1/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
6#include "nsISupports.idl"
9#include "jspubtd.h"
12interface xpcIJSWeakReference;
13interface nsIClassInfo;
14interface nsICommandParams;
15interface nsIComponentManager;
16interface nsICycleCollectorListener;
17interface nsIDocumentEncoder;
18interface nsIEditorSpellCheck;
19interface nsIFile;
20interface nsILoadContext;
21interface nsIPersistentProperties;
22interface nsIURI;
23interface nsIPrincipal;
24interface nsIStackFrame;
25webidl Element;
28* interface of Components.interfaces
29* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
31[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(b8c31bba-79db-4a1d-930d-4cdd68713f9e)]
32interface nsIXPCComponents_Interfaces : nsISupports
37* interface of Components.classes
38* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
40[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(978ff520-d26c-11d2-9842-006008962422)]
41interface nsIXPCComponents_Classes : nsISupports
46* interface of Components.results
47* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
49[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(2fc229a0-5860-11d3-9899-006008962422)]
50interface nsIXPCComponents_Results : nsISupports
55* interface of Components.ID
56* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
58[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(7994a6e0-e028-11d3-8f5d-0010a4e73d9a)]
59interface nsIXPCComponents_ID : nsISupports
64* interface of Components.Exception
65* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
67[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(5bf039c0-e028-11d3-8f5d-0010a4e73d9a)]
68interface nsIXPCComponents_Exception : nsISupports
73* interface of Components.Constructor
74* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
76[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(88655640-e028-11d3-8f5d-0010a4e73d9a)]
77interface nsIXPCComponents_Constructor : nsISupports
82* interface of object returned by Components.utils.Sandbox.
84[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(4f8ae0dc-d266-4a32-875b-6a9de71a8ce9)]
85interface nsIXPCComponents_utils_Sandbox : nsISupports
90 * interface for callback to be passed to Cu.schedulePreciseGC
91 */
92[scriptable, function, uuid(71000535-b0fd-44d1-8ce0-909760e3953c)]
93interface nsIScheduledGCCallback : nsISupports
95    void callback();
99* interface of Components.utils
101[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(86003fe3-ee9a-4620-91dc-eef8b1e58815)]
102interface nsIXPCComponents_Utils : nsISupports
104    /*
105     * Prints the provided message to stderr.
106     */
107    void printStderr(in AUTF8String message);
109    /*
110     * reportError is designed to be called from JavaScript only.
111     *
112     * It will report a JS Error object to the JS console, and return. It
113     * is meant for use in exception handler blocks which want to "eat"
114     * an exception, but still want to report it to the console.
115     *
116     * It must be called with one param, usually an object which was caught by
117     * an exception handler.  If it is not a JS error object, the parameter
118     * is converted to a string and reported as a new error.
119     *
120     * If called with two parameters, and the first parameter is not an
121     * object, the second parameter is used as the stack for the error report.
122     */
123    [implicit_jscontext]
124    void reportError(in jsval error, [optional] in jsval stack);
126    readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_utils_Sandbox Sandbox;
128    [implicit_jscontext]
129    jsval createServicesCache();
131    /*
132     * evalInSandbox is designed to be called from JavaScript only.
133     *
134     * evalInSandbox evaluates the provided source string in the given sandbox.
135     * It returns the result of the evaluation to the caller.
136     *
137     * var s = new C.u.Sandbox("http://www.mozilla.org");
138     * var res = C.u.evalInSandbox("var five = 5; 2 + five", s);
139     * var outerFive = s.five;
140     * s.seven = res;
141     * var thirtyFive = C.u.evalInSandbox("five * seven", s);
142     */
143    [implicit_jscontext,optional_argc]
144    jsval evalInSandbox(in AString source, in jsval sandbox,
145                        [optional] in jsval version,
146                        [optional] in AUTF8String filename,
147                        [optional] in long lineNo,
148                        [optional] in bool enforceFilenameRestrictions);
150    /*
151     * Get the sandbox for running JS-implemented UA widgets (video controls etc.),
152     * hosted inside UA-created Shadow DOM.
153     */
154    [implicit_jscontext]
155    jsval getUAWidgetScope(in nsIPrincipal principal);
157    /*
158     * getSandboxMetadata is designed to be called from JavaScript only.
159     *
160     * getSandboxMetadata retrieves the metadata associated with
161     * a sandbox object. It will return undefined if there
162     * is no metadata attached to the sandbox.
163     *
164     * var s = C.u.Sandbox(..., { metadata: "metadata" });
165     * var metadata = C.u.getSandboxMetadata(s);
166     */
167    [implicit_jscontext]
168    jsval getSandboxMetadata(in jsval sandbox);
170    /*
171     * setSandboxMetadata is designed to be called from JavaScript only.
172     *
173     * setSandboxMetadata sets the metadata associated with
174     * a sandbox object.
175     *
176     * Note that the metadata object will be copied before being used.
177     * The copy will be performed using the structured clone algorithm.
178     * Note that this algorithm does not support reflectors and
179     * it will throw if it encounters them.
180     */
181    [implicit_jscontext]
182    void setSandboxMetadata(in jsval sandbox, in jsval metadata);
184    /*
185     * import is designed to be called from JavaScript only.
186     *
187     * Synchronously loads and evaluates the js file located at
188     * 'registryLocation' with a new, fully privileged global object.
189     *
190     * If 'targetObj' is specified and equal to null, returns the
191     * module's global object. Otherwise (if 'targetObj' is not
192     * specified, or 'targetObj' is != null) looks for a property
193     * 'EXPORTED_SYMBOLS' on the new global object. 'EXPORTED_SYMBOLS'
194     * is expected to be an array of strings identifying properties on
195     * the global object.  These properties will be installed as
196     * properties on 'targetObj', or, if 'targetObj' is not specified,
197     * on the caller's global object. If 'EXPORTED_SYMBOLS' is not
198     * found, an error is thrown.
199     *
200     * @param resourceURI A resource:// URI string to load the module from.
201     * @param targetObj  the object to install the exported properties on.
202     *        If this parameter is a primitive value, this method throws
203     *        an exception.
204     * @returns the module code's global object.
205     *
206     * The implementation maintains a hash of registryLocation->global obj.
207     * Subsequent invocations of importModule with 'registryLocation'
208     * pointing to the same file will not cause the module to be re-evaluated,
209     * but the symbols in EXPORTED_SYMBOLS will be exported into the
210     * specified target object and the global object returned as above.
211     */
212    [implicit_jscontext,optional_argc]
213    jsval import(in AUTF8String aResourceURI, [optional] in jsval targetObj);
215    /**
216     * Returns true if the js file located at 'registryLocation' location has
217     * been loaded previously via the import method above. Returns false
218     * otherwise.
219     *
220     * @param resourceURI A resource:// URI string representing the location of
221     *        the js file to be checked if it is already loaded or not.
222     * @returns boolean, true if the js file has been loaded via import. false
223     *          otherwise
224     */
225    boolean isModuleLoaded(in AUTF8String aResourceURI);
227    /*
228     * Unloads the JS module at 'registryLocation'. Existing references to the
229     * module will continue to work but any subsequent import of the module will
230     * reload it and give new reference. If the JS module hasn't yet been
231     * imported then this method will do nothing.
232     *
233     * @param resourceURI A resource:// URI string to unload the module from.
234     */
235    void unload(in AUTF8String registryLocation);
237    /*
238     * Imports global properties (like DOM constructors) into the scope, defining
239     * them on the caller's global. aPropertyList should be an array of property
240     * names.
241     *
242     * See xpc::GlobalProperties::Parse for the current list of supported
243     * properties.
244     */
245    [implicit_jscontext]
246    void importGlobalProperties(in jsval aPropertyList);
248    /*
249     * To be called from JS only.
250     *
251     * Return a weak reference for the given JS object.
252     */
253    [implicit_jscontext]
254    xpcIJSWeakReference getWeakReference(in jsval obj);
256    /*
257     * To be called from JS only.
258     *
259     * Force an immediate garbage collection cycle.
260     */
261    [implicit_jscontext]
262    void forceGC();
264    /*
265     * To be called from JS only.
266     *
267     * Force an immediate cycle collection cycle.
268     */
269    void forceCC([optional] in nsICycleCollectorListener aListener);
271    /*
272     * To be called from JS only.  C++ callers should use the
273     * nsCycleCollector_createLogger() function instead.
274     *
275     * Create an instance of the built-in cycle collector logger object.
276     */
277    nsICycleCollectorListener createCCLogger();
279    /*
280     * To be called from JS only.
281     *
282     * If any incremental CC is in progress, finish it. For testing.
283     */
284    void finishCC();
286    /*
287     * To be called from JS only.
288     *
289     * Do some cycle collector work, with the given work budget.
290     * The cost of calling Traverse() on a single object is set as 1.
291     * For testing.
292     */
293    void ccSlice(in long long budget);
295    /*
296     * To be called from JS only.
297     *
298     * Return the longest cycle collector slice time since the last
299     * time clearMaxCCTime() was called.
300     */
301    long getMaxCCSliceTimeSinceClear();
303    /*
304     * To be called from JS only.
305     *
306     * Reset the internal max slice time value used for
307     * getMaxCCSliceTimeSinceClear().
308     */
309    void clearMaxCCTime();
311    /*
312     * To be called from JS only.
313     *
314     * Force an immediate shrinking garbage collection cycle.
315     */
316    [implicit_jscontext]
317    void forceShrinkingGC();
319    /*
320     * Schedule a garbage collection cycle for a point in the future when no JS
321     * is running. Call the provided function once this has occurred.
322     */
323    void schedulePreciseGC(in nsIScheduledGCCallback callback);
325    /*
326     * Schedule a shrinking garbage collection cycle for a point in the future
327     * when no JS is running. Call the provided function once this has occured.
328     */
329    void schedulePreciseShrinkingGC(in nsIScheduledGCCallback callback);
331    /*
332     * In a debug build, unlink any ghost windows. This is only for debugging
333     * leaks, and can cause bad things to happen if called.
334     */
335    void unlinkGhostWindows();
337    /*
338     * In an NS_FREE_PERMANENT_DATA build, intentionally leak a C++ object. This
339     * is needed to test leak checking.
340     */
341    void intentionallyLeak();
343    [implicit_jscontext]
344    jsval getJSTestingFunctions();
346    /**
347     * Returns an object containing `filename` and `lineNumber` properties
348     * describing the source location of the given function.
349     */
350    [implicit_jscontext]
351    jsval getFunctionSourceLocation(in jsval func);
353    /*
354     * To be called from JS only.
355     *
356     * Call 'function', using the provided stack as the async stack responsible
357     * for the call, and propagate its return value or the exception it throws.
358     * The function is called with no arguments, and 'this' is 'undefined'.
359     *
360     * The code in the function will see the given stack frame as the
361     * asyncCaller of its own stack frame, instead of the current caller.
362     */
363    [implicit_jscontext]
364    jsval callFunctionWithAsyncStack(in jsval function, in nsIStackFrame stack,
365                                     in AString asyncCause);
367    /*
368     * To be called from JS only.
369     *
370     * Returns the global object with which the given object is associated.
371     *
372     * @param obj The JavaScript object whose global is to be gotten.
373     * @return the corresponding global.
374     */
375    [implicit_jscontext]
376    jsval getGlobalForObject(in jsval obj);
378    /*
379     * To be called from JS only.
380     *
381     * Returns the true if the object is a (scripted) proxy.
382     * NOTE: Security wrappers are unwrapped first before the check.
383     */
384    [implicit_jscontext]
385    boolean isProxy(in jsval vobject);
387    /*
388     * To be called from JS only.
389     *
390     * Instead of simply wrapping a function into another compartment,
391     * this helper function creates a native function in the target
392     * compartment and forwards the call to the original function.
393     * That call will be different than a regular JS function call in
394     * that, the |this| is left unbound, and all the non-native JS
395     * object arguments will be cloned using the structured clone
396     * algorithm.
397     * The return value is the new forwarder function, wrapped into
398     * the caller's compartment.
399     * The 3rd argument is an optional options object:
400     * - defineAs: the name of the property that will
401     *             be set on the target scope, with
402     *             the forwarder function as the value.
403     */
404    [implicit_jscontext]
405    jsval exportFunction(in jsval vfunction, in jsval vscope, [optional] in jsval voptions);
407    /*
408     * To be called from JS only.
409     *
410     * Returns an object created in |vobj|'s compartment.
411     * If defineAs property on the options object is a non-null ID,
412     * the new object will be added to vobj as a property. Also, the
413     * returned new object is always automatically waived (see waiveXrays).
414     */
415    [implicit_jscontext]
416    jsval createObjectIn(in jsval vobj, [optional] in jsval voptions);
418    /*
419     * To be called from JS only.
420     *
421     * Ensures that all functions come from vobj's scope (and aren't cross
422     * compartment wrappers).
423     */
424    [implicit_jscontext]
425    void makeObjectPropsNormal(in jsval vobj);
427    /**
428     * Determines whether this object is backed by a DeadObjectProxy.
429     *
430     * Dead-wrapper objects hold no other objects alive (they have no outgoing
431     * reference edges) and will throw if you touch them (e.g. by
432     * reading/writing a property).
433     */
434    bool isDeadWrapper(in jsval obj);
436    /**
437     * Determines whether this value is a remote object proxy, such as
438     * RemoteWindowProxy or RemoteLocationProxy, for an out-of-process frame.
439     *
440     * Remote object proxies do not grant chrome callers the same exemptions
441     * to the same-origin-policy that in-process wrappers typically do, so
442     * this can be used to determine whether access to cross-origin proxies is
443     * safe:
444     *
445     *   if (!Cu.isRemoteProxy(frame.contentWindow)) {
446     *     frame.contentWindow.doCrossOriginThing();
447     *   }
448     */
449    bool isRemoteProxy(in jsval val);
451    /*
452     * To be called from JS only. This is for Gecko internal use only, and may
453     * disappear at any moment.
454     *
455     * Forces a recomputation of all wrappers in and out of the compartment
456     * containing |vobj|. If |vobj| is not an object, all wrappers system-wide
457     * are recomputed.
458     */
459    [implicit_jscontext]
460    void recomputeWrappers([optional] in jsval vobj);
462    /*
463     * To be called from JS only. This is for Gecko internal use only, and may
464     * disappear at any moment.
465     *
466     * Enables Xray vision for same-compartment access for the compartment
467     * indicated by |vscope|. All outgoing wrappers are recomputed.
468     *
469     * This must not be called on chrome (system-principal) scopes.
470     */
471    [implicit_jscontext]
472    void setWantXrays(in jsval vscope);
474    /*
475     * Dispatches a runnable to the current/main thread. If |scope| is passed,
476     * the runnable will be dispatch in the compartment of |scope|, which
477     * affects which error reporter gets called.
478     */
479    [implicit_jscontext]
480    void dispatch(in jsval runnable, [optional] in jsval scope);
482    /*
483     * Bug 1621603 - Remove strict_mode.
484     *
485     * Do not use this API! Instead use "use strict"; at the top of your JS
486     * file.
487     */
488    [implicit_jscontext]
489    attribute boolean strict_mode;
491    // Returns true if we're running in automation and certain security
492    // restrictions can be eased.
493    readonly attribute boolean isInAutomation;
495    // Called by automated tests to exit immediately after we are done getting
496    // test results.
497    void exitIfInAutomation();
499    void crashIfNotInAutomation();
501    [implicit_jscontext]
502    void setGCZeal(in long zeal);
504    [implicit_jscontext]
505    void nukeSandbox(in jsval obj);
507    /*
508     * API to dynamically block script for a given global. This takes effect
509     * immediately, unlike other APIs that only affect newly-created globals.
510     *
511     * The machinery here maintains a counter, and allows script only if each
512     * call to blockScriptForGlobal() has been matched with a call to
513     * unblockScriptForGlobal(). The caller _must_ make sure never to call
514     * unblock() more times than it calls block(), since that could potentially
515     * interfere with another consumer's script blocking.
516     */
518    [implicit_jscontext]
519    void blockScriptForGlobal(in jsval global);
521    [implicit_jscontext]
522    void unblockScriptForGlobal(in jsval global);
524    /**
525     * Check whether the given object is an opaque wrapper (PermissiveXrayOpaque).
526     */
527    bool isOpaqueWrapper(in jsval obj);
529    /**
530     * Check whether the given object is an XrayWrapper.
531     */
532    bool isXrayWrapper(in jsval obj);
534    /**
535     * Waive Xray on a given value. Identity op for primitives.
536     */
537    [implicit_jscontext]
538    jsval waiveXrays(in jsval aVal);
540    /**
541     * Strip off Xray waivers on a given value. Identity op for primitives.
542     */
543    [implicit_jscontext]
544    jsval unwaiveXrays(in jsval aVal);
546    /**
547     * Gets the name of the JSClass of the object.
548     *
549     * if |aUnwrap| is true, all wrappers are unwrapped first. Unless you're
550     * specifically trying to detect whether the object is a proxy, this is
551     * probably what you want.
552     */
553    [implicit_jscontext]
554    string getClassName(in jsval aObj, in bool aUnwrap);
556    /**
557     * Get a DOM classinfo for the given classname.  Only some class
558     * names are supported.
559     */
560    nsIClassInfo getDOMClassInfo(in AString aClassName);
562    /**
563     * Gets the incument global for the execution of this function. For internal
564     * and testing use only.
565     *
566     * If |callback| is passed, it is invoked with the incumbent global as its
567     * sole argument. This allows the incumbent global to be measured in callback
568     * environments with no scripted frames on the stack.
569     */
570    [implicit_jscontext]
571    jsval getIncumbentGlobal([optional] in jsval callback);
573    /**
574     * Forces the generation of an XPCWrappedJS for a given object. For internal
575     * and testing use only. This is only useful to set up wrapper map conditions
576     * for a testcase. The return value is not an XPCWrappedJS itself, but an
577     * opaque nsISupports holder that keeps the underlying XPCWrappedJS alive.
578     *
579     * if |scope| is passed, the XPCWrappedJS is generated in the scope of that object.
580     */
581    [implicit_jscontext]
582    nsISupports generateXPCWrappedJS(in jsval obj, [optional] in jsval scope);
584    /**
585      * Retrieve the last time, in microseconds since epoch, that a given
586      * watchdog-related event occured.
587      *
588      * Valid categories:
589      *   "ContextStateChange"      - Context switching between active and inactive states
590      *   "WatchdogWakeup"          - Watchdog waking up from sleeping
591      *   "WatchdogHibernateStart"  - Watchdog begins hibernating
592      *   "WatchdogHibernateStop"   - Watchdog stops hibernating
593      */
594    PRTime getWatchdogTimestamp(in AString aCategory);
596    [implicit_jscontext]
597    jsval getJSEngineTelemetryValue();
599    /*
600     * Clone an object into a scope.
601     * The 3rd argument is an optional options object:
602     * - cloneFunctions: boolean. If true, functions in the value are
603     *   wrapped in a function forwarder that appears to be a native function in
604     *   the content scope. Defaults to false.
605     * - wrapReflectors: boolean. If true, DOM objects are passed through the
606     *   clone directly with cross-compartment wrappers. Otherwise, the clone
607     *   fails when such an object is encountered. Defaults to false.
608     */
609    [implicit_jscontext]
610    jsval cloneInto(in jsval value, in jsval scope, [optional] in jsval options);
612    /*
613     * When C++-Implemented code does security checks, it can generally query
614     * the subject principal (i.e. the principal of the most-recently-executed
615     * script) in order to determine the responsible party. However, when an API
616     * is implemented in JS, this doesn't work - the most-recently-executed
617     * script is always the System-Principaled API implementation. So we need
618     * another mechanism.
619     *
620     * Hence the notion of the "WebIDL Caller". If the current Entry Script on
621     * the Script Settings Stack represents the invocation of JS-implemented
622     * WebIDL, this API returns the principal of the caller at the time
623     * of invocation. Otherwise (i.e. outside of JS-implemented WebIDL), this
624     * function throws. If it throws, you probably shouldn't be using it.
625     */
626    nsIPrincipal getWebIDLCallerPrincipal();
628    /*
629     * Gets the principal of a script object, after unwrapping any cross-
630     * compartment wrappers.
631     */
632    [implicit_jscontext]
633    nsIPrincipal getObjectPrincipal(in jsval obj);
635    /*
636     * Gets the URI or identifier string associated with an object's
637     * realm (the same one used by the memory reporter machinery).
638     *
639     * Unwraps cross-compartment wrappers first.
640     *
641     * The string formats and values may change at any time. Do not depend on
642     * this from addon code.
643     */
644    [implicit_jscontext]
645    ACString getRealmLocation(in jsval obj);
647    /*
648     * Return a fractional number of milliseconds from process
649     * startup, measured with a monotonic clock.
650     */
651    double now();
653    /*
654     * Reads the given file and returns its contents. If called during early
655     * startup, the file will be pre-read on a background thread during profile
656     * startup so its contents will be available the next time they're read.
657     *
658     * The file must be a text file encoded in UTF-8. Otherwise the result is
659     * undefined.
660     */
661    AUTF8String readUTF8File(in nsIFile file);
663    /*
664     * Reads the given local file URL and returns its contents. This has the
665     * same semantics of readUTF8File.
666     * Only supports file URLs or URLs that point into one of the omnijars.
667     */
668    AUTF8String readUTF8URI(in nsIURI url);
670    /* Create a spellchecker object. */
671    nsIEditorSpellCheck createSpellChecker();
673    /* Create a commandline object.
674     *
675     * @return a new `nsICommandLine` instance.
676     *
677     * @param args
678     *   The arguments of the command line, not including the app/program itself.
679     * @param workingDir
680     *   An optional working directory for the command line.
681     * @param state
682     *   The command line's state, one of `nsICommandLine.STATE_INITIAL_LAUNCH`,
683     *   `nsICommandLine.STATE_REMOTE_AUTO`, or
684     *   `nsICommandLine.STATE_REMOTE_EXPLICIT`.
685     */
686    nsISupports createCommandLine(in Array<ACString> args,
687                                  in nsIFile workingDir,
688                                  in unsigned long state);
690    /* Create a command params object. */
691    nsICommandParams createCommandParams();
693    /* Create a loadcontext object. */
694    nsILoadContext createLoadContext();
696    /* Create a private loadcontext object. */
697    nsILoadContext createPrivateLoadContext();
699    /* Create a persistent property object. */
700    nsIPersistentProperties createPersistentProperties();
702    /* Create a document encoder object. */
703    nsIDocumentEncoder createDocumentEncoder(in string contentType);
705    /* Create an HTML copy encoder object. */
706    nsIDocumentEncoder createHTMLCopyEncoder();
708    // These attributes are for startup testing purposes. They are not expected
709    // to be used for production code.
710    readonly attribute Array<ACString> loadedModules;
711    readonly attribute Array<ACString> loadedComponents;
713    // These 2 functions will only return useful values if the
714    // "browser.startup.record" preference was true at the time the JS file
715    // was loaded.
716    ACString getModuleImportStack(in AUTF8String aLocation);
717    ACString getComponentLoadStack(in AUTF8String aLocation);
721* Interface for the 'Components' object.
724[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(aa28aaf6-70ce-4b03-9514-afe43c7dfda8)]
725interface nsIXPCComponents : nsISupports
727    readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Interfaces      interfaces;
728    readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Results         results;
730    boolean isSuccessCode(in nsresult result);
732    readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Classes         classes;
733    // Will return null if there is no JS stack right now.
734    readonly attribute nsIStackFrame                    stack;
735    readonly attribute nsIComponentManager              manager;
736    readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Utils           utils;
738    readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_ID              ID;
739    readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Exception       Exception;
740    readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Constructor     Constructor;
742    [implicit_jscontext]
743    // A javascript component can set |returnCode| to specify an nsresult to
744    // be returned without throwing an exception.
745    attribute jsval                                     returnCode;