1package migrate
3// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
6// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
7// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
9import (
10	"encoding/json"
11	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest"
12	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/date"
15// The package's fully qualified name.
16const fqdn = "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/migrate/mgmt/2018-02-02/migrate"
18// AssessedDisk a disk assessed for an assessment.
19type AssessedDisk struct {
20	// Name - READ-ONLY; Name of the assessed disk.
21	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
22	// GigabytesProvisioned - READ-ONLY; Gigabytes of storage provisioned for this disk.
23	GigabytesProvisioned *float64 `json:"gigabytesProvisioned,omitempty"`
24	// GigabytesConsumed - READ-ONLY; Gigabytes of storage consumed by this disk.
25	GigabytesConsumed *float64 `json:"gigabytesConsumed,omitempty"`
26	// MegabytesPerSecondOfRead - READ-ONLY; Disk throughput in MegaBytes per second.
27	MegabytesPerSecondOfRead *float64 `json:"megabytesPerSecondOfRead,omitempty"`
28	// MegabytesPerSecondOfReadDataPointsExpected - READ-ONLY; Expected data points for MegaBytes per second of read.
29	MegabytesPerSecondOfReadDataPointsExpected *int32 `json:"megabytesPerSecondOfReadDataPointsExpected,omitempty"`
30	// MegabytesPerSecondOfReadDataPointsReceived - READ-ONLY; Received data points for MegaBytes per second of read.
31	MegabytesPerSecondOfReadDataPointsReceived *int32 `json:"megabytesPerSecondOfReadDataPointsReceived,omitempty"`
32	// MegabytesPerSecondOfWrite - READ-ONLY; Disk throughput in MegaBytes per second.
33	MegabytesPerSecondOfWrite *float64 `json:"megabytesPerSecondOfWrite,omitempty"`
34	// MegabytesPerSecondOfWriteDataPointsExpected - READ-ONLY; Expected data points for MegaBytes per second of write.
35	MegabytesPerSecondOfWriteDataPointsExpected *int32 `json:"megabytesPerSecondOfWriteDataPointsExpected,omitempty"`
36	// MegabytesPerSecondOfWriteDataPointsReceived - READ-ONLY; Received data points for MegaBytes per second of write.
37	MegabytesPerSecondOfWriteDataPointsReceived *int32 `json:"megabytesPerSecondOfWriteDataPointsReceived,omitempty"`
38	// NumberOfReadOperationsPerSecond - READ-ONLY; Number of read operations per second for the disk.
39	NumberOfReadOperationsPerSecond *float64 `json:"numberOfReadOperationsPerSecond,omitempty"`
40	// NumberOfReadOperationsPerSecondDataPointsExpected - READ-ONLY; Expected number of data points for read operations per second.
41	NumberOfReadOperationsPerSecondDataPointsExpected *int32 `json:"numberOfReadOperationsPerSecondDataPointsExpected,omitempty"`
42	// NumberOfReadOperationsPerSecondDataPointsReceived - READ-ONLY; Received number of data points for read operations per second.
43	NumberOfReadOperationsPerSecondDataPointsReceived *int32 `json:"numberOfReadOperationsPerSecondDataPointsReceived,omitempty"`
44	// NumberOfWriteOperationsPerSecond - READ-ONLY; Number of read and write operations per second for the disk.
45	NumberOfWriteOperationsPerSecond *float64 `json:"numberOfWriteOperationsPerSecond,omitempty"`
46	// NumberOfWriteOperationsPerSecondDataPointsExpected - READ-ONLY; Expected number of data points for write operations per second.
47	NumberOfWriteOperationsPerSecondDataPointsExpected *int32 `json:"numberOfWriteOperationsPerSecondDataPointsExpected,omitempty"`
48	// NumberOfWriteOperationsPerSecondDataPointsReceived - READ-ONLY; Received number of data points for write operations per second.
49	NumberOfWriteOperationsPerSecondDataPointsReceived *int32 `json:"numberOfWriteOperationsPerSecondDataPointsReceived,omitempty"`
50	// MonthlyStorageCost - READ-ONLY; Estimated aggregate storage cost for a 31-day month for this disk.
51	MonthlyStorageCost *float64 `json:"monthlyStorageCost,omitempty"`
52	// RecommendedDiskType - READ-ONLY; Storage type selected for this disk. Possible values include: 'AzureDiskTypeUnknown', 'AzureDiskTypeStandard', 'AzureDiskTypePremium'
53	RecommendedDiskType AzureDiskType `json:"recommendedDiskType,omitempty"`
54	// RecommendedDiskSize - READ-ONLY; Recommended Azure size for the disk, given utilization data and preferences set on Assessment. Possible values include: 'Unknown', 'StandardS4', 'StandardS6', 'StandardS10', 'StandardS20', 'StandardS30', 'StandardS40', 'StandardS50', 'PremiumP4', 'PremiumP6', 'PremiumP10', 'PremiumP20', 'PremiumP30', 'PremiumP40', 'PremiumP50'
55	RecommendedDiskSize AzureDiskSize `json:"recommendedDiskSize,omitempty"`
56	// GigabytesForRecommendedDiskSize - READ-ONLY; Gigabytes of storage provided by the recommended Azure disk size.
57	GigabytesForRecommendedDiskSize *int32 `json:"gigabytesForRecommendedDiskSize,omitempty"`
58	// Suitability - READ-ONLY; Whether this disk is suitable for Azure. Possible values include: 'CloudSuitabilityUnknown', 'CloudSuitabilityNotSuitable', 'CloudSuitabilitySuitable', 'CloudSuitabilityConditionallySuitable', 'CloudSuitabilityReadinessUnknown'
59	Suitability CloudSuitability `json:"suitability,omitempty"`
60	// SuitabilityExplanation - READ-ONLY; If disk is suitable, this explains the reasons and mitigation steps. Possible values include: 'AzureDiskSuitabilityExplanationUnknown', 'AzureDiskSuitabilityExplanationNotApplicable', 'AzureDiskSuitabilityExplanationDiskSizeGreaterThanSupported', 'AzureDiskSuitabilityExplanationNoSuitableDiskSizeForIops', 'AzureDiskSuitabilityExplanationNoSuitableDiskSizeForThroughput', 'AzureDiskSuitabilityExplanationNoDiskSizeFoundInSelectedLocation', 'AzureDiskSuitabilityExplanationNoDiskSizeFoundForSelectedRedundancy', 'AzureDiskSuitabilityExplanationInternalErrorOccurredForDiskEvaluation'
61	SuitabilityExplanation AzureDiskSuitabilityExplanation `json:"suitabilityExplanation,omitempty"`
64// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AssessedDisk.
65func (ad AssessedDisk) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
66	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
67	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
70// AssessedMachine a machine evaluated as part of an assessment.
71type AssessedMachine struct {
72	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
73	// ID - READ-ONLY; Path reference to this assessed machine. /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Migrate/projects/{projectName}/groups/{groupName}/assessments/{assessmentName}/assessedMachines/{assessedMachineName}
74	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
75	// Name - READ-ONLY; Name of the machine.
76	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
77	// ETag - For optimistic concurrency control.
78	ETag *string `json:"eTag,omitempty"`
79	// Type - READ-ONLY; Type of the object = [Microsoft.Migrate/projects/groups/assessments/assessedMachines].
80	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
81	// AssessedMachineProperties - Properties of an assessed machine.
82	*AssessedMachineProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
85// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AssessedMachine.
86func (am AssessedMachine) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
87	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
88	if am.ETag != nil {
89		objectMap["eTag"] = am.ETag
90	}
91	if am.AssessedMachineProperties != nil {
92		objectMap["properties"] = am.AssessedMachineProperties
93	}
94	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
97// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for AssessedMachine struct.
98func (am *AssessedMachine) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
99	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
100	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
101	if err != nil {
102		return err
103	}
104	for k, v := range m {
105		switch k {
106		case "id":
107			if v != nil {
108				var ID string
109				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
110				if err != nil {
111					return err
112				}
113				am.ID = &ID
114			}
115		case "name":
116			if v != nil {
117				var name string
118				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
119				if err != nil {
120					return err
121				}
122				am.Name = &name
123			}
124		case "eTag":
125			if v != nil {
126				var eTag string
127				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &eTag)
128				if err != nil {
129					return err
130				}
131				am.ETag = &eTag
132			}
133		case "type":
134			if v != nil {
135				var typeVar string
136				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
137				if err != nil {
138					return err
139				}
140				am.Type = &typeVar
141			}
142		case "properties":
143			if v != nil {
144				var assessedMachineProperties AssessedMachineProperties
145				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &assessedMachineProperties)
146				if err != nil {
147					return err
148				}
149				am.AssessedMachineProperties = &assessedMachineProperties
150			}
151		}
152	}
154	return nil
157// AssessedMachineProperties properties of an assessed machine.
158type AssessedMachineProperties struct {
159	// Groups - READ-ONLY; List of references to the groups that the machine is member of.
160	Groups *[]string `json:"groups,omitempty"`
161	// DiscoveredTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this machine was discovered by Azure Migrate agent. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
162	DiscoveredTimestamp *date.Time `json:"discoveredTimestamp,omitempty"`
163	// BootType - READ-ONLY; Boot type of the machine. Possible values include: 'MachineBootTypeUnknown', 'MachineBootTypeEFI', 'MachineBootTypeBIOS'
164	BootType MachineBootType `json:"bootType,omitempty"`
165	// DatacenterContainer - READ-ONLY; Container defined in the management solution that this machine is part of in the datacenter.
166	DatacenterContainer *string `json:"datacenterContainer,omitempty"`
167	// DatacenterManagementServer - READ-ONLY; Name of the server hosting the datacenter management solution.
168	DatacenterManagementServer *string `json:"datacenterManagementServer,omitempty"`
169	// DatacenterMachineID - READ-ONLY; ID of the machine as tracked by the datacenter management solution.
170	DatacenterMachineID *string `json:"datacenterMachineId,omitempty"`
171	// DatacenterManagementServerID - READ-ONLY; ID of the server hosting the datacenter management solution.
172	DatacenterManagementServerID *string `json:"datacenterManagementServerId,omitempty"`
173	// Description - READ-ONLY; Description of the machine
174	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
175	// DisplayName - READ-ONLY; User readable name of the machine as defined by the user in their private datacenter.
176	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
177	// MegabytesOfMemory - READ-ONLY; Memory in Megabytes.
178	MegabytesOfMemory *float64 `json:"megabytesOfMemory,omitempty"`
179	// NumberOfCores - READ-ONLY; Processor count.
180	NumberOfCores *int32 `json:"numberOfCores,omitempty"`
181	// OperatingSystem - READ-ONLY; Operating System of the machine.
182	OperatingSystem *string `json:"operatingSystem,omitempty"`
183	// MonthlyBandwidthCost - READ-ONLY; Monthly network cost estimate for the network adapters that are attached to this machine as a group, for a 31-day month.
184	MonthlyBandwidthCost *float64 `json:"monthlyBandwidthCost,omitempty"`
185	// MonthlyStorageCost - READ-ONLY; Monthly storage cost estimate for the disks that are attached to this machine as a group, for a 31-day month.
186	MonthlyStorageCost *float64 `json:"monthlyStorageCost,omitempty"`
187	// Disks - READ-ONLY; Dictionary of disks attached to the machine. Key is ID of disk. Value is a disk object.
188	Disks map[string]*AssessedDisk `json:"disks"`
189	// NetworkAdapters - READ-ONLY; Dictionary of network adapters attached to the machine. Key is name of the adapter. Value is a network adapter object.
190	NetworkAdapters map[string]*AssessedNetworkAdapter `json:"networkAdapters"`
191	// RecommendedSize - READ-ONLY; Recommended Azure size for this machine. Possible values include: 'AzureVMSizeUnknown', 'AzureVMSizeBasicA0', 'AzureVMSizeBasicA1', 'AzureVMSizeBasicA2', 'AzureVMSizeBasicA3', 'AzureVMSizeBasicA4', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA0', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA1', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA3', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA4', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA5', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA6', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA7', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA8', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA9', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA10', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA11', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA1V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA2V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA4V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA8V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA2mV2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA4mV2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardA8mV2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD1', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD3', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD4', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD11', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD12', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD13', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD14', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD1V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD2V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD3V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD4V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD5V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD11V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD12V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD13V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD14V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardD15V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS1', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS3', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS4', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS11', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS12', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS13', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS14', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS1V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS2V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS3V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS4V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS5V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS11V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS12V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS13V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS14V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardDS15V2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardF1', 'AzureVMSizeStandardF2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardF4', 'AzureVMSizeStandardF8', 'AzureVMSizeStandardF16', 'AzureVMSizeStandardF1s', 'AzureVMSizeStandardF2s', 'AzureVMSizeStandardF4s', 'AzureVMSizeStandardF8s', 'AzureVMSizeStandardF16s', 'AzureVMSizeStandardG1', 'AzureVMSizeStandardG2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardG3', 'AzureVMSizeStandardG4', 'AzureVMSizeStandardG5', 'AzureVMSizeStandardGS1', 'AzureVMSizeStandardGS2', 'AzureVMSizeStandardGS3', 'AzureVMSizeStandardGS4', 'AzureVMSizeStandardGS5', 'AzureVMSizeStandardH8', 'AzureVMSizeStandardH16', 'AzureVMSizeStandardH8m', 'AzureVMSizeStandardH16m', 'AzureVMSizeStandardH16r', 'AzureVMSizeStandardH16mr', 'AzureVMSizeStandardL4s', 'AzureVMSizeStandardL8s', 'AzureVMSizeStandardL16s', 'AzureVMSizeStandardL32s'
192	RecommendedSize AzureVMSize `json:"recommendedSize,omitempty"`
193	// NumberOfCoresForRecommendedSize - READ-ONLY; Number of CPU cores in the Recommended Azure VM Size.
194	NumberOfCoresForRecommendedSize *int32 `json:"numberOfCoresForRecommendedSize,omitempty"`
195	// MegabytesOfMemoryForRecommendedSize - READ-ONLY; Megabytes of memory in the Recommended Azure VM Size.
196	MegabytesOfMemoryForRecommendedSize *float64 `json:"megabytesOfMemoryForRecommendedSize,omitempty"`
197	// MonthlyComputeCostForRecommendedSize - READ-ONLY; Compute Cost for a 31-day month, if the machine is migrated to Azure with the Recommended Size.
198	MonthlyComputeCostForRecommendedSize *float64 `json:"monthlyComputeCostForRecommendedSize,omitempty"`
199	// PercentageCoresUtilization - READ-ONLY; Utilization percentage of the processor core as observed in the private data center, in the Time Range selected on Assessment, reported as the Percentile value based on the percentile number selected in assessment.
200	PercentageCoresUtilization *float64 `json:"percentageCoresUtilization,omitempty"`
201	// PercentageMemoryUtilization - READ-ONLY; Utilization percentage of the memory as observed in the private data center, in the Time Range selected on Assessment, reported as the Percentile value based on the percentile number selected in assessment.
202	PercentageMemoryUtilization *float64 `json:"percentageMemoryUtilization,omitempty"`
203	// PercentageCoresUtilizationDataPointsExpected - READ-ONLY; Expected data points for percentage of cores utilization.
204	PercentageCoresUtilizationDataPointsExpected *int32 `json:"percentageCoresUtilizationDataPointsExpected,omitempty"`
205	// PercentageCoresUtilizationDataPointsReceived - READ-ONLY; Received data points for percentage of cores utilization.
206	PercentageCoresUtilizationDataPointsReceived *int32 `json:"percentageCoresUtilizationDataPointsReceived,omitempty"`
207	// PercentageMemoryUtilizationDataPointsExpected - READ-ONLY; Expected data points for percentage of memory utilization.
208	PercentageMemoryUtilizationDataPointsExpected *int32 `json:"percentageMemoryUtilizationDataPointsExpected,omitempty"`
209	// PercentageMemoryUtilizationDataPointsReceived - READ-ONLY; Received data points for percentage of memory utilization.
210	PercentageMemoryUtilizationDataPointsReceived *int32 `json:"percentageMemoryUtilizationDataPointsReceived,omitempty"`
211	// Suitability - READ-ONLY; Whether machine is suitable for migration to Azure. Possible values include: 'CloudSuitabilityUnknown', 'CloudSuitabilityNotSuitable', 'CloudSuitabilitySuitable', 'CloudSuitabilityConditionallySuitable', 'CloudSuitabilityReadinessUnknown'
212	Suitability CloudSuitability `json:"suitability,omitempty"`
213	// SuitabilityExplanation - READ-ONLY; If machine is not ready to be migrated, this explains the reasons and mitigation steps. Possible values include: 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationUnknown', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationNotApplicable', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationGuestOperatingSystemArchitectureNotSupported', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationGuestOperatingSystemNotSupported', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationBootTypeNotSupported', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationMoreDisksThanSupported', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationNoSuitableVMSizeFound', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationOneOrMoreDisksNotSuitable', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationOneOrMoreAdaptersNotSuitable', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationInternalErrorOccuredDuringComputeEvaluation', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationInternalErrorOccuredDuringStorageEvaluation', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationInternalErrorOccuredDuringNetworkEvaluation', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationNoVMSizeSupportsStoragePerformance', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationNoVMSizeSupportsNetworkPerformance', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationNoVMSizeForSelectedPricingTier', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationNoVMSizeForSelectedAzureLocation', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationCheckRedHatLinuxVersion', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationCheckOpenSuseLinuxVersion', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationCheckWindowsServer2008R2Version', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationCheckCentOsVersion', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationCheckDebianLinuxVersion', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationCheckSuseLinuxVersion', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationCheckOracleLinuxVersion', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationCheckUbuntuLinuxVersion', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationCheckCoreOsLinuxVersion', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationWindowsServerVersionConditionallySupported', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationNoGuestOperatingSystemConditionallySupported', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationWindowsClientVersionsConditionallySupported', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationBootTypeUnknown', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationGuestOperatingSystemUnknown', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationWindowsServerVersionsSupportedWithCaveat', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationWindowsOSNoLongerUnderMSSupport', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationEndorsedWithConditionsLinuxDistributions', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationUnendorsedLinuxDistributions', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationNoVMSizeForStandardPricingTier', 'AzureVMSuitabilityExplanationNoVMSizeForBasicPricingTier'
214	SuitabilityExplanation AzureVMSuitabilityExplanation `json:"suitabilityExplanation,omitempty"`
215	// CreatedTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this machine was created. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
216	CreatedTimestamp *date.Time `json:"createdTimestamp,omitempty"`
217	// UpdatedTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this machine was last updated. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
218	UpdatedTimestamp *date.Time `json:"updatedTimestamp,omitempty"`
221// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AssessedMachineProperties.
222func (amp AssessedMachineProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
223	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
224	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
227// AssessedMachineResultList list of assessed machines.
228type AssessedMachineResultList struct {
229	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
230	// Value - List of assessed machines.
231	Value *[]AssessedMachine `json:"value,omitempty"`
234// AssessedNetworkAdapter a network adapter assessed for an assessment.
235type AssessedNetworkAdapter struct {
236	// MacAddress - READ-ONLY; MAC Address of the network adapter.
237	MacAddress *string `json:"macAddress,omitempty"`
238	// IPAddresses - READ-ONLY; List of IP Addresses on the network adapter.
239	IPAddresses *[]string `json:"ipAddresses,omitempty"`
240	// MonthlyBandwidthCosts - READ-ONLY; Monthly cost estimate for network bandwidth used by this network adapter.
241	MonthlyBandwidthCosts *float64 `json:"monthlyBandwidthCosts,omitempty"`
242	// MegabytesPerSecondReceived - READ-ONLY; Adapter throughput for incoming traffic in MegaBytes per second.
243	MegabytesPerSecondReceived *float64 `json:"megabytesPerSecondReceived,omitempty"`
244	// MegabytesPerSecondReceivedDataPointsExpected - READ-ONLY; Expected data points for incoming traffic in MegaBytes per second.
245	MegabytesPerSecondReceivedDataPointsExpected *int32 `json:"megabytesPerSecondReceivedDataPointsExpected,omitempty"`
246	// MegabytesPerSecondOfReadDataPointsReceived - READ-ONLY; Received data points for incoming traffic in MegaBytes per second.
247	MegabytesPerSecondOfReadDataPointsReceived *int32 `json:"megabytesPerSecondOfReadDataPointsReceived,omitempty"`
248	// MegabytesPerSecondTransmitted - READ-ONLY; Adapter throughput for outgoing traffic in MegaBytes per second.
249	MegabytesPerSecondTransmitted *float64 `json:"megabytesPerSecondTransmitted,omitempty"`
250	// MegabytesPerSecondTransmittedDataPointsExpected - READ-ONLY; Expected data points for outgoing traffic in MegaBytes per second.
251	MegabytesPerSecondTransmittedDataPointsExpected *int32 `json:"megabytesPerSecondTransmittedDataPointsExpected,omitempty"`
252	// MegabytesPerSecondTransmittedDataPointsReceived - READ-ONLY; Received data points for outgoing traffic in MegaBytes per second.
253	MegabytesPerSecondTransmittedDataPointsReceived *int32 `json:"megabytesPerSecondTransmittedDataPointsReceived,omitempty"`
254	// NetGigabytesTransmittedPerMonth - Gigabytes transmitted through this adapter each month.
255	NetGigabytesTransmittedPerMonth *float64 `json:"netGigabytesTransmittedPerMonth,omitempty"`
256	// Suitability - READ-ONLY; Whether this adapter is suitable for Azure. Possible values include: 'CloudSuitabilityUnknown', 'CloudSuitabilityNotSuitable', 'CloudSuitabilitySuitable', 'CloudSuitabilityConditionallySuitable', 'CloudSuitabilityReadinessUnknown'
257	Suitability CloudSuitability `json:"suitability,omitempty"`
258	// SuitabilityExplanation - READ-ONLY; If network adapter is suitable, this explains the reasons and mitigation steps. Possible values include: 'AzureNetworkAdapterSuitabilityExplanationUnknown', 'AzureNetworkAdapterSuitabilityExplanationNotApplicable', 'AzureNetworkAdapterSuitabilityExplanationInternalErrorOccured'
259	SuitabilityExplanation AzureNetworkAdapterSuitabilityExplanation `json:"suitabilityExplanation,omitempty"`
262// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AssessedNetworkAdapter.
263func (ana AssessedNetworkAdapter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
264	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
265	if ana.NetGigabytesTransmittedPerMonth != nil {
266		objectMap["netGigabytesTransmittedPerMonth"] = ana.NetGigabytesTransmittedPerMonth
267	}
268	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
271// Assessment an assessment created for a group in the Migration project.
272type Assessment struct {
273	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
274	// ID - READ-ONLY; Path reference to this assessment. /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Migrate/projects/{projectName}/groups/{groupName}/assessment/{assessmentName}
275	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
276	// Name - READ-ONLY; Unique name of an assessment.
277	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
278	// ETag - For optimistic concurrency control.
279	ETag *string `json:"eTag,omitempty"`
280	// Type - READ-ONLY; Type of the object = [Microsoft.Migrate/projects/groups/assessments].
281	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
282	// AssessmentProperties - Properties of the assessment.
283	*AssessmentProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
286// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Assessment.
287func (a Assessment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
288	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
289	if a.ETag != nil {
290		objectMap["eTag"] = a.ETag
291	}
292	if a.AssessmentProperties != nil {
293		objectMap["properties"] = a.AssessmentProperties
294	}
295	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
298// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Assessment struct.
299func (a *Assessment) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
300	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
301	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
302	if err != nil {
303		return err
304	}
305	for k, v := range m {
306		switch k {
307		case "id":
308			if v != nil {
309				var ID string
310				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
311				if err != nil {
312					return err
313				}
314				a.ID = &ID
315			}
316		case "name":
317			if v != nil {
318				var name string
319				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
320				if err != nil {
321					return err
322				}
323				a.Name = &name
324			}
325		case "eTag":
326			if v != nil {
327				var eTag string
328				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &eTag)
329				if err != nil {
330					return err
331				}
332				a.ETag = &eTag
333			}
334		case "type":
335			if v != nil {
336				var typeVar string
337				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
338				if err != nil {
339					return err
340				}
341				a.Type = &typeVar
342			}
343		case "properties":
344			if v != nil {
345				var assessmentProperties AssessmentProperties
346				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &assessmentProperties)
347				if err != nil {
348					return err
349				}
350				a.AssessmentProperties = &assessmentProperties
351			}
352		}
353	}
355	return nil
358// AssessmentOptionsResultList list of assessment options.
359type AssessmentOptionsResultList struct {
360	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
361	// VMFamilies - READ-ONLY; Dictionary of VM families grouped by vm family name describing the targeted azure locations of VM family and the category of the family.
362	VMFamilies *[]VMFamily `json:"vmFamilies,omitempty"`
363	// ReservedInstanceVMFamilies - READ-ONLY; List of supported VM Families.
364	ReservedInstanceVMFamilies *[]string `json:"reservedInstanceVmFamilies,omitempty"`
367// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AssessmentOptionsResultList.
368func (aorl AssessmentOptionsResultList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
369	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
370	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
373// AssessmentProperties properties of an assessment.
374type AssessmentProperties struct {
375	// AzureLocation - Target Azure location for which the machines should be assessed. These enums are the same as used by Compute API. Possible values include: 'AzureLocationUnknown', 'AzureLocationEastAsia', 'AzureLocationSoutheastAsia', 'AzureLocationAustraliaEast', 'AzureLocationAustraliaSoutheast', 'AzureLocationBrazilSouth', 'AzureLocationCanadaCentral', 'AzureLocationCanadaEast', 'AzureLocationWestEurope', 'AzureLocationNorthEurope', 'AzureLocationCentralIndia', 'AzureLocationSouthIndia', 'AzureLocationWestIndia', 'AzureLocationJapanEast', 'AzureLocationJapanWest', 'AzureLocationKoreaCentral', 'AzureLocationKoreaSouth', 'AzureLocationUkWest', 'AzureLocationUkSouth', 'AzureLocationNorthCentralUs', 'AzureLocationEastUs', 'AzureLocationWestUs2', 'AzureLocationSouthCentralUs', 'AzureLocationCentralUs', 'AzureLocationEastUs2', 'AzureLocationWestUs', 'AzureLocationWestCentralUs', 'AzureLocationGermanyCentral', 'AzureLocationGermanyNortheast', 'AzureLocationChinaNorth', 'AzureLocationChinaEast'
376	AzureLocation AzureLocation `json:"azureLocation,omitempty"`
377	// AzureOfferCode - Offer code according to which cost estimation is done. Possible values include: 'AzureOfferCodeUnknown', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0003P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0044P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0059P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0060P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0062P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0063P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0064P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0029P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0022P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0023P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0148P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0025P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0036P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0120P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0121P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0122P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0123P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0124P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0125P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0126P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0127P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0128P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0129P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0130P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0111P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0144P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZR0149P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSMCAZR0044P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSMCAZR0059P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSMCAZR0060P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSMCAZR0063P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSMCAZR0120P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSMCAZR0121P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSMCAZR0125P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSMCAZR0128P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZRDE0003P', 'AzureOfferCodeMSAZRDE0044P'
378	AzureOfferCode AzureOfferCode `json:"azureOfferCode,omitempty"`
379	// AzurePricingTier - Pricing tier for Size evaluation. Possible values include: 'Standard', 'Basic'
380	AzurePricingTier AzurePricingTier `json:"azurePricingTier,omitempty"`
381	// AzureStorageRedundancy - Storage Redundancy type offered by Azure. Possible values include: 'AzureStorageRedundancyUnknown', 'AzureStorageRedundancyLocallyRedundant', 'AzureStorageRedundancyZoneRedundant', 'AzureStorageRedundancyGeoRedundant', 'AzureStorageRedundancyReadAccessGeoRedundant'
382	AzureStorageRedundancy AzureStorageRedundancy `json:"azureStorageRedundancy,omitempty"`
383	// ScalingFactor - Scaling factor used over utilization data to add a performance buffer for new machines to be created in Azure. Min Value = 1.0, Max value = 1.9, Default = 1.3.
384	ScalingFactor *float64 `json:"scalingFactor,omitempty"`
385	// Percentile - Percentile of performance data used to recommend Azure size. Possible values include: 'Percentile50', 'Percentile90', 'Percentile95', 'Percentile99'
386	Percentile Percentile `json:"percentile,omitempty"`
387	// TimeRange - Time range of performance data used to recommend a size. Possible values include: 'Day', 'Week', 'Month'
388	TimeRange TimeRange `json:"timeRange,omitempty"`
389	// Stage - User configurable setting that describes the status of the assessment. Possible values include: 'InProgress', 'UnderReview', 'Approved'
390	Stage AssessmentStage `json:"stage,omitempty"`
391	// Currency - Currency to report prices in. Possible values include: 'CurrencyUnknown', 'CurrencyUSD', 'CurrencyDKK', 'CurrencyCAD', 'CurrencyIDR', 'CurrencyJPY', 'CurrencyKRW', 'CurrencyNZD', 'CurrencyNOK', 'CurrencyRUB', 'CurrencySAR', 'CurrencyZAR', 'CurrencySEK', 'CurrencyTRY', 'CurrencyGBP', 'CurrencyMXN', 'CurrencyMYR', 'CurrencyINR', 'CurrencyHKD', 'CurrencyBRL', 'CurrencyTWD', 'CurrencyEUR', 'CurrencyCHF', 'CurrencyARS', 'CurrencyAUD', 'CurrencyCNY'
392	Currency Currency `json:"currency,omitempty"`
393	// AzureHybridUseBenefit - AHUB discount on windows virtual machines. Possible values include: 'AzureHybridUseBenefitUnknown', 'AzureHybridUseBenefitYes', 'AzureHybridUseBenefitNo'
394	AzureHybridUseBenefit AzureHybridUseBenefit `json:"azureHybridUseBenefit,omitempty"`
395	// DiscountPercentage - Custom discount percentage to be applied on final costs. Can be in the range [0, 100].
396	DiscountPercentage *float64 `json:"discountPercentage,omitempty"`
397	// ConfidenceRatingInPercentage - READ-ONLY; Confidence rating percentage for assessment. Can be in the range [0, 100].
398	ConfidenceRatingInPercentage *float64 `json:"confidenceRatingInPercentage,omitempty"`
399	// SizingCriterion - Assessment sizing criterion. Possible values include: 'PerformanceBased', 'AsOnPremises'
400	SizingCriterion AssessmentSizingCriterion `json:"sizingCriterion,omitempty"`
401	// PricesTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when the Azure Prices were queried. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
402	PricesTimestamp *date.Time `json:"pricesTimestamp,omitempty"`
403	// CreatedTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this project was created. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
404	CreatedTimestamp *date.Time `json:"createdTimestamp,omitempty"`
405	// UpdatedTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this project was last updated. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
406	UpdatedTimestamp *date.Time `json:"updatedTimestamp,omitempty"`
407	// MonthlyComputeCost - READ-ONLY; Monthly compute cost estimate for the machines that are part of this assessment as a group, for a 31-day month.
408	MonthlyComputeCost *float64 `json:"monthlyComputeCost,omitempty"`
409	// MonthlyBandwidthCost - READ-ONLY; Monthly network cost estimate for the machines that are part of this assessment as a group, for a 31-day month.
410	MonthlyBandwidthCost *float64 `json:"monthlyBandwidthCost,omitempty"`
411	// MonthlyStorageCost - READ-ONLY; Monthly storage cost estimate for the machines that are part of this assessment as a group, for a 31-day month.
412	MonthlyStorageCost *float64 `json:"monthlyStorageCost,omitempty"`
413	// Status - READ-ONLY; Whether the assessment has been created and is valid. Possible values include: 'Created', 'Updated', 'Running', 'Completed', 'Invalid'
414	Status AssessmentStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
415	// NumberOfMachines - READ-ONLY; Number of assessed machines part of this assessment.
416	NumberOfMachines *int32 `json:"numberOfMachines,omitempty"`
419// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AssessmentProperties.
420func (ap AssessmentProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
421	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
422	if ap.AzureLocation != "" {
423		objectMap["azureLocation"] = ap.AzureLocation
424	}
425	if ap.AzureOfferCode != "" {
426		objectMap["azureOfferCode"] = ap.AzureOfferCode
427	}
428	if ap.AzurePricingTier != "" {
429		objectMap["azurePricingTier"] = ap.AzurePricingTier
430	}
431	if ap.AzureStorageRedundancy != "" {
432		objectMap["azureStorageRedundancy"] = ap.AzureStorageRedundancy
433	}
434	if ap.ScalingFactor != nil {
435		objectMap["scalingFactor"] = ap.ScalingFactor
436	}
437	if ap.Percentile != "" {
438		objectMap["percentile"] = ap.Percentile
439	}
440	if ap.TimeRange != "" {
441		objectMap["timeRange"] = ap.TimeRange
442	}
443	if ap.Stage != "" {
444		objectMap["stage"] = ap.Stage
445	}
446	if ap.Currency != "" {
447		objectMap["currency"] = ap.Currency
448	}
449	if ap.AzureHybridUseBenefit != "" {
450		objectMap["azureHybridUseBenefit"] = ap.AzureHybridUseBenefit
451	}
452	if ap.DiscountPercentage != nil {
453		objectMap["discountPercentage"] = ap.DiscountPercentage
454	}
455	if ap.SizingCriterion != "" {
456		objectMap["sizingCriterion"] = ap.SizingCriterion
457	}
458	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
461// AssessmentResultList list of assessments.
462type AssessmentResultList struct {
463	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
464	// Value - List of assessments.
465	Value *[]Assessment `json:"value,omitempty"`
468// CheckNameAvailabilityParameters parameters for a check name availability request.
469type CheckNameAvailabilityParameters struct {
470	// Name - The name to check for availability
471	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
472	// Type - The resource type. Must be set to Microsoft.Migrate/projects
473	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
476// CheckNameAvailabilityResult the CheckNameAvailability operation response.
477type CheckNameAvailabilityResult struct {
478	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
479	// NameAvailable - READ-ONLY; Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the name is available for you to use. If true, the name is available. If false, the name has already been taken or invalid and cannot be used.
480	NameAvailable *bool `json:"nameAvailable,omitempty"`
481	// Reason - READ-ONLY; Gets the reason that a project name could not be used. The Reason element is only returned if NameAvailable is false. Possible values include: 'NameAvailabilityReasonAvailable', 'NameAvailabilityReasonInvalid', 'NameAvailabilityReasonAlreadyExists'
482	Reason NameAvailabilityReason `json:"reason,omitempty"`
483	// Message - READ-ONLY; Gets an error message explaining the Reason value in more detail.
484	Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
487// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CheckNameAvailabilityResult.
488func (cnar CheckNameAvailabilityResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
489	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
490	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
493// CloudError an error response from the Azure Migrate service.
494type CloudError struct {
495	Error *CloudErrorBody `json:"error,omitempty"`
498// CloudErrorBody an error response from the Azure Migrate service.
499type CloudErrorBody struct {
500	// Code - An identifier for the error. Codes are invariant and are intended to be consumed programmatically.
501	Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"`
502	// Message - A message describing the error, intended to be suitable for display in a user interface.
503	Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
504	// Target - The target of the particular error. For example, the name of the property in error.
505	Target *string `json:"target,omitempty"`
506	// Details - A list of additional details about the error.
507	Details *[]CloudErrorBody `json:"details,omitempty"`
510// Disk a disk discovered on a machine.
511type Disk struct {
512	// GigabytesAllocated - READ-ONLY; Gigabytes of storage provisioned for this disk.
513	GigabytesAllocated *float64 `json:"gigabytesAllocated,omitempty"`
514	// GigabytesConsumed - READ-ONLY; Gigabytes of storage consumed by this disk.
515	GigabytesConsumed *float64 `json:"gigabytesConsumed,omitempty"`
518// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Disk.
519func (d Disk) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
520	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
521	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
524// DownloadURL download URL for assessment report.
525type DownloadURL struct {
526	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
527	// AssessmentReportURL - READ-ONLY; Hyperlink to download report.
528	AssessmentReportURL *string `json:"assessmentReportUrl,omitempty"`
529	// ExpirationTime - READ-ONLY; Expiry date of download url.
530	ExpirationTime *date.Time `json:"expirationTime,omitempty"`
533// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DownloadURL.
534func (du DownloadURL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
535	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
536	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
539// Group a group created in a Migration project.
540type Group struct {
541	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
542	// ID - READ-ONLY; Path reference to this group. /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Migrate/projects/{projectName}/groups/{groupName}
543	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
544	// Name - READ-ONLY; Name of the group.
545	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
546	// ETag - For optimistic concurrency control.
547	ETag *string `json:"eTag,omitempty"`
548	// Type - READ-ONLY; Type of the object = [Microsoft.Migrate/projects/groups].
549	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
550	// GroupProperties - Properties of the group.
551	*GroupProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
554// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Group.
555func (g Group) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
556	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
557	if g.ETag != nil {
558		objectMap["eTag"] = g.ETag
559	}
560	if g.GroupProperties != nil {
561		objectMap["properties"] = g.GroupProperties
562	}
563	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
566// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Group struct.
567func (g *Group) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
568	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
569	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
570	if err != nil {
571		return err
572	}
573	for k, v := range m {
574		switch k {
575		case "id":
576			if v != nil {
577				var ID string
578				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
579				if err != nil {
580					return err
581				}
582				g.ID = &ID
583			}
584		case "name":
585			if v != nil {
586				var name string
587				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
588				if err != nil {
589					return err
590				}
591				g.Name = &name
592			}
593		case "eTag":
594			if v != nil {
595				var eTag string
596				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &eTag)
597				if err != nil {
598					return err
599				}
600				g.ETag = &eTag
601			}
602		case "type":
603			if v != nil {
604				var typeVar string
605				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
606				if err != nil {
607					return err
608				}
609				g.Type = &typeVar
610			}
611		case "properties":
612			if v != nil {
613				var groupProperties GroupProperties
614				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &groupProperties)
615				if err != nil {
616					return err
617				}
618				g.GroupProperties = &groupProperties
619			}
620		}
621	}
623	return nil
626// GroupProperties properties of group resource.
627type GroupProperties struct {
628	// Machines - List of machine names that are part of this group.
629	Machines *[]string `json:"machines,omitempty"`
630	// Assessments - READ-ONLY; List of References to Assessments created on this group.
631	Assessments *[]string `json:"assessments,omitempty"`
632	// CreatedTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this project was created. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
633	CreatedTimestamp *date.Time `json:"createdTimestamp,omitempty"`
634	// UpdatedTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this project was last updated. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
635	UpdatedTimestamp *date.Time `json:"updatedTimestamp,omitempty"`
638// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for GroupProperties.
639func (gp GroupProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
640	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
641	if gp.Machines != nil {
642		objectMap["machines"] = gp.Machines
643	}
644	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
647// GroupResultList list of groups.
648type GroupResultList struct {
649	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
650	// Value - List of groups.
651	Value *[]Group `json:"value,omitempty"`
654// Machine a machine in a migration project.
655type Machine struct {
656	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
657	// ID - READ-ONLY; Path reference to this machine. /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Migrate/projects/{projectName}/machines/{machineName}
658	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
659	// Name - READ-ONLY; Name of the machine. It is a GUID which is unique identifier of machine in private data center. For user-readable name, we have a displayName property on this machine.
660	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
661	// ETag - For optimistic concurrency control.
662	ETag *string `json:"eTag,omitempty"`
663	// Type - READ-ONLY; Type of the object = [Microsoft.Migrate/projects/machines].
664	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
665	// MachineProperties - Properties of the machine.
666	*MachineProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
669// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Machine.
670func (mVar Machine) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
671	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
672	if mVar.ETag != nil {
673		objectMap["eTag"] = mVar.ETag
674	}
675	if mVar.MachineProperties != nil {
676		objectMap["properties"] = mVar.MachineProperties
677	}
678	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
681// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Machine struct.
682func (mVar *Machine) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
683	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
684	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
685	if err != nil {
686		return err
687	}
688	for k, v := range m {
689		switch k {
690		case "id":
691			if v != nil {
692				var ID string
693				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
694				if err != nil {
695					return err
696				}
697				mVar.ID = &ID
698			}
699		case "name":
700			if v != nil {
701				var name string
702				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
703				if err != nil {
704					return err
705				}
706				mVar.Name = &name
707			}
708		case "eTag":
709			if v != nil {
710				var eTag string
711				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &eTag)
712				if err != nil {
713					return err
714				}
715				mVar.ETag = &eTag
716			}
717		case "type":
718			if v != nil {
719				var typeVar string
720				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
721				if err != nil {
722					return err
723				}
724				mVar.Type = &typeVar
725			}
726		case "properties":
727			if v != nil {
728				var machineProperties MachineProperties
729				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &machineProperties)
730				if err != nil {
731					return err
732				}
733				mVar.MachineProperties = &machineProperties
734			}
735		}
736	}
738	return nil
741// MachineProperties properties of a machine.
742type MachineProperties struct {
743	// BootType - READ-ONLY; Boot type of the machine. Possible values include: 'MachineBootTypeUnknown', 'MachineBootTypeEFI', 'MachineBootTypeBIOS'
744	BootType MachineBootType `json:"bootType,omitempty"`
745	// DatacenterContainer - READ-ONLY; Container defined in the management solution that this machine is part of in the datacenter.
746	DatacenterContainer *string `json:"datacenterContainer,omitempty"`
747	// DatacenterManagementServer - READ-ONLY; Name of the server hosting the datacenter management solution.
748	DatacenterManagementServer *string `json:"datacenterManagementServer,omitempty"`
749	// DatacenterMachineID - READ-ONLY; ID of the machine as tracked by the datacenter management solution.
750	DatacenterMachineID *string `json:"datacenterMachineId,omitempty"`
751	// DatacenterManagementServerID - READ-ONLY; ID of the server hosting the datacenter management solution.
752	DatacenterManagementServerID *string `json:"datacenterManagementServerId,omitempty"`
753	// Description - READ-ONLY; Description of the machine
754	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
755	// DisplayName - READ-ONLY; User readable name of the machine as defined by the user in their private datacenter.
756	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
757	// MegabytesOfMemory - READ-ONLY; Memory in Megabytes.
758	MegabytesOfMemory *float64 `json:"megabytesOfMemory,omitempty"`
759	// NumberOfCores - READ-ONLY; Processor count.
760	NumberOfCores *int32 `json:"numberOfCores,omitempty"`
761	// OperatingSystem - READ-ONLY; Operating System of the machine.
762	OperatingSystem *string `json:"operatingSystem,omitempty"`
763	// Groups - READ-ONLY; List of references to the groups that the machine is member of.
764	Groups *[]string `json:"groups,omitempty"`
765	// CreatedTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this machine was created. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
766	CreatedTimestamp *date.Time `json:"createdTimestamp,omitempty"`
767	// UpdatedTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this machine was last updated. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
768	UpdatedTimestamp *date.Time `json:"updatedTimestamp,omitempty"`
769	// DiscoveredTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this machine was discovered by Azure Migrate agent. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
770	DiscoveredTimestamp *date.Time `json:"discoveredTimestamp,omitempty"`
771	// Disks - READ-ONLY; Dictionary of disks attached to the machine. Key is ID of disk. Value is a disk object
772	Disks map[string]*Disk `json:"disks"`
773	// NetworkAdapters - READ-ONLY; Dictionary of network adapters attached to the machine. Key is ID of network adapter. Value is a network adapter object
774	NetworkAdapters map[string]*NetworkAdapter `json:"networkAdapters"`
777// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for MachineProperties.
778func (mp MachineProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
779	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
780	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
783// MachineResultList list of machines.
784type MachineResultList struct {
785	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
786	// Value - List of machines.
787	Value *[]Machine `json:"value,omitempty"`
790// NetworkAdapter a network adapter discovered on a machine.
791type NetworkAdapter struct {
792	// MacAddress - READ-ONLY; MAC Address of the network adapter.
793	MacAddress *string `json:"macAddress,omitempty"`
794	// IPAddresses - READ-ONLY; List of IP Addresses on the network adapter.
795	IPAddresses *[]string `json:"ipAddresses,omitempty"`
798// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for NetworkAdapter.
799func (na NetworkAdapter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
800	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
801	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
804// Operation a REST API operation supported by the provider.
805type Operation struct {
806	// Name - READ-ONLY; Name of the operation.
807	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
808	// Display - Displayable properties of the operation.
809	Display *OperationDisplay `json:"display,omitempty"`
810	// Origin - READ-ONLY; Origin of the operation.
811	Origin *string `json:"origin,omitempty"`
814// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Operation.
815func (o Operation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
816	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
817	if o.Display != nil {
818		objectMap["display"] = o.Display
819	}
820	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
823// OperationDisplay displayable properties of the operation.
824type OperationDisplay struct {
825	// Provider - READ-ONLY; Provider of the operation.
826	Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"`
827	// Resource - READ-ONLY; Resource operated on by the operation.
828	Resource *string `json:"resource,omitempty"`
829	// Operation - READ-ONLY; Operation Type.
830	Operation *string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
831	// Description - READ-ONLY; Description of the operation.
832	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
835// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for OperationDisplay.
836func (od OperationDisplay) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
837	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
838	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
841// OperationResultList list of API operations.
842type OperationResultList struct {
843	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
844	// Value - List of operations.
845	Value *[]Operation `json:"value,omitempty"`
848// Project azure Migrate Project.
849type Project struct {
850	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
851	// ID - READ-ONLY; Path reference to this project /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Migrate/projects/{projectName}
852	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
853	// Name - READ-ONLY; Name of the project.
854	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
855	// Type - READ-ONLY; Type of the object = [Microsoft.Migrate/projects].
856	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
857	// ETag - For optimistic concurrency control.
858	ETag *string `json:"eTag,omitempty"`
859	// Location - Azure location in which project is created.
860	Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
861	// Tags - Tags provided by Azure Tagging service.
862	Tags interface{} `json:"tags,omitempty"`
863	// ProjectProperties - Properties of the project.
864	*ProjectProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
867// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Project.
868func (p Project) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
869	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
870	if p.ETag != nil {
871		objectMap["eTag"] = p.ETag
872	}
873	if p.Location != nil {
874		objectMap["location"] = p.Location
875	}
876	if p.Tags != nil {
877		objectMap["tags"] = p.Tags
878	}
879	if p.ProjectProperties != nil {
880		objectMap["properties"] = p.ProjectProperties
881	}
882	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
885// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Project struct.
886func (p *Project) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
887	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
888	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
889	if err != nil {
890		return err
891	}
892	for k, v := range m {
893		switch k {
894		case "id":
895			if v != nil {
896				var ID string
897				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
898				if err != nil {
899					return err
900				}
901				p.ID = &ID
902			}
903		case "name":
904			if v != nil {
905				var name string
906				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
907				if err != nil {
908					return err
909				}
910				p.Name = &name
911			}
912		case "type":
913			if v != nil {
914				var typeVar string
915				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
916				if err != nil {
917					return err
918				}
919				p.Type = &typeVar
920			}
921		case "eTag":
922			if v != nil {
923				var eTag string
924				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &eTag)
925				if err != nil {
926					return err
927				}
928				p.ETag = &eTag
929			}
930		case "location":
931			if v != nil {
932				var location string
933				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &location)
934				if err != nil {
935					return err
936				}
937				p.Location = &location
938			}
939		case "tags":
940			if v != nil {
941				var tags interface{}
942				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &tags)
943				if err != nil {
944					return err
945				}
946				p.Tags = tags
947			}
948		case "properties":
949			if v != nil {
950				var projectProperties ProjectProperties
951				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &projectProperties)
952				if err != nil {
953					return err
954				}
955				p.ProjectProperties = &projectProperties
956			}
957		}
958	}
960	return nil
963// ProjectKey ID and Key for Migration Project.
964type ProjectKey struct {
965	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
966	// WorkspaceID - READ-ONLY; ID of Migration Project.
967	WorkspaceID *string `json:"workspaceId,omitempty"`
968	// WorkspaceKey - READ-ONLY; Key of Migration Project.
969	WorkspaceKey *string `json:"workspaceKey,omitempty"`
972// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ProjectKey.
973func (pk ProjectKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
974	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
975	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
978// ProjectProperties properties of a project.
979type ProjectProperties struct {
980	// CreatedTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this project was created. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
981	CreatedTimestamp *date.Time `json:"createdTimestamp,omitempty"`
982	// UpdatedTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this project was last updated. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format.
983	UpdatedTimestamp *date.Time `json:"updatedTimestamp,omitempty"`
984	// DiscoveryStatus - READ-ONLY; Reports whether project is under discovery. Possible values include: 'DiscoveryStatusUnknown', 'DiscoveryStatusNotStarted', 'DiscoveryStatusInProgress', 'DiscoveryStatusCompleted'
985	DiscoveryStatus DiscoveryStatus `json:"discoveryStatus,omitempty"`
986	// CustomerWorkspaceID - ARM ID of the Service Map workspace created by user.
987	CustomerWorkspaceID *string `json:"customerWorkspaceId,omitempty"`
988	// CustomerWorkspaceLocation - Location of the Service Map workspace created by user.
989	CustomerWorkspaceLocation *string `json:"customerWorkspaceLocation,omitempty"`
990	// LastDiscoveryTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when this project was created. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format. This value will be null until discovery is complete.
991	LastDiscoveryTimestamp *date.Time `json:"lastDiscoveryTimestamp,omitempty"`
992	// LastDiscoverySessionID - READ-ONLY; Session id of the last discovery.
993	LastDiscoverySessionID *string `json:"lastDiscoverySessionId,omitempty"`
994	// NumberOfGroups - READ-ONLY; Number of groups created in the project.
995	NumberOfGroups *int32 `json:"numberOfGroups,omitempty"`
996	// NumberOfMachines - READ-ONLY; Number of machines in the project.
997	NumberOfMachines *int32 `json:"numberOfMachines,omitempty"`
998	// NumberOfAssessments - READ-ONLY; Number of assessments created in the project.
999	NumberOfAssessments *int32 `json:"numberOfAssessments,omitempty"`
1000	// LastAssessmentTimestamp - READ-ONLY; Time when last assessment was created. Date-Time represented in ISO-8601 format. This value will be null until assessment is created.
1001	LastAssessmentTimestamp *date.Time `json:"lastAssessmentTimestamp,omitempty"`
1002	// ProvisioningState - Provisioning state of the project. Possible values include: 'Accepted', 'Creating', 'Deleting', 'Failed', 'Moving', 'Succeeded'
1003	ProvisioningState ProvisioningState `json:"provisioningState,omitempty"`
1006// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ProjectProperties.
1007func (pp ProjectProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
1008	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
1009	if pp.CustomerWorkspaceID != nil {
1010		objectMap["customerWorkspaceId"] = pp.CustomerWorkspaceID
1011	}
1012	if pp.CustomerWorkspaceLocation != nil {
1013		objectMap["customerWorkspaceLocation"] = pp.CustomerWorkspaceLocation
1014	}
1015	if pp.ProvisioningState != "" {
1016		objectMap["provisioningState"] = pp.ProvisioningState
1017	}
1018	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
1021// ProjectResultList list of projects.
1022type ProjectResultList struct {
1023	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
1024	// Value - List of projects.
1025	Value *[]Project `json:"value,omitempty"`
1028// VMFamily VM family name, the list of targeted azure locations and the category of the family.
1029type VMFamily struct {
1030	// FamilyName - READ-ONLY; Name of the VM family.
1031	FamilyName *string `json:"familyName,omitempty"`
1032	// TargetLocations - READ-ONLY; List of Azure regions.
1033	TargetLocations *[]string `json:"targetLocations,omitempty"`
1034	// Category - READ-ONLY; Category of the VM family.
1035	Category *[]string `json:"category,omitempty"`
1038// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for VMFamily.
1039func (vf VMFamily) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
1040	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
1041	return json.Marshal(objectMap)