1[if config SalesTax ne multi]
2    <script>    // JavaScript Form Validation Demo    // by Paul Colton
3    function check_tax(form) {
4        // Make sure the email field is not blank
5        var foundState = false;
6		[calc]
7			if($Variable->{TAXCOUNTRY}) {
8				return q{var ch = 'NEVAIRBE';}
9					unless $Variable->{TAXCOUNTRY} =~ /\b$Values->{country}\b/;
10			}
11			return q{var ch = form.state.value;}
12		[/calc]
13        ch = ch.toUpperCase();
14                [loop list="__TAXAREA__"]
15        if(ch == "[loop-code]") {
16            alert("You will be charged [currency][fly-tax [loop-code]][/currency] sales tax\nsince you are shipping to [loop-code]. Click Recalculate to see the amount in your total.");
17            foundState = true;
18        }
19                [/loop]
20        return foundState;
21    }
22    </script>