr);
742   mJSContext->SetOK();
743   nsString alertMessage(NS_LITERAL_STRING("PAC file installed from "));
744   if (isDataURI) {
745     alertMessage += NS_LITERAL_STRING("data: URI");
746   }
747   else {
748     alertMessage += NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(mPACURI);
749   }
750   PACLogToConsole(alertMessage);
752   // we don't need these now
753   mPACScript.Truncate();
754   mPACURI.Truncate();
756   return NS_OK;
757 }
759 nsresult
GetProxyForURI(const nsCString & aTestURI,const nsCString & aTestHost,nsACString & result)760 ProxyAutoConfig::GetProxyForURI(const nsCString &aTestURI,
761                                 const nsCString &aTestHost,
762                                 nsACString &result)
763 {
764   if (mJSNeedsSetup)
765     SetupJS();
767   if (!mJSContext || !mJSContext->IsOK())
768     return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
770   JSContext *cx = mJSContext->Context();
771   JSAutoRequest ar(cx);
772   JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, mJSContext->Global());
773   AutoPACErrorReporter aper(cx);
775   // the sRunning flag keeps a new PAC file from being installed
776   // while the event loop is spinning on a DNS function. Don't early return.
777   SetRunning(this);
778   mRunningHost = aTestHost;
780   nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
781   nsCString clensedURI = aTestURI;
783   if (!mIncludePath) {
784     nsCOMPtr<nsIURLParser> urlParser =
785       do_GetService(NS_STDURLPARSER_CONTRACTID);
786     int32_t pathLen = 0;
787     if (urlParser) {
788       uint32_t schemePos;
789       int32_t schemeLen;
790       uint32_t authorityPos;
791       int32_t authorityLen;
792       uint32_t pathPos;
793       rv = urlParser->ParseURL(aTestURI.get(), aTestURI.Length(),
794                                &schemePos, &schemeLen,
795                                &authorityPos, &authorityLen,
796                                &pathPos, &pathLen);
797     }
798     if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
799       if (pathLen) {
800         // cut off the path but leave the initial slash
801         pathLen--;
802       }
803       aTestURI.Left(clensedURI, aTestURI.Length() - pathLen);
804     }
805   }
807   JS::RootedString uriString(cx, JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, clensedURI.get()));
808   JS::RootedString hostString(cx, JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, aTestHost.get()));
810   if (uriString && hostString) {
811     JS::AutoValueArray<2> args(cx);
812     args[0].setString(uriString);
813     args[1].setString(hostString);
815     JS::Rooted<JS::Value> rval(cx);
816     JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(cx, mJSContext->Global());
817     bool ok = JS_CallFunctionName(cx, global, "FindProxyForURL", args, &rval);
819     if (ok && rval.isString()) {
820       nsAutoJSString pacString;
821       if (pacString.init(cx, rval.toString())) {
822         CopyUTF16toUTF8(pacString, result);
823         rv = NS_OK;
824       }
825     }
826   }
828   mRunningHost.Truncate();
829   SetRunning(nullptr);
830   return rv;
831 }
833 void
GC()834 ProxyAutoConfig::GC()
835 {
836   if (!mJSContext || !mJSContext->IsOK())
837     return;
839   JSAutoCompartment ac(mJSContext->Context(), mJSContext->Global());
840   JS_MaybeGC(mJSContext->Context());
841 }
~ProxyAutoConfig()843 ProxyAutoConfig::~ProxyAutoConfig()
844 {
845   MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(ProxyAutoConfig);
846   NS_ASSERTION(!mJSContext,
847                "~ProxyAutoConfig leaking JS context that "
848                "should have been deleted on pac thread");
849 }
851 void
Shutdown()852 ProxyAutoConfig::Shutdown()
853 {
854   MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread(), "wrong thread for shutdown");
856   if (GetRunning() || mShutdown)
857     return;
859   mShutdown = true;
860   delete mJSContext;
861   mJSContext = nullptr;
862 }
864 bool
SrcAddress(const NetAddr * remoteAddress,nsCString & localAddress)865 ProxyAutoConfig::SrcAddress(const NetAddr *remoteAddress, nsCString &localAddress)
866 {
867   PRFileDesc *fd;
868   fd = PR_OpenUDPSocket(remoteAddress->raw.family);
869   if (!fd)
870     return false;
872   PRNetAddr prRemoteAddress;
873   NetAddrToPRNetAddr(remoteAddress, &prRemoteAddress);
874   if (PR_Connect(fd, &prRemoteAddress, 0) != PR_SUCCESS) {
875     PR_Close(fd);
876     return false;
877   }
879   PRNetAddr localName;
880   if (PR_GetSockName(fd, &localName) != PR_SUCCESS) {
881     PR_Close(fd);
882     return false;
883   }
885   PR_Close(fd);
887   char dottedDecimal[128];
888   if (PR_NetAddrToString(&localName, dottedDecimal, sizeof(dottedDecimal)) != PR_SUCCESS)
889     return false;
891   localAddress.Assign(dottedDecimal);
893   return true;
894 }
896 // hostName is run through a dns lookup and then a udp socket is connected
897 // to the result. If that all works, the local IP address of the socket is
898 // returned to the javascript caller and |*aResult| is set to true. Otherwise
899 // |*aResult| is set to false.
900 bool
MyIPAddressTryHost(const nsCString & hostName,unsigned int timeout,const JS::CallArgs & aArgs,bool * aResult)901 ProxyAutoConfig::MyIPAddressTryHost(const nsCString &hostName,
902                                     unsigned int timeout,
903                                     const JS::CallArgs &aArgs,
904                                     bool* aResult)
905 {
906   *aResult = false;
908   NetAddr remoteAddress;
909   nsAutoCString localDottedDecimal;
910   JSContext *cx = mJSContext->Context();
912   if (PACResolve(hostName, &remoteAddress, timeout) &&
913       SrcAddress(&remoteAddress, localDottedDecimal)) {
914     JSString *dottedDecimalString =
915       JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, localDottedDecimal.get());
916     if (!dottedDecimalString) {
917       return false;
918     }
920     *aResult = true;
921     aArgs.rval().setString(dottedDecimalString);
922   }
923   return true;
924 }
926 bool
MyIPAddress(const JS::CallArgs & aArgs)927 ProxyAutoConfig::MyIPAddress(const JS::CallArgs &aArgs)
928 {
929   nsAutoCString remoteDottedDecimal;
930   nsAutoCString localDottedDecimal;
931   JSContext *cx = mJSContext->Context();
932   JS::RootedValue v(cx);
933   JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(cx, mJSContext->Global());
935   bool useMultihomedDNS =
936     JS_GetProperty(cx,  global, "pacUseMultihomedDNS", &v) &&
937     !v.isUndefined() && ToBoolean(v);
939   // first, lookup the local address of a socket connected
940   // to the host of uri being resolved by the pac file. This is
941   // v6 safe.. but is the last step like that
942   bool rvalAssigned = false;
943   if (useMultihomedDNS) {
944     if (!MyIPAddressTryHost(mRunningHost, kTimeout, aArgs, &rvalAssigned) ||
945         rvalAssigned) {
946       return rvalAssigned;
947     }
948   } else {
949     // we can still do the fancy multi homing thing if the host is a literal
950     PRNetAddr tempAddr;
951     memset(&tempAddr, 0, sizeof(PRNetAddr));
952     if ((PR_StringToNetAddr(mRunningHost.get(), &tempAddr) == PR_SUCCESS) &&
953         (!MyIPAddressTryHost(mRunningHost, kTimeout, aArgs, &rvalAssigned) ||
954          rvalAssigned)) {
955       return rvalAssigned;
956     }
957   }
959   // next, look for a route to a public internet address that doesn't need DNS.
960   // This is the google anycast dns address, but it doesn't matter if it
961   // remains operable (as we don't contact it) as long as the address stays
962   // in commonly routed IP address space.
963   remoteDottedDecimal.AssignLiteral("");
964   if (!MyIPAddressTryHost(remoteDottedDecimal, 0, aArgs, &rvalAssigned) ||
965       rvalAssigned) {
966     return rvalAssigned;
967   }
969   // finally, use the old algorithm based on the local hostname
970   nsAutoCString hostName;
971   nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSService> dns = do_GetService(NS_DNSSERVICE_CONTRACTID);
972   // without multihomedDNS use such a short timeout that we are basically
973   // just looking at the cache for raw dotted decimals
974   uint32_t timeout = useMultihomedDNS ? kTimeout : 1;
975   if (dns && NS_SUCCEEDED(dns->GetMyHostName(hostName)) &&
976       PACResolveToString(hostName, localDottedDecimal, timeout)) {
977     JSString *dottedDecimalString =
978       JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, localDottedDecimal.get());
979     if (!dottedDecimalString) {
980       return false;
981     }
983     aArgs.rval().setString(dottedDecimalString);
984     return true;
985   }
987   // next try a couple RFC 1918 variants.. maybe there is a
988   // local route
989   remoteDottedDecimal.AssignLiteral("");
990   if (!MyIPAddressTryHost(remoteDottedDecimal, 0, aArgs, &rvalAssigned) ||
991       rvalAssigned) {
992     return rvalAssigned;
993   }
995   // more RFC 1918
996   remoteDottedDecimal.AssignLiteral("");
997   if (!MyIPAddressTryHost(remoteDottedDecimal, 0, aArgs, &rvalAssigned) ||
998       rvalAssigned) {
999     return rvalAssigned;
1000   }
1002   // who knows? let's fallback to localhost
1003   localDottedDecimal.AssignLiteral("");
1004   JSString *dottedDecimalString =
1005     JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, localDottedDecimal.get());
1006   if (!dottedDecimalString) {
1007     return false;
1008   }
1010   aArgs.rval().setString(dottedDecimalString);
1011   return true;
1012 }
1014 } // namespace net
1015 } // namespace mozilla