1// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5module remote_cocoa.mojom;
7import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
8import "ui/base/accelerators/mojom/accelerator.mojom";
9import "ui/base/mojom/ui_base_types.mojom";
10import "ui/base/mojom/window_open_disposition.mojom";
11import "ui/display/mojom/display.mojom";
12import "ui/events/mojom/event.mojom";
13import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
14import "ui/gfx/mojom/ca_layer_params.mojom";
16struct ValidateUserInterfaceItemResult {
17  // Whether or not the specified sender should be enabled.
18  bool enable;
20  // If true, then the item should be disabled if there exists no key equivalent
21  // for the item.
22  bool disable_if_has_no_key_equivalent;
24  // The new title to set for the item (unset if the title is not to be
25  // changed).
26  mojo_base.mojom.String16? new_title;
28  // Whether or not to change the hidden state for the item, and the new hidden
29  // state to set.
30  bool set_hidden_state;
31  bool new_hidden_state;
33  // Whether or not to change the toggled state for the item, and the new toggle
34  // state to set.
35  bool set_toggle_state;
36  bool new_toggle_state;
39// The interface through which an NSWindow (possibly in a process separate from
40// the browser process) may interact with a NativeWidgetMac.
41interface NativeWidgetNSWindowHost {
42  // Update the views::Widget, ui::Compositor and ui::Layer's visibility.
43  OnVisibilityChanged(bool visible);
45  // Called when the window's native theme changes.
46  OnWindowNativeThemeChanged();
48  // Resize the underlying views::View to |new_size| in response to the NSView's
49  // frame changing size. Note that this will not necessarily match the content
50  // bounds from OnWindowGeometryChanged.
51  OnViewSizeChanged(gfx.mojom.Size new_size);
53  // The vertical position from which sheets should be anchored, from the top
54  // of the content view.
55  [Sync]
56  GetSheetOffsetY() => (int32 offset_y);
58  // Indicate if full keyboard accessibility is needed and update focus if
59  // needed.
60  SetKeyboardAccessible(bool enabled);
62  // Indicate if the NSView for this widget is the first responder for the
63  // NSWindow for this widget.
64  OnIsFirstResponderChanged(bool is_first_responder);
66  // Indicate if mouse capture is active.
67  OnMouseCaptureActiveChanged(bool capture_is_active);
69  // Handle events. Note that whether or not the event is actually handled is
70  // not returned.
71  OnScrollEvent(ui.mojom.Event event);
72  OnMouseEvent(ui.mojom.Event event);
73  OnGestureEvent(ui.mojom.Event event);
75  // Synchronously dispatch a key event and return in |event_handled| whether
76  // or not the event was handled. This method is to be used only via the
77  // NativeWidgetNSWindowHostHelper interface.
78  [Sync]
79  DispatchKeyEventRemote(ui.mojom.Event event) => (bool event_handled);
81  // Synchronously dispatch a key event to the current menu controller (if one
82  // exists and is owned by the widget for this). Return in |event_swallowed|
83  // whether or not the event was swallowed (that is, if the menu's dispatch
84  // returned POST_DISPATCH_NONE). Return in |event_handled| whether or not the
85  // event was handled (that is, if the event in the caller's scope should be
86  // marked as handled). This method is to be used only via the
87  // NativeWidgetNSWindowHostHelper interface.
88  [Sync]
89  DispatchKeyEventToMenuControllerRemote(ui.mojom.Event event) =>
90      (bool event_swallowed, bool event_handled);
92  // Synchronously return in  |has_menu_controller| whether or not a menu
93  // controller exists for this widget.
94  [Sync]
95  GetHasMenuController() => (bool has_menu_controller);
97  // Synchronously query if |location_in_content| is a draggable background.
98  [Sync]
99  GetIsDraggableBackgroundAt(gfx.mojom.Point location_in_content) =>
100      (bool is_draggable_background);
102  // Synchronously query the tooltip text for |location_in_content|.
103  [Sync]
104  GetTooltipTextAt(gfx.mojom.Point location_in_content) =>
105      (mojo_base.mojom.String16 new_tooltip_text);
107  // Synchronously query the value of IsModal for this widget and store it in
108  // |widget_is_modal|.
109  [Sync]
110  GetWidgetIsModal() => (bool widget_is_modal);
112  // Synchronously return in |is_textual| whether or not the focused view
113  // contains text that can be selected and copied.
114  [Sync]
115  GetIsFocusedViewTextual() => (bool is_textual);
117  // Called whenever the NSWindow's size or position changes.
118  OnWindowGeometryChanged(
119      gfx.mojom.Rect window_bounds_in_screen_dips,
120      gfx.mojom.Rect content_bounds_in_screen_dips);
122  // Called when the window begins transitioning to or from being fullscreen.
123  OnWindowFullscreenTransitionStart(
124      bool target_fullscreen_state);
126  // Called when the window has completed its transition to or from being
127  // fullscreen. Note that if there are multiple consecutive transitions
128  // (because a new transition was initiated before the previous one completed)
129  // then this will only be called when all transitions have competed.
130  OnWindowFullscreenTransitionComplete(bool is_fullscreen);
132  // Called when the window is miniaturized or deminiaturized.
133  OnWindowMiniaturizedChanged(bool miniaturized);
135  // Called when the current display or the properties of the current display
136  // change.
137  OnWindowDisplayChanged(display.mojom.Display display);
139  // Called before the NSWindow is closed and destroyed.
140  OnWindowWillClose();
142  // Called after the NSWindow has been closed and destroyed.
143  OnWindowHasClosed();
145  // Called when the NSWindow becomes key or resigns from being key. Additional
146  // state required for the transition include whether or not the content NSView
147  // is the first responder for the NSWindow in |is_content_first_responder| and
148  // whether or not the NSApp's full keyboard access is enabled in
149  // |full_keyboard_access_enabled|.
150  OnWindowKeyStatusChanged(bool is_key,
151                           bool is_content_first_responder,
152                           bool full_keyboard_access_enabled);
154  // Called when the blob of data that represents the NSWindow's restorable
155  // state has changed.
156  OnWindowStateRestorationDataChanged(array<uint8> data);
158  // Accept or cancel the current dialog window (depending on the value of
159  // |button|), if a current dialog exists.
160  DoDialogButtonAction(ui.mojom.DialogButton button);
162  // Synchronously determine if the specified button exists in the current
163  // dialog (if any), along with its label, whether or not it is enabled, and
164  // whether or not it is the default button..
165  [Sync]
166  GetDialogButtonInfo(ui.mojom.DialogButton button) => (bool button_exists,
167                      mojo_base.mojom.String16 title,
168                      bool is_button_enabled,
169                      bool is_button_default);
171  // Synchronously return in |buttons_exist| whether or not any buttons exist
172  // for the current dialog.
173  [Sync]
174  GetDoDialogButtonsExist() => (bool buttons_exist);
176  // Synchronously query if the NSWindow should display its title.
177  [Sync]
178  GetShouldShowWindowTitle() => (bool should_show_window_title);
180  // Synchronously query if the NSWindow can become key (activate, in views
181  // terminology).
182  [Sync]
183  GetCanWindowBecomeKey() => (bool can_window_become_key);
185  // Synchronously query if the NSWindow should always render as if it is
186  // the key window (is active, in views terminology).
187  [Sync]
188  GetAlwaysRenderWindowAsKey() => (bool always_render_as_key);
190  // Synchronously query if the NSWindow should always render as if it is
191  // the key window (is active, in views terminology).
192  [Sync]
193  GetCanWindowClose() => (bool can_window_close);
195  // Synchronously query if the NSWindow's theme frame overrides the titlebar
196  // height, and, if so, what the overridden height is.
197  [Sync]
198  GetWindowFrameTitlebarHeight() => (bool override_titlebar_height,
199                                     float titlebar_height);
201  // Handle "Move focus to the window toolbar" shortcut.
202  OnFocusWindowToolbar();
204  // Send the token for the NSWindow and NSView for this widget.
205  SetRemoteAccessibilityTokens(
206      array<uint8> window_token, array<uint8> view_token);
208  // Return in |element_token| the token for the root views AX node for this
209  // view and in |host_pid| the pid for the host process.
210  [Sync]
211  GetRootViewAccessibilityToken() =>
212      (int64 host_pid, array<uint8> element_token);
214  // Return the result for -[NSUserInterfaceValidations
215  // validateUserInterfaceItem] for a given command, along with any state for
216  // that item that should be updated.
217  [Sync]
218  ValidateUserInterfaceItem(int32 command) =>
219      (ValidateUserInterfaceItemResult result);
221  // Execute the chrome command |command| with |window_open_disposition|. If
222  // |is_before_first_responder| then only call ExecuteCommand if the command
223  // is reserved and extension shortcut handling is not suspended. Returns in
224  // |was_executed| whether or not ExecuteCommand was called (regardless of what
225  // the return value for ExecuteCommand was).
226  [Sync]
227  ExecuteCommand(int32 command,
228                 ui.mojom.WindowOpenDisposition window_open_disposition,
229                 bool is_before_first_responder) => (bool was_executed);
231  // Give the widget's FocusManager a chance to to handle the specified
232  // accelerator. If |require_priority_handler| is true, the only send the
233  // accelerator to the FocusManager if the FocusManager has a priority handler
234  // for the specified accelerator.
235  [Sync]
236  HandleAccelerator(ui.mojom.Accelerator accelerator,
237                    bool require_priority_handler) =>
238      (bool was_handled);