1/* Copyright (c)  1998-2020 ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V., Extended GPL, see docs/LICENSE */
3* ILIAS language file
5* @module       setup language file simplied Chinese
6* @modulegroup  language
7* @author       范柏泉 (Fan Baiquan) <baiquan.fan@helsinki.fi>
8* @version		$Id$
10// The language file starts beyond the HTML-comment below. DO NOT modify this line!
11// To edit your language file with a spreadsheet (i.e. Excel or StarCalc) remove all lines
12// from the first line to the HTML-comment. After editing paste the lines in place again.
13// NOTICE: Character coding of all ILIAS lang files is UTF-8! Please set your editor
14// to the corresponding mode!
15<!-- language file start -->
163rd_party_software#:#第三方软件 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
173rdparty#:#3rd Party add-ons###10 Jul 2006 new variable
18absolute_path#:#绝对路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
19access#:#访问 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
20access_status#:#访问状态 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
21admin_login#:#管理员登录e ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
22antivir#:#AntiVir###18 Nov 2004 new variable
23available_clients#:#可用客户 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
24available_languages#:#可用语言 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
25back#:#返回 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
26cannot_create_datadir_no_write_access#:#无写访问。不能创建数据目录 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
27change#:#更改 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
28change_basic_settings#:#更改基本设置 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
29change_password#:#更改口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
30change_sort_direction#:#更改排序方向 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
31check_db_versions#:#Please ensure that the database mode determined by ILIAS matches to your version of MySQL. This should be the case usually. If not, your database version is not supported.<br> Example 1: If the mode is 'MySQL 4.1.x or higher' and your database version is '4.0.12' then this MySQL version is not supported. Please contact the ILIAS team.<br />Example 2: If the mode is 'MySQL 4.1.x or higher' and your database version is '4.1.14' then everything is ok.###20 Jun 2005 new variable
32check_failed_convert#:#转换测试失败 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
33check_failed_htmldoc#:#HTMLdoc测试失败de ###26 May 2004 content changed
34check_failed_java#:#Java测试失败 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
35check_failed_latex#:#Testing LaTeX CGI script failed###10 Jul 2006 new variable
36check_failed_unzip#:#unzip测试失败 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
37check_failed_zip#:#zip测试失败 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
38choose_language#:#选择语言 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
39choose_languages#:#请选择其它语言及删除已选择的语言。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
40choose_password#:#请选择口令###07 Apr 2005 content changed
41city#:#城市###14 Sep 2004 content changed
42clean_command#:#Clean Command###07 Jan 2005 new variable
43client#:#客户###07 Apr 2005 content changed
44client_access_mode_changed#:#客户访问方式已更改 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
45client_data#:#客户信息 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
46client_id#:#客户身份###07 Apr 2005 content changed
47client_info#:#描述 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
48client_institution#:#单位###07 Apr 2005 content changed
49client_login#:#登录客户身份###07 Apr 2005 content changed
50client_name#:#姓名 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
51client_setup_not_finished#:#客户安装尚未完成 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
52collation#:#Collation###23 Mar 2005 new variable
53contact#:#联系信息 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
54contact_data#:#联系信息 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
55convert_path#:#转换路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
56convert_path_comment#:#用于显示图象略图 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
57could_not_create_logfile#:#不能创建日志文件###14 Sep 2004 content changed
58country#:#国家###07 Apr 2005 content changed
59create#:#创建 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
60create_datadir_failed#:#创建数据目录失败 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
61create_new_client#:#创建新客户 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
62create_webdir_failed#:#创建web目录失败 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
63ctrl_missing_desc#:#Control Structure Missing. Please hit 'Reload'.###10 Jul 2006 new variable
64ctrl_structure#:#Control Structure###03 Nov 2005 new variable
65ctrl_structure_desc#:#Please do not invoke this function unless it is explicitly stated in update or patch instructions. ###03 Nov 2005 new variable
66ctrl_structure_reloaded#:#Control Structure Reloaded.###03 Nov 2005 new variable
67data_path#:#数据路径###07 Apr 2005 content changed
68database#:#数据库 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
69database_create#:#创建数据库 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
70database_exists#:#数据库存在 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
71database_install#:#安装数据库 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
72database_installed#:#数据库已安装 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
73database_is_uptodate#:#数据库是已更新的###07 Apr 2005 content changed
74database_needs_update#:#数据库需要更新 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
75database_not_exists_create_first#:#数据库不存在。请先创建数据库。###15 Sep 2004 content changed
76database_ready#:#数据库已准备完毕。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
77database_update#:#更新数据库 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
78database_version#:#当前数据库版本 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
79datadir_path#:#数据目录路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
80datadir_path_comment1#:#强制的 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
81datadir_path_comment2#:#在此安装版本中不能更改###07 Apr 2005 content changed
82datadir_webspacedir_match#:#数据目录路径指向web空间目录。请选择其它目录。###14 Sep 2004 content changed
83date#:#日期 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
84db_conn#:#数据库连接###07 Apr 2005 content changed
85db_control_structure_missing#:#Control Structure Missing (See 'Details' -> 'Tools')###10 Jul 2006 new variable
86db_host#:#数据库主机 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
87db_name#:#数据库名称 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
88db_needs_update#:#数据库需要更新###07 Apr 2005 content changed
89db_not_installed#:#Database not installed###01 Mar 2005 new variable
90db_pass#:#数据库口令###07 Apr 2005 content changed
91db_type#:#数据库类型 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
92db_user#:#数据库用户###07 Apr 2005 content changed
93db_version#:#数据库版本###07 Apr 2005 content changed
94default#:#缺省 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
95default_client_changed#:#已更改的缺省客户###07 Apr 2005 content changed
96default_language#:#缺省语言###07 Apr 2005 content changed
97delete#:#删除 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
98delete_confirm#:#确认客户删除 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
99delete_info#:#您肯定吗? ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
100details#:#详细情况 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
101dir_exists_create#:#目录已存在。取消”创建“选择此目录作为数据目录###07 Apr 2005 content changed
102disable#:# 禁止 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
103disable_check#:# 禁止选择 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
104disable_logging#:# 禁止日志 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
105disabled#:#已禁止###07 Apr 2005 content changed
106display_clientlist#:#显示客户选择 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
107email#:#电子邮件 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
108email_not_valid#:#无效电子邮件地址 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
109en_by_default#:#(英语为缺省安装,不能删除)。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
110enable#:#激活 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
111enabled#:#已激活 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
112enter_dir_and_filename#:#Please enter the full (absolute) path and the file name!###07 Aug 2004 new variable
113enter_password#:#请输入口令###07 Apr 2005 content changed
114env_ok#:#好,看起来不错。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
115env_using#:#ILIAS将运行于 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
116env_warning#:#ILIAS只在Linux和Windows上使用web服务器Apache测试过!<br />然而,ILIAS也可以在于您自己的环境下运行。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
117environment#:#环境 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
118err_create_database_failed#:#数据库创建失败 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
119err_wrong_login#:#错误登录 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
120error_recipient#:#错误收件人 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
121example#:#Example###23 Mar 2005 new variable
122feedback_recipient#:#反馈收件人 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
123file_does_not_exist#:#文件不存在。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
124file_version#:#文件版本 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
125fill_both_fields#:#请填充这两个域!###07 Apr 2005 content changed
126fill_out_required_fields#:#请填充标记为必添项的全部域。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
127filled_out#:#已正确填充 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
128finish#:#完成安装 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
129finish_initial_setup_first#:#请先完成初始安装 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
130finish_setup#:#正在完成安装###07 Apr 2005 content changed
131firstname#:#名 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
132fop_path#:#Path to FOP###26 May 2004 new variable
133fop_path_comment#:#required to generate PDF documents###26 May 2004 new variable
134hide_clientlist#:#隐藏客户选择###07 Apr 2005 content changed
135host#:#主机 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
136htmldoc_path#:#到HTMLdoc的路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
137htmldoc_path_comment#:#用于生成PDF帐单(付账系统) ###07 Aug 2004 content changed
138http_path#:#HTTP路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
139id#:#身份 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
140ilias_db_mode#:#ILIAS database mode###20 Jun 2005 new variable
141ilias_homepage#:#ILIAS主页###07 Apr 2005 content changed
142ilias_nic#:#NIC注册 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
143ilias_nic_id#:#NIC身份 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
144ilias_setup#:#ilias4安装 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
145ilias_version#:#ILIAS版本 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
146include_local#:#include local###include local language file when updating language
147info_text_3rdparty#:#Here you setup the third party add-ons which are needed by ILIAS. Follow the setup information for every add-on to complete this step.###10 Jul 2006 new variable
148info_text_contact#:#这里您要指明其他客户信息及其系统管理员的联系资料。必须填充带星号的域。全部信息都将存于数据库。在下一屏中,您可以在ILIAS-NIC服务器中注册您的安装,这些资料将传送到此服务器中。###14 Sep 2004 content changed
149info_text_db#:#数据库不存在或空。点击下面按钮安装数据库。如果具有已选名称的数据库尚未存在,请选择”创建数据库“。安装程序将自动创建数据库。如果创建失败(例如由于访问许可的限制),请联系负责数据库服务器的系统管理员,请求他先为您创建一个具有所要求名称的数据库。###05 Jan 2004 new variable
150info_text_db_collation1#:#If your desired collation is not supported in the list of UTF-8 collations, you have to create your database manually too. In any case, please make sure that the character set for the database is set to utf8.###23 Mar 2005 new variable
151info_text_db_collation2#:#More information about MySQL collations can be found on the MySQL website.###23 Mar 2005 new variable
152info_text_delete#:#您可以点击下面的删除按钮伤处此客户。但是只是删除您的client.ini文件,而全部存于客户数据目录和数据库中的文件不变。这些文件和数据库需要由系统管理员手工删除。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
153info_text_finish1#:#祝贺您,!客户安装成功!点击”登录“进入您的ILIAS安装程序。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
154info_text_finish2#:#一些设置还缺少或不正确。请参见步骤表看还需要做什么!###07 Apr 2005 content changed
155info_text_first_client#:#基本设置已存。现在我们将安装您的第一位客户。安装程序将引导您安装过程。在右边的面板上总是显示安装过程的当前状态。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
156info_text_first_install#:#看起来您是第一次安装ilias4,因为未发现ilias.ini文件。在ilias.ini文件中存有主口令保护ILIAS安装被未授权访问。###14 Sep 2004 content changed
157info_text_ini#:#请选择客户身份。允许任何字符(变音字符除外)和数字。客户身份必须为一个词。<br/>下一步要输入数据库连接信息。安装程序建立一个测试连接验证您的设置并测试数据库是否存在。如果数据库不存在,您可以在下一个安装步骤中提示安装程序创建数据库。###14 Sep 2004 content changed
158info_text_lang#:#请选择其它语言及删除选择的语言。缺省语言被设定为新用户账号或尚未选择优先语言用户账号的语言。 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
159info_text_list#:#在此概观中,您可以看见全部可用客户及其安装访问状态。在右上边,您可以将客户选择屏幕转换为开或关。如果客户选择为开,则全部在线可用客户将显示在ILIAS首页。如果客户选择为关并且用户点击首页,则总是显示<i>缺省</i>客户的登录屏。您可以用下面的按钮确定缺省客户。###14 Sep 2004 content changed
160info_text_login#:#请输入安装客户身份及账号信息。您的账号必须设为”administrator“角色。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
161info_text_nic1#:#从我们的ILIA服务器中获得安装身份(nic-id)。如果您要同其它ILIAS安装共享内容,需要唯一的nic-id。注册是自愿的。如果您不想注册,请选择”跳过注册“(您可以以后任何时间注册)。<br/> 我们建议使用在线注册。如果连接有问题(例如您在防火墙后),您可以另外通过电子邮件获取nic-id:请发邮件给ilias-info@uni-koeln.de, ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
162info_text_nic2#:#并附上您的安装信息。将您从收到回信中的nic-id输入到相应的域中并选择”通过电子邮件注册“。 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
163info_text_nic3#:#您已注册安装。您的nic-id是###07 Apr 2005 content changed
164info_text_password#:#在这里您可以更改安装程序的主口令。###14 Sep 2004 content changed
165info_text_pathes#:#ilias4支持具有不同数据库的多客户。在下面输入基本数据目录、日志文件位置和第三方程序路径。这些设置对所有您以后创建的客户有效。###14 Sep 2004 content changed
166ini_client_id_exists#:#具有此身份的客户已存在!请选择其它客户身份。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
167ini_client_id_invalid#:#您输入的客户身份包含非法字符 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
168ini_client_id_no_change#:#在此版本中当客户目录成功创建后,客户身份不能更改。###14 Sep 2004 content changed
169ini_client_id_too_long#:#客户身份过长 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
170ini_client_id_too_short#:#客户身份过短 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
171ini_db_name_exists#:#已存在!请选择其它数据库名称###07 Apr 2005 content changed
172ini_no_client_id#:#未给定身份 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
173ini_no_db_host#:#无主机名 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
174ini_no_db_name#:#无数据库名称###07 Apr 2005 content changed
175ini_no_db_user#:#无数据库用户名###07 Apr 2005 content changed
176inifile#:#ini文件 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
177inifile_can_write#:#ILIAS安装程序可以写ini文件。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
178inifile_cannot_write#:#ILIAS安装程序不能写ini文件。请先检查写许可。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
179inifile_content#:#ini文件具有内容: ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
180inifile_exists#:#存在一个ini文件。注意此安装过程将删除以前的设置。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
181inifile_fill_all#:#请填充全部域。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
182inifile_firsttime#:#无ini文件!看起来这是第一次启动ILIAS。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
183inifile_written#:#ini文件已经成功保存到主机。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
184input_error#:#输入错误 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
185inst_identification#:#安装证明 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
186inst_name#:#安装名称 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
187install#:#安装 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
188installation#:#安装 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
189installed#:#已安装###07 Apr 2005 content changed
190installed_local#:#Installed With Local###13 Apr 2005 new variable
191institution#:#单位 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
192intro_install#:#这是ILIAS安装程序主页。从这里可以一步步进行安装。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
193ip_address#:#IP地址###07 Apr 2005 content changed
194java_path#:#Java路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
195java_path_comment#:#用于SCORM学习模块 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
196lang_bg#:#Bulgarian###03 Nov 2005 new variable
197lang_cs#:#Czech###09 Mar 2004 new variable
198lang_da#:#Danish###01 Mar 2005 new variable
199lang_de#:#德语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
200lang_en#:#英语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
201lang_error_occurred#:#遇到错误。操作失败。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
202lang_es#:#西班牙语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
203lang_fr#:#法语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
204lang_hu#:#Hungarian###01 Mar 2005 new variable
205lang_id#:#印度尼西亚语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
206lang_it#:#意大利语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
207lang_lt#:#立陶宛语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
208lang_min_one_language#:#必须至少安装一种语言。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
209lang_nl#:#荷兰语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
210lang_no#:#挪威语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
211lang_none_installed#:#未安装语言 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
212lang_not_installed_default#:#您选择的缺省语言未安装!###14 Sep 2004 content changed
213lang_pl#:#波兰语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
214lang_pt#:#Portuguese###09 Mar 2004 new variable
215lang_ro#:#Romanian###19 May 2005 new variable
216lang_se#:#瑞典语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
217lang_sq#:#Albanian###19 May 2005 new variable
218lang_sr#:#Serbian###19 May 2005 new variable
219lang_uk#:#Ukrainian###19 May 2005 new variable
220lang_xx#:#自定义###07 Apr 2005 content changed
221lang_zh#:#汉语 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
222langs_not_valid_not_installed#:#因为无效语言文件,下列语言未安装###07 Apr 2005 content changed
223language#:#语言###07 Apr 2005 content changed
224languages#:#语言 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
225languages_installed#:#已安装的语言 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
226lastname#:#姓 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
227latex_url_comment#:#required for LaTeX support in ILIAS###10 Jul 2006 new variable
228list#:#列表 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
229list_disabled#:#禁止客户选择###07 Apr 2005 content changed
230list_enabled#:#激活客户选择 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
231log_path#:#日志文件路径 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
232log_path_comment#:#输入文件名,创建文件。 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
233logged_out#:#您已注销 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
234logging#:#登录 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
235login#:#登录 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
236login_invalid#:#登录无效 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
237login_to_ilias#:#登录到ILIAS ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
238logout#:#注销 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
239main_datadir_outside_webspace#:#web空间外的主数据目录 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
240missing_data#:#缺失数据 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
241mysql_4_0_x_or_lower_mode#:#MySQL 4.0.x or lower###20 Jun 2005 new variable
242mysql_4_1_x_or_higher_mode#:#MySQL 4.1.x or higher###20 Jun 2005 new variable
243name#:#名称 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
244new#:#新的 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
245next#:#下一个###07 Apr 2005 content changed
246nic_not_disabled#:#无NIC-ID及未被禁止 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
247nic_reg_disable#:#跳过NIC注册###07 Apr 2005 content changed
248nic_reg_disable_comment#:#(以后注册)###07 Apr 2005 content changed
249nic_reg_disabled#:#禁止NIC注册###07 Apr 2005 content changed
250nic_reg_email#:#通过电子邮件注册 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
251nic_reg_enabled#:#激活NIC注册! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
252nic_reg_enter_checksum#:#输入发送校验和###07 Apr 2005 content changed
253nic_reg_enter_correct_id#:#请输入正确的nic_id ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
254nic_reg_enter_id#:#输入发送的NIC身份 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
255nic_reg_failed#:#NIC注册失败###07 Apr 2005 content changed
256nic_reg_online#:#在线注册 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
257nic_registration#:#NIC注册 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
258no_changes#:#无更改。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
259no_client_id#:#未给定客户身份###07 Apr 2005 content changed
260no_client_name#:#无客户名 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
261no_clients_available#:#无可用客户 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
262no_database#:#无数据库 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
263no_db_connect_consult_admin#:#不能连接到数据库。请向系统管理员咨询 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
264no_db_update_file#:#未找到dbupdate.php! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
265no_latex_url#:#No LaTeX CGI script URL given###10 Jul 2006 new variable
266no_password#:#未给定口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
267no_path_convert#:#未给定转换路径###07 Apr 2005 content changed
268no_path_datadir#:#未给定数据目录 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
269no_path_fop#:#No FOP path given###26 May 2004 new variable
270no_path_given#:#未给定路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
271no_path_htmldoc#:#未给定HTMLdoc路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
272no_path_java#:#未给定java路径 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
273no_path_log#:#未给定日志路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
274no_path_unzip#:#未给定unzip路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
275no_path_zip#:#未给定zip路径###07 Apr 2005 content changed
276no_setup_pass_given#:#未给定安装程序口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
277no_username#:#未给定用户名 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
278no_valid_client_id#:#无有效客户身份###07 Apr 2005 content changed
279none#:#None###18 Nov 2004 new variable
280not_connected_to_db#:#未连接到数据库 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
281online#:#在线e ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
282or#:#或 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
283out_of_webspace#:#(无web空间) ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
284overall_status#:#整体状态 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
285overview#:#概观 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
286pass_does_not_match#:#输入的口令不匹配 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
287password#:#口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
288password_changed#:#口令已更改 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
289password_empty#:#未给定口令! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
290password_enter_old#:#必须先输入旧口令! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
291password_info#:#为保护配置信息免于未授权访问,请以后更改这些设置。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
292password_new_master#:#设定新的主口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
293password_not_match#:#输入的新口令不匹配! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
294password_old_wrong#:#输入的旧口令错误! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
295password_retype#:#重复输入新口令!###07 Apr 2005 content changed
296password_same#:#新旧口令相同! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
297password_set#:#口令已存 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
298path_not_set#:#未设定路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
299path_to_convert#:#转换路径! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
300path_to_fop#:#Path to FOP###26 May 2004 new variable
301path_to_htmldoc#:#HTMLdoc路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
302path_to_java#:#Java路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
303path_to_unzip#:#Unzip路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
304path_to_zip#:#Zip路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
305pathes#:#路径 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
306phone#:#电话 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
307port#:#端口###07 Apr 2005 content changed
308position#:#位置 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
309pre_cookies_disabled#:#禁止Cookies。ILIAS需要使用Cookies。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
310pre_cookies_enabled#:#激活Cookies ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
311pre_error#:#有一两件事失败了。请先解决问题,否则不能安装ILIAS。 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
312pre_folder_create#:#可以在ILIAS文件夹中创建新文件夹###07 Apr 2005 content changed
313pre_folder_create_error#:#不能创建子文件夹!请检查文件系统的许可设置!###07 Apr 2005 content changed
314pre_folder_write#:#可写ILIAS文件夹 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
315pre_folder_write_error#:#不能在ILIAS文件夹中写!请检查文件系统的许可设置!###07 Apr 2005 content changed
316pre_intro#:#先检查环境是否满足安装要求,然后在系统上运行ilias4 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
317pre_javascript_comment#:#可以无Javascript运行ILIAS,但将缺少一些界面特色###14 Sep 2004 content changed
318pre_javascript_enabled#:#激活Javascript ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
319pre_php_version#:#PHP版本 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
320pre_php_version_3#:#对于ILIAS,PHP版本太老!###07 Apr 2005 content changed
321pre_php_version_4.1#:#此版本PEAR类不能正常工作!请升级PHP。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
322pre_php_version_4.2#:#此版本DOMXML和XSLT支持不能正常工作!###07 Apr 2005 content changed
323pre_php_version_5#:#ILIAS尚未用PHP 5测试。如若使用,责任自负。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
324pre_php_version_unknown#:#ILIAS安装程序不知此版本。如若使用,责任自负。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
325preliminaries#:#预备 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
326prev#:#前一个###07 Apr 2005 content changed
327reload#:#Reload###03 Nov 2005 new variable
328required_field#:#必添域 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
329reset#:#重置 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
330root_access#:#根访问 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
331safe_mode_enabled#:#激活安全模式! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
332save#:#保存 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
333save_error#:#存错误 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
334saved_successfully#:#成功保存! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
335scan_command#:#Scan Command###18 Nov 2004 new variable
336select_client#:#选择一个客户###07 Apr 2005 content changed
337server_info#:#服务器信息! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
338server_software#:#服务器软件###07 Apr 2005 content changed
339set_default_client#:#设定缺省客户 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
340set_newpasswd#:#请输入新口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
341set_oldpasswd#:#请输入旧口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
342settings_changed#:#设置已更改###07 Apr 2005 content changed
343settings_saved#:#设置已保存 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
344setup#:#安装程序 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
345setup_3rdparty_data#:#Setup third party add-ons###10 Jul 2006 new variable
346setup_basic_settings#:#安装基本设置 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
347setup_contact_data#:#安装联系信息###07 Apr 2005 content changed
348setup_database#:#安装数据库 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
349setup_database_desc#:#安装数据库 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
350setup_db_first#:#请先安装数据库 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
351setup_finished#:#安装结束 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
352setup_first_client#:#安装第一位客户 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
353setup_ini_first#:#请先创建ini文件! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
354setup_inifile#:#创建ini文件###07 Apr 2005 content changed
355setup_inifile_desc#:#创建安装用ini文件 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
356setup_languages#:#安装语言###07 Apr 2005 content changed
357setup_languages_desc#:#安装其它语言 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
358setup_login#:#登录安装程序 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
359setup_mainmenu#:#安装主菜单 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
360setup_menu#:#安装菜单 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
361setup_nic_desc#:#在ILIAS-NIC服务器注册安装 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
362setup_not_finished#:#安装未完成 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
363setup_pass#:#口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
364setup_pass2#:#重复输入口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
365setup_pass_title#:#设定主口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
366setup_password#:#创建口令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
367setup_password_desc#:#创建口令供以后访问安装程序(即升级数据库)###07 Apr 2005 content changed
368setup_process_status#:#安装过程状态 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
369setup_process_step_3rdparty#:#Third party add-ons###10 Jul 2006 new variable
370setup_process_step_contact#:#输入联系信息 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
371setup_process_step_db#:#安装/升级数据库e ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
372setup_process_step_finish#:#完成安装 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
373setup_process_step_ini#:#安装基本信息 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
374setup_process_step_lang#:#安装系统语言###07 Apr 2005 content changed
375setup_process_step_nic#:#在ILIAS-NIC上注册 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
376setup_ready#:#安装完成。可以登录进一步检查系统设置。###07 Apr 2005 content changed
377setup_welcome#:#欢迎使用ILIAS安装程序。此安装程序将帮助您###07 Apr 2005 content changed
378sophos#:#Sophos###18 Nov 2004 new variable
379sort_by_this_column#:#根据此列排序 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
380status#:#状态 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
381status_3rdparty_false#:#3rd party add-ons missing###10 Jul 2006 new variable
382status_3rdparty_ok#:#3rd party add-ons installed###10 Jul 2006 new variable
383status_3rdparty_problems#:#3rd party add-ons problems###10 Jul 2006 new variable
384step#:#步骤###07 Apr 2005 content changed
385street#:#街 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
386submit#:#提交 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
387tiny_dir_does_not_exist#:#The directory containing the editor does not exist. You must extract the ZIP file containing the editor to the appropriate location###10 Jul 2006 new variable
388tiny_nothing_to_do#:#The editor is installed, there is nothing to do###10 Jul 2006 new variable
389tiny_zip_changed#:#The ZIP file containing the editor has changed during the last setup. Please extract the ZIP file to update the existing editor installation.###10 Jul 2006 new variable
390tiny_zip_does_not_exist#:#The ZIP file containing the TinyMCE editor does not exist at the appropriate location in Services/RTE###10 Jul 2006 new variable
391tinymce_wysiwyg_editor#:#TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor###10 Jul 2006 new variable
392title#:#标题 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
393tools#:#Tools###03 Nov 2005 new variable
394unknown_client_id#:#未知客户 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
395unknown_command#:#未知命令 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
396unknown_display_mode#:#未知显示模式###07 Apr 2005 content changed
397unzip#:#Extract###10 Jul 2006 new variable
398unzip_path#:#Unzip路径 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
399unzip_path_comment#:#用于导入学习模块 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
400update_applied#:#使更新 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
401update_error#:#更新错误###07 Apr 2005 content changed
402update_not_found#:#未发现更新 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
403url_to_latex#:#URL to LaTeX CGI script###10 Jul 2006 new variable
404username#:#用户名 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
405version#:#版本 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
406virus_scanner#:#Virus Scanner###18 Nov 2004 new variable
407webspace_dir#:#web空间数据路径 ###14 Sep 2004 content changed
408with#:#同 ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
409wrong_password#:#错误口令! ###07 Apr 2005 content changed
410zip_path#:#Zip路径###07 Apr 2005 content changed
411zip_path_comment#:#用于导出学习模块###07 Apr 2005 content changed
412zipcode#:#邮政编码###14 Sep 2004 content changed
413lang_el#:#Greek###07 09 2006 new variable
414lang_ru#:#Russian###07 09 2006 new variable
415lang_vi#:#Vietnamese###07 09 2006 new variable
416clamav#:#ClamAV###20 06 2007 new variable
417lang_et#:#Estonian###20 06 2007 new variable
418new_client#:#New Client###14 02 2008 new variable
419list_clients#:#List Clients###14 02 2008 new variable
420basic_settings#:#Basic Settings###14 02 2008 new variable
421step_ini#:#ini-File###14 02 2008 new variable
422step_db#:#Database###14 02 2008 new variable
423step_lang#:#Languages###14 02 2008 new variable
424step_contact#:#Contact###14 02 2008 new variable
425step_nic#:#NIC###14 02 2008 new variable
426step_finish#:#Finish###14 02 2008 new variable
427step_access#:#Access###14 02 2008 new variable
428determine_tools_paths#:#Try to Determine Tools Paths###14 02 2008 new variable
429client_deleted#:#Client deleted.###14 02 2008 new variable
430create_directory#:#Create Directory###14 02 2008 new variable
4313rd_party_software_req#:#Required 3rd Party Tools###30 05 2008 new variable
4323rd_party_software_opt#:#Optional 3rd Party Tools###30 05 2008 new variable
433user#:#User###30 05 2008 new variable
434db_error_please_check#:#Please check database hostname, username and password.###30 05 2008 new variable
435need_mysql_4_1_or_higher#:#Your MySQL version is not supported. Please install MysQL 4.1.x or higher to run ILIAS.###30 05 2008 new variable
436info_text_db2#:#Please ensure that your database is created with the "CHARACTER SET utf8" option.###30 05 2008 new variable
437data_directories#:#Data Directories###30 05 2008 new variable
438data_directory_outside_ws#:#Data Directory outside Webspace###30 05 2008 new variable
439data_directory_in_ws#:#Data Directory in Webspace###30 05 2008 new variable
440data_directory_in_ws_info#:#This directory is cannot be changed.###30 05 2008 new variable
441data_directory_info#:#Please enter a directory outside of the webspace that is writable for the web server.###30 05 2008 new variable
442pre_dom#:#DOM Support###30 05 2008 new variable
443pre_dom_missing#:#Please enable DOM support in your PHP installation.###30 05 2008 new variable
444pre_xsl#:#XSL Support###30 05 2008 new variable
445pre_xsl_missing#:#Please enable XSL support in your PHP installation, see <a target="_blank" href="%s">PHP Documentation</a>.###30 05 2008 new variable
446pre_gd#:#GD Support###30 05 2008 new variable
447pre_gd_missing#:#Please enable GD support in your PHP installation, see <a target="_blank" href="%s">PHP Documentation</a>.###30 05 2008 new variable
448pre_memory#:#PHP Memory Limit Setting###30 05 2008 new variable
449pre_memory_limit_too_low#:#Please set the value for "memory_limit" at least to 40M in your php.ini. We recommend 80M or more.###30 05 2008 new variable
450pre_memory_limit_recommend#:#We recommend a value of 80M or more.###30 05 2008 new variable
451pre_root#:#Writable Webspace Main Folder###30 05 2008 new variable
452pre_php#:#PHP Version###30 05 2008 new variable
453pre_php_version_4#:#Your PHP version is not supported. Please update to PHP 5.2.1 or higher.###30 05 2008 new variable
454pre_mysql#:#MySQL Support###30 05 2008 new variable
455pre_mysql_missing#:#Please enable MySQL support (version 4.1 or higher) in your PHP installation.###30 05 2008 new variable
456pre_mysql_4_1_or_higher#:#You need MySQL 4.1 or higher to run ILIAS.###30 05 2008 new variable
457mkisofs_path#:#Path to mkisofs###26 06 2009 new variable
458mkisofs_path_comment#:#Optional to create iso images.###26 06 2009 new variable
459no_path_mkisofs#:#No mkisofs path given.###26 06 2009 new variable
460path_to_mkisofs#:#Path to mkisofs###26 06 2009 new variable
461db_selection#:#Database Selection###26 06 2009 new variable
462db_service_name#:#Service Name###26 06 2009 new variable
463db_mysql#:#MySQL###26 06 2009 new variable
464db_oracle#:#Oracle###26 06 2009 new variable
465info_text_nic#:#Optionally register and obtain an installation ID (NIC-ID) from the ILIAS open source community server. Getting a NIC-ID is advisable if you want to share content with other ILIAS installations.###24 07 2009 new variable
466nic_reg_disable_info#:#You may register later anytime.###24 07 2009 new variable
467not_configured#:#Not Configured###24 07 2009 new variable
468pre_php_version_too_low#:#Your PHP version is not supported. We recommend to use PHP 5.2.1 or higher. PHP 6 has not been tested yet.###24 07 2009 new variable
469msg_input_is_required#:#This input is required. Please enter a value.###24 07 2009 new variable
470form_input_not_valid#:#Some data is incomplete or not valid. Please correct the form input.###24 07 2009 new variable
471form_retype_password#:#Retype Password###24 07 2009 new variable
472master_password#:#Master Password###24 07 2009 new variable
473passwd_not_match#:#Your entries for the new password don't match! Please re-enter your new password.###24 07 2009 new variable
474next_update_break#:#Next Update Break###24 07 2009 new variable
475next_update_break_info#:#Depending on the size of your insallation, it is usually advisable not to perform large updates in one run.###24 07 2009 new variable
476clients#:#Clients###24 07 2009 new variable
477no_items#:#No Entrie###24 07 2009 new variable
478convert_path_comment_win#:#Required for displaying thumbnails of images, e.g. 'C:/tools/ImageMagick/convert.exe'.###18 08 2009 new variable
479htmldoc_path_comment_win#:#Optional to generate PDF documents, e.g. 'C:/tools/htmldoc/htmldoc.exe'.###18 08 2009 new variable
480java_path_comment_win#:#Optional for validating SCORM Learning Modules, e.g. 'C:/Program Files/Java/bin/java.exe'.###18 08 2009 new variable
481log_path_comment_win#:#E.g. 'C:/iliasdata/iliaslog.txt' (File will be created)###18 08 2009 new variable
482unzip_path_comment_win#:#Required for extracting import files, e.g. 'C:/tools/unzip/unzip.exe'.###18 08 2009 new variable
483zip_path_comment_win#:#Required for extracting import files, e.g. 'C:/tools/zip/zip.exe'.###18 08 2009 new variable
484server_settings#:#Server Settings###21 09 2009 new variable
485time_zone#:#Time Zone###21 09 2009 new variable
486please_select#:#Please Selec###21 09 2009 new variable
487db_port#:#Database Port###07 10 2009 new variable
488db_update_interrupted#:#The database update script has been interrupted unexpectedly in a previous run. This can cause an <b>inconsistent</b> state of your system. We highly recommend to re-install your latest backup and to run the migration again.###22 02 2010 new variable
489db_update_interrupted_avoid#:#To avoid this problem, please check your max_execution_time and memory_limit settings in your php.ini. Also take fewer steps in each run, to reduce the resources needed by the system###22 02 2010 new variable
490applied_hotfixes#:#Applied Hotfixes###26 03 2010 new variable
491available_hotfixes#:#Available Hotfixes###26 03 2010 new variable
492apply_hotfixes#:#Apply Hotfixes###26 03 2010 new variable
493hotfix_available#:#Hotfix Available###26 03 2010 new variable
494hotfix_applied#:#Hotfix Applie###26 03 2010 new variable
495session_management#:#Session Management###16 07 2010 new variable
496step_sess#:#Session Management###16 07 2010 new variable
497session_management_not_configured#:#not configured###16 07 2010 new variable
498session_management_configured#:#configured###16 07 2010 new variable
499setup_sessions#:#Session Management###16 07 2010 new variable
500setup_process_step_sess#:#Session Management###16 07 2010 new variable
501sess_sessions#:#Settings###16 07 2010 new variable
502sess_max_session_count#:#Max session count###16 07 2010 new variable
503sess_max_session_count_info#:#Defines the maximum number of sessions that can be created simultaniously. Setting this to "0" disables the feature.###16 07 2010 new variable
504sess_min_session_idle#:#Min session idle (in minutes)###16 07 2010 new variable
505sess_min_session_idle_info#:#When a user idles for at least this period of time the session can be destroyed if another session should be opened for another user and the maximum number of existing sessions is reached.###16 07 2010 new variable
506sess_max_session_idle#:#Max session idle (in minutes)###16 07 2010 new variable
507sess_max_session_idle_info#:#Defines the maximum period of idle time a user can idle before his session expires.###16 07 2010 new variable
508sess_max_session_idle_after_first_request#:#Max session idle after first request (in minutes)###16 07 2010 new variable
509sess_max_session_idle_after_first_request_info#:#All sessions that idles for at least this period of time after first request will be destroyed if another session should be opened for another user and the maximum number of existing sessions is reached.###16 07 2010 new variable
510sess_allow_client_maintenance#:#Allow maintenance by client###16 07 2010 new variable
511sess_allow_client_maintenance_info#:#Defines wether the configuration of session parameters can be done in client administration or not###16 07 2010 new variable
512lang_ar#:#Arabic###10 09 2010 new variable
513lang_tr#:#Turkish###10 09 2010 new variable
514ctrl_structure_reload#:#Reload Control Structure###06 08 2011 new variable
515settings_type#:#Settings Data Type###06 08 2011 new variable
516settings_type_current#:#Current Type###06 08 2011 new variable
517settings_info_text#:#The type TEXT allows storing of values up to 4000 characters. Changing this type to CLOB will allow longer entries but slow down the performance of ILIAS with an ORACLE database.###06 08 2011 new variable
518settings_info_clob#:#The type CLOB allows storing of values with more than 4000 characters. Changing this type to TEXT will increase the performance of ILIAS with an ORACLE database. Before you do this please check if you have settings with more than 4000 characters.###06 08 2011 new variable
519settings_change_clob#:#Change to CLOB###06 08 2011 new variable
520settings_change_text#:#Change to TEXT###06 08 2011 new variable
521settings_type_changed#:#Settings type changed.###06 08 2011 new variable
522settings_show_longer#:#Show longer values###06 08 2011 new variable
523settings_longer_values#:#Longer Values###06 08 2011 new variable
524settings_no_longer_values#:#No values with more than 4000 characters found. You may change the data type to TEXT.###06 08 2011 new variable
525settings_key_info#:#Module:<br />%s<br />Keyword:<br />%s###06 08 2011 new variable
526settings_too_long#:#Some settings are too long to be converted. Please change them before you change the settings data type###06 08 2011 new variable
527lang_ja#:#Japanese###04 10 2011 new variable
528lang_ka#:#Georgian###04 10 2011 new variable
529lang_sk#:#Slovakian###04 10 2011 new variable
530sess_mode#:#Session Mode###10 11 2011 new variable
531sess_fixed_duration#:#Fixed Session Duration###10 11 2011 new variable
532sess_load_dependent_session_handling#:#Load Dependent Session Handlin###10 11 2011 new variable
533db_postgres#:#PostgreSQ###18 01 2012 new variable
534client_cloned#:#All files and settings of the source are copied into the client.###02 09 2012 new variable
535clone_clientnotdisabled#:#The client is still active. Please disable the client before populating it.###02 09 2012 new variable
536clone_clientismaster#:#The client has "master" in the name so it cannot be overwritten.###02 09 2012 new variable
537clone_clientisnotmysql#:#The client does not have MySQL database.###02 09 2012 new variable
538clone_clientnodatabase#:#Only MySQL databases are supported at the moment.###02 09 2012 new variable
539clone_disabledmessage#:#Cloning is disabled for the following reason(s):###02 09 2012 new variable
540clone_youmustcheckiamsure#:#You must check "I am sure" to overwrite the target client.###02 09 2012 new variable
541clone_source#:#Select source for cloning###02 09 2012 new variable
542clone_selectsource#:#Source###02 09 2012 new variable
543clone_areyousure#:#Are you sure?###02 09 2012 new variable
544cloneit#:#Start###02 09 2012 new variable
545info_text_clone#:#This function will overwrite the currently selected client with a copy of another.<p><i>Note that you can only populate clients that are disabled. Also, they cannot have 'master' in the name.<br>Currently, only MySQL is supported.</i><p><b>Warning! This cannot be undone! The client will be overwritten with the contents of the source you will select here!</b>###02 09 2012 new variable
546ffmpeg_path_comment#:#Optional to convert audio/videos, e.g. '/your_path/ffmpeg'###02 09 2012 new variable
547ffmpeg_path#:#Path to ffmpeg###02 09 2012 new variable
548populate#:#Populate###02 09 2012 new variable
549custom_updates_available#:#Custom Update Available###02 09 2012 new variable
550applied_custom_updates#:#Applied Custom Updates###02 09 2012 new variable
551available_custom_updates#:#Available Custom Updates###02 09 2012 new variable
552custom_update_applied#:#Custom Update Applied###02 09 2012 new variable
553apply_custom_updates#:#Apply Custom Updates###02 09 2012 new variable
554proxy_connectable#:#Connection established.###02 09 2012 new variable
555proxy_host_info#:#Please enter a host.###02 09 2012 new variable
556proxy_host#:#Host###02 09 2012 new variable
557proxy_not_connectable#:#ILIAS could not build a connection to the defined proxy.###02 09 2012 new variable
558proxy_pear_net_socket_error#:#PEAR Net_Socket error###02 09 2012 new variable
559proxy_port_info#:#Please enter a port between 0 and 65535, e.g.8080.###02 09 2012 new variable
560proxy_port_numeric#:#The entered port has to be a numeric value between 0 and 65535###02 09 2012 new variable
561proxy_port#:#Port###02 09 2012 new variable
562proxy_status_info#:#To use a proxy in ILIAS (e.g. for web feeds or to check weblinks) please activate the checkbox above.###02 09 2012 new variable
563proxy_status#:#Proxy###02 09 2012 new variable
564proxy#:#Proxy###02 09 2012 new variable
565proxy_disabled#:#Proxy disabled ###02 09 2012 new variable
566proxy_activated_configurated#:#Proxy enabled ###02 09 2012 new variable
567info_text_proxy#:#Proxy Settings###02 09 2012 new variable
568setup_process_step_proxy#:#Proxy###02 09 2012 new variable
569step_proxy#:#Proxy###02 09 2012 new variable
570db_innodb#:#MySQL (InnoDB)###02 09 2012 new variable
571show_update_steps#:#Show Update Step###02 09 2012 new variable
572lang_fa#:#Persian (farsi)###11 10 2013 new variable
573ghostscript_path_comment_win#:#Optional for creating previews of PDFs, e.g. 'C:/tools/Ghostscript/gswin32c.exe'.###11 10 2013 new variable
574ghostscript_path_comment#:#Optional for creating previews of PDFs, e.g. '/your_path/gs'.###11 10 2013 new variable
575ghostscript_path#:#Ghostscript Path###11 10 2013 new variable
576db_master#:#Master###11 10 2013 new variable
577db_slave#:#Slave###11 10 2013 new variable
578mysql_replication_info_alpha#:#ILIAS MySQL Replication support has currently an experimental status. The code is non-stable. Data may be corrupted.###11 10 2013 new variable
579db_slave_settings#:#Slave Settings###11 10 2013 new variable
580db_active#:#Active###11 10 2013 new variable
581db_set_password#:#Set Password###11 10 2013 new variable
582tree_implementation#:#Tree Implementation###06 11 2013 new variable
583tree_implementation_ns#:#Nested-Set Model###06 11 2013 new variable
584tree_implementation_mp#:#Materialized-Path Model###06 11 2013 new variable
585tree_implementation_switch_btn#:#Switch Tree Implementation###06 11 2013 new variable
586tree_implementation_switched#:#The tree implementation type has been switched.###06 11 2013 new variable
587feedback_recipient_info#:#This address is used in the footer link "Contact Administration"###14 05 2014 new variable
588passwd#:#Password Encoding###26 09 2014 new variable
589step_passwd#:#Password Encoding###26 09 2014 new variable
590setup_process_step_passwd#:#Passwords###26 09 2014 new variable
591info_text_passwd#:#Password Settings###26 09 2014 new variable
592passwd_encoder_md5#:#md5###26 09 2014 new variable
593passwd_encoder_bcrypt#:#bcrypt###26 09 2014 new variable
594passwd_default_encoder#:#Encoder###26 09 2014 new variable
595passwd_default_encoder_info#:#Please choose the default encoder used for password storage for your ILIAS client.###26 09 2014 new variable
596passwd_encoder_bcrypt_client_salt#:#Client Salt###26 09 2014 new variable
597passwd_encoder_client_bcrypt_salt_info#:#ILIAS generates a random salt for the key derivation function bcrypt <span style="font-weight:bold">when it is selected for the first time</span>. You can find this salt in the file mentioned above. You are advised to copy this salt to a secure location for backup purposes. If a user's password gets stored, ILIAS will generate an additional salt for the individual password. <span style="color:red">Attention: Never change the client wide salt or any salt stored in the database if they are generated once. Otherwise users will not be able to login anymore!</span>###26 09 2014 new variable
598passwd_encoder_client_bcrypt_salt_info_php537#:#<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">The bcrypt implementation used by PHP %s can contain a security flaw using passwords with 8-bit characters. Please see the following link for details on the matter: <a href="http://php.net/security/crypt_blowfish.php" target="_blank">http://php.net/security/crypt_blowfish.php</a>. We suggest to upgrade to PHP 5.3.7+.</span>###26 09 2014 new variable
599passwd_encoder_bcrypt_client_salt_invalid#:#ILIAS could not determine the client salt or the client salt does not match the required criteria. Please check the content and the permissions of the related file.###26 09 2014 new variable
600passwd_encoding_configured#:#configured###26 09 2014 new variable
601passwd_encoding_not_configured#:#not configured###26 09 2014 new variable
602global_cache#:#Global Cache###26 09 2014 new variable
603global_cache_configuration#:#Global-Cache Configuration###26 09 2014 new variable
604activate_global_cache#:#Activate###26 09 2014 new variable
605global_cache_service_type#:#Caching-Service###26 09 2014 new variable
606global_cache_service_type_0#:#PHP-Static-Cache###26 09 2014 new variable
607global_cache_service_type_1#:#xCache###26 09 2014 new variable
608global_cache_service_type_2#:#Memcached###26 09 2014 new variable
609global_cache_service_type_3#:#APC###26 09 2014 new variable
610global_cache_supported_services#:#Some Services are not installed and can not be activated###26 09 2014 new variable
611global_cache_install_info_0#:#Built in###26 09 2014 new variable
612global_cache_install_info_1#:#http://xcache.lighttpd.net###26 09 2014 new variable
613global_cache_install_info_2#:#http://php.net/manual/de/memcached.installation.php###26 09 2014 new variable
614global_cache_install_info_3#:#http://php.net/manual/de/apc.installation.php###26 09 2014 new variable
615ps_auto_https_description#:#If enabled, ILIAS tries to detect the HTTPs Status by analysing the header value specified below.###26 09 2014 new variable
616ps_auto_https_header_name#:#Header Name###26 09 2014 new variable
617ps_auto_https_header_value#:#Header Value###26 09 2014 new variable
618ps_auto_https#:#Autodetect HTTPS###26 09 2014 new variable
619https_settings#:#HTTPS Setting###26 09 2014 new variable
620alert#:#Warning###30 08 2015 new variable
621pre_opcache_comments#:#Set opcache.load_comments to 1###30 08 2015 new variable
622pre_load_comments#:#PHP-OPCache load_comments###30 08 2015 new variable
623memcache_servers#:#Memcached-Nodes###30 08 2015 new variable
624memcache_status#:#Active###30 08 2015 new variable
625memcache_host#:#Host###30 08 2015 new variable
626memcache_port#:#Port###30 08 2015 new variable
627memcache_weight#:#Weight###30 08 2015 new variable
628memcache_actions#:#Actions###30 08 2015 new variable
629memcache_edit#:#Edit node###30 08 2015 new variable
630memcache_add#:#Add Memcached node###30 08 2015 new variable
631memcache_delete#:#Delete node###30 08 2015 new variable
632memcache_cancel#:#Cancel###30 08 2015 new variable
633memcache_update#:#Save node###30 08 2015 new variable
634memcache_status_server#:#Reachable###30 08 2015 new variable
635cache_activate_clng#:#Language###30 08 2015 new variable
636cache_activate_obj_def#:#Object Definition###30 08 2015 new variable
637cache_activate_ilctrl#:#Control Flow###30 08 2015 new variable
638cache_activate_comp#:#Components###30 08 2015 new variable
639cache_activate_tpl#:#Template (HTML)###30 08 2015 new variable
640cache_activate_events#:#Events###30 08 2015 new variable
641cache_activated_components#:#Activated Components###30 08 2015 new variable
642cache_flush#:#Flush all caches###30 08 2015 new variable
643cache_activate_tpl_blocks#:#Template (Blocks)###30 08 2015 new variable
644cache_activate_tpl_variables#:#Template (Variablen)###30 08 2015 new variable
645error_log_path#:#Path to error log files
646error_log_path_comment#:#Please enter only the path. Files will be automaticly saved on error.
647cache_activate_global_screen#:#Global Screen