1openapi: 3.0.0
3  title: Influx OSS API Service
4  version: 2.0.0
5  description: |
6    The InfluxDB v2 API provides a programmatic interface for all interactions with InfluxDB. Access the InfluxDB API using the `/api/v2/` endpoint.
8  - url: /api/v2
10  - name: Authentication
11    description: |
12      Use one of the following schemes to authenticate to the InfluxDB API:
13      - [Token authentication](#section/Authentication/TokenAuthentication)
14      - [Basic authentication](#section/Authentication/BasicAuthentication)
15      - [Querystring authentication](#section/Authentication/QuerystringAuthentication)
16      <!-- ReDoc-Inject: <security-definitions> -->
17    x-traitTag: true
18  - name: Quick start
19    x-traitTag: true
20    description: |
21      See the [**API Quick Start**](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/api-guide/api_intro/) to get up and running authenticating with tokens, writing to buckets, and querying data.
23      [**InfluxDB API client libraries**](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/api-guide/client-libraries/) are available for popular languages and ready to import into your application.
24  - name: Response codes
25    x-traitTag: true
26    description: |
27      The InfluxDB API uses standard HTTP status codes for success and failure responses.
28      The response body may include additional details. For details about a specific operation's response, see **Responses** and **Response Samples** for that operation.
30      API operations may return the following HTTP status codes:
32      | &nbsp;Code&nbsp; | Status                   | Description      |
33      |:-----------:|:------------------------ |:--------------------- |
34      | `200`       | Success                  |                       |
35      | `204`       | No content               | For a `POST` request, `204` indicates that InfluxDB accepted the request and request data is valid. Asynchronous operations, such as `write`, might not have completed yet. |
36      | `400`       | Bad request              | `Authorization` header is missing or malformed or the API token does not have permission for the operation. |
37      | `401`       | Unauthorized             | May indicate one of the following: <li>`Authorization: Token` header is missing or malformed</li><li>API token value is missing from the header</li><li>API token does not have permission. For more information about token types and permissions, see [Manage API tokens](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/security/tokens/)</li> |
38      | `404`       | Not found                | Requested resource was not found. `message` in the response body provides details about the requested resource. |
39      | `413`       | Request entity too large | Request payload exceeds the size limit. |
40      | `422`       | Unprocessible entity     | Request data is invalid. `code` and `message` in the response body provide details about the problem. |
41      | `429`       | Too many requests        | API token is temporarily over the request quota. The `Retry-After` header describes when to try the request again. |
42      | `500`       | Internal server error    |                       |
43      | `503`       | Service unavailable      | Server is temporarily unavailable to process the request. The `Retry-After` header describes when to try the request again. |
44  - name: Query
45    description: |
46      Retrieve data, analyze queries, and get query suggestions.
47  - name: Write
48    description: |
49      Write time series data to buckets.
50  - name: Authorizations
51    description: |
52      Create and manage API tokens. An **authorization** associates a list of permissions to an **organization** and provides a token for API access. Optionally, you can restrict an authorization and its token to a specific user.
54      For more information and examples, see the following:
55        - [Authorize API requests](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/api-guide/api_intro/#authentication).
56        - [Manage API tokens](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/security/tokens).
57        - [Assign a token to a specific user](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/security/tokens/create-token).
59  - name: Overview
60    tags:
61      - Quick start
62      - Authentication
63      - Response codes
64  - name: Data I/O endpoints
65    tags:
66      - Write
67      - Query
68  - name: Resource endpoints
69    tags:
70      - Buckets
71      - Dashboards
72      - Tasks
73      - Resources
74  - name: Security and access endpoints
75    tags:
76      - Authorizations
77      - Organizations
78      - Users
79  - name: System information endpoints
80    tags:
81      - Health
82      - Ping
83      - Ready
84      - Routes
85  - name: All endpoints
86    tags:
87      - Authorizations
88      - Backup
89      - Buckets
90      - Cells
91      - Checks
92      - DBRPs
93      - Dashboards
94      - Delete
95      - Health
96      - Labels
97      - Legacy Authorizations
98      - NotificationEndpoints
99      - NotificationRules
100      - Organizations
101      - Ping
102      - Query
103      - Ready
104      - RemoteConnections
105      - Replications
106      - Resources
107      - Restore
108      - Routes
109      - Rules
110      - Scraper Targets
111      - Secrets
112      - Setup
113      - Signin
114      - Signout
115      - Sources
116      - Tasks
117      - Telegraf Plugins
118      - Telegrafs
119      - Templates
120      - Users
121      - Variables
122      - Write
124  /signin:
125    post:
126      operationId: PostSignin
127      summary: Create a user session.
128      description: 'Authenticates ***Basic Auth*** credentials for a user. If successful, creates a new UI session for the user.'
129      tags:
130        - Signin
131      security:
132        - BasicAuthentication: []
133      parameters:
134        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
135      responses:
136        '204':
137          description: Success. User authenticated.
138        '401':
139          description: Unauthorized access.
140          content:
141            application/json:
142              schema:
143                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
144        '403':
145          description: User account is disabled.
146          content:
147            application/json:
148              schema:
149                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
150        default:
151          description: Unsuccessful authentication.
152          content:
153            application/json:
154              schema:
155                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
156  /signout:
157    post:
158      operationId: PostSignout
159      summary: Expire the current UI session
160      tags:
161        - Signout
162      description: Expires the current UI session for the user.
163      parameters:
164        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
165      responses:
166        '204':
167          description: Session successfully expired
168        '401':
169          description: Unauthorized access
170          content:
171            application/json:
172              schema:
173                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
174        default:
175          description: Unsuccessful session expiry
176          content:
177            application/json:
178              schema:
179                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
180  /ping:
181    get:
182      operationId: GetPing
183      summary: Checks the status of InfluxDB instance and version of InfluxDB.
184      servers:
185        - url: ''
186      tags:
187        - Ping
188      responses:
189        '204':
190          description: OK
191          headers:
192            X-Influxdb-Build:
193              schema:
194                type: string
195              description: The type of InfluxDB build.
196            X-Influxdb-Version:
197              schema:
198                type: integer
199              description: The version of InfluxDB.
200    head:
201      operationId: HeadPing
202      summary: Checks the status of InfluxDB instance and version of InfluxDB.
203      servers:
204        - url: ''
205      tags:
206        - Ping
207      responses:
208        '204':
209          description: OK
210          headers:
211            X-Influxdb-Build:
212              schema:
213                type: string
214              description: The type of InfluxDB build.
215            X-Influxdb-Version:
216              schema:
217                type: integer
218              description: The version of InfluxDB.
219  /:
220    get:
221      operationId: GetRoutes
222      summary: List all top level routes
223      tags:
224        - Routes
225      parameters:
226        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
227      responses:
228        default:
229          description: All routes
230          content:
231            application/json:
232              schema:
233                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Routes'
234  /dbrps:
235    get:
236      operationId: GetDBRPs
237      tags:
238        - DBRPs
239      summary: List database retention policy mappings
240      parameters:
241        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
242        - in: query
243          name: orgID
244          description: Specifies the organization ID to filter on
245          schema:
246            type: string
247        - in: query
248          name: org
249          description: Specifies the organization name to filter on
250          schema:
251            type: string
252        - in: query
253          name: id
254          description: Specifies the mapping ID to filter on
255          schema:
256            type: string
257        - in: query
258          name: bucketID
259          description: Specifies the bucket ID to filter on
260          schema:
261            type: string
262        - in: query
263          name: default
264          description: Specifies filtering on default
265          schema:
266            type: boolean
267        - in: query
268          name: db
269          description: Specifies the database to filter on
270          schema:
271            type: string
272        - in: query
273          name: rp
274          description: Specifies the retention policy to filter on
275          schema:
276            type: string
277      responses:
278        '200':
279          description: Success. Returns a list of database retention policy mappings.
280          content:
281            application/json:
282              schema:
283                $ref: '#/components/schemas/DBRPs'
284        '400':
285          description: Bad request. The request has one or more invalid parameters.
286          content:
287            application/json:
288              schema:
289                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
290        default:
291          description: Unexpected error
292          content:
293            application/json:
294              schema:
295                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
296    post:
297      operationId: PostDBRP
298      tags:
299        - DBRPs
300      summary: Add a database retention policy mapping
301      parameters:
302        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
303      requestBody:
304        description: The database retention policy mapping to add
305        required: true
306        content:
307          application/json:
308            schema:
309              $ref: '#/components/schemas/DBRPCreate'
310      responses:
311        '201':
312          description: Created. Returns the created database retention policy mapping.
313          content:
314            application/json:
315              schema:
316                $ref: '#/components/schemas/DBRP'
317        '400':
318          description: Bad request. The mapping in the request has one or more invalid IDs.
319          content:
320            application/json:
321              schema:
322                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
323        default:
324          description: Unexpected error
325          content:
326            application/json:
327              schema:
328                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
329  '/dbrps/{dbrpID}':
330    get:
331      operationId: GetDBRPsID
332      tags:
333        - DBRPs
334      summary: Retrieve a database retention policy mapping
335      parameters:
336        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
337        - in: query
338          name: orgID
339          description: Specifies the organization ID of the mapping
340          schema:
341            type: string
342        - in: query
343          name: org
344          description: Specifies the organization name of the mapping
345          schema:
346            type: string
347        - in: path
348          name: dbrpID
349          schema:
350            type: string
351          required: true
352          description: The database retention policy mapping ID
353      responses:
354        '200':
355          description: The database retention policy requested
356          content:
357            application/json:
358              schema:
359                $ref: '#/components/schemas/DBRPGet'
360        '400':
361          description: if any of the IDs passed is invalid
362          content:
363            application/json:
364              schema:
365                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
366        default:
367          description: Unexpected error
368          content:
369            application/json:
370              schema:
371                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
372    patch:
373      operationId: PatchDBRPID
374      tags:
375        - DBRPs
376      summary: Update a database retention policy mapping
377      requestBody:
378        description: Database retention policy update to apply
379        required: true
380        content:
381          application/json:
382            schema:
383              $ref: '#/components/schemas/DBRPUpdate'
384      parameters:
385        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
386        - in: query
387          name: orgID
388          description: Specifies the organization ID of the mapping
389          schema:
390            type: string
391        - in: query
392          name: org
393          description: Specifies the organization name of the mapping
394          schema:
395            type: string
396        - in: path
397          name: dbrpID
398          schema:
399            type: string
400          required: true
401          description: The database retention policy mapping.
402      responses:
403        '200':
404          description: An updated mapping
405          content:
406            application/json:
407              schema:
408                $ref: '#/components/schemas/DBRPGet'
409        '400':
410          description: if any of the IDs passed is invalid
411          content:
412            application/json:
413              schema:
414                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
415        '404':
416          description: The mapping was not found
417          content:
418            application/json:
419              schema:
420                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
421        default:
422          description: Unexpected error
423          content:
424            application/json:
425              schema:
426                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
427    delete:
428      operationId: DeleteDBRPID
429      tags:
430        - DBRPs
431      summary: Delete a database retention policy
432      parameters:
433        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
434        - in: query
435          name: orgID
436          description: Specifies the organization ID of the mapping
437          schema:
438            type: string
439        - in: query
440          name: org
441          description: Specifies the organization name of the mapping
442          schema:
443            type: string
444        - in: path
445          name: dbrpID
446          schema:
447            type: string
448          required: true
449          description: The database retention policy mapping
450      responses:
451        '204':
452          description: Delete has been accepted
453        '400':
454          description: if any of the IDs passed is invalid
455          content:
456            application/json:
457              schema:
458                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
459        default:
460          description: Unexpected error
461          content:
462            application/json:
463              schema:
464                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
465  /telegraf/plugins:
466    get:
467      operationId: GetTelegrafPlugins
468      tags:
469        - Telegraf Plugins
470      summary: List all Telegraf plugins
471      parameters:
472        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
473        - in: query
474          name: type
475          description: The type of plugin desired.
476          schema:
477            type: string
478      responses:
479        '200':
480          description: A list of Telegraf plugins.
481          content:
482            application/json:
483              schema:
484                $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegrafPlugins'
485        default:
486          description: Unexpected error
487          content:
488            application/json:
489              schema:
490                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
491  /telegrafs:
492    get:
493      operationId: GetTelegrafs
494      tags:
495        - Telegrafs
496      summary: List all Telegraf configurations
497      parameters:
498        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
499        - in: query
500          name: orgID
501          description: The organization ID the Telegraf config belongs to.
502          schema:
503            type: string
504      responses:
505        '200':
506          description: A list of Telegraf configurations
507          content:
508            application/json:
509              schema:
510                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Telegrafs'
511        default:
512          description: Unexpected error
513          content:
514            application/json:
515              schema:
516                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
517    post:
518      operationId: PostTelegrafs
519      tags:
520        - Telegrafs
521      summary: Create a Telegraf configuration
522      parameters:
523        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
524      requestBody:
525        description: Telegraf configuration to create
526        required: true
527        content:
528          application/json:
529            schema:
530              $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegrafRequest'
531      responses:
532        '201':
533          description: Telegraf configuration created
534          content:
535            application/json:
536              schema:
537                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Telegraf'
538        default:
539          description: Unexpected error
540          content:
541            application/json:
542              schema:
543                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
544  '/telegrafs/{telegrafID}':
545    get:
546      operationId: GetTelegrafsID
547      tags:
548        - Telegrafs
549      summary: Retrieve a Telegraf configuration
550      parameters:
551        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
552        - in: path
553          name: telegrafID
554          schema:
555            type: string
556          required: true
557          description: The Telegraf configuration ID.
558        - in: header
559          name: Accept
560          required: false
561          schema:
562            type: string
563            default: application/toml
564            enum:
565              - application/toml
566              - application/json
567              - application/octet-stream
568      responses:
569        '200':
570          description: Telegraf configuration details
571          content:
572            application/toml:
573              example: |-
574                [agent]
575                interval = "10s"
576              schema:
577                type: string
578            application/json:
579              schema:
580                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Telegraf'
581            application/octet-stream:
582              example: |-
583                [agent]
584                interval = "10s"
585              schema:
586                type: string
587        default:
588          description: Unexpected error
589          content:
590            application/json:
591              schema:
592                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
593    put:
594      operationId: PutTelegrafsID
595      tags:
596        - Telegrafs
597      summary: Update a Telegraf configuration
598      parameters:
599        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
600        - in: path
601          name: telegrafID
602          schema:
603            type: string
604          required: true
605          description: The Telegraf config ID.
606      requestBody:
607        description: Telegraf configuration update to apply
608        required: true
609        content:
610          application/json:
611            schema:
612              $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegrafRequest'
613      responses:
614        '200':
615          description: An updated Telegraf configurations
616          content:
617            application/json:
618              schema:
619                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Telegraf'
620        default:
621          description: Unexpected error
622          content:
623            application/json:
624              schema:
625                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
626    delete:
627      operationId: DeleteTelegrafsID
628      tags:
629        - Telegrafs
630      summary: Delete a Telegraf configuration
631      parameters:
632        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
633        - in: path
634          name: telegrafID
635          schema:
636            type: string
637          required: true
638          description: The Telegraf configuration ID.
639      responses:
640        '204':
641          description: Delete has been accepted
642        default:
643          description: Unexpected error
644          content:
645            application/json:
646              schema:
647                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
648  '/telegrafs/{telegrafID}/labels':
649    get:
650      operationId: GetTelegrafsIDLabels
651      tags:
652        - Telegrafs
653      summary: List all labels for a Telegraf config
654      parameters:
655        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
656        - in: path
657          name: telegrafID
658          schema:
659            type: string
660          required: true
661          description: The Telegraf config ID.
662      responses:
663        '200':
664          description: A list of all labels for a Telegraf config
665          content:
666            application/json:
667              schema:
668                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelsResponse'
669        default:
670          description: Unexpected error
671          content:
672            application/json:
673              schema:
674                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
675    post:
676      operationId: PostTelegrafsIDLabels
677      tags:
678        - Telegrafs
679      summary: Add a label to a Telegraf config
680      parameters:
681        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
682        - in: path
683          name: telegrafID
684          schema:
685            type: string
686          required: true
687          description: The Telegraf config ID.
688      requestBody:
689        description: Label to add
690        required: true
691        content:
692          application/json:
693            schema:
694              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelMapping'
695      responses:
696        '201':
697          description: The label added to the Telegraf config
698          content:
699            application/json:
700              schema:
701                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
702        default:
703          description: Unexpected error
704          content:
705            application/json:
706              schema:
707                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
708  '/telegrafs/{telegrafID}/labels/{labelID}':
709    delete:
710      operationId: DeleteTelegrafsIDLabelsID
711      tags:
712        - Telegrafs
713      summary: Delete a label from a Telegraf config
714      parameters:
715        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
716        - in: path
717          name: telegrafID
718          schema:
719            type: string
720          required: true
721          description: The Telegraf config ID.
722        - in: path
723          name: labelID
724          schema:
725            type: string
726          required: true
727          description: The label ID.
728      responses:
729        '204':
730          description: Delete has been accepted
731        '404':
732          description: Telegraf config not found
733          content:
734            application/json:
735              schema:
736                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
737        default:
738          description: Unexpected error
739          content:
740            application/json:
741              schema:
742                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
743  '/telegrafs/{telegrafID}/members':
744    get:
745      operationId: GetTelegrafsIDMembers
746      tags:
747        - Telegrafs
748      summary: List all users with member privileges for a Telegraf config
749      parameters:
750        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
751        - in: path
752          name: telegrafID
753          schema:
754            type: string
755          required: true
756          description: The Telegraf config ID.
757      responses:
758        '200':
759          description: A list of Telegraf config members
760          content:
761            application/json:
762              schema:
763                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMembers'
764        default:
765          description: Unexpected error
766          content:
767            application/json:
768              schema:
769                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
770    post:
771      operationId: PostTelegrafsIDMembers
772      tags:
773        - Telegrafs
774      summary: Add a member to a Telegraf config
775      parameters:
776        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
777        - in: path
778          name: telegrafID
779          schema:
780            type: string
781          required: true
782          description: The Telegraf config ID.
783      requestBody:
784        description: User to add as member
785        required: true
786        content:
787          application/json:
788            schema:
789              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
790      responses:
791        '201':
792          description: Member added to Telegraf config
793          content:
794            application/json:
795              schema:
796                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMember'
797        default:
798          description: Unexpected error
799          content:
800            application/json:
801              schema:
802                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
803  '/telegrafs/{telegrafID}/members/{userID}':
804    delete:
805      operationId: DeleteTelegrafsIDMembersID
806      tags:
807        - Telegrafs
808      summary: Remove a member from a Telegraf config
809      parameters:
810        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
811        - in: path
812          name: userID
813          schema:
814            type: string
815          required: true
816          description: The ID of the member to remove.
817        - in: path
818          name: telegrafID
819          schema:
820            type: string
821          required: true
822          description: The Telegraf config ID.
823      responses:
824        '204':
825          description: Member removed
826        default:
827          description: Unexpected error
828          content:
829            application/json:
830              schema:
831                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
832  '/telegrafs/{telegrafID}/owners':
833    get:
834      operationId: GetTelegrafsIDOwners
835      tags:
836        - Telegrafs
837      summary: List all owners of a Telegraf configuration
838      parameters:
839        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
840        - in: path
841          name: telegrafID
842          schema:
843            type: string
844          required: true
845          description: The Telegraf configuration ID.
846      responses:
847        '200':
848          description: Returns Telegraf configuration owners as a ResourceOwners list
849          content:
850            application/json:
851              schema:
852                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwners'
853        default:
854          description: Unexpected error
855          content:
856            application/json:
857              schema:
858                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
859    post:
860      operationId: PostTelegrafsIDOwners
861      tags:
862        - Telegrafs
863      summary: Add an owner to a Telegraf configuration
864      parameters:
865        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
866        - in: path
867          name: telegrafID
868          schema:
869            type: string
870          required: true
871          description: The Telegraf configuration ID.
872      requestBody:
873        description: User to add as owner
874        required: true
875        content:
876          application/json:
877            schema:
878              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
879      responses:
880        '201':
881          description: Telegraf configuration owner was added. Returns a ResourceOwner that references the User.
882          content:
883            application/json:
884              schema:
885                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwner'
886        default:
887          description: Unexpected error
888          content:
889            application/json:
890              schema:
891                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
892  '/telegrafs/{telegrafID}/owners/{userID}':
893    delete:
894      operationId: DeleteTelegrafsIDOwnersID
895      tags:
896        - Telegrafs
897      summary: Remove an owner from a Telegraf config
898      parameters:
899        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
900        - in: path
901          name: userID
902          schema:
903            type: string
904          required: true
905          description: The ID of the owner to remove.
906        - in: path
907          name: telegrafID
908          schema:
909            type: string
910          required: true
911          description: The Telegraf config ID.
912      responses:
913        '204':
914          description: Owner removed
915        default:
916          description: Unexpected error
917          content:
918            application/json:
919              schema:
920                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
921  '/variables/{variableID}/labels':
922    get:
923      operationId: GetVariablesIDLabels
924      tags:
925        - Variables
926      summary: List all labels for a variable
927      parameters:
928        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
929        - in: path
930          name: variableID
931          schema:
932            type: string
933          required: true
934          description: The variable ID.
935      responses:
936        '200':
937          description: A list of all labels for a variable
938          content:
939            application/json:
940              schema:
941                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelsResponse'
942        default:
943          description: Unexpected error
944          content:
945            application/json:
946              schema:
947                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
948    post:
949      operationId: PostVariablesIDLabels
950      tags:
951        - Variables
952      summary: Add a label to a variable
953      parameters:
954        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
955        - in: path
956          name: variableID
957          schema:
958            type: string
959          required: true
960          description: The variable ID.
961      requestBody:
962        description: Label to add
963        required: true
964        content:
965          application/json:
966            schema:
967              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelMapping'
968      responses:
969        '201':
970          description: The newly added label
971          content:
972            application/json:
973              schema:
974                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
975        default:
976          description: Unexpected error
977          content:
978            application/json:
979              schema:
980                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
981  '/variables/{variableID}/labels/{labelID}':
982    delete:
983      operationId: DeleteVariablesIDLabelsID
984      tags:
985        - Variables
986      summary: Delete a label from a variable
987      parameters:
988        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
989        - in: path
990          name: variableID
991          schema:
992            type: string
993          required: true
994          description: The variable ID.
995        - in: path
996          name: labelID
997          schema:
998            type: string
999          required: true
1000          description: The label ID to delete.
1001      responses:
1002        '204':
1003          description: Delete has been accepted
1004        '404':
1005          description: Variable not found
1006          content:
1007            application/json:
1008              schema:
1009                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1010        default:
1011          description: Unexpected error
1012          content:
1013            application/json:
1014              schema:
1015                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1016  /delete:
1017    post:
1018      operationId: PostDelete
1019      tags:
1020        - Delete
1021      summary: Delete data
1022      requestBody:
1023        description: Deletes data from an InfluxDB bucket.
1024        required: true
1025        content:
1026          application/json:
1027            schema:
1028              $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeletePredicateRequest'
1029      parameters:
1030        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1031        - in: query
1032          name: org
1033          description: Specifies the organization to delete data from.
1034          schema:
1035            type: string
1036            description: Only points from this organization are deleted.
1037        - in: query
1038          name: bucket
1039          description: Specifies the bucket to delete data from.
1040          schema:
1041            type: string
1042            description: Only points from this bucket are deleted.
1043        - in: query
1044          name: orgID
1045          description: Specifies the organization ID of the resource.
1046          schema:
1047            type: string
1048        - in: query
1049          name: bucketID
1050          description: Specifies the bucket ID to delete data from.
1051          schema:
1052            type: string
1053            description: Only points from this bucket ID are deleted.
1054      responses:
1055        '204':
1056          description: delete has been accepted
1057        '400':
1058          description: Invalid request.
1059          content:
1060            application/json:
1061              schema:
1062                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1063        '403':
1064          description: no token was sent or does not have sufficient permissions.
1065          content:
1066            application/json:
1067              schema:
1068                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1069        '404':
1070          description: the bucket or organization is not found.
1071          content:
1072            application/json:
1073              schema:
1074                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1075        default:
1076          description: internal server error
1077          content:
1078            application/json:
1079              schema:
1080                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1081  /labels:
1082    post:
1083      operationId: PostLabels
1084      tags:
1085        - Labels
1086      summary: Create a label
1087      requestBody:
1088        description: Label to create
1089        required: true
1090        content:
1091          application/json:
1092            schema:
1093              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelCreateRequest'
1094      responses:
1095        '201':
1096          description: Added label
1097          content:
1098            application/json:
1099              schema:
1100                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
1101        default:
1102          description: Unexpected error
1103          content:
1104            application/json:
1105              schema:
1106                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1107    get:
1108      operationId: GetLabels
1109      tags:
1110        - Labels
1111      summary: List all labels
1112      parameters:
1113        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1114        - in: query
1115          name: orgID
1116          description: The organization ID.
1117          schema:
1118            type: string
1119      responses:
1120        '200':
1121          description: A list of labels
1122          content:
1123            application/json:
1124              schema:
1125                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelsResponse'
1126        default:
1127          description: Unexpected error
1128          content:
1129            application/json:
1130              schema:
1131                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1132  '/labels/{labelID}':
1133    get:
1134      operationId: GetLabelsID
1135      tags:
1136        - Labels
1137      summary: Retrieve a label
1138      parameters:
1139        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1140        - in: path
1141          name: labelID
1142          schema:
1143            type: string
1144          required: true
1145          description: The ID of the label to update.
1146      responses:
1147        '200':
1148          description: A label
1149          content:
1150            application/json:
1151              schema:
1152                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
1153        default:
1154          description: Unexpected error
1155          content:
1156            application/json:
1157              schema:
1158                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1159    patch:
1160      operationId: PatchLabelsID
1161      tags:
1162        - Labels
1163      summary: Update a label
1164      requestBody:
1165        description: Label update
1166        required: true
1167        content:
1168          application/json:
1169            schema:
1170              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelUpdate'
1171      parameters:
1172        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1173        - in: path
1174          name: labelID
1175          schema:
1176            type: string
1177          required: true
1178          description: The ID of the label to update.
1179      responses:
1180        '200':
1181          description: Updated label
1182          content:
1183            application/json:
1184              schema:
1185                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
1186        '404':
1187          description: Label not found
1188          content:
1189            application/json:
1190              schema:
1191                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1192        default:
1193          description: Unexpected error
1194          content:
1195            application/json:
1196              schema:
1197                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1198    delete:
1199      operationId: DeleteLabelsID
1200      tags:
1201        - Labels
1202      summary: Delete a label
1203      parameters:
1204        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1205        - in: path
1206          name: labelID
1207          schema:
1208            type: string
1209          required: true
1210          description: The ID of the label to delete.
1211      responses:
1212        '204':
1213          description: Delete has been accepted
1214        '404':
1215          description: Label not found
1216          content:
1217            application/json:
1218              schema:
1219                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1220        default:
1221          description: Unexpected error
1222          content:
1223            application/json:
1224              schema:
1225                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1226  '/dashboards/{dashboardID}':
1227    get:
1228      operationId: GetDashboardsID
1229      tags:
1230        - Dashboards
1231      summary: Retrieve a Dashboard
1232      parameters:
1233        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1234        - in: path
1235          name: dashboardID
1236          schema:
1237            type: string
1238          required: true
1239          description: The ID of the dashboard to update.
1240        - in: query
1241          name: include
1242          required: false
1243          schema:
1244            type: string
1245            enum:
1246              - properties
1247          description: Includes the cell view properties in the response if set to `properties`
1248      responses:
1249        '200':
1250          description: Retrieve a single dashboard
1251          content:
1252            application/json:
1253              schema:
1254                oneOf:
1255                  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dashboard'
1256                  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardWithViewProperties'
1257        '404':
1258          description: Dashboard not found
1259          content:
1260            application/json:
1261              schema:
1262                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1263        default:
1264          description: Unexpected error
1265          content:
1266            application/json:
1267              schema:
1268                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1269    patch:
1270      operationId: PatchDashboardsID
1271      tags:
1272        - Dashboards
1273      summary: Update a dashboard
1274      requestBody:
1275        description: Patching of a dashboard
1276        required: true
1277        content:
1278          application/json:
1279            schema:
1280              type: object
1281              title: PatchDashboardRequest
1282              properties:
1283                name:
1284                  description: 'optional, when provided will replace the name'
1285                  type: string
1286                description:
1287                  description: 'optional, when provided will replace the description'
1288                  type: string
1289                cells:
1290                  description: 'optional, when provided will replace all existing cells with the cells provided'
1291                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/CellWithViewProperties'
1292      parameters:
1293        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1294        - in: path
1295          name: dashboardID
1296          schema:
1297            type: string
1298          required: true
1299          description: The ID of the dashboard to update.
1300      responses:
1301        '200':
1302          description: Updated dashboard
1303          content:
1304            application/json:
1305              schema:
1306                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dashboard'
1307        '404':
1308          description: Dashboard not found
1309          content:
1310            application/json:
1311              schema:
1312                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1313        default:
1314          description: Unexpected error
1315          content:
1316            application/json:
1317              schema:
1318                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1319    delete:
1320      operationId: DeleteDashboardsID
1321      tags:
1322        - Dashboards
1323      summary: Delete a dashboard
1324      parameters:
1325        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1326        - in: path
1327          name: dashboardID
1328          schema:
1329            type: string
1330          required: true
1331          description: The ID of the dashboard to update.
1332      responses:
1333        '204':
1334          description: Delete has been accepted
1335        '404':
1336          description: Dashboard not found
1337          content:
1338            application/json:
1339              schema:
1340                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1341        default:
1342          description: Unexpected error
1343          content:
1344            application/json:
1345              schema:
1346                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1347  '/dashboards/{dashboardID}/cells':
1348    put:
1349      operationId: PutDashboardsIDCells
1350      tags:
1351        - Cells
1352        - Dashboards
1353      summary: Replace cells in a dashboard
1354      description: Replaces all cells in a dashboard. This is used primarily to update the positional information of all cells.
1355      requestBody:
1356        required: true
1357        content:
1358          application/json:
1359            schema:
1360              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Cells'
1361      parameters:
1362        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1363        - in: path
1364          name: dashboardID
1365          schema:
1366            type: string
1367          required: true
1368          description: The ID of the dashboard to update.
1369      responses:
1370        '201':
1371          description: Replaced dashboard cells
1372          content:
1373            application/json:
1374              schema:
1375                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dashboard'
1376        '404':
1377          description: Dashboard not found
1378          content:
1379            application/json:
1380              schema:
1381                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1382        default:
1383          description: Unexpected error
1384          content:
1385            application/json:
1386              schema:
1387                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1388    post:
1389      operationId: PostDashboardsIDCells
1390      tags:
1391        - Cells
1392        - Dashboards
1393      summary: Create a dashboard cell
1394      requestBody:
1395        description: Cell that will be added
1396        required: true
1397        content:
1398          application/json:
1399            schema:
1400              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateCell'
1401      parameters:
1402        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1403        - in: path
1404          name: dashboardID
1405          schema:
1406            type: string
1407          required: true
1408          description: The ID of the dashboard to update.
1409      responses:
1410        '201':
1411          description: Cell successfully added
1412          content:
1413            application/json:
1414              schema:
1415                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Cell'
1416        '404':
1417          description: Dashboard not found
1418          content:
1419            application/json:
1420              schema:
1421                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1422        default:
1423          description: Unexpected error
1424          content:
1425            application/json:
1426              schema:
1427                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1428  '/dashboards/{dashboardID}/cells/{cellID}':
1429    patch:
1430      operationId: PatchDashboardsIDCellsID
1431      tags:
1432        - Cells
1433        - Dashboards
1434      summary: Update the non-positional information related to a cell
1435      description: Updates the non positional information related to a cell. Updates to a single cell's positional data could cause grid conflicts.
1436      requestBody:
1437        required: true
1438        content:
1439          application/json:
1440            schema:
1441              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CellUpdate'
1442      parameters:
1443        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1444        - in: path
1445          name: dashboardID
1446          schema:
1447            type: string
1448          required: true
1449          description: The ID of the dashboard to update.
1450        - in: path
1451          name: cellID
1452          schema:
1453            type: string
1454          required: true
1455          description: The ID of the cell to update.
1456      responses:
1457        '200':
1458          description: Updated dashboard cell
1459          content:
1460            application/json:
1461              schema:
1462                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Cell'
1463        '404':
1464          description: Cell or dashboard not found
1465          content:
1466            application/json:
1467              schema:
1468                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1469        default:
1470          description: Unexpected error
1471          content:
1472            application/json:
1473              schema:
1474                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1475    delete:
1476      operationId: DeleteDashboardsIDCellsID
1477      tags:
1478        - Cells
1479        - Dashboards
1480      summary: Delete a dashboard cell
1481      parameters:
1482        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1483        - in: path
1484          name: dashboardID
1485          schema:
1486            type: string
1487          required: true
1488          description: The ID of the dashboard to delete.
1489        - in: path
1490          name: cellID
1491          schema:
1492            type: string
1493          required: true
1494          description: The ID of the cell to delete.
1495      responses:
1496        '204':
1497          description: Cell successfully deleted
1498        '404':
1499          description: Cell or dashboard not found
1500          content:
1501            application/json:
1502              schema:
1503                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1504        default:
1505          description: Unexpected error
1506          content:
1507            application/json:
1508              schema:
1509                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1510  '/dashboards/{dashboardID}/cells/{cellID}/view':
1511    get:
1512      operationId: GetDashboardsIDCellsIDView
1513      tags:
1514        - Cells
1515        - Dashboards
1516        - Views
1517      summary: Retrieve the view for a cell
1518      parameters:
1519        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1520        - in: path
1521          name: dashboardID
1522          schema:
1523            type: string
1524          required: true
1525          description: The dashboard ID.
1526        - in: path
1527          name: cellID
1528          schema:
1529            type: string
1530          required: true
1531          description: The cell ID.
1532      responses:
1533        '200':
1534          description: A dashboard cells view
1535          content:
1536            application/json:
1537              schema:
1538                $ref: '#/components/schemas/View'
1539        '404':
1540          description: Cell or dashboard not found
1541          content:
1542            application/json:
1543              schema:
1544                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1545        default:
1546          description: Unexpected error
1547          content:
1548            application/json:
1549              schema:
1550                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1551    patch:
1552      operationId: PatchDashboardsIDCellsIDView
1553      tags:
1554        - Cells
1555        - Dashboards
1556        - Views
1557      summary: Update the view for a cell
1558      requestBody:
1559        required: true
1560        content:
1561          application/json:
1562            schema:
1563              $ref: '#/components/schemas/View'
1564      parameters:
1565        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1566        - in: path
1567          name: dashboardID
1568          schema:
1569            type: string
1570          required: true
1571          description: The ID of the dashboard to update.
1572        - in: path
1573          name: cellID
1574          schema:
1575            type: string
1576          required: true
1577          description: The ID of the cell to update.
1578      responses:
1579        '200':
1580          description: Updated cell view
1581          content:
1582            application/json:
1583              schema:
1584                $ref: '#/components/schemas/View'
1585        '404':
1586          description: Cell or dashboard not found
1587          content:
1588            application/json:
1589              schema:
1590                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1591        default:
1592          description: Unexpected error
1593          content:
1594            application/json:
1595              schema:
1596                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1597  '/dashboards/{dashboardID}/labels':
1598    get:
1599      operationId: GetDashboardsIDLabels
1600      tags:
1601        - Dashboards
1602      summary: List all labels for a dashboard
1603      parameters:
1604        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1605        - in: path
1606          name: dashboardID
1607          schema:
1608            type: string
1609          required: true
1610          description: The dashboard ID.
1611      responses:
1612        '200':
1613          description: A list of all labels for a dashboard
1614          content:
1615            application/json:
1616              schema:
1617                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelsResponse'
1618        default:
1619          description: Unexpected error
1620          content:
1621            application/json:
1622              schema:
1623                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1624    post:
1625      operationId: PostDashboardsIDLabels
1626      tags:
1627        - Dashboards
1628      summary: Add a label to a dashboard
1629      parameters:
1630        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1631        - in: path
1632          name: dashboardID
1633          schema:
1634            type: string
1635          required: true
1636          description: The dashboard ID.
1637      requestBody:
1638        description: Label to add
1639        required: true
1640        content:
1641          application/json:
1642            schema:
1643              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelMapping'
1644      responses:
1645        '201':
1646          description: The label added to the dashboard
1647          content:
1648            application/json:
1649              schema:
1650                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
1651        default:
1652          description: Unexpected error
1653          content:
1654            application/json:
1655              schema:
1656                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1657  '/dashboards/{dashboardID}/labels/{labelID}':
1658    delete:
1659      operationId: DeleteDashboardsIDLabelsID
1660      tags:
1661        - Dashboards
1662      summary: Delete a label from a dashboard
1663      parameters:
1664        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1665        - in: path
1666          name: dashboardID
1667          schema:
1668            type: string
1669          required: true
1670          description: The dashboard ID.
1671        - in: path
1672          name: labelID
1673          schema:
1674            type: string
1675          required: true
1676          description: The ID of the label to delete.
1677      responses:
1678        '204':
1679          description: Delete has been accepted
1680        '404':
1681          description: Dashboard not found
1682          content:
1683            application/json:
1684              schema:
1685                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1686        default:
1687          description: Unexpected error
1688          content:
1689            application/json:
1690              schema:
1691                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1692  '/dashboards/{dashboardID}/members':
1693    get:
1694      operationId: GetDashboardsIDMembers
1695      tags:
1696        - Dashboards
1697      summary: List all dashboard members
1698      parameters:
1699        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1700        - in: path
1701          name: dashboardID
1702          schema:
1703            type: string
1704          required: true
1705          description: The dashboard ID.
1706      responses:
1707        '200':
1708          description: A list of users who have member privileges for a dashboard
1709          content:
1710            application/json:
1711              schema:
1712                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMembers'
1713        default:
1714          description: Unexpected error
1715          content:
1716            application/json:
1717              schema:
1718                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1719    post:
1720      operationId: PostDashboardsIDMembers
1721      tags:
1722        - Dashboards
1723      summary: Add a member to a dashboard
1724      parameters:
1725        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1726        - in: path
1727          name: dashboardID
1728          schema:
1729            type: string
1730          required: true
1731          description: The dashboard ID.
1732      requestBody:
1733        description: User to add as member
1734        required: true
1735        content:
1736          application/json:
1737            schema:
1738              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
1739      responses:
1740        '201':
1741          description: Added to dashboard members
1742          content:
1743            application/json:
1744              schema:
1745                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMember'
1746        default:
1747          description: Unexpected error
1748          content:
1749            application/json:
1750              schema:
1751                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1752  '/dashboards/{dashboardID}/members/{userID}':
1753    delete:
1754      operationId: DeleteDashboardsIDMembersID
1755      tags:
1756        - Dashboards
1757      summary: Remove a member from a dashboard
1758      parameters:
1759        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1760        - in: path
1761          name: userID
1762          schema:
1763            type: string
1764          required: true
1765          description: The ID of the member to remove.
1766        - in: path
1767          name: dashboardID
1768          schema:
1769            type: string
1770          required: true
1771          description: The dashboard ID.
1772      responses:
1773        '204':
1774          description: Member removed
1775        default:
1776          description: Unexpected error
1777          content:
1778            application/json:
1779              schema:
1780                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1781  '/dashboards/{dashboardID}/owners':
1782    get:
1783      operationId: GetDashboardsIDOwners
1784      tags:
1785        - Dashboards
1786      summary: List all dashboard owners
1787      parameters:
1788        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1789        - in: path
1790          name: dashboardID
1791          schema:
1792            type: string
1793          required: true
1794          description: The dashboard ID.
1795      responses:
1796        '200':
1797          description: A list of users who have owner privileges for a dashboard
1798          content:
1799            application/json:
1800              schema:
1801                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwners'
1802        default:
1803          description: Unexpected error
1804          content:
1805            application/json:
1806              schema:
1807                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1808    post:
1809      operationId: PostDashboardsIDOwners
1810      tags:
1811        - Dashboards
1812      summary: Add an owner to a dashboard
1813      parameters:
1814        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1815        - in: path
1816          name: dashboardID
1817          schema:
1818            type: string
1819          required: true
1820          description: The dashboard ID.
1821      requestBody:
1822        description: User to add as owner
1823        required: true
1824        content:
1825          application/json:
1826            schema:
1827              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
1828      responses:
1829        '201':
1830          description: Added to dashboard owners
1831          content:
1832            application/json:
1833              schema:
1834                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwner'
1835        default:
1836          description: Unexpected error
1837          content:
1838            application/json:
1839              schema:
1840                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1841  '/dashboards/{dashboardID}/owners/{userID}':
1842    delete:
1843      operationId: DeleteDashboardsIDOwnersID
1844      tags:
1845        - Dashboards
1846      summary: Remove an owner from a dashboard
1847      parameters:
1848        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1849        - in: path
1850          name: userID
1851          schema:
1852            type: string
1853          required: true
1854          description: The ID of the owner to remove.
1855        - in: path
1856          name: dashboardID
1857          schema:
1858            type: string
1859          required: true
1860          description: The dashboard ID.
1861      responses:
1862        '204':
1863          description: Owner removed
1864        default:
1865          description: Unexpected error
1866          content:
1867            application/json:
1868              schema:
1869                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1870  /query/ast:
1871    post:
1872      operationId: PostQueryAst
1873      description: Analyzes flux query and generates a query specification.
1874      tags:
1875        - Query
1876      summary: Generate an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) from a query
1877      parameters:
1878        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1879        - in: header
1880          name: Content-Type
1881          schema:
1882            type: string
1883            enum:
1884              - application/json
1885      requestBody:
1886        description: Analyzed Flux query to generate abstract syntax tree.
1887        content:
1888          application/json:
1889            schema:
1890              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LanguageRequest'
1891      responses:
1892        '200':
1893          description: Abstract syntax tree of the flux query.
1894          content:
1895            application/json:
1896              schema:
1897                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ASTResponse'
1898        default:
1899          description: Any response other than 200 is an internal server error
1900          content:
1901            application/json:
1902              schema:
1903                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1904  /query/suggestions:
1905    get:
1906      operationId: GetQuerySuggestions
1907      tags:
1908        - Query
1909      summary: Retrieve query suggestions
1910      parameters:
1911        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1912      responses:
1913        '200':
1914          description: Suggestions for next functions in call chain
1915          content:
1916            application/json:
1917              schema:
1918                $ref: '#/components/schemas/FluxSuggestions'
1919        default:
1920          description: Any response other than 200 is an internal server error
1921          content:
1922            application/json:
1923              schema:
1924                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1925  '/query/suggestions/{name}':
1926    get:
1927      operationId: GetQuerySuggestionsName
1928      tags:
1929        - Query
1930      summary: Retrieve query suggestions for a branching suggestion
1931      parameters:
1932        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1933        - in: path
1934          name: name
1935          schema:
1936            type: string
1937          required: true
1938          description: The name of the branching suggestion.
1939      responses:
1940        '200':
1941          description: Suggestions for next functions in call chain
1942          content:
1943            application/json:
1944              schema:
1945                $ref: '#/components/schemas/FluxSuggestion'
1946        default:
1947          description: Any response other than 200 is an internal server error
1948          content:
1949            application/json:
1950              schema:
1951                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1952  /query/analyze:
1953    post:
1954      operationId: PostQueryAnalyze
1955      tags:
1956        - Query
1957      summary: Analyze a Flux query
1958      parameters:
1959        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
1960        - in: header
1961          name: Content-Type
1962          schema:
1963            type: string
1964            enum:
1965              - application/json
1966      requestBody:
1967        description: Flux query to analyze
1968        content:
1969          application/json:
1970            schema:
1971              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Query'
1972      responses:
1973        '200':
1974          description: Query analyze results. Errors will be empty if the query is valid.
1975          content:
1976            application/json:
1977              schema:
1978                $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyzeQueryResponse'
1979        default:
1980          description: Internal server error
1981          headers:
1982            X-Influx-Error:
1983              description: Error string describing the problem
1984              schema:
1985                type: string
1986            X-Influx-Reference:
1987              description: Reference code unique to the error type
1988              schema:
1989                type: integer
1990          content:
1991            application/json:
1992              schema:
1993                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
1994  /query:
1995    post:
1996      operationId: PostQuery
1997      tags:
1998        - Query
1999      summary: Query data
2000      description: |
2001        Retrieves data from InfluxDB buckets.
2003        To query data, you need the following:
2004        - **organization** – _See [View organizations](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/organizations/view-orgs/#view-your-organization-id) for instructions on viewing your organization ID._
2005        - **API token** – _See [View tokens](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/security/tokens/view-tokens/)
2006         for instructions on viewing your API token._
2007        - **InfluxDB URL** – _See [InfluxDB URLs](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/reference/urls/)_.
2008        - **Flux query** – _See [Flux](https://docs.influxdata.com/flux/v0.x/)._
2010        For more information and examples, see [Query with the InfluxDB API](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/query-data/execute-queries/influx-api/).
2011      parameters:
2012        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2013        - in: header
2014          name: Accept-Encoding
2015          description: Indicates the content encoding (usually a compression algorithm) that the client can understand.
2016          schema:
2017            type: string
2018            description: 'The content coding.  Use `gzip` for compressed data or `identity` for unmodified, uncompressed data.'
2019            default: identity
2020            enum:
2021              - gzip
2022              - identity
2023        - in: header
2024          name: Content-Type
2025          schema:
2026            type: string
2027            enum:
2028              - application/json
2029              - application/vnd.flux
2030        - in: query
2031          name: org
2032          description: 'Specifies the name of the organization executing the query. Takes either the ID or Name. If both `orgID` and `org` are specified, `org` takes precedence.'
2033          schema:
2034            type: string
2035        - in: query
2036          name: orgID
2037          description: 'Specifies the ID of the organization executing the query. If both `orgID` and `org` are specified, `org` takes precedence.'
2038          schema:
2039            type: string
2040      requestBody:
2041        description: Flux query or specification to execute
2042        content:
2043          application/json:
2044            schema:
2045              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Query'
2046          application/vnd.flux:
2047            schema:
2048              type: string
2049            example: |
2050              from(bucket: "example-bucket")
2051                  |> range(start: -5m)
2052                  |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "example-measurement")
2053      responses:
2054        '200':
2055          description: Success. Returns query results.
2056          headers:
2057            Content-Encoding:
2058              description: Lists any encodings (usually compression algorithms) that have been applied to the response payload.
2059              schema:
2060                type: string
2061                description: |
2062                  The content coding: `gzip` for compressed data or `identity` for unmodified, uncompressed data.
2063                default: identity
2064                enum:
2065                  - gzip
2066                  - identity
2067            Trace-Id:
2068              description: 'The Trace-Id header reports the request''s trace ID, if one was generated.'
2069              schema:
2070                type: string
2071                description: Specifies the request's trace ID.
2072          content:
2073            text/csv:
2074              schema:
2075                type: string
2076                example: |
2077                  result,table,_start,_stop,_time,region,host,_value mean,0,2018-05-08T20:50:00Z,2018-05-08T20:51:00Z,2018-05-08T20:50:00Z,east,A,15.43 mean,0,2018-05-08T20:50:00Z,2018-05-08T20:51:00Z,2018-05-08T20:50:20Z,east,B,59.25 mean,0,2018-05-08T20:50:00Z,2018-05-08T20:51:00Z,2018-05-08T20:50:40Z,east,C,52.62
2078            application/vnd.influx.arrow:
2079              schema:
2080                type: string
2081                format: binary
2082        '429':
2083          description: Token is temporarily over quota. The Retry-After header describes when to try the read again.
2084          headers:
2085            Retry-After:
2086              description: A non-negative decimal integer indicating the seconds to delay after the response is received.
2087              schema:
2088                type: integer
2089                format: int32
2090        default:
2091          description: Error processing query
2092          content:
2093            application/json:
2094              schema:
2095                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2096  /buckets:
2097    get:
2098      operationId: GetBuckets
2099      tags:
2100        - Buckets
2101      summary: List all buckets
2102      parameters:
2103        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2104        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Offset'
2105        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Limit'
2106        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/After'
2107        - in: query
2108          name: org
2109          description: The name of the organization.
2110          schema:
2111            type: string
2112        - in: query
2113          name: orgID
2114          description: The organization ID.
2115          schema:
2116            type: string
2117        - in: query
2118          name: name
2119          description: Only returns buckets with a specific name.
2120          schema:
2121            type: string
2122        - in: query
2123          name: id
2124          description: Only returns buckets with a specific ID.
2125          schema:
2126            type: string
2127      responses:
2128        '200':
2129          description: A list of buckets
2130          content:
2131            application/json:
2132              schema:
2133                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Buckets'
2134        default:
2135          description: Unexpected error
2136          content:
2137            application/json:
2138              schema:
2139                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2140    post:
2141      operationId: PostBuckets
2142      tags:
2143        - Buckets
2144      summary: Create a bucket
2145      parameters:
2146        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2147      requestBody:
2148        description: Bucket to create
2149        required: true
2150        content:
2151          application/json:
2152            schema:
2153              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostBucketRequest'
2154      responses:
2155        '201':
2156          description: Bucket created
2157          content:
2158            application/json:
2159              schema:
2160                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Bucket'
2161        '422':
2162          description: Request body failed validation
2163          content:
2164            application/json:
2165              schema:
2166                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2167        default:
2168          description: Unexpected error
2169          content:
2170            application/json:
2171              schema:
2172                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2173  '/buckets/{bucketID}':
2174    get:
2175      operationId: GetBucketsID
2176      tags:
2177        - Buckets
2178      summary: Retrieve a bucket
2179      parameters:
2180        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2181        - in: path
2182          name: bucketID
2183          schema:
2184            type: string
2185          required: true
2186          description: The bucket ID.
2187      responses:
2188        '200':
2189          description: Bucket details
2190          content:
2191            application/json:
2192              schema:
2193                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Bucket'
2194        default:
2195          description: Unexpected error
2196          content:
2197            application/json:
2198              schema:
2199                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2200    patch:
2201      operationId: PatchBucketsID
2202      tags:
2203        - Buckets
2204      summary: Update a bucket
2205      requestBody:
2206        description: Bucket update to apply
2207        required: true
2208        content:
2209          application/json:
2210            schema:
2211              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchBucketRequest'
2212      parameters:
2213        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2214        - in: path
2215          name: bucketID
2216          schema:
2217            type: string
2218          required: true
2219          description: The bucket ID.
2220      responses:
2221        '200':
2222          description: An updated bucket
2223          content:
2224            application/json:
2225              schema:
2226                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Bucket'
2227        default:
2228          description: Unexpected error
2229          content:
2230            application/json:
2231              schema:
2232                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2233    delete:
2234      operationId: DeleteBucketsID
2235      tags:
2236        - Buckets
2237      summary: Delete a bucket
2238      parameters:
2239        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2240        - in: path
2241          name: bucketID
2242          schema:
2243            type: string
2244          required: true
2245          description: The ID of the bucket to delete.
2246      responses:
2247        '204':
2248          description: Delete has been accepted
2249        '404':
2250          description: Bucket not found
2251          content:
2252            application/json:
2253              schema:
2254                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2255        default:
2256          description: Unexpected error
2257          content:
2258            application/json:
2259              schema:
2260                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2261  '/buckets/{bucketID}/labels':
2262    get:
2263      operationId: GetBucketsIDLabels
2264      tags:
2265        - Buckets
2266      summary: List all labels for a bucket
2267      parameters:
2268        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2269        - in: path
2270          name: bucketID
2271          schema:
2272            type: string
2273          required: true
2274          description: The bucket ID.
2275      responses:
2276        '200':
2277          description: A list of all labels for a bucket
2278          content:
2279            application/json:
2280              schema:
2281                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelsResponse'
2282        default:
2283          description: Unexpected error
2284          content:
2285            application/json:
2286              schema:
2287                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2288    post:
2289      operationId: PostBucketsIDLabels
2290      tags:
2291        - Buckets
2292      summary: Add a label to a bucket
2293      parameters:
2294        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2295        - in: path
2296          name: bucketID
2297          schema:
2298            type: string
2299          required: true
2300          description: The bucket ID.
2301      requestBody:
2302        description: Label to add
2303        required: true
2304        content:
2305          application/json:
2306            schema:
2307              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelMapping'
2308      responses:
2309        '201':
2310          description: The newly added label
2311          content:
2312            application/json:
2313              schema:
2314                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
2315        default:
2316          description: Unexpected error
2317          content:
2318            application/json:
2319              schema:
2320                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2321  '/buckets/{bucketID}/labels/{labelID}':
2322    delete:
2323      operationId: DeleteBucketsIDLabelsID
2324      tags:
2325        - Buckets
2326      summary: Delete a label from a bucket
2327      parameters:
2328        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2329        - in: path
2330          name: bucketID
2331          schema:
2332            type: string
2333          required: true
2334          description: The bucket ID.
2335        - in: path
2336          name: labelID
2337          schema:
2338            type: string
2339          required: true
2340          description: The ID of the label to delete.
2341      responses:
2342        '204':
2343          description: Delete has been accepted
2344        '404':
2345          description: Bucket not found
2346          content:
2347            application/json:
2348              schema:
2349                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2350        default:
2351          description: Unexpected error
2352          content:
2353            application/json:
2354              schema:
2355                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2356  '/buckets/{bucketID}/members':
2357    get:
2358      operationId: GetBucketsIDMembers
2359      tags:
2360        - Buckets
2361      summary: List all users with member privileges for a bucket
2362      parameters:
2363        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2364        - in: path
2365          name: bucketID
2366          schema:
2367            type: string
2368          required: true
2369          description: The bucket ID.
2370      responses:
2371        '200':
2372          description: A list of bucket members
2373          content:
2374            application/json:
2375              schema:
2376                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMembers'
2377        default:
2378          description: Unexpected error
2379          content:
2380            application/json:
2381              schema:
2382                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2383    post:
2384      operationId: PostBucketsIDMembers
2385      tags:
2386        - Buckets
2387      summary: Add a member to a bucket
2388      parameters:
2389        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2390        - in: path
2391          name: bucketID
2392          schema:
2393            type: string
2394          required: true
2395          description: The bucket ID.
2396      requestBody:
2397        description: User to add as member
2398        required: true
2399        content:
2400          application/json:
2401            schema:
2402              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
2403      responses:
2404        '201':
2405          description: Member added to bucket
2406          content:
2407            application/json:
2408              schema:
2409                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMember'
2410        default:
2411          description: Unexpected error
2412          content:
2413            application/json:
2414              schema:
2415                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2416  '/buckets/{bucketID}/members/{userID}':
2417    delete:
2418      operationId: DeleteBucketsIDMembersID
2419      tags:
2420        - Buckets
2421      summary: Remove a member from a bucket
2422      parameters:
2423        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2424        - in: path
2425          name: userID
2426          schema:
2427            type: string
2428          required: true
2429          description: The ID of the member to remove.
2430        - in: path
2431          name: bucketID
2432          schema:
2433            type: string
2434          required: true
2435          description: The bucket ID.
2436      responses:
2437        '204':
2438          description: Member removed
2439        default:
2440          description: Unexpected error
2441          content:
2442            application/json:
2443              schema:
2444                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2445  '/buckets/{bucketID}/owners':
2446    get:
2447      operationId: GetBucketsIDOwners
2448      tags:
2449        - Buckets
2450      summary: List all owners of a bucket
2451      parameters:
2452        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2453        - in: path
2454          name: bucketID
2455          schema:
2456            type: string
2457          required: true
2458          description: The bucket ID.
2459      responses:
2460        '200':
2461          description: A list of bucket owners
2462          content:
2463            application/json:
2464              schema:
2465                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwners'
2466        default:
2467          description: Unexpected error
2468          content:
2469            application/json:
2470              schema:
2471                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2472    post:
2473      operationId: PostBucketsIDOwners
2474      tags:
2475        - Buckets
2476      summary: Add an owner to a bucket
2477      parameters:
2478        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2479        - in: path
2480          name: bucketID
2481          schema:
2482            type: string
2483          required: true
2484          description: The bucket ID.
2485      requestBody:
2486        description: User to add as owner
2487        required: true
2488        content:
2489          application/json:
2490            schema:
2491              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
2492      responses:
2493        '201':
2494          description: Bucket owner added
2495          content:
2496            application/json:
2497              schema:
2498                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwner'
2499        default:
2500          description: Unexpected error
2501          content:
2502            application/json:
2503              schema:
2504                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2505  '/buckets/{bucketID}/owners/{userID}':
2506    delete:
2507      operationId: DeleteBucketsIDOwnersID
2508      tags:
2509        - Buckets
2510      summary: Remove an owner from a bucket
2511      parameters:
2512        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2513        - in: path
2514          name: userID
2515          schema:
2516            type: string
2517          required: true
2518          description: The ID of the owner to remove.
2519        - in: path
2520          name: bucketID
2521          schema:
2522            type: string
2523          required: true
2524          description: The bucket ID.
2525      responses:
2526        '204':
2527          description: Owner removed
2528        default:
2529          description: Unexpected error
2530          content:
2531            application/json:
2532              schema:
2533                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2534  /orgs:
2535    get:
2536      operationId: GetOrgs
2537      tags:
2538        - Organizations
2539      summary: List all organizations
2540      parameters:
2541        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2542        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Offset'
2543        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Limit'
2544        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Descending'
2545        - in: query
2546          name: org
2547          schema:
2548            type: string
2549          description: Filter organizations to a specific organization name.
2550        - in: query
2551          name: orgID
2552          schema:
2553            type: string
2554          description: Filter organizations to a specific organization ID.
2555        - in: query
2556          name: userID
2557          schema:
2558            type: string
2559          description: Filter organizations to a specific user ID.
2560      responses:
2561        '200':
2562          description: A list of organizations
2563          content:
2564            application/json:
2565              schema:
2566                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Organizations'
2567        default:
2568          description: Unexpected error
2569          content:
2570            application/json:
2571              schema:
2572                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2573    post:
2574      operationId: PostOrgs
2575      tags:
2576        - Organizations
2577      summary: Create an organization
2578      parameters:
2579        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2580      requestBody:
2581        description: Organization to create
2582        required: true
2583        content:
2584          application/json:
2585            schema:
2586              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostOrganizationRequest'
2587      responses:
2588        '201':
2589          description: Organization created
2590          content:
2591            application/json:
2592              schema:
2593                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Organization'
2594        default:
2595          description: Unexpected error
2596          content:
2597            application/json:
2598              schema:
2599                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2600  '/orgs/{orgID}':
2601    get:
2602      operationId: GetOrgsID
2603      tags:
2604        - Organizations
2605      summary: Retrieve an organization
2606      parameters:
2607        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2608        - in: path
2609          name: orgID
2610          schema:
2611            type: string
2612          required: true
2613          description: The ID of the organization to get.
2614      responses:
2615        '200':
2616          description: Organization details
2617          content:
2618            application/json:
2619              schema:
2620                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Organization'
2621        default:
2622          description: Unexpected error
2623          content:
2624            application/json:
2625              schema:
2626                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2627    patch:
2628      operationId: PatchOrgsID
2629      tags:
2630        - Organizations
2631      summary: Update an organization
2632      requestBody:
2633        description: Organization update to apply
2634        required: true
2635        content:
2636          application/json:
2637            schema:
2638              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchOrganizationRequest'
2639      parameters:
2640        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2641        - in: path
2642          name: orgID
2643          schema:
2644            type: string
2645          required: true
2646          description: The ID of the organization to get.
2647      responses:
2648        '200':
2649          description: Organization updated
2650          content:
2651            application/json:
2652              schema:
2653                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Organization'
2654        default:
2655          description: Unexpected error
2656          content:
2657            application/json:
2658              schema:
2659                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2660    delete:
2661      operationId: DeleteOrgsID
2662      tags:
2663        - Organizations
2664      summary: Delete an organization
2665      parameters:
2666        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2667        - in: path
2668          name: orgID
2669          schema:
2670            type: string
2671          required: true
2672          description: The ID of the organization to delete.
2673      responses:
2674        '204':
2675          description: Delete has been accepted
2676        '404':
2677          description: Organization not found
2678          content:
2679            application/json:
2680              schema:
2681                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2682        default:
2683          description: Unexpected error
2684          content:
2685            application/json:
2686              schema:
2687                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2688  '/orgs/{orgID}/secrets':
2689    get:
2690      operationId: GetOrgsIDSecrets
2691      tags:
2692        - Secrets
2693      summary: List all secret keys for an organization
2694      parameters:
2695        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2696        - in: path
2697          name: orgID
2698          schema:
2699            type: string
2700          required: true
2701          description: The organization ID.
2702      responses:
2703        '200':
2704          description: A list of all secret keys
2705          content:
2706            application/json:
2707              schema:
2708                $ref: '#/components/schemas/SecretKeysResponse'
2709        default:
2710          description: Unexpected error
2711          content:
2712            application/json:
2713              schema:
2714                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2715    patch:
2716      operationId: PatchOrgsIDSecrets
2717      tags:
2718        - Secrets
2719      summary: Update secrets in an organization
2720      parameters:
2721        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2722        - in: path
2723          name: orgID
2724          schema:
2725            type: string
2726          required: true
2727          description: The organization ID.
2728      requestBody:
2729        description: Secret key value pairs to update/add
2730        required: true
2731        content:
2732          application/json:
2733            schema:
2734              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Secrets'
2735      responses:
2736        '204':
2737          description: Keys successfully patched
2738        default:
2739          description: Unexpected error
2740          content:
2741            application/json:
2742              schema:
2743                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2744  '/orgs/{orgID}/members':
2745    get:
2746      operationId: GetOrgsIDMembers
2747      tags:
2748        - Organizations
2749      summary: List all members of an organization
2750      parameters:
2751        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2752        - in: path
2753          name: orgID
2754          schema:
2755            type: string
2756          required: true
2757          description: The organization ID.
2758      responses:
2759        '200':
2760          description: A list of organization members
2761          content:
2762            application/json:
2763              schema:
2764                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMembers'
2765        '404':
2766          description: Organization not found
2767          content:
2768            application/json:
2769              schema:
2770                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2771        default:
2772          description: Unexpected error
2773          content:
2774            application/json:
2775              schema:
2776                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2777    post:
2778      operationId: PostOrgsIDMembers
2779      tags:
2780        - Organizations
2781      summary: Add a member to an organization
2782      parameters:
2783        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2784        - in: path
2785          name: orgID
2786          schema:
2787            type: string
2788          required: true
2789          description: The organization ID.
2790      requestBody:
2791        description: User to add as member
2792        required: true
2793        content:
2794          application/json:
2795            schema:
2796              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
2797      responses:
2798        '201':
2799          description: Added to organization created
2800          content:
2801            application/json:
2802              schema:
2803                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMember'
2804        default:
2805          description: Unexpected error
2806          content:
2807            application/json:
2808              schema:
2809                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2810  '/orgs/{orgID}/members/{userID}':
2811    delete:
2812      operationId: DeleteOrgsIDMembersID
2813      tags:
2814        - Organizations
2815      summary: Remove a member from an organization
2816      parameters:
2817        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2818        - in: path
2819          name: userID
2820          schema:
2821            type: string
2822          required: true
2823          description: The ID of the member to remove.
2824        - in: path
2825          name: orgID
2826          schema:
2827            type: string
2828          required: true
2829          description: The organization ID.
2830      responses:
2831        '204':
2832          description: Member removed
2833        default:
2834          description: Unexpected error
2835          content:
2836            application/json:
2837              schema:
2838                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2839  '/orgs/{orgID}/owners':
2840    get:
2841      operationId: GetOrgsIDOwners
2842      tags:
2843        - Organizations
2844      summary: List all owners of an organization
2845      parameters:
2846        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2847        - in: path
2848          name: orgID
2849          schema:
2850            type: string
2851          required: true
2852          description: The organization ID.
2853      responses:
2854        '200':
2855          description: A list of organization owners
2856          content:
2857            application/json:
2858              schema:
2859                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwners'
2860        '404':
2861          description: Organization not found
2862          content:
2863            application/json:
2864              schema:
2865                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2866        default:
2867          description: Unexpected error
2868          content:
2869            application/json:
2870              schema:
2871                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2872    post:
2873      operationId: PostOrgsIDOwners
2874      tags:
2875        - Organizations
2876      summary: Add an owner to an organization
2877      parameters:
2878        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2879        - in: path
2880          name: orgID
2881          schema:
2882            type: string
2883          required: true
2884          description: The organization ID.
2885      requestBody:
2886        description: User to add as owner
2887        required: true
2888        content:
2889          application/json:
2890            schema:
2891              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
2892      responses:
2893        '201':
2894          description: Organization owner added
2895          content:
2896            application/json:
2897              schema:
2898                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwner'
2899        default:
2900          description: Unexpected error
2901          content:
2902            application/json:
2903              schema:
2904                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2905  '/orgs/{orgID}/owners/{userID}':
2906    delete:
2907      operationId: DeleteOrgsIDOwnersID
2908      tags:
2909        - Organizations
2910      summary: Remove an owner from an organization
2911      parameters:
2912        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2913        - in: path
2914          name: userID
2915          schema:
2916            type: string
2917          required: true
2918          description: The ID of the owner to remove.
2919        - in: path
2920          name: orgID
2921          schema:
2922            type: string
2923          required: true
2924          description: The organization ID.
2925      responses:
2926        '204':
2927          description: Owner removed
2928        default:
2929          description: Unexpected error
2930          content:
2931            application/json:
2932              schema:
2933                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2934  '/orgs/{orgID}/secrets/delete':
2935    post:
2936      deprecated: true
2937      operationId: PostOrgsIDSecrets
2938      tags:
2939        - Secrets
2940      summary: Delete secrets from an organization
2941      parameters:
2942        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2943        - in: path
2944          name: orgID
2945          schema:
2946            type: string
2947          required: true
2948          description: The organization ID.
2949      requestBody:
2950        description: Secret key to delete
2951        required: true
2952        content:
2953          application/json:
2954            schema:
2955              $ref: '#/components/schemas/SecretKeys'
2956      responses:
2957        '204':
2958          description: Keys successfully patched
2959        default:
2960          description: Unexpected error
2961          content:
2962            application/json:
2963              schema:
2964                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
2965  '/orgs/{orgID}/secrets/{secretID}':
2966    delete:
2967      operationId: DeleteOrgsIDSecretsID
2968      tags:
2969        - Secrets
2970      summary: Delete a secret from an organization
2971      parameters:
2972        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2973        - in: path
2974          name: orgID
2975          schema:
2976            type: string
2977          required: true
2978          description: The organization ID.
2979        - in: path
2980          name: secretID
2981          schema:
2982            type: string
2983          required: true
2984          description: The secret ID.
2985      responses:
2986        '204':
2987          description: Keys successfully deleted
2988        default:
2989          description: Unexpected error
2990          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
2991  /resources:
2992    get:
2993      operationId: GetResources
2994      tags:
2995        - Resources
2996      summary: List all known resources
2997      parameters:
2998        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
2999      responses:
3000        '200':
3001          description: All resources targets
3002          content:
3003            application/json:
3004              schema:
3005                type: array
3006                items:
3007                  type: string
3008        default:
3009          description: Internal server error
3010          content:
3011            application/json:
3012              schema:
3013                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3014  /stacks:
3015    get:
3016      operationId: ListStacks
3017      tags:
3018        - Templates
3019      summary: List installed templates
3020      parameters:
3021        - in: query
3022          name: orgID
3023          required: true
3024          schema:
3025            type: string
3026          description: The organization ID of the stacks
3027        - in: query
3028          name: name
3029          schema:
3030            type: string
3031          description: A collection of names to filter the list by.
3032        - in: query
3033          name: stackID
3034          schema:
3035            type: string
3036          description: A collection of stackIDs to filter the list by.
3037      responses:
3038        '200':
3039          description: Success. Returns the list of stacks.
3040          content:
3041            application/json:
3042              schema:
3043                type: object
3044                properties:
3045                  stacks:
3046                    type: array
3047                    items:
3048                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/Stack'
3049        default:
3050          description: Unexpected error
3051          content:
3052            application/json:
3053              schema:
3054                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3055    post:
3056      operationId: CreateStack
3057      tags:
3058        - Templates
3059      summary: Create a new stack
3060      requestBody:
3061        description: The stack to create.
3062        required: true
3063        content:
3064          application/json:
3065            schema:
3066              type: object
3067              title: PostStackRequest
3068              properties:
3069                orgID:
3070                  type: string
3071                name:
3072                  type: string
3073                description:
3074                  type: string
3075                urls:
3076                  type: array
3077                  items:
3078                    type: string
3079      responses:
3080        '201':
3081          description: Success. Returns the newly created stack.
3082          content:
3083            application/json:
3084              schema:
3085                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Stack'
3086        default:
3087          description: Unexpected error
3088          content:
3089            application/json:
3090              schema:
3091                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3092  '/stacks/{stack_id}':
3093    get:
3094      operationId: ReadStack
3095      tags:
3096        - Templates
3097      summary: Retrieve a stack
3098      parameters:
3099        - in: path
3100          name: stack_id
3101          required: true
3102          schema:
3103            type: string
3104          description: The identifier of the stack.
3105      responses:
3106        '200':
3107          description: Returns the stack.
3108          content:
3109            application/json:
3110              schema:
3111                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Stack'
3112        default:
3113          description: Unexpected error
3114          content:
3115            application/json:
3116              schema:
3117                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3118    patch:
3119      operationId: UpdateStack
3120      tags:
3121        - Templates
3122      summary: Update a stack
3123      parameters:
3124        - in: path
3125          name: stack_id
3126          required: true
3127          schema:
3128            type: string
3129          description: The identifier of the stack.
3130      requestBody:
3131        description: The stack to update.
3132        required: true
3133        content:
3134          application/json:
3135            schema:
3136              type: object
3137              title: PatchStackRequest
3138              properties:
3139                name:
3140                  type: string
3141                  nullable: true
3142                description:
3143                  type: string
3144                  nullable: true
3145                templateURLs:
3146                  type: array
3147                  items:
3148                    type: string
3149                  nullable: true
3150                additionalResources:
3151                  type: array
3152                  items:
3153                    type: object
3154                    properties:
3155                      resourceID:
3156                        type: string
3157                      kind:
3158                        type: string
3159                      templateMetaName:
3160                        type: string
3161                    required:
3162                      - kind
3163                      - resourceID
3164      responses:
3165        '200':
3166          description: Returns the updated stack.
3167          content:
3168            application/json:
3169              schema:
3170                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Stack'
3171        default:
3172          description: Unexpected error
3173          content:
3174            application/json:
3175              schema:
3176                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3177    delete:
3178      operationId: DeleteStack
3179      tags:
3180        - Templates
3181      summary: Delete a stack and associated resources
3182      parameters:
3183        - in: path
3184          name: stack_id
3185          required: true
3186          schema:
3187            type: string
3188          description: The identifier of the stack.
3189        - in: query
3190          name: orgID
3191          required: true
3192          schema:
3193            type: string
3194          description: The identifier of the organization.
3195      responses:
3196        '204':
3197          description: The stack and its associated resources were deleted.
3198        default:
3199          description: Unexpected error
3200          content:
3201            application/json:
3202              schema:
3203                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3204  '/stacks/{stack_id}/uninstall':
3205    post:
3206      operationId: UninstallStack
3207      tags:
3208        - Templates
3209      summary: Uninstall a stack
3210      parameters:
3211        - in: path
3212          name: stack_id
3213          required: true
3214          schema:
3215            type: string
3216          description: The identifier of the stack.
3217      responses:
3218        '200':
3219          description: Returns the uninstalled stack.
3220          content:
3221            application/json:
3222              schema:
3223                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Stack'
3224        default:
3225          description: Unexpected error
3226          content:
3227            application/json:
3228              schema:
3229                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3230  /templates/apply:
3231    post:
3232      operationId: ApplyTemplate
3233      tags:
3234        - Templates
3235      summary: Apply or dry-run a template
3236      description: Applies or performs a dry-run of template in an organization.
3237      requestBody:
3238        required: true
3239        content:
3240          application/json:
3241            schema:
3242              $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateApply'
3243          application/x-jsonnet:
3244            schema:
3245              $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateApply'
3246          text/yml:
3247            schema:
3248              $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateApply'
3249      responses:
3250        '200':
3251          description: |
3252            Success. The package dry-run succeeded. No new resources were created. Returns a diff and summary of the dry-run. The diff and summary won't contain IDs for resources that didn't exist at the time of the dry-run.
3253          content:
3254            application/json:
3255              schema:
3256                $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateSummary'
3257        '201':
3258          description: |
3259            Success. The package applied successfully. Returns a diff and summary of the run. The summary contains newly created resources. The diff compares the initial state to the state after the package applied. This corresponds to `"dryRun": true`.
3260          content:
3261            application/json:
3262              schema:
3263                $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateSummary'
3264        default:
3265          description: Unexpected error
3266          content:
3267            application/json:
3268              schema:
3269                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3270  /templates/export:
3271    post:
3272      operationId: ExportTemplate
3273      tags:
3274        - Templates
3275      summary: Export a new template
3276      requestBody:
3277        description: Export resources as an InfluxDB template.
3278        required: false
3279        content:
3280          application/json:
3281            schema:
3282              oneOf:
3283                - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateExportByID'
3284                - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateExportByName'
3285      responses:
3286        '200':
3287          description: The template was created successfully. Returns the newly created template.
3288          content:
3289            application/json:
3290              schema:
3291                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Template'
3292            application/x-yaml:
3293              schema:
3294                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Template'
3295        default:
3296          description: Unexpected error
3297          content:
3298            application/json:
3299              schema:
3300                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3301  '/tasks/{taskID}':
3302    get:
3303      operationId: GetTasksID
3304      tags:
3305        - Tasks
3306      summary: Retrieve a task
3307      parameters:
3308        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3309        - in: path
3310          name: taskID
3311          schema:
3312            type: string
3313          required: true
3314          description: The task ID.
3315      responses:
3316        '200':
3317          description: Task details
3318          content:
3319            application/json:
3320              schema:
3321                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Task'
3322        default:
3323          description: Unexpected error
3324          content:
3325            application/json:
3326              schema:
3327                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3328    patch:
3329      operationId: PatchTasksID
3330      tags:
3331        - Tasks
3332      summary: Update a task
3333      description: Update a task. This will cancel all queued runs.
3334      requestBody:
3335        description: Task update to apply
3336        required: true
3337        content:
3338          application/json:
3339            schema:
3340              $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskUpdateRequest'
3341      parameters:
3342        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3343        - in: path
3344          name: taskID
3345          schema:
3346            type: string
3347          required: true
3348          description: The task ID.
3349      responses:
3350        '200':
3351          description: Task updated
3352          content:
3353            application/json:
3354              schema:
3355                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Task'
3356        default:
3357          description: Unexpected error
3358          content:
3359            application/json:
3360              schema:
3361                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3362    delete:
3363      operationId: DeleteTasksID
3364      tags:
3365        - Tasks
3366      summary: Delete a task
3367      description: Deletes a task and all associated records
3368      parameters:
3369        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3370        - in: path
3371          name: taskID
3372          schema:
3373            type: string
3374          required: true
3375          description: The ID of the task to delete.
3376      responses:
3377        '204':
3378          description: Task deleted
3379        default:
3380          description: Unexpected error
3381          content:
3382            application/json:
3383              schema:
3384                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3385  '/tasks/{taskID}/runs':
3386    get:
3387      operationId: GetTasksIDRuns
3388      tags:
3389        - Tasks
3390      summary: List runs for a task
3391      parameters:
3392        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3393        - in: path
3394          name: taskID
3395          schema:
3396            type: string
3397          required: true
3398          description: The ID of the task to get runs for.
3399        - in: query
3400          name: after
3401          schema:
3402            type: string
3403          description: Returns runs after a specific ID.
3404        - in: query
3405          name: limit
3406          schema:
3407            type: integer
3408            minimum: 1
3409            maximum: 500
3410            default: 100
3411          description: The number of runs to return
3412        - in: query
3413          name: afterTime
3414          schema:
3415            type: string
3416            format: date-time
3417          description: 'Filter runs to those scheduled after this time, RFC3339'
3418        - in: query
3419          name: beforeTime
3420          schema:
3421            type: string
3422            format: date-time
3423          description: 'Filter runs to those scheduled before this time, RFC3339'
3424      responses:
3425        '200':
3426          description: A list of task runs
3427          content:
3428            application/json:
3429              schema:
3430                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Runs'
3431        default:
3432          description: Unexpected error
3433          content:
3434            application/json:
3435              schema:
3436                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3437    post:
3438      operationId: PostTasksIDRuns
3439      tags:
3440        - Tasks
3441      summary: 'Manually start a task run, overriding the current schedule'
3442      parameters:
3443        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3444        - in: path
3445          name: taskID
3446          schema:
3447            type: string
3448          required: true
3449      requestBody:
3450        content:
3451          application/json:
3452            schema:
3453              $ref: '#/components/schemas/RunManually'
3454      responses:
3455        '201':
3456          description: Run scheduled to start
3457          content:
3458            application/json:
3459              schema:
3460                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Run'
3461        default:
3462          description: Unexpected error
3463          content:
3464            application/json:
3465              schema:
3466                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3467  '/tasks/{taskID}/runs/{runID}':
3468    get:
3469      operationId: GetTasksIDRunsID
3470      tags:
3471        - Tasks
3472      summary: Retrieve a single run for a task
3473      parameters:
3474        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3475        - in: path
3476          name: taskID
3477          schema:
3478            type: string
3479          required: true
3480          description: The task ID.
3481        - in: path
3482          name: runID
3483          schema:
3484            type: string
3485          required: true
3486          description: The run ID.
3487      responses:
3488        '200':
3489          description: The run record
3490          content:
3491            application/json:
3492              schema:
3493                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Run'
3494        default:
3495          description: Unexpected error
3496          content:
3497            application/json:
3498              schema:
3499                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3500    delete:
3501      operationId: DeleteTasksIDRunsID
3502      tags:
3503        - Tasks
3504      summary: Cancel a running task
3505      parameters:
3506        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3507        - in: path
3508          name: taskID
3509          schema:
3510            type: string
3511          required: true
3512          description: The task ID.
3513        - in: path
3514          name: runID
3515          schema:
3516            type: string
3517          required: true
3518          description: The run ID.
3519      responses:
3520        '204':
3521          description: Delete has been accepted
3522        default:
3523          description: Unexpected error
3524          content:
3525            application/json:
3526              schema:
3527                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3528  '/tasks/{taskID}/runs/{runID}/retry':
3529    post:
3530      operationId: PostTasksIDRunsIDRetry
3531      tags:
3532        - Tasks
3533      summary: Retry a task run
3534      requestBody:
3535        content:
3536          application/json; charset=utf-8:
3537            schema:
3538              type: object
3539      parameters:
3540        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3541        - in: path
3542          name: taskID
3543          schema:
3544            type: string
3545          required: true
3546          description: The task ID.
3547        - in: path
3548          name: runID
3549          schema:
3550            type: string
3551          required: true
3552          description: The run ID.
3553      responses:
3554        '200':
3555          description: Run that has been queued
3556          content:
3557            application/json:
3558              schema:
3559                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Run'
3560        default:
3561          description: Unexpected error
3562          content:
3563            application/json:
3564              schema:
3565                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3566  '/tasks/{taskID}/logs':
3567    get:
3568      operationId: GetTasksIDLogs
3569      tags:
3570        - Tasks
3571      summary: Retrieve all logs for a task
3572      parameters:
3573        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3574        - in: path
3575          name: taskID
3576          schema:
3577            type: string
3578          required: true
3579          description: The task ID.
3580      responses:
3581        '200':
3582          description: All logs for a task
3583          content:
3584            application/json:
3585              schema:
3586                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Logs'
3587        default:
3588          description: Unexpected error
3589          content:
3590            application/json:
3591              schema:
3592                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3593  '/tasks/{taskID}/runs/{runID}/logs':
3594    get:
3595      operationId: GetTasksIDRunsIDLogs
3596      tags:
3597        - Tasks
3598      summary: Retrieve all logs for a run
3599      parameters:
3600        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3601        - in: path
3602          name: taskID
3603          schema:
3604            type: string
3605          required: true
3606          description: ID of task to get logs for.
3607        - in: path
3608          name: runID
3609          schema:
3610            type: string
3611          required: true
3612          description: ID of run to get logs for.
3613      responses:
3614        '200':
3615          description: All logs for a run
3616          content:
3617            application/json:
3618              schema:
3619                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Logs'
3620        default:
3621          description: Unexpected error
3622          content:
3623            application/json:
3624              schema:
3625                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3626  '/tasks/{taskID}/labels':
3627    get:
3628      operationId: GetTasksIDLabels
3629      tags:
3630        - Tasks
3631      summary: List all labels for a task
3632      parameters:
3633        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3634        - in: path
3635          name: taskID
3636          schema:
3637            type: string
3638          required: true
3639          description: The task ID.
3640      responses:
3641        '200':
3642          description: A list of all labels for a task
3643          content:
3644            application/json:
3645              schema:
3646                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelsResponse'
3647        default:
3648          description: Unexpected error
3649          content:
3650            application/json:
3651              schema:
3652                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3653    post:
3654      operationId: PostTasksIDLabels
3655      tags:
3656        - Tasks
3657      summary: Add a label to a task
3658      parameters:
3659        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3660        - in: path
3661          name: taskID
3662          schema:
3663            type: string
3664          required: true
3665          description: The task ID.
3666      requestBody:
3667        description: Label to add
3668        required: true
3669        content:
3670          application/json:
3671            schema:
3672              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelMapping'
3673      responses:
3674        '201':
3675          description: A list of all labels for a task
3676          content:
3677            application/json:
3678              schema:
3679                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
3680        default:
3681          description: Unexpected error
3682          content:
3683            application/json:
3684              schema:
3685                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3686  '/tasks/{taskID}/labels/{labelID}':
3687    delete:
3688      operationId: DeleteTasksIDLabelsID
3689      tags:
3690        - Tasks
3691      summary: Delete a label from a task
3692      parameters:
3693        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3694        - in: path
3695          name: taskID
3696          schema:
3697            type: string
3698          required: true
3699          description: The task ID.
3700        - in: path
3701          name: labelID
3702          schema:
3703            type: string
3704          required: true
3705          description: The label ID.
3706      responses:
3707        '204':
3708          description: Delete has been accepted
3709        '404':
3710          description: Task not found
3711          content:
3712            application/json:
3713              schema:
3714                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3715        default:
3716          description: Unexpected error
3717          content:
3718            application/json:
3719              schema:
3720                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3721  /flags:
3722    get:
3723      operationId: GetFlags
3724      tags:
3725        - Users
3726      summary: Return the feature flags for the currently authenticated user
3727      parameters:
3728        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3729      responses:
3730        '200':
3731          description: Feature flags for the currently authenticated user
3732          content:
3733            application/json:
3734              schema:
3735                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Flags'
3736        default:
3737          description: Unexpected error
3738          content:
3739            application/json:
3740              schema:
3741                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3742  /me:
3743    get:
3744      operationId: GetMe
3745      tags:
3746        - Users
3747      summary: Retrieve the currently authenticated user
3748      parameters:
3749        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3750      responses:
3751        '200':
3752          description: The currently authenticated user.
3753          content:
3754            application/json:
3755              schema:
3756                $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserResponse'
3757        default:
3758          description: Unexpected error
3759          content:
3760            application/json:
3761              schema:
3762                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3763  /me/password:
3764    put:
3765      operationId: PutMePassword
3766      tags:
3767        - Users
3768      summary: Update a password
3769      security:
3770        - BasicAuthentication: []
3771      parameters:
3772        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3773      requestBody:
3774        description: New password
3775        required: true
3776        content:
3777          application/json:
3778            schema:
3779              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PasswordResetBody'
3780      responses:
3781        '204':
3782          description: Password successfully updated
3783        default:
3784          description: Unsuccessful authentication
3785          content:
3786            application/json:
3787              schema:
3788                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3789  '/tasks/{taskID}/members':
3790    get:
3791      operationId: GetTasksIDMembers
3792      tags:
3793        - Tasks
3794      summary: List all task members
3795      parameters:
3796        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3797        - in: path
3798          name: taskID
3799          schema:
3800            type: string
3801          required: true
3802          description: The task ID.
3803      responses:
3804        '200':
3805          description: A list of users who have member privileges for a task
3806          content:
3807            application/json:
3808              schema:
3809                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMembers'
3810        default:
3811          description: Unexpected error
3812          content:
3813            application/json:
3814              schema:
3815                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3816    post:
3817      operationId: PostTasksIDMembers
3818      tags:
3819        - Tasks
3820      summary: Add a member to a task
3821      parameters:
3822        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3823        - in: path
3824          name: taskID
3825          schema:
3826            type: string
3827          required: true
3828          description: The task ID.
3829      requestBody:
3830        description: User to add as member
3831        required: true
3832        content:
3833          application/json:
3834            schema:
3835              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
3836      responses:
3837        '201':
3838          description: Added to task members
3839          content:
3840            application/json:
3841              schema:
3842                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMember'
3843        default:
3844          description: Unexpected error
3845          content:
3846            application/json:
3847              schema:
3848                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3849  '/tasks/{taskID}/members/{userID}':
3850    delete:
3851      operationId: DeleteTasksIDMembersID
3852      tags:
3853        - Tasks
3854      summary: Remove a member from a task
3855      parameters:
3856        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3857        - in: path
3858          name: userID
3859          schema:
3860            type: string
3861          required: true
3862          description: The ID of the member to remove.
3863        - in: path
3864          name: taskID
3865          schema:
3866            type: string
3867          required: true
3868          description: The task ID.
3869      responses:
3870        '204':
3871          description: Member removed
3872        default:
3873          description: Unexpected error
3874          content:
3875            application/json:
3876              schema:
3877                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3878  '/tasks/{taskID}/owners':
3879    get:
3880      operationId: GetTasksIDOwners
3881      tags:
3882        - Tasks
3883      summary: List all owners of a task
3884      parameters:
3885        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3886        - in: path
3887          name: taskID
3888          schema:
3889            type: string
3890          required: true
3891          description: The task ID.
3892      responses:
3893        '200':
3894          description: A list of users who have owner privileges for a task
3895          content:
3896            application/json:
3897              schema:
3898                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwners'
3899        default:
3900          description: Unexpected error
3901          content:
3902            application/json:
3903              schema:
3904                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3905    post:
3906      operationId: PostTasksIDOwners
3907      tags:
3908        - Tasks
3909      summary: Add an owner to a task
3910      parameters:
3911        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3912        - in: path
3913          name: taskID
3914          schema:
3915            type: string
3916          required: true
3917          description: The task ID.
3918      requestBody:
3919        description: User to add as owner
3920        required: true
3921        content:
3922          application/json:
3923            schema:
3924              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
3925      responses:
3926        '201':
3927          description: Added to task owners
3928          content:
3929            application/json:
3930              schema:
3931                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwner'
3932        default:
3933          description: Unexpected error
3934          content:
3935            application/json:
3936              schema:
3937                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3938  '/tasks/{taskID}/owners/{userID}':
3939    delete:
3940      operationId: DeleteTasksIDOwnersID
3941      tags:
3942        - Tasks
3943      summary: Remove an owner from a task
3944      parameters:
3945        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3946        - in: path
3947          name: userID
3948          schema:
3949            type: string
3950          required: true
3951          description: The ID of the owner to remove.
3952        - in: path
3953          name: taskID
3954          schema:
3955            type: string
3956          required: true
3957          description: The task ID.
3958      responses:
3959        '204':
3960          description: Owner removed
3961        default:
3962          description: Unexpected error
3963          content:
3964            application/json:
3965              schema:
3966                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3967  '/users/{userID}/password':
3968    post:
3969      operationId: PostUsersIDPassword
3970      tags:
3971        - Users
3972      summary: Update a password
3973      security:
3974        - BasicAuthentication: []
3975      parameters:
3976        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
3977        - in: path
3978          name: userID
3979          schema:
3980            type: string
3981          required: true
3982          description: The user ID.
3983      requestBody:
3984        description: New password
3985        required: true
3986        content:
3987          application/json:
3988            schema:
3989              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PasswordResetBody'
3990      responses:
3991        '204':
3992          description: Password successfully updated
3993        default:
3994          description: Unsuccessful authentication
3995          content:
3996            application/json:
3997              schema:
3998                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
3999  /checks:
4000    get:
4001      operationId: GetChecks
4002      tags:
4003        - Checks
4004      summary: List all checks
4005      parameters:
4006        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4007        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Offset'
4008        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Limit'
4009        - in: query
4010          name: orgID
4011          required: true
4012          description: Only show checks that belong to a specific organization ID.
4013          schema:
4014            type: string
4015      responses:
4016        '200':
4017          description: A list of checks
4018          content:
4019            application/json:
4020              schema:
4021                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Checks'
4022        default:
4023          description: Unexpected error
4024          content:
4025            application/json:
4026              schema:
4027                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4028    post:
4029      operationId: CreateCheck
4030      tags:
4031        - Checks
4032      summary: Add new check
4033      requestBody:
4034        description: Check to create
4035        required: true
4036        content:
4037          application/json:
4038            schema:
4039              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostCheck'
4040      responses:
4041        '201':
4042          description: Check created
4043          content:
4044            application/json:
4045              schema:
4046                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check'
4047        default:
4048          description: Unexpected error
4049          content:
4050            application/json:
4051              schema:
4052                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4053  '/checks/{checkID}':
4054    get:
4055      operationId: GetChecksID
4056      tags:
4057        - Checks
4058      summary: Retrieve a check
4059      parameters:
4060        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4061        - in: path
4062          name: checkID
4063          schema:
4064            type: string
4065          required: true
4066          description: The check ID.
4067      responses:
4068        '200':
4069          description: The check requested
4070          content:
4071            application/json:
4072              schema:
4073                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check'
4074        default:
4075          description: Unexpected error
4076          content:
4077            application/json:
4078              schema:
4079                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4080    put:
4081      operationId: PutChecksID
4082      tags:
4083        - Checks
4084      summary: Update a check
4085      requestBody:
4086        description: Check update to apply
4087        required: true
4088        content:
4089          application/json:
4090            schema:
4091              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check'
4092      parameters:
4093        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4094        - in: path
4095          name: checkID
4096          schema:
4097            type: string
4098          required: true
4099          description: The check ID.
4100      responses:
4101        '200':
4102          description: An updated check
4103          content:
4104            application/json:
4105              schema:
4106                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check'
4107        '404':
4108          description: The check was not found
4109          content:
4110            application/json:
4111              schema:
4112                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4113        default:
4114          description: Unexpected error
4115          content:
4116            application/json:
4117              schema:
4118                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4119    patch:
4120      operationId: PatchChecksID
4121      tags:
4122        - Checks
4123      summary: Update a check
4124      requestBody:
4125        description: Check update to apply
4126        required: true
4127        content:
4128          application/json:
4129            schema:
4130              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckPatch'
4131      parameters:
4132        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4133        - in: path
4134          name: checkID
4135          schema:
4136            type: string
4137          required: true
4138          description: The check ID.
4139      responses:
4140        '200':
4141          description: An updated check
4142          content:
4143            application/json:
4144              schema:
4145                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check'
4146        '404':
4147          description: The check was not found
4148          content:
4149            application/json:
4150              schema:
4151                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4152        default:
4153          description: Unexpected error
4154          content:
4155            application/json:
4156              schema:
4157                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4158    delete:
4159      operationId: DeleteChecksID
4160      tags:
4161        - Checks
4162      summary: Delete a check
4163      parameters:
4164        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4165        - in: path
4166          name: checkID
4167          schema:
4168            type: string
4169          required: true
4170          description: The check ID.
4171      responses:
4172        '204':
4173          description: Delete has been accepted
4174        '404':
4175          description: The check was not found
4176          content:
4177            application/json:
4178              schema:
4179                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4180        default:
4181          description: Unexpected error
4182          content:
4183            application/json:
4184              schema:
4185                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4186  '/checks/{checkID}/labels':
4187    get:
4188      operationId: GetChecksIDLabels
4189      tags:
4190        - Checks
4191      summary: List all labels for a check
4192      parameters:
4193        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4194        - in: path
4195          name: checkID
4196          schema:
4197            type: string
4198          required: true
4199          description: The check ID.
4200      responses:
4201        '200':
4202          description: A list of all labels for a check
4203          content:
4204            application/json:
4205              schema:
4206                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelsResponse'
4207        default:
4208          description: Unexpected error
4209          content:
4210            application/json:
4211              schema:
4212                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4213    post:
4214      operationId: PostChecksIDLabels
4215      tags:
4216        - Checks
4217      summary: Add a label to a check
4218      parameters:
4219        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4220        - in: path
4221          name: checkID
4222          schema:
4223            type: string
4224          required: true
4225          description: The check ID.
4226      requestBody:
4227        description: Label to add
4228        required: true
4229        content:
4230          application/json:
4231            schema:
4232              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelMapping'
4233      responses:
4234        '201':
4235          description: The label was added to the check
4236          content:
4237            application/json:
4238              schema:
4239                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
4240        default:
4241          description: Unexpected error
4242          content:
4243            application/json:
4244              schema:
4245                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4246  '/checks/{checkID}/labels/{labelID}':
4247    delete:
4248      operationId: DeleteChecksIDLabelsID
4249      tags:
4250        - Checks
4251      summary: Delete label from a check
4252      parameters:
4253        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4254        - in: path
4255          name: checkID
4256          schema:
4257            type: string
4258          required: true
4259          description: The check ID.
4260        - in: path
4261          name: labelID
4262          schema:
4263            type: string
4264          required: true
4265          description: The ID of the label to delete.
4266      responses:
4267        '204':
4268          description: Delete has been accepted
4269        '404':
4270          description: Check or label not found
4271          content:
4272            application/json:
4273              schema:
4274                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4275        default:
4276          description: Unexpected error
4277          content:
4278            application/json:
4279              schema:
4280                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4281  /notificationRules:
4282    get:
4283      operationId: GetNotificationRules
4284      tags:
4285        - NotificationRules
4286      summary: List all notification rules
4287      parameters:
4288        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4289        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Offset'
4290        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Limit'
4291        - in: query
4292          name: orgID
4293          required: true
4294          description: Only show notification rules that belong to a specific organization ID.
4295          schema:
4296            type: string
4297        - in: query
4298          name: checkID
4299          description: Only show notifications that belong to the specific check ID.
4300          schema:
4301            type: string
4302        - in: query
4303          name: tag
4304          description: Only return notification rules that "would match" statuses which contain the tag key value pairs provided.
4305          schema:
4306            type: string
4307            pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$'
4308            example: 'env:prod'
4309      responses:
4310        '200':
4311          description: A list of notification rules
4312          content:
4313            application/json:
4314              schema:
4315                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRules'
4316        default:
4317          description: Unexpected error
4318          content:
4319            application/json:
4320              schema:
4321                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4322    post:
4323      operationId: CreateNotificationRule
4324      tags:
4325        - NotificationRules
4326      summary: Add a notification rule
4327      requestBody:
4328        description: Notification rule to create
4329        required: true
4330        content:
4331          application/json:
4332            schema:
4333              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostNotificationRule'
4334      responses:
4335        '201':
4336          description: Notification rule created
4337          content:
4338            application/json:
4339              schema:
4340                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRule'
4341        default:
4342          description: Unexpected error
4343          content:
4344            application/json:
4345              schema:
4346                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4347  '/checks/{checkID}/query':
4348    get:
4349      operationId: GetChecksIDQuery
4350      tags:
4351        - Checks
4352      summary: Retrieve a check query
4353      parameters:
4354        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4355        - in: path
4356          name: checkID
4357          schema:
4358            type: string
4359          required: true
4360          description: The check ID.
4361      responses:
4362        '200':
4363          description: The check query requested
4364          content:
4365            application/json:
4366              schema:
4367                $ref: '#/components/schemas/FluxResponse'
4368        '400':
4369          description: Invalid request
4370          content:
4371            application/json:
4372              schema:
4373                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4374        '404':
4375          description: Check not found
4376          content:
4377            application/json:
4378              schema:
4379                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4380        default:
4381          description: Unexpected error
4382          content:
4383            application/json:
4384              schema:
4385                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4386  '/notificationRules/{ruleID}':
4387    get:
4388      operationId: GetNotificationRulesID
4389      tags:
4390        - NotificationRules
4391      summary: Retrieve a notification rule
4392      parameters:
4393        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4394        - in: path
4395          name: ruleID
4396          schema:
4397            type: string
4398          required: true
4399          description: The notification rule ID.
4400      responses:
4401        '200':
4402          description: The notification rule requested
4403          content:
4404            application/json:
4405              schema:
4406                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRule'
4407        default:
4408          description: Unexpected error
4409          content:
4410            application/json:
4411              schema:
4412                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4413    put:
4414      operationId: PutNotificationRulesID
4415      tags:
4416        - NotificationRules
4417      summary: Update a notification rule
4418      requestBody:
4419        description: Notification rule update to apply
4420        required: true
4421        content:
4422          application/json:
4423            schema:
4424              $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRule'
4425      parameters:
4426        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4427        - in: path
4428          name: ruleID
4429          schema:
4430            type: string
4431          required: true
4432          description: The notification rule ID.
4433      responses:
4434        '200':
4435          description: An updated notification rule
4436          content:
4437            application/json:
4438              schema:
4439                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRule'
4440        '404':
4441          description: The notification rule was not found
4442          content:
4443            application/json:
4444              schema:
4445                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4446        default:
4447          description: Unexpected error
4448          content:
4449            application/json:
4450              schema:
4451                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4452    patch:
4453      operationId: PatchNotificationRulesID
4454      tags:
4455        - NotificationRules
4456      summary: Update a notification rule
4457      requestBody:
4458        description: Notification rule update to apply
4459        required: true
4460        content:
4461          application/json:
4462            schema:
4463              $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRuleUpdate'
4464      parameters:
4465        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4466        - in: path
4467          name: ruleID
4468          schema:
4469            type: string
4470          required: true
4471          description: The notification rule ID.
4472      responses:
4473        '200':
4474          description: An updated notification rule
4475          content:
4476            application/json:
4477              schema:
4478                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRule'
4479        '404':
4480          description: The notification rule was not found
4481          content:
4482            application/json:
4483              schema:
4484                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4485        default:
4486          description: Unexpected error
4487          content:
4488            application/json:
4489              schema:
4490                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4491    delete:
4492      operationId: DeleteNotificationRulesID
4493      tags:
4494        - NotificationRules
4495      summary: Delete a notification rule
4496      parameters:
4497        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4498        - in: path
4499          name: ruleID
4500          schema:
4501            type: string
4502          required: true
4503          description: The notification rule ID.
4504      responses:
4505        '204':
4506          description: Delete has been accepted
4507        '404':
4508          description: The check was not found
4509          content:
4510            application/json:
4511              schema:
4512                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4513        default:
4514          description: Unexpected error
4515          content:
4516            application/json:
4517              schema:
4518                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4519  '/notificationRules/{ruleID}/labels':
4520    get:
4521      operationId: GetNotificationRulesIDLabels
4522      tags:
4523        - NotificationRules
4524      summary: List all labels for a notification rule
4525      parameters:
4526        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4527        - in: path
4528          name: ruleID
4529          schema:
4530            type: string
4531          required: true
4532          description: The notification rule ID.
4533      responses:
4534        '200':
4535          description: A list of all labels for a notification rule
4536          content:
4537            application/json:
4538              schema:
4539                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelsResponse'
4540        default:
4541          description: Unexpected error
4542          content:
4543            application/json:
4544              schema:
4545                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4546    post:
4547      operationId: PostNotificationRuleIDLabels
4548      tags:
4549        - NotificationRules
4550      summary: Add a label to a notification rule
4551      parameters:
4552        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4553        - in: path
4554          name: ruleID
4555          schema:
4556            type: string
4557          required: true
4558          description: The notification rule ID.
4559      requestBody:
4560        description: Label to add
4561        required: true
4562        content:
4563          application/json:
4564            schema:
4565              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelMapping'
4566      responses:
4567        '201':
4568          description: The label was added to the notification rule
4569          content:
4570            application/json:
4571              schema:
4572                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
4573        default:
4574          description: Unexpected error
4575          content:
4576            application/json:
4577              schema:
4578                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4579  '/notificationRules/{ruleID}/labels/{labelID}':
4580    delete:
4581      operationId: DeleteNotificationRulesIDLabelsID
4582      tags:
4583        - NotificationRules
4584      summary: Delete label from a notification rule
4585      parameters:
4586        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4587        - in: path
4588          name: ruleID
4589          schema:
4590            type: string
4591          required: true
4592          description: The notification rule ID.
4593        - in: path
4594          name: labelID
4595          schema:
4596            type: string
4597          required: true
4598          description: The ID of the label to delete.
4599      responses:
4600        '204':
4601          description: Delete has been accepted
4602        '404':
4603          description: Rule or label not found
4604          content:
4605            application/json:
4606              schema:
4607                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4608        default:
4609          description: Unexpected error
4610          content:
4611            application/json:
4612              schema:
4613                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4614  '/notificationRules/{ruleID}/query':
4615    get:
4616      operationId: GetNotificationRulesIDQuery
4617      tags:
4618        - Rules
4619      summary: Retrieve a notification rule query
4620      parameters:
4621        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4622        - in: path
4623          name: ruleID
4624          schema:
4625            type: string
4626          required: true
4627          description: The notification rule ID.
4628      responses:
4629        '200':
4630          description: The notification rule query requested
4631          content:
4632            application/json:
4633              schema:
4634                $ref: '#/components/schemas/FluxResponse'
4635        '400':
4636          description: Invalid request
4637          content:
4638            application/json:
4639              schema:
4640                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4641        '404':
4642          description: Notification rule not found
4643          content:
4644            application/json:
4645              schema:
4646                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4647        default:
4648          description: Unexpected error
4649          content:
4650            application/json:
4651              schema:
4652                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4653  /notificationEndpoints:
4654    get:
4655      operationId: GetNotificationEndpoints
4656      tags:
4657        - NotificationEndpoints
4658      summary: List all notification endpoints
4659      parameters:
4660        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4661        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Offset'
4662        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Limit'
4663        - in: query
4664          name: orgID
4665          required: true
4666          description: Only show notification endpoints that belong to specific organization ID.
4667          schema:
4668            type: string
4669      responses:
4670        '200':
4671          description: A list of notification endpoints
4672          content:
4673            application/json:
4674              schema:
4675                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpoints'
4676        default:
4677          description: Unexpected error
4678          content:
4679            application/json:
4680              schema:
4681                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4682    post:
4683      operationId: CreateNotificationEndpoint
4684      tags:
4685        - NotificationEndpoints
4686      summary: Add a notification endpoint
4687      requestBody:
4688        description: Notification endpoint to create
4689        required: true
4690        content:
4691          application/json:
4692            schema:
4693              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostNotificationEndpoint'
4694      responses:
4695        '201':
4696          description: Notification endpoint created
4697          content:
4698            application/json:
4699              schema:
4700                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpoint'
4701        default:
4702          description: Unexpected error
4703          content:
4704            application/json:
4705              schema:
4706                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4707  '/notificationEndpoints/{endpointID}':
4708    get:
4709      operationId: GetNotificationEndpointsID
4710      tags:
4711        - NotificationEndpoints
4712      summary: Retrieve a notification endpoint
4713      parameters:
4714        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4715        - in: path
4716          name: endpointID
4717          schema:
4718            type: string
4719          required: true
4720          description: The notification endpoint ID.
4721      responses:
4722        '200':
4723          description: The notification endpoint requested
4724          content:
4725            application/json:
4726              schema:
4727                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpoint'
4728        default:
4729          description: Unexpected error
4730          content:
4731            application/json:
4732              schema:
4733                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4734    put:
4735      operationId: PutNotificationEndpointsID
4736      tags:
4737        - NotificationEndpoints
4738      summary: Update a notification endpoint
4739      requestBody:
4740        description: A new notification endpoint to replace the existing endpoint with
4741        required: true
4742        content:
4743          application/json:
4744            schema:
4745              $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpoint'
4746      parameters:
4747        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4748        - in: path
4749          name: endpointID
4750          schema:
4751            type: string
4752          required: true
4753          description: The notification endpoint ID.
4754      responses:
4755        '200':
4756          description: An updated notification endpoint
4757          content:
4758            application/json:
4759              schema:
4760                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpoint'
4761        '404':
4762          description: The notification endpoint was not found
4763          content:
4764            application/json:
4765              schema:
4766                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4767        default:
4768          description: Unexpected error
4769          content:
4770            application/json:
4771              schema:
4772                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4773    patch:
4774      operationId: PatchNotificationEndpointsID
4775      tags:
4776        - NotificationEndpoints
4777      summary: Update a notification endpoint
4778      requestBody:
4779        description: Check update to apply
4780        required: true
4781        content:
4782          application/json:
4783            schema:
4784              $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointUpdate'
4785      parameters:
4786        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4787        - in: path
4788          name: endpointID
4789          schema:
4790            type: string
4791          required: true
4792          description: The notification endpoint ID.
4793      responses:
4794        '200':
4795          description: An updated notification endpoint
4796          content:
4797            application/json:
4798              schema:
4799                $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpoint'
4800        '404':
4801          description: The notification endpoint was not found
4802          content:
4803            application/json:
4804              schema:
4805                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4806        default:
4807          description: Unexpected error
4808          content:
4809            application/json:
4810              schema:
4811                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4812    delete:
4813      operationId: DeleteNotificationEndpointsID
4814      tags:
4815        - NotificationEndpoints
4816      summary: Delete a notification endpoint
4817      parameters:
4818        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4819        - in: path
4820          name: endpointID
4821          schema:
4822            type: string
4823          required: true
4824          description: The notification endpoint ID.
4825      responses:
4826        '204':
4827          description: Delete has been accepted
4828        '404':
4829          description: The endpoint was not found
4830          content:
4831            application/json:
4832              schema:
4833                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4834        default:
4835          description: Unexpected error
4836          content:
4837            application/json:
4838              schema:
4839                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4840  '/notificationEndpoints/{endpointID}/labels':
4841    get:
4842      operationId: GetNotificationEndpointsIDLabels
4843      tags:
4844        - NotificationEndpoints
4845      summary: List all labels for a notification endpoint
4846      parameters:
4847        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4848        - in: path
4849          name: endpointID
4850          schema:
4851            type: string
4852          required: true
4853          description: The notification endpoint ID.
4854      responses:
4855        '200':
4856          description: A list of all labels for a notification endpoint
4857          content:
4858            application/json:
4859              schema:
4860                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelsResponse'
4861        default:
4862          description: Unexpected error
4863          content:
4864            application/json:
4865              schema:
4866                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4867    post:
4868      operationId: PostNotificationEndpointIDLabels
4869      tags:
4870        - NotificationEndpoints
4871      summary: Add a label to a notification endpoint
4872      parameters:
4873        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4874        - in: path
4875          name: endpointID
4876          schema:
4877            type: string
4878          required: true
4879          description: The notification endpoint ID.
4880      requestBody:
4881        description: Label to add
4882        required: true
4883        content:
4884          application/json:
4885            schema:
4886              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelMapping'
4887      responses:
4888        '201':
4889          description: The label was added to the notification endpoint
4890          content:
4891            application/json:
4892              schema:
4893                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
4894        default:
4895          description: Unexpected error
4896          content:
4897            application/json:
4898              schema:
4899                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4900  '/notificationEndpoints/{endpointID}/labels/{labelID}':
4901    delete:
4902      operationId: DeleteNotificationEndpointsIDLabelsID
4903      tags:
4904        - NotificationEndpoints
4905      summary: Delete a label from a notification endpoint
4906      parameters:
4907        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4908        - in: path
4909          name: endpointID
4910          schema:
4911            type: string
4912          required: true
4913          description: The notification endpoint ID.
4914        - in: path
4915          name: labelID
4916          schema:
4917            type: string
4918          required: true
4919          description: The ID of the label to delete.
4920      responses:
4921        '204':
4922          description: Delete has been accepted
4923        '404':
4924          description: Endpoint or label not found
4925          content:
4926            application/json:
4927              schema:
4928                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4929        default:
4930          description: Unexpected error
4931          content:
4932            application/json:
4933              schema:
4934                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
4935  /health:
4936    get:
4937      operationId: GetHealth
4938      tags:
4939        - Health
4940      summary: Get the health of an instance
4941      servers:
4942        - url: ''
4943      parameters:
4944        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4945      responses:
4946        '200':
4947          description: The instance is healthy
4948          content:
4949            application/json:
4950              schema:
4951                $ref: '#/components/schemas/HealthCheck'
4952        '503':
4953          description: The instance is unhealthy
4954          content:
4955            application/json:
4956              schema:
4957                $ref: '#/components/schemas/HealthCheck'
4958        default:
4959          description: Unexpected error
4960          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
4961  /ready:
4962    get:
4963      operationId: GetReady
4964      tags:
4965        - Ready
4966      summary: Get the readiness of an instance at startup
4967      servers:
4968        - url: ''
4969      parameters:
4970        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4971      responses:
4972        '200':
4973          description: The instance is ready
4974          content:
4975            application/json:
4976              schema:
4977                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ready'
4978        default:
4979          description: Unexpected error
4980          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
4981  /users:
4982    get:
4983      operationId: GetUsers
4984      tags:
4985        - Users
4986      summary: List all users
4987      parameters:
4988        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
4989        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Offset'
4990        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Limit'
4991        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/After'
4992        - in: query
4993          name: name
4994          schema:
4995            type: string
4996        - in: query
4997          name: id
4998          schema:
4999            type: string
5000      responses:
5001        '200':
5002          description: A list of users
5003          content:
5004            application/json:
5005              schema:
5006                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Users'
5007        default:
5008          description: Unexpected error
5009          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5010    post:
5011      operationId: PostUsers
5012      tags:
5013        - Users
5014      summary: Create a user
5015      parameters:
5016        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5017      requestBody:
5018        description: User to create
5019        required: true
5020        content:
5021          application/json:
5022            schema:
5023              $ref: '#/components/schemas/User'
5024      responses:
5025        '201':
5026          description: User created
5027          content:
5028            application/json:
5029              schema:
5030                $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserResponse'
5031        default:
5032          description: Unexpected error
5033          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5034  '/users/{userID}':
5035    get:
5036      operationId: GetUsersID
5037      tags:
5038        - Users
5039      summary: Retrieve a user
5040      parameters:
5041        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5042        - in: path
5043          name: userID
5044          schema:
5045            type: string
5046          required: true
5047          description: The user ID.
5048      responses:
5049        '200':
5050          description: User details
5051          content:
5052            application/json:
5053              schema:
5054                $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserResponse'
5055        default:
5056          description: Unexpected error
5057          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5058    patch:
5059      operationId: PatchUsersID
5060      tags:
5061        - Users
5062      summary: Update a user
5063      requestBody:
5064        description: User update to apply
5065        required: true
5066        content:
5067          application/json:
5068            schema:
5069              $ref: '#/components/schemas/User'
5070      parameters:
5071        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5072        - in: path
5073          name: userID
5074          schema:
5075            type: string
5076          required: true
5077          description: The ID of the user to update.
5078      responses:
5079        '200':
5080          description: User updated
5081          content:
5082            application/json:
5083              schema:
5084                $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserResponse'
5085        default:
5086          description: Unexpected error
5087          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5088    delete:
5089      operationId: DeleteUsersID
5090      tags:
5091        - Users
5092      summary: Delete a user
5093      parameters:
5094        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5095        - in: path
5096          name: userID
5097          schema:
5098            type: string
5099          required: true
5100          description: The ID of the user to delete.
5101      responses:
5102        '204':
5103          description: User deleted
5104        default:
5105          description: Unexpected error
5106          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5107  /setup:
5108    get:
5109      operationId: GetSetup
5110      tags:
5111        - Setup
5112      summary: 'Check if database has default user, org, bucket'
5113      description: 'Returns `true` if no default user, organization, or bucket has been created.'
5114      parameters:
5115        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5116      responses:
5117        '200':
5118          description: allowed true or false
5119          content:
5120            application/json:
5121              schema:
5122                $ref: '#/components/schemas/IsOnboarding'
5123    post:
5124      operationId: PostSetup
5125      tags:
5126        - Setup
5127      summary: 'Set up initial user, org and bucket'
5128      description: 'Post an onboarding request to set up initial user, org and bucket.'
5129      parameters:
5130        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5131      requestBody:
5132        description: Source to create
5133        required: true
5134        content:
5135          application/json:
5136            schema:
5137              $ref: '#/components/schemas/OnboardingRequest'
5138      responses:
5139        '201':
5140          description: 'Created default user, bucket, org'
5141          content:
5142            application/json:
5143              schema:
5144                $ref: '#/components/schemas/OnboardingResponse'
5145        default:
5146          description: Unexpected error
5147          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5148  /authorizations:
5149    get:
5150      operationId: GetAuthorizations
5151      tags:
5152        - Authorizations
5153      summary: List all authorizations
5154      parameters:
5155        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5156        - in: query
5157          name: userID
5158          schema:
5159            type: string
5160          description: Only show authorizations that belong to a user ID.
5161        - in: query
5162          name: user
5163          schema:
5164            type: string
5165          description: Only show authorizations that belong to a user name.
5166        - in: query
5167          name: orgID
5168          schema:
5169            type: string
5170          description: Only show authorizations that belong to an organization ID.
5171        - in: query
5172          name: org
5173          schema:
5174            type: string
5175          description: Only show authorizations that belong to a organization name.
5176      responses:
5177        '200':
5178          description: A list of authorizations
5179          content:
5180            application/json:
5181              schema:
5182                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorizations'
5183        default:
5184          description: Unexpected error
5185          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5186    post:
5187      operationId: PostAuthorizations
5188      tags:
5189        - Authorizations
5190      summary: Create an authorization
5191      parameters:
5192        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5193      requestBody:
5194        description: Authorization to create
5195        required: true
5196        content:
5197          application/json:
5198            schema:
5199              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorizationPostRequest'
5200      responses:
5201        '201':
5202          description: Authorization created
5203          content:
5204            application/json:
5205              schema:
5206                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorization'
5207        '400':
5208          description: Invalid request
5209          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5210        default:
5211          description: Unexpected error
5212          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5213  '/authorizations/{authID}':
5214    get:
5215      operationId: GetAuthorizationsID
5216      tags:
5217        - Authorizations
5218      summary: Retrieve an authorization
5219      parameters:
5220        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5221        - in: path
5222          name: authID
5223          schema:
5224            type: string
5225          required: true
5226          description: The ID of the authorization to get.
5227      responses:
5228        '200':
5229          description: Authorization details
5230          content:
5231            application/json:
5232              schema:
5233                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorization'
5234        default:
5235          description: Unexpected error
5236          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5237    patch:
5238      operationId: PatchAuthorizationsID
5239      tags:
5240        - Authorizations
5241      summary: Update an authorization to be active or inactive
5242      requestBody:
5243        description: Authorization to update
5244        required: true
5245        content:
5246          application/json:
5247            schema:
5248              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorizationUpdateRequest'
5249      parameters:
5250        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5251        - in: path
5252          name: authID
5253          schema:
5254            type: string
5255          required: true
5256          description: The ID of the authorization to update.
5257      responses:
5258        '200':
5259          description: The active or inactive authorization
5260          content:
5261            application/json:
5262              schema:
5263                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorization'
5264        default:
5265          description: Unexpected error
5266          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5267    delete:
5268      operationId: DeleteAuthorizationsID
5269      tags:
5270        - Authorizations
5271      summary: Delete an authorization
5272      parameters:
5273        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5274        - in: path
5275          name: authID
5276          schema:
5277            type: string
5278          required: true
5279          description: The ID of the authorization to delete.
5280      responses:
5281        '204':
5282          description: Authorization deleted
5283        default:
5284          description: Unexpected error
5285          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5286  /legacy/authorizations:
5287    servers:
5288      - url: /private
5289    get:
5290      operationId: GetLegacyAuthorizations
5291      tags:
5292        - Legacy Authorizations
5293      summary: List all legacy authorizations
5294      parameters:
5295        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5296        - in: query
5297          name: userID
5298          schema:
5299            type: string
5300          description: Only show legacy authorizations that belong to a user ID.
5301        - in: query
5302          name: user
5303          schema:
5304            type: string
5305          description: Only show legacy authorizations that belong to a user name.
5306        - in: query
5307          name: orgID
5308          schema:
5309            type: string
5310          description: Only show legacy authorizations that belong to an organization ID.
5311        - in: query
5312          name: org
5313          schema:
5314            type: string
5315          description: Only show legacy authorizations that belong to a organization name.
5316        - in: query
5317          name: token
5318          schema:
5319            type: string
5320          description: Only show legacy authorizations with a specified token (auth name).
5321        - in: query
5322          name: authID
5323          schema:
5324            type: string
5325          description: Only show legacy authorizations with a specified auth ID.
5326      responses:
5327        '200':
5328          description: A list of legacy authorizations
5329          content:
5330            application/json:
5331              schema:
5332                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorizations'
5333        default:
5334          description: Unexpected error
5335          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5336    post:
5337      operationId: PostLegacyAuthorizations
5338      tags:
5339        - Legacy Authorizations
5340      summary: Create a legacy authorization
5341      parameters:
5342        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5343      requestBody:
5344        description: Legacy authorization to create
5345        required: true
5346        content:
5347          application/json:
5348            schema:
5349              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LegacyAuthorizationPostRequest'
5350      responses:
5351        '201':
5352          description: Legacy authorization created
5353          content:
5354            application/json:
5355              schema:
5356                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorization'
5357        '400':
5358          description: Invalid request
5359          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5360        default:
5361          description: Unexpected error
5362          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5363  '/legacy/authorizations/{authID}':
5364    servers:
5365      - url: /private
5366    get:
5367      operationId: GetLegacyAuthorizationsID
5368      tags:
5369        - Legacy Authorizations
5370      summary: Retrieve a legacy authorization
5371      parameters:
5372        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5373        - in: path
5374          name: authID
5375          schema:
5376            type: string
5377          required: true
5378          description: The ID of the legacy authorization to get.
5379      responses:
5380        '200':
5381          description: Legacy authorization details
5382          content:
5383            application/json:
5384              schema:
5385                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorization'
5386        default:
5387          description: Unexpected error
5388          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5389    patch:
5390      operationId: PatchLegacyAuthorizationsID
5391      tags:
5392        - Legacy Authorizations
5393      summary: Update a legacy authorization to be active or inactive
5394      requestBody:
5395        description: Legacy authorization to update
5396        required: true
5397        content:
5398          application/json:
5399            schema:
5400              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorizationUpdateRequest'
5401      parameters:
5402        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5403        - in: path
5404          name: authID
5405          schema:
5406            type: string
5407          required: true
5408          description: The ID of the legacy authorization to update.
5409      responses:
5410        '200':
5411          description: The active or inactive legacy authorization
5412          content:
5413            application/json:
5414              schema:
5415                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorization'
5416        default:
5417          description: Unexpected error
5418          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5419    delete:
5420      operationId: DeleteLegacyAuthorizationsID
5421      tags:
5422        - Legacy Authorizations
5423      summary: Delete a legacy authorization
5424      parameters:
5425        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5426        - in: path
5427          name: authID
5428          schema:
5429            type: string
5430          required: true
5431          description: The ID of the legacy authorization to delete.
5432      responses:
5433        '204':
5434          description: Legacy authorization deleted
5435        default:
5436          description: Unexpected error
5437          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5438  '/legacy/authorizations/{authID}/password':
5439    servers:
5440      - url: /private
5441    post:
5442      operationId: PostLegacyAuthorizationsIDPassword
5443      tags:
5444        - Legacy Authorizations
5445      summary: Set a legacy authorization password
5446      parameters:
5447        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5448        - in: path
5449          name: authID
5450          schema:
5451            type: string
5452          required: true
5453          description: The ID of the legacy authorization to update.
5454      requestBody:
5455        description: New password
5456        required: true
5457        content:
5458          application/json:
5459            schema:
5460              $ref: '#/components/schemas/PasswordResetBody'
5461      responses:
5462        '204':
5463          description: Legacy authorization password set
5464        default:
5465          description: Unexpected error
5466          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5467  /variables:
5468    get:
5469      operationId: GetVariables
5470      tags:
5471        - Variables
5472      summary: List all variables
5473      parameters:
5474        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5475        - in: query
5476          name: org
5477          description: The name of the organization.
5478          schema:
5479            type: string
5480        - in: query
5481          name: orgID
5482          description: The organization ID.
5483          schema:
5484            type: string
5485      responses:
5486        '200':
5487          description: A list of variables for an organization
5488          content:
5489            application/json:
5490              schema:
5491                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Variables'
5492        '400':
5493          description: Invalid request
5494          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5495        default:
5496          description: Internal server error
5497          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5498    post:
5499      operationId: PostVariables
5500      summary: Create a variable
5501      tags:
5502        - Variables
5503      parameters:
5504        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5505      requestBody:
5506        description: Variable to create
5507        required: true
5508        content:
5509          application/json:
5510            schema:
5511              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Variable'
5512      responses:
5513        '201':
5514          description: Variable created
5515          content:
5516            application/json:
5517              schema:
5518                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Variable'
5519        default:
5520          description: Internal server error
5521          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5522  '/variables/{variableID}':
5523    get:
5524      operationId: GetVariablesID
5525      tags:
5526        - Variables
5527      summary: Retrieve a variable
5528      parameters:
5529        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5530        - in: path
5531          name: variableID
5532          required: true
5533          schema:
5534            type: string
5535          description: The variable ID.
5536      responses:
5537        '200':
5538          description: Variable found
5539          content:
5540            application/json:
5541              schema:
5542                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Variable'
5543        '404':
5544          description: Variable not found
5545          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5546        default:
5547          description: Internal server error
5548          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5549    delete:
5550      operationId: DeleteVariablesID
5551      tags:
5552        - Variables
5553      summary: Delete a variable
5554      parameters:
5555        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5556        - in: path
5557          name: variableID
5558          required: true
5559          schema:
5560            type: string
5561          description: The variable ID.
5562      responses:
5563        '204':
5564          description: Variable deleted
5565        default:
5566          description: Internal server error
5567          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5568    patch:
5569      operationId: PatchVariablesID
5570      summary: Update a variable
5571      tags:
5572        - Variables
5573      parameters:
5574        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5575        - in: path
5576          name: variableID
5577          required: true
5578          schema:
5579            type: string
5580          description: The variable ID.
5581      requestBody:
5582        description: Variable update to apply
5583        required: true
5584        content:
5585          application/json:
5586            schema:
5587              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Variable'
5588      responses:
5589        '200':
5590          description: Variable updated
5591          content:
5592            application/json:
5593              schema:
5594                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Variable'
5595        default:
5596          description: Internal server error
5597          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5598    put:
5599      operationId: PutVariablesID
5600      summary: Replace a variable
5601      tags:
5602        - Variables
5603      parameters:
5604        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5605        - in: path
5606          name: variableID
5607          required: true
5608          schema:
5609            type: string
5610          description: The variable ID.
5611      requestBody:
5612        description: Variable to replace
5613        required: true
5614        content:
5615          application/json:
5616            schema:
5617              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Variable'
5618      responses:
5619        '200':
5620          description: Variable updated
5621          content:
5622            application/json:
5623              schema:
5624                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Variable'
5625        default:
5626          description: Internal server error
5627          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
5628  /sources:
5629    post:
5630      operationId: PostSources
5631      tags:
5632        - Sources
5633      summary: Create a source
5634      parameters:
5635        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5636      requestBody:
5637        description: Source to create
5638        required: true
5639        content:
5640          application/json:
5641            schema:
5642              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Source'
5643      responses:
5644        '201':
5645          description: Created Source
5646          content:
5647            application/json:
5648              schema:
5649                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Source'
5650        default:
5651          description: Unexpected error
5652          content:
5653            application/json:
5654              schema:
5655                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5656    get:
5657      operationId: GetSources
5658      tags:
5659        - Sources
5660      summary: List all sources
5661      parameters:
5662        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5663        - in: query
5664          name: org
5665          description: The name of the organization.
5666          schema:
5667            type: string
5668      responses:
5669        '200':
5670          description: A list of sources
5671          content:
5672            application/json:
5673              schema:
5674                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Sources'
5675        default:
5676          description: Unexpected error
5677          content:
5678            application/json:
5679              schema:
5680                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5681  '/sources/{sourceID}':
5682    delete:
5683      operationId: DeleteSourcesID
5684      tags:
5685        - Sources
5686      summary: Delete a source
5687      parameters:
5688        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5689        - in: path
5690          name: sourceID
5691          schema:
5692            type: string
5693          required: true
5694          description: The source ID.
5695      responses:
5696        '204':
5697          description: Delete has been accepted
5698        '404':
5699          description: View not found
5700          content:
5701            application/json:
5702              schema:
5703                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5704        default:
5705          description: Unexpected error
5706          content:
5707            application/json:
5708              schema:
5709                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5710    patch:
5711      operationId: PatchSourcesID
5712      tags:
5713        - Sources
5714      summary: Update a Source
5715      parameters:
5716        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5717        - in: path
5718          name: sourceID
5719          schema:
5720            type: string
5721          required: true
5722          description: The source ID.
5723      requestBody:
5724        description: Source update
5725        required: true
5726        content:
5727          application/json:
5728            schema:
5729              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Source'
5730      responses:
5731        '200':
5732          description: Created Source
5733          content:
5734            application/json:
5735              schema:
5736                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Source'
5737        '404':
5738          description: Source not found
5739          content:
5740            application/json:
5741              schema:
5742                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5743        default:
5744          description: Unexpected error
5745          content:
5746            application/json:
5747              schema:
5748                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5749    get:
5750      operationId: GetSourcesID
5751      tags:
5752        - Sources
5753      summary: Retrieve a source
5754      parameters:
5755        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5756        - in: path
5757          name: sourceID
5758          schema:
5759            type: string
5760          required: true
5761          description: The source ID.
5762      responses:
5763        '200':
5764          description: A source
5765          content:
5766            application/json:
5767              schema:
5768                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Source'
5769        '404':
5770          description: Source not found
5771          content:
5772            application/json:
5773              schema:
5774                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5775        default:
5776          description: Unexpected error
5777          content:
5778            application/json:
5779              schema:
5780                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5781  '/sources/{sourceID}/health':
5782    get:
5783      operationId: GetSourcesIDHealth
5784      tags:
5785        - Sources
5786      summary: Get the health of a source
5787      parameters:
5788        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5789        - in: path
5790          name: sourceID
5791          schema:
5792            type: string
5793          required: true
5794          description: The source ID.
5795      responses:
5796        '200':
5797          description: The source is healthy
5798          content:
5799            application/json:
5800              schema:
5801                $ref: '#/components/schemas/HealthCheck'
5802        '503':
5803          description: The source is not healthy
5804          content:
5805            application/json:
5806              schema:
5807                $ref: '#/components/schemas/HealthCheck'
5808        default:
5809          description: Unexpected error
5810          content:
5811            application/json:
5812              schema:
5813                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5814  '/sources/{sourceID}/buckets':
5815    get:
5816      operationId: GetSourcesIDBuckets
5817      tags:
5818        - Sources
5819        - Buckets
5820      summary: Get buckets in a source
5821      parameters:
5822        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5823        - in: path
5824          name: sourceID
5825          schema:
5826            type: string
5827          required: true
5828          description: The source ID.
5829        - in: query
5830          name: org
5831          description: The name of the organization.
5832          schema:
5833            type: string
5834      responses:
5835        '200':
5836          description: A source
5837          content:
5838            application/json:
5839              schema:
5840                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Buckets'
5841        '404':
5842          description: Source not found
5843          content:
5844            application/json:
5845              schema:
5846                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5847        default:
5848          description: Unexpected error
5849          content:
5850            application/json:
5851              schema:
5852                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5853  /scrapers:
5854    get:
5855      operationId: GetScrapers
5856      tags:
5857        - Scraper Targets
5858      summary: List all scraper targets
5859      parameters:
5860        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5861        - in: query
5862          name: name
5863          description: Specifies the name of the scraper target.
5864          schema:
5865            type: string
5866        - in: query
5867          name: id
5868          description: 'List of scraper target IDs to return. If both `id` and `owner` are specified, only `id` is used.'
5869          schema:
5870            type: array
5871            items:
5872              type: string
5873        - in: query
5874          name: orgID
5875          description: Specifies the organization ID of the scraper target.
5876          schema:
5877            type: string
5878        - in: query
5879          name: org
5880          description: Specifies the organization name of the scraper target.
5881          schema:
5882            type: string
5883      responses:
5884        '200':
5885          description: All scraper targets
5886          content:
5887            application/json:
5888              schema:
5889                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScraperTargetResponses'
5890    post:
5891      operationId: PostScrapers
5892      summary: Create a scraper target
5893      tags:
5894        - Scraper Targets
5895      parameters:
5896        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5897      requestBody:
5898        description: Scraper target to create
5899        required: true
5900        content:
5901          application/json:
5902            schema:
5903              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScraperTargetRequest'
5904      responses:
5905        '201':
5906          description: Scraper target created
5907          content:
5908            application/json:
5909              schema:
5910                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScraperTargetResponse'
5911        default:
5912          description: Internal server error
5913          content:
5914            application/json:
5915              schema:
5916                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5917  '/scrapers/{scraperTargetID}':
5918    get:
5919      operationId: GetScrapersID
5920      tags:
5921        - Scraper Targets
5922      summary: Retrieve a scraper target
5923      parameters:
5924        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5925        - in: path
5926          name: scraperTargetID
5927          required: true
5928          schema:
5929            type: string
5930          description: The identifier of the scraper target.
5931      responses:
5932        '200':
5933          description: The scraper target
5934          content:
5935            application/json:
5936              schema:
5937                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScraperTargetResponse'
5938        default:
5939          description: Internal server error
5940          content:
5941            application/json:
5942              schema:
5943                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5944    delete:
5945      operationId: DeleteScrapersID
5946      tags:
5947        - Scraper Targets
5948      summary: Delete a scraper target
5949      parameters:
5950        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5951        - in: path
5952          name: scraperTargetID
5953          required: true
5954          schema:
5955            type: string
5956          description: The identifier of the scraper target.
5957      responses:
5958        '204':
5959          description: Scraper target deleted
5960        default:
5961          description: Internal server error
5962          content:
5963            application/json:
5964              schema:
5965                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5966    patch:
5967      operationId: PatchScrapersID
5968      summary: Update a scraper target
5969      tags:
5970        - Scraper Targets
5971      parameters:
5972        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
5973        - in: path
5974          name: scraperTargetID
5975          required: true
5976          schema:
5977            type: string
5978          description: The identifier of the scraper target.
5979      requestBody:
5980        description: Scraper target update to apply
5981        required: true
5982        content:
5983          application/json:
5984            schema:
5985              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScraperTargetRequest'
5986      responses:
5987        '200':
5988          description: Scraper target updated
5989          content:
5990            application/json:
5991              schema:
5992                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScraperTargetResponse'
5993        default:
5994          description: Internal server error
5995          content:
5996            application/json:
5997              schema:
5998                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
5999  '/scrapers/{scraperTargetID}/labels':
6000    get:
6001      operationId: GetScrapersIDLabels
6002      tags:
6003        - Scraper Targets
6004      summary: List all labels for a scraper target
6005      parameters:
6006        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6007        - in: path
6008          name: scraperTargetID
6009          schema:
6010            type: string
6011          required: true
6012          description: The scraper target ID.
6013      responses:
6014        '200':
6015          description: A list of labels for a scraper target.
6016          content:
6017            application/json:
6018              schema:
6019                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelsResponse'
6020        default:
6021          description: Unexpected error
6022          content:
6023            application/json:
6024              schema:
6025                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6026    post:
6027      operationId: PostScrapersIDLabels
6028      tags:
6029        - Scraper Targets
6030      summary: Add a label to a scraper target
6031      parameters:
6032        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6033        - in: path
6034          name: scraperTargetID
6035          schema:
6036            type: string
6037          required: true
6038          description: The scraper target ID.
6039      requestBody:
6040        description: Label to add
6041        required: true
6042        content:
6043          application/json:
6044            schema:
6045              $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelMapping'
6046      responses:
6047        '201':
6048          description: The newly added label
6049          content:
6050            application/json:
6051              schema:
6052                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LabelResponse'
6053        default:
6054          description: Unexpected error
6055          content:
6056            application/json:
6057              schema:
6058                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6059  '/scrapers/{scraperTargetID}/labels/{labelID}':
6060    delete:
6061      operationId: DeleteScrapersIDLabelsID
6062      tags:
6063        - Scraper Targets
6064      summary: Delete a label from a scraper target
6065      parameters:
6066        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6067        - in: path
6068          name: scraperTargetID
6069          schema:
6070            type: string
6071          required: true
6072          description: The scraper target ID.
6073        - in: path
6074          name: labelID
6075          schema:
6076            type: string
6077          required: true
6078          description: The label ID.
6079      responses:
6080        '204':
6081          description: Delete has been accepted
6082        '404':
6083          description: Scraper target not found
6084          content:
6085            application/json:
6086              schema:
6087                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6088        default:
6089          description: Unexpected error
6090          content:
6091            application/json:
6092              schema:
6093                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6094  '/scrapers/{scraperTargetID}/members':
6095    get:
6096      operationId: GetScrapersIDMembers
6097      tags:
6098        - Scraper Targets
6099      summary: List all users with member privileges for a scraper target
6100      parameters:
6101        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6102        - in: path
6103          name: scraperTargetID
6104          schema:
6105            type: string
6106          required: true
6107          description: The scraper target ID.
6108      responses:
6109        '200':
6110          description: A list of scraper target members
6111          content:
6112            application/json:
6113              schema:
6114                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMembers'
6115        default:
6116          description: Unexpected error
6117          content:
6118            application/json:
6119              schema:
6120                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6121    post:
6122      operationId: PostScrapersIDMembers
6123      tags:
6124        - Scraper Targets
6125      summary: Add a member to a scraper target
6126      parameters:
6127        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6128        - in: path
6129          name: scraperTargetID
6130          schema:
6131            type: string
6132          required: true
6133          description: The scraper target ID.
6134      requestBody:
6135        description: User to add as member
6136        required: true
6137        content:
6138          application/json:
6139            schema:
6140              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
6141      responses:
6142        '201':
6143          description: Member added to scraper targets
6144          content:
6145            application/json:
6146              schema:
6147                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMember'
6148        default:
6149          description: Unexpected error
6150          content:
6151            application/json:
6152              schema:
6153                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6154  '/scrapers/{scraperTargetID}/members/{userID}':
6155    delete:
6156      operationId: DeleteScrapersIDMembersID
6157      tags:
6158        - Scraper Targets
6159      summary: Remove a member from a scraper target
6160      parameters:
6161        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6162        - in: path
6163          name: userID
6164          schema:
6165            type: string
6166          required: true
6167          description: The ID of member to remove.
6168        - in: path
6169          name: scraperTargetID
6170          schema:
6171            type: string
6172          required: true
6173          description: The scraper target ID.
6174      responses:
6175        '204':
6176          description: Member removed
6177        default:
6178          description: Unexpected error
6179          content:
6180            application/json:
6181              schema:
6182                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6183  '/scrapers/{scraperTargetID}/owners':
6184    get:
6185      operationId: GetScrapersIDOwners
6186      tags:
6187        - Scraper Targets
6188      summary: List all owners of a scraper target
6189      parameters:
6190        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6191        - in: path
6192          name: scraperTargetID
6193          schema:
6194            type: string
6195          required: true
6196          description: The scraper target ID.
6197      responses:
6198        '200':
6199          description: A list of scraper target owners
6200          content:
6201            application/json:
6202              schema:
6203                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwners'
6204        default:
6205          description: Unexpected error
6206          content:
6207            application/json:
6208              schema:
6209                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6210    post:
6211      operationId: PostScrapersIDOwners
6212      tags:
6213        - Scraper Targets
6214      summary: Add an owner to a scraper target
6215      parameters:
6216        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6217        - in: path
6218          name: scraperTargetID
6219          schema:
6220            type: string
6221          required: true
6222          description: The scraper target ID.
6223      requestBody:
6224        description: User to add as owner
6225        required: true
6226        content:
6227          application/json:
6228            schema:
6229              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddResourceMemberRequestBody'
6230      responses:
6231        '201':
6232          description: Scraper target owner added
6233          content:
6234            application/json:
6235              schema:
6236                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwner'
6237        default:
6238          description: Unexpected error
6239          content:
6240            application/json:
6241              schema:
6242                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6243  '/scrapers/{scraperTargetID}/owners/{userID}':
6244    delete:
6245      operationId: DeleteScrapersIDOwnersID
6246      tags:
6247        - Scraper Targets
6248      summary: Remove an owner from a scraper target
6249      parameters:
6250        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6251        - in: path
6252          name: userID
6253          schema:
6254            type: string
6255          required: true
6256          description: The ID of owner to remove.
6257        - in: path
6258          name: scraperTargetID
6259          schema:
6260            type: string
6261          required: true
6262          description: The scraper target ID.
6263      responses:
6264        '204':
6265          description: Owner removed
6266        default:
6267          description: Unexpected error
6268          content:
6269            application/json:
6270              schema:
6271                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6272  /backup/kv:
6273    get:
6274      operationId: GetBackupKV
6275      tags:
6276        - Backup
6277      summary: 'Download snapshot of metadata stored in the server''s embedded KV store. Should not be used in versions greater than 2.1.x, as it doesn''t include metadata stored in embedded SQL.'
6278      deprecated: true
6279      parameters:
6280        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6281      responses:
6282        '200':
6283          description: Snapshot of KV metadata
6284          content:
6285            application/octet-stream:
6286              schema:
6287                type: string
6288                format: binary
6289        default:
6290          description: Unexpected error
6291          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
6292  /backup/metadata:
6293    get:
6294      operationId: GetBackupMetadata
6295      tags:
6296        - Backup
6297      summary: Download snapshot of all metadata in the server
6298      parameters:
6299        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6300        - in: header
6301          name: Accept-Encoding
6302          description: Indicates the content encoding (usually a compression algorithm) that the client can understand.
6303          schema:
6304            type: string
6305            description: 'The content coding.  Use `gzip` for compressed data or `identity` for unmodified, uncompressed data.'
6306            default: identity
6307            enum:
6308              - gzip
6309              - identity
6310      responses:
6311        '200':
6312          description: Snapshot of metadata
6313          headers:
6314            Content-Encoding:
6315              description: Lists any encodings (usually compression algorithms) that have been applied to the response payload.
6316              schema:
6317                type: string
6318                description: |
6319                  The content coding: `gzip` for compressed data or `identity` for unmodified, uncompressed data.
6320                default: identity
6321                enum:
6322                  - gzip
6323                  - identity
6324          content:
6325            multipart/mixed:
6326              schema:
6327                $ref: '#/components/schemas/MetadataBackup'
6328        default:
6329          description: Unexpected error
6330          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
6331  '/backup/shards/{shardID}':
6332    get:
6333      operationId: GetBackupShardId
6334      tags:
6335        - Backup
6336      summary: Download snapshot of all TSM data in a shard
6337      parameters:
6338        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6339        - in: header
6340          name: Accept-Encoding
6341          description: Indicates the content encoding (usually a compression algorithm) that the client can understand.
6342          schema:
6343            type: string
6344            description: 'The content coding.  Use `gzip` for compressed data or `identity` for unmodified, uncompressed data.'
6345            default: identity
6346            enum:
6347              - gzip
6348              - identity
6349        - in: path
6350          name: shardID
6351          schema:
6352            type: integer
6353            format: int64
6354          required: true
6355          description: The shard ID.
6356        - in: query
6357          name: since
6358          description: Earliest time to include in the snapshot. RFC3339 format.
6359          schema:
6360            type: string
6361            format: date-time
6362      responses:
6363        '200':
6364          description: TSM snapshot.
6365          headers:
6366            Content-Encoding:
6367              description: Lists any encodings (usually compression algorithms) that have been applied to the response payload.
6368              schema:
6369                type: string
6370                description: |
6371                  The content coding: `gzip` for compressed data or `identity` for unmodified, uncompressed data.
6372                default: identity
6373                enum:
6374                  - gzip
6375                  - identity
6376          content:
6377            application/octet-stream:
6378              schema:
6379                type: string
6380                format: binary
6381        '404':
6382          description: Shard not found.
6383          content:
6384            application/json:
6385              schema:
6386                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6387        default:
6388          description: Unexpected error
6389          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
6390  /restore/kv:
6391    post:
6392      operationId: PostRestoreKV
6393      tags:
6394        - Restore
6395      summary: Overwrite the embedded KV store on the server with a backed-up snapshot.
6396      parameters:
6397        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6398        - in: header
6399          name: Content-Encoding
6400          description: |
6401            The value tells InfluxDB what compression is applied to the line protocol in the request payload.
6402            To make an API request with a GZIP payload, send `Content-Encoding: gzip` as a request header.
6403          schema:
6404            type: string
6405            description: 'The content coding.  Use `gzip` for compressed data or `identity` for unmodified, uncompressed data.'
6406            default: identity
6407            enum:
6408              - gzip
6409              - identity
6410        - in: header
6411          name: Content-Type
6412          schema:
6413            type: string
6414            default: application/octet-stream
6415            enum:
6416              - application/octet-stream
6417      requestBody:
6418        description: Full KV snapshot.
6419        required: true
6420        content:
6421          text/plain:
6422            schema:
6423              type: string
6424              format: binary
6425      responses:
6426        '200':
6427          description: KV store successfully overwritten.
6428          content:
6429            application/json:
6430              schema:
6431                type: object
6432                properties:
6433                  token:
6434                    description: token is the root token for the instance after restore (this is overwritten during the restore)
6435                    type: string
6436        '204':
6437          description: KV store successfully overwritten.
6438        default:
6439          description: Unexpected error
6440          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
6441  /restore/sql:
6442    post:
6443      operationId: PostRestoreSQL
6444      tags:
6445        - Restore
6446      summary: Overwrite the embedded SQL store on the server with a backed-up snapshot.
6447      parameters:
6448        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6449        - in: header
6450          name: Content-Encoding
6451          description: |
6452            The value tells InfluxDB what compression is applied to the line protocol in the request payload.
6453            To make an API request with a GZIP payload, send `Content-Encoding: gzip` as a request header.
6454          schema:
6455            type: string
6456            description: Specifies that the line protocol in the body is encoded with gzip or not encoded with identity.
6457            default: identity
6458            enum:
6459              - gzip
6460              - identity
6461        - in: header
6462          name: Content-Type
6463          schema:
6464            type: string
6465            default: application/octet-stream
6466            enum:
6467              - application/octet-stream
6468      requestBody:
6469        description: Full SQL snapshot.
6470        required: true
6471        content:
6472          text/plain:
6473            schema:
6474              type: string
6475              format: binary
6476      responses:
6477        '204':
6478          description: SQL store successfully overwritten.
6479        default:
6480          description: Unexpected error
6481          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
6482  '/restore/bucket/{bucketID}':
6483    post:
6484      operationId: PostRestoreBucketID
6485      tags:
6486        - Restore
6487      summary: Overwrite storage metadata for a bucket with shard info from a backup.
6488      deprecated: true
6489      parameters:
6490        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6491        - in: path
6492          name: bucketID
6493          schema:
6494            type: string
6495          required: true
6496          description: The bucket ID.
6497        - in: header
6498          name: Content-Type
6499          schema:
6500            type: string
6501            default: application/octet-stream
6502            enum:
6503              - application/octet-stream
6504      requestBody:
6505        description: Database info serialized as protobuf.
6506        required: true
6507        content:
6508          text/plain:
6509            schema:
6510              type: string
6511              format: byte
6512      responses:
6513        '200':
6514          description: ID mappings for shards in bucket.
6515          content:
6516            application/json:
6517              schema:
6518                type: string
6519                format: byte
6520        default:
6521          description: Unexpected error
6522          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
6523  /restore/bucketMetadata:
6524    post:
6525      operationId: PostRestoreBucketMetadata
6526      tags:
6527        - Restore
6528      summary: Create a new bucket pre-seeded with shard info from a backup.
6529      parameters:
6530        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6531      requestBody:
6532        description: Metadata manifest for a bucket.
6533        required: true
6534        content:
6535          application/json:
6536            schema:
6537              $ref: '#/components/schemas/BucketMetadataManifest'
6538      responses:
6539        '201':
6540          description: ID mappings for shards in new bucket.
6541          content:
6542            application/json:
6543              schema:
6544                $ref: '#/components/schemas/RestoredBucketMappings'
6545        default:
6546          description: Unexpected error
6547          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
6548  '/restore/shards/{shardID}':
6549    post:
6550      operationId: PostRestoreShardId
6551      tags:
6552        - Restore
6553      summary: Restore a TSM snapshot into a shard.
6554      parameters:
6555        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6556        - in: header
6557          name: Content-Encoding
6558          description: |
6559            The value tells InfluxDB what compression is applied to the line protocol in the request payload.
6560            To make an API request with a GZIP payload, send `Content-Encoding: gzip` as a request header.
6561          schema:
6562            type: string
6563            description: Specifies that the line protocol in the body is encoded with gzip or not encoded with identity.
6564            default: identity
6565            enum:
6566              - gzip
6567              - identity
6568        - in: header
6569          name: Content-Type
6570          schema:
6571            type: string
6572            default: application/octet-stream
6573            enum:
6574              - application/octet-stream
6575        - in: path
6576          name: shardID
6577          schema:
6578            type: string
6579          required: true
6580          description: The shard ID.
6581      requestBody:
6582        description: TSM snapshot.
6583        required: true
6584        content:
6585          text/plain:
6586            schema:
6587              type: string
6588              format: binary
6589      responses:
6590        '204':
6591          description: TSM snapshot successfully restored.
6592        default:
6593          description: Unexpected error
6594          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
6595  /dashboards:
6596    post:
6597      operationId: PostDashboards
6598      tags:
6599        - Dashboards
6600      summary: Create a dashboard
6601      parameters:
6602        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6603      requestBody:
6604        description: Dashboard to create
6605        required: true
6606        content:
6607          application/json:
6608            schema:
6609              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateDashboardRequest'
6610      responses:
6611        '201':
6612          description: Added dashboard
6613          content:
6614            application/json:
6615              schema:
6616                oneOf:
6617                  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dashboard'
6618                  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardWithViewProperties'
6619        default:
6620          description: Unexpected error
6621          content:
6622            application/json:
6623              schema:
6624                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6625    get:
6626      operationId: GetDashboards
6627      tags:
6628        - Dashboards
6629      summary: List all dashboards
6630      parameters:
6631        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6632        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Offset'
6633        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Limit'
6634        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Descending'
6635        - in: query
6636          name: owner
6637          description: A user identifier. Returns only dashboards where this user has the `owner` role.
6638          schema:
6639            type: string
6640        - in: query
6641          name: sortBy
6642          description: The column to sort by.
6643          schema:
6644            type: string
6645            enum:
6646              - ID
6647              - CreatedAt
6648              - UpdatedAt
6649        - in: query
6650          name: id
6651          description: 'A list of dashboard identifiers. Returns only the listed dashboards. If both `id` and `owner` are specified, only `id` is used.'
6652          schema:
6653            type: array
6654            items:
6655              type: string
6656        - in: query
6657          name: orgID
6658          description: The identifier of the organization.
6659          schema:
6660            type: string
6661        - in: query
6662          name: org
6663          description: The name of the organization.
6664          schema:
6665            type: string
6666      responses:
6667        '200':
6668          description: All dashboards
6669          content:
6670            application/json:
6671              schema:
6672                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dashboards'
6673        default:
6674          description: Unexpected error
6675          content:
6676            application/json:
6677              schema:
6678                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6679  /tasks:
6680    get:
6681      operationId: GetTasks
6682      tags:
6683        - Tasks
6684      summary: List all tasks
6685      parameters:
6686        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6687        - in: query
6688          name: name
6689          description: Returns task with a specific name.
6690          schema:
6691            type: string
6692        - in: query
6693          name: after
6694          schema:
6695            type: string
6696          description: Return tasks after a specified ID.
6697        - in: query
6698          name: user
6699          schema:
6700            type: string
6701          description: Filter tasks to a specific user ID.
6702        - in: query
6703          name: org
6704          schema:
6705            type: string
6706          description: Filter tasks to a specific organization name.
6707        - in: query
6708          name: orgID
6709          schema:
6710            type: string
6711          description: Filter tasks to a specific organization ID.
6712        - in: query
6713          name: status
6714          schema:
6715            type: string
6716            enum:
6717              - active
6718              - inactive
6719          description: Filter tasks by a status--"inactive" or "active".
6720        - in: query
6721          name: limit
6722          schema:
6723            type: integer
6724            minimum: 1
6725            maximum: 500
6726            default: 100
6727          description: The number of tasks to return
6728        - in: query
6729          name: type
6730          description: 'Type of task, unset by default.'
6731          required: false
6732          schema:
6733            default: ''
6734            type: string
6735            enum:
6736              - basic
6737              - system
6738      responses:
6739        '200':
6740          description: A list of tasks
6741          content:
6742            application/json:
6743              schema:
6744                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Tasks'
6745        default:
6746          description: Unexpected error
6747          content:
6748            application/json:
6749              schema:
6750                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6751    post:
6752      operationId: PostTasks
6753      tags:
6754        - Tasks
6755      summary: Create a new task
6756      parameters:
6757        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6758      requestBody:
6759        description: Task to create
6760        required: true
6761        content:
6762          application/json:
6763            schema:
6764              $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskCreateRequest'
6765      responses:
6766        '201':
6767          description: Task created
6768          content:
6769            application/json:
6770              schema:
6771                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Task'
6772        default:
6773          description: Unexpected error
6774          content:
6775            application/json:
6776              schema:
6777                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6778  /write:
6779    post:
6780      operationId: PostWrite
6781      tags:
6782        - Write
6783      summary: Write data
6784      description: |
6785        Writes data to a bucket.
6787        To write data into InfluxDB, you need the following:
6788        - **organization** – _See [View organizations](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/organizations/view-orgs/#view-your-organization-id) for instructions on viewing your organization ID._
6789        - **bucket** – _See [View buckets](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/organizations/buckets/view-buckets/) for
6790         instructions on viewing your bucket ID._
6791        - **API token** – _See [View tokens](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/security/tokens/view-tokens/)
6792         for instructions on viewing your API token._
6793        - **InfluxDB URL** – _See [InfluxDB URLs](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/reference/urls/)_.
6794        - data in [line protocol](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/reference/syntax/line-protocol) format.
6796        For more information and examples, see the following:
6797        - [Write data with the InfluxDB API](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/developer-tools/api).
6798        - [Optimize writes to InfluxDB](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/best-practices/optimize-writes/).
6799      requestBody:
6800        description: Data in line protocol format.
6801        required: true
6802        content:
6803          text/plain:
6804            schema:
6805              type: string
6806              format: byte
6807      parameters:
6808        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/TraceSpan'
6809        - in: header
6810          name: Content-Encoding
6811          description: |
6812            The value tells InfluxDB what compression is applied to the line protocol in the request payload.
6813            To make an API request with a GZIP payload, send `Content-Encoding: gzip` as a request header.
6814          schema:
6815            type: string
6816            description: The header value specifies that the line protocol in the request body is encoded with gzip or not encoded with identity.
6817            default: identity
6818            enum:
6819              - gzip
6820              - identity
6821        - in: header
6822          name: Content-Type
6823          description: The header value indicates the format of the data in the request body.
6824          schema:
6825            type: string
6826            description: |
6827              `text/plain` specifies line protocol. `UTF-8` is the default character set.
6828            default: text/plain; charset=utf-8
6829            enum:
6830              - text/plain
6831              - text/plain; charset=utf-8
6832              - application/vnd.influx.arrow
6833        - in: header
6834          name: Content-Length
6835          description: 'The header value indicates the size of the entity-body, in bytes, sent to the database. If the length is greater than the database''s `max body` configuration option, the server responds with status code `413`.'
6836          schema:
6837            type: integer
6838            description: The length in decimal number of octets.
6839        - in: header
6840          name: Accept
6841          description: The header value specifies the response format.
6842          schema:
6843            type: string
6844            description: The response format for errors.
6845            default: application/json
6846            enum:
6847              - application/json
6848        - in: query
6849          name: org
6850          description: 'The parameter value specifies the destination organization for writes. The database writes all points in the batch to this organization. If you provide both `orgID` and `org` parameters, `org` takes precedence.'
6851          required: true
6852          schema:
6853            type: string
6854            description: Organization name or ID.
6855        - in: query
6856          name: orgID
6857          description: 'The parameter value specifies the ID of the destination organization for writes. If both `orgID` and `org` are specified, `org` takes precedence.'
6858          schema:
6859            type: string
6860        - in: query
6861          name: bucket
6862          description: The destination bucket for writes.
6863          required: true
6864          schema:
6865            type: string
6866            description: All points within batch are written to this bucket.
6867        - in: query
6868          name: precision
6869          description: The precision for the unix timestamps within the body line-protocol.
6870          schema:
6871            $ref: '#/components/schemas/WritePrecision'
6872      responses:
6873        '204':
6874          description: 'InfluxDB validated the request data format and accepted the data for writing to the bucket. `204` doesn''t indicate a successful write operation since writes are asynchronous. See [how to check for write errors](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/troubleshoot).'
6875        '400':
6876          description: Bad request. The line protocol data in the request is malformed. The response body contains the first malformed line in the data. InfluxDB rejected the batch and did not write any data.
6877          content:
6878            application/json:
6879              schema:
6880                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LineProtocolError'
6881              examples:
6882                measurementSchemaFieldTypeConflict:
6883                  summary: Example of a field type conflict thrown by an explicit bucket schema
6884                  value:
6885                    code: invalid
6886                    message: 'partial write error (2 written): unable to parse ''air_sensor,service=S1,sensor=L1 temperature="90.5",humidity=70.0 1632850122'': schema: field type for field "temperature" not permitted by schema; got String but expected Float'
6887        '401':
6888          description: |
6889            Unauthorized. The error may indicate one of the following:
6890              * The `Authorization: Token` header is missing or malformed.
6891              * The API token value is missing from the header.
6892              * The token does not have sufficient permissions to write to this organization and bucket.
6893          content:
6894            application/json:
6895              schema:
6896                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6897              examples:
6898                tokenNotAuthorized:
6899                  summary: Token is not authorized to access the organization or resource
6900                  value:
6901                    code: unauthorized
6902                    message: unauthorized access
6903        '404':
6904          description: 'Not found. A requested resource was not found. The response body contains the requested resource type, e.g. `organization name` or `bucket`, and name.'
6905          content:
6906            application/json:
6907              schema:
6908                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6909              examples:
6910                resource-not-found:
6911                  summary: Not found error
6912                  value:
6913                    code: not found
6914                    message: bucket "air_sensor" not found
6915        '413':
6916          description: |
6917            All request data was rejected and not written. InfluxDB OSS only returns this error if the [Go (golang) `ioutil.ReadAll()`](https://pkg.go.dev/io/ioutil#ReadAll) function raises an error.
6918          content:
6919            application/json:
6920              schema:
6921                $ref: '#/components/schemas/LineProtocolLengthError'
6922        '500':
6923          description: Internal server error.
6924          content:
6925            application/json:
6926              schema:
6927                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
6928              examples:
6929                internalError:
6930                  summary: Internal error example
6931                  value:
6932                    code: internal error
6933        '503':
6934          description: The server is temporarily unavailable to accept writes.  The `Retry-After` header describes when to try the write again.
6935          headers:
6936            Retry-After:
6937              description: A non-negative decimal integer indicating the seconds to delay after the response is received.
6938              schema:
6939                type: integer
6940                format: int32
6941        default:
6942          $ref: '#/components/responses/ServerError'
6944  parameters:
6945    TraceSpan:
6946      in: header
6947      name: Zap-Trace-Span
6948      description: OpenTracing span context
6949      example:
6950        trace_id: '1'
6951        span_id: '1'
6952        baggage:
6953          key: value
6954      required: false
6955      schema:
6956        type: string
6957    Offset:
6958      in: query
6959      name: offset
6960      required: false
6961      schema:
6962        type: integer
6963        minimum: 0
6964    Limit:
6965      in: query
6966      name: limit
6967      required: false
6968      schema:
6969        type: integer
6970        minimum: 1
6971        maximum: 100
6972        default: 20
6973    Descending:
6974      in: query
6975      name: descending
6976      required: false
6977      schema:
6978        type: boolean
6979        default: false
6980    SortBy:
6981      in: query
6982      name: sortBy
6983      required: false
6984      schema:
6985        type: string
6986    After:
6987      in: query
6988      name: after
6989      required: false
6990      schema:
6991        type: string
6992      description: |
6993        The last resource ID from which to seek from (but not including). This is to be used instead of `offset`.
6994  schemas:
6995    LanguageRequest:
6996      description: Flux query to be analyzed.
6997      type: object
6998      required:
6999        - query
7000      properties:
7001        query:
7002          description: Flux query script to be analyzed
7003          type: string
7004    Query:
7005      description: Query influx using the Flux language
7006      type: object
7007      required:
7008        - query
7009      properties:
7010        extern:
7011          $ref: '#/components/schemas/File'
7012        query:
7013          description: Query script to execute.
7014          type: string
7015        type:
7016          description: The type of query. Must be "flux".
7017          type: string
7018          enum:
7019            - flux
7020        params:
7021          type: object
7022          additionalProperties: true
7023          description: |
7024            Enumeration of key/value pairs that respresent parameters to be injected into query (can only specify either this field or extern and not both)
7025        dialect:
7026          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dialect'
7027        now:
7028          description: Specifies the time that should be reported as "now" in the query. Default is the server's now time.
7029          type: string
7030          format: date-time
7031    Package:
7032      description: Represents a complete package source tree.
7033      type: object
7034      properties:
7035        type:
7036          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7037        path:
7038          description: Package import path
7039          type: string
7040        package:
7041          description: Package name
7042          type: string
7043        files:
7044          description: Package files
7045          type: array
7046          items:
7047            $ref: '#/components/schemas/File'
7048    File:
7049      description: Represents a source from a single file
7050      type: object
7051      properties:
7052        type:
7053          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7054        name:
7055          description: The name of the file.
7056          type: string
7057        package:
7058          $ref: '#/components/schemas/PackageClause'
7059        imports:
7060          description: A list of package imports
7061          type: array
7062          items:
7063            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ImportDeclaration'
7064        body:
7065          description: List of Flux statements
7066          type: array
7067          items:
7068            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Statement'
7069    PackageClause:
7070      description: Defines a package identifier
7071      type: object
7072      properties:
7073        type:
7074          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7075        name:
7076          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identifier'
7077    ImportDeclaration:
7078      description: Declares a package import
7079      type: object
7080      properties:
7081        type:
7082          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7083        as:
7084          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identifier'
7085        path:
7086          $ref: '#/components/schemas/StringLiteral'
7087    DeletePredicateRequest:
7088      description: The delete predicate request.
7089      type: object
7090      required:
7091        - start
7092        - stop
7093      properties:
7094        start:
7095          description: RFC3339Nano
7096          type: string
7097          format: date-time
7098        stop:
7099          description: RFC3339Nano
7100          type: string
7101          format: date-time
7102        predicate:
7103          description: InfluxQL-like delete statement
7104          example: tag1="value1" and (tag2="value2" and tag3!="value3")
7105          type: string
7106    Node:
7107      oneOf:
7108        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7109        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Block'
7110    NodeType:
7111      description: Type of AST node
7112      type: string
7113    Block:
7114      description: A set of statements
7115      type: object
7116      properties:
7117        type:
7118          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7119        body:
7120          description: Block body
7121          type: array
7122          items:
7123            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Statement'
7124    Statement:
7125      oneOf:
7126        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/BadStatement'
7127        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/VariableAssignment'
7128        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MemberAssignment'
7129        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExpressionStatement'
7130        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReturnStatement'
7131        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/OptionStatement'
7132        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/BuiltinStatement'
7133        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TestStatement'
7134    BadStatement:
7135      description: A placeholder for statements for which no correct statement nodes can be created
7136      type: object
7137      properties:
7138        type:
7139          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7140        text:
7141          description: Raw source text
7142          type: string
7143    VariableAssignment:
7144      description: Represents the declaration of a variable
7145      type: object
7146      properties:
7147        type:
7148          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7149        id:
7150          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identifier'
7151        init:
7152          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7153    MemberAssignment:
7154      description: Object property assignment
7155      type: object
7156      properties:
7157        type:
7158          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7159        member:
7160          $ref: '#/components/schemas/MemberExpression'
7161        init:
7162          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7163    ExpressionStatement:
7164      description: May consist of an expression that does not return a value and is executed solely for its side-effects
7165      type: object
7166      properties:
7167        type:
7168          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7169        expression:
7170          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7171    ReturnStatement:
7172      description: Defines an expression to return
7173      type: object
7174      properties:
7175        type:
7176          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7177        argument:
7178          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7179    OptionStatement:
7180      description: A single variable declaration
7181      type: object
7182      properties:
7183        type:
7184          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7185        assignment:
7186          oneOf:
7187            - $ref: '#/components/schemas/VariableAssignment'
7188            - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MemberAssignment'
7189    BuiltinStatement:
7190      description: Declares a builtin identifier and its type
7191      type: object
7192      properties:
7193        type:
7194          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7195        id:
7196          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identifier'
7197    TestStatement:
7198      description: Declares a Flux test case
7199      type: object
7200      properties:
7201        type:
7202          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7203        assignment:
7204          $ref: '#/components/schemas/VariableAssignment'
7205    Expression:
7206      oneOf:
7207        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ArrayExpression'
7208        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DictExpression'
7209        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FunctionExpression'
7210        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/BinaryExpression'
7211        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CallExpression'
7212        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConditionalExpression'
7213        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/LogicalExpression'
7214        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MemberExpression'
7215        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/IndexExpression'
7216        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ObjectExpression'
7217        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParenExpression'
7218        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PipeExpression'
7219        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnaryExpression'
7220        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/BooleanLiteral'
7221        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DateTimeLiteral'
7222        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DurationLiteral'
7223        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FloatLiteral'
7224        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/IntegerLiteral'
7225        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PipeLiteral'
7226        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RegexpLiteral'
7227        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/StringLiteral'
7228        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnsignedIntegerLiteral'
7229        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identifier'
7230    ArrayExpression:
7231      description: Used to create and directly specify the elements of an array object
7232      type: object
7233      properties:
7234        type:
7235          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7236        elements:
7237          description: Elements of the array
7238          type: array
7239          items:
7240            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7241    DictExpression:
7242      description: Used to create and directly specify the elements of a dictionary
7243      type: object
7244      properties:
7245        type:
7246          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7247        elements:
7248          description: Elements of the dictionary
7249          type: array
7250          items:
7251            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DictItem'
7252    DictItem:
7253      description: A key/value pair in a dictionary
7254      type: object
7255      properties:
7256        type:
7257          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7258        key:
7259          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7260        val:
7261          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7262    FunctionExpression:
7263      description: Function expression
7264      type: object
7265      properties:
7266        type:
7267          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7268        params:
7269          description: Function parameters
7270          type: array
7271          items:
7272            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Property'
7273        body:
7274          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Node'
7275    BinaryExpression:
7276      description: uses binary operators to act on two operands in an expression
7277      type: object
7278      properties:
7279        type:
7280          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7281        operator:
7282          type: string
7283        left:
7284          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7285        right:
7286          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7287    CallExpression:
7288      description: Represents a function call
7289      type: object
7290      properties:
7291        type:
7292          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7293        callee:
7294          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7295        arguments:
7296          description: Function arguments
7297          type: array
7298          items:
7299            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7300    ConditionalExpression:
7301      description: 'Selects one of two expressions, `Alternate` or `Consequent`, depending on a third boolean expression, `Test`'
7302      type: object
7303      properties:
7304        type:
7305          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7306        test:
7307          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7308        alternate:
7309          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7310        consequent:
7311          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7312    LogicalExpression:
7313      description: Represents the rule conditions that collectively evaluate to either true or false
7314      type: object
7315      properties:
7316        type:
7317          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7318        operator:
7319          type: string
7320        left:
7321          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7322        right:
7323          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7324    MemberExpression:
7325      description: Represents accessing a property of an object
7326      type: object
7327      properties:
7328        type:
7329          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7330        object:
7331          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7332        property:
7333          $ref: '#/components/schemas/PropertyKey'
7334    IndexExpression:
7335      description: Represents indexing into an array
7336      type: object
7337      properties:
7338        type:
7339          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7340        array:
7341          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7342        index:
7343          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7344    ObjectExpression:
7345      description: Allows the declaration of an anonymous object within a declaration
7346      type: object
7347      properties:
7348        type:
7349          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7350        properties:
7351          description: Object properties
7352          type: array
7353          items:
7354            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Property'
7355    ParenExpression:
7356      description: Represents an expression wrapped in parenthesis
7357      type: object
7358      properties:
7359        type:
7360          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7361        expression:
7362          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7363    PipeExpression:
7364      description: Call expression with pipe argument
7365      type: object
7366      properties:
7367        type:
7368          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7369        argument:
7370          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7371        call:
7372          $ref: '#/components/schemas/CallExpression'
7373    UnaryExpression:
7374      description: Uses operators to act on a single operand in an expression
7375      type: object
7376      properties:
7377        type:
7378          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7379        operator:
7380          type: string
7381        argument:
7382          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7383    BooleanLiteral:
7384      description: Represents boolean values
7385      type: object
7386      properties:
7387        type:
7388          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7389        value:
7390          type: boolean
7391    DateTimeLiteral:
7392      description: Represents an instant in time with nanosecond precision using the syntax of golang's RFC3339 Nanosecond variant
7393      type: object
7394      properties:
7395        type:
7396          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7397        value:
7398          type: string
7399          format: date-time
7400    DurationLiteral:
7401      description: Represents the elapsed time between two instants as an int64 nanosecond count with syntax of golang's time.Duration
7402      type: object
7403      properties:
7404        type:
7405          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7406        values:
7407          description: Duration values
7408          type: array
7409          items:
7410            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Duration'
7411    FloatLiteral:
7412      description: Represents floating point numbers according to the double representations defined by the IEEE-754-1985
7413      type: object
7414      properties:
7415        type:
7416          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7417        value:
7418          type: number
7419    IntegerLiteral:
7420      description: Represents integer numbers
7421      type: object
7422      properties:
7423        type:
7424          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7425        value:
7426          type: string
7427    PipeLiteral:
7428      description: 'Represents a specialized literal value, indicating the left hand value of a pipe expression'
7429      type: object
7430      properties:
7431        type:
7432          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7433    RegexpLiteral:
7434      description: Expressions begin and end with `/` and are regular expressions with syntax accepted by RE2
7435      type: object
7436      properties:
7437        type:
7438          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7439        value:
7440          type: string
7441    StringLiteral:
7442      description: Expressions begin and end with double quote marks
7443      type: object
7444      properties:
7445        type:
7446          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7447        value:
7448          type: string
7449    UnsignedIntegerLiteral:
7450      description: Represents integer numbers
7451      type: object
7452      properties:
7453        type:
7454          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7455        value:
7456          type: string
7457    Duration:
7458      description: A pair consisting of length of time and the unit of time measured. It is the atomic unit from which all duration literals are composed.
7459      type: object
7460      properties:
7461        type:
7462          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7463        magnitude:
7464          type: integer
7465        unit:
7466          type: string
7467    Property:
7468      description: The value associated with a key
7469      type: object
7470      properties:
7471        type:
7472          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7473        key:
7474          $ref: '#/components/schemas/PropertyKey'
7475        value:
7476          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Expression'
7477    PropertyKey:
7478      oneOf:
7479        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identifier'
7480        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/StringLiteral'
7481    Identifier:
7482      description: A valid Flux identifier
7483      type: object
7484      properties:
7485        type:
7486          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeType'
7487        name:
7488          type: string
7489    Dialect:
7490      description: 'Dialect are options to change the default CSV output format; https://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-tabular-metadata-20151217/#dialect-descriptions'
7491      type: object
7492      properties:
7493        header:
7494          description: 'If true, the results will contain a header row'
7495          type: boolean
7496          default: true
7497        delimiter:
7498          description: 'Separator between cells; the default is ,'
7499          type: string
7500          default: ','
7501          maxLength: 1
7502          minLength: 1
7503        annotations:
7504          description: 'https://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-tabular-data-model-20151217/#columns'
7505          type: array
7506          uniqueItems: true
7507          items:
7508            type: string
7509            enum:
7510              - group
7511              - datatype
7512              - default
7513        commentPrefix:
7514          description: Character prefixed to comment strings
7515          type: string
7516          default: '#'
7517          maxLength: 1
7518          minLength: 0
7519        dateTimeFormat:
7520          description: Format of timestamps
7521          type: string
7522          default: RFC3339
7523          enum:
7524            - RFC3339
7525            - RFC3339Nano
7526    AuthorizationUpdateRequest:
7527      properties:
7528        status:
7529          description: If inactive the token is inactive and requests using the token will be rejected.
7530          default: active
7531          type: string
7532          enum:
7533            - active
7534            - inactive
7535        description:
7536          type: string
7537          description: A description of the token.
7538    PostBucketRequest:
7539      properties:
7540        orgID:
7541          type: string
7542        name:
7543          type: string
7544        description:
7545          type: string
7546        rp:
7547          type: string
7548        retentionRules:
7549          $ref: '#/components/schemas/RetentionRules'
7550        schemaType:
7551          $ref: '#/components/schemas/SchemaType'
7552          default: implicit
7553      required:
7554        - orgID
7555        - name
7556        - retentionRules
7557    Bucket:
7558      properties:
7559        links:
7560          type: object
7561          readOnly: true
7562          example:
7563            labels: /api/v2/buckets/1/labels
7564            members: /api/v2/buckets/1/members
7565            org: /api/v2/orgs/2
7566            owners: /api/v2/buckets/1/owners
7567            self: /api/v2/buckets/1
7568            write: /api/v2/write?org=2&bucket=1
7569          properties:
7570            labels:
7571              description: URL to retrieve labels for this bucket
7572              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7573            members:
7574              description: URL to retrieve members that can read this bucket
7575              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7576            org:
7577              description: URL to retrieve parent organization for this bucket
7578              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7579            owners:
7580              description: URL to retrieve owners that can read and write to this bucket.
7581              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7582            self:
7583              description: URL for this bucket
7584              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7585            write:
7586              description: URL to write line protocol for this bucket
7587              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7588        id:
7589          readOnly: true
7590          type: string
7591        type:
7592          readOnly: true
7593          type: string
7594          default: user
7595          enum:
7596            - user
7597            - system
7598        name:
7599          type: string
7600        description:
7601          type: string
7602        orgID:
7603          type: string
7604        rp:
7605          type: string
7606        schemaType:
7607          $ref: '#/components/schemas/SchemaType'
7608          default: implicit
7609        createdAt:
7610          type: string
7611          format: date-time
7612          readOnly: true
7613        updatedAt:
7614          type: string
7615          format: date-time
7616          readOnly: true
7617        retentionRules:
7618          $ref: '#/components/schemas/RetentionRules'
7619        labels:
7620          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Labels'
7621      required:
7622        - name
7623        - retentionRules
7624    Buckets:
7625      type: object
7626      properties:
7627        links:
7628          readOnly: true
7629          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
7630        buckets:
7631          type: array
7632          items:
7633            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Bucket'
7634    RetentionRules:
7635      type: array
7636      description: Rules to expire or retain data.  No rules means data never expires.
7637      items:
7638        $ref: '#/components/schemas/RetentionRule'
7639    PatchBucketRequest:
7640      type: object
7641      description: Updates to an existing bucket resource.
7642      properties:
7643        name:
7644          type: string
7645        description:
7646          type: string
7647        retentionRules:
7648          $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchRetentionRules'
7649    PatchRetentionRules:
7650      type: array
7651      description: Updates to rules to expire or retain data. No rules means no updates.
7652      items:
7653        $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchRetentionRule'
7654    PatchRetentionRule:
7655      type: object
7656      description: Updates to a rule to expire or retain data.
7657      properties:
7658        type:
7659          type: string
7660          default: expire
7661          enum:
7662            - expire
7663        everySeconds:
7664          type: integer
7665          format: int64
7666          description: Duration in seconds for how long data will be kept in the database. 0 means infinite.
7667          example: 86400
7668          minimum: 0
7669        shardGroupDurationSeconds:
7670          type: integer
7671          format: int64
7672          description: Shard duration measured in seconds.
7673      required:
7674        - type
7675    RetentionRule:
7676      type: object
7677      properties:
7678        type:
7679          type: string
7680          default: expire
7681          enum:
7682            - expire
7683        everySeconds:
7684          type: integer
7685          format: int64
7686          description: Duration in seconds for how long data will be kept in the database. 0 means infinite.
7687          example: 86400
7688          minimum: 0
7689        shardGroupDurationSeconds:
7690          type: integer
7691          format: int64
7692          description: Shard duration measured in seconds.
7693      required:
7694        - type
7695        - everySeconds
7696    Link:
7697      type: string
7698      format: uri
7699      readOnly: true
7700      description: URI of resource.
7701    Links:
7702      type: object
7703      properties:
7704        next:
7705          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7706        self:
7707          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7708        prev:
7709          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7710      required:
7711        - self
7712    Logs:
7713      type: object
7714      properties:
7715        events:
7716          readOnly: true
7717          type: array
7718          items:
7719            $ref: '#/components/schemas/LogEvent'
7720    LogEvent:
7721      type: object
7722      properties:
7723        time:
7724          readOnly: true
7725          description: 'Time event occurred, RFC3339Nano.'
7726          type: string
7727          format: date-time
7728        message:
7729          readOnly: true
7730          description: A description of the event that occurred.
7731          type: string
7732          example: Halt and catch fire
7733        runID:
7734          readOnly: true
7735          description: the ID of the task that logged
7736          type: string
7737    Organization:
7738      properties:
7739        links:
7740          type: object
7741          readOnly: true
7742          example:
7743            self: /api/v2/orgs/1
7744            members: /api/v2/orgs/1/members
7745            owners: /api/v2/orgs/1/owners
7746            labels: /api/v2/orgs/1/labels
7747            secrets: /api/v2/orgs/1/secrets
7748            buckets: /api/v2/buckets?org=myorg
7749            tasks: /api/v2/tasks?org=myorg
7750            dashboards: /api/v2/dashboards?org=myorg
7751          properties:
7752            self:
7753              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7754            members:
7755              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7756            owners:
7757              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7758            labels:
7759              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7760            secrets:
7761              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7762            buckets:
7763              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7764            tasks:
7765              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7766            dashboards:
7767              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
7768        id:
7769          readOnly: true
7770          type: string
7771        name:
7772          type: string
7773        description:
7774          type: string
7775        createdAt:
7776          type: string
7777          format: date-time
7778          readOnly: true
7779        updatedAt:
7780          type: string
7781          format: date-time
7782          readOnly: true
7783        status:
7784          description: If inactive the organization is inactive.
7785          default: active
7786          type: string
7787          enum:
7788            - active
7789            - inactive
7790      required:
7791        - name
7792    Organizations:
7793      type: object
7794      properties:
7795        links:
7796          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
7797        orgs:
7798          type: array
7799          items:
7800            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Organization'
7801    PostOrganizationRequest:
7802      type: object
7803      properties:
7804        name:
7805          type: string
7806        description:
7807          type: string
7808      required:
7809        - name
7810    PatchOrganizationRequest:
7811      type: object
7812      properties:
7813        name:
7814          type: string
7815          description: New name to set on the organization
7816        description:
7817          type: string
7818          description: New description to set on the organization
7819    TemplateApply:
7820      type: object
7821      properties:
7822        dryRun:
7823          type: boolean
7824        orgID:
7825          type: string
7826        stackID:
7827          type: string
7828        template:
7829          type: object
7830          properties:
7831            contentType:
7832              type: string
7833            sources:
7834              type: array
7835              items:
7836                type: string
7837            contents:
7838              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Template'
7839        templates:
7840          type: array
7841          items:
7842            type: object
7843            properties:
7844              contentType:
7845                type: string
7846              sources:
7847                type: array
7848                items:
7849                  type: string
7850              contents:
7851                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Template'
7852        envRefs:
7853          type: object
7854          additionalProperties:
7855            oneOf:
7856              - type: string
7857              - type: integer
7858              - type: number
7859              - type: boolean
7860        secrets:
7861          type: object
7862          additionalProperties:
7863            type: string
7864        remotes:
7865          type: array
7866          items:
7867            type: object
7868            properties:
7869              url:
7870                type: string
7871              contentType:
7872                type: string
7873            required:
7874              - url
7875        actions:
7876          type: array
7877          items:
7878            oneOf:
7879              - type: object
7880                properties:
7881                  action:
7882                    type: string
7883                    enum:
7884                      - skipKind
7885                  properties:
7886                    type: object
7887                    properties:
7888                      kind:
7889                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
7890                    required:
7891                      - kind
7892              - type: object
7893                properties:
7894                  action:
7895                    type: string
7896                    enum:
7897                      - skipResource
7898                  properties:
7899                    type: object
7900                    properties:
7901                      kind:
7902                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
7903                      resourceTemplateName:
7904                        type: string
7905                    required:
7906                      - kind
7907                      - resourceTemplateName
7908    TemplateKind:
7909      type: string
7910      enum:
7911        - Bucket
7912        - Check
7913        - CheckDeadman
7914        - CheckThreshold
7915        - Dashboard
7916        - Label
7917        - NotificationEndpoint
7918        - NotificationEndpointHTTP
7919        - NotificationEndpointPagerDuty
7920        - NotificationEndpointSlack
7921        - NotificationRule
7922        - Task
7923        - Telegraf
7924        - Variable
7925    TemplateExportByID:
7926      type: object
7927      properties:
7928        stackID:
7929          type: string
7930        orgIDs:
7931          type: array
7932          items:
7933            type: object
7934            properties:
7935              orgID:
7936                type: string
7937              resourceFilters:
7938                type: object
7939                properties:
7940                  byLabel:
7941                    type: array
7942                    items:
7943                      type: string
7944                  byResourceKind:
7945                    type: array
7946                    items:
7947                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
7948        resources:
7949          type: array
7950          items:
7951            type: object
7952            properties:
7953              id:
7954                type: string
7955              kind:
7956                $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
7957              name:
7958                type: string
7959                description: 'if defined with id, name is used for resource exported by id. if defined independently, resources strictly matching name are exported'
7960            required:
7961              - id
7962              - kind
7963    TemplateExportByName:
7964      type: object
7965      properties:
7966        stackID:
7967          type: string
7968        orgIDs:
7969          type: array
7970          items:
7971            type: object
7972            properties:
7973              orgID:
7974                type: string
7975              resourceFilters:
7976                type: object
7977                properties:
7978                  byLabel:
7979                    type: array
7980                    items:
7981                      type: string
7982                  byResourceKind:
7983                    type: array
7984                    items:
7985                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
7986        resources:
7987          type: array
7988          items:
7989            type: object
7990            properties:
7991              kind:
7992                $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
7993              name:
7994                type: string
7995            required:
7996              - name
7997              - kind
7998    Template:
7999      type: array
8000      items:
8001        type: object
8002        properties:
8003          apiVersion:
8004            type: string
8005          kind:
8006            $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8007          meta:
8008            type: object
8009            properties:
8010              name:
8011                type: string
8012          spec:
8013            type: object
8014    TemplateEnvReferences:
8015      type: array
8016      items:
8017        type: object
8018        properties:
8019          resourceField:
8020            type: string
8021            description: Field the environment reference corresponds too
8022          envRefKey:
8023            type: string
8024            description: Key identified as environment reference and is the key identified in the template
8025          value:
8026            description: Value provided to fulfill reference
8027            nullable: true
8028            oneOf:
8029              - type: string
8030              - type: integer
8031              - type: number
8032              - type: boolean
8033          defaultValue:
8034            description: Default value that will be provided for the reference when no value is provided
8035            nullable: true
8036            oneOf:
8037              - type: string
8038              - type: integer
8039              - type: number
8040              - type: boolean
8041        required:
8042          - resourceField
8043          - envRefKey
8044    TemplateSummary:
8045      type: object
8046      properties:
8047        sources:
8048          type: array
8049          items:
8050            type: string
8051        stackID:
8052          type: string
8053        summary:
8054          type: object
8055          properties:
8056            buckets:
8057              type: array
8058              items:
8059                type: object
8060                properties:
8061                  id:
8062                    type: string
8063                  orgID:
8064                    type: string
8065                  kind:
8066                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8067                  templateMetaName:
8068                    type: string
8069                  name:
8070                    type: string
8071                  description:
8072                    type: string
8073                  retentionPeriod:
8074                    type: integer
8075                  labelAssociations:
8076                    type: array
8077                    items:
8078                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateSummaryLabel'
8079                  envReferences:
8080                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateEnvReferences'
8081            checks:
8082              type: array
8083              items:
8084                allOf:
8085                  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckDiscriminator'
8086                  - type: object
8087                    properties:
8088                      kind:
8089                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8090                      templateMetaName:
8091                        type: string
8092                      labelAssociations:
8093                        type: array
8094                        items:
8095                          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateSummaryLabel'
8096                      envReferences:
8097                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateEnvReferences'
8098            dashboards:
8099              type: array
8100              items:
8101                type: object
8102                properties:
8103                  id:
8104                    type: string
8105                  orgID:
8106                    type: string
8107                  kind:
8108                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8109                  templateMetaName:
8110                    type: string
8111                  name:
8112                    type: string
8113                  description:
8114                    type: string
8115                  labelAssociations:
8116                    type: array
8117                    items:
8118                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateSummaryLabel'
8119                  charts:
8120                    type: array
8121                    items:
8122                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateChart'
8123                  envReferences:
8124                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateEnvReferences'
8125            labels:
8126              type: array
8127              items:
8128                $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateSummaryLabel'
8129            labelMappings:
8130              type: array
8131              items:
8132                type: object
8133                properties:
8134                  status:
8135                    type: string
8136                  resourceTemplateMetaName:
8137                    type: string
8138                  resourceName:
8139                    type: string
8140                  resourceID:
8141                    type: string
8142                  resourceType:
8143                    type: string
8144                  labelTemplateMetaName:
8145                    type: string
8146                  labelName:
8147                    type: string
8148                  labelID:
8149                    type: string
8150            missingEnvRefs:
8151              type: array
8152              items:
8153                type: string
8154            missingSecrets:
8155              type: array
8156              items:
8157                type: string
8158            notificationEndpoints:
8159              type: array
8160              items:
8161                allOf:
8162                  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointDiscriminator'
8163                  - type: object
8164                    properties:
8165                      kind:
8166                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8167                      templateMetaName:
8168                        type: string
8169                      labelAssociations:
8170                        type: array
8171                        items:
8172                          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateSummaryLabel'
8173                      envReferences:
8174                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateEnvReferences'
8175            notificationRules:
8176              type: array
8177              items:
8178                type: object
8179                properties:
8180                  kind:
8181                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8182                  templateMetaName:
8183                    type: string
8184                  name:
8185                    type: string
8186                  description:
8187                    type: string
8188                  endpointTemplateMetaName:
8189                    type: string
8190                  endpointID:
8191                    type: string
8192                  endpointType:
8193                    type: string
8194                  every:
8195                    type: string
8196                  offset:
8197                    type: string
8198                  messageTemplate:
8199                    type: string
8200                  status:
8201                    type: string
8202                  statusRules:
8203                    type: array
8204                    items:
8205                      type: object
8206                      properties:
8207                        currentLevel:
8208                          type: string
8209                        previousLevel:
8210                          type: string
8211                  tagRules:
8212                    type: array
8213                    items:
8214                      type: object
8215                      properties:
8216                        key:
8217                          type: string
8218                        value:
8219                          type: string
8220                        operator:
8221                          type: string
8222                  labelAssociations:
8223                    type: array
8224                    items:
8225                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateSummaryLabel'
8226                  envReferences:
8227                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateEnvReferences'
8228            tasks:
8229              type: array
8230              items:
8231                type: object
8232                properties:
8233                  kind:
8234                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8235                  templateMetaName:
8236                    type: string
8237                  id:
8238                    type: string
8239                  name:
8240                    type: string
8241                  cron:
8242                    type: string
8243                  description:
8244                    type: string
8245                  every:
8246                    type: string
8247                  offset:
8248                    type: string
8249                  query:
8250                    type: string
8251                  status:
8252                    type: string
8253                  envReferences:
8254                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateEnvReferences'
8255            telegrafConfigs:
8256              type: array
8257              items:
8258                allOf:
8259                  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegrafRequest'
8260                  - type: object
8261                    properties:
8262                      kind:
8263                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8264                      templateMetaName:
8265                        type: string
8266                      labelAssociations:
8267                        type: array
8268                        items:
8269                          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateSummaryLabel'
8270                      envReferences:
8271                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateEnvReferences'
8272            variables:
8273              type: array
8274              items:
8275                type: object
8276                properties:
8277                  kind:
8278                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8279                  templateMetaName:
8280                    type: string
8281                  id:
8282                    type: string
8283                  orgID:
8284                    type: string
8285                  name:
8286                    type: string
8287                  description:
8288                    type: string
8289                  arguments:
8290                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/VariableProperties'
8291                  labelAssociations:
8292                    type: array
8293                    items:
8294                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateSummaryLabel'
8295                  envReferences:
8296                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateEnvReferences'
8297        diff:
8298          type: object
8299          properties:
8300            buckets:
8301              type: array
8302              items:
8303                type: object
8304                properties:
8305                  kind:
8306                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8307                  stateStatus:
8308                    type: string
8309                  id:
8310                    type: string
8311                  templateMetaName:
8312                    type: string
8313                  new:
8314                    type: object
8315                    properties:
8316                      name:
8317                        type: string
8318                      description:
8319                        type: string
8320                      retentionRules:
8321                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/RetentionRules'
8322                  old:
8323                    type: object
8324                    properties:
8325                      name:
8326                        type: string
8327                      description:
8328                        type: string
8329                      retentionRules:
8330                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/RetentionRules'
8331            checks:
8332              type: array
8333              items:
8334                type: object
8335                properties:
8336                  kind:
8337                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8338                  stateStatus:
8339                    type: string
8340                  id:
8341                    type: string
8342                  templateMetaName:
8343                    type: string
8344                  new:
8345                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckDiscriminator'
8346                  old:
8347                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckDiscriminator'
8348            dashboards:
8349              type: array
8350              items:
8351                type: object
8352                properties:
8353                  stateStatus:
8354                    type: string
8355                  id:
8356                    type: string
8357                  kind:
8358                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8359                  templateMetaName:
8360                    type: string
8361                  new:
8362                    type: object
8363                    properties:
8364                      name:
8365                        type: string
8366                      description:
8367                        type: string
8368                      charts:
8369                        type: array
8370                        items:
8371                          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateChart'
8372                  old:
8373                    type: object
8374                    properties:
8375                      name:
8376                        type: string
8377                      description:
8378                        type: string
8379                      charts:
8380                        type: array
8381                        items:
8382                          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateChart'
8383            labels:
8384              type: array
8385              items:
8386                type: object
8387                properties:
8388                  stateStatus:
8389                    type: string
8390                  kind:
8391                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8392                  id:
8393                    type: string
8394                  templateMetaName:
8395                    type: string
8396                  new:
8397                    type: object
8398                    properties:
8399                      name:
8400                        type: string
8401                      color:
8402                        type: string
8403                      description:
8404                        type: string
8405                  old:
8406                    type: object
8407                    properties:
8408                      name:
8409                        type: string
8410                      color:
8411                        type: string
8412                      description:
8413                        type: string
8414            labelMappings:
8415              type: array
8416              items:
8417                type: object
8418                properties:
8419                  status:
8420                    type: string
8421                  resourceType:
8422                    type: string
8423                  resourceID:
8424                    type: string
8425                  resourceTemplateMetaName:
8426                    type: string
8427                  resourceName:
8428                    type: string
8429                  labelID:
8430                    type: string
8431                  labelTemplateMetaName:
8432                    type: string
8433                  labelName:
8434                    type: string
8435            notificationEndpoints:
8436              type: array
8437              items:
8438                type: object
8439                properties:
8440                  kind:
8441                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8442                  stateStatus:
8443                    type: string
8444                  id:
8445                    type: string
8446                  templateMetaName:
8447                    type: string
8448                  new:
8449                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointDiscriminator'
8450                  old:
8451                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointDiscriminator'
8452            notificationRules:
8453              type: array
8454              items:
8455                type: object
8456                properties:
8457                  kind:
8458                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8459                  stateStatus:
8460                    type: string
8461                  id:
8462                    type: string
8463                  templateMetaName:
8464                    type: string
8465                  new:
8466                    type: object
8467                    properties:
8468                      name:
8469                        type: string
8470                      description:
8471                        type: string
8472                      endpointName:
8473                        type: string
8474                      endpointID:
8475                        type: string
8476                      endpointType:
8477                        type: string
8478                      every:
8479                        type: string
8480                      offset:
8481                        type: string
8482                      messageTemplate:
8483                        type: string
8484                      status:
8485                        type: string
8486                      statusRules:
8487                        type: array
8488                        items:
8489                          type: object
8490                          properties:
8491                            currentLevel:
8492                              type: string
8493                            previousLevel:
8494                              type: string
8495                      tagRules:
8496                        type: array
8497                        items:
8498                          type: object
8499                          properties:
8500                            key:
8501                              type: string
8502                            value:
8503                              type: string
8504                            operator:
8505                              type: string
8506                  old:
8507                    type: object
8508                    properties:
8509                      name:
8510                        type: string
8511                      description:
8512                        type: string
8513                      endpointName:
8514                        type: string
8515                      endpointID:
8516                        type: string
8517                      endpointType:
8518                        type: string
8519                      every:
8520                        type: string
8521                      offset:
8522                        type: string
8523                      messageTemplate:
8524                        type: string
8525                      status:
8526                        type: string
8527                      statusRules:
8528                        type: array
8529                        items:
8530                          type: object
8531                          properties:
8532                            currentLevel:
8533                              type: string
8534                            previousLevel:
8535                              type: string
8536                      tagRules:
8537                        type: array
8538                        items:
8539                          type: object
8540                          properties:
8541                            key:
8542                              type: string
8543                            value:
8544                              type: string
8545                            operator:
8546                              type: string
8547            tasks:
8548              type: array
8549              items:
8550                type: object
8551                properties:
8552                  kind:
8553                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8554                  stateStatus:
8555                    type: string
8556                  id:
8557                    type: string
8558                  templateMetaName:
8559                    type: string
8560                  new:
8561                    type: object
8562                    properties:
8563                      name:
8564                        type: string
8565                      cron:
8566                        type: string
8567                      description:
8568                        type: string
8569                      every:
8570                        type: string
8571                      offset:
8572                        type: string
8573                      query:
8574                        type: string
8575                      status:
8576                        type: string
8577                  old:
8578                    type: object
8579                    properties:
8580                      name:
8581                        type: string
8582                      cron:
8583                        type: string
8584                      description:
8585                        type: string
8586                      every:
8587                        type: string
8588                      offset:
8589                        type: string
8590                      query:
8591                        type: string
8592                      status:
8593                        type: string
8594            telegrafConfigs:
8595              type: array
8596              items:
8597                type: object
8598                properties:
8599                  kind:
8600                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8601                  stateStatus:
8602                    type: string
8603                  id:
8604                    type: string
8605                  templateMetaName:
8606                    type: string
8607                  new:
8608                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegrafRequest'
8609                  old:
8610                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegrafRequest'
8611            variables:
8612              type: array
8613              items:
8614                type: object
8615                properties:
8616                  kind:
8617                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8618                  stateStatus:
8619                    type: string
8620                  id:
8621                    type: string
8622                  templateMetaName:
8623                    type: string
8624                  new:
8625                    type: object
8626                    properties:
8627                      name:
8628                        type: string
8629                      description:
8630                        type: string
8631                      args:
8632                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/VariableProperties'
8633                  old:
8634                    type: object
8635                    properties:
8636                      name:
8637                        type: string
8638                      description:
8639                        type: string
8640                      args:
8641                        $ref: '#/components/schemas/VariableProperties'
8642        errors:
8643          type: array
8644          items:
8645            type: object
8646            properties:
8647              kind:
8648                $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8649              reason:
8650                type: string
8651              fields:
8652                type: array
8653                items:
8654                  type: string
8655              indexes:
8656                type: array
8657                items:
8658                  type: integer
8659    TemplateSummaryLabel:
8660      type: object
8661      properties:
8662        id:
8663          type: string
8664        orgID:
8665          type: string
8666        kind:
8667          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8668        templateMetaName:
8669          type: string
8670        name:
8671          type: string
8672        properties:
8673          type: object
8674          properties:
8675            color:
8676              type: string
8677            description:
8678              type: string
8679        envReferences:
8680          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateEnvReferences'
8681    TemplateChart:
8682      type: object
8683      properties:
8684        xPos:
8685          type: integer
8686        yPos:
8687          type: integer
8688        height:
8689          type: integer
8690        width:
8691          type: integer
8692        properties:
8693          $ref: '#/components/schemas/ViewProperties'
8694    Stack:
8695      type: object
8696      properties:
8697        id:
8698          type: string
8699        orgID:
8700          type: string
8701        createdAt:
8702          type: string
8703          format: date-time
8704          readOnly: true
8705        events:
8706          type: array
8707          items:
8708            type: object
8709            properties:
8710              eventType:
8711                type: string
8712              name:
8713                type: string
8714              description:
8715                type: string
8716              sources:
8717                type: array
8718                items:
8719                  type: string
8720              resources:
8721                type: array
8722                items:
8723                  type: object
8724                  properties:
8725                    apiVersion:
8726                      type: string
8727                    resourceID:
8728                      type: string
8729                    kind:
8730                      $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8731                    templateMetaName:
8732                      type: string
8733                    associations:
8734                      type: array
8735                      items:
8736                        type: object
8737                        properties:
8738                          kind:
8739                            $ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateKind'
8740                          metaName:
8741                            type: string
8742                    links:
8743                      type: object
8744                      properties:
8745                        self:
8746                          type: string
8747              urls:
8748                type: array
8749                items:
8750                  type: string
8751              updatedAt:
8752                type: string
8753                format: date-time
8754                readOnly: true
8755    Runs:
8756      type: object
8757      properties:
8758        links:
8759          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
8760        runs:
8761          type: array
8762          items:
8763            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Run'
8764    Run:
8765      properties:
8766        id:
8767          readOnly: true
8768          type: string
8769        taskID:
8770          readOnly: true
8771          type: string
8772        status:
8773          readOnly: true
8774          type: string
8775          enum:
8776            - scheduled
8777            - started
8778            - failed
8779            - success
8780            - canceled
8781        scheduledFor:
8782          description: 'Time used for run''s "now" option, RFC3339.'
8783          type: string
8784          format: date-time
8785        log:
8786          description: An array of logs associated with the run.
8787          type: array
8788          readOnly: true
8789          items:
8790            $ref: '#/components/schemas/LogEvent'
8791        startedAt:
8792          readOnly: true
8793          description: 'Time run started executing, RFC3339Nano.'
8794          type: string
8795          format: date-time
8796        finishedAt:
8797          readOnly: true
8798          description: 'Time run finished executing, RFC3339Nano.'
8799          type: string
8800          format: date-time
8801        requestedAt:
8802          readOnly: true
8803          description: 'Time run was manually requested, RFC3339Nano.'
8804          type: string
8805          format: date-time
8806        links:
8807          type: object
8808          readOnly: true
8809          example:
8810            self: /api/v2/tasks/1/runs/1
8811            task: /api/v2/tasks/1
8812            retry: /api/v2/tasks/1/runs/1/retry
8813          properties:
8814            self:
8815              type: string
8816              format: uri
8817            task:
8818              type: string
8819              format: uri
8820            retry:
8821              type: string
8822              format: uri
8823    RunManually:
8824      properties:
8825        scheduledFor:
8826          nullable: true
8827          description: 'Time used for run''s "now" option, RFC3339.  Default is the server''s now time.'
8828          type: string
8829          format: date-time
8830    Tasks:
8831      type: object
8832      properties:
8833        links:
8834          readOnly: true
8835          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
8836        tasks:
8837          type: array
8838          items:
8839            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Task'
8840    Task:
8841      type: object
8842      properties:
8843        id:
8844          readOnly: true
8845          type: string
8846        type:
8847          description: 'The type of task, this can be used for filtering tasks on list actions.'
8848          type: string
8849        orgID:
8850          description: The ID of the organization that owns this Task.
8851          type: string
8852        org:
8853          description: The name of the organization that owns this Task.
8854          type: string
8855        name:
8856          description: The name of the task.
8857          type: string
8858        ownerID:
8859          description: The ID of the user who owns this Task.
8860          type: string
8861        description:
8862          description: An optional description of the task.
8863          type: string
8864        status:
8865          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskStatusType'
8866        labels:
8867          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Labels'
8868        authorizationID:
8869          description: The ID of the authorization used when this task communicates with the query engine.
8870          type: string
8871        flux:
8872          description: The Flux script to run for this task.
8873          type: string
8874        every:
8875          description: A simple task repetition schedule; parsed from Flux.
8876          type: string
8877        cron:
8878          description: A task repetition schedule in the form '* * * * * *'; parsed from Flux.
8879          type: string
8880        offset:
8881          description: 'Duration to delay after the schedule, before executing the task; parsed from flux, if set to zero it will remove this option and use 0 as the default.'
8882          type: string
8883        latestCompleted:
8884          description: 'Timestamp of latest scheduled, completed run, RFC3339.'
8885          type: string
8886          format: date-time
8887          readOnly: true
8888        lastRunStatus:
8889          readOnly: true
8890          type: string
8891          enum:
8892            - failed
8893            - success
8894            - canceled
8895        lastRunError:
8896          readOnly: true
8897          type: string
8898        createdAt:
8899          type: string
8900          format: date-time
8901          readOnly: true
8902        updatedAt:
8903          type: string
8904          format: date-time
8905          readOnly: true
8906        links:
8907          type: object
8908          readOnly: true
8909          example:
8910            self: /api/v2/tasks/1
8911            owners: /api/v2/tasks/1/owners
8912            members: /api/v2/tasks/1/members
8913            labels: /api/v2/tasks/1/labels
8914            runs: /api/v2/tasks/1/runs
8915            logs: /api/v2/tasks/1/logs
8916          properties:
8917            self:
8918              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
8919            owners:
8920              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
8921            members:
8922              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
8923            runs:
8924              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
8925            logs:
8926              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
8927            labels:
8928              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
8929      required:
8930        - id
8931        - name
8932        - orgID
8933        - flux
8934    TaskStatusType:
8935      type: string
8936      enum:
8937        - active
8938        - inactive
8939    UserResponse:
8940      properties:
8941        id:
8942          readOnly: true
8943          type: string
8944        oauthID:
8945          type: string
8946        name:
8947          type: string
8948        status:
8949          description: If inactive the user is inactive.
8950          default: active
8951          type: string
8952          enum:
8953            - active
8954            - inactive
8955        links:
8956          type: object
8957          readOnly: true
8958          example:
8959            self: /api/v2/users/1
8960          properties:
8961            self:
8962              type: string
8963              format: uri
8964      required:
8965        - name
8966    Flags:
8967      type: object
8968      additionalProperties: true
8969    ResourceMember:
8970      allOf:
8971        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserResponse'
8972        - type: object
8973          properties:
8974            role:
8975              type: string
8976              default: member
8977              enum:
8978                - member
8979    ResourceMembers:
8980      type: object
8981      properties:
8982        links:
8983          type: object
8984          properties:
8985            self:
8986              type: string
8987              format: uri
8988        users:
8989          type: array
8990          items:
8991            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceMember'
8992    ResourceOwner:
8993      allOf:
8994        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserResponse'
8995        - type: object
8996          properties:
8997            role:
8998              type: string
8999              default: owner
9000              enum:
9001                - owner
9002    ResourceOwners:
9003      type: object
9004      properties:
9005        links:
9006          type: object
9007          properties:
9008            self:
9009              type: string
9010              format: uri
9011        users:
9012          type: array
9013          items:
9014            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceOwner'
9015    FluxSuggestions:
9016      type: object
9017      properties:
9018        funcs:
9019          type: array
9020          items:
9021            $ref: '#/components/schemas/FluxSuggestion'
9022    FluxSuggestion:
9023      type: object
9024      properties:
9025        name:
9026          type: string
9027        params:
9028          type: object
9029          additionalProperties:
9030            type: string
9031    Routes:
9032      properties:
9033        authorizations:
9034          type: string
9035          format: uri
9036        buckets:
9037          type: string
9038          format: uri
9039        dashboards:
9040          type: string
9041          format: uri
9042        external:
9043          type: object
9044          properties:
9045            statusFeed:
9046              type: string
9047              format: uri
9048        variables:
9049          type: string
9050          format: uri
9051        me:
9052          type: string
9053          format: uri
9054        flags:
9055          type: string
9056          format: uri
9057        orgs:
9058          type: string
9059          format: uri
9060        query:
9061          type: object
9062          properties:
9063            self:
9064              type: string
9065              format: uri
9066            ast:
9067              type: string
9068              format: uri
9069            analyze:
9070              type: string
9071              format: uri
9072            suggestions:
9073              type: string
9074              format: uri
9075        setup:
9076          type: string
9077          format: uri
9078        signin:
9079          type: string
9080          format: uri
9081        signout:
9082          type: string
9083          format: uri
9084        sources:
9085          type: string
9086          format: uri
9087        system:
9088          type: object
9089          properties:
9090            metrics:
9091              type: string
9092              format: uri
9093            debug:
9094              type: string
9095              format: uri
9096            health:
9097              type: string
9098              format: uri
9099        tasks:
9100          type: string
9101          format: uri
9102        telegrafs:
9103          type: string
9104          format: uri
9105        users:
9106          type: string
9107          format: uri
9108        write:
9109          type: string
9110          format: uri
9111    Error:
9112      properties:
9113        code:
9114          description: code is the machine-readable error code.
9115          readOnly: true
9116          type: string
9117          enum:
9118            - internal error
9119            - not found
9120            - conflict
9121            - invalid
9122            - unprocessable entity
9123            - empty value
9124            - unavailable
9125            - forbidden
9126            - too many requests
9127            - unauthorized
9128            - method not allowed
9129            - request too large
9130            - unsupported media type
9131        message:
9132          readOnly: true
9133          description: message is a human-readable message.
9134          type: string
9135        op:
9136          readOnly: true
9137          description: op describes the logical code operation during error. Useful for debugging.
9138          type: string
9139        err:
9140          readOnly: true
9141          description: err is a stack of errors that occurred during processing of the request. Useful for debugging.
9142          type: string
9143      required:
9144        - code
9145        - message
9146    LineProtocolError:
9147      properties:
9148        code:
9149          description: Code is the machine-readable error code.
9150          readOnly: true
9151          type: string
9152          enum:
9153            - internal error
9154            - not found
9155            - conflict
9156            - invalid
9157            - empty value
9158            - unavailable
9159        message:
9160          readOnly: true
9161          description: Message is a human-readable message.
9162          type: string
9163        op:
9164          readOnly: true
9165          description: Op describes the logical code operation during error. Useful for debugging.
9166          type: string
9167        err:
9168          readOnly: true
9169          description: Err is a stack of errors that occurred during processing of the request. Useful for debugging.
9170          type: string
9171        line:
9172          readOnly: true
9173          description: First line within sent body containing malformed data
9174          type: integer
9175          format: int32
9176      required:
9177        - code
9178        - message
9179        - op
9180        - err
9181    LineProtocolLengthError:
9182      properties:
9183        code:
9184          description: Code is the machine-readable error code.
9185          readOnly: true
9186          type: string
9187          enum:
9188            - invalid
9189        message:
9190          readOnly: true
9191          description: Message is a human-readable message.
9192          type: string
9193        maxLength:
9194          readOnly: true
9195          description: Max length in bytes for a body of line-protocol.
9196          type: integer
9197          format: int32
9198      required:
9199        - code
9200        - message
9201        - maxLength
9202    Field:
9203      type: object
9204      properties:
9205        value:
9206          description: value is the value of the field.  Meaning of the value is implied by the `type` key
9207          type: string
9208        type:
9209          description: '`type` describes the field type. `func` is a function. `field` is a field reference.'
9210          type: string
9211          enum:
9212            - func
9213            - field
9214            - integer
9215            - number
9216            - regex
9217            - wildcard
9218        alias:
9219          description: Alias overrides the field name in the returned response.  Applies only if type is `func`
9220          type: string
9221        args:
9222          description: Args are the arguments to the function
9223          type: array
9224          items:
9225            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Field'
9226    BuilderConfig:
9227      type: object
9228      properties:
9229        buckets:
9230          type: array
9231          items:
9232            type: string
9233        tags:
9234          type: array
9235          items:
9236            $ref: '#/components/schemas/BuilderTagsType'
9237        functions:
9238          type: array
9239          items:
9240            $ref: '#/components/schemas/BuilderFunctionsType'
9241        aggregateWindow:
9242          type: object
9243          properties:
9244            period:
9245              type: string
9246            fillValues:
9247              type: boolean
9248    BuilderTagsType:
9249      type: object
9250      properties:
9251        key:
9252          type: string
9253        values:
9254          type: array
9255          items:
9256            type: string
9257        aggregateFunctionType:
9258          $ref: '#/components/schemas/BuilderAggregateFunctionType'
9259    BuilderAggregateFunctionType:
9260      type: string
9261      enum:
9262        - filter
9263        - group
9264    BuilderFunctionsType:
9265      type: object
9266      properties:
9267        name:
9268          type: string
9269    DashboardQuery:
9270      type: object
9271      properties:
9272        text:
9273          type: string
9274          description: The text of the Flux query.
9275        editMode:
9276          $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryEditMode'
9277        name:
9278          type: string
9279        builderConfig:
9280          $ref: '#/components/schemas/BuilderConfig'
9281    QueryEditMode:
9282      type: string
9283      enum:
9284        - builder
9285        - advanced
9286    Axis:
9287      type: object
9288      description: The description of a particular axis for a visualization.
9289      properties:
9290        bounds:
9291          type: array
9292          minItems: 0
9293          maxItems: 2
9294          description: 'The extents of an axis in the form [lower, upper]. Clients determine whether bounds are to be inclusive or exclusive of their limits'
9295          items:
9296            type: string
9297        label:
9298          description: Label is a description of this Axis
9299          type: string
9300        prefix:
9301          description: Prefix represents a label prefix for formatting axis values.
9302          type: string
9303        suffix:
9304          description: Suffix represents a label suffix for formatting axis values.
9305          type: string
9306        base:
9307          description: Base represents the radix for formatting axis values.
9308          type: string
9309          enum:
9310            - ''
9311            - '2'
9312            - '10'
9313        scale:
9314          $ref: '#/components/schemas/AxisScale'
9315    AxisScale:
9316      description: 'Scale is the axis formatting scale. Supported: "log", "linear"'
9317      type: string
9318      enum:
9319        - log
9320        - linear
9321    DashboardColor:
9322      type: object
9323      description: Defines an encoding of data value into color space.
9324      required:
9325        - id
9326        - type
9327        - hex
9328        - name
9329        - value
9330      properties:
9331        id:
9332          description: The unique ID of the view color.
9333          type: string
9334        type:
9335          description: Type is how the color is used.
9336          type: string
9337          enum:
9338            - min
9339            - max
9340            - threshold
9341            - scale
9342            - text
9343            - background
9344        hex:
9345          description: The hex number of the color
9346          type: string
9347          maxLength: 7
9348          minLength: 7
9349        name:
9350          description: The user-facing name of the hex color.
9351          type: string
9352        value:
9353          description: The data value mapped to this color.
9354          type: number
9355          format: float
9356    RenamableField:
9357      description: Describes a field that can be renamed and made visible or invisible.
9358      type: object
9359      properties:
9360        internalName:
9361          description: The calculated name of a field.
9362          readOnly: true
9363          type: string
9364        displayName:
9365          description: The name that a field is renamed to by the user.
9366          type: string
9367        visible:
9368          description: Indicates whether this field should be visible on the table.
9369          type: boolean
9370    XYViewProperties:
9371      type: object
9372      required:
9373        - type
9374        - geom
9375        - queries
9376        - shape
9377        - axes
9378        - colors
9379        - note
9380        - showNoteWhenEmpty
9381        - position
9382      properties:
9383        timeFormat:
9384          type: string
9385        type:
9386          type: string
9387          enum:
9388            - xy
9389        queries:
9390          type: array
9391          items:
9392            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
9393        colors:
9394          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
9395          type: array
9396          items:
9397            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
9398        shape:
9399          type: string
9400          enum:
9401            - chronograf-v2
9402        note:
9403          type: string
9404        showNoteWhenEmpty:
9405          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
9406          type: boolean
9407        axes:
9408          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Axes'
9409        staticLegend:
9410          $ref: '#/components/schemas/StaticLegend'
9411        xColumn:
9412          type: string
9413        generateXAxisTicks:
9414          type: array
9415          items:
9416            type: string
9417        xTotalTicks:
9418          type: integer
9419        xTickStart:
9420          type: number
9421          format: float
9422        xTickStep:
9423          type: number
9424          format: float
9425        yColumn:
9426          type: string
9427        generateYAxisTicks:
9428          type: array
9429          items:
9430            type: string
9431        yTotalTicks:
9432          type: integer
9433        yTickStart:
9434          type: number
9435          format: float
9436        yTickStep:
9437          type: number
9438          format: float
9439        shadeBelow:
9440          type: boolean
9441        hoverDimension:
9442          type: string
9443          enum:
9444            - auto
9445            - x
9446            - 'y'
9447            - xy
9448        position:
9449          type: string
9450          enum:
9451            - overlaid
9452            - stacked
9453        geom:
9454          $ref: '#/components/schemas/XYGeom'
9455        legendColorizeRows:
9456          type: boolean
9457        legendHide:
9458          type: boolean
9459        legendOpacity:
9460          type: number
9461          format: float
9462        legendOrientationThreshold:
9463          type: integer
9464    XYGeom:
9465      type: string
9466      enum:
9467        - line
9468        - step
9469        - stacked
9470        - bar
9471        - monotoneX
9472    BandViewProperties:
9473      type: object
9474      required:
9475        - type
9476        - geom
9477        - queries
9478        - shape
9479        - axes
9480        - colors
9481        - note
9482        - showNoteWhenEmpty
9483      properties:
9484        timeFormat:
9485          type: string
9486        type:
9487          type: string
9488          enum:
9489            - band
9490        queries:
9491          type: array
9492          items:
9493            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
9494        colors:
9495          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
9496          type: array
9497          items:
9498            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
9499        shape:
9500          type: string
9501          enum:
9502            - chronograf-v2
9503        note:
9504          type: string
9505        showNoteWhenEmpty:
9506          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
9507          type: boolean
9508        axes:
9509          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Axes'
9510        staticLegend:
9511          $ref: '#/components/schemas/StaticLegend'
9512        xColumn:
9513          type: string
9514        generateXAxisTicks:
9515          type: array
9516          items:
9517            type: string
9518        xTotalTicks:
9519          type: integer
9520        xTickStart:
9521          type: number
9522          format: float
9523        xTickStep:
9524          type: number
9525          format: float
9526        yColumn:
9527          type: string
9528        generateYAxisTicks:
9529          type: array
9530          items:
9531            type: string
9532        yTotalTicks:
9533          type: integer
9534        yTickStart:
9535          type: number
9536          format: float
9537        yTickStep:
9538          type: number
9539          format: float
9540        upperColumn:
9541          type: string
9542        mainColumn:
9543          type: string
9544        lowerColumn:
9545          type: string
9546        hoverDimension:
9547          type: string
9548          enum:
9549            - auto
9550            - x
9551            - 'y'
9552            - xy
9553        geom:
9554          $ref: '#/components/schemas/XYGeom'
9555        legendColorizeRows:
9556          type: boolean
9557        legendHide:
9558          type: boolean
9559        legendOpacity:
9560          type: number
9561          format: float
9562        legendOrientationThreshold:
9563          type: integer
9564    LinePlusSingleStatProperties:
9565      type: object
9566      required:
9567        - type
9568        - queries
9569        - shape
9570        - axes
9571        - colors
9572        - note
9573        - showNoteWhenEmpty
9574        - prefix
9575        - suffix
9576        - decimalPlaces
9577        - position
9578      properties:
9579        timeFormat:
9580          type: string
9581        type:
9582          type: string
9583          enum:
9584            - line-plus-single-stat
9585        queries:
9586          type: array
9587          items:
9588            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
9589        colors:
9590          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
9591          type: array
9592          items:
9593            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
9594        shape:
9595          type: string
9596          enum:
9597            - chronograf-v2
9598        note:
9599          type: string
9600        showNoteWhenEmpty:
9601          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
9602          type: boolean
9603        axes:
9604          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Axes'
9605        staticLegend:
9606          $ref: '#/components/schemas/StaticLegend'
9607        xColumn:
9608          type: string
9609        generateXAxisTicks:
9610          type: array
9611          items:
9612            type: string
9613        xTotalTicks:
9614          type: integer
9615        xTickStart:
9616          type: number
9617          format: float
9618        xTickStep:
9619          type: number
9620          format: float
9621        yColumn:
9622          type: string
9623        generateYAxisTicks:
9624          type: array
9625          items:
9626            type: string
9627        yTotalTicks:
9628          type: integer
9629        yTickStart:
9630          type: number
9631          format: float
9632        yTickStep:
9633          type: number
9634          format: float
9635        shadeBelow:
9636          type: boolean
9637        hoverDimension:
9638          type: string
9639          enum:
9640            - auto
9641            - x
9642            - 'y'
9643            - xy
9644        position:
9645          type: string
9646          enum:
9647            - overlaid
9648            - stacked
9649        prefix:
9650          type: string
9651        suffix:
9652          type: string
9653        decimalPlaces:
9654          $ref: '#/components/schemas/DecimalPlaces'
9655        legendColorizeRows:
9656          type: boolean
9657        legendHide:
9658          type: boolean
9659        legendOpacity:
9660          type: number
9661          format: float
9662        legendOrientationThreshold:
9663          type: integer
9664    MosaicViewProperties:
9665      type: object
9666      required:
9667        - type
9668        - queries
9669        - colors
9670        - shape
9671        - note
9672        - showNoteWhenEmpty
9673        - xColumn
9674        - ySeriesColumns
9675        - fillColumns
9676        - xDomain
9677        - yDomain
9678        - xAxisLabel
9679        - yAxisLabel
9680        - xPrefix
9681        - yPrefix
9682        - xSuffix
9683        - ySuffix
9684      properties:
9685        timeFormat:
9686          type: string
9687        type:
9688          type: string
9689          enum:
9690            - mosaic
9691        queries:
9692          type: array
9693          items:
9694            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
9695        colors:
9696          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
9697          type: array
9698          items:
9699            type: string
9700        shape:
9701          type: string
9702          enum:
9703            - chronograf-v2
9704        note:
9705          type: string
9706        showNoteWhenEmpty:
9707          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
9708          type: boolean
9709        xColumn:
9710          type: string
9711        generateXAxisTicks:
9712          type: array
9713          items:
9714            type: string
9715        xTotalTicks:
9716          type: integer
9717        xTickStart:
9718          type: number
9719          format: float
9720        xTickStep:
9721          type: number
9722          format: float
9723        yLabelColumnSeparator:
9724          type: string
9725        yLabelColumns:
9726          type: array
9727          items:
9728            type: string
9729        ySeriesColumns:
9730          type: array
9731          items:
9732            type: string
9733        fillColumns:
9734          type: array
9735          items:
9736            type: string
9737        xDomain:
9738          type: array
9739          items:
9740            type: number
9741          maxItems: 2
9742        yDomain:
9743          type: array
9744          items:
9745            type: number
9746          maxItems: 2
9747        xAxisLabel:
9748          type: string
9749        yAxisLabel:
9750          type: string
9751        xPrefix:
9752          type: string
9753        xSuffix:
9754          type: string
9755        yPrefix:
9756          type: string
9757        ySuffix:
9758          type: string
9759        hoverDimension:
9760          type: string
9761          enum:
9762            - auto
9763            - x
9764            - 'y'
9765            - xy
9766        legendColorizeRows:
9767          type: boolean
9768        legendHide:
9769          type: boolean
9770        legendOpacity:
9771          type: number
9772          format: float
9773        legendOrientationThreshold:
9774          type: integer
9775    ScatterViewProperties:
9776      type: object
9777      required:
9778        - type
9779        - queries
9780        - colors
9781        - shape
9782        - note
9783        - showNoteWhenEmpty
9784        - xColumn
9785        - yColumn
9786        - fillColumns
9787        - symbolColumns
9788        - xDomain
9789        - yDomain
9790        - xAxisLabel
9791        - yAxisLabel
9792        - xPrefix
9793        - yPrefix
9794        - xSuffix
9795        - ySuffix
9796      properties:
9797        timeFormat:
9798          type: string
9799        type:
9800          type: string
9801          enum:
9802            - scatter
9803        queries:
9804          type: array
9805          items:
9806            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
9807        colors:
9808          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
9809          type: array
9810          items:
9811            type: string
9812        shape:
9813          type: string
9814          enum:
9815            - chronograf-v2
9816        note:
9817          type: string
9818        showNoteWhenEmpty:
9819          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
9820          type: boolean
9821        xColumn:
9822          type: string
9823        generateXAxisTicks:
9824          type: array
9825          items:
9826            type: string
9827        xTotalTicks:
9828          type: integer
9829        xTickStart:
9830          type: number
9831          format: float
9832        xTickStep:
9833          type: number
9834          format: float
9835        yColumn:
9836          type: string
9837        generateYAxisTicks:
9838          type: array
9839          items:
9840            type: string
9841        yTotalTicks:
9842          type: integer
9843        yTickStart:
9844          type: number
9845          format: float
9846        yTickStep:
9847          type: number
9848          format: float
9849        fillColumns:
9850          type: array
9851          items:
9852            type: string
9853        symbolColumns:
9854          type: array
9855          items:
9856            type: string
9857        xDomain:
9858          type: array
9859          items:
9860            type: number
9861          maxItems: 2
9862        yDomain:
9863          type: array
9864          items:
9865            type: number
9866          maxItems: 2
9867        xAxisLabel:
9868          type: string
9869        yAxisLabel:
9870          type: string
9871        xPrefix:
9872          type: string
9873        xSuffix:
9874          type: string
9875        yPrefix:
9876          type: string
9877        ySuffix:
9878          type: string
9879        legendColorizeRows:
9880          type: boolean
9881        legendHide:
9882          type: boolean
9883        legendOpacity:
9884          type: number
9885          format: float
9886        legendOrientationThreshold:
9887          type: integer
9888    HeatmapViewProperties:
9889      type: object
9890      required:
9891        - type
9892        - queries
9893        - colors
9894        - shape
9895        - note
9896        - showNoteWhenEmpty
9897        - xColumn
9898        - yColumn
9899        - xDomain
9900        - yDomain
9901        - xAxisLabel
9902        - yAxisLabel
9903        - xPrefix
9904        - yPrefix
9905        - xSuffix
9906        - ySuffix
9907        - binSize
9908      properties:
9909        timeFormat:
9910          type: string
9911        type:
9912          type: string
9913          enum:
9914            - heatmap
9915        queries:
9916          type: array
9917          items:
9918            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
9919        colors:
9920          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
9921          type: array
9922          items:
9923            type: string
9924        shape:
9925          type: string
9926          enum:
9927            - chronograf-v2
9928        note:
9929          type: string
9930        showNoteWhenEmpty:
9931          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
9932          type: boolean
9933        xColumn:
9934          type: string
9935        generateXAxisTicks:
9936          type: array
9937          items:
9938            type: string
9939        xTotalTicks:
9940          type: integer
9941        xTickStart:
9942          type: number
9943          format: float
9944        xTickStep:
9945          type: number
9946          format: float
9947        yColumn:
9948          type: string
9949        generateYAxisTicks:
9950          type: array
9951          items:
9952            type: string
9953        yTotalTicks:
9954          type: integer
9955        yTickStart:
9956          type: number
9957          format: float
9958        yTickStep:
9959          type: number
9960          format: float
9961        xDomain:
9962          type: array
9963          items:
9964            type: number
9965          maxItems: 2
9966        yDomain:
9967          type: array
9968          items:
9969            type: number
9970          maxItems: 2
9971        xAxisLabel:
9972          type: string
9973        yAxisLabel:
9974          type: string
9975        xPrefix:
9976          type: string
9977        xSuffix:
9978          type: string
9979        yPrefix:
9980          type: string
9981        ySuffix:
9982          type: string
9983        binSize:
9984          type: number
9985        legendColorizeRows:
9986          type: boolean
9987        legendHide:
9988          type: boolean
9989        legendOpacity:
9990          type: number
9991          format: float
9992        legendOrientationThreshold:
9993          type: integer
9994    SingleStatViewProperties:
9995      type: object
9996      required:
9997        - type
9998        - queries
9999        - colors
10000        - shape
10001        - note
10002        - showNoteWhenEmpty
10003        - prefix
10004        - tickPrefix
10005        - suffix
10006        - tickSuffix
10007        - decimalPlaces
10008      properties:
10009        type:
10010          type: string
10011          enum:
10012            - single-stat
10013        queries:
10014          type: array
10015          items:
10016            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
10017        colors:
10018          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
10019          type: array
10020          items:
10021            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
10022        shape:
10023          type: string
10024          enum:
10025            - chronograf-v2
10026        note:
10027          type: string
10028        showNoteWhenEmpty:
10029          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
10030          type: boolean
10031        prefix:
10032          type: string
10033        tickPrefix:
10034          type: string
10035        suffix:
10036          type: string
10037        tickSuffix:
10038          type: string
10039        staticLegend:
10040          $ref: '#/components/schemas/StaticLegend'
10041        decimalPlaces:
10042          $ref: '#/components/schemas/DecimalPlaces'
10043    HistogramViewProperties:
10044      type: object
10045      required:
10046        - type
10047        - queries
10048        - colors
10049        - shape
10050        - note
10051        - showNoteWhenEmpty
10052        - xColumn
10053        - fillColumns
10054        - xDomain
10055        - xAxisLabel
10056        - position
10057        - binCount
10058      properties:
10059        type:
10060          type: string
10061          enum:
10062            - histogram
10063        queries:
10064          type: array
10065          items:
10066            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
10067        colors:
10068          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
10069          type: array
10070          items:
10071            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
10072        shape:
10073          type: string
10074          enum:
10075            - chronograf-v2
10076        note:
10077          type: string
10078        showNoteWhenEmpty:
10079          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
10080          type: boolean
10081        xColumn:
10082          type: string
10083        fillColumns:
10084          type: array
10085          items:
10086            type: string
10087        xDomain:
10088          type: array
10089          items:
10090            type: number
10091            format: float
10092        xAxisLabel:
10093          type: string
10094        position:
10095          type: string
10096          enum:
10097            - overlaid
10098            - stacked
10099        binCount:
10100          type: integer
10101        legendColorizeRows:
10102          type: boolean
10103        legendHide:
10104          type: boolean
10105        legendOpacity:
10106          type: number
10107          format: float
10108        legendOrientationThreshold:
10109          type: integer
10110    GaugeViewProperties:
10111      type: object
10112      required:
10113        - type
10114        - queries
10115        - colors
10116        - shape
10117        - note
10118        - showNoteWhenEmpty
10119        - prefix
10120        - tickPrefix
10121        - suffix
10122        - tickSuffix
10123        - decimalPlaces
10124      properties:
10125        type:
10126          type: string
10127          enum:
10128            - gauge
10129        queries:
10130          type: array
10131          items:
10132            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
10133        colors:
10134          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
10135          type: array
10136          items:
10137            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
10138        shape:
10139          type: string
10140          enum:
10141            - chronograf-v2
10142        note:
10143          type: string
10144        showNoteWhenEmpty:
10145          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
10146          type: boolean
10147        prefix:
10148          type: string
10149        tickPrefix:
10150          type: string
10151        suffix:
10152          type: string
10153        tickSuffix:
10154          type: string
10155        decimalPlaces:
10156          $ref: '#/components/schemas/DecimalPlaces'
10157    TableViewProperties:
10158      type: object
10159      required:
10160        - type
10161        - queries
10162        - colors
10163        - shape
10164        - note
10165        - showNoteWhenEmpty
10166        - tableOptions
10167        - fieldOptions
10168        - timeFormat
10169        - decimalPlaces
10170      properties:
10171        type:
10172          type: string
10173          enum:
10174            - table
10175        queries:
10176          type: array
10177          items:
10178            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
10179        colors:
10180          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
10181          type: array
10182          items:
10183            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
10184        shape:
10185          type: string
10186          enum:
10187            - chronograf-v2
10188        note:
10189          type: string
10190        showNoteWhenEmpty:
10191          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
10192          type: boolean
10193        tableOptions:
10194          type: object
10195          properties:
10196            verticalTimeAxis:
10197              description: verticalTimeAxis describes the orientation of the table by indicating whether the time axis will be displayed vertically
10198              type: boolean
10199            sortBy:
10200              $ref: '#/components/schemas/RenamableField'
10201            wrapping:
10202              description: Wrapping describes the text wrapping style to be used in table views
10203              type: string
10204              enum:
10205                - truncate
10206                - wrap
10207                - single-line
10208            fixFirstColumn:
10209              description: fixFirstColumn indicates whether the first column of the table should be locked
10210              type: boolean
10211        fieldOptions:
10212          description: fieldOptions represent the fields retrieved by the query with customization options
10213          type: array
10214          items:
10215            $ref: '#/components/schemas/RenamableField'
10216        timeFormat:
10217          description: timeFormat describes the display format for time values according to moment.js date formatting
10218          type: string
10219        decimalPlaces:
10220          $ref: '#/components/schemas/DecimalPlaces'
10221    SimpleTableViewProperties:
10222      type: object
10223      required:
10224        - type
10225        - showAll
10226        - queries
10227        - shape
10228        - note
10229        - showNoteWhenEmpty
10230      properties:
10231        type:
10232          type: string
10233          enum:
10234            - simple-table
10235        showAll:
10236          type: boolean
10237        queries:
10238          type: array
10239          items:
10240            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
10241        shape:
10242          type: string
10243          enum:
10244            - chronograf-v2
10245        note:
10246          type: string
10247        showNoteWhenEmpty:
10248          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
10249          type: boolean
10250    MarkdownViewProperties:
10251      type: object
10252      required:
10253        - type
10254        - shape
10255        - note
10256      properties:
10257        type:
10258          type: string
10259          enum:
10260            - markdown
10261        shape:
10262          type: string
10263          enum:
10264            - chronograf-v2
10265        note:
10266          type: string
10267    CheckViewProperties:
10268      type: object
10269      required:
10270        - type
10271        - shape
10272        - checkID
10273        - queries
10274        - colors
10275      properties:
10276        type:
10277          type: string
10278          enum:
10279            - check
10280        shape:
10281          type: string
10282          enum:
10283            - chronograf-v2
10284        checkID:
10285          type: string
10286        check:
10287          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check'
10288        queries:
10289          type: array
10290          items:
10291            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
10292        colors:
10293          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
10294          type: array
10295          items:
10296            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
10297        legendColorizeRows:
10298          type: boolean
10299        legendHide:
10300          type: boolean
10301        legendOpacity:
10302          type: number
10303          format: float
10304        legendOrientationThreshold:
10305          type: integer
10306    GeoViewLayer:
10307      type: object
10308      oneOf:
10309        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoCircleViewLayer'
10310        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoHeatMapViewLayer'
10311        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoPointMapViewLayer'
10312        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoTrackMapViewLayer'
10313    GeoViewLayerProperties:
10314      type: object
10315      required:
10316        - type
10317      properties:
10318        type:
10319          type: string
10320          enum:
10321            - heatmap
10322            - circleMap
10323            - pointMap
10324            - trackMap
10325    GeoCircleViewLayer:
10326      allOf:
10327        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoViewLayerProperties'
10328        - type: object
10329          required:
10330            - radiusField
10331            - radiusDimension
10332            - colorField
10333            - colorDimension
10334            - colors
10335          properties:
10336            radiusField:
10337              type: string
10338              description: Radius field
10339            radiusDimension:
10340              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Axis'
10341            colorField:
10342              type: string
10343              description: Circle color field
10344            colorDimension:
10345              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Axis'
10346            colors:
10347              description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
10348              type: array
10349              items:
10350                $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
10351            radius:
10352              description: Maximum radius size in pixels
10353              type: integer
10354            interpolateColors:
10355              description: Interpolate circle color based on displayed value
10356              type: boolean
10357    GeoPointMapViewLayer:
10358      allOf:
10359        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoViewLayerProperties'
10360        - type: object
10361          required:
10362            - colorField
10363            - colorDimension
10364            - colors
10365          properties:
10366            colorField:
10367              type: string
10368              description: Marker color field
10369            colorDimension:
10370              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Axis'
10371            colors:
10372              description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
10373              type: array
10374              items:
10375                $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
10376            isClustered:
10377              description: Cluster close markers together
10378              type: boolean
10379            tooltipColumns:
10380              description: An array for which columns to display in tooltip
10381              type: array
10382              items:
10383                type: string
10384    GeoTrackMapViewLayer:
10385      allOf:
10386        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoViewLayerProperties'
10387        - type: object
10388          required:
10389            - trackWidth
10390            - speed
10391            - randomColors
10392            - trackPointVisualization
10393      properties:
10394        trackWidth:
10395          description: Width of the track
10396          type: integer
10397        speed:
10398          description: Speed of the track animation
10399          type: integer
10400        randomColors:
10401          description: Assign different colors to different tracks
10402          type: boolean
10403        colors:
10404          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
10405          type: array
10406          items:
10407            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
10408    GeoHeatMapViewLayer:
10409      allOf:
10410        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoViewLayerProperties'
10411        - type: object
10412          required:
10413            - intensityField
10414            - intensityDimension
10415            - radius
10416            - blur
10417            - colors
10418          properties:
10419            intensityField:
10420              type: string
10421              description: Intensity field
10422            intensityDimension:
10423              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Axis'
10424            radius:
10425              description: Radius size in pixels
10426              type: integer
10427            blur:
10428              description: Blur for heatmap points
10429              type: integer
10430            colors:
10431              description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
10432              type: array
10433              items:
10434                $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
10435    GeoViewProperties:
10436      type: object
10437      required:
10438        - type
10439        - shape
10440        - queries
10441        - note
10442        - showNoteWhenEmpty
10443        - center
10444        - zoom
10445        - allowPanAndZoom
10446        - detectCoordinateFields
10447        - layers
10448      properties:
10449        type:
10450          type: string
10451          enum:
10452            - geo
10453        queries:
10454          type: array
10455          items:
10456            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
10457        shape:
10458          type: string
10459          enum:
10460            - chronograf-v2
10461        center:
10462          description: Coordinates of the center of the map
10463          type: object
10464          required:
10465            - lat
10466            - lon
10467          properties:
10468            lat:
10469              description: Latitude of the center of the map
10470              type: number
10471              format: double
10472            lon:
10473              description: Longitude of the center of the map
10474              type: number
10475              format: double
10476        zoom:
10477          description: Zoom level used for initial display of the map
10478          type: number
10479          format: double
10480          minimum: 1
10481          maximum: 28
10482        allowPanAndZoom:
10483          description: 'If true, map zoom and pan controls are enabled on the dashboard view'
10484          type: boolean
10485          default: true
10486        detectCoordinateFields:
10487          description: 'If true, search results get automatically regroupped so that lon,lat and value are treated as columns'
10488          type: boolean
10489          default: true
10490        useS2CellID:
10491          description: 'If true, S2 column is used to calculate lat/lon'
10492          type: boolean
10493        s2Column:
10494          description: String to define the column
10495          type: string
10496        latLonColumns:
10497          $ref: '#/components/schemas/LatLonColumns'
10498        mapStyle:
10499          description: 'Define map type - regular, satellite etc.'
10500          type: string
10501        note:
10502          type: string
10503        showNoteWhenEmpty:
10504          description: 'If true, will display note when empty'
10505          type: boolean
10506        colors:
10507          description: Colors define color encoding of data into a visualization
10508          type: array
10509          items:
10510            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardColor'
10511        layers:
10512          description: List of individual layers shown in the map
10513          type: array
10514          items:
10515            $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoViewLayer'
10516    LatLonColumns:
10517      description: Object type to define lat/lon columns
10518      type: object
10519      required:
10520        - lat
10521        - lon
10522      properties:
10523        lat:
10524          $ref: '#/components/schemas/LatLonColumn'
10525        lon:
10526          $ref: '#/components/schemas/LatLonColumn'
10527    LatLonColumn:
10528      description: Object type for key and column definitions
10529      type: object
10530      required:
10531        - key
10532        - column
10533      properties:
10534        key:
10535          description: Key to determine whether the column is tag/field
10536          type: string
10537        column:
10538          description: Column to look up Lat/Lon
10539          type: string
10540    Axes:
10541      description: The viewport for a View's visualizations
10542      type: object
10543      required:
10544        - x
10545        - 'y'
10546      properties:
10547        x:
10548          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Axis'
10549        'y':
10550          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Axis'
10551    StaticLegend:
10552      description: StaticLegend represents the options specific to the static legend
10553      type: object
10554      properties:
10555        colorizeRows:
10556          type: boolean
10557        heightRatio:
10558          type: number
10559          format: float
10560        show:
10561          type: boolean
10562        opacity:
10563          type: number
10564          format: float
10565        orientationThreshold:
10566          type: integer
10567        valueAxis:
10568          type: string
10569        widthRatio:
10570          type: number
10571          format: float
10572    DecimalPlaces:
10573      description: 'Indicates whether decimal places should be enforced, and how many digits it should show.'
10574      type: object
10575      properties:
10576        isEnforced:
10577          description: Indicates whether decimal point setting should be enforced
10578          type: boolean
10579        digits:
10580          description: The number of digits after decimal to display
10581          type: integer
10582          format: int32
10583    ConstantVariableProperties:
10584      properties:
10585        type:
10586          type: string
10587          enum:
10588            - constant
10589        values:
10590          type: array
10591          items:
10592            type: string
10593    MapVariableProperties:
10594      properties:
10595        type:
10596          type: string
10597          enum:
10598            - map
10599        values:
10600          type: object
10601          additionalProperties:
10602            type: string
10603    QueryVariableProperties:
10604      properties:
10605        type:
10606          type: string
10607          enum:
10608            - query
10609        values:
10610          type: object
10611          properties:
10612            query:
10613              type: string
10614            language:
10615              type: string
10616    VariableProperties:
10617      type: object
10618      oneOf:
10619        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryVariableProperties'
10620        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConstantVariableProperties'
10621        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MapVariableProperties'
10622    ViewProperties:
10623      oneOf:
10624        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/LinePlusSingleStatProperties'
10625        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/XYViewProperties'
10626        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SingleStatViewProperties'
10627        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/HistogramViewProperties'
10628        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GaugeViewProperties'
10629        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TableViewProperties'
10630        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleTableViewProperties'
10631        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MarkdownViewProperties'
10632        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckViewProperties'
10633        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScatterViewProperties'
10634        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/HeatmapViewProperties'
10635        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MosaicViewProperties'
10636        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/BandViewProperties'
10637        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoViewProperties'
10638    View:
10639      required:
10640        - name
10641        - properties
10642      properties:
10643        links:
10644          type: object
10645          readOnly: true
10646          properties:
10647            self:
10648              type: string
10649        id:
10650          readOnly: true
10651          type: string
10652        name:
10653          type: string
10654        properties:
10655          $ref: '#/components/schemas/ViewProperties'
10657      type: object
10658      properties:
10659        links:
10660          type: object
10661          properties:
10662            self:
10663              type: string
10665          type: array
10666          items:
10667            $ref: '#/components/schemas/View'
10668    CellUpdate:
10669      type: object
10670      properties:
10671        x:
10672          type: integer
10673          format: int32
10674        'y':
10675          type: integer
10676          format: int32
10677        w:
10678          type: integer
10679          format: int32
10680        h:
10681          type: integer
10682          format: int32
10683    CreateCell:
10684      type: object
10685      properties:
10686        name:
10687          type: string
10688        x:
10689          type: integer
10690          format: int32
10691        'y':
10692          type: integer
10693          format: int32
10694        w:
10695          type: integer
10696          format: int32
10697        h:
10698          type: integer
10699          format: int32
10700        usingView:
10701          type: string
10702          description: Makes a copy of the provided view.
10703    AnalyzeQueryResponse:
10704      type: object
10705      properties:
10706        errors:
10707          type: array
10708          items:
10709            type: object
10710            properties:
10711              line:
10712                type: integer
10713              column:
10714                type: integer
10715              character:
10716                type: integer
10717              message:
10718                type: string
10719    CellWithViewProperties:
10720      type: object
10721      allOf:
10722        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Cell'
10723        - type: object
10724          properties:
10725            name:
10726              type: string
10727            properties:
10728              $ref: '#/components/schemas/ViewProperties'
10729    Cell:
10730      type: object
10731      properties:
10732        id:
10733          type: string
10734        links:
10735          type: object
10736          properties:
10737            self:
10738              type: string
10739            view:
10740              type: string
10741        x:
10742          type: integer
10743          format: int32
10744        'y':
10745          type: integer
10746          format: int32
10747        w:
10748          type: integer
10749          format: int32
10750        h:
10751          type: integer
10752          format: int32
10753        viewID:
10754          type: string
10755          description: The reference to a view from the views API.
10756    CellsWithViewProperties:
10757      type: array
10758      items:
10759        $ref: '#/components/schemas/CellWithViewProperties'
10760    Cells:
10761      type: array
10762      items:
10763        $ref: '#/components/schemas/Cell'
10764    Secrets:
10765      additionalProperties:
10766        type: string
10767      example:
10768        apikey: abc123xyz
10769    SecretKeys:
10770      type: object
10771      properties:
10772        secrets:
10773          type: array
10774          items:
10775            type: string
10776    SecretKeysResponse:
10777      allOf:
10778        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SecretKeys'
10779        - type: object
10780          properties:
10781            links:
10782              readOnly: true
10783              type: object
10784              properties:
10785                self:
10786                  type: string
10787                org:
10788                  type: string
10789    CreateDashboardRequest:
10790      properties:
10791        orgID:
10792          type: string
10793          description: The ID of the organization that owns the dashboard.
10794        name:
10795          type: string
10796          description: The user-facing name of the dashboard.
10797        description:
10798          type: string
10799          description: The user-facing description of the dashboard.
10800      required:
10801        - orgID
10802        - name
10803    DashboardWithViewProperties:
10804      type: object
10805      allOf:
10806        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateDashboardRequest'
10807        - type: object
10808          properties:
10809            links:
10810              type: object
10811              example:
10812                self: /api/v2/dashboards/1
10813                cells: /api/v2/dashboards/1/cells
10814                owners: /api/v2/dashboards/1/owners
10815                members: /api/v2/dashboards/1/members
10816                labels: /api/v2/dashboards/1/labels
10817                org: /api/v2/labels/1
10818              properties:
10819                self:
10820                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10821                cells:
10822                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10823                members:
10824                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10825                owners:
10826                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10827                labels:
10828                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10829                org:
10830                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10831            id:
10832              readOnly: true
10833              type: string
10834            meta:
10835              type: object
10836              properties:
10837                createdAt:
10838                  type: string
10839                  format: date-time
10840                updatedAt:
10841                  type: string
10842                  format: date-time
10843            cells:
10844              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CellsWithViewProperties'
10845            labels:
10846              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Labels'
10847    Dashboard:
10848      type: object
10849      allOf:
10850        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateDashboardRequest'
10851        - type: object
10852          properties:
10853            links:
10854              type: object
10855              example:
10856                self: /api/v2/dashboards/1
10857                cells: /api/v2/dashboards/1/cells
10858                owners: /api/v2/dashboards/1/owners
10859                members: /api/v2/dashboards/1/members
10860                labels: /api/v2/dashboards/1/labels
10861                org: /api/v2/labels/1
10862              properties:
10863                self:
10864                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10865                cells:
10866                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10867                members:
10868                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10869                owners:
10870                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10871                labels:
10872                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10873                org:
10874                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10875            id:
10876              readOnly: true
10877              type: string
10878            meta:
10879              type: object
10880              properties:
10881                createdAt:
10882                  type: string
10883                  format: date-time
10884                updatedAt:
10885                  type: string
10886                  format: date-time
10887            cells:
10888              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Cells'
10889            labels:
10890              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Labels'
10891    Dashboards:
10892      type: object
10893      properties:
10894        links:
10895          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
10896        dashboards:
10897          type: array
10898          items:
10899            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dashboard'
10900    TelegrafRequest:
10901      type: object
10902      properties:
10903        name:
10904          type: string
10905        description:
10906          type: string
10907        metadata:
10908          type: object
10909          properties:
10910            buckets:
10911              type: array
10912              items:
10913                type: string
10914        config:
10915          type: string
10916        orgID:
10917          type: string
10918    Telegraf:
10919      type: object
10920      allOf:
10921        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegrafRequest'
10922        - type: object
10923          properties:
10924            id:
10925              type: string
10926              readOnly: true
10927            links:
10928              type: object
10929              readOnly: true
10930              example:
10931                self: /api/v2/telegrafs/1
10932                lables: /api/v2/telegrafs/1/labels
10933                owners: /api/v2/telegrafs/1/owners
10934                members: /api/v2/telegrafs/1/members
10935              properties:
10936                self:
10937                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10938                labels:
10939                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10940                members:
10941                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10942                owners:
10943                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
10944            labels:
10945              readOnly: true
10946              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Labels'
10947    Telegrafs:
10948      type: object
10949      properties:
10950        configurations:
10951          type: array
10952          items:
10953            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Telegraf'
10954    TelegrafPlugin:
10955      type: object
10956      properties:
10957        type:
10958          type: string
10959        name:
10960          type: string
10961        description:
10962          type: string
10963        config:
10964          type: string
10965    TelegrafPlugins:
10966      type: object
10967      properties:
10968        version:
10969          type: string
10970        os:
10971          type: string
10972        plugins:
10973          type: array
10974          items:
10975            $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegrafPlugin'
10976    IsOnboarding:
10977      type: object
10978      properties:
10979        allowed:
10980          description: True means that the influxdb instance has NOT had initial setup; false means that the database has been setup.
10981          type: boolean
10982    PasswordResetBody:
10983      properties:
10984        password:
10985          type: string
10986      required:
10987        - password
10988    AddResourceMemberRequestBody:
10989      type: object
10990      properties:
10991        id:
10992          type: string
10993        name:
10994          type: string
10995      required:
10996        - id
10997    Ready:
10998      type: object
10999      properties:
11000        status:
11001          type: string
11002          enum:
11003            - ready
11004        started:
11005          type: string
11006          format: date-time
11007          example: '2019-03-13T10:09:33.891196-04:00'
11008        up:
11009          type: string
11010          example: 14m45.911966424s
11011    HealthCheck:
11012      type: object
11013      required:
11014        - name
11015        - status
11016      properties:
11017        name:
11018          type: string
11019        message:
11020          type: string
11021        checks:
11022          type: array
11023          items:
11024            $ref: '#/components/schemas/HealthCheck'
11025        status:
11026          type: string
11027          enum:
11028            - pass
11029            - fail
11030        version:
11031          type: string
11032        commit:
11033          type: string
11034    Labels:
11035      type: array
11036      items:
11037        $ref: '#/components/schemas/Label'
11038    Label:
11039      type: object
11040      properties:
11041        id:
11042          readOnly: true
11043          type: string
11044        orgID:
11045          readOnly: true
11046          type: string
11047        name:
11048          type: string
11049        properties:
11050          type: object
11051          additionalProperties:
11052            type: string
11053          description: Key/Value pairs associated with this label. Keys can be removed by sending an update with an empty value.
11054          example:
11055            color: ffb3b3
11056            description: this is a description
11057    LabelCreateRequest:
11058      type: object
11059      required:
11060        - orgID
11061        - name
11062      properties:
11063        orgID:
11064          type: string
11065        name:
11066          type: string
11067        properties:
11068          type: object
11069          additionalProperties:
11070            type: string
11071          description: Key/Value pairs associated with this label. Keys can be removed by sending an update with an empty value.
11072          example:
11073            color: ffb3b3
11074            description: this is a description
11075    LabelUpdate:
11076      type: object
11077      properties:
11078        name:
11079          type: string
11080        properties:
11081          type: object
11082          additionalProperties:
11083            type: string
11084          description: Key/Value pairs associated with this label. Keys can be removed by sending an update with an empty value.
11085          example:
11086            color: ffb3b3
11087            description: this is a description
11088    LabelMapping:
11089      type: object
11090      properties:
11091        labelID:
11092          type: string
11093    LabelsResponse:
11094      type: object
11095      properties:
11096        labels:
11097          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Labels'
11098        links:
11099          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
11100    LabelResponse:
11101      type: object
11102      properties:
11103        label:
11104          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Label'
11105        links:
11106          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
11107    ASTResponse:
11108      description: Contains the AST for the supplied Flux query
11109      type: object
11110      properties:
11111        ast:
11112          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Package'
11113    WritePrecision:
11114      type: string
11115      enum:
11116        - ms
11117        - s
11118        - us
11119        - ns
11120    TaskCreateRequest:
11121      type: object
11122      properties:
11123        orgID:
11124          description: The ID of the organization that owns this Task.
11125          type: string
11126        org:
11127          description: The name of the organization that owns this Task.
11128          type: string
11129        status:
11130          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskStatusType'
11131        flux:
11132          description: The Flux script to run for this task.
11133          type: string
11134        description:
11135          description: An optional description of the task.
11136          type: string
11137      required:
11138        - flux
11139    TaskUpdateRequest:
11140      type: object
11141      properties:
11142        status:
11143          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskStatusType'
11144        flux:
11145          description: The Flux script to run for this task.
11146          type: string
11147        name:
11148          description: Override the 'name' option in the flux script.
11149          type: string
11150        every:
11151          description: Override the 'every' option in the flux script.
11152          type: string
11153        cron:
11154          description: Override the 'cron' option in the flux script.
11155          type: string
11156        offset:
11157          description: Override the 'offset' option in the flux script.
11158          type: string
11159        description:
11160          description: An optional description of the task.
11161          type: string
11162    FluxResponse:
11163      description: Rendered flux that backs the check or notification.
11164      properties:
11165        flux:
11166          type: string
11167    CheckPatch:
11168      type: object
11169      properties:
11170        name:
11171          type: string
11172        description:
11173          type: string
11174        status:
11175          type: string
11176          enum:
11177            - active
11178            - inactive
11179    CheckDiscriminator:
11180      oneOf:
11181        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeadmanCheck'
11182        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ThresholdCheck'
11183        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomCheck'
11184      discriminator:
11185        propertyName: type
11186        mapping:
11187          deadman: '#/components/schemas/DeadmanCheck'
11188          threshold: '#/components/schemas/ThresholdCheck'
11189          custom: '#/components/schemas/CustomCheck'
11190    Check:
11191      allOf:
11192        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckDiscriminator'
11193    PostCheck:
11194      allOf:
11195        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckDiscriminator'
11196    Checks:
11197      properties:
11198        checks:
11199          type: array
11200          items:
11201            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check'
11202        links:
11203          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
11204    CheckBase:
11205      properties:
11206        id:
11207          readOnly: true
11208          type: string
11209        name:
11210          type: string
11211        orgID:
11212          description: The ID of the organization that owns this check.
11213          type: string
11214        taskID:
11215          description: The ID of the task associated with this check.
11216          type: string
11217        ownerID:
11218          description: The ID of creator used to create this check.
11219          type: string
11220          readOnly: true
11221        createdAt:
11222          type: string
11223          format: date-time
11224          readOnly: true
11225        updatedAt:
11226          type: string
11227          format: date-time
11228          readOnly: true
11229        query:
11230          $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardQuery'
11231        status:
11232          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskStatusType'
11233        description:
11234          description: An optional description of the check.
11235          type: string
11236        latestCompleted:
11237          description: 'Timestamp of latest scheduled, completed run, RFC3339.'
11238          type: string
11239          format: date-time
11240          readOnly: true
11241        lastRunStatus:
11242          readOnly: true
11243          type: string
11244          enum:
11245            - failed
11246            - success
11247            - canceled
11248        lastRunError:
11249          readOnly: true
11250          type: string
11251        labels:
11252          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Labels'
11253        links:
11254          type: object
11255          readOnly: true
11256          example:
11257            self: /api/v2/checks/1
11258            labels: /api/v2/checks/1/labels
11259            members: /api/v2/checks/1/members
11260            owners: /api/v2/checks/1/owners
11261            query: /api/v2/checks/1/query
11262          properties:
11263            self:
11264              description: URL for this check
11265              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11266            labels:
11267              description: URL to retrieve labels for this check
11268              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11269            members:
11270              description: URL to retrieve members for this check
11271              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11272            owners:
11273              description: URL to retrieve owners for this check
11274              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11275            query:
11276              description: URL to retrieve flux script for this check
11277              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11278      required:
11279        - name
11280        - orgID
11281        - query
11282    ThresholdCheck:
11283      allOf:
11284        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckBase'
11285        - type: object
11286          required:
11287            - type
11288          properties:
11289            type:
11290              type: string
11291              enum:
11292                - threshold
11293            thresholds:
11294              type: array
11295              items:
11296                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Threshold'
11297            every:
11298              description: Check repetition interval.
11299              type: string
11300            offset:
11301              description: 'Duration to delay after the schedule, before executing check.'
11302              type: string
11303            tags:
11304              description: List of tags to write to each status.
11305              type: array
11306              items:
11307                type: object
11308                properties:
11309                  key:
11310                    type: string
11311                  value:
11312                    type: string
11313            statusMessageTemplate:
11314              description: The template used to generate and write a status message.
11315              type: string
11316    Threshold:
11317      oneOf:
11318        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GreaterThreshold'
11319        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/LesserThreshold'
11320        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RangeThreshold'
11321      discriminator:
11322        propertyName: type
11323        mapping:
11324          greater: '#/components/schemas/GreaterThreshold'
11325          lesser: '#/components/schemas/LesserThreshold'
11326          range: '#/components/schemas/RangeThreshold'
11327    DeadmanCheck:
11328      allOf:
11329        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckBase'
11330        - type: object
11331          required:
11332            - type
11333          properties:
11334            type:
11335              type: string
11336              enum:
11337                - deadman
11338            timeSince:
11339              description: String duration before deadman triggers.
11340              type: string
11341            staleTime:
11342              description: String duration for time that a series is considered stale and should not trigger deadman.
11343              type: string
11344            reportZero:
11345              description: 'If only zero values reported since time, trigger an alert'
11346              type: boolean
11347            level:
11348              $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckStatusLevel'
11349            every:
11350              description: Check repetition interval.
11351              type: string
11352            offset:
11353              description: 'Duration to delay after the schedule, before executing check.'
11354              type: string
11355            tags:
11356              description: List of tags to write to each status.
11357              type: array
11358              items:
11359                type: object
11360                properties:
11361                  key:
11362                    type: string
11363                  value:
11364                    type: string
11365            statusMessageTemplate:
11366              description: The template used to generate and write a status message.
11367              type: string
11368    CustomCheck:
11369      allOf:
11370        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckBase'
11371        - type: object
11372          properties:
11373            type:
11374              type: string
11375              enum:
11376                - custom
11377          required:
11378            - type
11379    ThresholdBase:
11380      properties:
11381        level:
11382          $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckStatusLevel'
11383        allValues:
11384          description: 'If true, only alert if all values meet threshold.'
11385          type: boolean
11386    GreaterThreshold:
11387      allOf:
11388        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ThresholdBase'
11389        - type: object
11390          required:
11391            - type
11392            - value
11393          properties:
11394            type:
11395              type: string
11396              enum:
11397                - greater
11398            value:
11399              type: number
11400              format: float
11401    LesserThreshold:
11402      allOf:
11403        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ThresholdBase'
11404        - type: object
11405          required:
11406            - type
11407            - value
11408          properties:
11409            type:
11410              type: string
11411              enum:
11412                - lesser
11413            value:
11414              type: number
11415              format: float
11416    RangeThreshold:
11417      allOf:
11418        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ThresholdBase'
11419        - type: object
11420          required:
11421            - type
11422            - min
11423            - max
11424            - within
11425          properties:
11426            type:
11427              type: string
11428              enum:
11429                - range
11430            min:
11431              type: number
11432              format: float
11433            max:
11434              type: number
11435              format: float
11436            within:
11437              type: boolean
11438    CheckStatusLevel:
11439      description: The state to record if check matches a criteria.
11440      type: string
11441      enum:
11442        - UNKNOWN
11443        - OK
11444        - INFO
11445        - CRIT
11446        - WARN
11447    RuleStatusLevel:
11448      description: The state to record if check matches a criteria.
11449      type: string
11450      enum:
11451        - UNKNOWN
11452        - OK
11453        - INFO
11454        - CRIT
11455        - WARN
11456        - ANY
11457    NotificationRuleUpdate:
11458      type: object
11459      properties:
11460        name:
11461          type: string
11462        description:
11463          type: string
11464        status:
11465          type: string
11466          enum:
11467            - active
11468            - inactive
11469    NotificationRuleDiscriminator:
11470      oneOf:
11471        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SlackNotificationRule'
11472        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SMTPNotificationRule'
11473        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PagerDutyNotificationRule'
11474        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/HTTPNotificationRule'
11475        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegramNotificationRule'
11476      discriminator:
11477        propertyName: type
11478        mapping:
11479          slack: '#/components/schemas/SlackNotificationRule'
11480          smtp: '#/components/schemas/SMTPNotificationRule'
11481          pagerduty: '#/components/schemas/PagerDutyNotificationRule'
11482          http: '#/components/schemas/HTTPNotificationRule'
11483          telegram: '#/components/schemas/TelegramNotificationRule'
11484    NotificationRule:
11485      allOf:
11486        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRuleDiscriminator'
11487    PostNotificationRule:
11488      allOf:
11489        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRuleDiscriminator'
11490    NotificationRules:
11491      properties:
11492        notificationRules:
11493          type: array
11494          items:
11495            $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRule'
11496        links:
11497          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
11498    NotificationRuleBase:
11499      type: object
11500      required:
11501        - orgID
11502        - status
11503        - name
11504        - statusRules
11505        - endpointID
11506      properties:
11507        latestCompleted:
11508          description: 'Timestamp of latest scheduled, completed run, RFC3339.'
11509          type: string
11510          format: date-time
11511          readOnly: true
11512        lastRunStatus:
11513          readOnly: true
11514          type: string
11515          enum:
11516            - failed
11517            - success
11518            - canceled
11519        lastRunError:
11520          readOnly: true
11521          type: string
11522        id:
11523          readOnly: true
11524          type: string
11525        endpointID:
11526          type: string
11527        orgID:
11528          description: The ID of the organization that owns this notification rule.
11529          type: string
11530        taskID:
11531          description: The ID of the task associated with this notification rule.
11532          type: string
11533        ownerID:
11534          description: The ID of creator used to create this notification rule.
11535          type: string
11536          readOnly: true
11537        createdAt:
11538          type: string
11539          format: date-time
11540          readOnly: true
11541        updatedAt:
11542          type: string
11543          format: date-time
11544          readOnly: true
11545        status:
11546          $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskStatusType'
11547        name:
11548          description: Human-readable name describing the notification rule.
11549          type: string
11550        sleepUntil:
11551          type: string
11552        every:
11553          description: The notification repetition interval.
11554          type: string
11555        offset:
11556          description: 'Duration to delay after the schedule, before executing check.'
11557          type: string
11558        runbookLink:
11559          type: string
11560        limitEvery:
11561          description: 'Don''t notify me more than <limit> times every <limitEvery> seconds. If set, limit cannot be empty.'
11562          type: integer
11563        limit:
11564          description: 'Don''t notify me more than <limit> times every <limitEvery> seconds. If set, limitEvery cannot be empty.'
11565          type: integer
11566        tagRules:
11567          description: List of tag rules the notification rule attempts to match.
11568          type: array
11569          items:
11570            $ref: '#/components/schemas/TagRule'
11571        description:
11572          description: An optional description of the notification rule.
11573          type: string
11574        statusRules:
11575          description: List of status rules the notification rule attempts to match.
11576          type: array
11577          minItems: 1
11578          items:
11579            $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusRule'
11580        labels:
11581          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Labels'
11582        links:
11583          type: object
11584          readOnly: true
11585          example:
11586            self: /api/v2/notificationRules/1
11587            labels: /api/v2/notificationRules/1/labels
11588            members: /api/v2/notificationRules/1/members
11589            owners: /api/v2/notificationRules/1/owners
11590            query: /api/v2/notificationRules/1/query
11591          properties:
11592            self:
11593              description: URL for this endpoint.
11594              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11595            labels:
11596              description: URL to retrieve labels for this notification rule.
11597              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11598            members:
11599              description: URL to retrieve members for this notification rule.
11600              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11601            owners:
11602              description: URL to retrieve owners for this notification rule.
11603              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11604            query:
11605              description: URL to retrieve flux script for this notification rule.
11606              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11607    TagRule:
11608      type: object
11609      properties:
11610        key:
11611          type: string
11612        value:
11613          type: string
11614        operator:
11615          type: string
11616          enum:
11617            - equal
11618            - notequal
11619            - equalregex
11620            - notequalregex
11621    StatusRule:
11622      type: object
11623      properties:
11624        currentLevel:
11625          $ref: '#/components/schemas/RuleStatusLevel'
11626        previousLevel:
11627          $ref: '#/components/schemas/RuleStatusLevel'
11628        count:
11629          type: integer
11630        period:
11631          type: string
11632    HTTPNotificationRuleBase:
11633      type: object
11634      required:
11635        - type
11636      properties:
11637        type:
11638          type: string
11639          enum:
11640            - http
11641        url:
11642          type: string
11643    HTTPNotificationRule:
11644      allOf:
11645        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRuleBase'
11646        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/HTTPNotificationRuleBase'
11647    SlackNotificationRuleBase:
11648      type: object
11649      required:
11650        - type
11651        - messageTemplate
11652      properties:
11653        type:
11654          type: string
11655          enum:
11656            - slack
11657        channel:
11658          type: string
11659        messageTemplate:
11660          type: string
11661    SlackNotificationRule:
11662      allOf:
11663        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRuleBase'
11664        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SlackNotificationRuleBase'
11665    SMTPNotificationRule:
11666      allOf:
11667        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRuleBase'
11668        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SMTPNotificationRuleBase'
11669    SMTPNotificationRuleBase:
11670      type: object
11671      required:
11672        - type
11673        - subjectTemplate
11674        - to
11675      properties:
11676        type:
11677          type: string
11678          enum:
11679            - smtp
11680        subjectTemplate:
11681          type: string
11682        bodyTemplate:
11683          type: string
11684        to:
11685          type: string
11686    PagerDutyNotificationRule:
11687      allOf:
11688        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRuleBase'
11689        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PagerDutyNotificationRuleBase'
11690    PagerDutyNotificationRuleBase:
11691      type: object
11692      required:
11693        - type
11694        - messageTemplate
11695      properties:
11696        type:
11697          type: string
11698          enum:
11699            - pagerduty
11700        messageTemplate:
11701          type: string
11702    TelegramNotificationRule:
11703      allOf:
11704        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationRuleBase'
11705        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegramNotificationRuleBase'
11706    TelegramNotificationRuleBase:
11707      type: object
11708      required:
11709        - type
11710        - messageTemplate
11711        - channel
11712      properties:
11713        type:
11714          description: The discriminator between other types of notification rules is "telegram".
11715          type: string
11716          enum:
11717            - telegram
11718        messageTemplate:
11719          description: The message template as a flux interpolated string.
11720          type: string
11721        parseMode:
11722          description: 'Parse mode of the message text per https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#formatting-options . Defaults to "MarkdownV2" .'
11723          type: string
11724          enum:
11725            - MarkdownV2
11726            - HTML
11727            - Markdown
11728        disableWebPagePreview:
11729          description: Disables preview of web links in the sent messages when "true". Defaults to "false" .
11730          type: boolean
11731    NotificationEndpointUpdate:
11732      type: object
11733      properties:
11734        name:
11735          type: string
11736        description:
11737          type: string
11738        status:
11739          type: string
11740          enum:
11741            - active
11742            - inactive
11743    NotificationEndpointDiscriminator:
11744      oneOf:
11745        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SlackNotificationEndpoint'
11746        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PagerDutyNotificationEndpoint'
11747        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/HTTPNotificationEndpoint'
11748        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TelegramNotificationEndpoint'
11749      discriminator:
11750        propertyName: type
11751        mapping:
11752          slack: '#/components/schemas/SlackNotificationEndpoint'
11753          pagerduty: '#/components/schemas/PagerDutyNotificationEndpoint'
11754          http: '#/components/schemas/HTTPNotificationEndpoint'
11755          telegram: '#/components/schemas/TelegramNotificationEndpoint'
11756    NotificationEndpoint:
11757      allOf:
11758        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointDiscriminator'
11759    PostNotificationEndpoint:
11760      allOf:
11761        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointDiscriminator'
11762    NotificationEndpoints:
11763      properties:
11764        notificationEndpoints:
11765          type: array
11766          items:
11767            $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpoint'
11768        links:
11769          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
11770    NotificationEndpointBase:
11771      type: object
11772      required:
11773        - type
11774        - name
11775      properties:
11776        id:
11777          type: string
11778        orgID:
11779          type: string
11780        userID:
11781          type: string
11782        createdAt:
11783          type: string
11784          format: date-time
11785          readOnly: true
11786        updatedAt:
11787          type: string
11788          format: date-time
11789          readOnly: true
11790        description:
11791          description: An optional description of the notification endpoint.
11792          type: string
11793        name:
11794          type: string
11795        status:
11796          description: The status of the endpoint.
11797          default: active
11798          type: string
11799          enum:
11800            - active
11801            - inactive
11802        labels:
11803          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Labels'
11804        links:
11805          type: object
11806          readOnly: true
11807          example:
11808            self: /api/v2/notificationEndpoints/1
11809            labels: /api/v2/notificationEndpoints/1/labels
11810            members: /api/v2/notificationEndpoints/1/members
11811            owners: /api/v2/notificationEndpoints/1/owners
11812          properties:
11813            self:
11814              description: URL for this endpoint.
11815              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11816            labels:
11817              description: URL to retrieve labels for this endpoint.
11818              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11819            members:
11820              description: URL to retrieve members for this endpoint.
11821              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11822            owners:
11823              description: URL to retrieve owners for this endpoint.
11824              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
11825        type:
11826          $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointType'
11827    SlackNotificationEndpoint:
11828      type: object
11829      allOf:
11830        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointBase'
11831        - type: object
11832          properties:
11833            url:
11834              description: Specifies the URL of the Slack endpoint. Specify either `URL` or `Token`.
11835              type: string
11836            token:
11837              description: Specifies the API token string. Specify either `URL` or `Token`.
11838              type: string
11839    PagerDutyNotificationEndpoint:
11840      type: object
11841      allOf:
11842        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointBase'
11843        - type: object
11844          required:
11845            - routingKey
11846          properties:
11847            clientURL:
11848              type: string
11849            routingKey:
11850              type: string
11851    HTTPNotificationEndpoint:
11852      type: object
11853      allOf:
11854        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointBase'
11855        - type: object
11856          required:
11857            - url
11858            - authMethod
11859            - method
11860          properties:
11861            url:
11862              type: string
11863            username:
11864              type: string
11865            password:
11866              type: string
11867            token:
11868              type: string
11869            method:
11870              type: string
11871              enum:
11872                - POST
11873                - GET
11874                - PUT
11875            authMethod:
11876              type: string
11877              enum:
11878                - none
11879                - basic
11880                - bearer
11881            contentTemplate:
11882              type: string
11883            headers:
11884              type: object
11885              description: Customized headers.
11886              additionalProperties:
11887                type: string
11888    TelegramNotificationEndpoint:
11889      type: object
11890      allOf:
11891        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationEndpointBase'
11892        - type: object
11893          required:
11894            - token
11895            - channel
11896          properties:
11897            token:
11898              description: 'Specifies the Telegram bot token. See https://core.telegram.org/bots#creating-a-new-bot .'
11899              type: string
11900            channel:
11901              description: 'ID of the telegram channel, a chat_id in https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage .'
11902              type: string
11903    NotificationEndpointType:
11904      type: string
11905      enum:
11906        - slack
11907        - pagerduty
11908        - http
11909        - telegram
11910    DBRP:
11911      type: object
11912      properties:
11913        id:
11914          type: string
11915          description: the mapping identifier
11916          readOnly: true
11917        orgID:
11918          type: string
11919          description: the organization ID that owns this mapping.
11920        bucketID:
11921          type: string
11922          description: the bucket ID used as target for the translation.
11923        database:
11924          type: string
11925          description: InfluxDB v1 database
11926        retention_policy:
11927          type: string
11928          description: InfluxDB v1 retention policy
11929        default:
11930          type: boolean
11931          description: Specify if this mapping represents the default retention policy for the database specificed.
11932        links:
11933          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
11934      required:
11935        - id
11936        - orgID
11937        - bucketID
11938        - database
11939        - retention_policy
11940        - default
11941    DBRPs:
11942      properties:
11943        content:
11944          type: array
11945          items:
11946            $ref: '#/components/schemas/DBRP'
11947    DBRPUpdate:
11948      properties:
11949        retention_policy:
11950          type: string
11951          description: InfluxDB v1 retention policy
11952        default:
11953          type: boolean
11954    DBRPCreate:
11955      type: object
11956      properties:
11957        orgID:
11958          type: string
11959          description: the organization ID that owns this mapping.
11960        org:
11961          type: string
11962          description: the organization that owns this mapping.
11963        bucketID:
11964          type: string
11965          description: the bucket ID used as target for the translation.
11966        database:
11967          type: string
11968          description: InfluxDB v1 database
11969        retention_policy:
11970          type: string
11971          description: InfluxDB v1 retention policy
11972        default:
11973          type: boolean
11974          description: Specify if this mapping represents the default retention policy for the database specificed.
11975      required:
11976        - bucketID
11977        - database
11978        - retention_policy
11979    DBRPGet:
11980      type: object
11981      properties:
11982        content:
11983          $ref: '#/components/schemas/DBRP'
11984          required: true
11985    SchemaType:
11986      type: string
11987      enum:
11988        - implicit
11989        - explicit
11990    Authorization:
11991      required:
11992        - orgID
11993        - permissions
11994      allOf:
11995        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorizationUpdateRequest'
11996        - type: object
11997          properties:
11998            createdAt:
11999              type: string
12000              format: date-time
12001              readOnly: true
12002            updatedAt:
12003              type: string
12004              format: date-time
12005              readOnly: true
12006            orgID:
12007              type: string
12008              description: ID of org that authorization is scoped to.
12009            permissions:
12010              type: array
12011              minItems: 1
12012              description: List of permissions for an auth.  An auth must have at least one Permission.
12013              items:
12014                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Permission'
12015            id:
12016              readOnly: true
12017              type: string
12018            token:
12019              readOnly: true
12020              type: string
12021              description: Passed via the Authorization Header and Token Authentication type.
12022            userID:
12023              readOnly: true
12024              type: string
12025              description: ID of user that created and owns the token.
12026            user:
12027              readOnly: true
12028              type: string
12029              description: Name of user that created and owns the token.
12030            org:
12031              readOnly: true
12032              type: string
12033              description: Name of the org token is scoped to.
12034            links:
12035              type: object
12036              readOnly: true
12037              example:
12038                self: /api/v2/authorizations/1
12039                user: /api/v2/users/12
12040              properties:
12041                self:
12042                  readOnly: true
12043                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
12044                user:
12045                  readOnly: true
12046                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
12047    AuthorizationPostRequest:
12048      required:
12049        - orgID
12050        - permissions
12051      allOf:
12052        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorizationUpdateRequest'
12053        - type: object
12054          properties:
12055            orgID:
12056              type: string
12057              description: ID of org that authorization is scoped to.
12058            userID:
12059              type: string
12060              description: ID of user that authorization is scoped to.
12061            permissions:
12062              type: array
12063              minItems: 1
12064              description: List of permissions for an auth.  An auth must have at least one Permission.
12065              items:
12066                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Permission'
12067    LegacyAuthorizationPostRequest:
12068      required:
12069        - orgID
12070        - permissions
12071      allOf:
12072        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorizationUpdateRequest'
12073        - type: object
12074          properties:
12075            orgID:
12076              type: string
12077              description: ID of org that authorization is scoped to.
12078            userID:
12079              type: string
12080              description: ID of user that authorization is scoped to.
12081            token:
12082              type: string
12083              description: Token (name) of the authorization
12084            permissions:
12085              type: array
12086              minItems: 1
12087              description: List of permissions for an auth.  An auth must have at least one Permission.
12088              items:
12089                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Permission'
12090    Authorizations:
12091      type: object
12092      properties:
12093        links:
12094          readOnly: true
12095          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links'
12096        authorizations:
12097          type: array
12098          items:
12099            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorization'
12100    Permission:
12101      required:
12102        - action
12103        - resource
12104      properties:
12105        action:
12106          type: string
12107          enum:
12108            - read
12109            - write
12110        resource:
12111          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Resource'
12112    Resource:
12113      type: object
12114      required:
12115        - type
12116      properties:
12117        type:
12118          type: string
12119          enum:
12120            - authorizations
12121            - buckets
12122            - dashboards
12123            - orgs
12124            - sources
12125            - tasks
12126            - telegrafs
12127            - users
12128            - variables
12129            - scrapers
12130            - secrets
12131            - labels
12132            - views
12133            - documents
12134            - notificationRules
12135            - notificationEndpoints
12136            - checks
12137            - dbrp
12138            - notebooks
12139            - annotations
12140            - remotes
12141            - replications
12142        id:
12143          type: string
12144          description: If ID is set that is a permission for a specific resource. if it is not set it is a permission for all resources of that resource type.
12145        name:
12146          type: string
12147          description: Optional name of the resource if the resource has a name field.
12148        orgID:
12149          type: string
12150          description: If orgID is set that is a permission for all resources owned my that org. if it is not set it is a permission for all resources of that resource type.
12151        org:
12152          type: string
12153          description: Optional name of the organization of the organization with orgID.
12154    User:
12155      properties:
12156        id:
12157          readOnly: true
12158          type: string
12159        oauthID:
12160          type: string
12161        name:
12162          type: string
12163        status:
12164          description: If inactive the user is inactive.
12165          default: active
12166          type: string
12167          enum:
12168            - active
12169            - inactive
12170      required:
12171        - name
12172    Users:
12173      type: object
12174      properties:
12175        links:
12176          type: object
12177          properties:
12178            self:
12179              type: string
12180              format: uri
12181        users:
12182          type: array
12183          items:
12184            $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserResponse'
12185    OnboardingRequest:
12186      type: object
12187      properties:
12188        username:
12189          type: string
12190        password:
12191          type: string
12192        org:
12193          type: string
12194        bucket:
12195          type: string
12196        retentionPeriodSeconds:
12197          type: integer
12198          format: int64
12199        retentionPeriodHrs:
12200          type: integer
12201          deprecated: true
12202          description: |
12203            Retention period *in nanoseconds* for the new bucket. This key's name has been misleading since OSS 2.0 GA, please transition to use `retentionPeriodSeconds`
12204        token:
12205          type: string
12206          description: |
12207            Authentication token to set on the initial user. If not specified, the server will generate a token.
12208      required:
12209        - username
12210        - org
12211        - bucket
12212    OnboardingResponse:
12213      type: object
12214      properties:
12215        user:
12216          $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserResponse'
12217        org:
12218          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Organization'
12219        bucket:
12220          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Bucket'
12221        auth:
12222          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorization'
12223    Variable:
12224      type: object
12225      required:
12226        - name
12227        - orgID
12228        - arguments
12229      properties:
12230        links:
12231          type: object
12232          readOnly: true
12233          properties:
12234            self:
12235              type: string
12236              format: uri
12237            org:
12238              type: string
12239              format: uri
12240            labels:
12241              type: string
12242              format: uri
12243        id:
12244          readOnly: true
12245          type: string
12246        orgID:
12247          type: string
12248        name:
12249          type: string
12250        description:
12251          type: string
12252        selected:
12253          type: array
12254          items:
12255            type: string
12256        labels:
12257          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Labels'
12258        arguments:
12259          $ref: '#/components/schemas/VariableProperties'
12260        createdAt:
12261          type: string
12262          format: date-time
12263        updatedAt:
12264          type: string
12265          format: date-time
12266    Variables:
12267      type: object
12268      example:
12269        variables:
12270          - id: '1221432'
12271            name: ':ok:'
12272            selected:
12273              - hello
12274            arguments:
12275              type: constant
12276              values:
12277                - howdy
12278                - hello
12279                - hi
12280                - yo
12281                - oy
12282          - id: '1221432'
12283            name: ':ok:'
12284            selected:
12285              - c
12286            arguments:
12287              type: map
12288              values:
12289                a: fdjaklfdjkldsfjlkjdsa
12290                b: dfaksjfkljekfajekdljfas
12291                c: fdjksajfdkfeawfeea
12292          - id: '1221432'
12293            name: ':ok:'
12294            selected:
12295              - host
12296            arguments:
12297              type: query
12298              query: 'from(bucket: "foo") |> showMeasurements()'
12299              language: flux
12300      properties:
12301        variables:
12302          type: array
12303          items:
12304            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Variable'
12305    Source:
12306      type: object
12307      properties:
12308        links:
12309          type: object
12310          properties:
12311            self:
12312              type: string
12313            query:
12314              type: string
12315            health:
12316              type: string
12317            buckets:
12318              type: string
12319        id:
12320          type: string
12321        orgID:
12322          type: string
12323        default:
12324          type: boolean
12325        name:
12326          type: string
12327        type:
12328          type: string
12329          enum:
12330            - v1
12331            - v2
12332            - self
12333        url:
12334          type: string
12335          format: uri
12336        insecureSkipVerify:
12337          type: boolean
12338        telegraf:
12339          type: string
12340        token:
12341          type: string
12342        username:
12343          type: string
12344        password:
12345          type: string
12346        sharedSecret:
12347          type: string
12348        metaUrl:
12349          type: string
12350          format: uri
12351        defaultRP:
12352          type: string
12353        languages:
12354          type: array
12355          readOnly: true
12356          items:
12357            type: string
12358            enum:
12359              - flux
12360              - influxql
12361    Sources:
12362      type: object
12363      properties:
12364        links:
12365          type: object
12366          properties:
12367            self:
12368              type: string
12369              format: uri
12370        sources:
12371          type: array
12372          items:
12373            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Source'
12374    ScraperTargetRequest:
12375      type: object
12376      properties:
12377        name:
12378          type: string
12379          description: The name of the scraper target.
12380        type:
12381          type: string
12382          description: The type of the metrics to be parsed.
12383          enum:
12384            - prometheus
12385        url:
12386          type: string
12387          description: The URL of the metrics endpoint.
12388          example: 'http://localhost:9090/metrics'
12389        orgID:
12390          type: string
12391          description: The organization ID.
12392        bucketID:
12393          type: string
12394          description: The ID of the bucket to write to.
12395        allowInsecure:
12396          type: boolean
12397          description: Skip TLS verification on endpoint.
12398          default: false
12399    ScraperTargetResponse:
12400      type: object
12401      allOf:
12402        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScraperTargetRequest'
12403        - type: object
12404          properties:
12405            id:
12406              type: string
12407              readOnly: true
12408            org:
12409              type: string
12410              description: The name of the organization.
12411            bucket:
12412              type: string
12413              description: The bucket name.
12414            links:
12415              type: object
12416              readOnly: true
12417              example:
12418                self: /api/v2/scrapers/1
12419                owners: /api/v2/scrapers/1/owners
12420                members: /api/v2/scrapers/1/members
12421                bucket: /api/v2/buckets/1
12422                organization: /api/v2/orgs/1
12423              properties:
12424                self:
12425                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
12426                members:
12427                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
12428                owners:
12429                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
12430                bucket:
12431                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
12432                organization:
12433                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link'
12434    ScraperTargetResponses:
12435      type: object
12436      properties:
12437        configurations:
12438          type: array
12439          items:
12440            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ScraperTargetResponse'
12441    MetadataBackup:
12442      type: object
12443      properties:
12444        kv:
12445          type: string
12446          format: binary
12447        sql:
12448          type: string
12449          format: binary
12450        buckets:
12451          $ref: '#/components/schemas/BucketMetadataManifests'
12452      required:
12453        - kv
12454        - sql
12455        - buckets
12456    BucketMetadataManifests:
12457      type: array
12458      items:
12459        $ref: '#/components/schemas/BucketMetadataManifest'
12460    BucketMetadataManifest:
12461      type: object
12462      properties:
12463        organizationID:
12464          type: string
12465        organizationName:
12466          type: string
12467        bucketID:
12468          type: string
12469        bucketName:
12470          type: string
12471        description:
12472          type: string
12473        defaultRetentionPolicy:
12474          type: string
12475        retentionPolicies:
12476          $ref: '#/components/schemas/RetentionPolicyManifests'
12477      required:
12478        - organizationID
12479        - organizationName
12480        - bucketID
12481        - bucketName
12482        - defaultRetentionPolicy
12483        - retentionPolicies
12484    RetentionPolicyManifests:
12485      type: array
12486      items:
12487        $ref: '#/components/schemas/RetentionPolicyManifest'
12488    RetentionPolicyManifest:
12489      type: object
12490      properties:
12491        name:
12492          type: string
12493        replicaN:
12494          type: integer
12495        duration:
12496          type: integer
12497          format: int64
12498        shardGroupDuration:
12499          type: integer
12500          format: int64
12501        shardGroups:
12502          $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShardGroupManifests'
12503        subscriptions:
12504          $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubscriptionManifests'
12505      required:
12506        - name
12507        - replicaN
12508        - duration
12509        - shardGroupDuration
12510        - shardGroups
12511        - subscriptions
12512    ShardGroupManifests:
12513      type: array
12514      items:
12515        $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShardGroupManifest'
12516    ShardGroupManifest:
12517      type: object
12518      properties:
12519        id:
12520          type: integer
12521          format: int64
12522        startTime:
12523          type: string
12524          format: date-time
12525        endTime:
12526          type: string
12527          format: date-time
12528        deletedAt:
12529          type: string
12530          format: date-time
12531        truncatedAt:
12532          type: string
12533          format: date-time
12534        shards:
12535          $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShardManifests'
12536      required:
12537        - id
12538        - startTime
12539        - endTime
12540        - shards
12541    ShardManifests:
12542      type: array
12543      items:
12544        $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShardManifest'
12545    ShardManifest:
12546      type: object
12547      properties:
12548        id:
12549          type: integer
12550          format: int64
12551        shardOwners:
12552          $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShardOwners'
12553      required:
12554        - id
12555        - shardOwners
12556    ShardOwners:
12557      type: array
12558      items:
12559        $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShardOwner'
12560    ShardOwner:
12561      type: object
12562      properties:
12563        nodeID:
12564          type: integer
12565          format: int64
12566          description: ID of the node that owns a shard.
12567      required:
12568        - nodeID
12569    SubscriptionManifests:
12570      type: array
12571      items:
12572        $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubscriptionManifest'
12573    SubscriptionManifest:
12574      type: object
12575      properties:
12576        name:
12577          type: string
12578        mode:
12579          type: string
12580        destinations:
12581          type: array
12582          items:
12583            type: string
12584      required:
12585        - name
12586        - mode
12587        - destinations
12588    RestoredBucketMappings:
12589      type: object
12590      properties:
12591        id:
12592          description: New ID of the restored bucket
12593          type: string
12594        name:
12595          type: string
12596        shardMappings:
12597          $ref: '#/components/schemas/BucketShardMappings'
12598      required:
12599        - id
12600        - name
12601        - shardMappings
12602    BucketShardMappings:
12603      type: array
12604      items:
12605        $ref: '#/components/schemas/BucketShardMapping'
12606    BucketShardMapping:
12607      type: object
12608      properties:
12609        oldId:
12610          type: integer
12611          format: int64
12612        newId:
12613          type: integer
12614          format: int64
12615      required:
12616        - oldId
12617        - newId
12618  responses:
12619    ServerError:
12620      description: Non 2XX error response from server.
12621      content:
12622        application/json:
12623          schema:
12624            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
12625  securitySchemes:
12626    TokenAuthentication:
12627      type: http
12628      scheme: token
12629      bearerFormat: InfluxDB Token String
12630      description: |
12631        ### Token authentication scheme
12633        InfluxDB API tokens enable authentication and authorization of API clients.
12634        A token belongs to an organization and identifies InfluxDB permissions within the organization.
12636        Include your API token in an `Authorization: Token` HTTP header with each request.
12638        #### Example
12640          `curl http://localhost:8086/ping
12641             --header "Authorization: Token INFLUX_API_TOKEN"`
12643        Replace *`INFLUX_API_TOKEN`* with your [InfluxDB API token](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/reference/glossary/#token).
12645        For more information and examples, see the following:
12646          - [`/authorizations`](#tag/Authorizations) endpoint.
12647          - [Authorize API requests](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/api-guide/api_intro/#authentication).
12648          - [Manage API tokens](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/security/tokens).
12649          - [Assign a token to a specific user](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/security/tokens/create-token).
12650    BasicAuthentication:
12651      type: http
12652      scheme: basic
12653      description: |
12654        ### Basic authentication scheme
12656        Use HTTP Basic Auth with clients that support the InfluxDB 1.x convention of username and password (that don't support the `Authorization: Token` scheme).
12658        Username and password schemes require the following credentials:
12659          - **username**: 1.x username (this is separate from the UI login username)
12660          - **password**: 1.x password or InfluxDB API token
12662        #### API token example
12664        `curl --get "http://localhost:8086/query"
12665              --user "1.x_USERNAME":"INFLUX_API_TOKEN"`
12667        #### 1.x password example
12669        `curl --get "http://localhost:8086/query"
12670              --user "1.x_USERNAME":"1.x_PASSWORD"`
12672        Replace the following:
12673        - *`1.x_USERNAME`*: your InfluxDB v1.x username
12674        - *`1.x_PASSWORD`*: your InfluxDB v1.x password
12675        - *`INFLUX_API_TOKEN`*: your [InfluxDB API token](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/reference/glossary/#token)
12677        For more information and examples, see how to [authenticate with a username and password scheme](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/reference/api/influxdb-1x/)
12678    QuerystringAuthentication:
12679      type: apiKey
12680      in: query
12681      name: u=&p=
12682      description: |
12683        ### Querystring authentication scheme
12685        Use InfluxDB 1.x API parameters to provide credentials through the query string.
12687        Username and password schemes require the following credentials:
12688          - **username**: 1.x username (this is separate from the UI login username)
12689          - **password**: 1.x password or InfluxDB API token
12691        #### API token example
12693        `curl --get "http://localhost:8086/query"
12694              --data-urlencode "u=1.x_USERNAME"
12695              --data-urlencode "p=INFLUX_API_TOKEN"`
12697        #### 1.x password example
12699        `curl --get "http://localhost:8086/query"
12700              --data-urlencode "u=1.x_USERNAME"
12701              --data-urlencode "p=1.x_PASSWORD"`
12703        Replace the following:
12704        - *`1.x_USERNAME`*: your InfluxDB v1.x username
12705        - *`1.x_PASSWORD`*: your InfluxDB v1.x password
12706        - *`INFLUX_API_TOKEN`*: your [InfluxDB API token](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/reference/glossary/#token)
12708        For more information and examples, see how to [authenticate with a username and password scheme](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/reference/api/influxdb-1x/)
12710  - TokenAuthentication: []
12711  - BasicAuthentication: []
12712  - QuerystringAuthentication: []