1 // Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2 //
3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
4 // that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
5 // tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
6 // in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
7 // be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
8 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 //
10 //  Main decoding functions for WebP images.
11 //
12 // Author: Skal (pascal.massimino@gmail.com)
14 #ifndef WEBP_WEBP_DECODE_H_
15 #define WEBP_WEBP_DECODE_H_
17 #include "./types.h"
19 #ifdef __cplusplus
20 extern "C" {
21 #endif
23 #define WEBP_DECODER_ABI_VERSION 0x0209    // MAJOR(8b) + MINOR(8b)
25 // Note: forward declaring enumerations is not allowed in (strict) C and C++,
26 // the types are left here for reference.
27 // typedef enum VP8StatusCode VP8StatusCode;
28 // typedef enum WEBP_CSP_MODE WEBP_CSP_MODE;
29 typedef struct WebPRGBABuffer WebPRGBABuffer;
30 typedef struct WebPYUVABuffer WebPYUVABuffer;
31 typedef struct WebPDecBuffer WebPDecBuffer;
32 typedef struct WebPIDecoder WebPIDecoder;
33 typedef struct WebPBitstreamFeatures WebPBitstreamFeatures;
34 typedef struct WebPDecoderOptions WebPDecoderOptions;
35 typedef struct WebPDecoderConfig WebPDecoderConfig;
37 // Return the decoder's version number, packed in hexadecimal using 8bits for
38 // each of major/minor/revision. E.g: v2.5.7 is 0x020507.
39 WEBP_EXTERN int WebPGetDecoderVersion(void);
41 // Retrieve basic header information: width, height.
42 // This function will also validate the header, returning true on success,
43 // false otherwise. '*width' and '*height' are only valid on successful return.
44 // Pointers 'width' and 'height' can be passed NULL if deemed irrelevant.
45 // Note: The following chunk sequences (before the raw VP8/VP8L data) are
46 // considered valid by this function:
47 // RIFF + VP8(L)
48 // RIFF + VP8X + (optional chunks) + VP8(L)
49 // ALPH + VP8 <-- Not a valid WebP format: only allowed for internal purpose.
50 // VP8(L)     <-- Not a valid WebP format: only allowed for internal purpose.
51 WEBP_EXTERN int WebPGetInfo(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
52                             int* width, int* height);
54 // Decodes WebP images pointed to by 'data' and returns RGBA samples, along
55 // with the dimensions in *width and *height. The ordering of samples in
56 // memory is R, G, B, A, R, G, B, A... in scan order (endian-independent).
57 // The returned pointer should be deleted calling WebPFree().
58 // Returns NULL in case of error.
59 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeRGBA(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
60                                     int* width, int* height);
62 // Same as WebPDecodeRGBA, but returning A, R, G, B, A, R, G, B... ordered data.
63 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeARGB(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
64                                     int* width, int* height);
66 // Same as WebPDecodeRGBA, but returning B, G, R, A, B, G, R, A... ordered data.
67 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeBGRA(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
68                                     int* width, int* height);
70 // Same as WebPDecodeRGBA, but returning R, G, B, R, G, B... ordered data.
71 // If the bitstream contains transparency, it is ignored.
72 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeRGB(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
73                                    int* width, int* height);
75 // Same as WebPDecodeRGB, but returning B, G, R, B, G, R... ordered data.
76 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeBGR(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
77                                    int* width, int* height);
80 // Decode WebP images pointed to by 'data' to Y'UV format(*). The pointer
81 // returned is the Y samples buffer. Upon return, *u and *v will point to
82 // the U and V chroma data. These U and V buffers need NOT be passed to
83 // WebPFree(), unlike the returned Y luma one. The dimension of the U and V
84 // planes are both (*width + 1) / 2 and (*height + 1)/ 2.
85 // Upon return, the Y buffer has a stride returned as '*stride', while U and V
86 // have a common stride returned as '*uv_stride'.
87 // Return NULL in case of error.
88 // (*) Also named Y'CbCr. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr
89 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeYUV(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
90                                    int* width, int* height,
91                                    uint8_t** u, uint8_t** v,
92                                    int* stride, int* uv_stride);
94 // These five functions are variants of the above ones, that decode the image
95 // directly into a pre-allocated buffer 'output_buffer'. The maximum storage
96 // available in this buffer is indicated by 'output_buffer_size'. If this
97 // storage is not sufficient (or an error occurred), NULL is returned.
98 // Otherwise, output_buffer is returned, for convenience.
99 // The parameter 'output_stride' specifies the distance (in bytes)
100 // between scanlines. Hence, output_buffer_size is expected to be at least
101 // output_stride x picture-height.
102 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeRGBAInto(
103     const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
104     uint8_t* output_buffer, size_t output_buffer_size, int output_stride);
105 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeARGBInto(
106     const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
107     uint8_t* output_buffer, size_t output_buffer_size, int output_stride);
108 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeBGRAInto(
109     const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
110     uint8_t* output_buffer, size_t output_buffer_size, int output_stride);
112 // RGB and BGR variants. Here too the transparency information, if present,
113 // will be dropped and ignored.
114 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeRGBInto(
115     const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
116     uint8_t* output_buffer, size_t output_buffer_size, int output_stride);
117 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeBGRInto(
118     const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
119     uint8_t* output_buffer, size_t output_buffer_size, int output_stride);
121 // WebPDecodeYUVInto() is a variant of WebPDecodeYUV() that operates directly
122 // into pre-allocated luma/chroma plane buffers. This function requires the
123 // strides to be passed: one for the luma plane and one for each of the
124 // chroma ones. The size of each plane buffer is passed as 'luma_size',
125 // 'u_size' and 'v_size' respectively.
126 // Pointer to the luma plane ('*luma') is returned or NULL if an error occurred
127 // during decoding (or because some buffers were found to be too small).
128 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPDecodeYUVInto(
129     const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
130     uint8_t* luma, size_t luma_size, int luma_stride,
131     uint8_t* u, size_t u_size, int u_stride,
132     uint8_t* v, size_t v_size, int v_stride);
134 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 // Output colorspaces and buffer
137 // Colorspaces
138 // Note: the naming describes the byte-ordering of packed samples in memory.
139 // For instance, MODE_BGRA relates to samples ordered as B,G,R,A,B,G,R,A,...
140 // Non-capital names (e.g.:MODE_Argb) relates to pre-multiplied RGB channels.
141 // RGBA-4444 and RGB-565 colorspaces are represented by following byte-order:
142 // RGBA-4444: [r3 r2 r1 r0 g3 g2 g1 g0], [b3 b2 b1 b0 a3 a2 a1 a0], ...
143 // RGB-565: [r4 r3 r2 r1 r0 g5 g4 g3], [g2 g1 g0 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0], ...
144 // In the case WEBP_SWAP_16BITS_CSP is defined, the bytes are swapped for
145 // these two modes:
146 // RGBA-4444: [b3 b2 b1 b0 a3 a2 a1 a0], [r3 r2 r1 r0 g3 g2 g1 g0], ...
147 // RGB-565: [g2 g1 g0 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0], [r4 r3 r2 r1 r0 g5 g4 g3], ...
149 typedef enum WEBP_CSP_MODE {
150   MODE_RGB = 0, MODE_RGBA = 1,
151   MODE_BGR = 2, MODE_BGRA = 3,
152   MODE_ARGB = 4, MODE_RGBA_4444 = 5,
153   MODE_RGB_565 = 6,
154   // RGB-premultiplied transparent modes (alpha value is preserved)
155   MODE_rgbA = 7,
156   MODE_bgrA = 8,
157   MODE_Argb = 9,
158   MODE_rgbA_4444 = 10,
159   // YUV modes must come after RGB ones.
160   MODE_YUV = 11, MODE_YUVA = 12,  // yuv 4:2:0
161   MODE_LAST = 13
164 // Some useful macros:
WebPIsPremultipliedMode(WEBP_CSP_MODE mode)165 static WEBP_INLINE int WebPIsPremultipliedMode(WEBP_CSP_MODE mode) {
166   return (mode == MODE_rgbA || mode == MODE_bgrA || mode == MODE_Argb ||
167           mode == MODE_rgbA_4444);
168 }
WebPIsAlphaMode(WEBP_CSP_MODE mode)170 static WEBP_INLINE int WebPIsAlphaMode(WEBP_CSP_MODE mode) {
171   return (mode == MODE_RGBA || mode == MODE_BGRA || mode == MODE_ARGB ||
172           mode == MODE_RGBA_4444 || mode == MODE_YUVA ||
173           WebPIsPremultipliedMode(mode));
174 }
WebPIsRGBMode(WEBP_CSP_MODE mode)176 static WEBP_INLINE int WebPIsRGBMode(WEBP_CSP_MODE mode) {
177   return (mode < MODE_YUV);
178 }
180 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 // WebPDecBuffer: Generic structure for describing the output sample buffer.
183 struct WebPRGBABuffer {    // view as RGBA
184   uint8_t* rgba;    // pointer to RGBA samples
185   int stride;       // stride in bytes from one scanline to the next.
186   size_t size;      // total size of the *rgba buffer.
187 };
189 struct WebPYUVABuffer {              // view as YUVA
190   uint8_t* y, *u, *v, *a;     // pointer to luma, chroma U/V, alpha samples
191   int y_stride;               // luma stride
192   int u_stride, v_stride;     // chroma strides
193   int a_stride;               // alpha stride
194   size_t y_size;              // luma plane size
195   size_t u_size, v_size;      // chroma planes size
196   size_t a_size;              // alpha-plane size
197 };
199 // Output buffer
200 struct WebPDecBuffer {
201   WEBP_CSP_MODE colorspace;  // Colorspace.
202   int width, height;         // Dimensions.
203   int is_external_memory;    // If non-zero, 'internal_memory' pointer is not
204                              // used. If value is '2' or more, the external
205                              // memory is considered 'slow' and multiple
206                              // read/write will be avoided.
207   union {
208     WebPRGBABuffer RGBA;
209     WebPYUVABuffer YUVA;
210   } u;                       // Nameless union of buffer parameters.
211   uint32_t       pad[4];     // padding for later use
213   uint8_t* private_memory;   // Internally allocated memory (only when
214                              // is_external_memory is 0). Should not be used
215                              // externally, but accessed via the buffer union.
216 };
218 // Internal, version-checked, entry point
219 WEBP_EXTERN int WebPInitDecBufferInternal(WebPDecBuffer*, int);
221 // Initialize the structure as empty. Must be called before any other use.
222 // Returns false in case of version mismatch
WebPInitDecBuffer(WebPDecBuffer * buffer)223 static WEBP_INLINE int WebPInitDecBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* buffer) {
224   return WebPInitDecBufferInternal(buffer, WEBP_DECODER_ABI_VERSION);
225 }
227 // Free any memory associated with the buffer. Must always be called last.
228 // Note: doesn't free the 'buffer' structure itself.
229 WEBP_EXTERN void WebPFreeDecBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* buffer);
231 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 // Enumeration of the status codes
234 typedef enum VP8StatusCode {
235   VP8_STATUS_OK = 0,
243 } VP8StatusCode;
245 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
246 // Incremental decoding
247 //
248 // This API allows streamlined decoding of partial data.
249 // Picture can be incrementally decoded as data become available thanks to the
250 // WebPIDecoder object. This object can be left in a SUSPENDED state if the
251 // picture is only partially decoded, pending additional input.
252 // Code example:
253 //
254 //   WebPInitDecBuffer(&output_buffer);
255 //   output_buffer.colorspace = mode;
256 //   ...
257 //   WebPIDecoder* idec = WebPINewDecoder(&output_buffer);
258 //   while (additional_data_is_available) {
259 //     // ... (get additional data in some new_data[] buffer)
260 //     status = WebPIAppend(idec, new_data, new_data_size);
261 //     if (status != VP8_STATUS_OK && status != VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED) {
262 //       break;    // an error occurred.
263 //     }
264 //
265 //     // The above call decodes the current available buffer.
266 //     // Part of the image can now be refreshed by calling
267 //     // WebPIDecGetRGB()/WebPIDecGetYUVA() etc.
268 //   }
269 //   WebPIDelete(idec);
271 // Creates a new incremental decoder with the supplied buffer parameter.
272 // This output_buffer can be passed NULL, in which case a default output buffer
273 // is used (with MODE_RGB). Otherwise, an internal reference to 'output_buffer'
274 // is kept, which means that the lifespan of 'output_buffer' must be larger than
275 // that of the returned WebPIDecoder object.
276 // The supplied 'output_buffer' content MUST NOT be changed between calls to
277 // WebPIAppend() or WebPIUpdate() unless 'output_buffer.is_external_memory' is
278 // not set to 0. In such a case, it is allowed to modify the pointers, size and
279 // stride of output_buffer.u.RGBA or output_buffer.u.YUVA, provided they remain
280 // within valid bounds.
281 // All other fields of WebPDecBuffer MUST remain constant between calls.
282 // Returns NULL if the allocation failed.
283 WEBP_EXTERN WebPIDecoder* WebPINewDecoder(WebPDecBuffer* output_buffer);
285 // This function allocates and initializes an incremental-decoder object, which
286 // will output the RGB/A samples specified by 'csp' into a preallocated
287 // buffer 'output_buffer'. The size of this buffer is at least
288 // 'output_buffer_size' and the stride (distance in bytes between two scanlines)
289 // is specified by 'output_stride'.
290 // Additionally, output_buffer can be passed NULL in which case the output
291 // buffer will be allocated automatically when the decoding starts. The
292 // colorspace 'csp' is taken into account for allocating this buffer. All other
293 // parameters are ignored.
294 // Returns NULL if the allocation failed, or if some parameters are invalid.
295 WEBP_EXTERN WebPIDecoder* WebPINewRGB(
296     WEBP_CSP_MODE csp,
297     uint8_t* output_buffer, size_t output_buffer_size, int output_stride);
299 // This function allocates and initializes an incremental-decoder object, which
300 // will output the raw luma/chroma samples into a preallocated planes if
301 // supplied. The luma plane is specified by its pointer 'luma', its size
302 // 'luma_size' and its stride 'luma_stride'. Similarly, the chroma-u plane
303 // is specified by the 'u', 'u_size' and 'u_stride' parameters, and the chroma-v
304 // plane by 'v' and 'v_size'. And same for the alpha-plane. The 'a' pointer
305 // can be pass NULL in case one is not interested in the transparency plane.
306 // Conversely, 'luma' can be passed NULL if no preallocated planes are supplied.
307 // In this case, the output buffer will be automatically allocated (using
308 // MODE_YUVA) when decoding starts. All parameters are then ignored.
309 // Returns NULL if the allocation failed or if a parameter is invalid.
311     uint8_t* luma, size_t luma_size, int luma_stride,
312     uint8_t* u, size_t u_size, int u_stride,
313     uint8_t* v, size_t v_size, int v_stride,
314     uint8_t* a, size_t a_size, int a_stride);
316 // Deprecated version of the above, without the alpha plane.
317 // Kept for backward compatibility.
318 WEBP_EXTERN WebPIDecoder* WebPINewYUV(
319     uint8_t* luma, size_t luma_size, int luma_stride,
320     uint8_t* u, size_t u_size, int u_stride,
321     uint8_t* v, size_t v_size, int v_stride);
323 // Deletes the WebPIDecoder object and associated memory. Must always be called
324 // if WebPINewDecoder, WebPINewRGB or WebPINewYUV succeeded.
325 WEBP_EXTERN void WebPIDelete(WebPIDecoder* idec);
327 // Copies and decodes the next available data. Returns VP8_STATUS_OK when
328 // the image is successfully decoded. Returns VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED when more
329 // data is expected. Returns error in other cases.
330 WEBP_EXTERN VP8StatusCode WebPIAppend(
331     WebPIDecoder* idec, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size);
333 // A variant of the above function to be used when data buffer contains
334 // partial data from the beginning. In this case data buffer is not copied
335 // to the internal memory.
336 // Note that the value of the 'data' pointer can change between calls to
337 // WebPIUpdate, for instance when the data buffer is resized to fit larger data.
338 WEBP_EXTERN VP8StatusCode WebPIUpdate(
339     WebPIDecoder* idec, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size);
341 // Returns the RGB/A image decoded so far. Returns NULL if output params
342 // are not initialized yet. The RGB/A output type corresponds to the colorspace
343 // specified during call to WebPINewDecoder() or WebPINewRGB().
344 // *last_y is the index of last decoded row in raster scan order. Some pointers
345 // (*last_y, *width etc.) can be NULL if corresponding information is not
346 // needed. The values in these pointers are only valid on successful (non-NULL)
347 // return.
348 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPIDecGetRGB(
349     const WebPIDecoder* idec, int* last_y,
350     int* width, int* height, int* stride);
352 // Same as above function to get a YUVA image. Returns pointer to the luma
353 // plane or NULL in case of error. If there is no alpha information
354 // the alpha pointer '*a' will be returned NULL.
355 WEBP_EXTERN uint8_t* WebPIDecGetYUVA(
356     const WebPIDecoder* idec, int* last_y,
357     uint8_t** u, uint8_t** v, uint8_t** a,
358     int* width, int* height, int* stride, int* uv_stride, int* a_stride);
360 // Deprecated alpha-less version of WebPIDecGetYUVA(): it will ignore the
361 // alpha information (if present). Kept for backward compatibility.
WebPIDecGetYUV(const WebPIDecoder * idec,int * last_y,uint8_t ** u,uint8_t ** v,int * width,int * height,int * stride,int * uv_stride)362 static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t* WebPIDecGetYUV(
363     const WebPIDecoder* idec, int* last_y, uint8_t** u, uint8_t** v,
364     int* width, int* height, int* stride, int* uv_stride) {
365   return WebPIDecGetYUVA(idec, last_y, u, v, NULL, width, height,
366                          stride, uv_stride, NULL);
367 }
369 // Generic call to retrieve information about the displayable area.
370 // If non NULL, the left/right/width/height pointers are filled with the visible
371 // rectangular area so far.
372 // Returns NULL in case the incremental decoder object is in an invalid state.
373 // Otherwise returns the pointer to the internal representation. This structure
374 // is read-only, tied to WebPIDecoder's lifespan and should not be modified.
375 WEBP_EXTERN const WebPDecBuffer* WebPIDecodedArea(
376     const WebPIDecoder* idec, int* left, int* top, int* width, int* height);
378 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
379 // Advanced decoding parametrization
380 //
381 //  Code sample for using the advanced decoding API
382 /*
383      // A) Init a configuration object
384      WebPDecoderConfig config;
385      CHECK(WebPInitDecoderConfig(&config));
387      // B) optional: retrieve the bitstream's features.
388      CHECK(WebPGetFeatures(data, data_size, &config.input) == VP8_STATUS_OK);
390      // C) Adjust 'config', if needed
391      config.no_fancy_upsampling = 1;
392      config.output.colorspace = MODE_BGRA;
393      // etc.
395      // Note that you can also make config.output point to an externally
396      // supplied memory buffer, provided it's big enough to store the decoded
397      // picture. Otherwise, config.output will just be used to allocate memory
398      // and store the decoded picture.
400      // D) Decode!
401      CHECK(WebPDecode(data, data_size, &config) == VP8_STATUS_OK);
403      // E) Decoded image is now in config.output (and config.output.u.RGBA)
405      // F) Reclaim memory allocated in config's object. It's safe to call
406      // this function even if the memory is external and wasn't allocated
407      // by WebPDecode().
408      WebPFreeDecBuffer(&config.output);
409 */
411 // Features gathered from the bitstream
412 struct WebPBitstreamFeatures {
413   int width;          // Width in pixels, as read from the bitstream.
414   int height;         // Height in pixels, as read from the bitstream.
415   int has_alpha;      // True if the bitstream contains an alpha channel.
416   int has_animation;  // True if the bitstream is an animation.
417   int format;         // 0 = undefined (/mixed), 1 = lossy, 2 = lossless
419   uint32_t pad[5];    // padding for later use
420 };
422 // Internal, version-checked, entry point
423 WEBP_EXTERN VP8StatusCode WebPGetFeaturesInternal(
424     const uint8_t*, size_t, WebPBitstreamFeatures*, int);
426 // Retrieve features from the bitstream. The *features structure is filled
427 // with information gathered from the bitstream.
428 // Returns VP8_STATUS_OK when the features are successfully retrieved. Returns
429 // VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA when more data is needed to retrieve the
430 // features from headers. Returns error in other cases.
431 // Note: The following chunk sequences (before the raw VP8/VP8L data) are
432 // considered valid by this function:
433 // RIFF + VP8(L)
434 // RIFF + VP8X + (optional chunks) + VP8(L)
435 // ALPH + VP8 <-- Not a valid WebP format: only allowed for internal purpose.
436 // VP8(L)     <-- Not a valid WebP format: only allowed for internal purpose.
WebPGetFeatures(const uint8_t * data,size_t data_size,WebPBitstreamFeatures * features)437 static WEBP_INLINE VP8StatusCode WebPGetFeatures(
438     const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
439     WebPBitstreamFeatures* features) {
440   return WebPGetFeaturesInternal(data, data_size, features,
441                                  WEBP_DECODER_ABI_VERSION);
442 }
444 // Decoding options
445 struct WebPDecoderOptions {
446   int bypass_filtering;               // if true, skip the in-loop filtering
447   int no_fancy_upsampling;            // if true, use faster pointwise upsampler
448   int use_cropping;                   // if true, cropping is applied _first_
449   int crop_left, crop_top;            // top-left position for cropping.
450                                       // Will be snapped to even values.
451   int crop_width, crop_height;        // dimension of the cropping area
452   int use_scaling;                    // if true, scaling is applied _afterward_
453   int scaled_width, scaled_height;    // final resolution
454   int use_threads;                    // if true, use multi-threaded decoding
455   int dithering_strength;             // dithering strength (0=Off, 100=full)
456   int flip;                           // flip output vertically
457   int alpha_dithering_strength;       // alpha dithering strength in [0..100]
459   uint32_t pad[5];                    // padding for later use
460 };
462 // Main object storing the configuration for advanced decoding.
463 struct WebPDecoderConfig {
464   WebPBitstreamFeatures input;  // Immutable bitstream features (optional)
465   WebPDecBuffer output;         // Output buffer (can point to external mem)
466   WebPDecoderOptions options;   // Decoding options
467 };
469 // Internal, version-checked, entry point
470 WEBP_EXTERN int WebPInitDecoderConfigInternal(WebPDecoderConfig*, int);
472 // Initialize the configuration as empty. This function must always be
473 // called first, unless WebPGetFeatures() is to be called.
474 // Returns false in case of mismatched version.
WebPInitDecoderConfig(WebPDecoderConfig * config)475 static WEBP_INLINE int WebPInitDecoderConfig(WebPDecoderConfig* config) {
476   return WebPInitDecoderConfigInternal(config, WEBP_DECODER_ABI_VERSION);
477 }
479 // Instantiate a new incremental decoder object with the requested
480 // configuration. The bitstream can be passed using 'data' and 'data_size'
481 // parameter, in which case the features will be parsed and stored into
482 // config->input. Otherwise, 'data' can be NULL and no parsing will occur.
483 // Note that 'config' can be NULL too, in which case a default configuration
484 // is used. If 'config' is not NULL, it must outlive the WebPIDecoder object
485 // as some references to its fields will be used. No internal copy of 'config'
486 // is made.
487 // The return WebPIDecoder object must always be deleted calling WebPIDelete().
488 // Returns NULL in case of error (and config->status will then reflect
489 // the error condition, if available).
490 WEBP_EXTERN WebPIDecoder* WebPIDecode(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
491                                       WebPDecoderConfig* config);
493 // Non-incremental version. This version decodes the full data at once, taking
494 // 'config' into account. Returns decoding status (which should be VP8_STATUS_OK
495 // if the decoding was successful). Note that 'config' cannot be NULL.
496 WEBP_EXTERN VP8StatusCode WebPDecode(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
497                                      WebPDecoderConfig* config);
499 #ifdef __cplusplus
500 }    // extern "C"
501 #endif
503 #endif  // WEBP_WEBP_DECODE_H_