1 #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
2 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
3 #include <unistd.h>
4 #include <fcntl.h>
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <stdlib.h>
7 #include <linux/fs.h>
8 #include <sys/mman.h>
9 #include <sys/stat.h>
10 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #ifndef FIBMAP
14 #endif
16 struct lookup {
17   unsigned int l,p; /* logical block, physical block */
18 };
rsort(struct lookup * tab,unsigned long blocksperchunk)20 void rsort(struct lookup* tab,unsigned long blocksperchunk) {
21   struct lookup* x[2];
22   unsigned long i,j,c[2];
23   x[0]=(struct lookup*)malloc(blocksperchunk*sizeof(*tab));
24   x[1]=(struct lookup*)malloc(blocksperchunk*sizeof(*tab));
25   if (!x[0] || !x[1]) return;
26   for (i=1; i; i<<=1) {
27     c[0]=c[1]=0;
28     for (j=0; j<blocksperchunk; ++j) {
29       unsigned int idx=!!(tab[j].p&i);
30       x[idx][c[idx]]=tab[j];
31       ++c[idx];
32     }
33     if (c[0] && c[1]) {
34       memcpy(tab,x[0],c[0]*sizeof(tab[0]));
35       memcpy(tab+c[0],x[1],c[1]*sizeof(tab[0]));
37 #if 0
38       printf("\n%16lx mask, %lu zeros, %lu ones.\n\n",i,c[0],c[1]);
39       for (j=0; j<blocksperchunk; ++j)
40 	printf("%16lx%s",tab[j].p,((j&15)==15)?"\n":" ");
41       printf("\n");
42 #endif
44     }
45 //    printf("%16lx - %lu zeros, %lu ones\n",i,c[0],c[1]);
46   }
47   free(x[0]);
48   free(x[1]);
49 #if 0
50   for (i=1; i<blocksperchunk; ++i) {
51     if (tab[i-1].p > tab[i].p) {
52       printf("not sorted: %lu : %lu vs %lu\n",i-1,tab[i-1].p,tab[i].p);
53       exit(1);
54     }
55   }
56 #endif
57 }
59 static int dryrun;
61 volatile int x;
touch(const char * block)63 void touch(const char* block) {
64   x=*block;
65 }
myabs(long a)67 static unsigned long myabs(long a) {
68   return (a<0)?-a:a;
69 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])71 int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
72   int fd=open(argv[1],O_RDONLY);
73   unsigned int block,i,blocks,chunk,chunks,cur,blocksleft,blocksdone,delta;
74   unsigned long long h1,h2;
75   struct stat s;
76   struct lookup *lt;
78   if (argc<2) {
79     fprintf(stderr,"usage: defrag filename > destination\n");
80     return 0;
81   }
82   if (fd<0) {
83     perror("open");
84     return 1;
85   }
86   if (fstat(fd,&s)) {
87     perror("fstat");
88     return 1;
89   }
90   blocks=s.st_size/s.st_blksize;
91   fprintf(stderr,"%u blocks, allocating look-up table\n",blocks);
92   lt=(struct lookup*)malloc(blocks*sizeof(struct lookup));
93   if (!lt) {
94     perror("malloc");
95     return 1;
96   }
97   h1=h2=0;
98   for (i=0; i<blocks; i++) {
99     block=i;
100     if (ioctl(fd,FIBMAP,&block)) {
101       perror("ioctl FIBMAP");
102       return 1;
103     }
104     if (!block) {
105       fprintf(stderr,"block is zero!\n");
106       return 1;
107     }
108     lt[i].l=i; lt[i].p=block;
109     if (i) h1+=myabs(lt[i].p-lt[i-1].p);
110   }
112   /* the next step is to sort the look-up table so that we read in
113    * ascending block order.  However, we don't handle the whole table at
114    * once, only 128M at a time. */
116   chunks=(s.st_size+128*1024*1024-1)/(128*1024*1024); cur=0;
117   fprintf(stderr,"populated look-up table, %u chunks\n",chunks);
118   dryrun=isatty(1);
119   blocksleft=blocks; blocksdone=0;
120   for (chunk=0; chunk<chunks; ++chunk) {
121     int blocksperchunk;
122     unsigned long chunksize=128*1024*1024;
123     char* map=0;
124     if (!dryrun)
125       fprintf(stderr,"chunk %u/%u [%luMB]: ",
126 	      chunk+1,chunks,chunksize/(1024*1024)); fflush(stderr);
127     if (chunksize>blocksleft*s.st_blksize) {
128       delta=blocksleft;
129       chunksize=s.st_size-blocksdone*s.st_blksize;
130     } else
131       delta=chunksize/s.st_blksize;
132     blocksleft-=delta;
133     if (!dryrun) {
134       map=mmap(0,chunksize,PROT_READ,MAP_SHARED,fd,blocksdone*s.st_blksize);
135       if (map==(char*)-1) {
136 	perror("mmap");
137 	return 1;
138       }
139       madvise(map,chunksize,MADV_RANDOM); /* tell the OS not to read ahead */
140     }
142     /* how many blocks are in this chunk? */
143     blocksperchunk=chunksize/s.st_blksize;
145     rsort(lt+cur,blocksperchunk);
146     for (i=0; i<blocksperchunk; ++i) {
147       if (!dryrun && !(i%100)) {
148 	int j;
149 	fprintf(stderr,"\rchunk %u/%u [%luMB]: reading block %u/%u...     ",
150 		chunk+1,chunks,chunksize/(1024*1024),i,blocksperchunk);
151 	for (j=0; j<i; ++j)
152 	  touch(map+((lt[cur+j].l-blocksdone)*s.st_blksize));
153       }
154       if (cur+i) h2+=myabs(lt[cur+i].p-lt[cur+i-1].p);
155       if (!dryrun)
156 	touch(map+((lt[cur+i].l-blocksdone)*s.st_blksize));
157     }
158     if (!dryrun) {
159       fprintf(stderr,"\rchunk %u/%u [%luMB]: read all %u blocks; writing...             ",
160 	      chunk+1,chunks,chunksize/(1024*1024),blocksperchunk);
161       write(1,map,chunksize);
162       fsync(1);
163       fprintf(stderr,"\n");
164       munmap(map,chunksize);
165     }
167     cur+=blocksperchunk;
168     blocksdone+=delta;
169   }
170   if (dryrun)
171     fprintf(stderr,"head movement can be reduced from %llu to %llu (%d percent savings)\n",
172 	    h1,h2,(int)(100-(h2*100/h1)));
173   else
174     fprintf(stderr,"reduced head movements from %llu to %llu (%d percent saved)\n",
175 	    h1,h2,(int)(100-(h2*100/h1)));
177   return 0;
178 }