2stage: none
3group: unassigned
4info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments
7# Code Review Guidelines
9This guide contains advice and best practices for performing code review, and
10having your code reviewed.
12All merge requests for GitLab CE and EE, whether written by a GitLab team member
13or a wider community member, must go through a code review process to ensure the
14code is effective, understandable, maintainable, and secure.
16## Getting your merge request reviewed, approved, and merged
18You are strongly encouraged to get your code **reviewed** by a
19[reviewer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/workflow/code-review/#reviewer) as soon as
20there is any code to review, to get a second opinion on the chosen solution and
21implementation, and an extra pair of eyes looking for bugs, logic problems, or
22uncovered edge cases.
24The default approach is to choose a reviewer from your group or team for the first review.
25This is only a recommendation and the reviewer may be from a different team.
26However, it is recommended to pick someone who is a [domain expert](#domain-experts).
27If your merge request touches more than one domain (for example, Dynamic Analysis and GraphQL), ask for reviews from an expert from each domain.
29You can read more about the importance of involving reviewer(s) in the section on the responsibility of the author below.
31If you need some guidance (for example, it's your first merge request), feel free to ask
32one of the [Merge request coaches](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/).
34If you need assistance with security scans or comments, feel free to include the
35Application Security Team (`@gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec`) in the review.
37Depending on the areas your merge request touches, it must be **approved** by one
38or more [maintainers](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/workflow/code-review/#maintainer).
40For approvals, we use the approval functionality found in the merge request
41widget. For reviewers, we use the [reviewer functionality](../user/project/merge_requests/getting_started.md#reviewer) in the sidebar.
42Reviewers can add their approval by [approving additionally](../user/project/merge_requests/approvals/index.md#approve-a-merge-request).
44Getting your merge request **merged** also requires a maintainer. If it requires
45more than one approval, the last maintainer to review and approve merges it.
47### Domain experts
49Domain experts are team members who have substantial experience with a specific technology,
50product feature, or area of the codebase. Team members are encouraged to self-identify as
51domain experts and add it to their [team profiles](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/-/blob/master/data/team_members/person/README.md).
53When self-identifying as a domain expert, it is recommended to assign the MR changing the `.yml` file to be merged by an already established Domain Expert or a corresponding Engineering Manager.
55We make the following assumption with regards to automatically being considered a domain expert:
57- Team members working in a specific stage/group (for example, create: source code) are considered domain experts for that area of the app they work on
58- Team members working on a specific feature (for example, search) are considered domain experts for that feature
60We default to assigning reviews to team members with domain expertise.
61When a suitable [domain expert](#domain-experts) isn't available, you can choose any team member to review the MR, or simply follow the [Reviewer roulette](#reviewer-roulette) recommendation.
63Team members' domain expertise can be viewed on the [engineering projects](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/) page or on the [GitLab team page](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/).
65### Reviewer roulette
67The [Danger bot](dangerbot.md) randomly picks a reviewer and a maintainer for
68each area of the codebase that your merge request seems to touch. It only makes
69**recommendations** and you should override it if you think someone else is a better
72It picks reviewers and maintainers from the list at the
73[engineering projects](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/)
74page, with these behaviors:
761. It doesn't pick people whose Slack or [GitLab status](../user/profile/index.md#set-your-current-status):
77    - contains the string 'OOO', 'PTO', 'Parental Leave', or 'Friends and Family'
78    - emoji is `:palm_tree:`, `:beach:`, `:beach_umbrella:`, `:beach_with_umbrella:`, `:ferris_wheel:`, `:thermometer:`, `:face_with_thermometer:`, `:red_circle:`, `:bulb:`, `:sun_with_face:`.
79    - GitLab user busy indicator is set to true
801. [Trainee maintainers](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/workflow/code-review/#trainee-maintainer)
81   are three times as likely to be picked as other reviewers.
821. Team members whose Slack or [GitLab status](../user/profile/index.md#set-your-current-status) emoji
83   is �� `:large_blue_circle:` are more likely to be picked. This applies to both reviewers and trainee maintainers.
84   - Reviewers with `:large_blue_circle:` are two times as likely to be picked as other reviewers.
85   - Trainee maintainers with `:large_blue_circle:` are four times as likely to be picked as other reviewers.
861. People whose [GitLab status](../user/profile/index.md#set-your-current-status) emoji
87   is �� `:large_orange_diamond:` are half as likely to be picked. This applies to both reviewers and trainee maintainers.
881. It always picks the same reviewers and maintainers for the same
89   branch name (unless their OOO status changes, as in point 1). It
90   removes leading `ce-` and `ee-`, and trailing `-ce` and `-ee`, so
91   that it can be stable for backport branches.
93### Approval guidelines
95As described in the section on the responsibility of the maintainer below, you
96are recommended to get your merge request approved and merged by maintainer(s)
97with [domain expertise](#domain-experts).
991. If your merge request includes backend changes (*1*), it must be
100   **approved by a [backend maintainer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#gitlab_maintainers_backend)**.
1011. If your merge request includes database migrations or changes to expensive queries (*2*), it must be
102   **approved by a [database maintainer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#gitlab_maintainers_database)**.
103   Read the [database review guidelines](database_review.md) for more details.
1041. If your merge request includes frontend changes (*1*), it must be
105   **approved by a [frontend maintainer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#gitlab_maintainers_frontend)**.
1061. If your merge request includes user-facing changes (*3*), it must be
107   **approved by a [Product Designer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#gitlab_reviewers_UX)**,
108   based on assignments in the appropriate [DevOps stage group](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/categories/#devops-stages).
109   See the [design and user interface guidelines](contributing/design.md) for details.
1101. If your merge request includes adding a new JavaScript library (*1*)...
111   - If the library significantly increases the
112     [bundle size](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/frontend/playground/webpack-memory-metrics/-/blob/master/doc/report.md), it must
113     be **approved by a [frontend foundations member](https://about.gitlab.com/direction/ecosystem/foundations/)**.
114   - If the license used by the new library hasn't been approved for use in
115     GitLab, the license must be **approved by a [legal department member](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/legal/)**.
116     More information about license compatibility can be found in our
117     [GitLab Licensing and Compatibility documentation](licensing.md).
1181. If your merge request includes a new dependency or a file system change, it must be
119   **approved by a [Distribution team member](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/)**. See how to work with the [Distribution team](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/enablement/distribution/#how-to-work-with-distribution) for more details.
1201. If your merge request includes documentation changes, it must be **approved
121   by a [Technical writer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments)**,
122   based on assignments in the appropriate [DevOps stage group](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/categories/#devops-stages).
1231. If your merge request includes changes to development guidelines, follow the [review process](index.md#development-guidelines-review) and get the approvals accordingly.
1241. If your merge request includes end-to-end **and** non-end-to-end changes (*4*), it must be **approved
125   by a [Software Engineer in Test](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#individual-contributors)**.
1261. If your merge request only includes end-to-end changes (*4*) **or** if the MR author is a [Software Engineer in Test](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#individual-contributors), it must be **approved by a [Quality maintainer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#gitlab_maintainers_qa)**
1271. If your merge request includes a new or updated [application limit](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-processes/#introducing-application-limits), it must be **approved by a [product manager](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/)**.
1281. If your merge request includes Product Intelligence (telemetry or analytics) changes, it should be reviewed and approved by a [Product Intelligence engineer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/growth/product-intelligence/engineers).
1291. If your merge request includes an addition of, or changes to a [Feature spec](testing_guide/testing_levels.md#frontend-feature-tests), it must be **approved by a [Quality maintainer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#gitlab_maintainers_qa) or [Quality reviewer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#gitlab_reviewers_qa)**.
1301. If your merge request introduces a new service to GitLab (Puma, Sidekiq, Gitaly are examples), it must be **approved by a [product manager](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/)**. See the [process for adding a service component to GitLab](adding_service_component.md) for details.
132- (*1*): Specs other than JavaScript specs are considered backend code.
133- (*2*): We encourage you to seek guidance from a database maintainer if your merge
134  request is potentially introducing expensive queries. It is most efficient to comment
135  on the line of code in question with the SQL queries so they can give their advice.
136- (*3*): User-facing changes include both visual changes (regardless of how minor),
137  and changes to the rendered DOM which impact how a screen reader may announce
138  the content.
139- (*4*): End-to-end changes include all files within the `qa` directory.
141#### Acceptance checklist
143This checklist encourages the authors, reviewers, and maintainers of merge requests (MRs) to confirm changes were analyzed for high-impact risks to quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
145Using checklists improves quality in software engineering. This checklist is a straightforward tool to support and bolster the skills of contributors to the GitLab codebase.
147##### Quality
149See the [test engineering process](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/test-engineering/) for further quality guidelines.
1511. I have self-reviewed this MR per [code review guidelines](code_review.md).
1521. For the code that this change impacts, I believe that the automated tests ([Testing Guide](testing_guide/index.md)) validate functionality that is highly important to users (including consideration of [all test levels](testing_guide/testing_levels.md)).
1531. If the existing automated tests do not cover the above functionality, I have added the necessary additional tests or added an issue to describe the automation testing gap and linked it to this MR.
1541. I have considered the technical aspects of this change's impact on GitLab.com hosted customers and self-managed customers.
1551. I have considered the impact of this change on the frontend, backend, and database portions of the system where appropriate and applied the `~ux`, `~frontend`, `~backend`, and `~database` labels accordingly.
1561. I have tested this MR in [all supported browsers](../install/requirements.md#supported-web-browsers), or determined that this testing is not needed.
1571. I have confirmed that this change is [backwards compatible across updates](multi_version_compatibility.md), or I have decided that this does not apply.
1581. I have properly separated EE content from FOSS, or this MR is FOSS only.
159    - [Where should EE code go?](ee_features.md#separation-of-ee-code)
1601. I have considered that existing data may be surprisingly varied. For example, a new model validation can break existing records. Consider making validation on existing data optional rather than required if you haven't confirmed that existing data will pass validation.
162##### Performance, reliability, and availability
1641. I am confident that this MR does not harm performance, or I have asked a reviewer to help assess the performance impact. ([Merge request performance guidelines](merge_request_performance_guidelines.md))
1651. I have added [information for database reviewers in the MR description](database_review.md#required), or I have decided that it is unnecessary.
166    - [Does this MR have database-related changes?](database_review.md)
1671. I have considered the availability and reliability risks of this change.
1681. I have considered the scalability risk based on future predicted growth.
1691. I have considered the performance, reliability, and availability impacts of this change on large customers who may have significantly more data than the average customer.
171##### Documentation
1731. I have included changelog trailers, or I have decided that they are not needed.
174    - [Does this MR need a changelog?](changelog.md#what-warrants-a-changelog-entry)
1751. I have added/updated documentation or decided that documentation changes are unnecessary for this MR.
176    - [Is documentation required?](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/workflow/#when-documentation-is-required)
178##### Security
1801. I have confirmed that if this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization, and authentication methods, or other items described in [the security review guidelines](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/security/#when-to-request-a-security-review), I have added the `~security` label and I have `@`-mentioned `@gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec`.
1811. I have reviewed the documentation regarding [internal application security reviews](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/security/#internal-application-security-reviews) for **when** and **how** to request a security review and requested a security review if this is warranted for this change.
183##### Deployment
1851. I have considered using a feature flag for this change because the change may be high risk.
1861. If I am using a feature flag, I plan to test the change in staging before I test it in production, and I have considered rolling it out to a subset of production customers before rolling it out to all customers.
187    - [When to use a feature flag](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product-development-flow/feature-flag-lifecycle/#when-to-use-feature-flags)
1881. I have informed the Infrastructure department of a default setting or new setting change per [definition of done](contributing/merge_request_workflow.md#definition-of-done), or decided that this is unnecessary.
190### The responsibility of the merge request author
192The responsibility to find the best solution and implement it lies with the
193merge request author. The author or [directly responsible individual](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/people-group/directly-responsible-individuals/)
194(DRI) stays assigned to the merge request as the assignee throughout
195the code review lifecycle. If you are unable to set yourself as an assignee, ask a [reviewer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/workflow/code-review/#reviewer) to do this for you.
197Before requesting a review from a maintainer to approve and merge, they
198should be confident that:
200- It actually solves the problem it was meant to solve.
201- It does so in the most appropriate way.
202- It satisfies all requirements.
203- There are no remaining bugs, logical problems, uncovered edge cases,
204  or known vulnerabilities.
206The best way to do this, and to avoid unnecessary back-and-forth with reviewers,
207is to perform a self-review of your own merge request, following the
208[Code Review](#reviewing-a-merge-request) guidelines.
210To reach the required level of confidence in their solution, an author is expected
211to involve other people in the investigation and implementation processes as
214They are encouraged to reach out to [domain experts](#domain-experts) to discuss different solutions
215or get an implementation reviewed, to product managers and UX designers to clear
216up confusion or verify that the end result matches what they had in mind, to
217database specialists to get input on the data model or specific queries, or to
218any other developer to get an in-depth review of the solution.
220If an author is unsure if a merge request needs a [domain expert's](#domain-experts) opinion,
221then that indicates it does. Without it, it's unlikely they have the required level of confidence in their
224Before the review, the author is requested to submit comments on the merge
225request diff alerting the reviewer to anything important as well as for anything
226that demands further explanation or attention. Examples of content that may
227warrant a comment could be:
229- The addition of a linting rule (Rubocop, JS etc).
230- The addition of a library (Ruby gem, JS lib etc).
231- Where not obvious, a link to the parent class or method.
232- Any benchmarking performed to complement the change.
233- Potentially insecure code.
237- Adding TODO comments (referenced above) directly to the source code unless the reviewer requires
238  you to do so. If TODO comments are added due to an actionable task,
239  [include a link to the relevant issue](code_comments.md).
240- Adding comments which only explain what the code is doing. If non-TODO comments are added, they should
241  [_explain why, not what_](https://blog.codinghorror.com/code-tells-you-how-comments-tell-you-why/).
242- Requesting maintainer reviews of merge requests with failed tests. If the tests are failing and you have to request a review, ensure you leave a comment with an explanation.
243- Excessively mentioning maintainers through email or Slack (if the maintainer is reachable
244through Slack). If you can't add a reviewer for a merge request, `@` mentioning a maintainer in a comment is acceptable and in all other cases adding a reviewer is sufficient.
246This saves reviewers time and helps authors catch mistakes earlier.
248### The responsibility of the reviewer
250[Review the merge request](#reviewing-a-merge-request) thoroughly. When you are confident
251that it meets all requirements, you should:
253- Click the Approve button.
254- `@` mention the author to generate a to-do notification, and advise them that their merge request has been reviewed and approved.
255- Request a review from a maintainer. Default to requests for a maintainer with [domain expertise](#domain-experts),
256however, if one isn't available or you think the merge request doesn't need a review by a [domain expert](#domain-experts), feel free to follow the [Reviewer roulette](#reviewer-roulette) suggestion.
257- Remove yourself as a reviewer.
259### The responsibility of the maintainer
261Maintainers are responsible for the overall health, quality, and consistency of
262the GitLab codebase, across domains and product areas.
264Consequently, their reviews focus primarily on things like overall
265architecture, code organization, separation of concerns, tests, DRYness,
266consistency, and readability.
268Because a maintainer's job only depends on their knowledge of the overall GitLab
269codebase, and not that of any specific domain, they can review, approve, and merge
270merge requests from any team and in any product area.
272Maintainers do their best to also review the specifics of the chosen solution
273before merging, but as they are not necessarily [domain experts](#domain-experts), they may be poorly
274placed to do so without an unreasonable investment of time. In those cases, they
275defer to the judgment of the author and earlier reviewers, in favor of focusing on their primary responsibilities.
277If a maintainer feels that an MR is substantial enough that it warrants a review from a [domain expert](#domain-experts),
278and it is unclear whether a domain expert have been involved in the reviews to date,
279they may request a [domain expert's](#domain-experts) review before merging the MR.
281If a developer who happens to also be a maintainer was involved in a merge request
282as a reviewer, it is recommended that they are not also picked as the maintainer to ultimately approve and merge it.
284Maintainers should check before merging if the merge request is approved by the
285required approvers. If still awaiting further approvals from others, remove yourself as a reviewer then `@` mention the author and explain why in a comment. Stay as reviewer if you're merging the code.
287Maintainers must check before merging if the merge request is introducing new
288vulnerabilities, by inspecting the list in the Merge Request
289[Security Widget](../user/application_security/index.md).
290When in doubt, a [Security Engineer](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/) can be involved. The list of detected
291vulnerabilities must be either empty or containing:
293- dismissed vulnerabilities in case of false positives
294- vulnerabilities converted to issues
296Maintainers should **never** dismiss vulnerabilities to "empty" the list,
297without duly verifying them.
299Note that certain Merge Requests may target a stable branch. These are rare
300events. These types of Merge Requests cannot be merged by the Maintainer.
301Instead, these should be sent to the [Release Manager](https://about.gitlab.com/community/release-managers/).
303After merging, a maintainer should stay as the reviewer listed on the merge request.
305### Dogfooding the Reviewers feature
307On March 18th 2021, an updated process was put in place aimed at efficiently and consistently dogfooding the Reviewers feature.
309Here is a summary of the changes, also reflected in this section above.
311- Merge request authors and DRIs stay as Assignees
312- Authors request a review from Reviewers when they are expected to review
313- Reviewers remove themselves after they're done reviewing/approving
314- The last approver stays as Reviewer upon merging
316## Best practices
318### Everyone
320- Be kind.
321- Accept that many programming decisions are opinions. Discuss tradeoffs, which
322  you prefer, and reach a resolution quickly.
323- Ask questions; don't make demands. ("What do you think about naming this
324  `:user_id`?")
325- Ask for clarification. ("I didn't understand. Can you clarify?")
326- Avoid selective ownership of code. ("mine", "not mine", "yours")
327- Avoid using terms that could be seen as referring to personal traits. ("dumb",
328  "stupid"). Assume everyone is intelligent and well-meaning.
329- Be explicit. Remember people don't always understand your intentions online.
330- Be humble. ("I'm not sure - let's look it up.")
331- Don't use hyperbole. ("always", "never", "endlessly", "nothing")
332- Be careful about the use of sarcasm. Everything we do is public; what seems
333  like good-natured ribbing to you and a long-time colleague might come off as
334  mean and unwelcoming to a person new to the project.
335- Consider one-on-one chats or video calls if there are too many "I didn't
336  understand" or "Alternative solution:" comments. Post a follow-up comment
337  summarizing one-on-one discussion.
338- If you ask a question to a specific person, always start the comment by
339  mentioning them; this ensures they see it if their notification level is
340  set to "mentioned" and other people understand they don't have to respond.
342### Having your merge request reviewed
344Please keep in mind that code review is a process that can take multiple
345iterations, and reviewers may spot things later that they may not have seen the
346first time.
348- The first reviewer of your code is _you_. Before you perform that first push
349  of your shiny new branch, read through the entire diff. Does it make sense?
350  Did you include something unrelated to the overall purpose of the changes? Did
351  you forget to remove any debugging code?
352- Write a detailed description as outlined in the [merge request guidelines](contributing/merge_request_workflow.md#merge-request-guidelines).
353  Some reviewers may not be familiar with the product feature or area of the
354  codebase. Thorough descriptions help all reviewers understand your request
355  and test effectively.
356- If you know your change depends on another being merged first, note it in the
357  description and set a [merge request dependency](../user/project/merge_requests/merge_request_dependencies.md).
358- Be grateful for the reviewer's suggestions. ("Good call. I'll make that change.")
359- Don't take it personally. The review is of the code, not of you.
360- Explain why the code exists. ("It's like that because of these reasons. Would
361  it be more clear if I rename this class/file/method/variable?")
362- Extract unrelated changes and refactorings into future merge requests/issues.
363- Seek to understand the reviewer's perspective.
364- Try to respond to every comment.
365- The merge request author resolves only the threads they have fully
366  addressed. If there's an open reply, an open thread, a suggestion,
367  a question, or anything else, the thread should be left to be resolved
368  by the reviewer.
369- It should not be assumed that all feedback requires their recommended changes
370  to be incorporated into the MR before it is merged. It is a judgment call by
371  the MR author and the reviewer as to if this is required, or if a follow-up
372  issue should be created to address the feedback in the future after the MR in
373  question is merged.
374- Push commits based on earlier rounds of feedback as isolated commits to the
375  branch. Do not squash until the branch is ready to merge. Reviewers should be
376  able to read individual updates based on their earlier feedback.
377- Request a new review from the reviewer once you are ready for another round of
378  review. If you do not have the ability to request a review, `@`
379  mention the reviewer instead.
381### Requesting a review
383When you are ready to have your merge request reviewed,
384you should [request an initial review](../user/project/merge_requests/getting_started.md#reviewer) by selecting a reviewer from your group or team.
385However, you can also assign it to any reviewer. The list of reviewers can be found on [Engineering projects](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/) page.
387You can also use `workflow::ready for review` label. That means that your merge request is ready to be reviewed and any reviewer can pick it. It is recommended to use that label only if there isn't time pressure and make sure the merge request is assigned to a reviewer.
389When your merge request receives an approval from the first reviewer it can be passed to a maintainer. You should default to choosing a maintainer with [domain expertise](#domain-experts), and otherwise follow the Reviewer Roulette recommendation or use the label `ready for merge`.
391Sometimes, a maintainer may not be available for review. They could be out of the office or [at capacity](#review-response-slo).
392You can and should check the maintainer's availability in their profile. If the maintainer recommended by
393the roulette is not available, choose someone else from that list.
395It is the responsibility of the author for the merge request to be reviewed. If it stays in the `ready for review` state too long it is recommended to request a review from a specific reviewer.
397#### List of merge requests ready for review
399Developers who have capacity can regularly check the list of [merge requests to review](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/merge_requests?state=opened&label_name%5B%5D=workflow%3A%3Aready%20for%20review) and add themselves as a reviewer for any merge request they want to review.
401### Reviewing a merge request
403Understand why the change is necessary (fixes a bug, improves the user
404experience, refactors the existing code). Then:
406- Try to be thorough in your reviews to reduce the number of iterations.
407- Communicate which ideas you feel strongly about and those you don't.
408- Identify ways to simplify the code while still solving the problem.
409- Offer alternative implementations, but assume the author already considered
410  them. ("What do you think about using a custom validator here?")
411- Seek to understand the author's perspective.
412- If you don't understand a piece of code, _say so_. There's a good chance
413  someone else would be confused by it as well.
414- Ensure the author is clear on what is required from them to address/resolve the suggestion.
415  - Consider using the [Conventional Comment format](https://conventionalcomments.org#format) to
416    convey your intent.
417  - For non-mandatory suggestions, decorate with (non-blocking) so the author knows they can
418    optionally resolve within the merge request or follow-up at a later stage.
419  - There's a [Chrome/Firefox add-on](https://gitlab.com/conventionalcomments/conventional-comments-button) which you can use to apply [Conventional Comment](https://conventionalcomments.org/) prefixes.
420- Ensure there are no open dependencies. Check [linked issues](../user/project/issues/related_issues.md) for blockers. Clarify with the author(s)
421if necessary. If blocked by one or more open MRs, set an [MR dependency](../user/project/merge_requests/merge_request_dependencies.md).
422- After a round of line notes, it can be helpful to post a summary note such as
423  "Looks good to me", or "Just a couple things to address."
424- Let the author know if changes are required following your review.
427**If the merge request is from a fork, also check the [additional guidelines for community contributions](#community-contributions).**
429### Merging a merge request
431Before taking the decision to merge:
433- Set the milestone.
434- Consider warnings and errors from danger bot, code quality, and other reports.
435  Unless a strong case can be made for the violation, these should be resolved
436  before merging. A comment must be posted if the MR is merged with any failed job.
437- If the MR contains both Quality and non-Quality-related changes, the MR should be merged by the relevant maintainer for user-facing changes (backend, frontend, or database) after the Quality related changes are approved by a Software Engineer in Test.
439If a merge request is fundamentally ready, but needs only trivial fixes (such as
440typos), consider demonstrating a [bias for
441action](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/values/#bias-for-action) by making
442those changes directly without going back to the author. You can do this by
443using the [suggest changes](../user/project/merge_requests/reviews/suggestions.md) feature to apply
444your own suggestions to the merge request. Note that:
446- If the changes are not straightforward, please prefer allowing the author to make the change.
447- **Before applying suggestions**, edit the merge request to make sure
448  [squash and
449  merge](../user/project/merge_requests/squash_and_merge.md#squash-and-merge)
450  is enabled, otherwise, the pipeline's Danger job fails.
451  - If a merge request does not have squash and merge enabled, and it
452    has more than one commit, then see the note below about rewriting
453    commit history.
455As a maintainer, if a merge request that you authored has received all required approvals, it is acceptable to show a [bias for action](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/values/#bias-for-action) and merge your own MR, if:
457- The last maintainer to review intended to start the merge and did not, OR
458- The last maintainer to review started the merge, but some trivial chore caused the pipeline to break. For example, the MR might need a rebase first because of unrelated pipeline issues, or some files might need to be regenerated (like `gitlab.pot`).
459  - "Trivial" is a subjective measure but we expect project maintainers to exercise their judgement carefully and cautiously.
461When ready to merge:
464**If the merge request is from a fork, also check the [additional guidelines for community contributions](#community-contributions).**
466- Consider using the [Squash and
467  merge](../user/project/merge_requests/squash_and_merge.md#squash-and-merge)
468  feature when the merge request has a lot of commits.
469  When merging code, a maintainer should only use the squash feature if the
470  author has already set this option, or if the merge request clearly contains a
471  messy commit history, it will be more efficient to squash commits instead of
472  circling back with the author about that. Otherwise, if the MR only has a few commits, we'll
473  be respecting the author's setting by not squashing them.
474- Start a new merge request pipeline with the `Run pipeline` button in the merge
475  request's "Pipelines" tab, and enable "Merge When Pipeline Succeeds" (MWPS).
476  Note that:
477  - If **[the default branch is broken](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/workflow/#broken-master),
478    do not merge the merge request** except for
479    [very specific cases](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/workflow/#criteria-for-merging-during-broken-master).
480    For other cases, follow these [handbook instructions](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/workflow/#merging-during-broken-master).
481  - If the latest pipeline was created before the merge request was approved, start a new pipeline to ensure that full RSpec suite has been run. You may skip this step only if the merge request does not contain any backend change.
482  - If the **latest [Pipeline for Merged Results](../ci/pipelines/pipelines_for_merged_results.md)** finished less than 2 hours ago, you
483    may merge without starting a new pipeline as the merge request is close
484    enough to `main`.
485- When you set the MR to "Merge When Pipeline Succeeds", you should take over
486  subsequent revisions for anything that would be spotted after that.
487- For merge requests that have had [Squash and
488  merge](../user/project/merge_requests/squash_and_merge.md#squash-and-merge) set,
489  the squashed commit's default commit message is taken from the merge request title.
490  You're encouraged to [select a commit with a more informative commit message](../user/project/merge_requests/squash_and_merge.md) before merging.
492Thanks to **Pipeline for Merged Results**, authors no longer have to rebase their
493branch as frequently anymore (only when there are conflicts) because the Merge
494Results Pipeline already incorporate the latest changes from `main`.
495This results in faster review/merge cycles because maintainers don't have to ask
496for a final rebase: instead, they only have to start a MR pipeline and set MWPS.
497This step brings us very close to the actual Merge Trains feature by testing the
498Merge Results against the latest `main` at the time of the pipeline creation.
500### Community contributions
503**Review all changes thoroughly for malicious code before starting a
504[Pipeline for Merged Results](../ci/pipelines/merge_request_pipelines.md#run-pipelines-in-the-parent-project-for-merge-requests-from-a-forked-project).**
506When reviewing merge requests added by wider community contributors:
508- Pay particular attention to new dependencies and dependency updates, such as Ruby gems and Node packages.
509  While changes to files like `Gemfile.lock` or `yarn.lock` might appear trivial, they could lead to the
510  fetching of malicious packages.
511- Review links and images, especially in documentation MRs.
512- When in doubt, ask someone from `@gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec` to review the merge request **before manually starting any merge request pipeline**.
514If the MR source branch is more than 1,000 commits behind the target branch:
516- Ask the author to rebase it, or consider taking a bias-for-action and rebasing it yourself
517  if the MR has "Allows commits from members who can merge to the target branch" enabled.
518- Reviewing MRs in the context of recent changes can help prevent hidden runtime conflicts and
519  promote consistency. Depending on the nature of the change, you might also want to rebase if the
520  MR is less than 1,000 commits behind.
521- A forced push could throw off the contributor, so it's a good idea to communicate that you've performed a rebase,
522  or check with the contributor first when they're actively working on the MR.
523- The rebase can usually be done inside GitLab with the `/rebase` [quick action](../user/project/quick_actions.md).
525When an MR needs further changes but the author is not responding for a long period of time,
526or unable to finish the MR, we can take it over in accordance with our
527[Closing policy for issues and merge requests](contributing/#closing-policy-for-issues-and-merge-requests):
5291. Add a comment to their MR saying you'll take it over to be able to get it merged.
5301. Add the label `~"coach will finish"` to their MR.
5311. Create a new feature branch from the main branch.
5321. Merge their branch into your new feature branch.
5331. Open a new merge request to merge your feature branch into the main branch.
5341. Link the community MR from your MR and label it as `~"Community contribution"`.
5351. Make any necessary final adjustments and ping the contributor to give them the chance to review your changes, and to make them aware that their content is being merged into the main branch.
5361. Make sure the content complies with all the merge request guidelines.
5371. Follow the regular review process as we do for any merge request.
539### The right balance
541One of the most difficult things during code review is finding the right
542balance in how deep the reviewer can interfere with the code created by a
545- Learning how to find the right balance takes time; that is why we have
546  reviewers that become maintainers after some time spent on reviewing merge
547  requests.
548- Finding bugs is important, but thinking about good design is important as
549  well. Building abstractions and good design is what makes it possible to hide
550  complexity and makes future changes easier.
551- Enforcing and improving [code style](contributing/style_guides.md) should be primarily done through
552  [automation](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/values/#cleanup-over-sign-off)
553  instead of review comments.
554- Asking the author to change the design sometimes means the complete rewrite
555  of the contributed code. It's usually a good idea to ask another maintainer or
556  reviewer before doing it, but have the courage to do it when you believe it is
557  important.
558- In the interest of [Iteration](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/values/#iteration),
559  if your review suggestions are non-blocking changes, or personal preference
560  (not a documented or agreed requirement), consider approving the merge request
561  before passing it back to the author. This allows them to implement your suggestions
562  if they agree, or allows them to pass it onto the
563  maintainer for review straight away. This can help reduce our overall time-to-merge.
564- There is a difference in doing things right and doing things right now.
565  Ideally, we should do the former, but in the real world we need the latter as
566  well. A good example is a security fix which should be released as soon as
567  possible. Asking the author to do the major refactoring in the merge
568  request that is an urgent fix should be avoided.
569- Doing things well today is usually better than doing something perfectly
570  tomorrow. Shipping a kludge today is usually worse than doing something well
571  tomorrow. When you are not able to find the right balance, ask other people
572  about their opinion.
574### GitLab-specific concerns
576GitLab is used in a lot of places. Many users use
577our [Omnibus packages](https://about.gitlab.com/install/), but some use
578the [Docker images](../install/docker.md), some are
579[installed from source](../install/installation.md),
580and there are other installation methods available. GitLab.com itself is a large
581Enterprise Edition instance. This has some implications:
5831. **Query changes** should be tested to ensure that they don't result in worse
584   performance at the scale of GitLab.com:
585   1. Generating large quantities of data locally can help.
586   1. Asking for query plans from GitLab.com is the most reliable way to validate
587      these.
5881. **Database migrations** must be:
589   1. Reversible.
590   1. Performant at the scale of GitLab.com - ask a maintainer to test the
591      migration on the staging environment if you aren't sure.
592   1. Categorized correctly:
593      - Regular migrations run before the new code is running on the instance.
594      - [Post-deployment migrations](post_deployment_migrations.md) run _after_
595        the new code is deployed, when the instance is configured to do that.
596      - [Background migrations](background_migrations.md) run in Sidekiq, and
597        should only be done for migrations that would take an extreme amount of
598        time at GitLab.com scale.
5991. **Sidekiq workers** [cannot change in a backwards-incompatible way](sidekiq_style_guide.md#sidekiq-compatibility-across-updates):
600   1. Sidekiq queues are not drained before a deploy happens, so there are
601      workers in the queue from the previous version of GitLab.
602   1. If you need to change a method signature, try to do so across two releases,
603      and accept both the old and new arguments in the first of those.
604   1. Similarly, if you need to remove a worker, stop it from being scheduled in
605      one release, then remove it in the next. This allows existing jobs to
606      execute.
607   1. Don't forget, not every instance is upgraded to every intermediate version
608      (some people may go from X.1.0 to X.10.0, or even try bigger upgrades!), so
609      try to be liberal in accepting the old format if it is cheap to do so.
6101. **Cached values** may persist across releases. If you are changing the type a
611   cached value returns (say, from a string or nil to an array), change the
612   cache key at the same time.
6131. **Settings** should be added as a
614   [last resort](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/#convention-over-configuration).
615   If you're adding a new setting in `gitlab.yml`:
616   1. Try to avoid that, and add to `ApplicationSetting` instead.
617   1. Ensure that it is also
618      [added to Omnibus](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/gitlab.yml#adding-a-new-setting-to-gitlabyml).
6191. **File system access** is not possible in a [cloud-native architecture](architecture.md#adapting-existing-and-introducing-new-components).
620   Ensure that we support object storage for any file storage we need to perform. For more
621   information, see the [uploads documentation](uploads.md).
623### Review turnaround time
625Because [unblocking others is always a top priority](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/values/#global-optimization),
626reviewers are expected to review merge requests in a timely manner,
627even when this may negatively impact their other tasks and priorities.
629Doing so allows everyone involved in the merge request to iterate faster as the
630context is fresh in memory, and improves contributors' experience significantly.
632#### Review-response SLO
634To ensure swift feedback to ready-to-review code, we maintain a `Review-response` Service-level Objective (SLO). The SLO is defined as:
636> Review-response SLO = (time when first review is provided) - (time MR is assigned to reviewer) < 2 business days
638If you don't think you can review a merge request in the `Review-response` SLO
639time frame, let the author know as soon as possible in the comments
640(no later than 36 hours after first receiving the review request)
641and try to help them find another reviewer or maintainer who is able to, so that they can be unblocked
642and get on with their work quickly. Remove yourself as a reviewer.
644If you think you are at capacity and are unable to accept any more reviews until
645some have been completed, communicate this through your GitLab status by setting
646the �� `:red_circle:` emoji and mentioning that you are at capacity in the status
647text. This guides contributors to pick a different reviewer, helping us to
648meet the SLO.
650Of course, if you are out of office and have
652this through your GitLab.com Status, authors are expected to realize this and
653find a different reviewer themselves.
655When a merge request author has been blocked for longer than
656the `Review-response` SLO, they are free to remind the reviewer through Slack or add
657another reviewer.
659### Customer critical merge requests
661A merge request may benefit from being considered a customer critical priority because there is a significant benefit to the business in doing so.
663Properties of customer critical merge requests:
665- The [VP of Development](https://about.gitlab.com/job-families/engineering/development/management/vp/) ([@clefelhocz1](https://gitlab.com/clefelhocz1)) is the DRI for deciding if a merge request qualifies as customer critical.
666- The DRI applies the `customer-critical-merge-request` label to the merge request.
667- It is required that the reviewer(s) and maintainer(s) involved with a customer critical merge request are engaged as soon as this decision is made.
668- It is required to prioritize work for those involved on a customer critical merge request so that they have the time available necessary to focus on it.
669- It is required to adhere to GitLab [values](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/values/) and processes when working on customer critical merge requests, taking particular note of family and friends first/work second, definition of done, iteration, and release when it's ready.
670- Customer critical merge requests are required to not reduce security, introduce data-loss risk, reduce availability, nor break existing functionality per the process for [prioritizing technical decisions](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/#prioritizing-technical-decisions.md).
671- On customer critical requests, it is _recommended_ that those involved _consider_ coordinating synchronously (Zoom, Slack) in addition to asynchronously (merge requests comments) if they believe this may reduce the elapsed time to merge even though this _may_ sacrifice [efficiency](https://about.gitlab.com/company/culture/all-remote/asynchronous/#evaluating-efficiency.md).
672- After a customer critical merge request is merged, a retrospective must be completed with the intention of reducing the frequency of future customer critical merge requests.
674## Examples
676How code reviews are conducted can surprise new contributors. Here are some examples of code reviews that should help to orient you as to what to expect.
678**["Modify `DiffNote` to reuse it for Designs"](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/13703):**
679It contained everything from nitpicks around newlines to reasoning
680about what versions for designs are, how we should compare them
681if there was no previous version of a certain file (parent vs.
682blank `sha` vs empty tree).
684**["Support multi-line suggestions"](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/25211)**:
685The MR itself consists of a collaboration between FE and BE,
686and documenting comments from the author for the reviewer.
687There's some nitpicks, some questions for information, and
688towards the end, a security vulnerability.
690**["Allow multiple repositories per project"](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/10251)**:
691ZJ referred to the other projects (workhorse) this might impact,
692suggested some improvements for consistency. And James' comments
693helped us with overall code quality (using delegation, `&.` those
694types of things), and making the code more robust.
696**["Support multiple assignees for merge requests"](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/10161)**:
697A good example of collaboration on an MR touching multiple parts of the codebase. Nick pointed out interesting edge cases, James Lopez also joined in raising concerns on import/export feature.
699### Credits
701Largely based on the [`thoughtbot` code review guide](https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/tree/master/code-review).