2# Robot exclusion file for K-State
4# If you are a web publisher at K-State, and would like to have
5# some of your documents not available to robots, please contact
6# webmaster@k-state.edu.
8# For more information about robots and what they do, see
9# http://www.robotstxt.org/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robots.txt
11User-agent: *
12Disallow: /KSU_resources/
13Disallow: /dev/
14Disallow: /test/
15Disallow: /archive/
16# Don't index the low-graphics version -- the standard page is already indexed.
17Disallow: /quick.html
18# Disallow the list of all updated files.
19Disallow: /search/new/autonew.html
20# Disallow anything that has a URL redirect to another location.
21# They are indexed under their new name rather than the old.
22Disallow: /Directories/ksudepts.html
23Disallow: /its/development/
24Disallow: /dept_links.html
25Disallow: /gen_interest.html
26Disallow: /mhk_area_info.html
27Disallow: /courses/web-classes.html
28Disallow: /creating-home-page.html
29Disallow: /aboutuni/copyright.html
30Disallow: /aboutuni/help.html
31Disallow: /aboutuni/new
32Disallow: /wp-query.html
33Disallow: /mainemnu.html
34Disallow: /welcome.html
35Disallow: /admit/viewbook
36#Disallow: /internet2
37Disallow: /cns_info
38#Disallow: /infotech
39Disallow: /training
40Disallow: /classes
41Disallow: /course
42Disallow: /ksufcu
43Disallow: /sthlt
44Disallow: /afact
45Disallow: /audit
46Disallow: /hrser
47Disallow: /jl57
48Disallow: /recc
49Disallow: /isle
50Disallow: /smf
51Disallow: /cfc
52Disallow: /reg/
53Disallow: /blog-feeds/
54Disallow: /univpub/
55Disallow: /registrar/backup/
56Disallow: /registrar/a_r/backup/
57Disallow: /registrar/c_d/oldgrad/
58Disallow: /registrar/dars/slideshow/backup/
59Disallow: /registrar/enroll/backup/
60Disallow: /registrar/faqs/backup/
61Disallow: /registrar/ferpa/backup/
62Disallow: /registrar/t_v/backup/
63Disallow: /registrar/unpublished/
64Disallow: /registrar/internal/
65Disallow: /registrar/statistics/tabs/
66Disallow: /safety-new/
67# Data files that should never be retrieved
68Disallow: /Directories/lsdcodes-save.html
69Disallow: /Directories/qsearch.data
70Disallow: /Directories/qsearch-save.data
71Disallow: /cns/newsletter/
72Disallow: /InfoTech/news/tuesday/archive/2001
73Disallow: /InfoTech/news/tuesday/archive/2002
74Disallow: /InfoTech/news/tuesday/archive/2003
75Disallow: /cns/announce/199
76Disallow: /cns/announce/2001
77Disallow: /cns/announce/2002
78Disallow: /cns/announce/2003
79Disallow: /elp/univdept
80Disallow: /courses/fall2020/
81# Remove all eventview because it might be causing load problems and will soon
82# be replaced.
83Disallow: /cgi-bin/eventview
84# No reason to index our Maven repository
85Disallow: /repository/
86Disallow: /maps2011/
87# Somehow Bing started indexing using a path after the filename, e.g.:
88# /media/k-statement/main.html/vol30/vol32/vol31/vol31/vol32/vol30/vol30/vol31/vol30/vol30/vol31/vol31/
89Disallow: /media/k-statement/main.html/vol
90Disallow: /media/k-statement/main.html/aboutus
91# Google has gotten ahold of https://www.k-state.edu/uas
92Disallow: /uas
93# Lots of keywords in this data file:
94Disallow: /admissions/js/majors.js
95# Old PDF guides
96Disallow: /admissions/guides/
97# Parking instructions that apply to a small subset of people
98Disallow: /admissions/cvparking/
99# Archived department heads info that has confused people
100Disallow: /dh/archive/
101Disallow: /media/WEB
102Disallow: /media/Web
103Disallow: /ksis/intranet
104Disallow: /campaign/
105Disallow: /today/tipsheet/
106Disallow: /today/tuesday/
107Disallow: /challenges/development/
108# No reason to index these data feed files
109Disallow: /calendar/export/
110Disallow: /behemoth/export/
111# Old names -- content is available on a new URL.
112Disallow: /isis/
113#Disallow: /nonviolence/
114# Mediasite administratio, per Brandon, INC0298413
115Disallow: /mediasite/admin/
116# 2017 homepage preview
117Disallow: /preview/