1 /*
2  * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #ifndef SkTypeface_DEFINED
9 #define SkTypeface_DEFINED
11 #include "include/core/SkFontArguments.h"
12 #include "include/core/SkFontParameters.h"
13 #include "include/core/SkFontStyle.h"
14 #include "include/core/SkFontTypes.h"
15 #include "include/core/SkRect.h"
16 #include "include/core/SkString.h"
17 #include "include/private/SkOnce.h"
18 #include "include/private/SkWeakRefCnt.h"
20 class SkData;
21 class SkDescriptor;
22 class SkFontData;
23 class SkFontDescriptor;
24 class SkScalerContext;
25 class SkStream;
26 class SkStreamAsset;
27 class SkWStream;
28 struct SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics;
29 struct SkScalerContextEffects;
30 struct SkScalerContextRec;
32 typedef uint32_t SkFontID;
33 /** Machine endian. */
34 typedef uint32_t SkFontTableTag;
36 /** \class SkTypeface
38     The SkTypeface class specifies the typeface and intrinsic style of a font.
39     This is used in the paint, along with optionally algorithmic settings like
40     textSize, textSkewX, textScaleX, kFakeBoldText_Mask, to specify
41     how text appears when drawn (and measured).
43     Typeface objects are immutable, and so they can be shared between threads.
44 */
45 class SK_API SkTypeface : public SkWeakRefCnt {
46 public:
47     /** Returns the typeface's intrinsic style attributes. */
fontStyle()48     SkFontStyle fontStyle() const {
49         return fStyle;
50     }
52     /** Returns true if style() has the kBold bit set. */
isBold()53     bool isBold() const { return fStyle.weight() >= SkFontStyle::kSemiBold_Weight; }
55     /** Returns true if style() has the kItalic bit set. */
isItalic()56     bool isItalic() const { return fStyle.slant() != SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant; }
58     /** Returns true if the typeface claims to be fixed-pitch.
59      *  This is a style bit, advance widths may vary even if this returns true.
60      */
isFixedPitch()61     bool isFixedPitch() const { return fIsFixedPitch; }
63     /** Copy into 'coordinates' (allocated by the caller) the design variation coordinates.
64      *
65      *  @param coordinates the buffer into which to write the design variation coordinates.
66      *  @param coordinateCount the number of entries available through 'coordinates'.
67      *
68      *  @return The number of axes, or -1 if there is an error.
69      *  If 'coordinates != nullptr' and 'coordinateCount >= numAxes' then 'coordinates' will be
70      *  filled with the variation coordinates describing the position of this typeface in design
71      *  variation space. It is possible the number of axes can be retrieved but actual position
72      *  cannot.
73      */
74     int getVariationDesignPosition(SkFontArguments::VariationPosition::Coordinate coordinates[],
75                                    int coordinateCount) const;
77     /** Copy into 'parameters' (allocated by the caller) the design variation parameters.
78      *
79      *  @param parameters the buffer into which to write the design variation parameters.
80      *  @param coordinateCount the number of entries available through 'parameters'.
81      *
82      *  @return The number of axes, or -1 if there is an error.
83      *  If 'parameters != nullptr' and 'parameterCount >= numAxes' then 'parameters' will be
84      *  filled with the variation parameters describing the position of this typeface in design
85      *  variation space. It is possible the number of axes can be retrieved but actual parameters
86      *  cannot.
87      */
88     int getVariationDesignParameters(SkFontParameters::Variation::Axis parameters[],
89                                      int parameterCount) const;
91     /** Return a 32bit value for this typeface, unique for the underlying font
92         data. Will never return 0.
93      */
uniqueID()94     SkFontID uniqueID() const { return fUniqueID; }
96     /** Return the uniqueID for the specified typeface. If the face is null,
97         resolve it to the default font and return its uniqueID. Will never
98         return 0.
99     */
100     static SkFontID UniqueID(const SkTypeface* face);
102     /** Returns true if the two typefaces reference the same underlying font,
103         handling either being null (treating null as the default font)
104      */
105     static bool Equal(const SkTypeface* facea, const SkTypeface* faceb);
107     /** Returns the default normal typeface, which is never nullptr. */
108     static sk_sp<SkTypeface> MakeDefault();
110     /** Creates a new reference to the typeface that most closely matches the
111         requested familyName and fontStyle. This method allows extended font
112         face specifiers as in the SkFontStyle type. Will never return null.
114         @param familyName  May be NULL. The name of the font family.
115         @param fontStyle   The style of the typeface.
116         @return reference to the closest-matching typeface. Call must call
117               unref() when they are done.
118     */
119     static sk_sp<SkTypeface> MakeFromName(const char familyName[], SkFontStyle fontStyle);
121     /** Return a new typeface given a file. If the file does not exist, or is
122         not a valid font file, returns nullptr.
123     */
124     static sk_sp<SkTypeface> MakeFromFile(const char path[], int index = 0);
126     /** Return a new typeface given a stream. If the stream is
127         not a valid font file, returns nullptr. Ownership of the stream is
128         transferred, so the caller must not reference it again.
129     */
130     static sk_sp<SkTypeface> MakeFromStream(std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> stream, int index = 0);
132     /** Return a new typeface given a SkData. If the data is null, or is not a valid font file,
133      *  returns nullptr.
134      */
135     static sk_sp<SkTypeface> MakeFromData(sk_sp<SkData>, int index = 0);
137     /** Return a new typeface given font data and configuration. If the data
138         is not valid font data, returns nullptr.
139     */
140     static sk_sp<SkTypeface> MakeFromFontData(std::unique_ptr<SkFontData>);
142     /** Return a new typeface based on this typeface but parameterized as specified in the
143         SkFontArguments. If the SkFontArguments does not supply an argument for a parameter
144         in the font then the value from this typeface will be used as the value for that
145         argument. If the cloned typeface would be exaclty the same as this typeface then
146         this typeface may be ref'ed and returned. May return nullptr on failure.
147     */
148     sk_sp<SkTypeface> makeClone(const SkFontArguments&) const;
150     /**
151      *  A typeface can serialize just a descriptor (names, etc.), or it can also include the
152      *  actual font data (which can be large). This enum controls how serialize() decides what
153      *  to serialize.
154      */
155     enum class SerializeBehavior {
156         kDoIncludeData,
157         kDontIncludeData,
158         kIncludeDataIfLocal,
159     };
161     /** Write a unique signature to a stream, sufficient to reconstruct a
162         typeface referencing the same font when Deserialize is called.
163      */
164     void serialize(SkWStream*, SerializeBehavior = SerializeBehavior::kIncludeDataIfLocal) const;
166     /**
167      *  Same as serialize(SkWStream*, ...) but returns the serialized data in SkData, instead of
168      *  writing it to a stream.
169      */
170     sk_sp<SkData> serialize(SerializeBehavior = SerializeBehavior::kIncludeDataIfLocal) const;
172     /** Given the data previously written by serialize(), return a new instance
173         of a typeface referring to the same font. If that font is not available,
174         return nullptr.
175         Does not affect ownership of SkStream.
176      */
177     static sk_sp<SkTypeface> MakeDeserialize(SkStream*);
179     /**
180      *  Given an array of UTF32 character codes, return their corresponding glyph IDs.
181      *
182      *  @param chars pointer to the array of UTF32 chars
183      *  @param number of chars and glyphs
184      *  @param glyphs returns the corresponding glyph IDs for each character.
185      */
186     void unicharsToGlyphs(const SkUnichar uni[], int count, SkGlyphID glyphs[]) const;
188     /**
189      *  Return the glyphID that corresponds to the specified unicode code-point
190      *  (in UTF32 encoding). If the unichar is not supported, returns 0.
191      *
192      *  This is a short-cut for calling unicharsToGlyphs().
193      */
194     SkGlyphID unicharToGlyph(SkUnichar unichar) const;
196     /**
197      *  Return the number of glyphs in the typeface.
198      */
199     int countGlyphs() const;
201     // Table getters -- may fail if the underlying font format is not organized
202     // as 4-byte tables.
204     /** Return the number of tables in the font. */
205     int countTables() const;
207     /** Copy into tags[] (allocated by the caller) the list of table tags in
208      *  the font, and return the number. This will be the same as CountTables()
209      *  or 0 if an error occured. If tags == NULL, this only returns the count
210      *  (the same as calling countTables()).
211      */
212     int getTableTags(SkFontTableTag tags[]) const;
214     /** Given a table tag, return the size of its contents, or 0 if not present
215      */
216     size_t getTableSize(SkFontTableTag) const;
218     /** Copy the contents of a table into data (allocated by the caller). Note
219      *  that the contents of the table will be in their native endian order
220      *  (which for most truetype tables is big endian). If the table tag is
221      *  not found, or there is an error copying the data, then 0 is returned.
222      *  If this happens, it is possible that some or all of the memory pointed
223      *  to by data may have been written to, even though an error has occured.
224      *
225      *  @param tag  The table tag whose contents are to be copied
226      *  @param offset The offset in bytes into the table's contents where the
227      *  copy should start from.
228      *  @param length The number of bytes, starting at offset, of table data
229      *  to copy.
230      *  @param data storage address where the table contents are copied to
231      *  @return the number of bytes actually copied into data. If offset+length
232      *  exceeds the table's size, then only the bytes up to the table's
233      *  size are actually copied, and this is the value returned. If
234      *  offset > the table's size, or tag is not a valid table,
235      *  then 0 is returned.
236      */
237     size_t getTableData(SkFontTableTag tag, size_t offset, size_t length,
238                         void* data) const;
240     /**
241      *  Return an immutable copy of the requested font table, or nullptr if that table was
242      *  not found. This can sometimes be faster than calling getTableData() twice: once to find
243      *  the length, and then again to copy the data.
244      *
245      *  @param tag  The table tag whose contents are to be copied
246      *  @return an immutable copy of the table's data, or nullptr.
247      */
248     sk_sp<SkData> copyTableData(SkFontTableTag tag) const;
250     /**
251      *  Return the units-per-em value for this typeface, or zero if there is an
252      *  error.
253      */
254     int getUnitsPerEm() const;
256     /**
257      *  Given a run of glyphs, return the associated horizontal adjustments.
258      *  Adjustments are in "design units", which are integers relative to the
259      *  typeface's units per em (see getUnitsPerEm).
260      *
261      *  Some typefaces are known to never support kerning. Calling this method
262      *  with all zeros (e.g. getKerningPairAdustments(NULL, 0, NULL)) returns
263      *  a boolean indicating if the typeface might support kerning. If it
264      *  returns false, then it will always return false (no kerning) for all
265      *  possible glyph runs. If it returns true, then it *may* return true for
266      *  somne glyph runs.
267      *
268      *  If count is non-zero, then the glyphs parameter must point to at least
269      *  [count] valid glyph IDs, and the adjustments parameter must be
270      *  sized to at least [count - 1] entries. If the method returns true, then
271      *  [count-1] entries in the adjustments array will be set. If the method
272      *  returns false, then no kerning should be applied, and the adjustments
273      *  array will be in an undefined state (possibly some values may have been
274      *  written, but none of them should be interpreted as valid values).
275      */
276     bool getKerningPairAdjustments(const SkGlyphID glyphs[], int count,
277                                    int32_t adjustments[]) const;
279     struct LocalizedString {
280         SkString fString;
281         SkString fLanguage;
282     };
283     class LocalizedStrings {
284     public:
285         LocalizedStrings() = default;
~LocalizedStrings()286         virtual ~LocalizedStrings() { }
287         virtual bool next(LocalizedString* localizedString) = 0;
unref()288         void unref() { delete this; }
290     private:
291         LocalizedStrings(const LocalizedStrings&) = delete;
292         LocalizedStrings& operator=(const LocalizedStrings&) = delete;
293     };
294     /**
295      *  Returns an iterator which will attempt to enumerate all of the
296      *  family names specified by the font.
297      *  It is the caller's responsibility to unref() the returned pointer.
298      */
299     LocalizedStrings* createFamilyNameIterator() const;
301     /**
302      *  Return the family name for this typeface. It will always be returned
303      *  encoded as UTF8, but the language of the name is whatever the host
304      *  platform chooses.
305      */
306     void getFamilyName(SkString* name) const;
308     /**
309      *  Return a stream for the contents of the font data, or NULL on failure.
310      *  If ttcIndex is not null, it is set to the TrueTypeCollection index
311      *  of this typeface within the stream, or 0 if the stream is not a
312      *  collection.
313      *  The caller is responsible for deleting the stream.
314      */
315     std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> openStream(int* ttcIndex) const;
317     /**
318      *  Return the font data, or nullptr on failure.
319      */
320     std::unique_ptr<SkFontData> makeFontData() const;
322     /**
323      *  Return a scalercontext for the given descriptor. If this fails, then
324      *  if allowFailure is true, this returns NULL, else it returns a
325      *  dummy scalercontext that will not crash, but will draw nothing.
326      */
327     std::unique_ptr<SkScalerContext> createScalerContext(const SkScalerContextEffects&,
328                                                          const SkDescriptor*,
329                                                          bool allowFailure = false) const;
331     /**
332      *  Return a rectangle (scaled to 1-pt) that represents the union of the bounds of all
333      *  of the glyphs, but each one positioned at (0,). This may be conservatively large, and
334      *  will not take into account any hinting or other size-specific adjustments.
335      */
336     SkRect getBounds() const;
338     /***
339      * Returns whether this typeface has color glyphs and therefore cannot be
340      * rendered as a path. e.g. Emojis.
341      */
hasColorGlyphs()342     virtual bool hasColorGlyphs() const { return false; }
344     // PRIVATE / EXPERIMENTAL -- do not call
filterRec(SkScalerContextRec * rec)345     void filterRec(SkScalerContextRec* rec) const {
346         this->onFilterRec(rec);
347     }
348     // PRIVATE / EXPERIMENTAL -- do not call
getFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor * desc,bool * isLocal)349     void getFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor* desc, bool* isLocal) const {
350         this->onGetFontDescriptor(desc, isLocal);
351     }
352     // PRIVATE / EXPERIMENTAL -- do not call
internal_private_getCTFontRef()353     void* internal_private_getCTFontRef() const {
354         return this->onGetCTFontRef();
355     }
357 protected:
358     /** uniqueID must be unique and non-zero
359     */
360     SkTypeface(const SkFontStyle& style, bool isFixedPitch = false);
361     virtual ~SkTypeface();
363     virtual sk_sp<SkTypeface> onMakeClone(const SkFontArguments&) const = 0;
365     /** Sets the fixedPitch bit. If used, must be called in the constructor. */
setIsFixedPitch(bool isFixedPitch)366     void setIsFixedPitch(bool isFixedPitch) { fIsFixedPitch = isFixedPitch; }
367     /** Sets the font style. If used, must be called in the constructor. */
setFontStyle(SkFontStyle style)368     void setFontStyle(SkFontStyle style) { fStyle = style; }
370     virtual SkScalerContext* onCreateScalerContext(const SkScalerContextEffects&,
371                                                    const SkDescriptor*) const = 0;
372     virtual void onFilterRec(SkScalerContextRec*) const = 0;
373     friend class SkScalerContext;  // onFilterRec
375     //  Subclasses *must* override this method to work with the PDF backend.
376     virtual std::unique_ptr<SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics> onGetAdvancedMetrics() const = 0;
377     // For type1 postscript fonts only, set the glyph names for each glyph.
378     // destination array is non-null, and points to an array of size this->countGlyphs().
379     // Backends that do not suport type1 fonts should not override.
380     virtual void getPostScriptGlyphNames(SkString*) const = 0;
382     // The mapping from glyph to Unicode; array indices are glyph ids.
383     // For each glyph, give the default Unicode value, if it exists.
384     // dstArray is non-null, and points to an array of size this->countGlyphs().
385     virtual void getGlyphToUnicodeMap(SkUnichar* dstArray) const = 0;
387     virtual std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex) const = 0;
388     // TODO: make pure virtual.
389     virtual std::unique_ptr<SkFontData> onMakeFontData() const;
391     virtual int onGetVariationDesignPosition(
392         SkFontArguments::VariationPosition::Coordinate coordinates[],
393         int coordinateCount) const = 0;
395     virtual int onGetVariationDesignParameters(
396         SkFontParameters::Variation::Axis parameters[], int parameterCount) const = 0;
398     virtual void onGetFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor*, bool* isLocal) const = 0;
400     virtual void onCharsToGlyphs(const SkUnichar* chars, int count, SkGlyphID glyphs[]) const = 0;
401     virtual int onCountGlyphs() const = 0;
403     virtual int onGetUPEM() const = 0;
404     virtual bool onGetKerningPairAdjustments(const SkGlyphID glyphs[], int count,
405                                              int32_t adjustments[]) const;
407     /** Returns the family name of the typeface as known by its font manager.
408      *  This name may or may not be produced by the family name iterator.
409      */
410     virtual void onGetFamilyName(SkString* familyName) const = 0;
412     /** Returns an iterator over the family names in the font. */
413     virtual LocalizedStrings* onCreateFamilyNameIterator() const = 0;
415     virtual int onGetTableTags(SkFontTableTag tags[]) const = 0;
416     virtual size_t onGetTableData(SkFontTableTag, size_t offset,
417                                   size_t length, void* data) const = 0;
418     virtual sk_sp<SkData> onCopyTableData(SkFontTableTag) const;
420     virtual bool onComputeBounds(SkRect*) const;
onGetCTFontRef()422     virtual void* onGetCTFontRef() const { return nullptr; }
424 private:
425     /** Retrieve detailed typeface metrics.  Used by the PDF backend.  */
426     std::unique_ptr<SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics> getAdvancedMetrics() const;
427     friend class SkRandomTypeface; // getAdvancedMetrics
428     friend class SkPDFFont;        // getAdvancedMetrics
430     /** Style specifies the intrinsic style attributes of a given typeface */
431     enum Style {
432         kNormal = 0,
433         kBold   = 0x01,
434         kItalic = 0x02,
436         // helpers
437         kBoldItalic = 0x03
438     };
439     static SkFontStyle FromOldStyle(Style oldStyle);
440     static SkTypeface* GetDefaultTypeface(Style style = SkTypeface::kNormal);
442     friend class SkFontPriv;       // GetDefaultTypeface
443     friend class SkPaintPriv;      // GetDefaultTypeface
444     friend class SkFont;           // getGlyphToUnicodeMap
446 private:
447     SkFontID            fUniqueID;
448     SkFontStyle         fStyle;
449     mutable SkRect      fBounds;
450     mutable SkOnce      fBoundsOnce;
451     bool                fIsFixedPitch;
453     typedef SkWeakRefCnt INHERITED;
454 };
455 #endif