1#!/usr/bin/env python
2"""Support classes for automated testing.
4* `AsyncTestCase` and `AsyncHTTPTestCase`:  Subclasses of unittest.TestCase
5  with additional support for testing asynchronous (`.IOLoop`-based) code.
7* `ExpectLog` and `LogTrapTestCase`: Make test logs less spammy.
9* `main()`: A simple test runner (wrapper around unittest.main()) with support
10  for the tornado.autoreload module to rerun the tests when code changes.
13from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
16    from tornado import gen
17    from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient
18    from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
19    from tornado.simple_httpclient import SimpleAsyncHTTPClient
20    from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop, TimeoutError
21    from tornado import netutil
22    from tornado.process import Subprocess
23except ImportError:
24    # These modules are not importable on app engine.  Parts of this module
25    # won't work, but e.g. LogTrapTestCase and main() will.
26    AsyncHTTPClient = None  # type: ignore
27    gen = None  # type: ignore
28    HTTPServer = None  # type: ignore
29    IOLoop = None  # type: ignore
30    netutil = None  # type: ignore
31    SimpleAsyncHTTPClient = None  # type: ignore
32    Subprocess = None  # type: ignore
33from tornado.log import gen_log, app_log
34from tornado.stack_context import ExceptionStackContext
35from tornado.util import raise_exc_info, basestring_type, PY3
36import functools
37import inspect
38import logging
39import os
40import re
41import signal
42import socket
43import sys
45if PY3:
46    from io import StringIO
48    from cStringIO import StringIO
51    from collections.abc import Generator as GeneratorType  # type: ignore
52except ImportError:
53    from types import GeneratorType  # type: ignore
55if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
56    iscoroutine = inspect.iscoroutine  # type: ignore
57    iscoroutinefunction = inspect.iscoroutinefunction  # type: ignore
59    iscoroutine = iscoroutinefunction = lambda f: False
61# Tornado's own test suite requires the updated unittest module
62# (either py27+ or unittest2) so tornado.test.util enforces
63# this requirement, but for other users of tornado.testing we want
64# to allow the older version if unitest2 is not available.
65if PY3:
66    # On python 3, mixing unittest2 and unittest (including doctest)
67    # doesn't seem to work, so always use unittest.
68    import unittest
70    # On python 2, prefer unittest2 when available.
71    try:
72        import unittest2 as unittest  # type: ignore
73    except ImportError:
74        import unittest  # type: ignore
76_next_port = 10000
79def get_unused_port():
80    """Returns a (hopefully) unused port number.
82    This function does not guarantee that the port it returns is available,
83    only that a series of get_unused_port calls in a single process return
84    distinct ports.
86    .. deprecated::
87       Use bind_unused_port instead, which is guaranteed to find an unused port.
88    """
89    global _next_port
90    port = _next_port
91    _next_port = _next_port + 1
92    return port
95def bind_unused_port(reuse_port=False):
96    """Binds a server socket to an available port on localhost.
98    Returns a tuple (socket, port).
100    .. versionchanged:: 4.4
101       Always binds to ```` without resolving the name
102       ``localhost``.
103    """
104    sock = netutil.bind_sockets(None, '', family=socket.AF_INET,
105                                reuse_port=reuse_port)[0]
106    port = sock.getsockname()[1]
107    return sock, port
110def get_async_test_timeout():
111    """Get the global timeout setting for async tests.
113    Returns a float, the timeout in seconds.
115    .. versionadded:: 3.1
116    """
117    try:
118        return float(os.environ.get('ASYNC_TEST_TIMEOUT'))
119    except (ValueError, TypeError):
120        return 5
123class _TestMethodWrapper(object):
124    """Wraps a test method to raise an error if it returns a value.
126    This is mainly used to detect undecorated generators (if a test
127    method yields it must use a decorator to consume the generator),
128    but will also detect other kinds of return values (these are not
129    necessarily errors, but we alert anyway since there is no good
130    reason to return a value from a test).
131    """
132    def __init__(self, orig_method):
133        self.orig_method = orig_method
135    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
136        result = self.orig_method(*args, **kwargs)
137        if isinstance(result, GeneratorType) or iscoroutine(result):
138            raise TypeError("Generator and coroutine test methods should be"
139                            " decorated with tornado.testing.gen_test")
140        elif result is not None:
141            raise ValueError("Return value from test method ignored: %r" %
142                             result)
144    def __getattr__(self, name):
145        """Proxy all unknown attributes to the original method.
147        This is important for some of the decorators in the `unittest`
148        module, such as `unittest.skipIf`.
149        """
150        return getattr(self.orig_method, name)
153class AsyncTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
154    """`~unittest.TestCase` subclass for testing `.IOLoop`-based
155    asynchronous code.
157    The unittest framework is synchronous, so the test must be
158    complete by the time the test method returns.  This means that
159    asynchronous code cannot be used in quite the same way as usual.
160    To write test functions that use the same ``yield``-based patterns
161    used with the `tornado.gen` module, decorate your test methods
162    with `tornado.testing.gen_test` instead of
163    `tornado.gen.coroutine`.  This class also provides the `stop()`
164    and `wait()` methods for a more manual style of testing.  The test
165    method itself must call ``self.wait()``, and asynchronous
166    callbacks should call ``self.stop()`` to signal completion.
168    By default, a new `.IOLoop` is constructed for each test and is available
169    as ``self.io_loop``.  This `.IOLoop` should be used in the construction of
170    HTTP clients/servers, etc.  If the code being tested requires a
171    global `.IOLoop`, subclasses should override `get_new_ioloop` to return it.
173    The `.IOLoop`'s ``start`` and ``stop`` methods should not be
174    called directly.  Instead, use `self.stop <stop>` and `self.wait
175    <wait>`.  Arguments passed to ``self.stop`` are returned from
176    ``self.wait``.  It is possible to have multiple ``wait``/``stop``
177    cycles in the same test.
179    Example::
181        # This test uses coroutine style.
182        class MyTestCase(AsyncTestCase):
183            @tornado.testing.gen_test
184            def test_http_fetch(self):
185                client = AsyncHTTPClient(self.io_loop)
186                response = yield client.fetch("http://www.tornadoweb.org")
187                # Test contents of response
188                self.assertIn("FriendFeed", response.body)
190        # This test uses argument passing between self.stop and self.wait.
191        class MyTestCase2(AsyncTestCase):
192            def test_http_fetch(self):
193                client = AsyncHTTPClient(self.io_loop)
194                client.fetch("http://www.tornadoweb.org/", self.stop)
195                response = self.wait()
196                # Test contents of response
197                self.assertIn("FriendFeed", response.body)
199        # This test uses an explicit callback-based style.
200        class MyTestCase3(AsyncTestCase):
201            def test_http_fetch(self):
202                client = AsyncHTTPClient(self.io_loop)
203                client.fetch("http://www.tornadoweb.org/", self.handle_fetch)
204                self.wait()
206            def handle_fetch(self, response):
207                # Test contents of response (failures and exceptions here
208                # will cause self.wait() to throw an exception and end the
209                # test).
210                # Exceptions thrown here are magically propagated to
211                # self.wait() in test_http_fetch() via stack_context.
212                self.assertIn("FriendFeed", response.body)
213                self.stop()
214    """
215    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
216        super(AsyncTestCase, self).__init__(methodName)
217        self.__stopped = False
218        self.__running = False
219        self.__failure = None
220        self.__stop_args = None
221        self.__timeout = None
223        # It's easy to forget the @gen_test decorator, but if you do
224        # the test will silently be ignored because nothing will consume
225        # the generator.  Replace the test method with a wrapper that will
226        # make sure it's not an undecorated generator.
227        setattr(self, methodName, _TestMethodWrapper(getattr(self, methodName)))
229    def setUp(self):
230        super(AsyncTestCase, self).setUp()
231        self.io_loop = self.get_new_ioloop()
232        self.io_loop.make_current()
234    def tearDown(self):
235        # Clean up Subprocess, so it can be used again with a new ioloop.
236        Subprocess.uninitialize()
237        self.io_loop.clear_current()
238        if (not IOLoop.initialized() or
239                self.io_loop is not IOLoop.instance()):
240            # Try to clean up any file descriptors left open in the ioloop.
241            # This avoids leaks, especially when tests are run repeatedly
242            # in the same process with autoreload (because curl does not
243            # set FD_CLOEXEC on its file descriptors)
244            self.io_loop.close(all_fds=True)
245        super(AsyncTestCase, self).tearDown()
246        # In case an exception escaped or the StackContext caught an exception
247        # when there wasn't a wait() to re-raise it, do so here.
248        # This is our last chance to raise an exception in a way that the
249        # unittest machinery understands.
250        self.__rethrow()
252    def get_new_ioloop(self):
253        """Creates a new `.IOLoop` for this test.  May be overridden in
254        subclasses for tests that require a specific `.IOLoop` (usually
255        the singleton `.IOLoop.instance()`).
256        """
257        return IOLoop()
259    def _handle_exception(self, typ, value, tb):
260        if self.__failure is None:
261            self.__failure = (typ, value, tb)
262        else:
263            app_log.error("multiple unhandled exceptions in test",
264                          exc_info=(typ, value, tb))
265        self.stop()
266        return True
268    def __rethrow(self):
269        if self.__failure is not None:
270            failure = self.__failure
271            self.__failure = None
272            raise_exc_info(failure)
274    def run(self, result=None):
275        with ExceptionStackContext(self._handle_exception):
276            super(AsyncTestCase, self).run(result)
277        # As a last resort, if an exception escaped super.run() and wasn't
278        # re-raised in tearDown, raise it here.  This will cause the
279        # unittest run to fail messily, but that's better than silently
280        # ignoring an error.
281        self.__rethrow()
283    def stop(self, _arg=None, **kwargs):
284        """Stops the `.IOLoop`, causing one pending (or future) call to `wait()`
285        to return.
287        Keyword arguments or a single positional argument passed to `stop()` are
288        saved and will be returned by `wait()`.
289        """
290        assert _arg is None or not kwargs
291        self.__stop_args = kwargs or _arg
292        if self.__running:
293            self.io_loop.stop()
294            self.__running = False
295        self.__stopped = True
297    def wait(self, condition=None, timeout=None):
298        """Runs the `.IOLoop` until stop is called or timeout has passed.
300        In the event of a timeout, an exception will be thrown. The
301        default timeout is 5 seconds; it may be overridden with a
302        ``timeout`` keyword argument or globally with the
303        ``ASYNC_TEST_TIMEOUT`` environment variable.
305        If ``condition`` is not None, the `.IOLoop` will be restarted
306        after `stop()` until ``condition()`` returns true.
308        .. versionchanged:: 3.1
309           Added the ``ASYNC_TEST_TIMEOUT`` environment variable.
310        """
311        if timeout is None:
312            timeout = get_async_test_timeout()
314        if not self.__stopped:
315            if timeout:
316                def timeout_func():
317                    try:
318                        raise self.failureException(
319                            'Async operation timed out after %s seconds' %
320                            timeout)
321                    except Exception:
322                        self.__failure = sys.exc_info()
323                    self.stop()
324                self.__timeout = self.io_loop.add_timeout(self.io_loop.time() + timeout, timeout_func)
325            while True:
326                self.__running = True
327                self.io_loop.start()
328                if (self.__failure is not None or
329                        condition is None or condition()):
330                    break
331            if self.__timeout is not None:
332                self.io_loop.remove_timeout(self.__timeout)
333                self.__timeout = None
334        assert self.__stopped
335        self.__stopped = False
336        self.__rethrow()
337        result = self.__stop_args
338        self.__stop_args = None
339        return result
342class AsyncHTTPTestCase(AsyncTestCase):
343    """A test case that starts up an HTTP server.
345    Subclasses must override `get_app()`, which returns the
346    `tornado.web.Application` (or other `.HTTPServer` callback) to be tested.
347    Tests will typically use the provided ``self.http_client`` to fetch
348    URLs from this server.
350    Example, assuming the "Hello, world" example from the user guide is in
351    ``hello.py``::
353        import hello
355        class TestHelloApp(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
356            def get_app(self):
357                return hello.make_app()
359            def test_homepage(self):
360                response = self.fetch('/')
361                self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
362                self.assertEqual(response.body, 'Hello, world')
364    That call to ``self.fetch()`` is equivalent to ::
366        self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url('/'), self.stop)
367        response = self.wait()
369    which illustrates how AsyncTestCase can turn an asynchronous operation,
370    like ``http_client.fetch()``, into a synchronous operation. If you need
371    to do other asynchronous operations in tests, you'll probably need to use
372    ``stop()`` and ``wait()`` yourself.
373    """
374    def setUp(self):
375        super(AsyncHTTPTestCase, self).setUp()
376        sock, port = bind_unused_port()
377        self.__port = port
379        self.http_client = self.get_http_client()
380        self._app = self.get_app()
381        self.http_server = self.get_http_server()
382        self.http_server.add_sockets([sock])
384    def get_http_client(self):
385        return AsyncHTTPClient(io_loop=self.io_loop)
387    def get_http_server(self):
388        return HTTPServer(self._app, io_loop=self.io_loop,
389                          **self.get_httpserver_options())
391    def get_app(self):
392        """Should be overridden by subclasses to return a
393        `tornado.web.Application` or other `.HTTPServer` callback.
394        """
395        raise NotImplementedError()
397    def fetch(self, path, **kwargs):
398        """Convenience method to synchronously fetch a url.
400        The given path will be appended to the local server's host and
401        port.  Any additional kwargs will be passed directly to
402        `.AsyncHTTPClient.fetch` (and so could be used to pass
403        ``method="POST"``, ``body="..."``, etc).
404        """
405        self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url(path), self.stop, **kwargs)
406        return self.wait()
408    def get_httpserver_options(self):
409        """May be overridden by subclasses to return additional
410        keyword arguments for the server.
411        """
412        return {}
414    def get_http_port(self):
415        """Returns the port used by the server.
417        A new port is chosen for each test.
418        """
419        return self.__port
421    def get_protocol(self):
422        return 'http'
424    def get_url(self, path):
425        """Returns an absolute url for the given path on the test server."""
426        return '%s://' % (self.get_protocol(),
427                                        self.get_http_port(), path)
429    def tearDown(self):
430        self.http_server.stop()
431        self.io_loop.run_sync(self.http_server.close_all_connections,
432                              timeout=get_async_test_timeout())
433        if (not IOLoop.initialized() or
434                self.http_client.io_loop is not IOLoop.instance()):
435            self.http_client.close()
436        super(AsyncHTTPTestCase, self).tearDown()
439class AsyncHTTPSTestCase(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
440    """A test case that starts an HTTPS server.
442    Interface is generally the same as `AsyncHTTPTestCase`.
443    """
444    def get_http_client(self):
445        return AsyncHTTPClient(io_loop=self.io_loop, force_instance=True,
446                               defaults=dict(validate_cert=False))
448    def get_httpserver_options(self):
449        return dict(ssl_options=self.get_ssl_options())
451    def get_ssl_options(self):
452        """May be overridden by subclasses to select SSL options.
454        By default includes a self-signed testing certificate.
455        """
456        # Testing keys were generated with:
457        # openssl req -new -keyout tornado/test/test.key -out tornado/test/test.crt -nodes -days 3650 -x509
458        module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
459        return dict(
460            certfile=os.path.join(module_dir, 'test', 'test.crt'),
461            keyfile=os.path.join(module_dir, 'test', 'test.key'))
463    def get_protocol(self):
464        return 'https'
467def gen_test(func=None, timeout=None):
468    """Testing equivalent of ``@gen.coroutine``, to be applied to test methods.
470    ``@gen.coroutine`` cannot be used on tests because the `.IOLoop` is not
471    already running.  ``@gen_test`` should be applied to test methods
472    on subclasses of `AsyncTestCase`.
474    Example::
476        class MyTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
477            @gen_test
478            def test_something(self):
479                response = yield gen.Task(self.fetch('/'))
481    By default, ``@gen_test`` times out after 5 seconds. The timeout may be
482    overridden globally with the ``ASYNC_TEST_TIMEOUT`` environment variable,
483    or for each test with the ``timeout`` keyword argument::
485        class MyTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
486            @gen_test(timeout=10)
487            def test_something_slow(self):
488                response = yield gen.Task(self.fetch('/'))
490    .. versionadded:: 3.1
491       The ``timeout`` argument and ``ASYNC_TEST_TIMEOUT`` environment
492       variable.
494    .. versionchanged:: 4.0
495       The wrapper now passes along ``*args, **kwargs`` so it can be used
496       on functions with arguments.
497    """
498    if timeout is None:
499        timeout = get_async_test_timeout()
501    def wrap(f):
502        # Stack up several decorators to allow us to access the generator
503        # object itself.  In the innermost wrapper, we capture the generator
504        # and save it in an attribute of self.  Next, we run the wrapped
505        # function through @gen.coroutine.  Finally, the coroutine is
506        # wrapped again to make it synchronous with run_sync.
507        #
508        # This is a good case study arguing for either some sort of
509        # extensibility in the gen decorators or cancellation support.
510        @functools.wraps(f)
511        def pre_coroutine(self, *args, **kwargs):
512            result = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
513            if isinstance(result, GeneratorType) or iscoroutine(result):
514                self._test_generator = result
515            else:
516                self._test_generator = None
517            return result
519        if iscoroutinefunction(f):
520            coro = pre_coroutine
521        else:
522            coro = gen.coroutine(pre_coroutine)
524        @functools.wraps(coro)
525        def post_coroutine(self, *args, **kwargs):
526            try:
527                return self.io_loop.run_sync(
528                    functools.partial(coro, self, *args, **kwargs),
529                    timeout=timeout)
530            except TimeoutError as e:
531                # run_sync raises an error with an unhelpful traceback.
532                # Throw it back into the generator or coroutine so the stack
533                # trace is replaced by the point where the test is stopped.
534                self._test_generator.throw(e)
535                # In case the test contains an overly broad except clause,
536                # we may get back here.  In this case re-raise the original
537                # exception, which is better than nothing.
538                raise
539        return post_coroutine
541    if func is not None:
542        # Used like:
543        #     @gen_test
544        #     def f(self):
545        #         pass
546        return wrap(func)
547    else:
548        # Used like @gen_test(timeout=10)
549        return wrap
552# Without this attribute, nosetests will try to run gen_test as a test
553# anywhere it is imported.
554gen_test.__test__ = False  # type: ignore
557class LogTrapTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
558    """A test case that captures and discards all logging output
559    if the test passes.
561    Some libraries can produce a lot of logging output even when
562    the test succeeds, so this class can be useful to minimize the noise.
563    Simply use it as a base class for your test case.  It is safe to combine
564    with AsyncTestCase via multiple inheritance
565    (``class MyTestCase(AsyncHTTPTestCase, LogTrapTestCase):``)
567    This class assumes that only one log handler is configured and
568    that it is a `~logging.StreamHandler`.  This is true for both
569    `logging.basicConfig` and the "pretty logging" configured by
570    `tornado.options`.  It is not compatible with other log buffering
571    mechanisms, such as those provided by some test runners.
573    .. deprecated:: 4.1
574       Use the unittest module's ``--buffer`` option instead, or `.ExpectLog`.
575    """
576    def run(self, result=None):
577        logger = logging.getLogger()
578        if not logger.handlers:
579            logging.basicConfig()
580        handler = logger.handlers[0]
581        if (len(logger.handlers) > 1 or
582                not isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler)):
583            # Logging has been configured in a way we don't recognize,
584            # so just leave it alone.
585            super(LogTrapTestCase, self).run(result)
586            return
587        old_stream = handler.stream
588        try:
589            handler.stream = StringIO()
590            gen_log.info("RUNNING TEST: " + str(self))
591            old_error_count = len(result.failures) + len(result.errors)
592            super(LogTrapTestCase, self).run(result)
593            new_error_count = len(result.failures) + len(result.errors)
594            if new_error_count != old_error_count:
595                old_stream.write(handler.stream.getvalue())
596        finally:
597            handler.stream = old_stream
600class ExpectLog(logging.Filter):
601    """Context manager to capture and suppress expected log output.
603    Useful to make tests of error conditions less noisy, while still
604    leaving unexpected log entries visible.  *Not thread safe.*
606    The attribute ``logged_stack`` is set to true if any exception
607    stack trace was logged.
609    Usage::
611        with ExpectLog('tornado.application', "Uncaught exception"):
612            error_response = self.fetch("/some_page")
614    .. versionchanged:: 4.3
615       Added the ``logged_stack`` attribute.
616    """
617    def __init__(self, logger, regex, required=True):
618        """Constructs an ExpectLog context manager.
620        :param logger: Logger object (or name of logger) to watch.  Pass
621            an empty string to watch the root logger.
622        :param regex: Regular expression to match.  Any log entries on
623            the specified logger that match this regex will be suppressed.
624        :param required: If true, an exception will be raised if the end of
625            the ``with`` statement is reached without matching any log entries.
626        """
627        if isinstance(logger, basestring_type):
628            logger = logging.getLogger(logger)
629        self.logger = logger
630        self.regex = re.compile(regex)
631        self.required = required
632        self.matched = False
633        self.logged_stack = False
635    def filter(self, record):
636        if record.exc_info:
637            self.logged_stack = True
638        message = record.getMessage()
639        if self.regex.match(message):
640            self.matched = True
641            return False
642        return True
644    def __enter__(self):
645        self.logger.addFilter(self)
646        return self
648    def __exit__(self, typ, value, tb):
649        self.logger.removeFilter(self)
650        if not typ and self.required and not self.matched:
651            raise Exception("did not get expected log message")
654def main(**kwargs):
655    """A simple test runner.
657    This test runner is essentially equivalent to `unittest.main` from
658    the standard library, but adds support for tornado-style option
659    parsing and log formatting. It is *not* necessary to use this
660    `main` function to run tests using `AsyncTestCase`; these tests
661    are self-contained and can run with any test runner.
663    The easiest way to run a test is via the command line::
665        python -m tornado.testing tornado.test.stack_context_test
667    See the standard library unittest module for ways in which tests can
668    be specified.
670    Projects with many tests may wish to define a test script like
671    ``tornado/test/runtests.py``.  This script should define a method
672    ``all()`` which returns a test suite and then call
673    `tornado.testing.main()`.  Note that even when a test script is
674    used, the ``all()`` test suite may be overridden by naming a
675    single test on the command line::
677        # Runs all tests
678        python -m tornado.test.runtests
679        # Runs one test
680        python -m tornado.test.runtests tornado.test.stack_context_test
682    Additional keyword arguments passed through to ``unittest.main()``.
683    For example, use ``tornado.testing.main(verbosity=2)``
684    to show many test details as they are run.
685    See http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html#unittest.main
686    for full argument list.
687    """
688    from tornado.options import define, options, parse_command_line
690    define('exception_on_interrupt', type=bool, default=True,
691           help=("If true (default), ctrl-c raises a KeyboardInterrupt "
692                 "exception.  This prints a stack trace but cannot interrupt "
693                 "certain operations.  If false, the process is more reliably "
694                 "killed, but does not print a stack trace."))
696    # support the same options as unittest's command-line interface
697    define('verbose', type=bool)
698    define('quiet', type=bool)
699    define('failfast', type=bool)
700    define('catch', type=bool)
701    define('buffer', type=bool)
703    argv = [sys.argv[0]] + parse_command_line(sys.argv)
705    if not options.exception_on_interrupt:
706        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
708    if options.verbose is not None:
709        kwargs['verbosity'] = 2
710    if options.quiet is not None:
711        kwargs['verbosity'] = 0
712    if options.failfast is not None:
713        kwargs['failfast'] = True
714    if options.catch is not None:
715        kwargs['catchbreak'] = True
716    if options.buffer is not None:
717        kwargs['buffer'] = True
719    if __name__ == '__main__' and len(argv) == 1:
720        print("No tests specified", file=sys.stderr)
721        sys.exit(1)
722    try:
723        # In order to be able to run tests by their fully-qualified name
724        # on the command line without importing all tests here,
725        # module must be set to None.  Python 3.2's unittest.main ignores
726        # defaultTest if no module is given (it tries to do its own
727        # test discovery, which is incompatible with auto2to3), so don't
728        # set module if we're not asking for a specific test.
729        if len(argv) > 1:
730            unittest.main(module=None, argv=argv, **kwargs)
731        else:
732            unittest.main(defaultTest="all", argv=argv, **kwargs)
733    except SystemExit as e:
734        if e.code == 0:
735            gen_log.info('PASS')
736        else:
737            gen_log.error('FAIL')
738        raise
741if __name__ == '__main__':
742    main()