1// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
3// distributed with this work for additional information
4// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
5// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
15// specific language governing permissions and limitations
16// under the License.
18import { Vector } from './vector';
19import { BufferType } from './enum';
20import { Data, Buffers } from './data';
21import { createIsValidFunction } from './builder/valid';
22import { BuilderType as B, VectorType as V} from './interfaces';
23import { BufferBuilder, BitmapBufferBuilder, DataBufferBuilder, OffsetsBufferBuilder } from './builder/buffer';
24import {
25    DataType, strideForType,
26    Float, Int, Decimal, FixedSizeBinary,
27    Date_, Time, Timestamp, Interval,
28    Utf8, Binary, List, Map_
29} from './type';
32 * A set of options required to create a `Builder` instance for a given `DataType`.
33 * @see {@link Builder}
34 */
35export interface BuilderOptions<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any> {
36    type: T;
37    nullValues?: TNull[] | ReadonlyArray<TNull> | null;
38    children?: { [key: string]: BuilderOptions; } | BuilderOptions[];
42 * A set of options to create an Iterable or AsyncIterable `Builder` transform function.
43 * @see {@link Builder.throughIterable}
44 * @see {@link Builder.throughAsyncIterable}
45 */
47export interface IterableBuilderOptions<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any> extends BuilderOptions<T, TNull> {
48    highWaterMark?: number;
49    queueingStrategy?: 'bytes' | 'count';
50    dictionaryHashFunction?: (value: any) => string | number;
51    valueToChildTypeId?: (builder: Builder<T, TNull>, value: any, offset: number) => number;
55 * An abstract base class for types that construct Arrow Vectors from arbitrary JavaScript values.
56 *
57 * A `Builder` is responsible for writing arbitrary JavaScript values
58 * to ArrayBuffers and/or child Builders according to the Arrow specification
59 * for each DataType, creating or resizing the underlying ArrayBuffers as necessary.
60 *
61 * The `Builder` for each Arrow `DataType` handles converting and appending
62 * values for a given `DataType`. The high-level {@link Builder.new `Builder.new()`} convenience
63 * method creates the specific `Builder` subclass for the supplied `DataType`.
64 *
65 * Once created, `Builder` instances support both appending values to the end
66 * of the `Builder`, and random-access writes to specific indices
67 * (`Builder.prototype.append(value)` is a convenience method for
68 * `builder.set(builder.length, value)`). Appending or setting values beyond the
69 * Builder's current length may cause the builder to grow its underlying buffers
70 * or child Builders (if applicable) to accommodate the new values.
71 *
72 * After enough values have been written to a `Builder`, `Builder.prototype.flush()`
73 * will commit the values to the underlying ArrayBuffers (or child Builders). The
74 * internal Builder state will be reset, and an instance of `Data<T>` is returned.
75 * Alternatively, `Builder.prototype.toVector()` will flush the `Builder` and return
76 * an instance of `Vector<T>` instead.
77 *
78 * When there are no more values to write, use `Builder.prototype.finish()` to
79 * finalize the `Builder`. This does not reset the internal state, so it is
80 * necessary to call `Builder.prototype.flush()` or `toVector()` one last time
81 * if there are still values queued to be flushed.
82 *
83 * Note: calling `Builder.prototype.finish()` is required when using a `DictionaryBuilder`,
84 * because this is when it flushes the values that have been enqueued in its internal
85 * dictionary's `Builder`, and creates the `dictionaryVector` for the `Dictionary` `DataType`.
86 *
87 * ```ts
88 * import { Builder, Utf8 } from 'apache-arrow';
89 *
90 * const utf8Builder = Builder.new({
91 *     type: new Utf8(),
92 *     nullValues: [null, 'n/a']
93 * });
94 *
95 * utf8Builder
96 *     .append('hello')
97 *     .append('n/a')
98 *     .append('world')
99 *     .append(null);
100 *
101 * const utf8Vector = utf8Builder.finish().toVector();
102 *
103 * console.log(utf8Vector.toJSON());
104 * // > ["hello", null, "world", null]
105 * ```
106 *
107 * @typeparam T The `DataType` of this `Builder`.
108 * @typeparam TNull The type(s) of values which will be considered null-value sentinels.
109 */
110export abstract class Builder<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any> {
112    /**
113     * Create a `Builder` instance based on the `type` property of the supplied `options` object.
114     * @param {BuilderOptions<T, TNull>} options An object with a required `DataType` instance
115     * and other optional parameters to be passed to the `Builder` subclass for the given `type`.
116     *
117     * @typeparam T The `DataType` of the `Builder` to create.
118     * @typeparam TNull The type(s) of values which will be considered null-value sentinels.
119     * @nocollapse
120     */
121    // @ts-ignore
122    public static new<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any>(options: BuilderOptions<T, TNull>): B<T, TNull> {}
124    /** @nocollapse */
125    // @ts-ignore
126    public static throughNode<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any>(options: import('./io/node/builder').BuilderDuplexOptions<T, TNull>): import('stream').Duplex {
127        throw new Error(`"throughNode" not available in this environment`);
128    }
129    /** @nocollapse */
130    // @ts-ignore
131    public static throughDOM<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any>(options: import('./io/whatwg/builder').BuilderTransformOptions<T, TNull>): import('./io/whatwg/builder').BuilderTransform<T, TNull> {
132        throw new Error(`"throughDOM" not available in this environment`);
133    }
135    /**
136     * Transform a synchronous `Iterable` of arbitrary JavaScript values into a
137     * sequence of Arrow Vector<T> following the chunking semantics defined in
138     * the supplied `options` argument.
139     *
140     * This function returns a function that accepts an `Iterable` of values to
141     * transform. When called, this function returns an Iterator of `Vector<T>`.
142     *
143     * The resulting `Iterator<Vector<T>>` yields Vectors based on the
144     * `queueingStrategy` and `highWaterMark` specified in the `options` argument.
145     *
146     * * If `queueingStrategy` is `"count"` (or omitted), The `Iterator<Vector<T>>`
147     *   will flush the underlying `Builder` (and yield a new `Vector<T>`) once the
148     *   Builder's `length` reaches or exceeds the supplied `highWaterMark`.
149     * * If `queueingStrategy` is `"bytes"`, the `Iterator<Vector<T>>` will flush
150     *   the underlying `Builder` (and yield a new `Vector<T>`) once its `byteLength`
151     *   reaches or exceeds the supplied `highWaterMark`.
152     *
153     * @param {IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>} options An object of properties which determine the `Builder` to create and the chunking semantics to use.
154     * @returns A function which accepts a JavaScript `Iterable` of values to
155     *          write, and returns an `Iterator` that yields Vectors according
156     *          to the chunking semantics defined in the `options` argument.
157     * @nocollapse
158     */
159    public static throughIterable<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any>(options: IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>) {
160        return throughIterable(options);
161    }
163    /**
164     * Transform an `AsyncIterable` of arbitrary JavaScript values into a
165     * sequence of Arrow Vector<T> following the chunking semantics defined in
166     * the supplied `options` argument.
167     *
168     * This function returns a function that accepts an `AsyncIterable` of values to
169     * transform. When called, this function returns an AsyncIterator of `Vector<T>`.
170     *
171     * The resulting `AsyncIterator<Vector<T>>` yields Vectors based on the
172     * `queueingStrategy` and `highWaterMark` specified in the `options` argument.
173     *
174     * * If `queueingStrategy` is `"count"` (or omitted), The `AsyncIterator<Vector<T>>`
175     *   will flush the underlying `Builder` (and yield a new `Vector<T>`) once the
176     *   Builder's `length` reaches or exceeds the supplied `highWaterMark`.
177     * * If `queueingStrategy` is `"bytes"`, the `AsyncIterator<Vector<T>>` will flush
178     *   the underlying `Builder` (and yield a new `Vector<T>`) once its `byteLength`
179     *   reaches or exceeds the supplied `highWaterMark`.
180     *
181     * @param {IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>} options An object of properties which determine the `Builder` to create and the chunking semantics to use.
182     * @returns A function which accepts a JavaScript `AsyncIterable` of values
183     *          to write, and returns an `AsyncIterator` that yields Vectors
184     *          according to the chunking semantics defined in the `options`
185     *          argument.
186     * @nocollapse
187     */
188    public static throughAsyncIterable<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any>(options: IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>) {
189        return throughAsyncIterable(options);
190    }
192    /**
193     * Construct a builder with the given Arrow DataType with optional null values,
194     * which will be interpreted as "null" when set or appended to the `Builder`.
195     * @param {{ type: T, nullValues?: any[] }} options A `BuilderOptions` object used to create this `Builder`.
196     */
197    constructor({ 'type': type, 'nullValues': nulls }: BuilderOptions<T, TNull>) {
198        this.type = type;
199        this.children = [];
200        this.nullValues = nulls;
201        this.stride = strideForType(type);
202        this._nulls = new BitmapBufferBuilder();
203        if (nulls && nulls.length > 0) {
204            this._isValid = createIsValidFunction(nulls);
205        }
206    }
208    /**
209     * The Builder's `DataType` instance.
210     * @readonly
211     */
212    public type: T;
213    /**
214     * The number of values written to the `Builder` that haven't been flushed yet.
215     * @readonly
216     */
217    public length = 0;
218    /**
219     * A boolean indicating whether `Builder.prototype.finish()` has been called on this `Builder`.
220     * @readonly
221     */
222    public finished = false;
223    /**
224     * The number of elements in the underlying values TypedArray that
225     * represent a single logical element, determined by this Builder's
226     * `DataType`. This is 1 for most types, but is larger when the `DataType`
227     * is `Int64`, `Uint64`, `Decimal`, `DateMillisecond`, certain variants of
228     * `Interval`, `Time`, or `Timestamp`, `FixedSizeBinary`, and `FixedSizeList`.
229     * @readonly
230     */
231    public readonly stride: number;
232    public readonly children: Builder[];
233    /**
234     * The list of null-value sentinels for this `Builder`. When one of these values
235     * is written to the `Builder` (either via `Builder.prototype.set()` or `Builder.prototype.append()`),
236     * a 1-bit is written to this Builder's underlying null BitmapBufferBuilder.
237     * @readonly
238     */
239    public readonly nullValues?: TNull[] | ReadonlyArray<TNull> | null;
241    /**
242     * Flush the `Builder` and return a `Vector<T>`.
243     * @returns {Vector<T>} A `Vector<T>` of the flushed values.
244     */
245    public toVector() { return Vector.new(this.flush()); }
247    public get ArrayType() { return this.type.ArrayType; }
248    public get nullCount() { return this._nulls.numInvalid; }
249    public get numChildren() { return this.children.length; }
251    /**
252     * @returns The aggregate length (in bytes) of the values that have been written.
253     */
254    public get byteLength(): number {
255        let size = 0;
256        this._offsets && (size += this._offsets.byteLength);
257        this._values && (size += this._values.byteLength);
258        this._nulls && (size += this._nulls.byteLength);
259        this._typeIds && (size += this._typeIds.byteLength);
260        return this.children.reduce((size, child) => size + child.byteLength, size);
261    }
263    /**
264     * @returns The aggregate number of rows that have been reserved to write new values.
265     */
266    public get reservedLength(): number {
267        return this._nulls.reservedLength;
268    }
270    /**
271     * @returns The aggregate length (in bytes) that has been reserved to write new values.
272     */
273    public get reservedByteLength(): number {
274        let size = 0;
275        this._offsets && (size += this._offsets.reservedByteLength);
276        this._values && (size += this._values.reservedByteLength);
277        this._nulls && (size += this._nulls.reservedByteLength);
278        this._typeIds && (size += this._typeIds.reservedByteLength);
279        return this.children.reduce((size, child) => size + child.reservedByteLength, size);
280    }
282    // @ts-ignore
283    protected _offsets: DataBufferBuilder<Int32Array>;
284    public get valueOffsets() { return this._offsets ? this._offsets.buffer : null; }
286    // @ts-ignore
287    protected _values: BufferBuilder<T['TArray'], any>;
288    public get values() { return this._values ? this._values.buffer : null; }
290    protected _nulls: BitmapBufferBuilder;
291    public get nullBitmap() { return this._nulls ? this._nulls.buffer : null; }
293    // @ts-ignore
294    protected _typeIds: DataBufferBuilder<Int8Array>;
295    public get typeIds() { return this._typeIds ? this._typeIds.buffer : null; }
297    // @ts-ignore
298    protected _isValid: (value: T['TValue'] | TNull) => boolean;
299    // @ts-ignore
300    protected _setValue: (inst: Builder<T>, index: number, value: T['TValue']) => void;
302    /**
303     * Appends a value (or null) to this `Builder`.
304     * This is equivalent to `builder.set(builder.length, value)`.
305     * @param {T['TValue'] | TNull } value The value to append.
306     */
307    public append(value: T['TValue'] | TNull) { return this.set(this.length, value); }
309    /**
310     * Validates whether a value is valid (true), or null (false)
311     * @param {T['TValue'] | TNull } value The value to compare against null the value representations
312     */
313    // @ts-ignore
314    public isValid(value: T['TValue'] | TNull): boolean { return this._isValid(value); }
316    /**
317     * Write a value (or null-value sentinel) at the supplied index.
318     * If the value matches one of the null-value representations, a 1-bit is
319     * written to the null `BitmapBufferBuilder`. Otherwise, a 0 is written to
320     * the null `BitmapBufferBuilder`, and the value is passed to
321     * `Builder.prototype.setValue()`.
322     * @param {number} index The index of the value to write.
323     * @param {T['TValue'] | TNull } value The value to write at the supplied index.
324     * @returns {this} The updated `Builder` instance.
325     */
326    public set(index: number, value: T['TValue'] | TNull) {
327        if (this.setValid(index, this.isValid(value))) {
328            this.setValue(index, value);
329        }
330        return this;
331    }
333    /**
334     * Write a value to the underlying buffers at the supplied index, bypassing
335     * the null-value check. This is a low-level method that
336     * @param {number} index
337     * @param {T['TValue'] | TNull } value
338     */
339    // @ts-ignore
340    public setValue(index: number, value: T['TValue']) { this._setValue(this, index, value); }
341    public setValid(index: number, valid: boolean) {
342        this.length = this._nulls.set(index, +valid).length;
343        return valid;
344    }
346    // @ts-ignore
347    public addChild(child: Builder, name = `${this.numChildren}`) {
348        throw new Error(`Cannot append children to non-nested type "${this.type}"`);
349    }
351    /**
352     * Retrieve the child `Builder` at the supplied `index`, or null if no child
353     * exists at that index.
354     * @param {number} index The index of the child `Builder` to retrieve.
355     * @returns {Builder | null} The child Builder at the supplied index or null.
356     */
357    public getChildAt<R extends DataType = any>(index: number): Builder<R> | null {
358        return this.children[index] || null;
359    }
361    /**
362     * Commit all the values that have been written to their underlying
363     * ArrayBuffers, including any child Builders if applicable, and reset
364     * the internal `Builder` state.
365     * @returns A `Data<T>` of the buffers and childData representing the values written.
366     */
367    public flush() {
369        const buffers: any = [];
370        const values =  this._values;
371        const offsets =  this._offsets;
372        const typeIds =  this._typeIds;
373        const { length, nullCount } = this;
375        if (typeIds) { /* Unions */
376            buffers[BufferType.TYPE] = typeIds.flush(length);
377            // DenseUnions
378            offsets && (buffers[BufferType.OFFSET] = offsets.flush(length));
379        } else if (offsets) { /* Variable-width primitives (Binary, Utf8) and Lists */
380            // Binary, Utf8
381            values && (buffers[BufferType.DATA] = values.flush(offsets.last()));
382            buffers[BufferType.OFFSET] = offsets.flush(length);
383        } else if (values) { /* Fixed-width primitives (Int, Float, Decimal, Time, Timestamp, and Interval) */
384            buffers[BufferType.DATA] = values.flush(length);
385        }
387        nullCount > 0 && (buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY] = this._nulls.flush(length));
389        const data = Data.new<T>(
390            this.type, 0, length, nullCount, buffers as Buffers<T>,
391            this.children.map((child) => child.flush())) as Data<T>;
393        this.clear();
395        return data;
396    }
398    /**
399     * Finalize this `Builder`, and child builders if applicable.
400     * @returns {this} The finalized `Builder` instance.
401     */
402    public finish() {
403        this.finished = true;
404        this.children.forEach((child) => child.finish());
405        return this;
406    }
408    /**
409     * Clear this Builder's internal state, including child Builders if applicable, and reset the length to 0.
410     * @returns {this} The cleared `Builder` instance.
411     */
412    public clear() {
413        this.length = 0;
414        this._offsets && (this._offsets.clear());
415        this._values && (this._values.clear());
416        this._nulls && (this._nulls.clear());
417        this._typeIds && (this._typeIds.clear());
418        this.children.forEach((child) => child.clear());
419        return this;
420    }
423(Builder.prototype as any).length = 1;
424(Builder.prototype as any).stride = 1;
425(Builder.prototype as any).children = null;
426(Builder.prototype as any).finished = false;
427(Builder.prototype as any).nullValues = null;
428(Builder.prototype as any)._isValid = () => true;
430/** @ignore */
431export abstract class FixedWidthBuilder<T extends Int | Float | FixedSizeBinary | Date_ | Timestamp | Time | Decimal | Interval = any, TNull = any> extends Builder<T, TNull> {
432    constructor(opts: BuilderOptions<T, TNull>) {
433        super(opts);
434        this._values = new DataBufferBuilder(new this.ArrayType(0), this.stride);
435    }
436    public setValue(index: number, value: T['TValue']) {
437        const values = this._values;
438        values.reserve(index - values.length + 1);
439        return super.setValue(index, value);
440    }
443/** @ignore */
444export abstract class VariableWidthBuilder<T extends Binary | Utf8 | List | Map_, TNull = any> extends Builder<T, TNull> {
445    protected _pendingLength: number = 0;
446    protected _offsets: OffsetsBufferBuilder;
447    protected _pending: Map<number, any> | undefined;
448    constructor(opts: BuilderOptions<T, TNull>) {
449        super(opts);
450        this._offsets = new OffsetsBufferBuilder();
451    }
452    public setValue(index: number, value: T['TValue']) {
453        const pending = this._pending || (this._pending = new Map());
454        const current = pending.get(index);
455        current && (this._pendingLength -= current.length);
456        this._pendingLength += value.length;
457        pending.set(index, value);
458    }
459    public setValid(index: number, isValid: boolean) {
460        if (!super.setValid(index, isValid)) {
461            (this._pending || (this._pending = new Map())).set(index, undefined);
462            return false;
463        }
464        return true;
465    }
466    public clear() {
467        this._pendingLength = 0;
468        this._pending = undefined;
469        return super.clear();
470    }
471    public flush() {
472        this._flush();
473        return super.flush();
474    }
475    public finish() {
476        this._flush();
477        return super.finish();
478    }
479    protected _flush() {
480        const pending = this._pending;
481        const pendingLength = this._pendingLength;
482        this._pendingLength = 0;
483        this._pending = undefined;
484        if (pending && pending.size > 0) {
485            this._flushPending(pending, pendingLength);
486        }
487        return this;
488    }
489    protected abstract _flushPending(pending: Map<number, any>, pendingLength: number): void;
492/** @ignore */
493type ThroughIterable<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any> = (source: Iterable<T['TValue'] | TNull>) => IterableIterator<V<T>>;
495/** @ignore */
496function throughIterable<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any>(options: IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>) {
497    const { ['queueingStrategy']: queueingStrategy = 'count' } = options;
498    const { ['highWaterMark']: highWaterMark = queueingStrategy !== 'bytes' ? 1000 : 2 ** 14 } = options;
499    const sizeProperty: 'length' | 'byteLength' = queueingStrategy !== 'bytes' ? 'length' : 'byteLength';
500    return function*(source: Iterable<T['TValue'] | TNull>) {
501        let numChunks = 0;
502        let builder = Builder.new(options);
503        for (const value of source) {
504            if (builder.append(value)[sizeProperty] >= highWaterMark) {
505                ++numChunks && (yield builder.toVector());
506            }
507        }
508        if (builder.finish().length > 0 || numChunks === 0) {
509            yield builder.toVector();
510        }
511    } as ThroughIterable<T, TNull>;
514/** @ignore */
515type ThroughAsyncIterable<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any> = (source: Iterable<T['TValue'] | TNull> | AsyncIterable<T['TValue'] | TNull>) => AsyncIterableIterator<V<T>>;
517/** @ignore */
518function throughAsyncIterable<T extends DataType = any, TNull = any>(options: IterableBuilderOptions<T, TNull>) {
519    const { ['queueingStrategy']: queueingStrategy = 'count' } = options;
520    const { ['highWaterMark']: highWaterMark = queueingStrategy !== 'bytes' ? 1000 : 2 ** 14 } = options;
521    const sizeProperty: 'length' | 'byteLength' = queueingStrategy !== 'bytes' ? 'length' : 'byteLength';
522    return async function* (source: Iterable<T['TValue'] | TNull> | AsyncIterable<T['TValue'] | TNull>) {
523        let numChunks = 0;
524        let builder = Builder.new(options);
525        for await (const value of source) {
526            if (builder.append(value)[sizeProperty] >= highWaterMark) {
527                ++numChunks && (yield builder.toVector());
528            }
529        }
530        if (builder.finish().length > 0 || numChunks === 0) {
531            yield builder.toVector();
532        }
533    } as ThroughAsyncIterable<T, TNull>;