1"""passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt - SHA256-Crypt / SHA512-Crypt"""
3# imports
5# core
6import hashlib
7import logging; log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
8# site
9# pkg
10from passlib.utils import safe_crypt, test_crypt, \
11                          repeat_string, to_unicode
12from passlib.utils.binary import h64
13from passlib.utils.compat import byte_elem_value, u, \
14                                 uascii_to_str, unicode
15import passlib.utils.handlers as uh
16# local
17__all__ = [
18    "sha512_crypt",
19    "sha256_crypt",
23# pure-python backend, used by both sha256_crypt & sha512_crypt
24# when crypt.crypt() backend is not available.
26_BNULL = b'\x00'
28# pre-calculated offsets used to speed up C digest stage (see notes below).
29# sequence generated using the following:
30    ##perms_order = "p,pp,ps,psp,sp,spp".split(",")
31    ##def offset(i):
32    ##    key = (("p" if i % 2 else "") + ("s" if i % 3 else "") +
33    ##        ("p" if i % 7 else "") + ("" if i % 2 else "p"))
34    ##    return perms_order.index(key)
35    ##_c_digest_offsets = [(offset(i), offset(i+1)) for i in range(0,42,2)]
36_c_digest_offsets = (
37    (0, 3), (5, 1), (5, 3), (1, 2), (5, 1), (5, 3), (1, 3),
38    (4, 1), (5, 3), (1, 3), (5, 0), (5, 3), (1, 3), (5, 1),
39    (4, 3), (1, 3), (5, 1), (5, 2), (1, 3), (5, 1), (5, 3),
40    )
42# map used to transpose bytes when encoding final sha256_crypt digest
43_256_transpose_map = (
44    20, 10,  0, 11,  1, 21,  2, 22, 12, 23, 13,  3, 14,  4, 24,  5,
45    25, 15, 26, 16,  6, 17,  7, 27,  8, 28, 18, 29, 19,  9, 30, 31,
48# map used to transpose bytes when encoding final sha512_crypt digest
49_512_transpose_map = (
50    42, 21,  0,  1, 43, 22, 23,  2, 44, 45, 24,  3,  4, 46, 25, 26,
51     5, 47, 48, 27,  6,  7, 49, 28, 29,  8, 50, 51, 30,  9, 10, 52,
52    31, 32, 11, 53, 54, 33, 12, 13, 55, 34, 35, 14, 56, 57, 36, 15,
53    16, 58, 37, 38, 17, 59, 60, 39, 18, 19, 61, 40, 41, 20, 62, 63,
56def _raw_sha2_crypt(pwd, salt, rounds, use_512=False):
57    """perform raw sha256-crypt / sha512-crypt
59    this function provides a pure-python implementation of the internals
60    for the SHA256-Crypt and SHA512-Crypt algorithms; it doesn't
61    handle any of the parsing/validation of the hash strings themselves.
63    :arg pwd: password chars/bytes to hash
64    :arg salt: salt chars to use
65    :arg rounds: linear rounds cost
66    :arg use_512: use sha512-crypt instead of sha256-crypt mode
68    :returns:
69        encoded checksum chars
70    """
71    #===================================================================
72    # init & validate inputs
73    #===================================================================
75    # NOTE: the setup portion of this algorithm scales ~linearly in time
76    #       with the size of the password, making it vulnerable to a DOS from
77    #       unreasonably large inputs. the following code has some optimizations
78    #       which would make things even worse, using O(pwd_len**2) memory
79    #       when calculating digest P.
80    #
81    #       to mitigate these two issues: 1) this code switches to a
82    #       O(pwd_len)-memory algorithm for passwords that are much larger
83    #       than average, and 2) Passlib enforces a library-wide max limit on
84    #       the size of passwords it will allow, to prevent this algorithm and
85    #       others from being DOSed in this way (see passlib.exc.PasswordSizeError
86    #       for details).
88    # validate secret
89    if isinstance(pwd, unicode):
90        # XXX: not sure what official unicode policy is, using this as default
91        pwd = pwd.encode("utf-8")
92    assert isinstance(pwd, bytes)
93    if _BNULL in pwd:
94        raise uh.exc.NullPasswordError(sha512_crypt if use_512 else sha256_crypt)
95    pwd_len = len(pwd)
97    # validate rounds
98    assert 1000 <= rounds <= 999999999, "invalid rounds"
99        # NOTE: spec says out-of-range rounds should be clipped, instead of
100        # causing an error. this function assumes that's been taken care of
101        # by the handler class.
103    # validate salt
104    assert isinstance(salt, unicode), "salt not unicode"
105    salt = salt.encode("ascii")
106    salt_len = len(salt)
107    assert salt_len < 17, "salt too large"
108        # NOTE: spec says salts larger than 16 bytes should be truncated,
109        # instead of causing an error. this function assumes that's been
110        # taken care of by the handler class.
112    # load sha256/512 specific constants
113    if use_512:
114        hash_const = hashlib.sha512
115        transpose_map = _512_transpose_map
116    else:
117        hash_const = hashlib.sha256
118        transpose_map = _256_transpose_map
120    #===================================================================
121    # digest B - used as subinput to digest A
122    #===================================================================
123    db = hash_const(pwd + salt + pwd).digest()
125    #===================================================================
126    # digest A - used to initialize first round of digest C
127    #===================================================================
128    # start out with pwd + salt
129    a_ctx = hash_const(pwd + salt)
130    a_ctx_update = a_ctx.update
132    # add pwd_len bytes of b, repeating b as many times as needed.
133    a_ctx_update(repeat_string(db, pwd_len))
135    # for each bit in pwd_len: add b if it's 1, or pwd if it's 0
136    i = pwd_len
137    while i:
138        a_ctx_update(db if i & 1 else pwd)
139        i >>= 1
141    # finish A
142    da = a_ctx.digest()
144    #===================================================================
145    # digest P from password - used instead of password itself
146    #                          when calculating digest C.
147    #===================================================================
148    if pwd_len < 96:
149        # this method is faster under python, but uses O(pwd_len**2) memory;
150        # so we don't use it for larger passwords to avoid a potential DOS.
151        dp = repeat_string(hash_const(pwd * pwd_len).digest(), pwd_len)
152    else:
153        # this method is slower under python, but uses a fixed amount of memory.
154        tmp_ctx = hash_const(pwd)
155        tmp_ctx_update = tmp_ctx.update
156        i = pwd_len-1
157        while i:
158            tmp_ctx_update(pwd)
159            i -= 1
160        dp = repeat_string(tmp_ctx.digest(), pwd_len)
161    assert len(dp) == pwd_len
163    #===================================================================
164    # digest S  - used instead of salt itself when calculating digest C
165    #===================================================================
166    ds = hash_const(salt * (16 + byte_elem_value(da[0]))).digest()[:salt_len]
167    assert len(ds) == salt_len, "salt_len somehow > hash_len!"
169    #===================================================================
170    # digest C - for a variable number of rounds, combine A, S, and P
171    #            digests in various ways; in order to burn CPU time.
172    #===================================================================
174    # NOTE: the original SHA256/512-Crypt specification performs the C digest
175    # calculation using the following loop:
176    #
177    ##dc = da
178    ##i = 0
179    ##while i < rounds:
180    ##    tmp_ctx = hash_const(dp if i & 1 else dc)
181    ##    if i % 3:
182    ##        tmp_ctx.update(ds)
183    ##    if i % 7:
184    ##        tmp_ctx.update(dp)
185    ##    tmp_ctx.update(dc if i & 1 else dp)
186    ##    dc = tmp_ctx.digest()
187    ##    i += 1
188    #
189    # The code Passlib uses (below) implements an equivalent algorithm,
190    # it's just been heavily optimized to pre-calculate a large number
191    # of things beforehand. It works off of a couple of observations
192    # about the original algorithm:
193    #
194    # 1. each round is a combination of 'dc', 'ds', and 'dp'; determined
195    #    by the whether 'i' a multiple of 2,3, and/or 7.
196    # 2. since lcm(2,3,7)==42, the series of combinations will repeat
197    #    every 42 rounds.
198    # 3. even rounds 0-40 consist of 'hash(dc + round-specific-constant)';
199    #    while odd rounds 1-41 consist of hash(round-specific-constant + dc)
200    #
201    # Using these observations, the following code...
202    # * calculates the round-specific combination of ds & dp for each round 0-41
203    # * runs through as many 42-round blocks as possible
204    # * runs through as many pairs of rounds as possible for remaining rounds
205    # * performs once last round if the total rounds should be odd.
206    #
207    # this cuts out a lot of the control overhead incurred when running the
208    # original loop 40,000+ times in python, resulting in ~20% increase in
209    # speed under CPython (though still 2x slower than glibc crypt)
211    # prepare the 6 combinations of ds & dp which are needed
212    # (order of 'perms' must match how _c_digest_offsets was generated)
213    dp_dp = dp+dp
214    dp_ds = dp+ds
215    perms = [dp, dp_dp, dp_ds, dp_ds+dp, ds+dp, ds+dp_dp]
217    # build up list of even-round & odd-round constants,
218    # and store in 21-element list as (even,odd) pairs.
219    data = [ (perms[even], perms[odd]) for even, odd in _c_digest_offsets]
221    # perform as many full 42-round blocks as possible
222    dc = da
223    blocks, tail = divmod(rounds, 42)
224    while blocks:
225        for even, odd in data:
226            dc = hash_const(odd + hash_const(dc + even).digest()).digest()
227        blocks -= 1
229    # perform any leftover rounds
230    if tail:
231        # perform any pairs of rounds
232        pairs = tail>>1
233        for even, odd in data[:pairs]:
234            dc = hash_const(odd + hash_const(dc + even).digest()).digest()
236        # if rounds was odd, do one last round (since we started at 0,
237        # last round will be an even-numbered round)
238        if tail & 1:
239            dc = hash_const(dc + data[pairs][0]).digest()
241    #===================================================================
242    # encode digest using appropriate transpose map
243    #===================================================================
244    return h64.encode_transposed_bytes(dc, transpose_map).decode("ascii")
247# handlers
249_UROUNDS = u("rounds=")
250_UDOLLAR = u("$")
251_UZERO = u("0")
253class _SHA2_Common(uh.HasManyBackends, uh.HasRounds, uh.HasSalt,
254                   uh.GenericHandler):
255    """class containing common code shared by sha256_crypt & sha512_crypt"""
256    #===================================================================
257    # class attrs
258    #===================================================================
259    # name - set by subclass
260    setting_kwds = ("salt", "rounds", "implicit_rounds", "salt_size")
261    # ident - set by subclass
262    checksum_chars = uh.HASH64_CHARS
263    # checksum_size - set by subclass
265    max_salt_size = 16
266    salt_chars = uh.HASH64_CHARS
268    min_rounds = 1000 # bounds set by spec
269    max_rounds = 999999999 # bounds set by spec
270    rounds_cost = "linear"
272    _cdb_use_512 = False # flag for _calc_digest_builtin()
273    _rounds_prefix = None # ident + _UROUNDS
275    #===================================================================
276    # methods
277    #===================================================================
278    implicit_rounds = False
280    def __init__(self, implicit_rounds=None, **kwds):
281        super(_SHA2_Common, self).__init__(**kwds)
282        # if user calls hash() w/ 5000 rounds, default to compact form.
283        if implicit_rounds is None:
284            implicit_rounds = (self.use_defaults and self.rounds == 5000)
285        self.implicit_rounds = implicit_rounds
287    def _parse_salt(self, salt):
288        # required per SHA2-crypt spec -- truncate config salts rather than throwing error
289        return self._norm_salt(salt, relaxed=self.checksum is None)
291    def _parse_rounds(self, rounds):
292        # required per SHA2-crypt spec -- clip config rounds rather than throwing error
293        return self._norm_rounds(rounds, relaxed=self.checksum is None)
295    @classmethod
296    def from_string(cls, hash):
297        # basic format this parses -
298        # $5$[rounds=<rounds>$]<salt>[$<checksum>]
300        # TODO: this *could* use uh.parse_mc3(), except that the rounds
301        # portion has a slightly different grammar.
303        # convert to unicode, check for ident prefix, split on dollar signs.
304        hash = to_unicode(hash, "ascii", "hash")
305        ident = cls.ident
306        if not hash.startswith(ident):
307            raise uh.exc.InvalidHashError(cls)
308        assert len(ident) == 3
309        parts = hash[3:].split(_UDOLLAR)
311        # extract rounds value
312        if parts[0].startswith(_UROUNDS):
313            assert len(_UROUNDS) == 7
314            rounds = parts.pop(0)[7:]
315            if rounds.startswith(_UZERO) and rounds != _UZERO:
316                raise uh.exc.ZeroPaddedRoundsError(cls)
317            rounds = int(rounds)
318            implicit_rounds = False
319        else:
320            rounds = 5000
321            implicit_rounds = True
323        # rest should be salt and checksum
324        if len(parts) == 2:
325            salt, chk = parts
326        elif len(parts) == 1:
327            salt = parts[0]
328            chk = None
329        else:
330            raise uh.exc.MalformedHashError(cls)
332        # return new object
333        return cls(
334            rounds=rounds,
335            salt=salt,
336            checksum=chk or None,
337            implicit_rounds=implicit_rounds,
338            )
340    def to_string(self):
341        if self.rounds == 5000 and self.implicit_rounds:
342            hash = u("%s%s$%s") % (self.ident, self.salt,
343                                   self.checksum or u(''))
344        else:
345            hash = u("%srounds=%d$%s$%s") % (self.ident, self.rounds,
346                                             self.salt, self.checksum or u(''))
347        return uascii_to_str(hash)
349    #===================================================================
350    # backends
351    #===================================================================
352    backends = ("os_crypt", "builtin")
354    #---------------------------------------------------------------
355    # os_crypt backend
356    #---------------------------------------------------------------
358    #: test hash for OS detection -- provided by subclass
359    _test_hash = None
361    @classmethod
362    def _load_backend_os_crypt(cls):
363        if test_crypt(*cls._test_hash):
364            cls._set_calc_checksum_backend(cls._calc_checksum_os_crypt)
365            return True
366        else:
367            return False
369    def _calc_checksum_os_crypt(self, secret):
370        hash = safe_crypt(secret, self.to_string())
371        if hash:
372            # NOTE: avoiding full parsing routine via from_string().checksum,
373            # and just extracting the bit we need.
374            cs = self.checksum_size
375            assert hash.startswith(self.ident) and hash[-cs-1] == _UDOLLAR
376            return hash[-cs:]
377        else:
378            # py3's crypt.crypt() can't handle non-utf8 bytes.
379            # fallback to builtin alg, which is always available.
380            return self._calc_checksum_builtin(secret)
382    #---------------------------------------------------------------
383    # builtin backend
384    #---------------------------------------------------------------
385    @classmethod
386    def _load_backend_builtin(cls):
387        cls._set_calc_checksum_backend(cls._calc_checksum_builtin)
388        return True
390    def _calc_checksum_builtin(self, secret):
391        return _raw_sha2_crypt(secret, self.salt, self.rounds,
392                               self._cdb_use_512)
394    #===================================================================
395    # eoc
396    #===================================================================
398class sha256_crypt(_SHA2_Common):
399    """This class implements the SHA256-Crypt password hash, and follows the :ref:`password-hash-api`.
401    It supports a variable-length salt, and a variable number of rounds.
403    The :meth:`~passlib.ifc.PasswordHash.using` method accepts the following optional keywords:
405    :type salt: str
406    :param salt:
407        Optional salt string.
408        If not specified, one will be autogenerated (this is recommended).
409        If specified, it must be 0-16 characters, drawn from the regexp range ``[./0-9A-Za-z]``.
411    :type rounds: int
412    :param rounds:
413        Optional number of rounds to use.
414        Defaults to 535000, must be between 1000 and 999999999, inclusive.
416    :type implicit_rounds: bool
417    :param implicit_rounds:
418        this is an internal option which generally doesn't need to be touched.
420        this flag determines whether the hash should omit the rounds parameter
421        when encoding it to a string; this is only permitted by the spec for rounds=5000,
422        and the flag is ignored otherwise. the spec requires the two different
423        encodings be preserved as they are, instead of normalizing them.
425    :type relaxed: bool
426    :param relaxed:
427        By default, providing an invalid value for one of the other
428        keywords will result in a :exc:`ValueError`. If ``relaxed=True``,
429        and the error can be corrected, a :exc:`~passlib.exc.PasslibHashWarning`
430        will be issued instead. Correctable errors include ``rounds``
431        that are too small or too large, and ``salt`` strings that are too long.
433        .. versionadded:: 1.6
434    """
435    #===================================================================
436    # class attrs
437    #===================================================================
438    name = "sha256_crypt"
439    ident = u("$5$")
440    checksum_size = 43
441    # NOTE: using 25/75 weighting of builtin & os_crypt backends
442    default_rounds = 535000
444    #===================================================================
445    # backends
446    #===================================================================
447    _test_hash = ("test", "$5$rounds=1000$test$QmQADEXMG8POI5W"
448                          "Dsaeho0P36yK3Tcrgboabng6bkb/")
450    #===================================================================
451    # eoc
452    #===================================================================
455# sha 512 crypt
457class sha512_crypt(_SHA2_Common):
458    """This class implements the SHA512-Crypt password hash, and follows the :ref:`password-hash-api`.
460    It supports a variable-length salt, and a variable number of rounds.
462    The :meth:`~passlib.ifc.PasswordHash.using` method accepts the following optional keywords:
464    :type salt: str
465    :param salt:
466        Optional salt string.
467        If not specified, one will be autogenerated (this is recommended).
468        If specified, it must be 0-16 characters, drawn from the regexp range ``[./0-9A-Za-z]``.
470    :type rounds: int
471    :param rounds:
472        Optional number of rounds to use.
473        Defaults to 656000, must be between 1000 and 999999999, inclusive.
475    :type implicit_rounds: bool
476    :param implicit_rounds:
477        this is an internal option which generally doesn't need to be touched.
479        this flag determines whether the hash should omit the rounds parameter
480        when encoding it to a string; this is only permitted by the spec for rounds=5000,
481        and the flag is ignored otherwise. the spec requires the two different
482        encodings be preserved as they are, instead of normalizing them.
484    :type relaxed: bool
485    :param relaxed:
486        By default, providing an invalid value for one of the other
487        keywords will result in a :exc:`ValueError`. If ``relaxed=True``,
488        and the error can be corrected, a :exc:`~passlib.exc.PasslibHashWarning`
489        will be issued instead. Correctable errors include ``rounds``
490        that are too small or too large, and ``salt`` strings that are too long.
492        .. versionadded:: 1.6
493    """
495    #===================================================================
496    # class attrs
497    #===================================================================
498    name = "sha512_crypt"
499    ident = u("$6$")
500    checksum_size = 86
501    _cdb_use_512 = True
502    # NOTE: using 25/75 weighting of builtin & os_crypt backends
503    default_rounds = 656000
505    #===================================================================
506    # backend
507    #===================================================================
508    _test_hash = ("test", "$6$rounds=1000$test$2M/Lx6Mtobqj"
509                          "Ljobw0Wmo4Q5OFx5nVLJvmgseatA6oMn"
510                          "yWeBdRDx4DU.1H3eGmse6pgsOgDisWBG"
511                          "I5c7TZauS0")
513    #===================================================================
514    # eoc
515    #===================================================================
518# eof