1// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5module network.mojom;
7import "mojo/public/mojom/base/big_buffer.mojom";
8import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file.mojom";
9import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
10import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
11import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
12import "services/network/public/mojom/cors.mojom";
13import "services/network/public/mojom/chunked_data_pipe_getter.mojom";
14import "services/network/public/mojom/data_pipe_getter.mojom";
15import "services/network/public/mojom/fetch_api.mojom";
16import "services/network/public/mojom/http_request_headers.mojom";
17import "services/network/public/mojom/network_isolation_key.mojom";
18import "services/network/public/mojom/network_param.mojom";
19import "services/network/public/mojom/site_for_cookies.mojom";
20import "services/network/public/mojom/trust_tokens.mojom";
21import "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom";
22import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
23import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
26struct URLRequestRedirectInfo;
29struct CorsErrorStatus;
32struct URLLoaderCompletionStatus;
34// This enum corresponds to net::RequestPriority. See its comments for details.
35enum RequestPriority {
36  kThrottled = 0,
37  kIdle,
38  kLowest,
39  kLow,
40  kMedium,
41  kHighest
44// This enum corresponds to net::URLRequest::ReferrerPolicy. See its comments.
45enum URLRequestReferrerPolicy {
46  kClearReferrerOnTransitionFromSecureToInsecure,
47  kReduceReferrerGranularityOnTransitionCrossOrigin,
48  kOriginOnlyOnTransitionCrossOrigin,
49  kNeverClearReferrer,
50  kOrigin,
51  kClearReferrerOnTransitionCrossOrigin,
52  kOriginClearOnTransitionFromSecureToInsecure,
53  kNoReferrer
56// Used for represents the type of the internal contents of
57// network::DataElement.
58enum DataElementType {
59  kUnknown = -1,
61  // Only used for Upload with Network Service as of now:
62  kDataPipe,
63  kChunkedDataPipe,
64  kRawFile,
66  // Used for Upload when Network Service is disabled:
67  kBlob,
68  kFile,
70  // Commonly used in every case:
71  kBytes,
74// Used to determine if URLRequest::trusted_network_isolation_key should be
75// updated on redirect.
76enum UpdateNetworkIsolationKeyOnRedirect {
77  kDoNotUpdate,
79  // The updated network isolation key will take the redirected url's origin as
80  // the top frame origin and frame origin.
81  kUpdateTopFrameAndFrameOrigin,
83  // The updated network isolation key will take the existing
84  // NetworkIsolationKey's top frame origin and redirected url's origin as the
85  // frame origin.
86  kUpdateFrameOrigin
89// Options that may only be set on URLRequests passed to a URLLoaderFactory
90// created with |is_trusted| set to true.
91struct TrustedUrlRequestParams {
92  // This resource request will be keyed using |network_isolation_key| for
93  // accessing shared network resources like the http cache.
94  NetworkIsolationKey? network_isolation_key;
96  // Whether or not the network isolation key needs to be recomputed on
97  // redirects. Typically this is only done for navigations.
98  UpdateNetworkIsolationKeyOnRedirect update_network_isolation_key_on_redirect;
100  // Whether secure DNS should be disabled for the request.
101  bool disable_secure_dns;
103  // Whether a navigation is triggered with a user gesture.
104  // Always true for navigations except the one triggered from a document
105  // without user gesture. Used to determine the `Sec-Fetch-User` header.
106  bool has_user_activation;
109// Typemapped to network::ResourceRequest.
110struct URLRequest {
111  // The request method: GET, POST, etc.
112  string method;
114  // The absolute requested URL encoded in ASCII per the rules of RFC-2396.
115  url.mojom.Url url;
117  // Represents the first-party for the request, which may be checked by
118  // the third-party cookie blocking policy or by some cookies. Leaving it empty
119  // may lead to undesired cookie blocking. Third-party cookie blocking can be
120  // bypassed by setting site_for_cookies = SiteForCookies::FromUrl(url), but
121  // this should only be done if the fetch can be reasonably said to be done by
122  // the same principal as what |url| represents.
123  SiteForCookies site_for_cookies;
125  // Boolean indicating whether SameSite cookies are allowed to be attached
126  // to the request. It should be used as additional input to network side
127  // checks.
128  bool attach_same_site_cookies;
130  // First-party URL redirect policy: During server redirects, the first-party
131  // URL for cookies normally doesn't change. However, if this is true, the
132  // the first-party URL should be updated to the URL on every redirect.
133  bool update_first_party_url_on_redirect;
135  // |request_initiator| indicates the origin initiating the resource request.
136  //
137  // |request_initiator| is null for browser-initiated requests (e.g.
138  // navigations initiated via omnibox or bookmarks, internal subresource
139  // requests like fetching the SafeBrowsing data, etc.).
140  //
141  // For all requests initiated via web (both subresource requests and
142  // navigations), |request_initiator| is always set to the origin of the frame
143  // that has initiated the request.  This is true even if the request might
144  // have been initiated by an isolated world (e.g. from a content script of an
145  // extension, with its own, separate origin).  This needs to be true even if
146  // the request might be "proxied" in the browser process on behalf of a web
147  // origin (e.g. as is the case for PaymentRequest API).
148  //
149  // |request_initiator| is consulted in a variety of security features,
150  // including: calculating Sec-Fetch-Site request header, determining if the
151  // request should be subject to CORS, determining if CORB and/or CORP should
152  // block the response, determining if SameSite=strict cookies should be sent,
153  // etc.
154  //
155  // See also:
156  // - |isolated_world_origin|
157  // - URLLoaderFactoryParams::request_initiator_site_lock
158  url.mojom.Origin? request_initiator;
160  // If this is a subresource request initiated from an isolated world (e.g.
161  // from a content script of a Chrome Extension), then
162  // |isolated_world_origin| indicates the origin of the isolated world.
163  // Otherwise, |isolated_world_origin| is null.
164  //
165  // Example #1: XHR initiated from a content script of chrome-extension://foo
166  // that was injected into a https://example.com web frame:
167  // - |request_initiator| is "https://example.com"
168  // - |isolated_world_origin| is "chrome-extension://foo"
169  //
170  // Example #2: XHR initiated from a Chrome Extension frame (e.g. from an
171  // extension background page):
172  // - |request_initiator| is "chrome-extension://foo"
173  // - |isolated_world_origin| is null (this request is not associated with an
174  //   isolated world)
175  //
176  // |isolated_world_origin| is consulted by OOR-CORS, to determine if this
177  // request might need to be exempt from CORS, based on OriginAccessList.
178  //
179  // TODO(lukasza): https://crbug.com/936310: Attempt to remove
180  // |isolated_world_origin| after removing the global/per-NetworkContext
181  // OriginAccessList and replacing it with per-URLLoaderFactory
182  // OriginAccessList.
183  url.mojom.Origin? isolated_world_origin;
185  // The referrer to use (may be empty).
186  url.mojom.Url referrer;
188  // The referrer policy to use.
189  URLRequestReferrerPolicy referrer_policy;
191  // Additional HTTP request headers.
192  HttpRequestHeaders headers;
194  // HTTP request headers that has been internally added. Some consumers want to
195  // set additional HTTP headers, but such internal headers must be ignored by
196  // CORS check (which run inside Network Service), so the values are stored
197  // here (rather than in |headers|) and later merged into the |headers| after
198  // CORS check.
199  //
200  // *Warning*: Adding new headers to this list is strongly discouraged. What
201  // usually you need is to update the fetch spec, and add your custom headers
202  // to the CORS-safelisted header so to pass proper CORS checks. 'Proxy-' or
203  // 'Sec-' prefixes are also available. See cors::IsCORSSafelistedHeader and
204  // cors::IsForbiddenHeader for details.
205  //
206  // You should ask Loading and CORS OWNERS when you need to add your own
207  // headers to the list.
208  HttpRequestHeaders cors_exempt_headers;  // See Note above before using.
210  // net::URLRequest load flags.
211  int32 load_flags;
213  // What this resource load is for (main frame, sub-frame, sub-resource,
214  // object).
215  // Note: this is an enum of type blink::mojom::ResourceType.
216  // TODO(jam): remove this from the struct since network service shouldn't know
217  // about this.
218  int32 resource_type;
220  // The priority of this request determined by Blink.
221  RequestPriority priority;
223  // True if corresponding AppCache group should be reset.
224  bool should_reset_appcache;
226  // https://wicg.github.io/cors-rfc1918/#external-request
227  // TODO(toyoshim): The browser should know better than renderers do.
228  // This is used to plumb Blink decided information for legacy code path, but
229  // eventually we should remove this.
230  bool is_external_request;
232  // A policy to decide if CORS-preflight fetch should be performed.
233  CorsPreflightPolicy cors_preflight_policy;
235  // True if the request originated from a Service Worker, e.g. due to a
236  // fetch() in the Service Worker script.
237  bool originated_from_service_worker;
239  // The service worker mode that indicates which service workers should get
240  // events for this request.
241  // TODO(jam): remove this from the struct since network service shouldn't know
242  // about this.
243  bool skip_service_worker;
245  // If true then the request continues even if it's blocked by CORB.
246  bool corb_detachable = false;
248  // TODO(lukasza): https://crbug.com/846339: Remove the field below and instead
249  // make plugins use a separate URLoaderFactory. Note requests of this type are
250  // only excluded if mode is kNoCors.
251  bool corb_excluded = false;
253  // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-mode
254  // Used mainly by CORS handling (out-of-blink CORS), CORB, Service Worker.
255  // CORS handling needs a proper origin (including a unique opaque origin).
256  // Hence a request with kSameOrigin, kCors, or kCorsWithForcedPreflight should
257  // have a non-null request_initiator.
258  RequestMode mode;
260  // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-credentials-mode
261  // Controls whether credentials are attached to this request.
262  // |kSameOrigin| credentials mode requires a non-null |request_initiator|.
263  // When |mode| is |kNavigate|, this needs to be |kInclude|.
264  CredentialsMode credentials_mode;
266  // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-redirect-mode
267  // Used mainly by CORS handling (out-of-blink CORS), Service Worker.
268  // This member must be kFollow as long as |mode| is kNoCors.
269  RedirectMode redirect_mode;
271  // The integrity used in Fetch API.
272  string fetch_integrity;
274  // The request context passed to the ServiceWorker.
275  // Note: this is an enum of type content::RequestContextType.
276  // TODO(jam): remove this from the struct since network service shouldn't know
277  // about this.
278  int32 fetch_request_context_type;
280  // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-destiantion
281  RequestDestination destination;
283  // Optional resource request body.
284  URLRequestBody? request_body;
286  // True if the request can work after the fetch group is terminated.
287  // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#request-keepalive-flag
288  bool keepalive;
290  // True if the request was user initiated.
291  bool has_user_gesture;
293  // TODO(mmenke): Investigate if enable_load_timing is safe to remove.
294  //
295  // True if load timing data should be collected for request.
296  bool enable_load_timing;
298  // True if upload progress should be available for request.
299  bool enable_upload_progress;
301  // True if login prompts for this request should be suppressed. Cached
302  // credentials or default credentials may still be used for authentication.
303  bool do_not_prompt_for_login;
305  // The id of the RenderFrame. This may be:
306  // - The render frame id for a) subresource requests from a document, b) the
307  //   main resource request for a dedicated/shared worker if that worker was
308  //   created by a frame.
309  // - MSG_ROUTING_NONE for nested dedicated workers.
310  // - MSG_ROUTING_NONE for subresource requests from a dedicated/shared worker.
311  // - service_worker_route_id from EmbeddedWorkerStartParams for service worker
312  //   main script requests and subresource requests.
313  // - The frame tree node ID for navigation requests only. Please do not use
314  //   frame tree node ID for other requests.
315  int32 render_frame_id;
317  // True if |frame_id| is the main frame of a RenderView.
318  bool is_main_frame;
320  // Note: this is an enum of type ui::PageTransition.
321  // TODO(jam): remove this from the struct since network service shouldn't know
322  // about this.
323  int32 transition_type;
325  // Whether to intercept headers to pass back to the renderer.
326  // This also enables reporting of SSLInfo in URLLoaderClient's
327  // OnResponseReceived and OnComplete, as well as invocation of
328  // OnTransferSizeUpdated().
329  bool report_raw_headers;
331  // Whether or not to request a Preview version of the resource or let the
332  // browser decide.
333  // Note: this is an enum of type PreviewsState.
334  // TODO(jam): remove this from the struct since network service shouldn't know
335  // about this.
336  int32 previews_state;
338  // Whether or not this request (including redirects) should be upgraded to
339  // HTTPS due to an Upgrade-Insecure-Requests requirement.
340  bool upgrade_if_insecure;
342  // True when the request is revalidating.
343  // Some users, notably blink, has its own cache. This flag is set to exempt
344  // some CORS logic for a revalidating request.
345  bool is_revalidating;
347  // The profile ID of network conditions to throttle the network request.
348  mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? throttling_profile_id;
350  // See https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-window
351  //
352  // This is an opaque id of the original requestor of the resource, which might
353  // be different to the current requestor which is |render_frame_id|. For
354  // example, if a navigation for window "abc" is intercepted by a service
355  // worker, which re-issues the request via fetch, the re-issued request has
356  // |render_frame_id| of MSG_ROUTING_NONE (the service worker) and |window_id|
357  // of "abc". This is used for, e.g., client certificate selection. It's
358  // important that this id be unguessable so renderers cannot impersonate
359  // other renderers.
360  //
361  // This may be empty when the original requestor is the current requestor or
362  // is not a window. When it's empty, use |render_frame_id| instead. In
363  // practical terms, it's empty for requests that didn't go through a service
364  // worker, or if the original requestor is not a window. When the request
365  // goes through a service worker, the id is
366  // ServiceWorkerProviderHost::fetch_request_window_id.
367  mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? fetch_window_id;
369  // The ID that DevTools uses to track network requests. It is generated in the
370  // renderer process and is only present when DevTools is enabled in the
371  // renderer.
372  string? devtools_request_id;
374  // True for prefetch requests when SignedExchangePrefetchCacheForNavigations
375  // feature is enabled by flags or SignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetch feature is
376  // enabled by flags, or OriginTrial. TODO(horo): Remove this when these
377  // features are enabled by default.
378  bool is_signed_exchange_prefetch_cache_enabled;
380  // If set, the network service will attempt to retrieve the appropriate origin
381  // policy, if necessary, and attach it to the ResourceResponseHead.
382  // Spec: https://wicg.github.io/origin-policy/
383  bool obey_origin_policy;
385  // Setting these from an untrusted URLLoader will cause the request to fail.
386  TrustedUrlRequestParams? trusted_params;
388  // Set for recursive prefetch requests originating from cross-origin
389  // prefetches. These requests take the form of `Link: rel=preload` HTTP
390  // response headers. For more information on these requests see
391  // https://github.com/w3c/resource-hints/issues/77.
392  mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? recursive_prefetch_token;
394  // Set when Trust Tokens (https://github.com/wicg/trust-token-api) is enabled
395  // and the request has set the trustToken Fetch parameter, denoting that it
396  // wishes to execute a Trust Tokens protocol operation.
397  TrustTokenParams? trust_token_params;
400// URLRequestBody represents body (i.e. upload data) of a HTTP request.
401// Typemapped to network::ResourceRequestBody
402struct URLRequestBody {
403  // Store upload bodies
404  array<DataElement> elements;
406  // Identifies a particular upload instance, which is used by the cache to
407  // formulate a cache key.
408  uint64 identifier;
410  // Indicates whether the post data contains sensitive information like
411  // passwords.
412  bool contains_sensitive_info;
415// Represents part of an upload body. This could be either one of bytes, file or
416// a data pipe.
417// Typemapped to network::DataElement
418struct DataElement {
419  DataElementType type;
421  // For kBytes.
422  array<uint8> buf;
423  // For kFile and kRawFile
424  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path;
425  // For kRawFile
426  mojo_base.mojom.File? file;
427  // For kBlob
428  // TODO(richard.li): Deprecate this once NetworkService is fully shipped.
429  string? blob_uuid;
430  // For kDataPipe
431  pending_remote<network.mojom.DataPipeGetter>? data_pipe_getter;
432  // For kChunkedDataPipe
433  pending_remote<network.mojom.ChunkedDataPipeGetter>? chunked_data_pipe_getter;
435  uint64 offset;
436  uint64 length;
437  mojo_base.mojom.Time expected_modification_time;
440// Destroying a URLLoader will cancel the associated request.
441interface URLLoader {
442  // If a disconnection is initiated by the client side, it may send the
443  // following disconnection reason, along with an application-defined string
444  // description, to notify the service side.
445  const uint32 kClientDisconnectReason = 1;
447  // If the associated request has |auto_follow_redirects| set to false, then
448  // upon receiving an URLResponse with a non-NULL |redirect_url| field,
449  // |FollowRedirect| may be called to load the URL indicated by the redirect.
450  // |removed_headers| can be used to remove existing headers for the redirect.
451  // This parameter is before |modified_headers| since removing headers is
452  // applied first in the URLLoader::FollowRedirect().  |modified_headers| can
453  // be used to add or override existing headers for the redirect. If |new_url|
454  // is specified, then the request will be made to it instead of the redirected
455  // URL. Note: it has to be in the same origin as the redirected URL, and this
456  // is only supported when the network service is enabled.
457  FollowRedirect(array<string> removed_headers,
458                 network.mojom.HttpRequestHeaders modified_headers,
459                 url.mojom.Url? new_url);
461  // Sets the request priority.
462  // |intra_priority_value| is a lesser priority which is used to prioritize
463  // requests within a given priority level. If -1 is passed, the existing
464  // intra priority value is maintained.
465  SetPriority(RequestPriority priority, int32 intra_priority_value);
467  // If the resource is being fetched from the network,
468  // PauseReadingBodyFromNet() pauses fetching the response body. It is okay to
469  // call this method before fetching the body starts, too.
470  // ResumeReadingBodyFromNet() resumes fetching the body if it has been paused.
471  //
472  // Note that PauseReadingBodyFromNet() is asynchronous and only gurantees to
473  // pause if the response body is fetched from the network. This means:
474  // - any data in flight before PauseReadingBodyFromNet() is processed will
475  //   still be passed to the client data pipe.
476  // - a response body not from the network, e.g. from blob, may not be paused
477  //   at all.
478  //
479  // Redundant calls to these methods are ingored. It is not required to match
480  // pause and resume calls. It is not an error to resume a non-paused request,
481  // or pause a request multiple times.
482  PauseReadingBodyFromNet();
483  ResumeReadingBodyFromNet();
486interface URLLoaderClient {
487  // Called when the response head is received.
488  OnReceiveResponse(URLResponseHead head);
490  // Called when the request has been redirected. The receiver is expected to
491  // call FollowRedirect or cancel the request.
492  OnReceiveRedirect(URLRequestRedirectInfo redirect_info, URLResponseHead head);
494  // Called when the service made some progress on the file upload. This is
495  // called only when the request has an upload data.
496  // The implementation should call the response closure when the client is
497  // ready to receive the next upload progress.
498  OnUploadProgress(int64 current_position, int64 total_size) => ();
500  // Called when cached metadata from a resource request is ready.
501  OnReceiveCachedMetadata(mojo_base.mojom.BigBuffer data);
503  // Called when the transfer size is updated. This is only called if
504  // |report_raw_headers| is set or the renderer has permission to read the
505  // request. The transfer size is the length of the response (including both
506  // headers and the body) over the network. |transfer_size_diff| is the
507  // difference from the value previously reported one (including the one in
508  // OnReceiveResponse and OnReceiveRedirect). It must be positive.
509  // TODO(yhirano): Dispatch this notification even when |download_to_file| is
510  // set.
511  // TODO(yhirano): Consider using an unsigned type.
512  // TODO(rajendrant): Consider reporting the transfer size directly to browser
513  // process from net service, and not pass it via renderer process. This can be
514  // done after the upcoming network servicification work.
515  OnTransferSizeUpdated(int32 transfer_size_diff);
517  // Called when the loader starts loading response body. This is called after
518  // OnReceiveResponse is called.
519  OnStartLoadingResponseBody(handle<data_pipe_consumer> body);
521  // Called when the loading completes. No notification will be dispatched for
522  // this client after this message arrives. |status| has its |ssl_info| field
523  // set only when |kURLLoadOptionsSendSSLInfoForCertificateError| was set.
524  OnComplete(URLLoaderCompletionStatus status);
527// Convenient struct that groups the two communication endpoints most
528// implementations of URLLoaderClient use to communicate with their URLLoader.
529struct URLLoaderClientEndpoints {
530  pending_remote<URLLoader> url_loader;
531  pending_receiver<URLLoaderClient> url_loader_client;