1// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
3package codecommit
5import (
6	"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol"
9const (
11	// ErrCodeActorDoesNotExistException for service response error code
12	// "ActorDoesNotExistException".
13	//
14	// The specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not exist in the AWS account.
15	ErrCodeActorDoesNotExistException = "ActorDoesNotExistException"
17	// ErrCodeApprovalRuleContentRequiredException for service response error code
18	// "ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException".
19	//
20	// The content for the approval rule is empty. You must provide some content
21	// for an approval rule. The content cannot be null.
22	ErrCodeApprovalRuleContentRequiredException = "ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException"
24	// ErrCodeApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException for service response error code
25	// "ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException".
26	//
27	// The specified approval rule does not exist.
28	ErrCodeApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException = "ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException"
30	// ErrCodeApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException for service response error code
31	// "ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException".
32	//
33	// An approval rule with that name already exists. Approval rule names must
34	// be unique within the scope of a pull request.
35	ErrCodeApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException = "ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException"
37	// ErrCodeApprovalRuleNameRequiredException for service response error code
38	// "ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException".
39	//
40	// An approval rule name is required, but was not specified.
41	ErrCodeApprovalRuleNameRequiredException = "ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException"
43	// ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException for service response error code
44	// "ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException".
45	//
46	// The content for the approval rule template is empty. You must provide some
47	// content for an approval rule template. The content cannot be null.
48	ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException = "ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException"
50	// ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException for service response error code
51	// "ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException".
52	//
53	// The specified approval rule template does not exist. Verify that the name
54	// is correct and that you are signed in to the AWS Region where the template
55	// was created, and then try again.
56	ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException = "ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException"
58	// ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException for service response error code
59	// "ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException".
60	//
61	// The approval rule template is associated with one or more repositories. You
62	// cannot delete a template that is associated with a repository. Remove all
63	// associations, and then try again.
64	ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException = "ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException"
66	// ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException for service response error code
67	// "ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException".
68	//
69	// You cannot create an approval rule template with that name because a template
70	// with that name already exists in this AWS Region for your AWS account. Approval
71	// rule template names must be unique.
72	ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException = "ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException"
74	// ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException for service response error code
75	// "ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException".
76	//
77	// An approval rule template name is required, but was not specified.
78	ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException = "ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException"
80	// ErrCodeApprovalStateRequiredException for service response error code
81	// "ApprovalStateRequiredException".
82	//
83	// An approval state is required, but was not specified.
84	ErrCodeApprovalStateRequiredException = "ApprovalStateRequiredException"
86	// ErrCodeAuthorDoesNotExistException for service response error code
87	// "AuthorDoesNotExistException".
88	//
89	// The specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not exist in the AWS account.
90	ErrCodeAuthorDoesNotExistException = "AuthorDoesNotExistException"
92	// ErrCodeBeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException for service response error code
93	// "BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException".
94	//
95	// The before commit ID and the after commit ID are the same, which is not valid.
96	// The before commit ID and the after commit ID must be different commit IDs.
97	ErrCodeBeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException = "BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException"
99	// ErrCodeBlobIdDoesNotExistException for service response error code
100	// "BlobIdDoesNotExistException".
101	//
102	// The specified blob does not exist.
103	ErrCodeBlobIdDoesNotExistException = "BlobIdDoesNotExistException"
105	// ErrCodeBlobIdRequiredException for service response error code
106	// "BlobIdRequiredException".
107	//
108	// A blob ID is required, but was not specified.
109	ErrCodeBlobIdRequiredException = "BlobIdRequiredException"
111	// ErrCodeBranchDoesNotExistException for service response error code
112	// "BranchDoesNotExistException".
113	//
114	// The specified branch does not exist.
115	ErrCodeBranchDoesNotExistException = "BranchDoesNotExistException"
117	// ErrCodeBranchNameExistsException for service response error code
118	// "BranchNameExistsException".
119	//
120	// Cannot create the branch with the specified name because the commit conflicts
121	// with an existing branch with the same name. Branch names must be unique.
122	ErrCodeBranchNameExistsException = "BranchNameExistsException"
124	// ErrCodeBranchNameIsTagNameException for service response error code
125	// "BranchNameIsTagNameException".
126	//
127	// The specified branch name is not valid because it is a tag name. Enter the
128	// name of a branch in the repository. For a list of valid branch names, use
129	// ListBranches.
130	ErrCodeBranchNameIsTagNameException = "BranchNameIsTagNameException"
132	// ErrCodeBranchNameRequiredException for service response error code
133	// "BranchNameRequiredException".
134	//
135	// A branch name is required, but was not specified.
136	ErrCodeBranchNameRequiredException = "BranchNameRequiredException"
138	// ErrCodeCannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException for service response error code
139	// "CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException".
140	//
141	// The approval rule cannot be deleted from the pull request because it was
142	// created by an approval rule template and applied to the pull request automatically.
143	ErrCodeCannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException = "CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException"
145	// ErrCodeCannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException for service response error code
146	// "CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException".
147	//
148	// The approval rule cannot be modified for the pull request because it was
149	// created by an approval rule template and applied to the pull request automatically.
150	ErrCodeCannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException = "CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException"
152	// ErrCodeClientRequestTokenRequiredException for service response error code
153	// "ClientRequestTokenRequiredException".
154	//
155	// A client request token is required. A client request token is an unique,
156	// client-generated idempotency token that, when provided in a request, ensures
157	// the request cannot be repeated with a changed parameter. If a request is
158	// received with the same parameters and a token is included, the request returns
159	// information about the initial request that used that token.
160	ErrCodeClientRequestTokenRequiredException = "ClientRequestTokenRequiredException"
162	// ErrCodeCommentContentRequiredException for service response error code
163	// "CommentContentRequiredException".
164	//
165	// The comment is empty. You must provide some content for a comment. The content
166	// cannot be null.
167	ErrCodeCommentContentRequiredException = "CommentContentRequiredException"
169	// ErrCodeCommentContentSizeLimitExceededException for service response error code
170	// "CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException".
171	//
172	// The comment is too large. Comments are limited to 1,000 characters.
173	ErrCodeCommentContentSizeLimitExceededException = "CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException"
175	// ErrCodeCommentDeletedException for service response error code
176	// "CommentDeletedException".
177	//
178	// This comment has already been deleted. You cannot edit or delete a deleted
179	// comment.
180	ErrCodeCommentDeletedException = "CommentDeletedException"
182	// ErrCodeCommentDoesNotExistException for service response error code
183	// "CommentDoesNotExistException".
184	//
185	// No comment exists with the provided ID. Verify that you have used the correct
186	// ID, and then try again.
187	ErrCodeCommentDoesNotExistException = "CommentDoesNotExistException"
189	// ErrCodeCommentIdRequiredException for service response error code
190	// "CommentIdRequiredException".
191	//
192	// The comment ID is missing or null. A comment ID is required.
193	ErrCodeCommentIdRequiredException = "CommentIdRequiredException"
195	// ErrCodeCommentNotCreatedByCallerException for service response error code
196	// "CommentNotCreatedByCallerException".
197	//
198	// You cannot modify or delete this comment. Only comment authors can modify
199	// or delete their comments.
200	ErrCodeCommentNotCreatedByCallerException = "CommentNotCreatedByCallerException"
202	// ErrCodeCommitDoesNotExistException for service response error code
203	// "CommitDoesNotExistException".
204	//
205	// The specified commit does not exist or no commit was specified, and the specified
206	// repository has no default branch.
207	ErrCodeCommitDoesNotExistException = "CommitDoesNotExistException"
209	// ErrCodeCommitIdDoesNotExistException for service response error code
210	// "CommitIdDoesNotExistException".
211	//
212	// The specified commit ID does not exist.
213	ErrCodeCommitIdDoesNotExistException = "CommitIdDoesNotExistException"
215	// ErrCodeCommitIdRequiredException for service response error code
216	// "CommitIdRequiredException".
217	//
218	// A commit ID was not specified.
219	ErrCodeCommitIdRequiredException = "CommitIdRequiredException"
221	// ErrCodeCommitIdsLimitExceededException for service response error code
222	// "CommitIdsLimitExceededException".
223	//
224	// The maximum number of allowed commit IDs in a batch request is 100. Verify
225	// that your batch requests contains no more than 100 commit IDs, and then try
226	// again.
227	ErrCodeCommitIdsLimitExceededException = "CommitIdsLimitExceededException"
229	// ErrCodeCommitIdsListRequiredException for service response error code
230	// "CommitIdsListRequiredException".
231	//
232	// A list of commit IDs is required, but was either not specified or the list
233	// was empty.
234	ErrCodeCommitIdsListRequiredException = "CommitIdsListRequiredException"
236	// ErrCodeCommitMessageLengthExceededException for service response error code
237	// "CommitMessageLengthExceededException".
238	//
239	// The commit message is too long. Provide a shorter string.
240	ErrCodeCommitMessageLengthExceededException = "CommitMessageLengthExceededException"
242	// ErrCodeCommitRequiredException for service response error code
243	// "CommitRequiredException".
244	//
245	// A commit was not specified.
246	ErrCodeCommitRequiredException = "CommitRequiredException"
248	// ErrCodeConcurrentReferenceUpdateException for service response error code
249	// "ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException".
250	//
251	// The merge cannot be completed because the target branch has been modified.
252	// Another user might have modified the target branch while the merge was in
253	// progress. Wait a few minutes, and then try again.
254	ErrCodeConcurrentReferenceUpdateException = "ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException"
256	// ErrCodeDefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException for service response error code
257	// "DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException".
258	//
259	// The specified branch is the default branch for the repository, and cannot
260	// be deleted. To delete this branch, you must first set another branch as the
261	// default branch.
262	ErrCodeDefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException = "DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException"
264	// ErrCodeDirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException for service response error code
265	// "DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException".
266	//
267	// A file cannot be added to the repository because the specified path name
268	// has the same name as a file that already exists in this repository. Either
269	// provide a different name for the file, or specify a different path for the
270	// file.
271	ErrCodeDirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException = "DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException"
273	// ErrCodeEncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException for service response error code
274	// "EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException".
275	//
276	// An encryption integrity check failed.
277	ErrCodeEncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException = "EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException"
279	// ErrCodeEncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException for service response error code
280	// "EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException".
281	//
282	// An encryption key could not be accessed.
283	ErrCodeEncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException = "EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException"
285	// ErrCodeEncryptionKeyDisabledException for service response error code
286	// "EncryptionKeyDisabledException".
287	//
288	// The encryption key is disabled.
289	ErrCodeEncryptionKeyDisabledException = "EncryptionKeyDisabledException"
291	// ErrCodeEncryptionKeyNotFoundException for service response error code
292	// "EncryptionKeyNotFoundException".
293	//
294	// No encryption key was found.
295	ErrCodeEncryptionKeyNotFoundException = "EncryptionKeyNotFoundException"
297	// ErrCodeEncryptionKeyUnavailableException for service response error code
298	// "EncryptionKeyUnavailableException".
299	//
300	// The encryption key is not available.
301	ErrCodeEncryptionKeyUnavailableException = "EncryptionKeyUnavailableException"
303	// ErrCodeFileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException for service response error code
304	// "FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException".
305	//
306	// The commit cannot be created because both a source file and file content
307	// have been specified for the same file. You cannot provide both. Either specify
308	// a source file or provide the file content directly.
309	ErrCodeFileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException = "FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException"
311	// ErrCodeFileContentRequiredException for service response error code
312	// "FileContentRequiredException".
313	//
314	// The file cannot be added because it is empty. Empty files cannot be added
315	// to the repository with this API.
316	ErrCodeFileContentRequiredException = "FileContentRequiredException"
318	// ErrCodeFileContentSizeLimitExceededException for service response error code
319	// "FileContentSizeLimitExceededException".
320	//
321	// The file cannot be added because it is too large. The maximum file size is
322	// 6 MB, and the combined file content change size is 7 MB. Consider making
323	// these changes using a Git client.
324	ErrCodeFileContentSizeLimitExceededException = "FileContentSizeLimitExceededException"
326	// ErrCodeFileDoesNotExistException for service response error code
327	// "FileDoesNotExistException".
328	//
329	// The specified file does not exist. Verify that you have used the correct
330	// file name, full path, and extension.
331	ErrCodeFileDoesNotExistException = "FileDoesNotExistException"
333	// ErrCodeFileEntryRequiredException for service response error code
334	// "FileEntryRequiredException".
335	//
336	// The commit cannot be created because no files have been specified as added,
337	// updated, or changed (PutFile or DeleteFile) for the commit.
338	ErrCodeFileEntryRequiredException = "FileEntryRequiredException"
340	// ErrCodeFileModeRequiredException for service response error code
341	// "FileModeRequiredException".
342	//
343	// The commit cannot be created because no file mode has been specified. A file
344	// mode is required to update mode permissions for a file.
345	ErrCodeFileModeRequiredException = "FileModeRequiredException"
347	// ErrCodeFileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException for service response error code
348	// "FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException".
349	//
350	// A file cannot be added to the repository because the specified file name
351	// has the same name as a directory in this repository. Either provide another
352	// name for the file, or add the file in a directory that does not match the
353	// file name.
354	ErrCodeFileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException = "FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException"
356	// ErrCodeFilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException for service response error code
357	// "FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException".
358	//
359	// The commit cannot be created because a specified file path points to a submodule.
360	// Verify that the destination files have valid file paths that do not point
361	// to a submodule.
362	ErrCodeFilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException = "FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException"
364	// ErrCodeFileTooLargeException for service response error code
365	// "FileTooLargeException".
366	//
367	// The specified file exceeds the file size limit for AWS CodeCommit. For more
368	// information about limits in AWS CodeCommit, see AWS CodeCommit User Guide
369	// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html).
370	ErrCodeFileTooLargeException = "FileTooLargeException"
372	// ErrCodeFolderContentSizeLimitExceededException for service response error code
373	// "FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException".
374	//
375	// The commit cannot be created because at least one of the overall changes
376	// in the commit results in a folder whose contents exceed the limit of 6 MB.
377	// Either reduce the number and size of your changes, or split the changes across
378	// multiple folders.
379	ErrCodeFolderContentSizeLimitExceededException = "FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException"
381	// ErrCodeFolderDoesNotExistException for service response error code
382	// "FolderDoesNotExistException".
383	//
384	// The specified folder does not exist. Either the folder name is not correct,
385	// or you did not enter the full path to the folder.
386	ErrCodeFolderDoesNotExistException = "FolderDoesNotExistException"
388	// ErrCodeIdempotencyParameterMismatchException for service response error code
389	// "IdempotencyParameterMismatchException".
390	//
391	// The client request token is not valid. Either the token is not in a valid
392	// format, or the token has been used in a previous request and cannot be reused.
393	ErrCodeIdempotencyParameterMismatchException = "IdempotencyParameterMismatchException"
395	// ErrCodeInvalidActorArnException for service response error code
396	// "InvalidActorArnException".
397	//
398	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is not valid. Make sure that you have provided
399	// the full ARN for the user who initiated the change for the pull request,
400	// and then try again.
401	ErrCodeInvalidActorArnException = "InvalidActorArnException"
403	// ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleContentException for service response error code
404	// "InvalidApprovalRuleContentException".
405	//
406	// The content for the approval rule is not valid.
407	ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleContentException = "InvalidApprovalRuleContentException"
409	// ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleNameException for service response error code
410	// "InvalidApprovalRuleNameException".
411	//
412	// The name for the approval rule is not valid.
413	ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleNameException = "InvalidApprovalRuleNameException"
415	// ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException for service response error code
416	// "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException".
417	//
418	// The content of the approval rule template is not valid.
419	ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException = "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException"
421	// ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException for service response error code
422	// "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException".
423	//
424	// The description for the approval rule template is not valid because it exceeds
425	// the maximum characters allowed for a description. For more information about
426	// limits in AWS CodeCommit, see AWS CodeCommit User Guide (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html).
427	ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException = "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException"
429	// ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException for service response error code
430	// "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException".
431	//
432	// The name of the approval rule template is not valid. Template names must
433	// be between 1 and 100 valid characters in length. For more information about
434	// limits in AWS CodeCommit, see AWS CodeCommit User Guide (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html).
435	ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException = "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException"
437	// ErrCodeInvalidApprovalStateException for service response error code
438	// "InvalidApprovalStateException".
439	//
440	// The state for the approval is not valid. Valid values include APPROVE and
441	// REVOKE.
442	ErrCodeInvalidApprovalStateException = "InvalidApprovalStateException"
444	// ErrCodeInvalidAuthorArnException for service response error code
445	// "InvalidAuthorArnException".
446	//
447	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is not valid. Make sure that you have provided
448	// the full ARN for the author of the pull request, and then try again.
449	ErrCodeInvalidAuthorArnException = "InvalidAuthorArnException"
451	// ErrCodeInvalidBlobIdException for service response error code
452	// "InvalidBlobIdException".
453	//
454	// The specified blob is not valid.
455	ErrCodeInvalidBlobIdException = "InvalidBlobIdException"
457	// ErrCodeInvalidBranchNameException for service response error code
458	// "InvalidBranchNameException".
459	//
460	// The specified reference name is not valid.
461	ErrCodeInvalidBranchNameException = "InvalidBranchNameException"
463	// ErrCodeInvalidClientRequestTokenException for service response error code
464	// "InvalidClientRequestTokenException".
465	//
466	// The client request token is not valid.
467	ErrCodeInvalidClientRequestTokenException = "InvalidClientRequestTokenException"
469	// ErrCodeInvalidCommentIdException for service response error code
470	// "InvalidCommentIdException".
471	//
472	// The comment ID is not in a valid format. Make sure that you have provided
473	// the full comment ID.
474	ErrCodeInvalidCommentIdException = "InvalidCommentIdException"
476	// ErrCodeInvalidCommitException for service response error code
477	// "InvalidCommitException".
478	//
479	// The specified commit is not valid.
480	ErrCodeInvalidCommitException = "InvalidCommitException"
482	// ErrCodeInvalidCommitIdException for service response error code
483	// "InvalidCommitIdException".
484	//
485	// The specified commit ID is not valid.
486	ErrCodeInvalidCommitIdException = "InvalidCommitIdException"
488	// ErrCodeInvalidConflictDetailLevelException for service response error code
489	// "InvalidConflictDetailLevelException".
490	//
491	// The specified conflict detail level is not valid.
492	ErrCodeInvalidConflictDetailLevelException = "InvalidConflictDetailLevelException"
494	// ErrCodeInvalidConflictResolutionException for service response error code
495	// "InvalidConflictResolutionException".
496	//
497	// The specified conflict resolution list is not valid.
498	ErrCodeInvalidConflictResolutionException = "InvalidConflictResolutionException"
500	// ErrCodeInvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException for service response error code
501	// "InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException".
502	//
503	// The specified conflict resolution strategy is not valid.
504	ErrCodeInvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException = "InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException"
506	// ErrCodeInvalidContinuationTokenException for service response error code
507	// "InvalidContinuationTokenException".
508	//
509	// The specified continuation token is not valid.
510	ErrCodeInvalidContinuationTokenException = "InvalidContinuationTokenException"
512	// ErrCodeInvalidDeletionParameterException for service response error code
513	// "InvalidDeletionParameterException".
514	//
515	// The specified deletion parameter is not valid.
516	ErrCodeInvalidDeletionParameterException = "InvalidDeletionParameterException"
518	// ErrCodeInvalidDescriptionException for service response error code
519	// "InvalidDescriptionException".
520	//
521	// The pull request description is not valid. Descriptions cannot be more than
522	// 1,000 characters.
523	ErrCodeInvalidDescriptionException = "InvalidDescriptionException"
525	// ErrCodeInvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException for service response error code
526	// "InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException".
527	//
528	// The destination commit specifier is not valid. You must provide a valid branch
529	// name, tag, or full commit ID.
530	ErrCodeInvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException = "InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException"
532	// ErrCodeInvalidEmailException for service response error code
533	// "InvalidEmailException".
534	//
535	// The specified email address either contains one or more characters that are
536	// not allowed, or it exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed for an
537	// email address.
538	ErrCodeInvalidEmailException = "InvalidEmailException"
540	// ErrCodeInvalidFileLocationException for service response error code
541	// "InvalidFileLocationException".
542	//
543	// The location of the file is not valid. Make sure that you include the file
544	// name and extension.
545	ErrCodeInvalidFileLocationException = "InvalidFileLocationException"
547	// ErrCodeInvalidFileModeException for service response error code
548	// "InvalidFileModeException".
549	//
550	// The specified file mode permission is not valid. For a list of valid file
551	// mode permissions, see PutFile.
552	ErrCodeInvalidFileModeException = "InvalidFileModeException"
554	// ErrCodeInvalidFilePositionException for service response error code
555	// "InvalidFilePositionException".
556	//
557	// The position is not valid. Make sure that the line number exists in the version
558	// of the file you want to comment on.
559	ErrCodeInvalidFilePositionException = "InvalidFilePositionException"
561	// ErrCodeInvalidMaxConflictFilesException for service response error code
562	// "InvalidMaxConflictFilesException".
563	//
564	// The specified value for the number of conflict files to return is not valid.
565	ErrCodeInvalidMaxConflictFilesException = "InvalidMaxConflictFilesException"
567	// ErrCodeInvalidMaxMergeHunksException for service response error code
568	// "InvalidMaxMergeHunksException".
569	//
570	// The specified value for the number of merge hunks to return is not valid.
571	ErrCodeInvalidMaxMergeHunksException = "InvalidMaxMergeHunksException"
573	// ErrCodeInvalidMaxResultsException for service response error code
574	// "InvalidMaxResultsException".
575	//
576	// The specified number of maximum results is not valid.
577	ErrCodeInvalidMaxResultsException = "InvalidMaxResultsException"
579	// ErrCodeInvalidMergeOptionException for service response error code
580	// "InvalidMergeOptionException".
581	//
582	// The specified merge option is not valid for this operation. Not all merge
583	// strategies are supported for all operations.
584	ErrCodeInvalidMergeOptionException = "InvalidMergeOptionException"
586	// ErrCodeInvalidOrderException for service response error code
587	// "InvalidOrderException".
588	//
589	// The specified sort order is not valid.
590	ErrCodeInvalidOrderException = "InvalidOrderException"
592	// ErrCodeInvalidOverrideStatusException for service response error code
593	// "InvalidOverrideStatusException".
594	//
595	// The override status is not valid. Valid statuses are OVERRIDE and REVOKE.
596	ErrCodeInvalidOverrideStatusException = "InvalidOverrideStatusException"
598	// ErrCodeInvalidParentCommitIdException for service response error code
599	// "InvalidParentCommitIdException".
600	//
601	// The parent commit ID is not valid. The commit ID cannot be empty, and must
602	// match the head commit ID for the branch of the repository where you want
603	// to add or update a file.
604	ErrCodeInvalidParentCommitIdException = "InvalidParentCommitIdException"
606	// ErrCodeInvalidPathException for service response error code
607	// "InvalidPathException".
608	//
609	// The specified path is not valid.
610	ErrCodeInvalidPathException = "InvalidPathException"
612	// ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestEventTypeException for service response error code
613	// "InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException".
614	//
615	// The pull request event type is not valid.
616	ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestEventTypeException = "InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException"
618	// ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestIdException for service response error code
619	// "InvalidPullRequestIdException".
620	//
621	// The pull request ID is not valid. Make sure that you have provided the full
622	// ID and that the pull request is in the specified repository, and then try
623	// again.
624	ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestIdException = "InvalidPullRequestIdException"
626	// ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestStatusException for service response error code
627	// "InvalidPullRequestStatusException".
628	//
629	// The pull request status is not valid. The only valid values are OPEN and
630	// CLOSED.
631	ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestStatusException = "InvalidPullRequestStatusException"
633	// ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException for service response error code
634	// "InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException".
635	//
636	// The pull request status update is not valid. The only valid update is from
637	// OPEN to CLOSED.
638	ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException = "InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException"
640	// ErrCodeInvalidReactionUserArnException for service response error code
641	// "InvalidReactionUserArnException".
642	//
643	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user or identity is not valid.
644	ErrCodeInvalidReactionUserArnException = "InvalidReactionUserArnException"
646	// ErrCodeInvalidReactionValueException for service response error code
647	// "InvalidReactionValueException".
648	//
649	// The value of the reaction is not valid. For more information, see the AWS
650	// CodeCommit User Guide (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/welcome.html).
651	ErrCodeInvalidReactionValueException = "InvalidReactionValueException"
653	// ErrCodeInvalidReferenceNameException for service response error code
654	// "InvalidReferenceNameException".
655	//
656	// The specified reference name format is not valid. Reference names must conform
657	// to the Git references format (for example, refs/heads/master). For more information,
658	// see Git Internals - Git References (https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Git-References)
659	// or consult your Git documentation.
660	ErrCodeInvalidReferenceNameException = "InvalidReferenceNameException"
662	// ErrCodeInvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException for service response error code
663	// "InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException".
664	//
665	// Either the enum is not in a valid format, or the specified file version enum
666	// is not valid in respect to the current file version.
667	ErrCodeInvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException = "InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException"
669	// ErrCodeInvalidReplacementContentException for service response error code
670	// "InvalidReplacementContentException".
671	//
672	// Automerge was specified for resolving the conflict, but the replacement type
673	// is not valid or content is missing.
674	ErrCodeInvalidReplacementContentException = "InvalidReplacementContentException"
676	// ErrCodeInvalidReplacementTypeException for service response error code
677	// "InvalidReplacementTypeException".
678	//
679	// Automerge was specified for resolving the conflict, but the specified replacement
680	// type is not valid.
681	ErrCodeInvalidReplacementTypeException = "InvalidReplacementTypeException"
683	// ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryDescriptionException for service response error code
684	// "InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException".
685	//
686	// The specified repository description is not valid.
687	ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryDescriptionException = "InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException"
689	// ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryNameException for service response error code
690	// "InvalidRepositoryNameException".
691	//
692	// A specified repository name is not valid.
693	//
694	// This exception occurs only when a specified repository name is not valid.
695	// Other exceptions occur when a required repository parameter is missing, or
696	// when a specified repository does not exist.
697	ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryNameException = "InvalidRepositoryNameException"
699	// ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException for service response error code
700	// "InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException".
701	//
702	// One or more branch names specified for the trigger is not valid.
703	ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException"
705	// ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException for service response error code
706	// "InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException".
707	//
708	// The custom data provided for the trigger is not valid.
709	ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException"
711	// ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException for service response error code
712	// "InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException".
713	//
714	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the trigger is not valid for the specified
715	// destination. The most common reason for this error is that the ARN does not
716	// meet the requirements for the service type.
717	ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException"
719	// ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException for service response error code
720	// "InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException".
721	//
722	// One or more events specified for the trigger is not valid. Check to make
723	// sure that all events specified match the requirements for allowed events.
724	ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException"
726	// ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException for service response error code
727	// "InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException".
728	//
729	// The name of the trigger is not valid.
730	ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException"
732	// ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException for service response error code
733	// "InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException".
734	//
735	// The AWS Region for the trigger target does not match the AWS Region for the
736	// repository. Triggers must be created in the same Region as the target for
737	// the trigger.
738	ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException"
740	// ErrCodeInvalidResourceArnException for service response error code
741	// "InvalidResourceArnException".
742	//
743	// The value for the resource ARN is not valid. For more information about resources
744	// in AWS CodeCommit, see CodeCommit Resources and Operations (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-iam-access-control-identity-based.html#arn-formats)
745	// in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.
746	ErrCodeInvalidResourceArnException = "InvalidResourceArnException"
748	// ErrCodeInvalidRevisionIdException for service response error code
749	// "InvalidRevisionIdException".
750	//
751	// The revision ID is not valid. Use GetPullRequest to determine the value.
752	ErrCodeInvalidRevisionIdException = "InvalidRevisionIdException"
754	// ErrCodeInvalidRuleContentSha256Exception for service response error code
755	// "InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception".
756	//
757	// The SHA-256 hash signature for the rule content is not valid.
758	ErrCodeInvalidRuleContentSha256Exception = "InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception"
760	// ErrCodeInvalidSortByException for service response error code
761	// "InvalidSortByException".
762	//
763	// The specified sort by value is not valid.
764	ErrCodeInvalidSortByException = "InvalidSortByException"
766	// ErrCodeInvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException for service response error code
767	// "InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException".
768	//
769	// The source commit specifier is not valid. You must provide a valid branch
770	// name, tag, or full commit ID.
771	ErrCodeInvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException = "InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException"
773	// ErrCodeInvalidSystemTagUsageException for service response error code
774	// "InvalidSystemTagUsageException".
775	//
776	// The specified tag is not valid. Key names cannot be prefixed with aws:.
777	ErrCodeInvalidSystemTagUsageException = "InvalidSystemTagUsageException"
779	// ErrCodeInvalidTagKeysListException for service response error code
780	// "InvalidTagKeysListException".
781	//
782	// The list of tags is not valid.
783	ErrCodeInvalidTagKeysListException = "InvalidTagKeysListException"
785	// ErrCodeInvalidTagsMapException for service response error code
786	// "InvalidTagsMapException".
787	//
788	// The map of tags is not valid.
789	ErrCodeInvalidTagsMapException = "InvalidTagsMapException"
791	// ErrCodeInvalidTargetBranchException for service response error code
792	// "InvalidTargetBranchException".
793	//
794	// The specified target branch is not valid.
795	ErrCodeInvalidTargetBranchException = "InvalidTargetBranchException"
797	// ErrCodeInvalidTargetException for service response error code
798	// "InvalidTargetException".
799	//
800	// The target for the pull request is not valid. A target must contain the full
801	// values for the repository name, source branch, and destination branch for
802	// the pull request.
803	ErrCodeInvalidTargetException = "InvalidTargetException"
805	// ErrCodeInvalidTargetsException for service response error code
806	// "InvalidTargetsException".
807	//
808	// The targets for the pull request is not valid or not in a valid format. Targets
809	// are a list of target objects. Each target object must contain the full values
810	// for the repository name, source branch, and destination branch for a pull
811	// request.
812	ErrCodeInvalidTargetsException = "InvalidTargetsException"
814	// ErrCodeInvalidTitleException for service response error code
815	// "InvalidTitleException".
816	//
817	// The title of the pull request is not valid. Pull request titles cannot exceed
818	// 100 characters in length.
819	ErrCodeInvalidTitleException = "InvalidTitleException"
821	// ErrCodeManualMergeRequiredException for service response error code
822	// "ManualMergeRequiredException".
823	//
824	// The pull request cannot be merged automatically into the destination branch.
825	// You must manually merge the branches and resolve any conflicts.
826	ErrCodeManualMergeRequiredException = "ManualMergeRequiredException"
828	// ErrCodeMaximumBranchesExceededException for service response error code
829	// "MaximumBranchesExceededException".
830	//
831	// The number of branches for the trigger was exceeded.
832	ErrCodeMaximumBranchesExceededException = "MaximumBranchesExceededException"
834	// ErrCodeMaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException for service response error code
835	// "MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException".
836	//
837	// The number of allowed conflict resolution entries was exceeded.
838	ErrCodeMaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException = "MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException"
840	// ErrCodeMaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException for service response error code
841	// "MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException".
842	//
843	// The number of files to load exceeds the allowed limit.
844	ErrCodeMaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException = "MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException"
846	// ErrCodeMaximumFileEntriesExceededException for service response error code
847	// "MaximumFileEntriesExceededException".
848	//
849	// The number of specified files to change as part of this commit exceeds the
850	// maximum number of files that can be changed in a single commit. Consider
851	// using a Git client for these changes.
852	ErrCodeMaximumFileEntriesExceededException = "MaximumFileEntriesExceededException"
854	// ErrCodeMaximumItemsToCompareExceededException for service response error code
855	// "MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException".
856	//
857	// The number of items to compare between the source or destination branches
858	// and the merge base has exceeded the maximum allowed.
859	ErrCodeMaximumItemsToCompareExceededException = "MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException"
861	// ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException for service response error code
862	// "MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException".
863	//
864	// The number of approvals required for the approval rule exceeds the maximum
865	// number allowed.
866	ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException = "MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException"
868	// ErrCodeMaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException for service response error code
869	// "MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException".
870	//
871	// You cannot create the pull request because the repository has too many open
872	// pull requests. The maximum number of open pull requests for a repository
873	// is 1,000. Close one or more open pull requests, and then try again.
874	ErrCodeMaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException = "MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException"
876	// ErrCodeMaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException for service response error code
877	// "MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException".
878	//
879	// The maximum number of allowed repository names was exceeded. Currently, this
880	// number is 100.
881	ErrCodeMaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException = "MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException"
883	// ErrCodeMaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException for service response error code
884	// "MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException".
885	//
886	// The number of triggers allowed for the repository was exceeded.
887	ErrCodeMaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException = "MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException"
889	// ErrCodeMaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException for service response error code
890	// "MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException".
891	//
892	// The maximum number of approval rule templates for a repository has been exceeded.
893	// You cannot associate more than 25 approval rule templates with a repository.
894	ErrCodeMaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException = "MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException"
896	// ErrCodeMergeOptionRequiredException for service response error code
897	// "MergeOptionRequiredException".
898	//
899	// A merge option or stategy is required, and none was provided.
900	ErrCodeMergeOptionRequiredException = "MergeOptionRequiredException"
902	// ErrCodeMultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException for service response error code
903	// "MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException".
904	//
905	// More than one conflict resolution entries exists for the conflict. A conflict
906	// can have only one conflict resolution entry.
907	ErrCodeMultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException = "MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException"
909	// ErrCodeMultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException for service response error code
910	// "MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException".
911	//
912	// You cannot include more than one repository in a pull request. Make sure
913	// you have specified only one repository name in your request, and then try
914	// again.
915	ErrCodeMultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException = "MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException"
917	// ErrCodeNameLengthExceededException for service response error code
918	// "NameLengthExceededException".
919	//
920	// The user name is not valid because it has exceeded the character limit for
921	// author names.
922	ErrCodeNameLengthExceededException = "NameLengthExceededException"
924	// ErrCodeNoChangeException for service response error code
925	// "NoChangeException".
926	//
927	// The commit cannot be created because no changes will be made to the repository
928	// as a result of this commit. A commit must contain at least one change.
929	ErrCodeNoChangeException = "NoChangeException"
931	// ErrCodeNumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException for service response error code
932	// "NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException".
933	//
934	// The maximum number of approval rule templates has been exceeded for this
935	// AWS Region.
936	ErrCodeNumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException = "NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException"
938	// ErrCodeNumberOfRulesExceededException for service response error code
939	// "NumberOfRulesExceededException".
940	//
941	// The approval rule cannot be added. The pull request has the maximum number
942	// of approval rules associated with it.
943	ErrCodeNumberOfRulesExceededException = "NumberOfRulesExceededException"
945	// ErrCodeOverrideAlreadySetException for service response error code
946	// "OverrideAlreadySetException".
947	//
948	// The pull request has already had its approval rules set to override.
949	ErrCodeOverrideAlreadySetException = "OverrideAlreadySetException"
951	// ErrCodeOverrideStatusRequiredException for service response error code
952	// "OverrideStatusRequiredException".
953	//
954	// An override status is required, but no value was provided. Valid values include
956	ErrCodeOverrideStatusRequiredException = "OverrideStatusRequiredException"
958	// ErrCodeParentCommitDoesNotExistException for service response error code
959	// "ParentCommitDoesNotExistException".
960	//
961	// The parent commit ID is not valid because it does not exist. The specified
962	// parent commit ID does not exist in the specified branch of the repository.
963	ErrCodeParentCommitDoesNotExistException = "ParentCommitDoesNotExistException"
965	// ErrCodeParentCommitIdOutdatedException for service response error code
966	// "ParentCommitIdOutdatedException".
967	//
968	// The file could not be added because the provided parent commit ID is not
969	// the current tip of the specified branch. To view the full commit ID of the
970	// current head of the branch, use GetBranch.
971	ErrCodeParentCommitIdOutdatedException = "ParentCommitIdOutdatedException"
973	// ErrCodeParentCommitIdRequiredException for service response error code
974	// "ParentCommitIdRequiredException".
975	//
976	// A parent commit ID is required. To view the full commit ID of a branch in
977	// a repository, use GetBranch or a Git command (for example, git pull or git
978	// log).
979	ErrCodeParentCommitIdRequiredException = "ParentCommitIdRequiredException"
981	// ErrCodePathDoesNotExistException for service response error code
982	// "PathDoesNotExistException".
983	//
984	// The specified path does not exist.
985	ErrCodePathDoesNotExistException = "PathDoesNotExistException"
987	// ErrCodePathRequiredException for service response error code
988	// "PathRequiredException".
989	//
990	// The folderPath for a location cannot be null.
991	ErrCodePathRequiredException = "PathRequiredException"
993	// ErrCodePullRequestAlreadyClosedException for service response error code
994	// "PullRequestAlreadyClosedException".
995	//
996	// The pull request status cannot be updated because it is already closed.
997	ErrCodePullRequestAlreadyClosedException = "PullRequestAlreadyClosedException"
999	// ErrCodePullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException for service response error code
1000	// "PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException".
1001	//
1002	// The pull request cannot be merged because one or more approval rules applied
1003	// to the pull request have conditions that have not been met.
1004	ErrCodePullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException = "PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException"
1006	// ErrCodePullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException for service response error code
1007	// "PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException".
1008	//
1009	// The approval cannot be applied because the user approving the pull request
1010	// matches the user who created the pull request. You cannot approve a pull
1011	// request that you created.
1012	ErrCodePullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException = "PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException"
1014	// ErrCodePullRequestDoesNotExistException for service response error code
1015	// "PullRequestDoesNotExistException".
1016	//
1017	// The pull request ID could not be found. Make sure that you have specified
1018	// the correct repository name and pull request ID, and then try again.
1019	ErrCodePullRequestDoesNotExistException = "PullRequestDoesNotExistException"
1021	// ErrCodePullRequestIdRequiredException for service response error code
1022	// "PullRequestIdRequiredException".
1023	//
1024	// A pull request ID is required, but none was provided.
1025	ErrCodePullRequestIdRequiredException = "PullRequestIdRequiredException"
1027	// ErrCodePullRequestStatusRequiredException for service response error code
1028	// "PullRequestStatusRequiredException".
1029	//
1030	// A pull request status is required, but none was provided.
1031	ErrCodePullRequestStatusRequiredException = "PullRequestStatusRequiredException"
1033	// ErrCodePutFileEntryConflictException for service response error code
1034	// "PutFileEntryConflictException".
1035	//
1036	// The commit cannot be created because one or more files specified in the commit
1037	// reference both a file and a folder.
1038	ErrCodePutFileEntryConflictException = "PutFileEntryConflictException"
1040	// ErrCodeReactionLimitExceededException for service response error code
1041	// "ReactionLimitExceededException".
1042	//
1043	// The number of reactions has been exceeded. Reactions are limited to one reaction
1044	// per user for each individual comment ID.
1045	ErrCodeReactionLimitExceededException = "ReactionLimitExceededException"
1047	// ErrCodeReactionValueRequiredException for service response error code
1048	// "ReactionValueRequiredException".
1049	//
1050	// A reaction value is required.
1051	ErrCodeReactionValueRequiredException = "ReactionValueRequiredException"
1053	// ErrCodeReferenceDoesNotExistException for service response error code
1054	// "ReferenceDoesNotExistException".
1055	//
1056	// The specified reference does not exist. You must provide a full commit ID.
1057	ErrCodeReferenceDoesNotExistException = "ReferenceDoesNotExistException"
1059	// ErrCodeReferenceNameRequiredException for service response error code
1060	// "ReferenceNameRequiredException".
1061	//
1062	// A reference name is required, but none was provided.
1063	ErrCodeReferenceNameRequiredException = "ReferenceNameRequiredException"
1065	// ErrCodeReferenceTypeNotSupportedException for service response error code
1066	// "ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException".
1067	//
1068	// The specified reference is not a supported type.
1069	ErrCodeReferenceTypeNotSupportedException = "ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException"
1071	// ErrCodeReplacementContentRequiredException for service response error code
1072	// "ReplacementContentRequiredException".
1073	//
1074	// USE_NEW_CONTENT was specified, but no replacement content has been provided.
1075	ErrCodeReplacementContentRequiredException = "ReplacementContentRequiredException"
1077	// ErrCodeReplacementTypeRequiredException for service response error code
1078	// "ReplacementTypeRequiredException".
1079	//
1080	// A replacement type is required.
1081	ErrCodeReplacementTypeRequiredException = "ReplacementTypeRequiredException"
1083	// ErrCodeRepositoryDoesNotExistException for service response error code
1084	// "RepositoryDoesNotExistException".
1085	//
1086	// The specified repository does not exist.
1087	ErrCodeRepositoryDoesNotExistException = "RepositoryDoesNotExistException"
1089	// ErrCodeRepositoryLimitExceededException for service response error code
1090	// "RepositoryLimitExceededException".
1091	//
1092	// A repository resource limit was exceeded.
1093	ErrCodeRepositoryLimitExceededException = "RepositoryLimitExceededException"
1095	// ErrCodeRepositoryNameExistsException for service response error code
1096	// "RepositoryNameExistsException".
1097	//
1098	// The specified repository name already exists.
1099	ErrCodeRepositoryNameExistsException = "RepositoryNameExistsException"
1101	// ErrCodeRepositoryNameRequiredException for service response error code
1102	// "RepositoryNameRequiredException".
1103	//
1104	// A repository name is required, but was not specified.
1105	ErrCodeRepositoryNameRequiredException = "RepositoryNameRequiredException"
1107	// ErrCodeRepositoryNamesRequiredException for service response error code
1108	// "RepositoryNamesRequiredException".
1109	//
1110	// At least one repository name object is required, but was not specified.
1111	ErrCodeRepositoryNamesRequiredException = "RepositoryNamesRequiredException"
1113	// ErrCodeRepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException for service response error code
1114	// "RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException".
1115	//
1116	// The repository does not contain any pull requests with that pull request
1117	// ID. Use GetPullRequest to verify the correct repository name for the pull
1118	// request ID.
1119	ErrCodeRepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException = "RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException"
1121	// ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException for service response error code
1122	// "RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException".
1123	//
1124	// At least one branch name is required, but was not specified in the trigger
1125	// configuration.
1126	ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException = "RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException"
1128	// ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException for service response error code
1129	// "RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException".
1130	//
1131	// A destination ARN for the target service for the trigger is required, but
1132	// was not specified.
1133	ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException = "RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException"
1135	// ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException for service response error code
1136	// "RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException".
1137	//
1138	// At least one event for the trigger is required, but was not specified.
1139	ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException = "RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException"
1141	// ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException for service response error code
1142	// "RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException".
1143	//
1144	// A name for the trigger is required, but was not specified.
1145	ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException = "RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException"
1147	// ErrCodeRepositoryTriggersListRequiredException for service response error code
1148	// "RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException".
1149	//
1150	// The list of triggers for the repository is required, but was not specified.
1151	ErrCodeRepositoryTriggersListRequiredException = "RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException"
1153	// ErrCodeResourceArnRequiredException for service response error code
1154	// "ResourceArnRequiredException".
1155	//
1156	// A valid Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an AWS CodeCommit resource is required.
1157	// For a list of valid resources in AWS CodeCommit, see CodeCommit Resources
1158	// and Operations (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-iam-access-control-identity-based.html#arn-formats)
1159	// in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.
1160	ErrCodeResourceArnRequiredException = "ResourceArnRequiredException"
1162	// ErrCodeRestrictedSourceFileException for service response error code
1163	// "RestrictedSourceFileException".
1164	//
1165	// The commit cannot be created because one of the changes specifies copying
1166	// or moving a .gitkeep file.
1167	ErrCodeRestrictedSourceFileException = "RestrictedSourceFileException"
1169	// ErrCodeRevisionIdRequiredException for service response error code
1170	// "RevisionIdRequiredException".
1171	//
1172	// A revision ID is required, but was not provided.
1173	ErrCodeRevisionIdRequiredException = "RevisionIdRequiredException"
1175	// ErrCodeRevisionNotCurrentException for service response error code
1176	// "RevisionNotCurrentException".
1177	//
1178	// The revision ID provided in the request does not match the current revision
1179	// ID. Use GetPullRequest to retrieve the current revision ID.
1180	ErrCodeRevisionNotCurrentException = "RevisionNotCurrentException"
1182	// ErrCodeSameFileContentException for service response error code
1183	// "SameFileContentException".
1184	//
1185	// The file was not added or updated because the content of the file is exactly
1186	// the same as the content of that file in the repository and branch that you
1187	// specified.
1188	ErrCodeSameFileContentException = "SameFileContentException"
1190	// ErrCodeSamePathRequestException for service response error code
1191	// "SamePathRequestException".
1192	//
1193	// The commit cannot be created because one or more changes in this commit duplicate
1194	// actions in the same file path. For example, you cannot make the same delete
1195	// request to the same file in the same file path twice, or make a delete request
1196	// and a move request to the same file as part of the same commit.
1197	ErrCodeSamePathRequestException = "SamePathRequestException"
1199	// ErrCodeSourceAndDestinationAreSameException for service response error code
1200	// "SourceAndDestinationAreSameException".
1201	//
1202	// The source branch and destination branch for the pull request are the same.
1203	// You must specify different branches for the source and destination.
1204	ErrCodeSourceAndDestinationAreSameException = "SourceAndDestinationAreSameException"
1206	// ErrCodeSourceFileOrContentRequiredException for service response error code
1207	// "SourceFileOrContentRequiredException".
1208	//
1209	// The commit cannot be created because no source files or file content have
1210	// been specified for the commit.
1211	ErrCodeSourceFileOrContentRequiredException = "SourceFileOrContentRequiredException"
1213	// ErrCodeTagKeysListRequiredException for service response error code
1214	// "TagKeysListRequiredException".
1215	//
1216	// A list of tag keys is required. The list cannot be empty or null.
1217	ErrCodeTagKeysListRequiredException = "TagKeysListRequiredException"
1219	// ErrCodeTagPolicyException for service response error code
1220	// "TagPolicyException".
1221	//
1222	// The tag policy is not valid.
1223	ErrCodeTagPolicyException = "TagPolicyException"
1225	// ErrCodeTagsMapRequiredException for service response error code
1226	// "TagsMapRequiredException".
1227	//
1228	// A map of tags is required.
1229	ErrCodeTagsMapRequiredException = "TagsMapRequiredException"
1231	// ErrCodeTargetRequiredException for service response error code
1232	// "TargetRequiredException".
1233	//
1234	// A pull request target is required. It cannot be empty or null. A pull request
1235	// target must contain the full values for the repository name, source branch,
1236	// and destination branch for the pull request.
1237	ErrCodeTargetRequiredException = "TargetRequiredException"
1239	// ErrCodeTargetsRequiredException for service response error code
1240	// "TargetsRequiredException".
1241	//
1242	// An array of target objects is required. It cannot be empty or null.
1243	ErrCodeTargetsRequiredException = "TargetsRequiredException"
1245	// ErrCodeTipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException for service response error code
1246	// "TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException".
1247	//
1248	// The tip of the source branch in the destination repository does not match
1249	// the tip of the source branch specified in your request. The pull request
1250	// might have been updated. Make sure that you have the latest changes.
1251	ErrCodeTipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException = "TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException"
1253	// ErrCodeTipsDivergenceExceededException for service response error code
1254	// "TipsDivergenceExceededException".
1255	//
1256	// The divergence between the tips of the provided commit specifiers is too
1257	// great to determine whether there might be any merge conflicts. Locally compare
1258	// the specifiers using git diff or a diff tool.
1259	ErrCodeTipsDivergenceExceededException = "TipsDivergenceExceededException"
1261	// ErrCodeTitleRequiredException for service response error code
1262	// "TitleRequiredException".
1263	//
1264	// A pull request title is required. It cannot be empty or null.
1265	ErrCodeTitleRequiredException = "TitleRequiredException"
1267	// ErrCodeTooManyTagsException for service response error code
1268	// "TooManyTagsException".
1269	//
1270	// The maximum number of tags for an AWS CodeCommit resource has been exceeded.
1271	ErrCodeTooManyTagsException = "TooManyTagsException"
1274var exceptionFromCode = map[string]func(protocol.ResponseMetadata) error{
1275	"ActorDoesNotExistException":                            newErrorActorDoesNotExistException,
1276	"ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException":                  newErrorApprovalRuleContentRequiredException,
1277	"ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException":                     newErrorApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException,
1278	"ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException":                newErrorApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException,
1279	"ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException":                     newErrorApprovalRuleNameRequiredException,
1280	"ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException":          newErrorApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException,
1281	"ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException":             newErrorApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException,
1282	"ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException":                    newErrorApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException,
1283	"ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException":        newErrorApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException,
1284	"ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException":             newErrorApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException,
1285	"ApprovalStateRequiredException":                        newErrorApprovalStateRequiredException,
1286	"AuthorDoesNotExistException":                           newErrorAuthorDoesNotExistException,
1287	"BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException":        newErrorBeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException,
1288	"BlobIdDoesNotExistException":                           newErrorBlobIdDoesNotExistException,
1289	"BlobIdRequiredException":                               newErrorBlobIdRequiredException,
1290	"BranchDoesNotExistException":                           newErrorBranchDoesNotExistException,
1291	"BranchNameExistsException":                             newErrorBranchNameExistsException,
1292	"BranchNameIsTagNameException":                          newErrorBranchNameIsTagNameException,
1293	"BranchNameRequiredException":                           newErrorBranchNameRequiredException,
1294	"CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException":         newErrorCannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException,
1295	"CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException":         newErrorCannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException,
1296	"ClientRequestTokenRequiredException":                   newErrorClientRequestTokenRequiredException,
1297	"CommentContentRequiredException":                       newErrorCommentContentRequiredException,
1298	"CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException":              newErrorCommentContentSizeLimitExceededException,
1299	"CommentDeletedException":                               newErrorCommentDeletedException,
1300	"CommentDoesNotExistException":                          newErrorCommentDoesNotExistException,
1301	"CommentIdRequiredException":                            newErrorCommentIdRequiredException,
1302	"CommentNotCreatedByCallerException":                    newErrorCommentNotCreatedByCallerException,
1303	"CommitDoesNotExistException":                           newErrorCommitDoesNotExistException,
1304	"CommitIdDoesNotExistException":                         newErrorCommitIdDoesNotExistException,
1305	"CommitIdRequiredException":                             newErrorCommitIdRequiredException,
1306	"CommitIdsLimitExceededException":                       newErrorCommitIdsLimitExceededException,
1307	"CommitIdsListRequiredException":                        newErrorCommitIdsListRequiredException,
1308	"CommitMessageLengthExceededException":                  newErrorCommitMessageLengthExceededException,
1309	"CommitRequiredException":                               newErrorCommitRequiredException,
1310	"ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException":                    newErrorConcurrentReferenceUpdateException,
1311	"DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException":                 newErrorDefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException,
1312	"DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException":           newErrorDirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException,
1313	"EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException":              newErrorEncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException,
1314	"EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException":                    newErrorEncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException,
1315	"EncryptionKeyDisabledException":                        newErrorEncryptionKeyDisabledException,
1316	"EncryptionKeyNotFoundException":                        newErrorEncryptionKeyNotFoundException,
1317	"EncryptionKeyUnavailableException":                     newErrorEncryptionKeyUnavailableException,
1318	"FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException":            newErrorFileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException,
1319	"FileContentRequiredException":                          newErrorFileContentRequiredException,
1320	"FileContentSizeLimitExceededException":                 newErrorFileContentSizeLimitExceededException,
1321	"FileDoesNotExistException":                             newErrorFileDoesNotExistException,
1322	"FileEntryRequiredException":                            newErrorFileEntryRequiredException,
1323	"FileModeRequiredException":                             newErrorFileModeRequiredException,
1324	"FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException":           newErrorFileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException,
1325	"FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException":           newErrorFilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException,
1326	"FileTooLargeException":                                 newErrorFileTooLargeException,
1327	"FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException":               newErrorFolderContentSizeLimitExceededException,
1328	"FolderDoesNotExistException":                           newErrorFolderDoesNotExistException,
1329	"IdempotencyParameterMismatchException":                 newErrorIdempotencyParameterMismatchException,
1330	"InvalidActorArnException":                              newErrorInvalidActorArnException,
1331	"InvalidApprovalRuleContentException":                   newErrorInvalidApprovalRuleContentException,
1332	"InvalidApprovalRuleNameException":                      newErrorInvalidApprovalRuleNameException,
1333	"InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException":           newErrorInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException,
1334	"InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException":       newErrorInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException,
1335	"InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException":              newErrorInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException,
1336	"InvalidApprovalStateException":                         newErrorInvalidApprovalStateException,
1337	"InvalidAuthorArnException":                             newErrorInvalidAuthorArnException,
1338	"InvalidBlobIdException":                                newErrorInvalidBlobIdException,
1339	"InvalidBranchNameException":                            newErrorInvalidBranchNameException,
1340	"InvalidClientRequestTokenException":                    newErrorInvalidClientRequestTokenException,
1341	"InvalidCommentIdException":                             newErrorInvalidCommentIdException,
1342	"InvalidCommitException":                                newErrorInvalidCommitException,
1343	"InvalidCommitIdException":                              newErrorInvalidCommitIdException,
1344	"InvalidConflictDetailLevelException":                   newErrorInvalidConflictDetailLevelException,
1345	"InvalidConflictResolutionException":                    newErrorInvalidConflictResolutionException,
1346	"InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException":            newErrorInvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException,
1347	"InvalidContinuationTokenException":                     newErrorInvalidContinuationTokenException,
1348	"InvalidDeletionParameterException":                     newErrorInvalidDeletionParameterException,
1349	"InvalidDescriptionException":                           newErrorInvalidDescriptionException,
1350	"InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException":            newErrorInvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException,
1351	"InvalidEmailException":                                 newErrorInvalidEmailException,
1352	"InvalidFileLocationException":                          newErrorInvalidFileLocationException,
1353	"InvalidFileModeException":                              newErrorInvalidFileModeException,
1354	"InvalidFilePositionException":                          newErrorInvalidFilePositionException,
1355	"InvalidMaxConflictFilesException":                      newErrorInvalidMaxConflictFilesException,
1356	"InvalidMaxMergeHunksException":                         newErrorInvalidMaxMergeHunksException,
1357	"InvalidMaxResultsException":                            newErrorInvalidMaxResultsException,
1358	"InvalidMergeOptionException":                           newErrorInvalidMergeOptionException,
1359	"InvalidOrderException":                                 newErrorInvalidOrderException,
1360	"InvalidOverrideStatusException":                        newErrorInvalidOverrideStatusException,
1361	"InvalidParentCommitIdException":                        newErrorInvalidParentCommitIdException,
1362	"InvalidPathException":                                  newErrorInvalidPathException,
1363	"InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException":                  newErrorInvalidPullRequestEventTypeException,
1364	"InvalidPullRequestIdException":                         newErrorInvalidPullRequestIdException,
1365	"InvalidPullRequestStatusException":                     newErrorInvalidPullRequestStatusException,
1366	"InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException":               newErrorInvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException,
1367	"InvalidReactionUserArnException":                       newErrorInvalidReactionUserArnException,
1368	"InvalidReactionValueException":                         newErrorInvalidReactionValueException,
1369	"InvalidReferenceNameException":                         newErrorInvalidReferenceNameException,
1370	"InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException":               newErrorInvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException,
1371	"InvalidReplacementContentException":                    newErrorInvalidReplacementContentException,
1372	"InvalidReplacementTypeException":                       newErrorInvalidReplacementTypeException,
1373	"InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException":                 newErrorInvalidRepositoryDescriptionException,
1374	"InvalidRepositoryNameException":                        newErrorInvalidRepositoryNameException,
1375	"InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException":           newErrorInvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException,
1376	"InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException":           newErrorInvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException,
1377	"InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException":       newErrorInvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException,
1378	"InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException":               newErrorInvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException,
1379	"InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException":                 newErrorInvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException,
1380	"InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException":               newErrorInvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException,
1381	"InvalidResourceArnException":                           newErrorInvalidResourceArnException,
1382	"InvalidRevisionIdException":                            newErrorInvalidRevisionIdException,
1383	"InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception":                     newErrorInvalidRuleContentSha256Exception,
1384	"InvalidSortByException":                                newErrorInvalidSortByException,
1385	"InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException":                 newErrorInvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException,
1386	"InvalidSystemTagUsageException":                        newErrorInvalidSystemTagUsageException,
1387	"InvalidTagKeysListException":                           newErrorInvalidTagKeysListException,
1388	"InvalidTagsMapException":                               newErrorInvalidTagsMapException,
1389	"InvalidTargetBranchException":                          newErrorInvalidTargetBranchException,
1390	"InvalidTargetException":                                newErrorInvalidTargetException,
1391	"InvalidTargetsException":                               newErrorInvalidTargetsException,
1392	"InvalidTitleException":                                 newErrorInvalidTitleException,
1393	"ManualMergeRequiredException":                          newErrorManualMergeRequiredException,
1394	"MaximumBranchesExceededException":                      newErrorMaximumBranchesExceededException,
1395	"MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException":     newErrorMaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException,
1396	"MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException":             newErrorMaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException,
1397	"MaximumFileEntriesExceededException":                   newErrorMaximumFileEntriesExceededException,
1398	"MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException":                newErrorMaximumItemsToCompareExceededException,
1399	"MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException":             newErrorMaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException,
1400	"MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException":              newErrorMaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException,
1401	"MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException":               newErrorMaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException,
1402	"MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException":            newErrorMaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException,
1403	"MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException": newErrorMaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException,
1404	"MergeOptionRequiredException":                          newErrorMergeOptionRequiredException,
1405	"MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException":            newErrorMultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException,
1406	"MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException":            newErrorMultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException,
1407	"NameLengthExceededException":                           newErrorNameLengthExceededException,
1408	"NoChangeException":                                     newErrorNoChangeException,
1409	"NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException":                newErrorNumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException,
1410	"NumberOfRulesExceededException":                        newErrorNumberOfRulesExceededException,
1411	"OverrideAlreadySetException":                           newErrorOverrideAlreadySetException,
1412	"OverrideStatusRequiredException":                       newErrorOverrideStatusRequiredException,
1413	"ParentCommitDoesNotExistException":                     newErrorParentCommitDoesNotExistException,
1414	"ParentCommitIdOutdatedException":                       newErrorParentCommitIdOutdatedException,
1415	"ParentCommitIdRequiredException":                       newErrorParentCommitIdRequiredException,
1416	"PathDoesNotExistException":                             newErrorPathDoesNotExistException,
1417	"PathRequiredException":                                 newErrorPathRequiredException,
1418	"PullRequestAlreadyClosedException":                     newErrorPullRequestAlreadyClosedException,
1419	"PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException":         newErrorPullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException,
1420	"PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException":          newErrorPullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException,
1421	"PullRequestDoesNotExistException":                      newErrorPullRequestDoesNotExistException,
1422	"PullRequestIdRequiredException":                        newErrorPullRequestIdRequiredException,
1423	"PullRequestStatusRequiredException":                    newErrorPullRequestStatusRequiredException,
1424	"PutFileEntryConflictException":                         newErrorPutFileEntryConflictException,
1425	"ReactionLimitExceededException":                        newErrorReactionLimitExceededException,
1426	"ReactionValueRequiredException":                        newErrorReactionValueRequiredException,
1427	"ReferenceDoesNotExistException":                        newErrorReferenceDoesNotExistException,
1428	"ReferenceNameRequiredException":                        newErrorReferenceNameRequiredException,
1429	"ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException":                    newErrorReferenceTypeNotSupportedException,
1430	"ReplacementContentRequiredException":                   newErrorReplacementContentRequiredException,
1431	"ReplacementTypeRequiredException":                      newErrorReplacementTypeRequiredException,
1432	"RepositoryDoesNotExistException":                       newErrorRepositoryDoesNotExistException,
1433	"RepositoryLimitExceededException":                      newErrorRepositoryLimitExceededException,
1434	"RepositoryNameExistsException":                         newErrorRepositoryNameExistsException,
1435	"RepositoryNameRequiredException":                       newErrorRepositoryNameRequiredException,
1436	"RepositoryNamesRequiredException":                      newErrorRepositoryNamesRequiredException,
1437	"RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException":       newErrorRepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException,
1438	"RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException":      newErrorRepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException,
1439	"RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException":      newErrorRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException,
1440	"RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException":          newErrorRepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException,
1441	"RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException":                newErrorRepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException,
1442	"RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException":               newErrorRepositoryTriggersListRequiredException,
1443	"ResourceArnRequiredException":                          newErrorResourceArnRequiredException,
1444	"RestrictedSourceFileException":                         newErrorRestrictedSourceFileException,
1445	"RevisionIdRequiredException":                           newErrorRevisionIdRequiredException,
1446	"RevisionNotCurrentException":                           newErrorRevisionNotCurrentException,
1447	"SameFileContentException":                              newErrorSameFileContentException,
1448	"SamePathRequestException":                              newErrorSamePathRequestException,
1449	"SourceAndDestinationAreSameException":                  newErrorSourceAndDestinationAreSameException,
1450	"SourceFileOrContentRequiredException":                  newErrorSourceFileOrContentRequiredException,
1451	"TagKeysListRequiredException":                          newErrorTagKeysListRequiredException,
1452	"TagPolicyException":                                    newErrorTagPolicyException,
1453	"TagsMapRequiredException":                              newErrorTagsMapRequiredException,
1454	"TargetRequiredException":                               newErrorTargetRequiredException,
1455	"TargetsRequiredException":                              newErrorTargetsRequiredException,
1456	"TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException":              newErrorTipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException,
1457	"TipsDivergenceExceededException":                       newErrorTipsDivergenceExceededException,
1458	"TitleRequiredException":                                newErrorTitleRequiredException,
1459	"TooManyTagsException":                                  newErrorTooManyTagsException,