1/* toolbar */
2"Save and Close" = "Shrani in zapri";
3"Close" = "Zapri";
4"Preferences saved" = "Nastavitve so shranjene";
6/* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog title */
7"Unsaved Changes" = "Neshranjene spremembe";
9/* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog text */
10"Do you want to save your changes made to the configuration?" = "Ali želite shraniti spremembe v nastavitvah?";
12/* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog button */
13"Save" = "Shrani";
15/* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog button */
16"Don't Save" = "Ne shrani";
18/* tabs */
19"General" = "Splošno";
20"Calendar Options" = "Možnosti koledarja";
21"Contacts Options" = "Možnosti stikov";
22"Mail Options" = "Možnosti pošte";
23"IMAP Accounts" = "IMAP računi";
24"Vacation" = "Odsotnost";
25"Forward" = "Posredovanje";
26"Password" = "Geslo";
27"Categories" = "Kategorije";
28"Appointments invitations" = "Povabilo na sestanek";
29"Name" = "Ime";
30"Color" = "Barva";
31"Add" = "Dodaj";
32"Delete" = "Izbriši";
34/* contacts categories */
35"contacts_category_labels" = "Kolega, Tekmec, Kupec, Prijatelj, Družina, Poslovni partner, Dobavitelj, Novinar, VIP";
37/* vacation (auto-reply) */
38"Enable vacation auto reply" = "Omogoči samodejni odgovor ob odsotnosti";
39"Enable custom auto reply subject" = "Omogoči Zadevo po meri v samodejnem odgovoru";
40"Auto reply subject" = "Zadeva za samodejni odzivnik";
41"You can write ${subject} to insert the original subject" = "Lahko napišete ${subject} za vstavitev Zadeve iz sporočila";
42"Auto reply message" = "Samodejno sporočilo";
43"Email addresses" = "Poštni naslovi";
44"Add default email addresses" = "Dodaj privzete e-poštne naslove";
45"Days between responses" = "Dnevi med odzivi";
46"Do not send responses to mailing lists" = "Ne pošlji odzivov na poštne sezname";
47"Enable auto reply on" = "Omogoči samodejni odgovor na";
48"First day of vacation" = "Prvi dan odsotnosti";
49"Disable auto reply on" = "Onemogoči samodejni odgovor na";
50"Last day of vacation" = "Zadnji dan odsotnosti";
51"Enter date" = "Vnesi datum";
52"Always send vacation message response" = "Vedno pošlji sporočilo o odsotnosti";
53"The vacation message is sent prior to apply your filters." = "Sporočilo o odsotnosti ima prednost pred ostalimi filtri.";
54"Discard incoming mails during vacation" = "Prezri prejeta sporočila v času odsotnosti";
55"The vacation message is sent but incoming messages are not delivered to your inbox." = "Sporočilo o odsotnosti je poslano, dohodna sporočila pa niso dostavljena v vaš nabiralnik.";
56"Please specify your message and your email addresses for which you want to enable auto reply."
57= "Prosim določi tvoje sporočilo in tvoje e-poštne naslove, za katere želiš omogočiti samodejni odgovor.";
58"Your vacation message must not end with a single dot on a line." = "Tvoje sporočilo za odsotnost se ne sme končati z enojno piko v vrstici.";
59"End date of your auto reply must be in the future."
60= "Končni datum tvojega samodejnega odgovora mora biti v prihodnosti.";
62/* forward messages */
63"Forward incoming messages" = "Posreduj prejeta sporočila";
64"Keep a copy" = "Ohrani kopijo";
65"Enter an email" = "Vnesi poštni naslov";
66"Add another email" = "Dodaj drug poštni naslov";
67"Please specify an address to which you want to forward your messages."
68= "Prosimo, določite naslov, na katerega želiš posredovati vaša sporočila.";
69"You are not allowed to forward your messages to an external email address." = "Posredovanje pošte na zunanji poštni naslov ni dovoljeno.";
70"You are not allowed to forward your messages to an internal email address." = "Posredovanje pošte na interni poštni naslov ni dovoljeno.";
71"You are not allowed to forward your messages to this domain:" = "Nimate dovoljenja za pošiljanje sporočil za to domeno:";
73/* d & t */
74"Time Zone" = "Časovni pas";
75"Short Date Format" = "Kratki format datuma";
76"Long Date Format" = "Dolgi format datuma";
77"Time Format" = "Format časa";
78"default" = "Privzeto";
79"Default Module" = "Privzeti modul";
80"Save" = "Shrani";
81"shortDateFmt_0" = "%d-%b-%y";
82"shortDateFmt_1" = "%d-%m-%y";
83"shortDateFmt_2" = "%d/%m/%y";
84"shortDateFmt_3" = "%e/%m/%y";
85"shortDateFmt_4" = "%d-%m-%Y";
86"shortDateFmt_5" = "%d/%m/%Y";
87"shortDateFmt_6" = "%m-%d-%y";
88"shortDateFmt_7" = "%m/%d/%y";
89"shortDateFmt_8" = "%m/%e/%y";
90"shortDateFmt_9" = "%y-%m-%d";
91"shortDateFmt_10" = "%y/%m/%d";
92"shortDateFmt_11" = "%y.%m.%d";
93"shortDateFmt_12" = "%Y-%m-%d";
94"shortDateFmt_13" = "%Y/%m/%d";
95"shortDateFmt_14" = "%Y.%m.%d";
96"shortDateFmt_15" = "%d.%m.%Y";
97"shortDateFmt_16" = "%d.%m.%y";
98"shortDateFmt_17" = "";
100"longDateFmt_0" = "%A, %B %d, %Y";
101"longDateFmt_1" = "%B %d, %Y";
102"longDateFmt_2" = "%A, %d %B, %Y";
103"longDateFmt_3" = "%d %B, %Y";
104"longDateFmt_4" = "";
105"longDateFmt_5" = "";
106"longDateFmt_6" = "";
107"longDateFmt_7" = "";
108"longDateFmt_8" = "";
109"longDateFmt_9" = "";
110"longDateFmt_10" = "";
111"timeFmt_0" = "%I:%M %p";
112"timeFmt_1" = "%H:%M";
113"timeFmt_2" = "";
114"timeFmt_3" = "";
115"timeFmt_4" = "";
117/* Timezone autocompletion */
118"No matches found." = "Ni zadetkov";
120/* calendar */
121"Week begins on" = "Teden se začne z";
122"Day start time" = "Začetni čas dneva";
123"Day end time" = "Končni čas dneva";
124"Day start time must be prior to day end time." = "Začetni čas dneva mora biti pred končnim časom dneva.";
125"Week days to display" = "Prikaži dneve tedna";
126"Show time as busy outside working hours" = "Prikaži čas kot zasedem izven delovnega časa";
127"First week of year" = "Prvi teden leta";
128"Enable reminders for Calendar items" = "Omogoči opomnike za koledarske elemente";
129"Play a sound when a reminder comes due" = "Zvočno opozori, ko opomnik zapade";
130"Default reminder" = "Privzeti opomnik";
131"firstWeekOfYear_January1" = "Začne s 1. januarjem";
132"firstWeekOfYear_First4DayWeek" = "Prvi 4 dnevni teden";
133"firstWeekOfYear_FirstFullWeek" = "Prvi celotni vikend";
134"Prevent from being invited to appointments" = "Prepreči pred vabilom na sestanek";
135"White list for appointment invitations" = "Beli seznam za vabila na sestanke";
136"Contacts Names" = "Imena stikov";
137"Duplicate name" = "Podvojeno ime";
138"Calendar categories must have unique names." = "Imena kategorij koledarja morajo biti unikatna";
140/* Default Calendar */
141"Default calendar" = "Privzeti koledar";
142"selectedCalendar" = "Izbrani koledar";
143"personalCalendar" = "Osebnik koledar";
144"firstCalendar" = "Prvi omogočeni koledar";
145"reminder_NONE" = "Brez opomnika";
146"reminder_5_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "5 minut pred";
147"reminder_10_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "10 minut pred";
148"reminder_15_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "15 minut pred";
149"reminder_30_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "30 minut pred";
150"reminder_45_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "45 minut pred";
151"reminder_1_HOUR_BEFORE" = "1 uro pred";
152"reminder_2_HOURS_BEFORE" = "2 uri pred";
153"reminder_5_HOURS_BEFORE" = "5 ur pred";
154"reminder_15_HOURS_BEFORE" = "15 ur pred";
155"reminder_1_DAY_BEFORE" = "1 dan pred";
156"reminder_2_DAYS_BEFORE" = "2 dneva pred";
157"reminder_1_WEEK_BEFORE" = "1 teden pred";
159/* Mailer */
160"Labels" = "Oznake";
161"Label" = "Oznaka";
162"IMAP Label" = "IMAP oznaka";
163"Invalid label" = "Ne uporabljal presledka in ( ) { } % * \" \\";
164"Duplicate label" = "Podvojena oznaka";
165"IMAP labels must have unique names." = "Imena IMAP oznak morajo biti unikatna";
166"New label" = "Nova oznaka";
167"Show subscribed mailboxes only" = "Prikaži le naročene poštne predale";
168"Synchronize only default mail folders (EAS)" = "Sinhroniziraj samo privzete poštne mape (EAS)";
169"Fetch count of unseen messages for all mailboxes" = "Pridobi število neprebranih sporočil za vse nabiralnike";
170"Sort messages by threads" = "Sortiraj sporočila po nitih";
171"Always open mail composer" = "Vedno odpri skladatelja pošte";
172"Inside current window" = "V trenutnem oknu";
173"In a popup window" = "V pojavnem oknu";
174"When sending mail, add unknown recipients to my" = "Pri pošiljanju pošte dodaj neznane prejemnike k mojemu";
175"Address Book" = "Imenik";
176"Forward messages" = "Posreduj sporočila";
177"messageforward_inline" = "V vrsti";
178"messageforward_attached" = "Kot priloga";
179"When replying to a message" = "Pri odgovoru na sporočilo";
180"replyplacement_above" = "Začni odgovor nad navednicami";
181"replyplacement_below" = "Začni odgovor pod navednicami";
182"And place my signature" = "In umesti moj podpis";
183"signatureplacement_above" = "pod mojim odgovorom";
184"signatureplacement_below" = "pod navednicami";
185"Compose messages in" = "Sestaviti sporočilo v";
186"composemessagestype_html" = "HTML";
187"composemessagestype_text" = "Golo besedilo";
189/* Base font size for messages composed in HTML */
190"Default font size" = "Privzeta velikost črk";
192"Display remote inline images" = "Prikaži oddaljne slike v vrsti";
193"displayremoteinlineimages_never" = "Nikoli";
194"displayremoteinlineimages_always" = "Vedno";
195"Auto save every" = "Samodejno shrani vsake";
196"minutes" = "minute";
198/* Contact */
199"Personal Address Book" = "Osebni imenik";
200"Collected Address Book" = "Zbrani imenik";
201"Contact categories must have unique names." = "Imena kategorij kontaktov morajo biti unikatna";
203/* IMAP Accounts */
204"Settings" = "Nastavitve";
205"Security" = "Varnost";
206"Mail Account" = "Poštni račun";
207"New Mail Account" = "Novi poštni račun";
208"Server Name" = "Ime strežnika";
209"Port" = "Port";
210"Encryption" = "Enkripcija";
211"None" = "Noben";
212"User Name" = "Uporabniško ime";
213"Full Name" = "Polno ime";
214"Email" = "E-pošta";
215"Reply To Email" = "Odgovor na e-pošto";
216"Signature" = "Podpis";
217"Identities" = "Identitete";
218"Always use the default identity when replying to messages" = "Za odgovore sporočil vedno uporabi privzeto identiteto";
219"Default Identity" = "Privzeta identiteta";
220"New Identity" = "Nova identiteta";
221"(Click to create)" = "(Klikni za kreiranje)";
222"Please enter your signature below" = "Prosim vnesi tvoj podpis spodaj";
223"Please specify a valid sender address." = "Prosim določi veljavni naslov pošiljatelja.";
224"Please specify a valid reply-to address." = "Prosim določi veljavni naslov za odgovor.";
225"Specify a hostname other than the local host" = "Določite ime gostitelja, ki ni lokalni gostitelj";
227"No certificate installed" = "Nameščenega ni nobenega certifikata";
228"The SSL certificate must use the PKCS#12 (PFX) format." = "SSL certifikat mora uporabljati PKCS#12 (PFX) obliko.";
229"Uninstall" = "Odstrani";
230"Choose PKCS12 Certificate .." = "Izberi PKCS12 certifikat ..";
231"Certificate Import Password" = "Geslo za uvoz certifikata";
232"Upload" = "Naloži";
233"When composing a message" = "Pri sestavljanju sporočila";
234"Digitally sign the message by default" = "Digitalno podpiši vsako sporočilo";
235"Always try to encrypt the message" = "Vedno poskusi šifrirati sporočilo";
236"An error occurred while importing the certificate. Verify your password." = "Pri uvozu certifikata je prišlo do napake. Prosimo, preverite geslo za uvoz.";
238/* Additional Parameters */
239"Additional Parameters" = "Dodatni parametri";
241/* password */
242"Current password" = "Trenutno geslo";
243"New password" = "Novo geslo";
244"Confirmation" = "Potrditev";
245"Change" = "Spremeni";
246"Passwords don't match" = "Gesli se ne ujemata";
248/* Event+task classifications */
249"Default events classification" = "Privzeta razvrstitev dogodkov";
250"Default tasks classification" = "Privzeta razvrstitev opravil";
251"PUBLIC_item" = "Javno";
252"CONFIDENTIAL_item" = "Zaupno";
253"PRIVATE_item" = "Osebno";
255/* Event+task categories */
256"Calendar Category" = "Kategorije koledarja";
257"Add Calendar Category" = "Dodaj kategorijo koledarja";
258"New category" = "Nova kategorija";
259"Reset to defaults" = "Po-nostavi na privzeto";
260"Remove Calendar Category" = "Odstrani kategorijo koledarja";
261"Contact Category" = "Kategorija stikov";
262"Add Contact Category" = "Dodaj kategorijo stikov";
263"Remove Contact Category" = "Odstrani kategorijo stikov";
264"category_none" = "Noben";
265"calendar_category_labels" = "Obletnica,Rojstni dan,Poslovno,Klici,Stranke,Tekmeci,Kupci,Priljubljeni,Sledenje,Darila,Prazniki,Ideje,Srečanja,Zadeve,Razno,Osebno,Projekti,Javno prazniki,Status,Dobavitelji,Potovanje,Dopust";
267/* Default module */
268"Calendar" = "Koledar";
269"Contacts" = "Imenik";
270"Mail" = "Pošta";
271"Last" = "Zadnje uporabljeno";
272"Default Module " = "Privzeti modul";
273"SOGo Version" = "SOGo različica";
275/* Confirmation asked when changing the language */
276"Save preferences and reload page now?" = "Shrani nastavitve in ponovno naloži stran?";
277"Language" = "Jezik";
278"choose" = "Izberi ...";
279"Arabic" = "العربية";
280"Basque" = "Euskara";
281"Catalan" = "Català";
282"ChineseChina" = "简体中文";
283"ChineseTaiwan" = "正體中文";
284"Croatian" = "Hrvatski";
285"Czech" = "Česky";
286"Danish" = "Dansk (Danmark)";
287"Dutch" = "Nederlands";
288"English" = "English";
289"Finnish" = "Suomi";
290"French" = "Français";
291"German" = "Deutsch";
292"Hebrew" = "עברית";
293"Hungarian" = "Magyar";
294"Icelandic" = "Íslenska";
295"Indonesian" = "bahasa Indonesia";
296"Italian" = "Italiano";
297"Japanese" = "日本語";
298"Latvian" = "Latviešu";
299"Lithuanian" = "Lietuvių";
300"Macedonian" = "Македонски";
301"NorwegianBokmal" = "Norsk bokmål";
302"NorwegianNynorsk" = "Norsk nynorsk";
303"Polish" = "Polski";
304"Portuguese" = "Português";
305"BrazilianPortuguese" = "Português brasileiro";
306"Romanian" = "Română";
307"Russian" = "Русский";
308"Serbian" = "Српски";
309"SerbianLatin" = "Srpski";
310"Slovak" = "Slovensky";
311"Slovenian" = "Slovenščina";
312"SpanishSpain" = "Español (España)";
313"SpanishArgentina" = "Español (Argentina)";
314"Swedish" = "Svenska";
315"TurkishTurkey" = "Türkçe (Türkiye)";
316"Ukrainian" = "Українська";
317"Welsh" = "Cymraeg";
319"Refresh View" = "Osveži pogled";
320"refreshview_manually" = "Ročno";
321"refreshview_every_minute" = "Vsako minuto";
322"refreshview_every_2_minutes" = "Vsaki 2 minuti";
323"refreshview_every_5_minutes" = "Vsakih 5 minut";
324"refreshview_every_10_minutes" = "Vsakih 10 minut";
325"refreshview_every_20_minutes" = "Vsakih 20 minut";
326"refreshview_every_30_minutes" = "Vsakih 30 minut";
327"refreshview_once_per_hour" = "Enkrat na uro";
328"Enable Desktop Notifications" = "Omogoči prikaz obvestil na namizje";
330/* Return receipts */
331"When I receive a request for a return receipt" = "Ko prejmem zahtevo za povratnico";
332"Never send a return receipt" = "Nikoli ne pošlji povratnice";
333"Allow return receipts for some messages" = "Dovoli povratnice za nekatera sporočila";
334"If I'm not in the To or Cc of the message" = "Če nisem med Za ali Kp sporočila";
335"If the sender is outside my domain" = "Če je pošiljatelj izven moje domene";
336"In all other cases" = "V vseh ostalih primerih";
337"Never send" = "Nikoli ne pošlji";
338"Always send" = "Vedno pošlji";
339"Ask me" = "Vprašaj me";
341/* Filters - UIxPreferences */
342"Filters" = "Filtri";
343"Active" = "Aktivno";
344"Move Up" = "Pomakni gor";
345"Move Down" = "Pomakni dol";
346"Connection error" = "Napaka pri povezavi";
347"Service temporarily unavailable" = "Storitev začasno ni na voljo";
349/* Aria label for filter enable checkbox */
350"Enable filter" = "Omogoči filter";
352/* Filters - UIxFilterEditor */
353"Filter name" = "Ime filtra";
354/* Button label */
355"Add a condition" = "Dodaj pogoj";
356/* Button label */
357"Add an action" = "Dodaj dejanje";
358"For incoming messages that" = "Za prihajajoča sporočila, ki";
359"match all of the following rules" = "sklada se z naslednjimi pravili";
360"match any of the following rules" = "sklada se s katerokoli od naslednjih pravil";
361"match all messages" = "sklada se z vsemi sporočili";
362"Perform these actions" = "Izvedi ta dejanja";
363"Untitled Filter" = "Neimenovani filter:";
364"Subject" = "Zadeva";
365"From" = "Od";
366"To" = "Za";
367"Cc" = "Kp";
368"To or Cc" = "Za ali Kp";
369"Size (Kb)" = "Velikost (Kb)";
370"Header" = "Glava";
371"Body" = "Telo";
372"Flag the message with" = "Označi sporočilo z";
374/* Select field label of "flag message" mail filter action */
375"Flag" = "Zastavica";
377"Discard the message" = "Zavrzi sporočilo";
378"File the message in" = "Odloži sporočilo v";
380/* Select field label of "file message" mail filter action */
381"Mailbox" = "Poštni predal";
383"Keep the message" = "Obdrži sporočilo";
384"Forward the message to" = "Posreduj sporočilo za";
386/* Input field label of "forward" mail filter action */
387"Email" = "E-pošta";
389"Send a reject message" = "Pošlji zavrnitev sporočila";
391/* Input field label of "reject" mail filter action */
392"Message" = "Sporočilo";
394"Send a vacation message" = "Pošlji sporočilo o odsotnosti";
395"Stop processing filter rules" = "Ustavi izvajanje pravil filtriranja";
396"is under" = "je pod";
397"is over" = "je nad";
398"is" = "je";
399"is not" = "ni";
400"contains" = "vsebuje";
401"does not contain" = "ne vsebuje";
402"matches" = "ustreza";
403"does not match" = "ne ustreza";
404"matches regex" = "ustreza regex";
405"does not match regex" = "ne ustreza regex";
406/* Placeholder for the value field of a condition */
407"Value" = "Vrednost";
408"Seen" = "Videno";
409"Deleted" = "Brisano";
410"Answered" = "Odgovorjeno";
411"Flagged" = "Označeno";
412"Junk" = "Nezaželeno";
413"Not Junk" = "Zaželeno";
415/* Password policy */
416"The password was changed successfully." = "Geslo je uspešno spremenjeno.";
417"Password must not be empty." = "Geslo ne sme biti prazno.";
418"The passwords do not match. Please try again." = "Gesli se ne ujemata. Prosim poskusi ponovno.";
419"Password change failed" = "Sprememba gesla ni uspela.";
420"Password change failed - Permission denied" = "Sprememba gesla ni uspela - pristop ni dovoljen";
421"Password change failed - Insufficient password quality" = "Sprememba gesla ni uspela - prenizka kvaliteta gesla";
422"Password change failed - Password is too short" = "Sprememba gesla ni uspela - geslo je prekratko";
423"Password change failed - Password is too young" = "Sprememba gesla ni uspela - geslo ni dovolj staro";
424"Password change failed - Password is in history" = "Sprememba gesla ni uspela - geslo je v zgodovini";
425"Unhandled policy error: %{0}" = "Neobravnavana napaka police: %{0}";
426"Unhandled error response" = "Neobravnavana napaka odziva";
427"Password change is not supported." = "Sprememba gesla ni podprta.";
428"Unhandled HTTP error code: %{0}" = "Neobravnavana HTTP napaka: %{0}";
429"Cancel" = "Prekliči";
430"Invitations" = "Vabila";
431"Edit Filter" = "Uredi filter";
432"Delete Filter" = "Odstrani filter";
433"Create Filter" = "Ustvari filter";
434"Delete Label" = "Odstrani oznako";
435"Create Label" = "Ustvari oznako";
436"Accounts" = "Računi";
437"Edit Account" = "Uredi račun";
438"Delete Account" = "Odstrani račun";
439"Create Account" = "Ustvari račun";
440"Account Name" = "Ime računa";
441"SSL" = "SSL";
442"TLS" = "TLS";
444/* Avatars */
445"Use Gravatar" = "Uporabi gravatar";
446"Alternate Avatar" = "Nadomestni avatar";
447"none" =  "Noben";
448"identicon" = "Ident Icon";
449"monsterid" = "Monster";
450"wavatar" = "Wavatar";
451"retro" = "Retro";
453/* Animation Level */
454"Animation Level" = "Stopnja animacije";
455/* Normal Animation Mode */
456"animation_NORMAL" = "Običajna";
457/* Limited Animation Mode */
458"animation_LIMITED" = "Omejena";
459"animation_NONE" = "Nobena";
461/* 2FA */
462"Enable two-factor authentication using Google Authenticator" = "Omogoči dvojno stopnjo prijave z uporabo Google Authenticator aplikacije";
463"You must enter this key into your Google Authenticator application." = "Prosimo, da prikazan ključ vnesete v vašo Google Authenticator aplikacijo.";
464"If you do not and you log out you will not be able to login again." = "Če ne, se ob naslednji prijavi ne boste uspeli vpisati.";
466/* External Sieve scripts */
467"An external Sieve script is active" = "Zunanja Sieve skripta je aktivna";
468"Sieve is a programming language that can be used for email filtering. If you let SOGo handle your filters, vacation and forward settings, your active script will be disabled." = "Sieve je programski jezik, ki se lahko uporablja za filtriranje pošte. Če dovolite, da SOGo upravlja s filtri, nastavitvami za odsotnost in posredovanjem, bo vaša aktivna skripta onemogočena.";
469"Let SOGo handle everything" = "Naj SOGo upravlja z vsem";