1 use super::Error;
3 impl crate::ScalarKind {
to_hlsl_cast(self) -> &'static str4     pub(super) fn to_hlsl_cast(self) -> &'static str {
5         match self {
6             Self::Float => "asfloat",
7             Self::Sint => "asint",
8             Self::Uint => "asuint",
9             Self::Bool => unreachable!(),
10         }
11     }
13     /// Helper function that returns scalar related strings
14     ///
15     /// <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-scalar>
to_hlsl_str(self, width: crate::Bytes) -> Result<&'static str, Error>16     pub(super) fn to_hlsl_str(self, width: crate::Bytes) -> Result<&'static str, Error> {
17         match self {
18             Self::Sint => Ok("int"),
19             Self::Uint => Ok("uint"),
20             Self::Float => match width {
21                 2 => Ok("half"),
22                 4 => Ok("float"),
23                 8 => Ok("double"),
24                 _ => Err(Error::UnsupportedScalar(self, width)),
25             },
26             Self::Bool => Ok("bool"),
27         }
28     }
29 }
31 impl crate::TypeInner {
is_matrix(&self) -> bool32     pub(super) fn is_matrix(&self) -> bool {
33         match *self {
34             Self::Matrix { .. } => true,
35             _ => false,
36         }
37     }
38 }
40 impl crate::StorageFormat {
to_hlsl_str(self) -> &'static str41     pub(super) fn to_hlsl_str(self) -> &'static str {
42         match self {
43             Self::R16Float => "float",
44             Self::R8Unorm => "unorm float",
45             Self::R8Snorm => "snorm float",
46             Self::R8Uint | Self::R16Uint => "uint",
47             Self::R8Sint | Self::R16Sint => "int",
49             Self::Rg16Float => "float2",
50             Self::Rg8Unorm => "unorm float2",
51             Self::Rg8Snorm => "snorm float2",
53             Self::Rg8Sint | Self::Rg16Sint => "int2",
54             Self::Rg8Uint | Self::Rg16Uint => "uint2",
56             Self::Rg11b10Float => "float3",
58             Self::Rgba16Float | Self::R32Float | Self::Rg32Float | Self::Rgba32Float => "float4",
59             Self::Rgba8Unorm | Self::Rgb10a2Unorm => "unorm float4",
60             Self::Rgba8Snorm => "snorm float4",
62             Self::Rgba8Uint
63             | Self::Rgba16Uint
64             | Self::R32Uint
65             | Self::Rg32Uint
66             | Self::Rgba32Uint => "uint4",
67             Self::Rgba8Sint
68             | Self::Rgba16Sint
69             | Self::R32Sint
70             | Self::Rg32Sint
71             | Self::Rgba32Sint => "int4",
72         }
73     }
74 }
76 impl crate::BuiltIn {
to_hlsl_str(self) -> Result<&'static str, Error>77     pub(super) fn to_hlsl_str(self) -> Result<&'static str, Error> {
78         Ok(match self {
79             Self::Position => "SV_Position",
80             // vertex
81             Self::ClipDistance => "SV_ClipDistance",
82             Self::CullDistance => "SV_CullDistance",
83             Self::InstanceIndex => "SV_InstanceID",
84             // based on this page https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/gaming/glsl-to-hlsl-reference#comparing-opengl-es-20-with-direct3d-11
85             // No meaning unless you target Direct3D 9
86             Self::PointSize => "PSIZE",
87             Self::VertexIndex => "SV_VertexID",
88             // fragment
89             Self::FragDepth => "SV_Depth",
90             Self::FrontFacing => "SV_IsFrontFace",
91             Self::PrimitiveIndex => "SV_PrimitiveID",
92             Self::SampleIndex => "SV_SampleIndex",
93             Self::SampleMask => "SV_Coverage",
94             // compute
95             Self::GlobalInvocationId => "SV_DispatchThreadID",
96             Self::LocalInvocationId => "SV_GroupThreadID",
97             Self::LocalInvocationIndex => "SV_GroupIndex",
98             Self::WorkGroupId => "SV_GroupID",
99             // The specific semantic we use here doesn't matter, because references
100             // to this field will get replaced with references to `SPECIAL_CBUF_VAR`
101             // in `Writer::write_expr`.
102             Self::NumWorkGroups => "SV_GroupID",
103             Self::BaseInstance | Self::BaseVertex | Self::WorkGroupSize => {
104                 return Err(Error::Unimplemented(format!("builtin {:?}", self)))
105             }
106             Self::ViewIndex => {
107                 return Err(Error::Custom(format!("Unsupported builtin {:?}", self)))
108             }
109         })
110     }
111 }
113 impl crate::Interpolation {
114     /// Helper function that returns the string corresponding to the HLSL interpolation qualifier
to_hlsl_str(self) -> &'static str115     pub(super) fn to_hlsl_str(self) -> &'static str {
116         match self {
117             Self::Perspective => "linear",
118             Self::Linear => "noperspective",
119             Self::Flat => "nointerpolation",
120         }
121     }
122 }
124 impl crate::Sampling {
125     /// Return the HLSL auxiliary qualifier for the given sampling value.
to_hlsl_str(self) -> Option<&'static str>126     pub(super) fn to_hlsl_str(self) -> Option<&'static str> {
127         match self {
128             Self::Center => None,
129             Self::Centroid => Some("centroid"),
130             Self::Sample => Some("sample"),
131         }
132     }
133 }
135 impl crate::AtomicFunction {
136     /// Return the HLSL suffix for the `InterlockedXxx` method.
to_hlsl_suffix(self) -> &'static str137     pub(super) fn to_hlsl_suffix(self) -> &'static str {
138         match self {
139             Self::Add | Self::Subtract => "Add",
140             Self::And => "And",
141             Self::InclusiveOr => "Or",
142             Self::ExclusiveOr => "Xor",
143             Self::Min => "Min",
144             Self::Max => "Max",
145             Self::Exchange { compare: None } => "Exchange",
146             Self::Exchange { .. } => "", //TODO
147         }
148     }
149 }