3namespace Wikimedia\Message;
6 * Value object representing a message for i18n.
7 *
8 * A MessageValue holds a key and an array of parameters. It can be converted
9 * to a string in a particular language using formatters obtained from an
10 * IMessageFormatterFactory.
11 *
12 * MessageValues are pure value objects and are safely newable.
13 *
14 * @newable
15 */
16class MessageValue {
17	/** @var string */
18	private $key;
20	/** @var MessageParam[] */
21	private $params;
23	/**
24	 * @stable to call
25	 *
26	 * @param string $key
27	 * @param (MessageParam|MessageValue|string|int|float)[] $params Values that are not instances
28	 *  of MessageParam are wrapped using ParamType::TEXT.
29	 */
30	public function __construct( $key, $params = [] ) {
31		$this->key = $key;
32		$this->params = [];
33		$this->params( ...$params );
34	}
36	/**
37	 * Static constructor for easier chaining of `->params()` methods
38	 * @param string $key
39	 * @param (MessageParam|MessageValue|string|int|float)[] $params
40	 * @return MessageValue
41	 */
42	public static function new( $key, $params = [] ) {
43		return new MessageValue( $key, $params );
44	}
46	/**
47	 * Get the message key
48	 *
49	 * @return string
50	 */
51	public function getKey() {
52		return $this->key;
53	}
55	/**
56	 * Get the parameter array
57	 *
58	 * @return MessageParam[]
59	 */
60	public function getParams() {
61		return $this->params;
62	}
64	/**
65	 * Chainable mutator which adds text parameters and MessageParam parameters
66	 *
67	 * @param MessageParam|MessageValue|string|int|float ...$values
68	 * @return $this
69	 */
70	public function params( ...$values ) {
71		foreach ( $values as $value ) {
72			if ( $value instanceof MessageParam ) {
73				$this->params[] = $value;
74			} else {
75				$this->params[] = new ScalarParam( ParamType::TEXT, $value );
76			}
77		}
78		return $this;
79	}
81	/**
82	 * Chainable mutator which adds text parameters with a common type
83	 *
84	 * @param string $type One of the ParamType constants
85	 * @param MessageValue|string|int|float ...$values Scalar values
86	 * @return $this
87	 */
88	public function textParamsOfType( $type, ...$values ) {
89		foreach ( $values as $value ) {
90			$this->params[] = new ScalarParam( $type, $value );
91		}
92		return $this;
93	}
95	/**
96	 * Chainable mutator which adds list parameters with a common type
97	 *
98	 * @param string $listType One of the ListType constants
99	 * @param (MessageParam|MessageValue|string|int|float)[] ...$values Each value
100	 *  is an array of items suitable to pass as $params to ListParam::__construct()
101	 * @return $this
102	 */
103	public function listParamsOfType( $listType, ...$values ) {
104		foreach ( $values as $value ) {
105			$this->params[] = new ListParam( $listType, $value );
106		}
107		return $this;
108	}
110	/**
111	 * Chainable mutator which adds parameters of type text (ParamType::TEXT).
112	 *
113	 * @param MessageValue|string|int|float ...$values
114	 * @return $this
115	 */
116	public function textParams( ...$values ) {
117		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::TEXT, ...$values );
118	}
120	/**
121	 * Chainable mutator which adds numeric parameters (ParamType::NUM).
122	 *
123	 * @param int|float ...$values
124	 * @return $this
125	 */
126	public function numParams( ...$values ) {
127		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::NUM, ...$values );
128	}
130	/**
131	 * Chainable mutator which adds parameters which are a duration specified
132	 * in seconds (ParamType::DURATION_LONG).
133	 *
134	 * This is similar to shorDurationParams() except that the result will be
135	 * more verbose.
136	 *
137	 * @param int|float ...$values
138	 * @return $this
139	 */
140	public function longDurationParams( ...$values ) {
141		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::DURATION_LONG, ...$values );
142	}
144	/**
145	 * Chainable mutator which adds parameters which are a duration specified
146	 * in seconds (ParamType::DURATION_SHORT).
147	 *
148	 * This is similar to longDurationParams() except that the result will be more
149	 * compact.
150	 *
151	 * @param int|float ...$values
152	 * @return $this
153	 */
154	public function shortDurationParams( ...$values ) {
155		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::DURATION_SHORT, ...$values );
156	}
158	/**
159	 * Chainable mutator which adds parameters which are an expiry timestamp (ParamType::EXPIRY).
160	 *
161	 * @param string ...$values Timestamp as accepted by the Wikimedia\Timestamp library,
162	 *  or "infinity"
163	 * @return $this
164	 */
165	public function expiryParams( ...$values ) {
166		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::EXPIRY, ...$values );
167	}
169	/**
170	 * Chainable mutator which adds parameters which are a date-time timestamp (ParamType::DATETIME).
171	 *
172	 * @since 1.36
173	 * @param string ...$values Timestamp as accepted by the Wikimedia\Timestamp library.
174	 * @return $this
175	 */
176	public function dateTimeParams( ...$values ) {
177		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::DATETIME, ...$values );
178	}
180	/**
181	 * Chainable mutator which adds parameters which are a date timestamp (ParamType::DATE).
182	 *
183	 * @since 1.36
184	 * @param string ...$values Timestamp as accepted by the Wikimedia\Timestamp library.
185	 * @return $this
186	 */
187	public function dateParams( ...$values ) {
188		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::DATE, ...$values );
189	}
191	/**
192	 * Chainable mutator which adds parameters which are a time timestamp (ParamType::TIME).
193	 *
194	 * @since 1.36
195	 * @param string ...$values Timestamp as accepted by the Wikimedia\Timestamp library.
196	 * @return $this
197	 */
198	public function timeParams( ...$values ) {
199		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::TIME, ...$values );
200	}
202	/**
203	 * Chainable mutator which adds parameters which are a number of bytes (ParamType::SIZE).
204	 *
205	 * @param int ...$values
206	 * @return $this
207	 */
208	public function sizeParams( ...$values ) {
209		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::SIZE, ...$values );
210	}
212	/**
213	 * Chainable mutator which adds parameters which are a number of bits per
214	 * second (ParamType::BITRATE).
215	 *
216	 * @param int|float ...$values
217	 * @return $this
218	 */
219	public function bitrateParams( ...$values ) {
220		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::BITRATE, ...$values );
221	}
223	/**
224	 * Chainable mutator which adds "raw" parameters (ParamType::RAW).
225	 *
226	 * Raw parameters are substituted after formatter processing. The caller is responsible
227	 * for ensuring that the value will be safe for the intended output format, and
228	 * documenting what that intended output format is.
229	 *
230	 * @param string ...$values
231	 * @return $this
232	 */
233	public function rawParams( ...$values ) {
234		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::RAW, ...$values );
235	}
237	/**
238	 * Chainable mutator which adds plaintext parameters (ParamType::PLAINTEXT).
239	 *
240	 * Plaintext parameters are substituted after formatter processing. The value
241	 * will be escaped by the formatter as appropriate for the target output format
242	 * so as to be represented as plain text rather than as any sort of markup.
243	 *
244	 * @param string ...$values
245	 * @return $this
246	 */
247	public function plaintextParams( ...$values ) {
248		return $this->textParamsOfType( ParamType::PLAINTEXT, ...$values );
249	}
251	/**
252	 * Chainable mutator which adds comma lists (ListType::COMMA).
253	 *
254	 * The list parameters thus created are formatted as a comma-separated list,
255	 * or some local equivalent.
256	 *
257	 * @param (MessageParam|MessageValue|string|int|float)[] ...$values Each value
258	 *  is an array of items suitable to pass as $params to ListParam::__construct()
259	 * @return $this
260	 */
261	public function commaListParams( ...$values ) {
262		return $this->listParamsOfType( ListType::COMMA, ...$values );
263	}
265	/**
266	 * Chainable mutator which adds semicolon lists (ListType::SEMICOLON).
267	 *
268	 * The list parameters thus created are formatted as a semicolon-separated
269	 * list, or some local equivalent.
270	 *
271	 * @param (MessageParam|MessageValue|string|int|float)[] ...$values Each value
272	 *  is an array of items suitable to pass as $params to ListParam::__construct()
273	 * @return $this
274	 */
275	public function semicolonListParams( ...$values ) {
276		return $this->listParamsOfType( ListType::SEMICOLON, ...$values );
277	}
279	/**
280	 * Chainable mutator which adds pipe lists (ListType::PIPE).
281	 *
282	 * The list parameters thus created are formatted as a pipe ("|") -separated
283	 * list, or some local equivalent.
284	 *
285	 * @param (MessageParam|MessageValue|string|int|float)[] ...$values Each value
286	 *  is an array of items suitable to pass as $params to ListParam::__construct()
287	 * @return $this
288	 */
289	public function pipeListParams( ...$values ) {
290		return $this->listParamsOfType( ListType::PIPE, ...$values );
291	}
293	/**
294	 * Chainable mutator which adds natural-language lists (ListType::AND).
295	 *
296	 * The list parameters thus created, when formatted, are joined as in natural
297	 * language. In English, this means a comma-separated list, with the last
298	 * two elements joined with "and".
299	 *
300	 * @param (MessageParam|string)[] ...$values
301	 * @return $this
302	 */
303	public function textListParams( ...$values ) {
304		return $this->listParamsOfType( ListType::AND, ...$values );
305	}
307	/**
308	 * Dump the object for testing/debugging
309	 *
310	 * @return string
311	 */
312	public function dump() {
313		$contents = '';
314		foreach ( $this->params as $param ) {
315			$contents .= $param->dump();
316		}
317		return '<message key="' . htmlspecialchars( $this->key ) . '">' .
318			$contents . '</message>';
319	}