2Module for working with large geographical areas
4import os
5import itertools
6from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
7import json
8import math
10import shapely.ops
11import shapely.geometry
12from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection
14from .config import SHConfig
15from .constants import CRS
16from .data_collections import DataCollection, handle_deprecated_data_source
17from .geometry import BBox, BBoxCollection, BaseGeometry, Geometry
18from .geo_utils import transform_point
19from .ogc import WebFeatureService
20from .sentinelhub_batch import SentinelHubBatch
23class AreaSplitter(ABC):
24    """ Abstract class for splitter classes. It implements common methods used for splitting large area into smaller
25    parts.
26    """
27    def __init__(self, shape_list, crs, reduce_bbox_sizes=False):
28        """
29        :param shape_list: A list of geometrical shapes describing the area of interest
30        :type shape_list: list(shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
31        :param crs: Coordinate reference system of the shapes in `shape_list`
32        :type crs: CRS
33        :param reduce_bbox_sizes: If `True` it will reduce the sizes of bounding boxes so that they will tightly fit
34            the given geometry in `shape_list`.
35        :type reduce_bbox_sizes: bool
36        """
37        self.crs = CRS(crs)
38        self._parse_shape_list(shape_list, self.crs)
39        self.shape_list = shape_list
40        self.area_shape = self._join_shape_list(shape_list)
41        self.reduce_bbox_sizes = reduce_bbox_sizes
43        self.area_bbox = self.get_area_bbox()
44        self.bbox_list = None
45        self.info_list = None
47    @staticmethod
48    def _parse_shape_list(shape_list, crs):
49        """ Checks if the given list of shapes is in correct format and parses geometry objects
51        :param shape_list: The parameter `shape_list` from class initialization
52        :type shape_list: list(shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
53        :raises: ValueError
54        """
55        if not isinstance(shape_list, list):
56            raise ValueError('Splitter must be initialized with a list of shapes')
58        return [AreaSplitter._parse_shape(shape, crs) for shape in shape_list]
60    @staticmethod
61    def _parse_shape(shape, crs):
62        """ Helper method for parsing input shapes
63        """
64        if isinstance(shape, (Polygon, MultiPolygon)):
65            return shape
66        if isinstance(shape, BaseGeometry):
67            return shape.transform(crs).geometry
68        raise ValueError(f'The list of shapes must contain shapes of types {Polygon}, {MultiPolygon} or subtype of '
69                         f'{BaseGeometry}')
71    @staticmethod
72    def _parse_split_parameters(split_parameter, allow_float=False):
73        """ Parses the parameters defining the splitting of the BBox
75        :param split_parameter: The parameters defining the split. A tuple of int for `BBoxSplitter`, a tuple of float
76            for `BaseUtmSplitter`
77        :type split_parameter: int or (int, int) or float or (float, float)
78        :param allow_float: Whether to check for floats or not
79        :type allow_float: bool
80        :return: A tuple of n
81        :rtype: (int, int)
82        :raises: ValueError
83        """
84        parameters_type = (int, float) if allow_float else int
85        if isinstance(split_parameter, parameters_type):
86            return split_parameter, split_parameter
88        if isinstance(split_parameter, (tuple, list)) and len(split_parameter) == 2 and \
89                all(isinstance(param, parameters_type) for param in split_parameter):
90            return split_parameter[0], split_parameter[1]
92        extra_type = '/float' if allow_float else ''
93        raise ValueError(f'Split parameter must be an int{extra_type} or a tuple of 2 int{extra_type} but '
94                         f'{split_parameter} was given')
96    @staticmethod
97    def _join_shape_list(shape_list):
98        """ Joins a list of shapes together into one shape
100        :param shape_list: A list of geometrical shapes describing the area of interest
101        :type shape_list: list(shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
102        :return: A multipolygon which is a union of shapes in given list
103        :rtype: shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon
104        """
105        return shapely.ops.cascaded_union(shape_list)
107    @abstractmethod
108    def _make_split(self):
109        """ The abstract method where the splitting will happen
110        """
111        raise NotImplementedError
113    def get_bbox_list(self, crs=None, buffer=None, reduce_bbox_sizes=None):
114        """ Returns a list of bounding boxes that are the result of the split
116        :param crs: Coordinate reference system in which the bounding boxes should be returned. If `None` the CRS will
117            be the default CRS of the splitter.
118        :type crs: CRS or None
119        :param buffer: A percentage of each BBox size increase. This will cause neighbouring bounding boxes to overlap.
120        :type buffer: float or None
121        :param reduce_bbox_sizes: If `True` it will reduce the sizes of bounding boxes so that they will tightly
122            fit the given geometry in `shape_list`. This overrides the same parameter from constructor
123        :type reduce_bbox_sizes: bool
124        :return: List of bounding boxes
125        :rtype: list(BBox)
126        """
127        bbox_list = self.bbox_list
128        if buffer:
129            bbox_list = [bbox.buffer(buffer) for bbox in bbox_list]
131        if reduce_bbox_sizes is None:
132            reduce_bbox_sizes = self.reduce_bbox_sizes
133        if reduce_bbox_sizes:
134            bbox_list = self._reduce_sizes(bbox_list)
136        if crs:
137            return [bbox.transform(crs) for bbox in bbox_list]
138        return bbox_list
140    def get_geometry_list(self):
141        """ For each bounding box an intersection with the shape of entire given area is calculated. CRS of the returned
142        shapes is the same as CRS of the given area.
144        :return: List of polygons or multipolygons corresponding to the order of bounding boxes
145        :rtype: list(shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
146        """
147        return [self._intersection_area(bbox) for bbox in self.bbox_list]
149    def get_info_list(self):
150        """ Returns a list of dictionaries containing information about bounding boxes obtained in split. The order in
151        the list matches the order of the list of bounding boxes.
153        :return: List of dictionaries
154        :rtype: list(BBox)
155        """
156        return self.info_list
158    def get_area_shape(self):
159        """ Returns a single shape of entire area described with `shape_list` parameter
161        :return: A multipolygon which is a union of shapes describing the area
162        :rtype: shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon
163        """
164        return self.area_shape
166    def get_area_bbox(self, crs=None):
167        """ Returns a bounding box of the entire area
169        :param crs: Coordinate reference system in which the bounding box should be returned. If `None` the CRS will
170            be the default CRS of the splitter.
171        :type crs: CRS or None
172        :return: A bounding box of the area defined by the `shape_list`
173        :rtype: BBox
174        """
175        bbox_list = [BBox(shape.bounds, crs=self.crs) for shape in self.shape_list]
176        area_minx = min([bbox.lower_left[0] for bbox in bbox_list])
177        area_miny = min([bbox.lower_left[1] for bbox in bbox_list])
178        area_maxx = max([bbox.upper_right[0] for bbox in bbox_list])
179        area_maxy = max([bbox.upper_right[1] for bbox in bbox_list])
180        bbox = BBox([area_minx, area_miny, area_maxx, area_maxy], crs=self.crs)
181        if crs is None:
182            return bbox
183        return bbox.transform(crs)
185    def _intersects_area(self, bbox):
186        """ Checks if the bounding box intersects the entire area
188        :param bbox: A bounding box
189        :type bbox: BBox
190        :return: `True` if bbox intersects the entire area else False
191        :rtype: bool
192        """
193        return self._bbox_to_area_polygon(bbox).intersects(self.area_shape)
195    def _intersection_area(self, bbox):
196        """ Calculates the intersection of a given bounding box and the entire area
198        :param bbox: A bounding box
199        :type bbox: BBox
200        :return: A shape of intersection
201        :rtype: shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
202        """
203        return self._bbox_to_area_polygon(bbox).intersection(self.area_shape)
205    def _bbox_to_area_polygon(self, bbox):
206        """ Transforms bounding box into a polygon object in the area CRS.
208        :param bbox: A bounding box
209        :type bbox: BBox
210        :return: A polygon
211        :rtype: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
212        """
213        projected_bbox = bbox.transform(self.crs)
214        return projected_bbox.geometry
216    def _reduce_sizes(self, bbox_list):
217        """ Reduces sizes of bounding boxes
218        """
219        return [BBox(self._intersection_area(bbox).bounds, self.crs).transform(bbox.crs) for bbox in bbox_list]
222class BBoxSplitter(AreaSplitter):
223    """ A tool that splits the given area into smaller parts. Given the area it calculates its bounding box and splits
224    it into smaller bounding boxes of equal size. Then it filters out the bounding boxes that do not intersect the
225    area. If specified by user it can also reduce the sizes of the remaining bounding boxes to best fit the area.
226    """
227    def __init__(self, shape_list, crs, split_shape, **kwargs):
228        """
229        :param shape_list: A list of geometrical shapes describing the area of interest
230        :type shape_list: list(shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
231        :param crs: Coordinate reference system of the shapes in `shape_list`
232        :type crs: CRS
233        :param split_shape: Parameter that describes the shape in which the area bounding box will be split.
234            It can be a tuple of the form `(n, m)` which means the area bounding box will be split into `n` columns
235            and `m` rows. It can also be a single integer `n` which is the same as `(n, n)`.
236        :type split_shape: int or (int, int)
237        :param reduce_bbox_sizes: If `True` it will reduce the sizes of bounding boxes so that they will tightly fit
238            the given area geometry from `shape_list`.
239        :type reduce_bbox_sizes: bool
240        """
241        super().__init__(shape_list, crs, **kwargs)
243        self.split_shape = self._parse_split_parameters(split_shape)
245        self._make_split()
247    def _make_split(self):
248        """ This method makes the split
249        """
250        columns, rows = self.split_shape
251        bbox_partition = self.area_bbox.get_partition(num_x=columns, num_y=rows)
253        self.bbox_list = []
254        self.info_list = []
255        for i, j in itertools.product(range(columns), range(rows)):
256            if self._intersects_area(bbox_partition[i][j]):
257                self.bbox_list.append(bbox_partition[i][j])
259                info = {'parent_bbox': self.area_bbox,
260                        'index_x': i,
261                        'index_y': j}
262                self.info_list.append(info)
265class OsmSplitter(AreaSplitter):
266    """ A tool that splits the given area into smaller parts. For the splitting it uses Open Street Map (OSM) grid on
267    the specified zoom level. It calculates bounding boxes of all OSM tiles that intersect the area. If specified by
268    user it can also reduce the sizes of the remaining bounding boxes to best fit the area.
269    """
270    _POP_WEB_MAX = None
272    def __init__(self, shape_list, crs, zoom_level, **kwargs):
273        """
274        :param shape_list: A list of geometrical shapes describing the area of interest
275        :type shape_list: list(shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
276        :param crs: Coordinate reference system of the shapes in `shape_list`
277        :type crs: CRS
278        :param zoom_level: A zoom level defined by OSM. Level 0 is entire world, level 1 splits the world into
279            4 parts, etc.
280        :type zoom_level: int
281        :param reduce_bbox_sizes: If `True` it will reduce the sizes of bounding boxes so that they will tightly fit
282            the given area geometry from `shape_list`.
283        :type reduce_bbox_sizes: bool
284        """
285        if self._POP_WEB_MAX is None:
286            OsmSplitter._POP_WEB_MAX = transform_point((180, 0), CRS.WGS84, CRS.POP_WEB)[0]
288        super().__init__(shape_list, crs, **kwargs)
289        self.zoom_level = zoom_level
291        self._make_split()
293    def _make_split(self, ):
294        """This method makes the split
295        """
296        self.area_bbox = self.get_area_bbox(CRS.POP_WEB)
297        self._check_area_bbox()
299        self.bbox_list = []
300        self.info_list = []
301        self._recursive_split(self.get_world_bbox(), 0, 0, 0)
303        for i, bbox in enumerate(self.bbox_list):
304            self.bbox_list[i] = bbox.transform(self.crs)
306    def _check_area_bbox(self):
307        """ The method checks if the area bounding box is completely inside the OSM grid. That means that its latitudes
308        must be contained in the interval (-85.0511, 85.0511)
310        :raises: ValueError
311        """
312        for coord in self.area_bbox:
313            if abs(coord) > self._POP_WEB_MAX:
314                raise ValueError('OsmTileSplitter only works for areas which have latitude in interval '
315                                 '(-85.0511, 85.0511)')
317    def get_world_bbox(self):
318        """ Creates a bounding box of the entire world in EPSG: 3857
320        :return: Bounding box of entire world
321        :rtype: BBox
322        """
323        return BBox((-self._POP_WEB_MAX, -self._POP_WEB_MAX, self._POP_WEB_MAX, self._POP_WEB_MAX), crs=CRS.POP_WEB)
325    def _recursive_split(self, bbox, zoom_level, column, row):
326        """ Method that recursively creates bounding boxes of OSM grid that intersect the area.
328        :param bbox: Bounding box
329        :type bbox: BBox
330        :param zoom_level: OSM zoom level
331        :type zoom_level: int
332        :param column: Column in the OSM grid
333        :type column: int
334        :param row: Row in the OSM grid
335        :type row: int
336        """
337        if zoom_level == self.zoom_level:
338            self.bbox_list.append(bbox)
339            self.info_list.append({'zoom_level': zoom_level,
340                                   'index_x': column,
341                                   'index_y': row})
342            return
344        bbox_partition = bbox.get_partition(num_x=2, num_y=2)
345        for i, j in itertools.product(range(2), range(2)):
346            if self._intersects_area(bbox_partition[i][j]):
347                self._recursive_split(bbox_partition[i][j], zoom_level + 1, 2 * column + i, 2 * row + 1 - j)
350class TileSplitter(AreaSplitter):
351    """ A tool that splits the given area into smaller parts. Given the area, time interval and data collection it
352    collects info from Sentinel Hub WFS service about all satellite tiles intersecting the area. For each of them
353    it calculates bounding box and if specified it splits these bounding boxes into smaller bounding boxes. Then
354    it filters out the ones that do not intersect the area. If specified by user it can also reduce the sizes of
355    the remaining bounding boxes to best fit the area.
356    """
357    def __init__(self, shape_list, crs, time_interval, tile_split_shape=1, data_collection=None,
358                 config=None, data_source=None, **kwargs):
359        """
360        :param shape_list: A list of geometrical shapes describing the area of interest
361        :type shape_list: list(shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
362        :param crs: Coordinate reference system of the shapes in `shape_list`
363        :type crs: CRS
364        :param time_interval: Interval with start and end date of the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD
365        :type time_interval: (str, str)
366        :param tile_split_shape: Parameter that describes the shape in which the satellite tile bounding boxes will be
367            split. It can be a tuple of the form `(n, m)` which means the tile bounding boxes will be
368            split into `n` columns and `m` rows. It can also be a single integer `n` which is the same
369            as `(n, n)`.
370        :type split_shape: int or (int, int)
371        :param data_collection: A satellite data collection
372        :type data_collection: DataCollection
373        :param config: A custom instance of config class to override parameters from the saved configuration.
374        :type config: SHConfig or None
375        :param reduce_bbox_sizes: If `True` it will reduce the sizes of bounding boxes so that they will tightly fit
376            the given area geometry from `shape_list`.
377        :type reduce_bbox_sizes: bool
378        :param data_source: A deprecated alternative of data_collection
379        :type data_source: DataCollection
380        """
381        super().__init__(shape_list, crs, **kwargs)
383        data_collection = DataCollection(handle_deprecated_data_source(data_collection, data_source,
384                                                                       default=DataCollection.SENTINEL2_L1C))
385        if data_collection is DataCollection.DEM:
386            raise ValueError('This splitter does not support splitting area by DEM tiles. Please specify some other '
387                             'DataCollection')
389        self.time_interval = time_interval
390        self.tile_split_shape = tile_split_shape
391        self.data_collection = data_collection
392        self.config = config or SHConfig()
394        self.tile_dict = None
396        self._make_split()
398    def _make_split(self):
399        """ This method makes the split
400        """
401        self.tile_dict = {}
403        wfs = WebFeatureService(self.area_bbox, self.time_interval, data_collection=self.data_collection,
404                                config=self.config)
405        date_list = wfs.get_dates()
406        geometry_list = wfs.get_geometries()
407        for tile_info, (date, geometry) in zip(wfs, zip(date_list, geometry_list)):
408            tile_name = ''.join(tile_info['properties']['path'].split('/')[4:7])
409            if tile_name not in self.tile_dict:
410                self.tile_dict[tile_name] = {'bbox': BBox(tile_info['properties']['mbr'],
411                                                          crs=tile_info['properties']['crs']),
412                                             'times': [],
413                                             'geometries': []}
414            self.tile_dict[tile_name]['times'].append(date)
415            self.tile_dict[tile_name]['geometries'].append(geometry)
417        self.tile_dict = {tile_name: tile_props for tile_name, tile_props in self.tile_dict.items() if
418                          self._intersects_area(tile_props['bbox'])}
420        self.bbox_list = []
421        self.info_list = []
423        for tile_name, tile_info in self.tile_dict.items():
424            tile_bbox = tile_info['bbox']
425            bbox_splitter = BBoxSplitter([tile_bbox.geometry], tile_bbox.crs,
426                                         split_shape=self.tile_split_shape)
428            for bbox, info in zip(bbox_splitter.get_bbox_list(), bbox_splitter.get_info_list()):
429                if self._intersects_area(bbox):
430                    info['tile'] = tile_name
432                    self.bbox_list.append(bbox)
433                    self.info_list.append(info)
435    def get_tile_dict(self):
436        """ Returns the dictionary of satellite tiles intersecting the area geometry. For each tile they contain info
437        about their bounding box and lists of acquisitions and geometries
439        :return: Dictionary containing info about tiles intersecting the area
440        :rtype: dict
441        """
442        return self.tile_dict
445class CustomGridSplitter(AreaSplitter):
446    """ Splitting class which can split according to given custom collection of bounding boxes
447    """
448    def __init__(self, shape_list, crs, bbox_grid, bbox_split_shape=1, **kwargs):
449        """
450        :param shape_list: A list of geometrical shapes describing the area of interest
451        :type shape_list: list(shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
452        :param crs: Coordinate reference system of the shapes in `shape_list`
453        :type crs: CRS
454        :param bbox_grid: A collection of bounding boxes defining a grid of splitting. All of them have to be in the
455            same CRS.
456        :type bbox_grid: list(BBox) or BBoxCollection
457        :param bbox_split_shape: Parameter that describes the shape in which each of the bounding boxes in the given
458            grid will be split. It can be a tuple of the form `(n, m)` which means the tile bounding boxes will be
459            split into `n` columns and `m` rows. It can also be a single integer `n` which is the same as `(n, n)`.
460        :type bbox_split_shape: int or (int, int)
461        :param reduce_bbox_sizes: If `True` it will reduce the sizes of bounding boxes so that they will tightly fit
462            the given geometry in `shape_list`.
463        :type reduce_bbox_sizes: bool
464        """
465        super().__init__(shape_list, crs, **kwargs)
467        self.bbox_grid = self._parse_bbox_grid(bbox_grid)
468        self.bbox_split_shape = bbox_split_shape
470        self._make_split()
472    @staticmethod
473    def _parse_bbox_grid(bbox_grid):
474        """ Helper method for parsing bounding box grid. It will try to parse it into `BBoxCollection`
475        """
476        if isinstance(bbox_grid, BBoxCollection):
477            return bbox_grid
479        if isinstance(bbox_grid, list):
480            return BBoxCollection(bbox_grid)
482        raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'bbox_grid' should be an instance of {BBoxCollection}")
484    def _make_split(self):
485        """ This method makes the split
486        """
487        self.bbox_list = []
488        self.info_list = []
490        for grid_idx, grid_bbox in enumerate(self.bbox_grid):
491            if self._intersects_area(grid_bbox):
493                bbox_splitter = BBoxSplitter([grid_bbox.geometry], grid_bbox.crs,
494                                             split_shape=self.bbox_split_shape)
496                for bbox, info in zip(bbox_splitter.get_bbox_list(), bbox_splitter.get_info_list()):
497                    if self._intersects_area(bbox):
498                        info['grid_index'] = grid_idx
500                        self.bbox_list.append(bbox)
501                        self.info_list.append(info)
504class BaseUtmSplitter(AreaSplitter):
505    """ Base splitter that returns bboxes of fixed size aligned to UTM zones or UTM grid tiles as defined by the MGRS
507    The generated bounding box grid will have coordinates in form of
508    `(N * bbox_size_x + offset_x, M * bbox_size_y + offset_y)`
509    """
510    def __init__(self, shape_list, crs, bbox_size, offset=None):
511        """
512        :param shape_list: A list of geometrical shapes describing the area of interest
513        :type shape_list: list(shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
514        :param crs: Coordinate reference system of the shapes in `shape_list`
515        :type crs: CRS
516        :param bbox_size: A size of generated bounding boxes in horizontal and vertical directions in meters. If a
517            single value is given that will be interpreted as (value, value).
518        :type bbox_size: int or (int, int) or float or (float, float)
519        :param offset: Bounding box offset in horizontal and vertical directions in meters.
520        :type offset: (int, int) or (float, float) or None
521        """
522        super().__init__(shape_list, crs)
524        self.bbox_size = self._parse_split_parameters(bbox_size, allow_float=True)
525        self.offset = self._parse_offset(offset)
527        self.shape_geometry = Geometry(self.area_shape, self.crs).transform(CRS.WGS84)
529        self.utm_grid = self._get_utm_polygons()
531        self._make_split()
533    @staticmethod
534    def _parse_offset(offset_input):
535        """ Validates and parses offset input
536        """
537        if offset_input is None:
538            return 0, 0
539        if isinstance(offset_input, (tuple, list)) and len(offset_input) == 2:
540            return tuple(offset_input)
541        raise ValueError(f'An offset parameter should be a tuple of two numbers, instead {offset_input} was given')
543    @abstractmethod
544    def _get_utm_polygons(self):
545        raise NotImplementedError
547    @staticmethod
548    def _get_utm_from_props(utm_dict):
549        """ Return the UTM CRS corresponding to the UTM described by the properties dictionary
551        :param utm_dict: Dictionary reporting name of the UTM zone and MGRS grid
552        :type utm_dict: dict
553        :return: UTM coordinate reference system
554        :rtype: sentinelhub.CRS
555        """
556        hemisphere_digit = 6 if utm_dict['direction'] == 'N' else 7
557        zone_number = utm_dict['zone']
558        return CRS(f'32{hemisphere_digit}{zone_number:02d}')
560    def _align_bbox_to_size(self, bbox):
561        """ Align input bbox coordinates to be multiples of the bbox size
563        :param bbox: Bounding box in UTM coordinates
564        :type bbox: sentinelhub.BBox
565        :return: BBox objects with coordinates multiples of the bbox size
566        :rtype: sentinelhub.BBox
567        """
568        size_x, size_y = self.bbox_size
569        offset_x, offset_y = self.offset
570        lower_left_x, lower_left_y = bbox.lower_left
572        aligned_x = math.floor((lower_left_x - offset_x) / size_x) * size_x + offset_x
573        aligned_y = math.floor((lower_left_y - offset_y) / size_y) * size_y + offset_y
575        return BBox(((aligned_x, aligned_y), bbox.upper_right), crs=bbox.crs)
577    def _make_split(self):
578        """ Split each UTM grid into equally sized bboxes in correct UTM zone
579        """
580        size_x, size_y = self.bbox_size
581        self.bbox_list = []
582        self.info_list = []
584        index = 0
586        for utm_cell in self.utm_grid:
587            utm_cell_geom, utm_cell_prop = utm_cell
588            # the UTM MGRS grid definition contains four 0 zones at the poles (0A, 0B, 0Y, 0Z)
589            if utm_cell_prop['zone'] == 0:
590                continue
591            utm_crs = self._get_utm_from_props(utm_cell_prop)
593            intersection = utm_cell_geom.intersection(self.shape_geometry.geometry)
595            if not intersection.is_empty and isinstance(intersection, GeometryCollection):
596                intersection = MultiPolygon(geo_object for geo_object in intersection
597                                            if isinstance(geo_object, (Polygon, MultiPolygon)))
599            if not intersection.is_empty:
600                intersection = Geometry(intersection, CRS.WGS84).transform(utm_crs)
602                bbox_partition = self._align_bbox_to_size(intersection.bbox).get_partition(size_x=size_x, size_y=size_y)
604                columns, rows = len(bbox_partition), len(bbox_partition[0])
605                for i, j in itertools.product(range(columns), range(rows)):
606                    if bbox_partition[i][j].geometry.intersects(intersection.geometry):
607                        self.bbox_list.append(bbox_partition[i][j])
608                        self.info_list.append(dict(crs=utm_crs.name,
609                                                   utm_zone=str(utm_cell_prop['zone']).zfill(2),
610                                                   utm_row=utm_cell_prop['row'],
611                                                   direction=utm_cell_prop['direction'],
612                                                   index=index,
613                                                   index_x=i,
614                                                   index_y=j))
615                        index += 1
617    def get_bbox_list(self, buffer=None):
618        """ Get list of bounding boxes.
620        The CRS is fixed to the computed UTM CRS. This BBox splitter does not support reducing size of output
621        bounding boxes
623        :param buffer: A percentage of each BBox size increase. This will cause neighbouring bounding boxes to overlap.
624        :type buffer: float or None
625        :return: List of bounding boxes
626        :rtype: list(BBox)
627        """
628        return super().get_bbox_list(buffer=buffer)
631class UtmGridSplitter(BaseUtmSplitter):
632    """ Splitter that returns bounding boxes of fixed size aligned to the UTM MGRS grid
633    """
634    def _get_utm_polygons(self):
635        """ Find UTM grid zones overlapping with input area shape
637        :return: List of geometries and properties of UTM grid zones overlapping with input area shape
638        :rtype: list
639        """
640        # file downloaded from faculty.baruch.cuny.edu/geoportal/data/esri/world/utmzone.zip
641        utm_grid_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.utmzones.geojson')
643        if not os.path.isfile(utm_grid_filename):
644            raise IOError(f'UTM grid definition file does not exist: {os.path.abspath(utm_grid_filename)}')
646        with open(utm_grid_filename) as utm_grid_file:
647            utm_grid = json.load(utm_grid_file)['features']
649        utm_geom_list = [shapely.geometry.shape(utm_zone['geometry']) for utm_zone in utm_grid]
650        utm_prop_list = [dict(zone=utm_zone['properties']['ZONE'],
651                              row=utm_zone['properties']['ROW_'],
652                              direction='N' if utm_zone['properties']['ROW_'] >= 'N' else 'S') for utm_zone in utm_grid]
654        return list(zip(utm_geom_list, utm_prop_list))
657class UtmZoneSplitter(BaseUtmSplitter):
658    """ Splitter that returns bounding boxes of fixed size aligned to the equator and the UTM zones.
659    """
660    LNG_MIN, LNG_MAX, LNG_UTM = -180, 180, 6
661    LAT_MIN, LAT_MAX, LAT_EQ = -80, 84, 0
663    def _get_utm_polygons(self):
664        """ Find UTM zones overlapping with input area shape
666        The returned geometry corresponds to the a triangle ranging from the equator to the north/south pole
668        :return: List of geometries and properties of UTM zones overlapping with input area shape
669        :rtype: list
670        """
671        utm_geom_list = []
672        for lat in [(self.LAT_EQ, self.LAT_MAX), (self.LAT_MIN, self.LAT_EQ)]:
673            for lng in range(self.LNG_MIN, self.LNG_MAX, self.LNG_UTM):
674                points = []
675                # A new point is added per each degree - this is inline with geometries used by UtmGridSplitter
676                # In the future the number of points will be calculated according to bbox_size parameter
677                for degree in range(lat[0], lat[1]):
678                    points.append((lng, degree))
679                for degree in range(lng, lng + self.LNG_UTM):
680                    points.append((degree, lat[1]))
681                for degree in range(lat[1], lat[0], -1):
682                    points.append((lng + self.LNG_UTM, degree))
683                for degree in range(lng + self.LNG_UTM, lng, -1):
684                    points.append((degree, lat[0]))
686                utm_geom_list.append(Polygon(points))
688        utm_prop_list = [dict(zone=zone, row='', direction=direction)
689                         for direction in ['N', 'S'] for zone in range(1, 61)]
691        return list(zip(utm_geom_list, utm_prop_list))
694class BatchSplitter(AreaSplitter):
695    """ A splitter that obtains split bounding boxes from Sentinel Hub Batch API
696    """
697    def __init__(self, *, request_id=None, batch_request=None, config=None):
698        """
699        :param request_id: An ID of a batch request
700        :type request_id: str or None
701        :param batch_request: A batch request object. It is an alternative to the `request_id` parameter
702        :type batch_request: BatchRequest or None
703        :param config: A configuration object with credentials and information about which service deployment to
704            use.
705        :type config: SHConfig or None
706        """
707        self.batch_client = SentinelHubBatch(config=config)
709        if not (request_id or batch_request):
710            raise ValueError('One of the parameters request_id and batch_request has to be given')
711        if batch_request is None:
712            batch_request = self.batch_client.get_request(request_id)
714        self.batch_request = batch_request
716        batch_geometry = batch_request.geometry
717        super().__init__([batch_geometry.geometry], batch_geometry.crs)
719        self._make_split()
721    def _make_split(self):
722        """ This method actually loads bounding boxes from the service and prepares the lists
723        """
724        tile_info_list = list(self.batch_client.iter_tiles(self.batch_request))
726        tile_geometries = [Geometry.from_geojson(tile_info['geometry']) for tile_info in tile_info_list]
727        original_crs_list = [CRS(tile_info['origin']['crs']['properties']['name']) for tile_info in tile_info_list]
729        self.bbox_list = [geometry.transform(crs).bbox for geometry, crs in zip(tile_geometries, original_crs_list)]
730        self.info_list = [
731            {key: value for key, value in tile_info.items() if key != 'geometry'} for tile_info in tile_info_list
732        ]