2SQL>'SELECT status, docsize, hops, crc32, url FROM url WHERE crc32<>0 ORDER BY status, crc32'
3200	110	1	-1574177844	http://site0/site0.page2.html
4200	118	1	-622938870	http://site1/site1.page3.html
5200	114	1	435923780	http://site1/site1.page4.html
6200	108	1	1404023774	http://site0/site0.page1.html
7200	119	1	2034095681	http://site1/site1.page5.html
8SQL>'SELECT url.status,url.crc32,url.url,urlinfo.sname,urlinfo.sval FROM url,urlinfo WHERE url.rec_id=urlinfo.url_id ORDER BY url.status,url.crc32,urlinfo.sname'
9200	-1574177844	http://site0/site0.page2.html	body	This is the second test page. 222.
10200	-1574177844	http://site0/site0.page2.html	title	Test 2 title
11200	-622938870	http://site1/site1.page3.html	body	This is the third test page. 333. 333.
12200	-622938870	http://site1/site1.page3.html	title	Test 3 title
13200	435923780	http://site1/site1.page4.html	body	This the fourth test page. 444.
14200	435923780	http://site1/site1.page4.html	title	Test 4 title
15200	1404023774	http://site0/site0.page1.html	body	This is the first test page. 111.
16200	1404023774	http://site0/site0.page1.html	title	Test 1 title
17200	2034095681	http://site1/site1.page5.html	body	This the fifth test page. 555.
18200	2034095681	http://site1/site1.page5.html	title	Test 5 title
19SQL>'SELECT url.status,url.url,links.url,links.src,links.rel,links.linktext FROM url,links WHERE url.rec_id=links.url_id ORDER BY url.status,url.url,links.src,links.rel,links.url'
20SQL>'SELECT url FROM url WHERE url='http://site/''