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README.mdH A D27-Jul-20211.6 KiB2922

common.goH A D27-Jul-20217.8 KiB231139

common_test.goH A D27-Jul-20212.2 KiB6948

constants.goH A D27-Jul-20211.2 KiB3311

doc.goH A D27-Jul-2021690 171

factory.goH A D27-Jul-20214.4 KiB12781

factory_test.goH A D27-Jul-20213.7 KiB9768

logs.goH A D27-Jul-20213 KiB11886

logs_test.goH A D27-Jul-20219.2 KiB256196

metrics.goH A D27-Jul-20213.2 KiB12189

metrics_test.goH A D27-Jul-202110.8 KiB280217

obsreport.goH A D27-Jul-20212.4 KiB5927

obsreport_test.goH A D27-Jul-20214.1 KiB11066

queued_retry.goH A D27-Jul-202110.9 KiB366265

queued_retry_test.goH A D27-Jul-202116.4 KiB509400

resource_to_label.goH A D27-Jul-20213.2 KiB10167

resource_to_label_test.goH A D27-Jul-20214.3 KiB7340

traces.goH A D27-Jul-20213.2 KiB12086

traces_test.goH A D27-Jul-20219.6 KiB260196


1# Exporter Helper
3This is a helper exporter that other exporters can depend on. Today, it
4primarily offers queued retries  and resource attributes to metric labels conversion.
6> :warning: This exporter should not be added to a service pipeline.
8## Configuration
10The following configuration options can be modified:
12- `retry_on_failure`
13  - `enabled` (default = true)
14  - `initial_interval` (default = 5s): Time to wait after the first failure before retrying; ignored if `enabled` is `false`
15  - `max_interval` (default = 30s): Is the upper bound on backoff; ignored if `enabled` is `false`
16  - `max_elapsed_time` (default = 120s): Is the maximum amount of time spent trying to send a batch; ignored if `enabled` is `false`
17- `sending_queue`
18  - `enabled` (default = true)
19  - `num_consumers` (default = 10): Number of consumers that dequeue batches; ignored if `enabled` is `false`
20  - `queue_size` (default = 5000): Maximum number of batches kept in memory before data; ignored if `enabled` is `false`;
21  User should calculate this as `num_seconds * requests_per_second` where:
22    - `num_seconds` is the number of seconds to buffer in case of a backend outage
23    - `requests_per_second` is the average number of requests per seconds.
24- `resource_to_telemetry_conversion`
25  - `enabled` (default = false): If `enabled` is `true`, all the resource attributes will be converted to metric labels by default.
26- `timeout` (default = 5s): Time to wait per individual attempt to send data to a backend.
28The full list of settings exposed for this helper exporter are documented [here](factory.go).