1 //! Lower a single Cranelift instruction into vcode.
3 use crate::ir::types::*;
4 use crate::ir::Inst as IRInst;
5 use crate::ir::Opcode;
6 use crate::machinst::lower::*;
7 use crate::machinst::*;
8 use crate::settings::Flags;
9 use crate::CodegenResult;
11 use crate::isa::arm32::abi::*;
12 use crate::isa::arm32::inst::*;
14 use smallvec::SmallVec;
16 use super::lower::*;
18 /// Actually codegen an instruction's results into registers.
lower_insn_to_regs<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>( ctx: &mut C, insn: IRInst, flags: &Flags, ) -> CodegenResult<()>19 pub(crate) fn lower_insn_to_regs<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>(
20     ctx: &mut C,
21     insn: IRInst,
22     flags: &Flags,
23 ) -> CodegenResult<()> {
24     let op = ctx.data(insn).opcode();
25     let inputs: SmallVec<[InsnInput; 4]> = (0..ctx.num_inputs(insn))
26         .map(|i| InsnInput { insn, input: i })
27         .collect();
28     let outputs: SmallVec<[InsnOutput; 2]> = (0..ctx.num_outputs(insn))
29         .map(|i| InsnOutput { insn, output: i })
30         .collect();
31     let ty = if outputs.len() > 0 {
32         let ty = ctx.output_ty(insn, 0);
33         if ty.bits() > 32 || ty.is_float() {
34             panic!("Cannot lower inst with type {}!", ty);
35         }
36         Some(ty)
37     } else {
38         None
39     };
41     match op {
42         Opcode::Iconst | Opcode::Bconst | Opcode::Null => {
43             let value = output_to_const(ctx, outputs[0]).unwrap();
44             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
45             lower_constant(ctx, rd, value);
46         }
47         Opcode::Iadd
48         | Opcode::IaddIfcin
49         | Opcode::IaddIfcout
50         | Opcode::IaddIfcarry
51         | Opcode::Isub
52         | Opcode::IsubIfbin
53         | Opcode::IsubIfbout
54         | Opcode::IsubIfborrow
55         | Opcode::Band
56         | Opcode::Bor
57         | Opcode::Bxor
58         | Opcode::BandNot
59         | Opcode::BorNot => {
60             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
61             let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
62             let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], NarrowValueMode::None);
64             let alu_op = match op {
65                 Opcode::Iadd => ALUOp::Add,
66                 Opcode::IaddIfcin => ALUOp::Adc,
67                 Opcode::IaddIfcout => ALUOp::Adds,
68                 Opcode::IaddIfcarry => ALUOp::Adcs,
69                 Opcode::Isub => ALUOp::Sub,
70                 Opcode::IsubIfbin => ALUOp::Sbc,
71                 Opcode::IsubIfbout => ALUOp::Subs,
72                 Opcode::IsubIfborrow => ALUOp::Sbcs,
73                 Opcode::Band => ALUOp::And,
74                 Opcode::Bor => ALUOp::Orr,
75                 Opcode::Bxor => ALUOp::Eor,
76                 Opcode::BandNot => ALUOp::Bic,
77                 Opcode::BorNot => ALUOp::Orn,
78                 _ => unreachable!(),
79             };
80             ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRRShift {
81                 alu_op,
82                 rd,
83                 rn,
84                 rm,
85                 shift: None,
86             });
87         }
88         Opcode::Imul | Opcode::Udiv | Opcode::Sdiv => {
89             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
90             let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
91             let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], NarrowValueMode::None);
93             let alu_op = match op {
94                 Opcode::Imul => ALUOp::Mul,
95                 Opcode::Udiv => ALUOp::Udiv,
96                 Opcode::Sdiv => ALUOp::Sdiv,
97                 _ => unreachable!(),
98             };
99             ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR { alu_op, rd, rn, rm });
100         }
101         Opcode::Ineg => {
102             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
103             let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
105             ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImm8 {
106                 alu_op: ALUOp::Rsb,
107                 rd,
108                 rn,
109                 imm8: UImm8::maybe_from_i64(0).unwrap(),
110             });
111         }
112         Opcode::Ishl | Opcode::Ushr | Opcode::Sshr => {
113             let (alu_op, ext) = match op {
114                 Opcode::Ishl => (ALUOp::Lsl, NarrowValueMode::None),
115                 Opcode::Ushr => (ALUOp::Lsr, NarrowValueMode::ZeroExtend),
116                 Opcode::Sshr => (ALUOp::Asr, NarrowValueMode::SignExtend),
117                 _ => unreachable!(),
118             };
119             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
120             let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], ext);
121             let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], NarrowValueMode::ZeroExtend);
122             ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR { alu_op, rd, rn, rm });
123         }
124         Opcode::Rotr => {
125             if ty.unwrap().bits() != 32 {
126                 unimplemented!()
127             }
128             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
129             let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
130             let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], NarrowValueMode::None);
131             ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
132                 alu_op: ALUOp::Ror,
133                 rd,
134                 rn,
135                 rm,
136             });
137         }
138         Opcode::Rotl => {
139             if ty.unwrap().bits() != 32 {
140                 unimplemented!()
141             }
142             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
143             let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
144             let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], NarrowValueMode::None);
145             let tmp = ctx.alloc_tmp(I32).only_reg().unwrap();
147             // ror rd, rn, 32 - (rm & 31)
148             ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImm8 {
149                 alu_op: ALUOp::And,
150                 rd: tmp,
151                 rn: rm,
152                 imm8: UImm8::maybe_from_i64(31).unwrap(),
153             });
154             ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImm8 {
155                 alu_op: ALUOp::Rsb,
156                 rd: tmp,
157                 rn: tmp.to_reg(),
158                 imm8: UImm8::maybe_from_i64(32).unwrap(),
159             });
160             ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
161                 alu_op: ALUOp::Ror,
162                 rd,
163                 rn,
164                 rm: tmp.to_reg(),
165             });
166         }
167         Opcode::Smulhi | Opcode::Umulhi => {
168             let ty = ty.unwrap();
169             let is_signed = op == Opcode::Smulhi;
170             match ty {
171                 I32 => {
172                     let rd_hi = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
173                     let rd_lo = ctx.alloc_tmp(ty).only_reg().unwrap();
174                     let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
175                     let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], NarrowValueMode::None);
177                     let alu_op = if is_signed {
178                         ALUOp::Smull
179                     } else {
180                         ALUOp::Umull
181                     };
182                     ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRRR {
183                         alu_op,
184                         rd_hi,
185                         rd_lo,
186                         rn,
187                         rm,
188                     });
189                 }
190                 I16 | I8 => {
191                     let narrow_mode = if is_signed {
192                         NarrowValueMode::SignExtend
193                     } else {
194                         NarrowValueMode::ZeroExtend
195                     };
196                     let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
197                     let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], narrow_mode);
198                     let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], narrow_mode);
200                     ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
201                         alu_op: ALUOp::Mul,
202                         rd,
203                         rn,
204                         rm,
205                     });
206                     let shift_amt = if ty == I16 { 16 } else { 8 };
207                     let imm8 = UImm8::maybe_from_i64(shift_amt).unwrap();
208                     let alu_op = if is_signed { ALUOp::Asr } else { ALUOp::Lsr };
210                     ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImm8 {
211                         alu_op,
212                         rd,
213                         rn: rd.to_reg(),
214                         imm8,
215                     });
216                 }
217                 _ => panic!("Unexpected type {} in lower {}!", ty, op),
218             }
219         }
220         Opcode::Bnot => {
221             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
222             let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
224             ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRShift {
225                 alu_op: ALUOp1::Mvn,
226                 rd,
227                 rm,
228                 shift: None,
229             });
230         }
231         Opcode::Clz | Opcode::Ctz => {
232             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
233             let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::ZeroExtend);
234             let ty = ctx.output_ty(insn, 0);
236             let in_reg = if op == Opcode::Ctz {
237                 ctx.emit(Inst::BitOpRR {
238                     bit_op: BitOp::Rbit,
239                     rd,
240                     rm,
241                 });
242                 rd.to_reg()
243             } else {
244                 rm
245             };
246             ctx.emit(Inst::BitOpRR {
247                 bit_op: BitOp::Clz,
248                 rd,
249                 rm: in_reg,
250             });
252             if ty.bits() < 32 {
253                 let imm12 = UImm12::maybe_from_i64(32 - ty.bits() as i64).unwrap();
254                 ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
255                     alu_op: ALUOp::Sub,
256                     rd,
257                     rn: rd.to_reg(),
258                     imm12,
259                 });
260             }
261         }
262         Opcode::Bitrev => {
263             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
264             let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
265             let ty = ctx.output_ty(insn, 0);
266             let bit_op = BitOp::Rbit;
268             match ty.bits() {
269                 32 => ctx.emit(Inst::BitOpRR { bit_op, rd, rm }),
270                 n if n < 32 => {
271                     let shift = ShiftOpAndAmt::new(
272                         ShiftOp::LSL,
273                         ShiftOpShiftImm::maybe_from_shift(32 - n as u32).unwrap(),
274                     );
275                     ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRShift {
276                         alu_op: ALUOp1::Mov,
277                         rd,
278                         rm,
279                         shift: Some(shift),
280                     });
281                     ctx.emit(Inst::BitOpRR {
282                         bit_op,
283                         rd,
284                         rm: rd.to_reg(),
285                     });
286                 }
287                 _ => panic!("Unexpected output type {}", ty),
288             }
289         }
290         Opcode::Icmp | Opcode::Ifcmp => {
291             let condcode = inst_condcode(ctx.data(insn)).unwrap();
292             let cond = lower_condcode(condcode);
293             let is_signed = condcode_is_signed(condcode);
295             let narrow_mode = if is_signed {
296                 NarrowValueMode::SignExtend
297             } else {
298                 NarrowValueMode::ZeroExtend
299             };
300             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
301             let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], narrow_mode);
302             let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], narrow_mode);
304             ctx.emit(Inst::Cmp { rn, rm });
306             if op == Opcode::Icmp {
307                 let mut it_insts = vec![];
308                 it_insts.push(CondInst::new(Inst::MovImm16 { rd, imm16: 1 }, true));
309                 it_insts.push(CondInst::new(Inst::MovImm16 { rd, imm16: 0 }, false));
310                 ctx.emit(Inst::It {
311                     cond,
312                     insts: it_insts,
313                 });
314             }
315         }
316         Opcode::Trueif => {
317             let cmp_insn = ctx
318                 .get_input_as_source_or_const(inputs[0].insn, inputs[0].input)
319                 .inst
320                 .unwrap()
321                 .0;
322             debug_assert_eq!(ctx.data(cmp_insn).opcode(), Opcode::Ifcmp);
323             emit_cmp(ctx, cmp_insn);
325             let condcode = inst_condcode(ctx.data(insn)).unwrap();
326             let cond = lower_condcode(condcode);
327             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
329             let mut it_insts = vec![];
330             it_insts.push(CondInst::new(Inst::MovImm16 { rd, imm16: 1 }, true));
331             it_insts.push(CondInst::new(Inst::MovImm16 { rd, imm16: 0 }, false));
333             ctx.emit(Inst::It {
334                 cond,
335                 insts: it_insts,
336             });
337         }
338         Opcode::Select | Opcode::Selectif => {
339             let cond = if op == Opcode::Select {
340                 let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::ZeroExtend);
341                 ctx.emit(Inst::CmpImm8 { rn, imm8: 0 });
342                 Cond::Ne
343             } else {
344                 // Verification ensures that the input is always a single-def ifcmp.
345                 let cmp_insn = ctx
346                     .get_input_as_source_or_const(inputs[0].insn, inputs[0].input)
347                     .inst
348                     .unwrap()
349                     .0;
350                 debug_assert_eq!(ctx.data(cmp_insn).opcode(), Opcode::Ifcmp);
351                 emit_cmp(ctx, cmp_insn);
353                 let condcode = inst_condcode(ctx.data(insn)).unwrap();
354                 lower_condcode(condcode)
355             };
356             let r1 = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], NarrowValueMode::None);
357             let r2 = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[2], NarrowValueMode::None);
358             let out_reg = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
360             let mut it_insts = vec![];
361             it_insts.push(CondInst::new(Inst::mov(out_reg, r1), true));
362             it_insts.push(CondInst::new(Inst::mov(out_reg, r2), false));
364             ctx.emit(Inst::It {
365                 cond,
366                 insts: it_insts,
367             });
368         }
369         Opcode::Store | Opcode::Istore8 | Opcode::Istore16 | Opcode::Istore32 => {
370             let off = ldst_offset(ctx.data(insn)).unwrap();
371             let elem_ty = match op {
372                 Opcode::Istore8 => I8,
373                 Opcode::Istore16 => I16,
374                 Opcode::Istore32 => I32,
375                 Opcode::Store => ctx.input_ty(insn, 0),
376                 _ => unreachable!(),
377             };
378             if elem_ty.bits() > 32 {
379                 unimplemented!()
380             }
381             let bits = elem_ty.bits() as u8;
383             assert_eq!(inputs.len(), 2, "only one input for store memory operands");
384             let rt = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
385             let base = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], NarrowValueMode::None);
387             let mem = AMode::RegOffset(base, i64::from(off));
389             ctx.emit(Inst::Store { rt, mem, bits });
390         }
391         Opcode::Load
392         | Opcode::Uload8
393         | Opcode::Sload8
394         | Opcode::Uload16
395         | Opcode::Sload16
396         | Opcode::Uload32
397         | Opcode::Sload32 => {
398             let off = ldst_offset(ctx.data(insn)).unwrap();
399             let elem_ty = match op {
400                 Opcode::Sload8 | Opcode::Uload8 => I8,
401                 Opcode::Sload16 | Opcode::Uload16 => I16,
402                 Opcode::Sload32 | Opcode::Uload32 => I32,
403                 Opcode::Load => ctx.output_ty(insn, 0),
404                 _ => unreachable!(),
405             };
406             if elem_ty.bits() > 32 {
407                 unimplemented!()
408             }
409             let bits = elem_ty.bits() as u8;
411             let sign_extend = match op {
412                 Opcode::Sload8 | Opcode::Sload16 | Opcode::Sload32 => true,
413                 _ => false,
414             };
415             let out_reg = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
417             assert_eq!(inputs.len(), 2, "only one input for store memory operands");
418             let base = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[1], NarrowValueMode::None);
419             let mem = AMode::RegOffset(base, i64::from(off));
421             ctx.emit(Inst::Load {
422                 rt: out_reg,
423                 mem,
424                 bits,
425                 sign_extend,
426             });
427         }
428         Opcode::Uextend | Opcode::Sextend => {
429             let output_ty = ty.unwrap();
430             let input_ty = ctx.input_ty(insn, 0);
431             let from_bits = input_ty.bits() as u8;
432             let to_bits = 32;
433             let signed = op == Opcode::Sextend;
435             let rm = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
436             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
438             if output_ty.bits() > 32 {
439                 panic!("Unexpected output type {}", output_ty);
440             }
441             if from_bits < to_bits {
442                 ctx.emit(Inst::Extend {
443                     rd,
444                     rm,
445                     from_bits,
446                     signed,
447                 });
448             }
449         }
450         Opcode::Bint | Opcode::Breduce | Opcode::Bextend | Opcode::Ireduce => {
451             let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::ZeroExtend);
452             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
453             let ty = ctx.input_ty(insn, 0);
455             ctx.emit(Inst::gen_move(rd, rn, ty));
456         }
457         Opcode::Copy => {
458             let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
459             let rn = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::None);
460             let ty = ctx.input_ty(insn, 0);
462             ctx.emit(Inst::gen_move(rd, rn, ty));
463         }
464         Opcode::Debugtrap => {
465             ctx.emit(Inst::Bkpt);
466         }
467         Opcode::Trap => {
468             let trap_info = inst_trapcode(ctx.data(insn)).unwrap();
469             ctx.emit(Inst::Udf { trap_info })
470         }
471         Opcode::Trapif => {
472             let cmp_insn = ctx
473                 .get_input_as_source_or_const(inputs[0].insn, inputs[0].input)
474                 .inst
475                 .unwrap()
476                 .0;
477             debug_assert_eq!(ctx.data(cmp_insn).opcode(), Opcode::Ifcmp);
478             emit_cmp(ctx, cmp_insn);
480             let trap_info = inst_trapcode(ctx.data(insn)).unwrap();
481             let condcode = inst_condcode(ctx.data(insn)).unwrap();
482             let cond = lower_condcode(condcode);
484             ctx.emit(Inst::TrapIf { cond, trap_info });
485         }
486         Opcode::FallthroughReturn | Opcode::Return => {
487             for (i, input) in inputs.iter().enumerate() {
488                 let reg = input_to_reg(ctx, *input, NarrowValueMode::None);
489                 let retval_reg = ctx.retval(i).only_reg().unwrap();
490                 let ty = ctx.input_ty(insn, i);
492                 ctx.emit(Inst::gen_move(retval_reg, reg, ty));
493             }
494         }
495         Opcode::Call | Opcode::CallIndirect => {
496             let caller_conv = ctx.abi().call_conv();
497             let (mut abi, inputs) = match op {
498                 Opcode::Call => {
499                     let (extname, dist) = ctx.call_target(insn).unwrap();
500                     let extname = extname.clone();
501                     let sig = ctx.call_sig(insn).unwrap();
502                     assert_eq!(inputs.len(), sig.params.len());
503                     assert_eq!(outputs.len(), sig.returns.len());
504                     (
505                         Arm32ABICaller::from_func(sig, &extname, dist, caller_conv, flags)?,
506                         &inputs[..],
507                     )
508                 }
509                 Opcode::CallIndirect => {
510                     let ptr = input_to_reg(ctx, inputs[0], NarrowValueMode::ZeroExtend);
511                     let sig = ctx.call_sig(insn).unwrap();
512                     assert_eq!(inputs.len() - 1, sig.params.len());
513                     assert_eq!(outputs.len(), sig.returns.len());
514                     (
515                         Arm32ABICaller::from_ptr(sig, ptr, op, caller_conv, flags)?,
516                         &inputs[1..],
517                     )
518                 }
519                 _ => unreachable!(),
520             };
521             assert_eq!(inputs.len(), abi.num_args());
522             for (i, input) in inputs.iter().enumerate().filter(|(i, _)| *i <= 3) {
523                 let arg_reg = input_to_reg(ctx, *input, NarrowValueMode::None);
524                 abi.emit_copy_regs_to_arg(ctx, i, ValueRegs::one(arg_reg));
525             }
526             abi.emit_call(ctx);
527             for (i, output) in outputs.iter().enumerate() {
528                 let retval_reg = output_to_reg(ctx, *output);
529                 abi.emit_copy_retval_to_regs(ctx, i, ValueRegs::one(retval_reg));
530             }
531         }
532         _ => panic!("lowering {} unimplemented!", op),
533     }
535     Ok(())
536 }
lower_branch<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>( ctx: &mut C, branches: &[IRInst], targets: &[MachLabel], ) -> CodegenResult<()>538 pub(crate) fn lower_branch<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>(
539     ctx: &mut C,
540     branches: &[IRInst],
541     targets: &[MachLabel],
542 ) -> CodegenResult<()> {
543     // A block should end with at most two branches. The first may be a
544     // conditional branch; a conditional branch can be followed only by an
545     // unconditional branch or fallthrough. Otherwise, if only one branch,
546     // it may be an unconditional branch, a fallthrough, a return, or a
547     // trap. These conditions are verified by `is_ebb_basic()` during the
548     // verifier pass.
549     assert!(branches.len() <= 2);
551     if branches.len() == 2 {
552         // Must be a conditional branch followed by an unconditional branch.
553         let op0 = ctx.data(branches[0]).opcode();
554         let op1 = ctx.data(branches[1]).opcode();
556         assert!(op1 == Opcode::Jump || op1 == Opcode::Fallthrough);
557         let taken = BranchTarget::Label(targets[0]);
558         let not_taken = BranchTarget::Label(targets[1]);
560         match op0 {
561             Opcode::Brz | Opcode::Brnz => {
562                 let rn = input_to_reg(
563                     ctx,
564                     InsnInput {
565                         insn: branches[0],
566                         input: 0,
567                     },
568                     NarrowValueMode::ZeroExtend,
569                 );
570                 let cond = if op0 == Opcode::Brz {
571                     Cond::Eq
572                 } else {
573                     Cond::Ne
574                 };
576                 ctx.emit(Inst::CmpImm8 { rn, imm8: 0 });
577                 ctx.emit(Inst::CondBr {
578                     taken,
579                     not_taken,
580                     cond,
581                 });
582             }
583             _ => unimplemented!(),
584         }
585     } else {
586         // Must be an unconditional branch or an indirect branch.
587         let op = ctx.data(branches[0]).opcode();
588         match op {
589             Opcode::Jump | Opcode::Fallthrough => {
590                 assert_eq!(branches.len(), 1);
591                 // In the Fallthrough case, the machine-independent driver
592                 // fills in `targets[0]` with our fallthrough block, so this
593                 // is valid for both Jump and Fallthrough.
594                 ctx.emit(Inst::Jump {
595                     dest: BranchTarget::Label(targets[0]),
596                 });
597             }
598             _ => unimplemented!(),
599         }
600     }
602     Ok(())
603 }