2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 * distributed with this work for additional information
5 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 * under the License.
18 */
20package common
22import (
23	"context"
24	"errors"
25	"gen/thrifttest"
26	"reflect"
27	"sync"
28	"testing"
29	"thrift"
31	"github.com/golang/mock/gomock"
34type test_unit struct {
35	host          string
36	port          int64
37	domain_socket string
38	transport     string
39	protocol      string
40	ssl           bool
43var units = []test_unit{
44	{"", 9095, "", "", "binary", false},
45	{"", 9091, "", "", "compact", false},
46	{"", 9092, "", "", "binary", true},
47	{"", 9093, "", "", "compact", true},
50func TestAllConnection(t *testing.T) {
51	certPath = "../../../keys"
52	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
53	wg.Add(len(units))
54	for _, unit := range units {
55		go func(u test_unit) {
56			defer wg.Done()
57			doUnit(t, &u)
58		}(unit)
59	}
60	wg.Wait()
63func doUnit(t *testing.T, unit *test_unit) {
64	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
65	defer ctrl.Finish()
66	handler := NewMockThriftTest(ctrl)
68	processor, serverTransport, transportFactory, protocolFactory, err := GetServerParams(unit.host, unit.port, unit.domain_socket, unit.transport, unit.protocol, unit.ssl, "../../../keys", handler)
70	server := thrift.NewTSimpleServer4(processor, serverTransport, transportFactory, protocolFactory)
71	if err = server.Listen(); err != nil {
72		t.Errorf("Unable to start server: %v", err)
73		return
74	}
75	go server.AcceptLoop()
76	defer server.Stop()
77	client, trans, err := StartClient(unit.host, unit.port, unit.domain_socket, unit.transport, unit.protocol, unit.ssl)
78	if err != nil {
79		t.Errorf("Unable to start client: %v", err)
80		return
81	}
82	defer trans.Close()
83	callEverythingWithMock(t, client, handler)
86var rmapmap = map[int32]map[int32]int32{
87	-4: map[int32]int32{-4: -4, -3: -3, -2: -2, -1: -1},
88	4:  map[int32]int32{4: 4, 3: 3, 2: 2, 1: 1},
91var xxs = &thrifttest.Xtruct{
92	StringThing: "Hello2",
93	ByteThing:   42,
94	I32Thing:    4242,
95	I64Thing:    424242,
98var xcept = &thrifttest.Xception{ErrorCode: 1001, Message: "some"}
99var defaultCtx = context.Background()
101func callEverythingWithMock(t *testing.T, client *thrifttest.ThriftTestClient, handler *MockThriftTest) {
102	gomock.InOrder(
103		handler.EXPECT().TestVoid(gomock.Any()),
104		handler.EXPECT().TestString(gomock.Any(), "thing").Return("thing", nil),
105		handler.EXPECT().TestBool(gomock.Any(), true).Return(true, nil),
106		handler.EXPECT().TestBool(gomock.Any(), false).Return(false, nil),
107		handler.EXPECT().TestByte(gomock.Any(), int8(42)).Return(int8(42), nil),
108		handler.EXPECT().TestI32(gomock.Any(), int32(4242)).Return(int32(4242), nil),
109		handler.EXPECT().TestI64(gomock.Any(), int64(424242)).Return(int64(424242), nil),
110		// TODO: add TestBinary()
111		handler.EXPECT().TestDouble(gomock.Any(), float64(42.42)).Return(float64(42.42), nil),
112		handler.EXPECT().TestStruct(gomock.Any(), &thrifttest.Xtruct{StringThing: "thing", ByteThing: 42, I32Thing: 4242, I64Thing: 424242}).Return(&thrifttest.Xtruct{StringThing: "thing", ByteThing: 42, I32Thing: 4242, I64Thing: 424242}, nil),
113		handler.EXPECT().TestNest(gomock.Any(), &thrifttest.Xtruct2{StructThing: &thrifttest.Xtruct{StringThing: "thing", ByteThing: 42, I32Thing: 4242, I64Thing: 424242}}).Return(&thrifttest.Xtruct2{StructThing: &thrifttest.Xtruct{StringThing: "thing", ByteThing: 42, I32Thing: 4242, I64Thing: 424242}}, nil),
114		handler.EXPECT().TestMap(gomock.Any(), map[int32]int32{1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 42}).Return(map[int32]int32{1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 42}, nil),
115		handler.EXPECT().TestStringMap(gomock.Any(), map[string]string{"a": "2", "b": "blah", "some": "thing"}).Return(map[string]string{"a": "2", "b": "blah", "some": "thing"}, nil),
116		handler.EXPECT().TestSet(gomock.Any(), []int32{1, 2, 42}).Return([]int32{1, 2, 42}, nil),
117		handler.EXPECT().TestList(gomock.Any(), []int32{1, 2, 42}).Return([]int32{1, 2, 42}, nil),
118		handler.EXPECT().TestEnum(gomock.Any(), thrifttest.Numberz_TWO).Return(thrifttest.Numberz_TWO, nil),
119		handler.EXPECT().TestTypedef(gomock.Any(), thrifttest.UserId(42)).Return(thrifttest.UserId(42), nil),
120		handler.EXPECT().TestMapMap(gomock.Any(), int32(42)).Return(rmapmap, nil),
121		// TODO: not testing insanity
122		handler.EXPECT().TestMulti(gomock.Any(), int8(42), int32(4242), int64(424242), map[int16]string{1: "blah", 2: "thing"}, thrifttest.Numberz_EIGHT, thrifttest.UserId(24)).Return(xxs, nil),
123		handler.EXPECT().TestException(gomock.Any(), "some").Return(xcept),
124		handler.EXPECT().TestException(gomock.Any(), "TException").Return(errors.New("Just random exception")),
125		handler.EXPECT().TestMultiException(gomock.Any(), "Xception", "ignoreme").Return(nil, &thrifttest.Xception{ErrorCode: 1001, Message: "This is an Xception"}),
126		handler.EXPECT().TestMultiException(gomock.Any(), "Xception2", "ignoreme").Return(nil, &thrifttest.Xception2{ErrorCode: 2002, StructThing: &thrifttest.Xtruct{StringThing: "This is an Xception2"}}),
127		handler.EXPECT().TestOneway(gomock.Any(), int32(2)).Return(nil),
128		handler.EXPECT().TestVoid(gomock.Any()),
129	)
130	var err error
131	if err = client.TestVoid(defaultCtx); err != nil {
132		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestVoid() call: %s", err)
133	}
135	thing, err := client.TestString(defaultCtx, "thing")
136	if err != nil {
137		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestString() call: %s", err)
138	}
139	if thing != "thing" {
140		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestString() result, expected 'thing' got '%s' ", thing)
141	}
143	bl, err := client.TestBool(defaultCtx, true)
144	if err != nil {
145		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestBool() call: %s", err)
146	}
147	if !bl {
148		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestBool() result expected true, got %v ", bl)
149	}
150	bl, err = client.TestBool(defaultCtx, false)
151	if err != nil {
152		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestBool() call: %s", err)
153	}
154	if bl {
155		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestBool() result expected false, got %v ", bl)
156	}
158	b, err := client.TestByte(defaultCtx, 42)
159	if err != nil {
160		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestByte() call: %s", err)
161	}
162	if b != 42 {
163		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestByte() result expected 42, got %d ", b)
164	}
166	i32, err := client.TestI32(defaultCtx, 4242)
167	if err != nil {
168		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestI32() call: %s", err)
169	}
170	if i32 != 4242 {
171		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestI32() result expected 4242, got %d ", i32)
172	}
174	i64, err := client.TestI64(defaultCtx, 424242)
175	if err != nil {
176		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestI64() call: %s", err)
177	}
178	if i64 != 424242 {
179		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestI64() result expected 424242, got %d ", i64)
180	}
182	d, err := client.TestDouble(defaultCtx, 42.42)
183	if err != nil {
184		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestDouble() call: %s", err)
185	}
186	if d != 42.42 {
187		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestDouble() result expected 42.42, got %f ", d)
188	}
190	// TODO: add TestBinary() call
192	xs := thrifttest.NewXtruct()
193	xs.StringThing = "thing"
194	xs.ByteThing = 42
195	xs.I32Thing = 4242
196	xs.I64Thing = 424242
197	xsret, err := client.TestStruct(defaultCtx, xs)
198	if err != nil {
199		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestStruct() call: %s", err)
200	}
201	if *xs != *xsret {
202		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestStruct() result expected %#v, got %#v ", xs, xsret)
203	}
205	x2 := thrifttest.NewXtruct2()
206	x2.StructThing = xs
207	x2ret, err := client.TestNest(defaultCtx, x2)
208	if err != nil {
209		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestNest() call: %s", err)
210	}
211	if !reflect.DeepEqual(x2, x2ret) {
212		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestNest() result expected %#v, got %#v ", x2, x2ret)
213	}
215	m := map[int32]int32{1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 42}
216	mret, err := client.TestMap(defaultCtx, m)
217	if err != nil {
218		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestMap() call: %s", err)
219	}
220	if !reflect.DeepEqual(m, mret) {
221		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestMap() result expected %#v, got %#v ", m, mret)
222	}
224	sm := map[string]string{"a": "2", "b": "blah", "some": "thing"}
225	smret, err := client.TestStringMap(defaultCtx, sm)
226	if err != nil {
227		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestStringMap() call: %s", err)
228	}
229	if !reflect.DeepEqual(sm, smret) {
230		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestStringMap() result expected %#v, got %#v ", sm, smret)
231	}
233	s := []int32{1, 2, 42}
234	sret, err := client.TestSet(defaultCtx, s)
235	if err != nil {
236		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestSet() call: %s", err)
237	}
238	// Sets can be in any order, but Go slices are ordered, so reflect.DeepEqual won't work.
239	stemp := map[int32]struct{}{}
240	for _, val := range s {
241		stemp[val] = struct{}{}
242	}
243	for _, val := range sret {
244		if _, ok := stemp[val]; !ok {
245			t.Fatalf("Unexpected TestSet() result expected %#v, got %#v ", s, sret)
246		}
247	}
249	l := []int32{1, 2, 42}
250	lret, err := client.TestList(defaultCtx, l)
251	if err != nil {
252		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestList() call: %s", err)
253	}
254	if !reflect.DeepEqual(l, lret) {
255		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestList() result expected %#v, got %#v ", l, lret)
256	}
258	eret, err := client.TestEnum(defaultCtx, thrifttest.Numberz_TWO)
259	if err != nil {
260		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestEnum() call: %s", err)
261	}
262	if eret != thrifttest.Numberz_TWO {
263		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestEnum() result expected %#v, got %#v ", thrifttest.Numberz_TWO, eret)
264	}
266	tret, err := client.TestTypedef(defaultCtx, thrifttest.UserId(42))
267	if err != nil {
268		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestTypedef() call: %s", err)
269	}
270	if tret != thrifttest.UserId(42) {
271		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestTypedef() result expected %#v, got %#v ", thrifttest.UserId(42), tret)
272	}
274	mapmap, err := client.TestMapMap(defaultCtx, 42)
275	if err != nil {
276		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestMapmap() call: %s", err)
277	}
278	if !reflect.DeepEqual(mapmap, rmapmap) {
279		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestMapmap() result expected %#v, got %#v ", rmapmap, mapmap)
280	}
282	xxsret, err := client.TestMulti(defaultCtx, 42, 4242, 424242, map[int16]string{1: "blah", 2: "thing"}, thrifttest.Numberz_EIGHT, thrifttest.UserId(24))
283	if err != nil {
284		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestMulti() call: %s", err)
285	}
286	if !reflect.DeepEqual(xxs, xxsret) {
287		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestMulti() result expected %#v, got %#v ", xxs, xxsret)
288	}
290	err = client.TestException(defaultCtx, "some")
291	if err == nil {
292		t.Errorf("Expecting exception in TestException() call")
293	}
294	if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, xcept) {
295		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestException() result expected %#v, got %#v ", xcept, err)
296	}
298	// TODO: connection is being closed on this
299	err = client.TestException(defaultCtx, "TException")
300	if err == nil {
301		t.Error("expected exception got nil")
302	} else if tex, ok := err.(thrift.TApplicationException); !ok {
303		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestException() result expected ApplicationError, got %T ", err)
304	} else if tex.TypeId() != thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR {
305		t.Errorf("expected internal_error got %v", tex.TypeId())
306	}
308	ign, err := client.TestMultiException(defaultCtx, "Xception", "ignoreme")
309	if ign != nil || err == nil {
310		t.Errorf("Expecting exception in TestMultiException() call")
311	}
312	if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, &thrifttest.Xception{ErrorCode: 1001, Message: "This is an Xception"}) {
313		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestMultiException() %#v ", err)
314	}
316	ign, err = client.TestMultiException(defaultCtx, "Xception2", "ignoreme")
317	if ign != nil || err == nil {
318		t.Errorf("Expecting exception in TestMultiException() call")
319	}
320	expecting := &thrifttest.Xception2{ErrorCode: 2002, StructThing: &thrifttest.Xtruct{StringThing: "This is an Xception2"}}
322	if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, expecting) {
323		t.Errorf("Unexpected TestMultiException() %#v ", err)
324	}
326	err = client.TestOneway(defaultCtx, 2)
327	if err != nil {
328		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestOneway() call: %s", err)
329	}
331	//Make sure the connection still alive
332	if err = client.TestVoid(defaultCtx); err != nil {
333		t.Errorf("Unexpected error in TestVoid() call: %s", err)
334	}