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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


HordeSignatureConverter.pyH A D16-Dec-20212.5 KiB8570

PHPDeserializer.pyH A D16-Dec-20213.8 KiB136113

READMEH A D16-Dec-2021498 86

TurbaConverter.pyH A D16-Dec-202111.4 KiB352302

config.py.inH A D16-Dec-2021322 128

signature.pyH A D16-Dec-20211.7 KiB4938

turba.pyH A D16-Dec-2021674 2518


11) copy config.py.in to config.py and personalize the settings
22) personalize the domain setting in signature.py (look for DOMAIN.COM)
33) the scripts require "webdavlib.py", which is located in <SOGoDIR>/Tests/Integration/. Therefore, in order to use the scripts, we must set the environment variable "PYTHONPATH" to that directory on our system.
44) invoke "signature <USER>" for importing signatures
55) invoke "turba <USER>" for importing signatures
66) "<USER>" can have the special "ALL" value