3// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
5// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8// (at your option) any later version.
10// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13// GNU General Public License for more details.
15// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16// along with Moodle.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 * Classes for displaying and editing a nested list of items.
20 *
21 * Handles functionality for :
22 *
23 *    Construction of nested list from db records with some key pointing to a parent id.
24 *    Display of list with or without editing icons with optional pagination.
25 *    Reordering of items works across pages.
26 *    Processing of editing actions on list.
27 *
28 * @package    core
29 * @subpackage lib
30 * @copyright  Jamie Pratt
31 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
32 */
34defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
37 * Clues to reading this code:
38 *
39 * The functions that move things around the tree structure just update the
40 * database - they don't update the in-memory structure, instead they trigger a
41 * page reload so everything is rebuilt from scratch.
42 *
43 * @package moodlecore
44 * @copyright Jamie Pratt
45 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
46 */
47abstract class moodle_list {
48    public $attributes;
49    public $listitemclassname = 'list_item';
51    /** @var array of $listitemclassname objects. */
52    public $items = array();
54    /** @var string 'ol' or 'ul'. */
55    public $type;
57    /** @var list_item or derived class. */
58    public $parentitem = null;
59    public $table;
60    public $fieldnamesparent = 'parent';
62    /** @var array Records from db, only used in top level list. */
63    public $records = array();
65    public $editable;
67    /** @var array keys are child ids, values are parents. */
68    public $childparent;
71//vars used for pagination.
72    public $page = 0; // 0 means no pagination
73    public $firstitem = 1;
74    public $lastitem = 999999;
75    public $pagecount;
76    public $paged = false;
77    public $offset = 0;
79    public $pageurl;
80    public $pageparamname;
82    /**
83     * Constructor.
84     *
85     * @param string $type
86     * @param string $attributes
87     * @param boolean $editable
88     * @param moodle_url $pageurl url for this page
89     * @param integer $page if 0 no pagination. (These three params only used in top level list.)
90     * @param string $pageparamname name of url param that is used for passing page no
91     * @param integer $itemsperpage no of top level items.
92     */
93    public function __construct($type='ul', $attributes='', $editable = false, $pageurl=null, $page = 0, $pageparamname = 'page', $itemsperpage = 20) {
94        global $PAGE;
96        $this->editable = $editable;
97        $this->attributes = $attributes;
98        $this->type = $type;
99        $this->page = $page;
100        $this->pageparamname = $pageparamname;
101        $this->itemsperpage = $itemsperpage;
102        if ($pageurl === null) {
103            $this->pageurl = new moodle_url($PAGE->url);
104            $this->pageurl->params(array($this->pageparamname => $this->page));
105        } else {
106            $this->pageurl = $pageurl;
107        }
108    }
110    /**
111     * Returns html string.
112     *
113     * @param integer $indent depth of indentation.
114     */
115    public function to_html($indent=0, $extraargs=array()) {
116        if (count($this->items)) {
117            $tabs = str_repeat("\t", $indent);
118            $first = true;
119            $itemiter = 1;
120            $lastitem = '';
121            $html = '';
123            foreach ($this->items as $item) {
124                $last = (count($this->items) == $itemiter);
125                if ($this->editable) {
126                    $item->set_icon_html($first, $last, $lastitem);
127                }
128                if ($itemhtml = $item->to_html($indent+1, $extraargs)) {
129                    $html .= "$tabs\t<li".((!empty($item->attributes))?(' '.$item->attributes):'').">";
130                    $html .= $itemhtml;
131                    $html .= "</li>\n";
132                }
133                $first = false;
134                $lastitem = $item;
135                $itemiter++;
136            }
137        } else {
138            $html = '';
139        }
140        if ($html) { //if there are list items to display then wrap them in ul / ol tag.
141            $tabs = str_repeat("\t", $indent);
142            $html = $tabs.'<'.$this->type.((!empty($this->attributes))?(' '.$this->attributes):'').">\n".$html;
143            $html .= $tabs."</".$this->type.">\n";
144        } else {
145            $html ='';
146        }
147        return $html;
148    }
150    /**
151     * Recurse down the tree and find an item by it's id.
152     *
153     * @param integer $id
154     * @param boolean $suppresserror error if not item found?
155     * @return list_item *copy* or null if item is not found
156     */
157    public function find_item($id, $suppresserror = false) {
158        if (isset($this->items)) {
159            foreach ($this->items as $key => $child) {
160                if ($child->id == $id) {
161                    return $this->items[$key];
162                }
163            }
164            foreach (array_keys($this->items) as $key) {
165                $thischild = $this->items[$key];
166                $ref = $thischild->children->find_item($id, true);//error always reported at top level
167                if ($ref !== null) {
168                    return $ref;
169                }
170            }
171        }
173        if (!$suppresserror) {
174            print_error('listnoitem');
175        }
176        return null;
177    }
179    public function add_item($item) {
180        $this->items[] = $item;
181    }
183    public function set_parent($parent) {
184        $this->parentitem = $parent;
185    }
187    /**
188     * Produces a hierarchical tree of list items from a flat array of records.
189     * 'parent' field is expected to point to a parent record.
190     * records are already sorted.
191     * If the parent field doesn't point to another record in the array then this is
192     * a top level list
193     *
194     * @param integer $offset how many list toplevel items are there in lists before this one
195     * @return array(boolean, integer) whether there is more than one page, $offset + how many toplevel items where there in this list.
196     *
197     */
198    public function list_from_records($paged = false, $offset = 0) {
199        $this->paged = $paged;
200        $this->offset = $offset;
201        $this->get_records();
202        $records = $this->records;
203        $page = $this->page;
204        if (!empty($page)) {
205            $this->firstitem = ($page - 1) * $this->itemsperpage;
206            $this->lastitem = $this->firstitem + $this->itemsperpage - 1;
207        }
208        $itemiter = $offset;
209        //make a simple array which is easier to search
210        $this->childparent = array();
211        foreach ($records as $record) {
212            $this->childparent[$record->id] = $record->parent;
213        }
215        //create top level list items and they're responsible for creating their children
216        foreach ($records as $record) {
217            if (array_key_exists($record->parent, $this->childparent)) {
218                // This record is a child of another record, so it will be dealt
219                // with by a call to list_item::create_children, not here.
220                continue;
221            }
223            $inpage = $itemiter >= $this->firstitem && $itemiter <= $this->lastitem;
225            // Make list item for top level for all items
226            // we need the info about the top level items for reordering peers.
227            if ($this->parentitem !== null) {
228                $newattributes = $this->parentitem->attributes;
229            } else {
230                $newattributes = '';
231            }
233            $this->items[$itemiter] = new $this->listitemclassname($record, $this, $newattributes, $inpage);
235            if ($inpage) {
236                $this->items[$itemiter]->create_children($records, $this->childparent, $record->id);
237            } else {
238                // Don't recurse down the tree for items that are not on this page
239                $this->paged = true;
240            }
242            $itemiter++;
243        }
244        return array($this->paged, $itemiter);
245    }
247    /**
248     * Should be overriden to return an array of records of list items.
249     */
250    public abstract function get_records();
252    /**
253     * display list of page numbers for navigation
254     */
255    public function display_page_numbers() {
256        $html = '';
257        $topcount = count($this->items);
258        $this->pagecount = (integer) ceil(($topcount + $this->offset)/ QUESTION_PAGE_LENGTH );
259        if (!empty($this->page) && ($this->paged)) {
260            $html = "<div class=\"paging\">".get_string('page').":\n";
261            foreach (range(1,$this->pagecount) as $currentpage) {
262                if ($this->page == $currentpage) {
263                    $html .= " $currentpage \n";
264                }
265                else {
266                    $html .= "<a href=\"".$this->pageurl->out(true, array($this->pageparamname => $currentpage))."\">";
267                    $html .= " $currentpage </a>\n";
268                }
269            }
270            $html .= "</div>";
271        }
272        return $html;
273    }
275    /**
276     * Returns an array of ids of peers of an item.
277     *
278     * @param    int itemid - if given, restrict records to those with this parent id.
279     * @return   array peer ids
280     */
281    public function get_items_peers($itemid) {
282        $itemref = $this->find_item($itemid);
283        $peerids = $itemref->parentlist->get_child_ids();
284        return $peerids;
285    }
287    /**
288     * Returns an array of ids of child items.
289     *
290     * @return   array peer ids
291     */
292    public function get_child_ids() {
293        $childids = array();
294        foreach ($this->items as $child) {
295           $childids[] = $child->id;
296        }
297        return $childids;
298    }
300    /**
301     * Returns the value to be used as the parent for the $item when it goes to the top level.
302     * Override if needed.
303     *
304     * @param list_item $item The item which its top level parent is going to be returned.
305     * @return int
306     */
307    public function get_top_level_parent_id($item) {
308        return 0; // Top level items have no parent.
309    }
311    /**
312     * Move a record up or down
313     *
314     * @param string $direction up / down
315     * @param integer $id
316     */
317    public function move_item_up_down($direction, $id) {
318        $peers = $this->get_items_peers($id);
319        $itemkey = array_search($id, $peers);
320        switch ($direction) {
321            case 'down' :
322                if (isset($peers[$itemkey+1])) {
323                    $olditem = $peers[$itemkey+1];
324                    $peers[$itemkey+1] = $id;
325                    $peers[$itemkey] = $olditem;
326                } else {
327                    print_error('listcantmoveup');
328                }
329                break;
331            case 'up' :
332                if (isset($peers[$itemkey-1])) {
333                    $olditem = $peers[$itemkey-1];
334                    $peers[$itemkey-1] = $id;
335                    $peers[$itemkey] = $olditem;
336                } else {
337                    print_error('listcantmovedown');
338                }
339                break;
340        }
341        $this->reorder_peers($peers);
342    }
344    public function reorder_peers($peers) {
345        global $DB;
346        foreach ($peers as $key => $peer) {
347            $DB->set_field($this->table, "sortorder", $key, array("id"=>$peer));
348        }
349    }
351    /**
352     * Moves the item one step up in the tree.
353     *
354     * @param int $id an item index.
355     * @return list_item the item that used to be the parent of the item moved.
356     */
357    public function move_item_left($id) {
358        global $DB;
360        $item = $this->find_item($id);
361        if (!isset($item->parentlist->parentitem->parentlist)) {
362            print_error('listcantmoveleft');
363        } else {
364            $newpeers = $this->get_items_peers($item->parentlist->parentitem->id);
365            if (isset($item->parentlist->parentitem->parentlist->parentitem)) {
366                $newparent = $item->parentlist->parentitem->parentlist->parentitem->id;
367            } else {
368                $newparent = $this->get_top_level_parent_id($item);
369            }
370            $DB->set_field($this->table, "parent", $newparent, array("id"=>$item->id));
371            $oldparentkey = array_search($item->parentlist->parentitem->id, $newpeers);
372            $neworder = array_merge(array_slice($newpeers, 0, $oldparentkey+1), array($item->id), array_slice($newpeers, $oldparentkey+1));
373            $this->reorder_peers($neworder);
374        }
375        return $item->parentlist->parentitem;
376    }
378    /**
379     * Make item with id $id the child of the peer that is just above it in the sort order.
380     *
381     * @param integer $id
382     */
383    public function move_item_right($id) {
384        global $DB;
386        $peers = $this->get_items_peers($id);
387        $itemkey = array_search($id, $peers);
388        if (!isset($peers[$itemkey-1])) {
389            print_error('listcantmoveright');
390        } else {
391            $DB->set_field($this->table, "parent", $peers[$itemkey-1], array("id"=>$peers[$itemkey]));
392            $newparent = $this->find_item($peers[$itemkey-1]);
393            if (isset($newparent->children)) {
394                $newpeers = $newparent->children->get_child_ids();
395            }
396            if ($newpeers) {
397                $newpeers[] = $peers[$itemkey];
398                $this->reorder_peers($newpeers);
399            }
400        }
401    }
403    /**
404     * process any actions.
405     *
406     * @param integer $left id of item to move left
407     * @param integer $right id of item to move right
408     * @param integer $moveup id of item to move up
409     * @param integer $movedown id of item to move down
410     * @return unknown
411     */
412    public function process_actions($left, $right, $moveup, $movedown) {
413        //should this action be processed by this list object?
414        if (!(array_key_exists($left, $this->records) || array_key_exists($right, $this->records) || array_key_exists($moveup, $this->records) || array_key_exists($movedown, $this->records))) {
415            return false;
416        }
417        if (!empty($left)) {
418            $oldparentitem = $this->move_item_left($left);
419            if ($this->item_is_last_on_page($oldparentitem->id)) {
420                // Item has jumped onto the next page, change page when we redirect.
421                $this->page ++;
422                $this->pageurl->params(array($this->pageparamname => $this->page));
423            }
424        } else if (!empty($right)) {
425            $this->move_item_right($right);
426            if ($this->item_is_first_on_page($right)) {
427                // Item has jumped onto the previous page, change page when we redirect.
428                $this->page --;
429                $this->pageurl->params(array($this->pageparamname => $this->page));
430            }
431        } else if (!empty($moveup)) {
432            $this->move_item_up_down('up', $moveup);
433            if ($this->item_is_first_on_page($moveup)) {
434                // Item has jumped onto the previous page, change page when we redirect.
435                $this->page --;
436                $this->pageurl->params(array($this->pageparamname => $this->page));
437            }
438        } else if (!empty($movedown)) {
439            $this->move_item_up_down('down', $movedown);
440            if ($this->item_is_last_on_page($movedown)) {
441                // Item has jumped onto the next page, change page when we redirect.
442                $this->page ++;
443                $this->pageurl->params(array($this->pageparamname => $this->page));
444            }
445        } else {
446            return false;
447        }
449        redirect($this->pageurl);
450    }
452    /**
453     * @param integer $itemid an item id.
454     * @return boolean Is the item with the given id the first top-level item on
455     * the current page?
456     */
457    public function item_is_first_on_page($itemid) {
458        return $this->page && isset($this->items[$this->firstitem]) &&
459                $itemid == $this->items[$this->firstitem]->id;
460    }
462    /**
463     * @param integer $itemid an item id.
464     * @return boolean Is the item with the given id the last top-level item on
465     * the current page?
466     */
467    public function item_is_last_on_page($itemid) {
468        return $this->page && isset($this->items[$this->lastitem]) &&
469                $itemid == $this->items[$this->lastitem]->id;
470    }
474 * @package moodlecore
475 * @copyright Jamie Pratt
476 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
477 */
478abstract class list_item {
479    /** @var integer id of record, used if list is editable. */
480    public $id;
482    /** @var string name of this item, used if list is editable. */
483    public $name;
485    /** @var mixed The object or string representing this item. */
486    public $item;
487    public $fieldnamesname = 'name';
488    public $attributes;
489    public $display;
490    public $icons = array();
492    /** @var moodle_list */
493    public $parentlist;
495    /** @var moodle_list Set if there are any children of this listitem. */
496    public $children;
498    /**
499     * Constructor
500     * @param mixed $item fragment of html for list item or record
501     * @param object $parent reference to parent of this item
502     * @param string $attributes attributes for li tag
503     * @param boolean $display whether this item is displayed. Some items may be loaded so we have a complete
504     *                              structure in memory to work with for actions but are not displayed.
505     * @return list_item
506     */
507    public function __construct($item, $parent, $attributes = '', $display = true) {
508        $this->item = $item;
509        if (is_object($this->item)) {
510            $this->id = $this->item->id;
511            $this->name = $this->item->{$this->fieldnamesname};
512        }
513        $this->set_parent($parent);
514        $this->attributes = $attributes;
515        $parentlistclass = get_class($parent);
516        $this->children = new $parentlistclass($parent->type, $parent->attributes, $parent->editable, $parent->pageurl, 0);
517        $this->children->set_parent($this);
518        $this->display = $display;
519    }
521    /**
522     * Output the html just for this item. Called by to_html which adds html for children.
523     *
524     */
525    public function item_html($extraargs = array()) {
526        if (is_string($this->item)) {
527            $html = $this->item;
528        } elseif (is_object($this->item)) {
529            //for debug purposes only. You should create a sub class to
530            //properly handle the record
531            $html = join(', ', (array)$this->item);
532        }
533        return $html;
534    }
536    /**
537     * Returns html
538     *
539     * @param integer $indent
540     * @param array $extraargs any extra data that is needed to print the list item
541     *                            may be used by sub class.
542     * @return string html
543     */
544    public function to_html($indent = 0, $extraargs = array()) {
545        if (!$this->display) {
546            return '';
547        }
548        $tabs = str_repeat("\t", $indent);
550        if (isset($this->children)) {
551            $childrenhtml = $this->children->to_html($indent+1, $extraargs);
552        } else {
553            $childrenhtml = '';
554        }
555        return $this->item_html($extraargs).'&nbsp;'.(join('', $this->icons)).(($childrenhtml !='')?("\n".$childrenhtml):'');
556    }
558    public function set_icon_html($first, $last, $lastitem) {
559        global $CFG;
560        $strmoveup = get_string('moveup');
561        $strmovedown = get_string('movedown');
562        $strmoveleft = get_string('maketoplevelitem', 'question');
564        if (right_to_left()) {   // Exchange arrows on RTL
565            $rightarrow = 'left';
566            $leftarrow  = 'right';
567        } else {
568            $rightarrow = 'right';
569            $leftarrow  = 'left';
570        }
572        if (isset($this->parentlist->parentitem)) {
573            $parentitem = $this->parentlist->parentitem;
574            if (isset($parentitem->parentlist->parentitem)) {
575                $action = get_string('makechildof', 'question', $parentitem->parentlist->parentitem->name);
576            } else {
577                $action = $strmoveleft;
578            }
579            $url = new moodle_url($this->parentlist->pageurl, (array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'left'=>$this->id)));
580            $this->icons['left'] = $this->image_icon($action, $url, $leftarrow);
581        } else {
582            $this->icons['left'] =  $this->image_spacer();
583        }
585        if (!$first) {
586            $url = new moodle_url($this->parentlist->pageurl, (array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'moveup'=>$this->id)));
587            $this->icons['up'] = $this->image_icon($strmoveup, $url, 'up');
588        } else {
589            $this->icons['up'] =  $this->image_spacer();
590        }
592        if (!$last) {
593            $url = new moodle_url($this->parentlist->pageurl, (array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'movedown'=>$this->id)));
594            $this->icons['down'] = $this->image_icon($strmovedown, $url, 'down');
595        } else {
596            $this->icons['down'] =  $this->image_spacer();
597        }
599        if (!empty($lastitem)) {
600            $makechildof = get_string('makechildof', 'question', $lastitem->name);
601            $url = new moodle_url($this->parentlist->pageurl, (array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'right'=>$this->id)));
602            $this->icons['right'] = $this->image_icon($makechildof, $url, $rightarrow);
603        } else {
604            $this->icons['right'] =  $this->image_spacer();
605        }
606    }
608    public function image_icon($action, $url, $icon) {
609        global $OUTPUT;
610        return '<a title="' . s($action) .'" href="'.$url.'">' .
611                $OUTPUT->pix_icon('t/' . $icon, $action) . '</a> ';
612    }
614    public function image_spacer() {
615        global $OUTPUT;
616        return $OUTPUT->spacer();
617    }
619    /**
620     * Recurse down tree creating list_items, called from moodle_list::list_from_records
621     *
622     * @param array $records
623     * @param array $children
624     * @param integer $thisrecordid
625     */
626    public function create_children(&$records, &$children, $thisrecordid) {
627        //keys where value is $thisrecordid
628        $thischildren = array_keys($children, $thisrecordid);
629        foreach ($thischildren as $child) {
630            $thisclass = get_class($this);
631            $newlistitem = new $thisclass($records[$child], $this->children, $this->attributes);
632            $this->children->add_item($newlistitem);
633            $newlistitem->create_children($records, $children, $records[$child]->id);
634        }
635    }
637    public function set_parent($parent) {
638        $this->parentlist = $parent;
639    }