1 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
2 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
3 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
4 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
5 // except according to those terms.
7 // Directly relating to QUIC frames.
9 use neqo_common::{qtrace, Decoder};
11 use crate::cid::MAX_CONNECTION_ID_LEN;
12 use crate::packet::PacketType;
13 use crate::stream_id::{StreamId, StreamType};
14 use crate::{AppError, ConnectionError, Error, Res, TransportError};
16 use std::convert::TryFrom;
17 use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
19 #[allow(clippy::module_name_repetitions)]
20 pub type FrameType = u64;
22 const FRAME_TYPE_PADDING: FrameType = 0x0;
23 pub const FRAME_TYPE_PING: FrameType = 0x1;
24 pub const FRAME_TYPE_ACK: FrameType = 0x2;
25 const FRAME_TYPE_ACK_ECN: FrameType = 0x3;
26 pub const FRAME_TYPE_RESET_STREAM: FrameType = 0x4;
27 pub const FRAME_TYPE_STOP_SENDING: FrameType = 0x5;
28 pub const FRAME_TYPE_CRYPTO: FrameType = 0x6;
29 pub const FRAME_TYPE_NEW_TOKEN: FrameType = 0x7;
30 const FRAME_TYPE_STREAM: FrameType = 0x8;
31 const FRAME_TYPE_STREAM_MAX: FrameType = 0xf;
32 pub const FRAME_TYPE_MAX_DATA: FrameType = 0x10;
33 pub const FRAME_TYPE_MAX_STREAM_DATA: FrameType = 0x11;
34 pub const FRAME_TYPE_MAX_STREAMS_BIDI: FrameType = 0x12;
35 pub const FRAME_TYPE_MAX_STREAMS_UNIDI: FrameType = 0x13;
36 pub const FRAME_TYPE_DATA_BLOCKED: FrameType = 0x14;
37 pub const FRAME_TYPE_STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED: FrameType = 0x15;
38 pub const FRAME_TYPE_STREAMS_BLOCKED_BIDI: FrameType = 0x16;
39 pub const FRAME_TYPE_STREAMS_BLOCKED_UNIDI: FrameType = 0x17;
40 pub const FRAME_TYPE_NEW_CONNECTION_ID: FrameType = 0x18;
41 pub const FRAME_TYPE_RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID: FrameType = 0x19;
42 pub const FRAME_TYPE_PATH_CHALLENGE: FrameType = 0x1a;
43 pub const FRAME_TYPE_PATH_RESPONSE: FrameType = 0x1b;
46 pub const FRAME_TYPE_HANDSHAKE_DONE: FrameType = 0x1e;
47 // draft-ietf-quic-ack-delay
48 pub const FRAME_TYPE_ACK_FREQUENCY: FrameType = 0xaf;
49 // draft-ietf-quic-datagram
50 pub const FRAME_TYPE_DATAGRAM: FrameType = 0x30;
51 pub const FRAME_TYPE_DATAGRAM_WITH_LEN: FrameType = 0x31;
52 const DATAGRAM_FRAME_BIT_LEN: u64 = 0x01;
54 const STREAM_FRAME_BIT_FIN: u64 = 0x01;
55 const STREAM_FRAME_BIT_LEN: u64 = 0x02;
56 const STREAM_FRAME_BIT_OFF: u64 = 0x04;
58 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy)]
59 pub enum CloseError {
60     Transport(TransportError),
61     Application(AppError),
62 }
64 impl CloseError {
frame_type_bit(self) -> u6465     fn frame_type_bit(self) -> u64 {
66         match self {
67             Self::Transport(_) => 0,
68             Self::Application(_) => 1,
69         }
70     }
from_type_bit(bit: u64, code: u64) -> Self72     fn from_type_bit(bit: u64, code: u64) -> Self {
73         if (bit & 0x01) == 0 {
74             Self::Transport(code)
75         } else {
76             Self::Application(code)
77         }
78     }
code(&self) -> u6480     pub fn code(&self) -> u64 {
81         match self {
82             Self::Transport(c) | Self::Application(c) => *c,
83         }
84     }
85 }
87 impl From<ConnectionError> for CloseError {
from(err: ConnectionError) -> Self88     fn from(err: ConnectionError) -> Self {
89         match err {
90             ConnectionError::Transport(c) => Self::Transport(c.code()),
91             ConnectionError::Application(c) => Self::Application(c),
92         }
93     }
94 }
96 #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Default, Clone)]
97 pub struct AckRange {
98     pub(crate) gap: u64,
99     pub(crate) range: u64,
100 }
102 #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
103 pub enum Frame<'a> {
104     Padding,
105     Ping,
106     Ack {
107         largest_acknowledged: u64,
108         ack_delay: u64,
109         first_ack_range: u64,
110         ack_ranges: Vec<AckRange>,
111     },
112     ResetStream {
113         stream_id: StreamId,
114         application_error_code: AppError,
115         final_size: u64,
116     },
117     StopSending {
118         stream_id: StreamId,
119         application_error_code: AppError,
120     },
121     Crypto {
122         offset: u64,
123         data: &'a [u8],
124     },
125     NewToken {
126         token: &'a [u8],
127     },
128     Stream {
129         stream_id: StreamId,
130         offset: u64,
131         data: &'a [u8],
132         fin: bool,
133         fill: bool,
134     },
135     MaxData {
136         maximum_data: u64,
137     },
138     MaxStreamData {
139         stream_id: StreamId,
140         maximum_stream_data: u64,
141     },
142     MaxStreams {
143         stream_type: StreamType,
144         maximum_streams: u64,
145     },
146     DataBlocked {
147         data_limit: u64,
148     },
149     StreamDataBlocked {
150         stream_id: StreamId,
151         stream_data_limit: u64,
152     },
153     StreamsBlocked {
154         stream_type: StreamType,
155         stream_limit: u64,
156     },
157     NewConnectionId {
158         sequence_number: u64,
159         retire_prior: u64,
160         connection_id: &'a [u8],
161         stateless_reset_token: &'a [u8; 16],
162     },
163     RetireConnectionId {
164         sequence_number: u64,
165     },
166     PathChallenge {
167         data: [u8; 8],
168     },
169     PathResponse {
170         data: [u8; 8],
171     },
172     ConnectionClose {
173         error_code: CloseError,
174         frame_type: u64,
175         // Not a reference as we use this to hold the value.
176         // This is not used in optimized builds anyway.
177         reason_phrase: Vec<u8>,
178     },
179     HandshakeDone,
180     AckFrequency {
181         /// The current ACK frequency sequence number.
182         seqno: u64,
183         /// The number of contiguous packets that can be received without
184         /// acknowledging immediately.
185         tolerance: u64,
186         /// The time to delay after receiving the first packet that is
187         /// not immediately acknowledged.
188         delay: u64,
189         /// Ignore reordering when deciding to immediately acknowledge.
190         ignore_order: bool,
191     },
192     Datagram {
193         data: &'a [u8],
194         fill: bool,
195     },
196 }
198 impl<'a> Frame<'a> {
get_stream_type_bit(stream_type: StreamType) -> u64199     fn get_stream_type_bit(stream_type: StreamType) -> u64 {
200         match stream_type {
201             StreamType::BiDi => 0,
202             StreamType::UniDi => 1,
203         }
204     }
stream_type_from_bit(bit: u64) -> StreamType206     fn stream_type_from_bit(bit: u64) -> StreamType {
207         if (bit & 0x01) == 0 {
208             StreamType::BiDi
209         } else {
210             StreamType::UniDi
211         }
212     }
get_type(&self) -> FrameType214     pub fn get_type(&self) -> FrameType {
215         match self {
216             Self::Padding => FRAME_TYPE_PADDING,
217             Self::Ping => FRAME_TYPE_PING,
218             Self::Ack { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_ACK, // We don't do ACK ECN.
219             Self::ResetStream { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_RESET_STREAM,
220             Self::StopSending { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_STOP_SENDING,
221             Self::Crypto { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_CRYPTO,
222             Self::NewToken { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_NEW_TOKEN,
223             Self::Stream {
224                 fin, offset, fill, ..
225             } => Self::stream_type(*fin, *offset > 0, *fill),
226             Self::MaxData { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_MAX_DATA,
227             Self::MaxStreamData { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_MAX_STREAM_DATA,
228             Self::MaxStreams { stream_type, .. } => {
229                 FRAME_TYPE_MAX_STREAMS_BIDI + Self::get_stream_type_bit(*stream_type)
230             }
231             Self::DataBlocked { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_DATA_BLOCKED,
232             Self::StreamDataBlocked { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED,
233             Self::StreamsBlocked { stream_type, .. } => {
234                 FRAME_TYPE_STREAMS_BLOCKED_BIDI + Self::get_stream_type_bit(*stream_type)
235             }
236             Self::NewConnectionId { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_NEW_CONNECTION_ID,
237             Self::RetireConnectionId { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID,
238             Self::PathChallenge { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_PATH_CHALLENGE,
239             Self::PathResponse { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_PATH_RESPONSE,
240             Self::ConnectionClose { error_code, .. } => {
241                 FRAME_TYPE_CONNECTION_CLOSE_TRANSPORT + error_code.frame_type_bit()
242             }
243             Self::HandshakeDone => FRAME_TYPE_HANDSHAKE_DONE,
244             Self::AckFrequency { .. } => FRAME_TYPE_ACK_FREQUENCY,
245             Self::Datagram { fill, .. } => {
246                 if *fill {
247                     FRAME_TYPE_DATAGRAM
248                 } else {
249                     FRAME_TYPE_DATAGRAM_WITH_LEN
250                 }
251             }
252         }
253     }
is_stream(&self) -> bool255     pub fn is_stream(&self) -> bool {
256         matches!(
257             self,
258             Self::ResetStream { .. }
259                 | Self::StopSending { .. }
260                 | Self::Stream { .. }
261                 | Self::MaxData { .. }
262                 | Self::MaxStreamData { .. }
263                 | Self::MaxStreams { .. }
264                 | Self::DataBlocked { .. }
265                 | Self::StreamDataBlocked { .. }
266                 | Self::StreamsBlocked { .. }
267         )
268     }
stream_type(fin: bool, nonzero_offset: bool, fill: bool) -> u64270     pub fn stream_type(fin: bool, nonzero_offset: bool, fill: bool) -> u64 {
271         let mut t = FRAME_TYPE_STREAM;
272         if fin {
273             t |= STREAM_FRAME_BIT_FIN;
274         }
275         if nonzero_offset {
276             t |= STREAM_FRAME_BIT_OFF;
277         }
278         if !fill {
279             t |= STREAM_FRAME_BIT_LEN;
280         }
281         t
282     }
284     /// If the frame causes a recipient to generate an ACK within its
285     /// advertised maximum acknowledgement delay.
ack_eliciting(&self) -> bool286     pub fn ack_eliciting(&self) -> bool {
287         !matches!(
288             self,
289             Self::Ack { .. } | Self::Padding | Self::ConnectionClose { .. }
290         )
291     }
293     /// If the frame can be sent in a path probe
294     /// without initiating migration to that path.
path_probing(&self) -> bool295     pub fn path_probing(&self) -> bool {
296         matches!(
297             self,
298             Self::Padding
299                 | Self::NewConnectionId { .. }
300                 | Self::PathChallenge { .. }
301                 | Self::PathResponse { .. }
302         )
303     }
305     /// Converts AckRanges as encoded in a ACK frame (see -transport
306     /// 19.3.1) into ranges of acked packets (end, start), inclusive of
307     /// start and end values.
decode_ack_frame( largest_acked: u64, first_ack_range: u64, ack_ranges: &[AckRange], ) -> Res<Vec<RangeInclusive<u64>>>308     pub fn decode_ack_frame(
309         largest_acked: u64,
310         first_ack_range: u64,
311         ack_ranges: &[AckRange],
312     ) -> Res<Vec<RangeInclusive<u64>>> {
313         let mut acked_ranges = Vec::with_capacity(ack_ranges.len() + 1);
315         if largest_acked < first_ack_range {
316             return Err(Error::FrameEncodingError);
317         }
318         acked_ranges.push((largest_acked - first_ack_range)..=largest_acked);
319         if !ack_ranges.is_empty() && largest_acked < first_ack_range + 1 {
320             return Err(Error::FrameEncodingError);
321         }
322         let mut cur = if ack_ranges.is_empty() {
323             0
324         } else {
325             largest_acked - first_ack_range - 1
326         };
327         for r in ack_ranges {
328             if cur < r.gap + 1 {
329                 return Err(Error::FrameEncodingError);
330             }
331             cur = cur - r.gap - 1;
333             if cur < r.range {
334                 return Err(Error::FrameEncodingError);
335             }
336             acked_ranges.push((cur - r.range)..=cur);
338             if cur > r.range + 1 {
339                 cur -= r.range + 1;
340             } else {
341                 cur -= r.range;
342             }
343         }
345         Ok(acked_ranges)
346     }
dump(&self) -> Option<String>348     pub fn dump(&self) -> Option<String> {
349         match self {
350             Self::Crypto { offset, data } => Some(format!(
351                 "Crypto {{ offset: {}, len: {} }}",
352                 offset,
353                 data.len()
354             )),
355             Self::Stream {
356                 stream_id,
357                 offset,
358                 fill,
359                 data,
360                 fin,
361             } => Some(format!(
362                 "Stream {{ stream_id: {}, offset: {}, len: {}{}, fin: {} }}",
363                 stream_id.as_u64(),
364                 offset,
365                 if *fill { ">>" } else { "" },
366                 data.len(),
367                 fin,
368             )),
369             Self::Padding => None,
370             Self::Datagram { data, .. } => Some(format!("Datagram {{ len: {} }}", data.len())),
371             _ => Some(format!("{:?}", self)),
372         }
373     }
is_allowed(&self, pt: PacketType) -> bool375     pub fn is_allowed(&self, pt: PacketType) -> bool {
376         match self {
377             Self::Padding | Self::Ping => true,
378             Self::Crypto { .. }
379             | Self::Ack { .. }
380             | Self::ConnectionClose {
381                 error_code: CloseError::Transport(_),
382                 ..
383             } => pt != PacketType::ZeroRtt,
384             Self::NewToken { .. } | Self::ConnectionClose { .. } => pt == PacketType::Short,
385             _ => pt == PacketType::ZeroRtt || pt == PacketType::Short,
386         }
387     }
decode(dec: &mut Decoder<'a>) -> Res<Self>389     pub fn decode(dec: &mut Decoder<'a>) -> Res<Self> {
390         fn d<T>(v: Option<T>) -> Res<T> {
391             v.ok_or(Error::NoMoreData)
392         }
393         fn dv(dec: &mut Decoder) -> Res<u64> {
394             d(dec.decode_varint())
395         }
397         // TODO(ekr@rtfm.com): check for minimal encoding
398         let t = d(dec.decode_varint())?;
399         match t {
400             FRAME_TYPE_PADDING => Ok(Self::Padding),
401             FRAME_TYPE_PING => Ok(Self::Ping),
402             FRAME_TYPE_RESET_STREAM => Ok(Self::ResetStream {
403                 stream_id: StreamId::from(dv(dec)?),
404                 application_error_code: d(dec.decode_varint())?,
405                 final_size: match dec.decode_varint() {
406                     Some(v) => v,
407                     _ => return Err(Error::NoMoreData),
408                 },
409             }),
410             FRAME_TYPE_ACK | FRAME_TYPE_ACK_ECN => {
411                 let la = dv(dec)?;
412                 let ad = dv(dec)?;
413                 let nr = dv(dec)?;
414                 let fa = dv(dec)?;
415                 let mut arr: Vec<AckRange> = Vec::with_capacity(nr as usize);
416                 for _ in 0..nr {
417                     let ar = AckRange {
418                         gap: dv(dec)?,
419                         range: dv(dec)?,
420                     };
421                     arr.push(ar);
422                 }
424                 // Now check for the values for ACK_ECN.
425                 if t == FRAME_TYPE_ACK_ECN {
426                     dv(dec)?;
427                     dv(dec)?;
428                     dv(dec)?;
429                 }
431                 Ok(Self::Ack {
432                     largest_acknowledged: la,
433                     ack_delay: ad,
434                     first_ack_range: fa,
435                     ack_ranges: arr,
436                 })
437             }
438             FRAME_TYPE_STOP_SENDING => Ok(Self::StopSending {
439                 stream_id: StreamId::from(dv(dec)?),
440                 application_error_code: d(dec.decode_varint())?,
441             }),
442             FRAME_TYPE_CRYPTO => {
443                 let offset = dv(dec)?;
444                 let data = d(dec.decode_vvec())?;
445                 if offset + u64::try_from(data.len()).unwrap() > ((1 << 62) - 1) {
446                     return Err(Error::FrameEncodingError);
447                 }
448                 Ok(Self::Crypto { offset, data })
449             }
450             FRAME_TYPE_NEW_TOKEN => {
451                 let token = d(dec.decode_vvec())?;
452                 if token.is_empty() {
453                     return Err(Error::FrameEncodingError);
454                 }
455                 Ok(Self::NewToken { token })
456             }
458                 let s = dv(dec)?;
459                 let o = if t & STREAM_FRAME_BIT_OFF == 0 {
460                     0
461                 } else {
462                     dv(dec)?
463                 };
464                 let fill = (t & STREAM_FRAME_BIT_LEN) == 0;
465                 let data = if fill {
466                     qtrace!("STREAM frame, extends to the end of the packet");
467                     dec.decode_remainder()
468                 } else {
469                     qtrace!("STREAM frame, with length");
470                     d(dec.decode_vvec())?
471                 };
472                 if o + u64::try_from(data.len()).unwrap() > ((1 << 62) - 1) {
473                     return Err(Error::FrameEncodingError);
474                 }
475                 Ok(Self::Stream {
476                     fin: (t & STREAM_FRAME_BIT_FIN) != 0,
477                     stream_id: StreamId::from(s),
478                     offset: o,
479                     data,
480                     fill,
481                 })
482             }
483             FRAME_TYPE_MAX_DATA => Ok(Self::MaxData {
484                 maximum_data: dv(dec)?,
485             }),
486             FRAME_TYPE_MAX_STREAM_DATA => Ok(Self::MaxStreamData {
487                 stream_id: StreamId::from(dv(dec)?),
488                 maximum_stream_data: dv(dec)?,
489             }),
491                 let m = dv(dec)?;
492                 if m > (1 << 60) {
493                     return Err(Error::StreamLimitError);
494                 }
495                 Ok(Self::MaxStreams {
496                     stream_type: Self::stream_type_from_bit(t),
497                     maximum_streams: m,
498                 })
499             }
500             FRAME_TYPE_DATA_BLOCKED => Ok(Self::DataBlocked {
501                 data_limit: dv(dec)?,
502             }),
503             FRAME_TYPE_STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED => Ok(Self::StreamDataBlocked {
504                 stream_id: dv(dec)?.into(),
505                 stream_data_limit: dv(dec)?,
506             }),
508                 Ok(Self::StreamsBlocked {
509                     stream_type: Self::stream_type_from_bit(t),
510                     stream_limit: dv(dec)?,
511                 })
512             }
513             FRAME_TYPE_NEW_CONNECTION_ID => {
514                 let sequence_number = dv(dec)?;
515                 let retire_prior = dv(dec)?;
516                 let connection_id = d(dec.decode_vec(1))?;
517                 if connection_id.len() > MAX_CONNECTION_ID_LEN {
518                     return Err(Error::DecodingFrame);
519                 }
520                 let srt = d(dec.decode(16))?;
521                 let stateless_reset_token = <&[_; 16]>::try_from(srt).unwrap();
523                 Ok(Self::NewConnectionId {
524                     sequence_number,
525                     retire_prior,
526                     connection_id,
527                     stateless_reset_token,
528                 })
529             }
530             FRAME_TYPE_RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID => Ok(Self::RetireConnectionId {
531                 sequence_number: dv(dec)?,
532             }),
533             FRAME_TYPE_PATH_CHALLENGE => {
534                 let data = d(dec.decode(8))?;
535                 let mut datav: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
536                 datav.copy_from_slice(data);
537                 Ok(Self::PathChallenge { data: datav })
538             }
539             FRAME_TYPE_PATH_RESPONSE => {
540                 let data = d(dec.decode(8))?;
541                 let mut datav: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
542                 datav.copy_from_slice(data);
543                 Ok(Self::PathResponse { data: datav })
544             }
546                 let error_code = CloseError::from_type_bit(t, d(dec.decode_varint())?);
547                 let frame_type = if t == FRAME_TYPE_CONNECTION_CLOSE_TRANSPORT {
548                     dv(dec)?
549                 } else {
550                     0
551                 };
552                 // We can tolerate this copy for now.
553                 let reason_phrase = d(dec.decode_vvec())?.to_vec();
554                 Ok(Self::ConnectionClose {
555                     error_code,
556                     frame_type,
557                     reason_phrase,
558                 })
559             }
560             FRAME_TYPE_HANDSHAKE_DONE => Ok(Self::HandshakeDone),
561             FRAME_TYPE_ACK_FREQUENCY => {
562                 let seqno = dv(dec)?;
563                 let tolerance = dv(dec)?;
564                 if tolerance == 0 {
565                     return Err(Error::FrameEncodingError);
566                 }
567                 let delay = dv(dec)?;
568                 let ignore_order = match d(dec.decode_uint(1))? {
569                     0 => false,
570                     1 => true,
571                     _ => return Err(Error::FrameEncodingError),
572                 };
573                 Ok(Self::AckFrequency {
574                     seqno,
575                     tolerance,
576                     delay,
577                     ignore_order,
578                 })
579             }
581                 let fill = (t & DATAGRAM_FRAME_BIT_LEN) == 0;
582                 let data = if fill {
583                     qtrace!("DATAGRAM frame, extends to the end of the packet");
584                     dec.decode_remainder()
585                 } else {
586                     qtrace!("DATAGRAM frame, with length");
587                     d(dec.decode_vvec())?
588                 };
589                 Ok(Self::Datagram { data, fill })
590             }
591             _ => Err(Error::UnknownFrameType),
592         }
593     }
594 }
596 #[cfg(test)]
597 mod tests {
598     use super::*;
599     use neqo_common::{Decoder, Encoder};
just_dec(f: &Frame, s: &str)601     fn just_dec(f: &Frame, s: &str) {
602         let encoded = Encoder::from_hex(s);
603         let decoded = Frame::decode(&mut encoded.as_decoder()).unwrap();
604         assert_eq!(*f, decoded);
605     }
607     #[test]
padding()608     fn padding() {
609         let f = Frame::Padding;
610         just_dec(&f, "00");
611     }
613     #[test]
ping()614     fn ping() {
615         let f = Frame::Ping;
616         just_dec(&f, "01");
617     }
619     #[test]
ack()620     fn ack() {
621         let ar = vec![AckRange { gap: 1, range: 2 }, AckRange { gap: 3, range: 4 }];
623         let f = Frame::Ack {
624             largest_acknowledged: 0x1234,
625             ack_delay: 0x1235,
626             first_ack_range: 0x1236,
627             ack_ranges: ar,
628         };
630         just_dec(&f, "025234523502523601020304");
632         // Try to parse ACK_ECN without ECN values
633         let enc = Encoder::from_hex("035234523502523601020304");
634         let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
635         assert_eq!(Frame::decode(&mut dec).unwrap_err(), Error::NoMoreData);
637         // Try to parse ACK_ECN without ECN values
638         let enc = Encoder::from_hex("035234523502523601020304010203");
639         let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
640         assert_eq!(Frame::decode(&mut dec).unwrap(), f);
641     }
643     #[test]
reset_stream()644     fn reset_stream() {
645         let f = Frame::ResetStream {
646             stream_id: StreamId::from(0x1234),
647             application_error_code: 0x77,
648             final_size: 0x3456,
649         };
651         just_dec(&f, "04523440777456");
652     }
654     #[test]
stop_sending()655     fn stop_sending() {
656         let f = Frame::StopSending {
657             stream_id: StreamId::from(63),
658             application_error_code: 0x77,
659         };
661         just_dec(&f, "053F4077")
662     }
664     #[test]
crypto()665     fn crypto() {
666         let f = Frame::Crypto {
667             offset: 1,
668             data: &[1, 2, 3],
669         };
671         just_dec(&f, "060103010203");
672     }
674     #[test]
new_token()675     fn new_token() {
676         let f = Frame::NewToken {
677             token: &[0x12, 0x34, 0x56],
678         };
680         just_dec(&f, "0703123456");
681     }
683     #[test]
empty_new_token()684     fn empty_new_token() {
685         let mut dec = Decoder::from(&[0x07, 0x00][..]);
686         assert_eq!(
687             Frame::decode(&mut dec).unwrap_err(),
688             Error::FrameEncodingError
689         );
690     }
692     #[test]
stream()693     fn stream() {
694         // First, just set the length bit.
695         let f = Frame::Stream {
696             fin: false,
697             stream_id: StreamId::from(5),
698             offset: 0,
699             data: &[1, 2, 3],
700             fill: false,
701         };
703         just_dec(&f, "0a0503010203");
705         // Now with offset != 0 and FIN
706         let f = Frame::Stream {
707             fin: true,
708             stream_id: StreamId::from(5),
709             offset: 1,
710             data: &[1, 2, 3],
711             fill: false,
712         };
713         just_dec(&f, "0f050103010203");
715         // Now to fill the packet.
716         let f = Frame::Stream {
717             fin: true,
718             stream_id: StreamId::from(5),
719             offset: 0,
720             data: &[1, 2, 3],
721             fill: true,
722         };
723         just_dec(&f, "0905010203");
724     }
726     #[test]
max_data()727     fn max_data() {
728         let f = Frame::MaxData {
729             maximum_data: 0x1234,
730         };
732         just_dec(&f, "105234");
733     }
735     #[test]
max_stream_data()736     fn max_stream_data() {
737         let f = Frame::MaxStreamData {
738             stream_id: StreamId::from(5),
739             maximum_stream_data: 0x1234,
740         };
742         just_dec(&f, "11055234");
743     }
745     #[test]
max_streams()746     fn max_streams() {
747         let mut f = Frame::MaxStreams {
748             stream_type: StreamType::BiDi,
749             maximum_streams: 0x1234,
750         };
752         just_dec(&f, "125234");
754         f = Frame::MaxStreams {
755             stream_type: StreamType::UniDi,
756             maximum_streams: 0x1234,
757         };
759         just_dec(&f, "135234");
760     }
762     #[test]
data_blocked()763     fn data_blocked() {
764         let f = Frame::DataBlocked { data_limit: 0x1234 };
766         just_dec(&f, "145234");
767     }
769     #[test]
stream_data_blocked()770     fn stream_data_blocked() {
771         let f = Frame::StreamDataBlocked {
772             stream_id: StreamId::from(5),
773             stream_data_limit: 0x1234,
774         };
776         just_dec(&f, "15055234");
777     }
779     #[test]
streams_blocked()780     fn streams_blocked() {
781         let mut f = Frame::StreamsBlocked {
782             stream_type: StreamType::BiDi,
783             stream_limit: 0x1234,
784         };
786         just_dec(&f, "165234");
788         f = Frame::StreamsBlocked {
789             stream_type: StreamType::UniDi,
790             stream_limit: 0x1234,
791         };
793         just_dec(&f, "175234");
794     }
796     #[test]
new_connection_id()797     fn new_connection_id() {
798         let f = Frame::NewConnectionId {
799             sequence_number: 0x1234,
800             retire_prior: 0,
801             connection_id: &[0x01, 0x02],
802             stateless_reset_token: &[9; 16],
803         };
805         just_dec(&f, "1852340002010209090909090909090909090909090909");
806     }
808     #[test]
too_large_new_connection_id()809     fn too_large_new_connection_id() {
810         let mut enc = Encoder::from_hex("18523400"); // up to the CID
811         enc.encode_vvec(&[0x0c; MAX_CONNECTION_ID_LEN + 10]);
812         enc.encode(&[0x11; 16][..]);
813         assert_eq!(
814             Frame::decode(&mut enc.as_decoder()).unwrap_err(),
815             Error::DecodingFrame
816         );
817     }
819     #[test]
retire_connection_id()820     fn retire_connection_id() {
821         let f = Frame::RetireConnectionId {
822             sequence_number: 0x1234,
823         };
825         just_dec(&f, "195234");
826     }
828     #[test]
path_challenge()829     fn path_challenge() {
830         let f = Frame::PathChallenge { data: [9; 8] };
832         just_dec(&f, "1a0909090909090909");
833     }
835     #[test]
path_response()836     fn path_response() {
837         let f = Frame::PathResponse { data: [9; 8] };
839         just_dec(&f, "1b0909090909090909");
840     }
842     #[test]
connection_close_transport()843     fn connection_close_transport() {
844         let f = Frame::ConnectionClose {
845             error_code: CloseError::Transport(0x5678),
846             frame_type: 0x1234,
847             reason_phrase: vec![0x01, 0x02, 0x03],
848         };
850         just_dec(&f, "1c80005678523403010203");
851     }
853     #[test]
connection_close_application()854     fn connection_close_application() {
855         let f = Frame::ConnectionClose {
856             error_code: CloseError::Application(0x5678),
857             frame_type: 0,
858             reason_phrase: vec![0x01, 0x02, 0x03],
859         };
861         just_dec(&f, "1d8000567803010203");
862     }
864     #[test]
test_compare()865     fn test_compare() {
866         let f1 = Frame::Padding;
867         let f2 = Frame::Padding;
868         let f3 = Frame::Crypto {
869             offset: 0,
870             data: &[1, 2, 3],
871         };
872         let f4 = Frame::Crypto {
873             offset: 0,
874             data: &[1, 2, 3],
875         };
876         let f5 = Frame::Crypto {
877             offset: 1,
878             data: &[1, 2, 3],
879         };
880         let f6 = Frame::Crypto {
881             offset: 0,
882             data: &[1, 2, 4],
883         };
885         assert_eq!(f1, f2);
886         assert_ne!(f1, f3);
887         assert_eq!(f3, f4);
888         assert_ne!(f3, f5);
889         assert_ne!(f3, f6);
890     }
892     #[test]
decode_ack_frame()893     fn decode_ack_frame() {
894         let res = Frame::decode_ack_frame(7, 2, &[AckRange { gap: 0, range: 3 }]);
895         assert!(res.is_ok());
896         assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), vec![5..=7, 0..=3]);
897     }
899     #[test]
ack_frequency()900     fn ack_frequency() {
901         let f = Frame::AckFrequency {
902             seqno: 10,
903             tolerance: 5,
904             delay: 2000,
905             ignore_order: true,
906         };
907         just_dec(&f, "40af0a0547d001");
908     }
910     #[test]
ack_frequency_ignore_error_error()911     fn ack_frequency_ignore_error_error() {
912         let enc = Encoder::from_hex("40af0a0547d003"); // ignore_order of 3
913         assert_eq!(
914             Frame::decode(&mut enc.as_decoder()).unwrap_err(),
915             Error::FrameEncodingError
916         );
917     }
919     /// Hopefully this test is eventually redundant.
920     #[test]
ack_frequency_zero_packets()921     fn ack_frequency_zero_packets() {
922         let enc = Encoder::from_hex("40af0a000101"); // packets of 0
923         assert_eq!(
924             Frame::decode(&mut enc.as_decoder()).unwrap_err(),
925             Error::FrameEncodingError
926         );
927     }
929     #[test]
datagram()930     fn datagram() {
931         // Without the length bit.
932         let f = Frame::Datagram {
933             data: &[1, 2, 3],
934             fill: true,
935         };
937         just_dec(&f, "4030010203");
939         // With the length bit.
940         let f = Frame::Datagram {
941             data: &[1, 2, 3],
942             fill: false,
943         };
944         just_dec(&f, "403103010203");
945     }
946 }