2* 2007-2016 PrestaShop
6* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
7* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
8* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
9* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
10* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
11* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
12* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
16* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
17* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
18* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
20*  @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
21*  @copyright  2007-2016 PrestaShop SA
22*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php  Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
23*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
25<script type="text/javascript">
26	var id_cart = {$cart->id|intval};
27	var id_customer = 0;
28	var admin_order_tab_link = "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminOrders')|addslashes}";
29	var changed_shipping_price = false;
30	var shipping_price_selected_carrier = '';
31	var current_index = '{$current|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&token={$token|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}';
32	var admin_cart_link = '{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}';
33	var cart_quantity = new Array();
34	var currencies = new Array();
35	var id_currency = '';
36	var id_lang = '';
37	//var txt_show_carts = '{l s='Show carts and orders for this customer.' js=1}';
38	//var txt_hide_carts = '{l s='Hide carts and orders for this customer.' js=1}';
39	var defaults_order_state = new Array();
40	var customization_errors = false;
41	var pic_dir = '{$pic_dir}';
42	var currency_format = 5;
43	var currency_sign = '';
44	var currency_blank = false;
45  var priceDisplayPrecision = 0; {* Set in displaySummary(). *}
46  var priceDatabasePrecision = {$smarty.const._TB_PRICE_DATABASE_PRECISION_};
48	{foreach from=$defaults_order_state key='module' item='id_order_state'}
49		defaults_order_state['{$module}'] = '{$id_order_state}';
50	{/foreach}
51	$(document).ready(function() {
53		$('#customer').typeWatch({
54			captureLength: 1,
55			highlight: true,
56			wait: 750,
57			callback: function(){ searchCustomers(); }
58			});
59		$('#product').typeWatch({
60			captureLength: 1,
61			highlight: true,
62			wait: 750,
63			callback: function(){ searchProducts(); }
64		});
65		$('#payment_module_name').change(function() {
66			var id_order_state = defaults_order_state[this.value];
67			if (typeof(id_order_state) == 'undefined')
68				id_order_state = defaults_order_state['other'];
69			$('#id_order_state').val(id_order_state);
70		});
71		$("#id_address_delivery").change(function() {
72			updateAddresses();
73		});
74		$("#id_address_invoice").change(function() {
75			updateAddresses();
76		});
77		$('#id_currency').change(function() {
78			updateCurrency();
79		});
80		$('#id_lang').change(function(){
81			updateLang();
82		});
83		$('#delivery_option,#carrier_recycled_package,#order_gift,#gift_message').change(function() {
84			updateDeliveryOption();
85		});
86		$('#shipping_price').change(function() {
87			if ($(this).val() != shipping_price_selected_carrier)
88				changed_shipping_price = true;
89		});
91		$('#payment_module_name').change();
92		$.ajaxSetup({ type:"post" });
93		$("#voucher").autocomplete('{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCartRules')|addslashes}', {
94					minChars: 3,
95					max: 15,
96					width: 250,
97					selectFirst: false,
98					scroll: false,
99					dataType: "json",
100					formatItem: function(data, i, max, value, term) {
101						return value;
102					},
103					parse: function(data) {
104						if (!data.found)
105							$('#vouchers_err').html('{l s='No voucher was found'}').show();
106						else
107							$('#vouchers_err').hide();
108						var mytab = new Array();
109						for (var i = 0; i < data.vouchers.length; i++)
110							mytab[mytab.length] = { data: data.vouchers[i], value: data.vouchers[i].name + (data.vouchers[i].code.length > 0 ? ' - ' + data.vouchers[i].code : '')};
111						return mytab;
112					},
113					extraParams: {
114						ajax: "1",
115						token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCartRules'}",
116						tab: "AdminCartRules",
117						action: "searchCartRuleVouchers"
118					}
119				}
120			)
121			.result(function(event, data, formatted) {
122				$('#voucher').val(data.name);
123				add_cart_rule(data.id_cart_rule);
124			});
125		{if $cart->id}
126			setupCustomer({$cart->id_customer|intval});
127			useCart('{$cart->id|intval}');
128		{/if}
130		$('.delete_product').live('click', function(e) {
131			e.preventDefault();
132			var to_delete = $(this).attr('rel').split('_');
133			deleteProduct(to_delete[1], to_delete[2], to_delete[3]);
134		});
135		$('.delete_discount').live('click', function(e) {
136			e.preventDefault();
137			deleteVoucher($(this).attr('rel'));
138		});
139		$('.use_cart').live('click', function(e) {
140			e.preventDefault();
141			useCart($(this).attr('rel'));
142			return false;
143		});
145		$('input:radio[name="free_shipping"]').on('change',function() {
146			var free_shipping = $('input[name=free_shipping]:checked').val();
147			$.ajax({
148				type:"POST",
149				url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
150				async: true,
151				dataType: "json",
152				data : {
153					ajax: "1",
154					token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
155					tab: "AdminCarts",
156					action: "updateFreeShipping",
157					id_cart: id_cart,
158					id_customer: id_customer,
159					'free_shipping': free_shipping
160					},
161				success : function(res)
162				{
163					displaySummary(res);
164				}
165			});
166		});
168		$('.duplicate_order').live('click', function(e) {
169			e.preventDefault();
170			duplicateOrder($(this).attr('rel'));
171		});
172		$('.cart_quantity').live('change', function(e) {
173			e.preventDefault();
174			if ($(this).val() != cart_quantity[$(this).attr('rel')])
175			{
176				var product = $(this).attr('rel').split('_');
177				updateQty(product[0], product[1], product[2], $(this).val() - cart_quantity[$(this).attr('rel')]);
178			}
179		});
180		$('.increaseqty_product, .decreaseqty_product').live('click', function(e) {
181			e.preventDefault();
182			var product = $(this).attr('rel').split('_');
183			var sign = '';
184			if ($(this).hasClass('decreaseqty_product'))
185				sign = '-';
186			updateQty(product[0], product[1],product[2], sign+1);
187		});
188		$('#id_product').live('keydown', function(e) {
189			$(this).click();
190			return true;
191		});
192		$('#id_product, .id_product_attribute').live('change', function(e) {
193			e.preventDefault();
194			displayQtyInStock(this.id);
195		});
196		$('#id_product, .id_product_attribute').live('keydown', function(e) {
197			$(this).change();
198			return true;
199		});
200		$('.product_unit_price').live('change', function(e) {
201			e.preventDefault();
202			var product = $(this).attr('rel').split('_');
203			updateProductPrice(product[0], product[1], $(this).val());
204		});
205		$('#order_message').live('change', function(e) {
206			e.preventDefault();
207			$.ajax({
208				type:"POST",
209				url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
210				async: true,
211				dataType: "json",
212				data : {
213					ajax: "1",
214					token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
215					tab: "AdminCarts",
216					action: "updateOrderMessage",
217					id_cart: id_cart,
218					id_customer: id_customer,
219					message: $(this).val()
220					},
221				success : function(res)
222				{
223					displaySummary(res);
224				}
225			});
226		});
227		resetBind();
229		$('#customer').focus();
231		$('#submitAddProduct').on('click',function(){
232			addProduct();
233		});
235		$('#product').bind('keypress', function(e) {
236			var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
237			if(code == 13)
238			{
239				e.stopPropagation();
240				e.preventDefault();
241				if ($('#submitAddProduct').length)
242					addProduct();
243			}
244		});
246		$('#send_email_to_customer').on('click',function(){
247			sendMailToCustomer();
248			return false;
249		});
251		$('#products_found').hide();
252		$('#carts').hide();
254		$('#customer_part').on('click','button.setup-customer',function(e){
255			e.preventDefault();
256			setupCustomer($(this).data('customer'));
257			$(this).removeClass('setup-customer').addClass('change-customer').html('<i class="icon-refresh"></i>&nbsp;{l s="Change"}').blur();
258			$(this).closest('.customerCard').addClass('selected-customer');
259			$('.selected-customer .panel-heading').prepend('<i class="icon-ok text-success"></i>');
260			$('.customerCard').not('.selected-customer').remove();
261			$('#search-customer-form-group').hide();
262			var query = 'ajax=1&token='+token+'&action=changePaymentMethod&id_customer='+$(this).data('customer');
263			$.ajax({
264				type: 'POST',
265				url: admin_order_tab_link,
266				headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
267				cache: false,
268				dataType: 'json',
269				data : query,
270				success : function(data) {
271					if (data.result)
272						$('#payment_module_name').replaceWith(data.view)
273				}
274			});
275		});
277		$('#customer_part').on('click','button.change-customer',function(e){
278			e.preventDefault();
279			$('#search-customer-form-group').show();
280			$(this).blur();
281		});
282	});
284	function resetBind()
285	{
286		$('.fancybox').fancybox({
287			'type': 'iframe',
288			'width': '90%',
289			'height': '90%',
290		});
292		$('.fancybox_customer').fancybox({
293			'type': 'iframe',
294			'width': '90%',
295			'height': '90%',
296			'afterClose' : function () {
297				searchCustomers();
298			}
299		});
300		/*$("#new_address").fancybox({
301			onClosed: useCart(id_cart)
302		});*/
303	}
305	function add_cart_rule(id_cart_rule)
306	{
307		$.ajax({
308			type:"POST",
309			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
310			async: true,
311			dataType: "json",
312			data : {
313				ajax: "1",
314				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
315				tab: "AdminCarts",
316				action: "addVoucher",
317				id_cart_rule: id_cart_rule,
318				id_cart: id_cart,
319				id_customer: id_customer
320				},
321			success : function(res)
322			{
323				displaySummary(res);
324				$('#voucher').val('');
325				var errors = '';
326				if (res.errors.length > 0)
327				{
328					$.each(res.errors, function() {
329						errors += this+'<br/>';
330					});
331					$('#vouchers_err').html(errors).show();
332				}
333				else
334					$('#vouchers_err').hide();
335			}
336		});
337	}
339	function updateProductPrice(id_product, id_product_attribute, new_price)
340	{
341		$.ajax({
342			type:"POST",
343			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
344			async: true,
345			dataType: "json",
346			data : {
347				ajax: "1",
348				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
349				tab: "AdminCarts",
350				action: "updateProductPrice",
351				id_cart: id_cart,
352				id_product: id_product,
353				id_product_attribute: id_product_attribute,
354				id_customer: id_customer,
355				price: new Number(new_price.replace(",","."))
356				},
357			success : function(res)
358			{
359				displaySummary(res);
360			}
361		});
362	}
364	function displayQtyInStock(id)
365	{
366		var id_product = $('#id_product').val();
367		if ($('#ipa_' + id_product + ' option').length)
368			var id_product_attribute = $('#ipa_' + id_product).val();
369		else
370			var id_product_attribute = 0;
372		$('#qty_in_stock').html(stock[id_product][id_product_attribute]);
373	}
375	function duplicateOrder(id_order)
376	{
377		$.ajax({
378			type:"POST",
379			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
380			async: true,
381			dataType: "json",
382			data : {
383				ajax: "1",
384				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
385				tab: "AdminCarts",
386				action: "duplicateOrder",
387				id_order: id_order,
388				id_customer: id_customer
389				},
390			success : function(res)
391			{
392				id_cart = res.cart.id;
393				$('#id_cart').val(id_cart);
394				displaySummary(res);
395			}
396		});
397	}
399	function useCart(id_new_cart)
400	{
401		id_cart = id_new_cart;
402		$('#id_cart').val(id_cart);
403		$('#id_cart').val(id_cart);
404		$.ajax({
405			type:"POST",
406			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
407			async: false,
408			dataType: "json",
409			data : {
410				ajax: "1",
411				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
412				tab: "AdminCarts",
413				action: "getSummary",
414				id_cart: id_cart,
415				id_customer: id_customer
416				},
417			success : function(res)
418			{
419				displaySummary(res);
420			}
421		});
422	}
424	function getSummary()
425	{
426		useCart(id_cart);
427	}
429	function deleteVoucher(id_cart_rule)
430	{
431		$.ajax({
432			type:"POST",
433			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
434			async: true,
435			dataType: "json",
436			data : {
437				ajax: "1",
438				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
439				tab: "AdminCarts",
440				action: "deleteVoucher",
441				id_cart_rule: id_cart_rule,
442				id_cart: id_cart,
443				id_customer: id_customer
444				},
445			success : function(res)
446			{
447				displaySummary(res);
448			}
449		});
450	}
452	function deleteProduct(id_product, id_product_attribute, id_customization)
453	{
454		$.ajax({
455			type:"POST",
456			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
457			async: true,
458			dataType: "json",
459			data : {
460				ajax: "1",
461				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
462				tab: "AdminCarts",
463				action: "deleteProduct",
464				id_product: id_product,
465				id_product_attribute: id_product_attribute,
466				id_customization: id_customization,
467				id_cart: id_cart,
468				id_customer: id_customer
469				},
470			success : function(res)
471			{
472				displaySummary(res);
473			}
474		});
475	}
477	function searchCustomers()
478	{
479		$.ajax({
480			type:"POST",
481			url : "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCustomers')}",
482			async: true,
483			dataType: "json",
484			data : {
485				ajax: "1",
486				tab: "AdminCustomers",
487				action: "searchCustomers",
488				customer_search: $('#customer').val()},
489			success : function(res)
490			{
491				if(res.found)
492				{
493					var html = '';
494					$.each(res.customers, function() {
495						html += '<div class="customerCard col-lg-4">';
496						html += '<div class="panel">';
497						html += '<div class="panel-heading">'+this.firstname+' '+this.lastname;
498						html += '<span class="pull-right">#'+this.id_customer+'</span></div>';
499						html += '<span>'+this.email+'</span><br/>';
500						html += '<span class="text-muted">'+((this.birthday != '0000-00-00') ? this.birthday : '')+'</span><br/>';
501						html += '<div class="panel-footer">';
502						html += '<a href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCustomers')}&id_customer='+this.id_customer+'&viewcustomer&liteDisplaying=1" class="btn btn-default fancybox"><i class="icon-search"></i> {l s='Details'}</a>';
503						html += '<button type="button" data-customer="'+this.id_customer+'" class="setup-customer btn btn-default pull-right"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> {l s='Choose'}</button>';
504						html += '</div>';
505						html += '</div>';
506						html += '</div>';
507					});
508				}
509				else
510					html = '<div class="alert alert-warning">{l s='No customers found'}</div>';
511				$('#customers').html(html);
512				resetBind();
513			}
514		});
515	}
518	function setupCustomer(idCustomer)
519	{
520		$('#carts').show();
521		$('#products_part').show();
522		$('#vouchers_part').show();
523		$('#address_part').show();
524		$('#carriers_part').show();
525		$('#summary_part').show();
526		var address_link = $('#new_address').attr('href');
527		id_customer = idCustomer;
528		id_cart = 0;
529		$('#new_address').attr('href', address_link.replace(/id_customer=[0-9]+/, 'id_customer='+id_customer));
530		$.ajax({
531			type:"POST",
532			url : "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
533			async: false,
534			dataType: "json",
535			data : {
536				ajax: "1",
537				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
538				tab: "AdminCarts",
539				action: "searchCarts",
540				id_customer: id_customer,
541				id_cart: id_cart
542			},
543			success : function(res)
544			{
545				if(res.found)
546				{
547					var html_carts = '';
548					var html_orders = '';
549					$.each(res.carts, function() {
550						html_carts += '<tr>';
551						html_carts += '<td>'+this.id_cart+'</td>';
552						html_carts += '<td>'+this.date_add+'</td>';
553						html_carts += '<td>'+this.total_price+'</td>';
554						html_carts += '<td class="text-right">';
555						html_carts += '<a title="{l s='View this cart'}" class="fancybox btn btn-default" href="index.php?tab=AdminCarts&id_cart='+this.id_cart+'&viewcart&token={getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}&liteDisplaying=1#"><i class="icon-search"></i>&nbsp;{l s="Details"}</a>';
556						html_carts += '&nbsp;<a href="#" title="{l s='Use this cart'}" class="use_cart btn btn-default" rel="'+this.id_cart+'"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i>&nbsp;{l s="Use"}</a>';
557						html_carts += '</td>';
558						html_carts += '</tr>';
559					});
561					$.each(res.orders, function() {
562						html_orders += '<tr>';
563						html_orders += '<td>'+this.id_order+'</td><td>'+this.date_add+'</td><td>'+(this.nb_products ? this.nb_products : '0')+'</td><td>'+this.total_paid_real+'</span></td><td>'+this.payment+'</td><td>'+this.order_state+'</td>';
564						html_orders += '<td class="text-right">';
565						html_orders += '<a href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminOrders')}&id_order='+this.id_order+'&vieworder&liteDisplaying=1#" title="{l s='View this order'}" class="fancybox btn btn-default"><i class="icon-search"></i>&nbsp;{l s="Details"}</a>';
566						html_orders += '&nbsp;<a href="#" "title="{l s='Duplicate this order'}" class="duplicate_order btn btn-default" rel="'+this.id_order+'"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i>&nbsp;{l s="Use"}</a>';
567						html_orders += '</td>';
568						html_orders += '</tr>';
569					});
570					$('#nonOrderedCarts table tbody').html(html_carts);
571					$('#lastOrders table tbody').html(html_orders);
572				}
573				if (res.id_cart)
574				{
575					id_cart = res.id_cart;
576					$('#id_cart').val(id_cart);
577				}
578				displaySummary(res);
579				resetBind();
580			}
581		});
582	}
584	function updateDeliveryOptionList(delivery_option_list)
585	{
586		var html = '';
587		if (delivery_option_list.length > 0)
588		{
589			$.each(delivery_option_list, function() {
590				html += '<option value="'+this.key+'" '+(($('#delivery_option').val() == this.key) ? 'selected="selected"' : '')+'>'+this.name+'</option>';
591			});
592			$('#carrier_form').show();
593			$('#delivery_option').html(html);
594			$('#carriers_err').hide();
595			$("button[name=\"submitAddOrder\"]").removeAttr("disabled");
596		}
597		else
598		{
599			$('#carrier_form').hide();
600			$('#carriers_err').show().html('{l s='No carrier can be applied to this order'}');
601			$("button[name=\"submitAddOrder\"]").attr("disabled", "disabled");
602		}
603	}
605	function searchProducts()
606	{
607		$('#products_part').show();
608		$.ajax({
609			type:"POST",
610			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminOrders')|addslashes}",
611			async: true,
612			dataType: "json",
613			data : {
614				ajax: "1",
615				token: "{$token|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}",
616				tab: "AdminOrders",
617				action: "searchProducts",
618				id_cart: id_cart,
619				id_customer: id_customer,
620				id_currency: id_currency,
621				product_search: $('#product').val()},
622			success : function(res)
623			{
624				var products_found = '';
625				var attributes_html = '';
626				var customization_html = '';
627				stock = {};
629				if(res.found)
630				{
631					if (!customization_errors)
632						$('#products_err').addClass('hide');
633					else
634						customization_errors = false;
635					$('#products_found').show();
636					products_found += '<label class="control-label col-lg-3">{l s='Product'}</label><div class="col-lg-6"><select id="id_product" onclick="display_product_attributes();display_product_customizations();"></div>';
637					attributes_html += '<label class="control-label col-lg-3">{l s='Combination'}</label><div class="col-lg-6">';
638					$.each(res.products, function() {
639						products_found += '<option '+(this.combinations.length > 0 ? 'rel="'+this.qty_in_stock+'"' : '')+' value="'+this.id_product+'">'+this.name+(this.combinations.length == 0 ? ' - '+this.formatted_price : '')+'</option>';
640						attributes_html += '<select class="id_product_attribute" id="ipa_'+this.id_product+'" style="display:none;">';
641						var id_product = this.id_product;
642						stock[id_product] = new Array();
643						if (this.customizable == '1' || this.customizable == '2')
644						{
645							customization_html += '<div class="bootstrap"><div class="panel"><div class="panel-heading">{l s='Customization'}</div><form id="customization_'+id_product+'" class="id_customization" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'+admin_cart_link+'" style="display:none;">';
646							customization_html += '<input type="hidden" name="id_product" value="'+id_product+'" />';
647							customization_html += '<input type="hidden" name="id_cart" value="'+id_cart+'" />';
648							customization_html += '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="updateCustomizationFields" />';
649							customization_html += '<input type="hidden" name="id_customer" value="'+id_customer+'" />';
650							customization_html += '<input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="1" />';
651							$.each(this.customization_fields, function() {
652								class_customization_field = "";
653								if (this.required == 1){ class_customization_field = 'required' };
654								customization_html += '<div class="form-group"><label class="control-label col-lg-3 ' + class_customization_field + '" for="customization_'+id_product+'_'+this.id_customization_field+'">';
655								customization_html += this.name+'</label><div class="col-lg-9">';
656								if (this.type == 0)
657									customization_html += '<input class="form-control customization_field" type="file" name="customization_'+id_product+'_'+this.id_customization_field+'" id="customization_'+id_product+'_'+this.id_customization_field+'">';
658								else if (this.type == 1)
659									customization_html += '<input class="form-control customization_field" type="text" name="customization_'+id_product+'_'+this.id_customization_field+'" id="customization_'+id_product+'_'+this.id_customization_field+'">';
660								customization_html += '</div></div>';
661							});
662							customization_html += '</form></div></div>';
663						}
665						$.each(this.combinations, function() {
666							attributes_html += '<option rel="'+this.qty_in_stock+'" '+(this.default_on == 1 ? 'selected="selected"' : '')+' value="'+this.id_product_attribute+'">'+this.attributes+' - '+this.formatted_price+'</option>';
667							stock[id_product][this.id_product_attribute] = this.qty_in_stock;
668						});
670						stock[this.id_product][0] = this.stock[0];
671						attributes_html += '</select>';
672					});
673					products_found += '</select></div>';
674					$('#products_found #product_list').html(products_found);
675					$('#products_found #attributes_list').html(attributes_html);
676					$('link[rel="stylesheet"]').each(function (i, element) {
677						sheet = $(element).clone();
678						$('#products_found #customization_list').contents().find('head').append(sheet);
679					});
680					$('#products_found #customization_list').contents().find('body').html(customization_html);
681					display_product_attributes();
682					display_product_customizations();
683					$('#id_product').change();
684				}
685				else
686				{
687					$('#products_found').hide();
688					$('#products_err').html('{l s='No products found'}');
689					$('#products_err').removeClass('hide');
690				}
691				resetBind();
692			}
693		});
694	}
696	function display_product_customizations()
697	{
698		if ($('#products_found #customization_list').contents().find('#customization_'+$('#id_product option:selected').val()).children().length === 0)
699			$('#customization_list').hide();
700		else
701		{
702			$('#customization_list').show();
703			$('#products_found #customization_list').contents().find('.id_customization').hide();
704			$('#products_found #customization_list').contents().find('#customization_'+$('#id_product option:selected').val()).show();
705			$('#products_found #customization_list').css('height',$('#products_found #customization_list').contents().find('#customization_'+$('#id_product option:selected').val()).height()+95+'px');
706		}
707	}
709	function display_product_attributes()
710	{
711		if ($('#ipa_'+$('#id_product option:selected').val()+' option').length === 0)
712			$('#attributes_list').hide();
713		else
714		{
715			$('#attributes_list').show();
716			$('.id_product_attribute').hide();
717			$('#ipa_'+$('#id_product option:selected').val()).show();
718		}
719	}
721	function updateCartProducts(products, gifts, id_address_delivery)
722	{
723		var cart_content = '';
724		$.each(products, function() {
725			var id_product = Number(this.id_product);
726			var id_product_attribute = Number(this.id_product_attribute);
727			cart_quantity[Number(this.id_product)+'_'+Number(this.id_product_attribute)+'_'+Number(this.id_customization)] = this.cart_quantity;
728			cart_content += '<tr><td><img src="'+this.image_link+'" title="'+this.name+'" /></td><td>'+this.name+'<br />'+this.attributes_small+'</td><td>'+this.reference+'</td><td><input type="text" rel="'+this.id_product+'_'+this.id_product_attribute+'" class="product_unit_price" value="' + this.numeric_price + '" /></td><td>';
729			cart_content += (!this.id_customization ? '<div class="input-group fixed-width-md"><div class="input-group-btn"><a href="#" class="btn btn-default increaseqty_product" rel="'+this.id_product+'_'+this.id_product_attribute+'_'+(this.id_customization ? this.id_customization : 0)+'" ><i class="icon-caret-up"></i></a><a href="#" class="btn btn-default decreaseqty_product" rel="'+this.id_product+'_'+this.id_product_attribute+'_'+(this.id_customization ? this.id_customization : 0)+'"><i class="icon-caret-down"></i></a></div>' : '');
730			cart_content += (!this.id_customization ? '<input type="text" rel="'+this.id_product+'_'+this.id_product_attribute+'_'+(this.id_customization ? this.id_customization : 0)+'" class="cart_quantity" value="'+this.cart_quantity+'" />' : '');
731			cart_content += (!this.id_customization ? '<div class="input-group-btn"><a href="#" class="delete_product btn btn-default" rel="delete_'+this.id_product+'_'+this.id_product_attribute+'_'+(this.id_customization ? this.id_customization : 0)+'" ><i class="icon-remove text-danger"></i></a></div></div>' : '');
732            cart_content += '</td><td>' + displayPrice(
733                this.numeric_total,
734                currency_format, currency_sign, currency_blank
735            ) + '</td></tr>';
737			if (this.id_customization && this.id_customization != 0)
738			{
739				$.each(this.customized_datas[this.id_product][this.id_product_attribute][id_address_delivery], function() {
740					var customized_desc = '';
741					if (typeof this.datas[1] !== 'undefined' && this.datas[1].length)
742					{
743						$.each(this.datas[1],function() {
744							customized_desc += this.name + ': ' + this.value + '<br />';
745							id_customization = this.id_customization;
746						});
747					}
748					if (typeof this.datas[0] !== 'undefined' && this.datas[0].length)
749					{
750						$.each(this.datas[0],function() {
751							customized_desc += this.name + ': <img src="' + pic_dir + this.value + '_small" /><br />';
752							id_customization = this.id_customization;
753						});
754					}
755					cart_content += '<tr><td></td><td>'+customized_desc+'</td><td></td><td></td><td>';
756					cart_content += '<div class="input-group fixed-width-md"><div class="input-group-btn"><a href="#" class="btn btn-default increaseqty_product" rel="'+id_product+'_'+id_product_attribute+'_'+id_customization+'" ><i class="icon-caret-up"></i></a><a href="#" class="btn btn-default decreaseqty_product" rel="'+id_product+'_'+id_product_attribute+'_'+id_customization+'"><i class="icon-caret-down"></i></a></div>';
757					cart_content += '<input type="text" rel="'+id_product+'_'+id_product_attribute+'_'+id_customization +'" class="cart_quantity" value="'+this.quantity+'" />';
758					cart_content += '<div class="input-group-btn"><a href="#" class="delete_product btn btn-default" rel="delete_'+id_product+'_'+id_product_attribute+'_'+id_customization+'" ><i class="icon-remove"></i></a></div></div>';
759					cart_content += '</td><td></td></tr>';
760				});
761			}
762		});
764		$.each(gifts, function() {
765			cart_content += '<tr><td><img src="'+this.image_link+'" title="'+this.name+'" /></td><td>'+this.name+'<br />'+this.attributes_small+'</td><td>'+this.reference+'</td>';
766			cart_content += '<td>{l s='Gift'}</td><td>'+this.cart_quantity+'</td><td>{l s='Gift'}</td></tr>';
767		});
768		$('#customer_cart tbody').html(cart_content);
769	}
771	function updateCartVouchers(vouchers)
772	{
773		var vouchers_html = '';
774		if (typeof(vouchers) == 'object')
775			$.each(vouchers, function(){
776				if (parseFloat(this.value_real) === 0 && parseInt(this.free_shipping) === 1)
777					var value = '{l s='Free shipping'}';
778				else
779					var value = this.value_real;
781				vouchers_html += '<tr><td>'+this.name+'</td><td>'+this.description+'</td><td>'+value+'</td><td class="text-right"><a href="#" class="btn btn-default delete_discount" rel="'+this.id_discount+'"><i class="icon-remove text-danger"></i>&nbsp;{l s='Delete'}</a></td></tr>';
782			});
783		$('#voucher_list tbody').html($.trim(vouchers_html));
784		if ($('#voucher_list tbody').html().length == 0)
785			$('#voucher_list').hide();
786		else
787			$('#voucher_list').show();
788	}
790	function updateCartPaymentList(payment_list)
791	{
792		$('#payment_list').html(payment_list);
793	}
795	function fixPriceFormat(price)
796	{
797    console.log('Deprecated with v1.1.0. Use parseFloat() instead.');
799		if(price.indexOf(',') > 0 && price.indexOf('.') > 0) // if contains , and .
800			if(price.indexOf(',') < price.indexOf('.')) // if , is before .
801				price = price.replace(',','');  // remove ,
802		price = price.replace(' ',''); // remove any spaces
803		price = price.replace(',','.'); // remove , if price did not cotain both , and .
804		return price;
805	}
807	function displaySummary(jsonSummary)
808	{
809		currency_format = jsonSummary.currency.format;
810		currency_sign = jsonSummary.currency.sign;
811		currency_blank = jsonSummary.currency.blank;
812    if (jsonSummary.currency.decimals) {
813      priceDisplayPrecision = {$smarty.const._PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_};
814    } else {
815      priceDisplayPrecision = 0;
816    }
818		updateCartProducts(jsonSummary.summary.products, jsonSummary.summary.gift_products, jsonSummary.cart.id_address_delivery);
819		updateCartVouchers(jsonSummary.summary.discounts);
820		updateAddressesList(jsonSummary.addresses, jsonSummary.cart.id_address_delivery, jsonSummary.cart.id_address_invoice);
822		if (!jsonSummary.summary.products.length || !jsonSummary.addresses.length || !jsonSummary.delivery_option_list)
823			$('#carriers_part,#summary_part').hide();
824		else
825			$('#carriers_part,#summary_part').show();
827		updateDeliveryOptionList(jsonSummary.delivery_option_list);
829		if (jsonSummary.cart.gift == 1)
830			$('#order_gift').attr('checked', true);
831		else
832			$('#carrier_gift').removeAttr('checked');
833		if (jsonSummary.cart.recyclable == 1)
834			$('#carrier_recycled_package').attr('checked', true);
835		else
836			$('#carrier_recycled_package').removeAttr('checked');
837		if (jsonSummary.free_shipping == 1)
838			$('#free_shipping').attr('checked', true);
839		else
840			$('#free_shipping_off').attr('checked', true);
842		$('#gift_message').html(jsonSummary.cart.gift_message);
843        if ( ! changed_shipping_price) {
844            $('#shipping_price').html('<b>' + displayPrice(
845                jsonSummary.summary.total_shipping,
846                currency_format, currency_sign, currency_blank
847            ) + '</b>');
848        }
849		shipping_price_selected_carrier = jsonSummary.summary.total_shipping;
851        $('#total_vouchers').html(displayPrice(
852            jsonSummary.summary.total_discounts_tax_exc,
853            currency_format, currency_sign, currency_blank
854        ));
855        $('#total_shipping').html(displayPrice(
856            jsonSummary.summary.total_shipping_tax_exc,
857            currency_format, currency_sign, currency_blank
858        ));
859        $('#total_taxes').html(displayPrice(
860            jsonSummary.summary.total_tax,
861            currency_format, currency_sign, currency_blank
862        ));
863        $('#total_without_taxes').html(displayPrice(
864            jsonSummary.summary.total_price_without_tax,
865            currency_format, currency_sign, currency_blank
866        ));
867        $('#total_with_taxes').html(displayPrice(
868            jsonSummary.summary.total_price,
869            currency_format, currency_sign, currency_blank
870        ));
871        $('#total_products').html(displayPrice(
872            jsonSummary.summary.total_products,
873            currency_format, currency_sign, currency_blank
874        ));
875		id_currency = jsonSummary.cart.id_currency;
876		$('#id_currency option').removeAttr('selected');
877		$('#id_currency option[value="'+id_currency+'"]').attr('selected', true);
878		id_lang = jsonSummary.cart.id_lang;
879		$('#id_lang option').removeAttr('selected');
880		$('#id_lang option[value="'+id_lang+'"]').attr('selected', true);
881		$('#send_email_to_customer').attr('rel', jsonSummary.link_order);
882		$('#go_order_process').attr('href', jsonSummary.link_order);
883		$('#order_message').val(jsonSummary.order_message);
884		resetBind();
885	}
887	function updateQty(id_product, id_product_attribute, id_customization, qty)
888	{
889		$.ajax({
890			type:"POST",
891			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
892			async: true,
893			dataType: "json",
894			data : {
895				ajax: "1",
896				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
897				tab: "AdminCarts",
898				action: "updateQty",
899				id_product: id_product,
900				id_product_attribute: id_product_attribute,
901				id_customization: id_customization,
902				qty: qty,
903				id_customer: id_customer,
904				id_cart: id_cart,
905			},
906			success : function(res)
907			{
908				displaySummary(res);
909				var errors = '';
910				if (res.errors.length)
911				{
912					$.each(res.errors, function() {
913						errors += this + '<br />';
914					});
915					$('#products_err').removeClass('hide');
916				}
917				else
918					$('#products_err').addClass('hide');
919				$('#products_err').html(errors);
920			}
921		});
922	}
924	function resetShippingPrice()
925	{
926        $('#shipping_price').val(displayPriceValue(shipping_price_selected_carrier));
927		changed_shipping_price = false;
928	}
930	function addProduct()
931	{
932		var id_product = $('#id_product option:selected').val();
933		$('#products_found #customization_list').contents().find('#customization_'+id_product).submit();
935		addProductProcess();
936	}
938	//Called from form_customization_feedback.tpl
939	function customizationProductListener()
940	{
941		//refresh form customization
942		searchProducts();
944		// addProductProcess();
945	}
947	function addProductProcess()
948	{
949		if (customization_errors) {
950			$('#products_err').removeClass('hide');
951		} else {
952			$('#products_err').addClass('hide');
953			updateQty($('#id_product').val(), $('#ipa_'+$('#id_product').val()+' option:selected').val(), 0, $('#qty').val());
954		}
955	}
957	function updateCurrency()
958	{
959		$.ajax({
960			type:"POST",
961			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
962			async: true,
963			dataType: "json",
964			data : {
965				ajax: "1",
966				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
967				tab: "AdminCarts",
968				action: "updateCurrency",
969				id_currency: $('#id_currency option:selected').val(),
970				id_customer: id_customer,
971				id_cart: id_cart
972				},
973			success : function(res)
974			{
975					displaySummary(res);
976			}
977		});
978	}
980	function updateLang()
981	{
982		$.ajax({
983			type:"POST",
984			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
985			async: true,
986			dataType: "json",
987			data : {
988				ajax: "1",
989				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
990				tab: "admincarts",
991				action: "updateLang",
992				id_lang: $('#id_lang option:selected').val(),
993				id_customer: id_customer,
994				id_cart: id_cart
995				},
996			success : function(res)
997			{
998					displaySummary(res);
999			}
1000		});
1001	}
1003	function updateDeliveryOption()
1004	{
1005		$.ajax({
1006			type:"POST",
1007			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
1008			async: true,
1009			dataType: "json",
1010			data : {
1011				ajax: "1",
1012				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
1013				tab: "AdminCarts",
1014				action: "updateDeliveryOption",
1015				delivery_option: $('#delivery_option option:selected').val(),
1016				gift: $('#order_gift').is(':checked')?1:0,
1017				gift_message: $('#gift_message').val(),
1018				recyclable: $('#carrier_recycled_package').is(':checked')?1:0,
1019				id_customer: id_customer,
1020				id_cart: id_cart
1021				},
1022			success : function(res)
1023			{
1024				displaySummary(res);
1025			}
1026		});
1027	}
1029	function sendMailToCustomer()
1030	{
1031		$.ajax({
1032			type:"POST",
1033			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminOrders')|addslashes}",
1034			async: true,
1035			dataType: "json",
1036			data : {
1037				ajax: "1",
1038				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminOrders'}",
1039				tab: "AdminOrders",
1040				action: "sendMailValidateOrder",
1041				id_customer: id_customer,
1042				id_cart: id_cart
1043				},
1044			success : function(res)
1045			{
1046				if (res.errors)
1047					$('#send_email_feedback').removeClass('hide').removeClass('alert-success').addClass('alert-danger');
1048				else
1049					$('#send_email_feedback').removeClass('hide').removeClass('alert-danger').addClass('alert-success');
1050				$('#send_email_feedback').html(res.result);
1051			}
1052		});
1053	}
1055	function updateAddressesList(addresses, id_address_delivery, id_address_invoice)
1056	{
1057		var addresses_delivery_options = '';
1058		var addresses_invoice_options = '';
1059		var address_invoice_detail = '';
1060		var address_delivery_detail = '';
1061		var delivery_address_edit_link = '';
1062		var invoice_address_edit_link = '';
1064		$.each(addresses, function() {
1065			if (this.id_address == id_address_invoice)
1066			{
1067				address_invoice_detail = this.formated_address;
1068				invoice_address_edit_link = "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminAddresses')}&id_address="+this.id_address+"&updateaddress&realedit=1&liteDisplaying=1&submitFormAjax=1#";
1069			}
1071			if(this.id_address == id_address_delivery)
1072			{
1073				address_delivery_detail = this.formated_address;
1074				delivery_address_edit_link = "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminAddresses')}&id_address="+this.id_address+"&updateaddress&realedit=1&liteDisplaying=1&submitFormAjax=1#";
1075			}
1077			addresses_delivery_options += '<option value="'+this.id_address+'" '+(this.id_address == id_address_delivery ? 'selected="selected"' : '')+'>'+this.alias+'</option>';
1078			addresses_invoice_options += '<option value="'+this.id_address+'" '+(this.id_address == id_address_invoice ? 'selected="selected"' : '')+'>'+this.alias+'</option>';
1079		});
1080		if (addresses.length == 0)
1081		{
1082			$('#addresses_err').show().html('{l s='You must add at least one address to process the order.'}');
1083			$('#address_delivery, #address_invoice').hide();
1084		}
1085		else
1086		{
1087			$('#addresses_err').hide();
1088			$('#address_delivery, #address_invoice').show();
1089		}
1091		$('#id_address_delivery').html(addresses_delivery_options);
1092		$('#id_address_invoice').html(addresses_invoice_options);
1093		$('#address_delivery_detail').html(address_delivery_detail);
1094		$('#address_invoice_detail').html(address_invoice_detail);
1095		$('#edit_delivery_address').attr('href', delivery_address_edit_link);
1096		$('#edit_invoice_address').attr('href', invoice_address_edit_link);
1097	}
1099	function updateAddresses()
1100	{
1101		$.ajax({
1102			type:"POST",
1103			url: "{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCarts')|addslashes}",
1104			async: true,
1105			dataType: "json",
1106			data : {
1107				ajax: "1",
1108				token: "{getAdminToken tab='AdminCarts'}",
1109				tab: "AdminCarts",
1110				action: "updateAddresses",
1111				id_customer: id_customer,
1112				id_cart: id_cart,
1113				id_address_delivery: $('#id_address_delivery option:selected').val(),
1114				id_address_invoice: $('#id_address_invoice option:selected').val()
1115				},
1116			success : function(res)
1117			{
1118				updateDeliveryOption();
1119			}
1120		});
1121	}
1124<div class="leadin">{block name="leadin"}{/block}</div>
1125	<div class="panel form-horizontal" id="customer_part">
1126		<div class="panel-heading">
1127			<i class="icon-user"></i>
1128			{l s='Customer'}
1129		</div>
1130		<div id="search-customer-form-group" class="form-group">
1131			<label class="control-label col-lg-3">
1132				<span title="" data-toggle="tooltip" class="label-tooltip" data-original-title="{l s='Search for an existing customer by typing the first letters of his/her name.'}">
1133					{l s='Search for a customer'}
1134				</span>
1135			</label>
1136			<div class="col-lg-9">
1137				<div class="row">
1138					<div class="col-lg-6">
1139						<div class="input-group">
1140							<input type="text" id="customer" value="" />
1141							<span class="input-group-addon">
1142								<i class="icon-search"></i>
1143							</span>
1144						</div>
1145					</div>
1146					<div class="col-lg-6">
1147						<span class="form-control-static">{l s='Or'}&nbsp;</span>
1148						<a class="fancybox_customer btn btn-default" href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCustomers')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&amp;addcustomer&amp;liteDisplaying=1&amp;submitFormAjax=1#">
1149							<i class="icon-plus-sign-alt"></i>
1150							{l s='Add new customer'}
1151						</a>
1152					</div>
1153				</div>
1154			</div>
1155		</div>
1156		<div class="row">
1157			<div id="customers"></div>
1158		</div>
1159		<div id="carts">
1160			<button type="button" id="show_old_carts" class="btn btn-default pull-right" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#old_carts_orders">
1161				<i class="icon-caret-down"></i>
1162			</button>
1164			<ul id="old_carts_orders_navtab" class="nav nav-tabs">
1165				<li class="active">
1166					<a href="#nonOrderedCarts" data-toggle="tab">
1167						<i class="icon-shopping-cart"></i>
1168						{l s='Carts'}
1169					</a>
1170				</li>
1171				<li>
1172					<a href="#lastOrders" data-toggle="tab">
1173						<i class="icon-credit-card"></i>
1174						{l s='Orders'}
1175					</a>
1176				</li>
1177			</ul>
1178			<div id="old_carts_orders" class="tab-content panel collapse in">
1179				<div id="nonOrderedCarts" class="tab-pane active">
1180					<table class="table">
1181						<thead>
1182							<tr>
1183								<th><span class="title_box">{l s='ID'}</span></th>
1184								<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Date'}</span></th>
1185								<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Total'}</span></th>
1186								<th></th>
1187							</tr>
1188						</thead>
1189						<tbody>
1190						</tbody>
1191					</table>
1192				</div>
1193				<div id="lastOrders" class="tab-pane">
1194					<table class="table">
1195						<thead>
1196							<tr>
1197								<th><span class="title_box">{l s='ID'}</span></th>
1198								<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Date'}</span></th>
1199								<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Products'}</span></th>
1200								<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Total paid'}</span></th>
1201								<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Payment'}</span></th>
1202								<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Status'}</span></th>
1203								<th></th>
1204							</tr>
1205						</thead>
1206						<tbody>
1207						</tbody>
1208					</table>
1209				</div>
1210			</div>
1211		</div>
1212	</div>
1215<form class="form-horizontal" action="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminOrders')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&amp;submitAdd{$table|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}=1" method="post" autocomplete="off">
1216	<div class="panel" id="products_part" style="display:none;">
1217		<div class="panel-heading">
1218			<i class="icon-shopping-cart"></i>
1219			{l s='Cart'}
1220		</div>
1221		<div class="form-group">
1222			<label class="control-label col-lg-3">
1223				<span title="" data-toggle="tooltip" class="label-tooltip" data-original-title="{l s='Search for an existing product by typing the first letters of its name.'}">
1224					{l s='Search for a product'}
1225				</span>
1226			</label>
1227			<div class="col-lg-9">
1228				<input type="hidden" value="" id="id_cart" name="id_cart" />
1229				<div class="input-group">
1230					<input type="text" id="product" value="" />
1231					<span class="input-group-addon">
1232						<i class="icon-search"></i>
1233					</span>
1234				</div>
1235			</div>
1236		</div>
1238		<div id="products_found">
1239			<hr/>
1240			<div id="product_list" class="form-group"></div>
1241			<div id="attributes_list" class="form-group"></div>
1242			<!-- @TODO: please be kind refacto -->
1243			<div class="form-group">
1244				<div class="col-lg-9 col-lg-offset-3">
1245					<iframe id="customization_list" seamless>
1246						<html>
1247						<head>
1248							{if isset($css_files_orders)}
1249								{foreach from=$css_files_orders key=css_uri item=media}
1250									<link href="{$css_uri}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="{$media}" />
1251								{/foreach}
1252							{/if}
1253						</head>
1254						<body>
1255						</body>
1256						</html>
1257					</iframe>
1258				</div>
1259			</div>
1260			<div class="form-group">
1261				<label class="control-label col-lg-3" for="qty">{l s='Quantity'}</label>
1262				<div class="col-lg-9">
1263					<input type="text" name="qty" id="qty" class="form-control fixed-width-sm" value="1" />
1264					<p class="help-block">{l s='In stock'} <span id="qty_in_stock"></span></p>
1265				</div>
1266			</div>
1268			<div class="form-group">
1269				<div class="col-lg-9 col-lg-offset-3">
1270					<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="submitAddProduct" />
1271					<i class="icon-ok text-success"></i>
1272					{l s='Add to cart'}
1273				</div>
1274			</div>
1275		</div>
1277		<div id="products_err" class="hide alert alert-danger"></div>
1279		<hr/>
1281		<div class="row">
1282			<div class="col-lg-12">
1283				<table class="table" id="customer_cart">
1284					<thead>
1285						<tr>
1286							<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Product'}</span></th>
1287							<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Description'}</span></th>
1288							<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Reference'}</span></th>
1289							<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Unit price'}</span></th>
1290							<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Quantity'}</span></th>
1291							<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Price'}</span></th>
1292						</tr>
1293					</thead>
1294					<tbody>
1295					</tbody>
1296				</table>
1297			</div>
1298		</div>
1300		<div class="form-group">
1301			<div class="col-lg-9 col-lg-offset-3">
1302				<div class="alert alert-warning">{l s='The prices are without taxes.'}</div>
1303			</div>
1304		</div>
1306		<div class="form-group">
1307			<label class="control-label col-lg-3" for="id_currency">
1308				{l s='Currency'}
1309			</label>
1310			<script type="text/javascript">
1311				{foreach from=$currencies item='currency'}
1312					currencies['{$currency.id_currency}'] = '{$currency.sign}';
1313				{/foreach}
1314			</script>
1315			<div class="col-lg-9">
1316				<select id="id_currency" name="id_currency">
1317					{foreach from=$currencies item='currency'}
1318						<option rel="{$currency.iso_code}" value="{$currency.id_currency}">{$currency.name}</option>
1319					{/foreach}
1320				</select>
1321			</div>
1322		</div>
1323		<div class="form-group">
1324			<label class="control-label col-lg-3" for="id_lang">
1325				{l s='Language'}
1326			</label>
1327			<div class="col-lg-9">
1328				<select id="id_lang" name="id_lang">
1329					{foreach from=$langs item='lang'}
1330						<option value="{$lang.id_lang}">{$lang.name}</option>
1331					{/foreach}
1332				</select>
1333			</div>
1334		</div>
1335	</div>
1337	<div class="panel" id="vouchers_part" style="display:none;">
1338		<div class="panel-heading">
1339			<i class="icon-ticket"></i>
1340			{l s='Vouchers'}
1341		</div>
1342		<div class="form-group">
1343			<label class="control-label col-lg-3">
1344				{l s='Search for a voucher'}
1345			</label>
1346			<div class="col-lg-9">
1347				<div class="row">
1348					<div class="col-lg-6">
1349						<div class="input-group">
1350							<input type="text" id="voucher" value="" />
1351							<div class="input-group-addon">
1352								<i class="icon-search"></i>
1353							</div>
1354						</div>
1355					</div>
1356					<div class="col-lg-6">
1357						<span class="form-control-static">{l s='Or'}&nbsp;</span>
1358						<a class="fancybox btn btn-default" href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminCartRules')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&amp;addcart_rule&amp;liteDisplaying=1&amp;submitFormAjax=1#">
1359							<i class="icon-plus-sign-alt"></i>
1360							{l s='Add new voucher'}
1361						</a>
1362					</div>
1363				</div>
1364			</div>
1365		</div>
1366		<div class="row">
1367			<table class="table" id="voucher_list">
1368				<thead>
1369					<tr>
1370						<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Name'}</span></th>
1371						<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Description'}</span></th>
1372						<th><span class="title_box">{l s='Value'}</span></th>
1373						<th></th>
1374					</tr>
1375				</thead>
1376				<tbody>
1377				</tbody>
1378			</table>
1379		</div>
1380		<div id="vouchers_err" class="alert alert-warning" style="display:none;"></div>
1381	</div>
1383	<div class="panel" id="address_part" style="display:none;">
1384		<div class="panel-heading">
1385			<i class="icon-envelope"></i>
1386			{l s='Addresses'}
1387		</div>
1388		<div id="addresses_err" class="alert alert-warning" style="display:none;"></div>
1390		<div class="row">
1391			<div id="address_delivery" class="col-lg-6">
1392				<h4>
1393					<i class="icon-truck"></i>
1394					{l s='Delivery'}
1395				</h4>
1396				<div class="row-margin-bottom">
1397					<select id="id_address_delivery" name="id_address_delivery"></select>
1398				</div>
1399				<div class="well">
1400					<a href="" id="edit_delivery_address" class="btn btn-default pull-right fancybox"><i class="icon-pencil"></i> {l s='Edit'}</a>
1401					<div id="address_delivery_detail"></div>
1402				</div>
1403			</div>
1404			<div id="address_invoice" class="col-lg-6">
1405				<h4>
1406					<i class="icon-file-text"></i>
1407					{l s='Invoice'}
1408				</h4>
1409				<div class="row-margin-bottom">
1410					<select id="id_address_invoice" name="id_address_invoice"></select>
1411				</div>
1412				<div class="well">
1413					<a href="" id="edit_invoice_address" class="btn btn-default pull-right fancybox"><i class="icon-pencil"></i> {l s='Edit'}</a>
1414					<div id="address_invoice_detail"></div>
1415				</div>
1416			</div>
1417		</div>
1418		<div class="row">
1419			<div class="col-lg-12">
1420				<a class="fancybox btn btn-default" id="new_address" href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminAddresses')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&amp;addaddress&amp;id_customer=42&amp;liteDisplaying=1&amp;submitFormAjax=1#">
1421					<i class="icon-plus-sign-alt"></i>
1422					{l s='Add a new address'}
1423				</a>
1424			</div>
1425		</div>
1426	</div>
1427	<div class="panel" id="carriers_part" style="display:none;">
1428		<div class="panel-heading">
1429			<i class="icon-truck"></i>
1430			{l s='Shipping'}
1431		</div>
1432		<div id="carriers_err" style="display:none;" class="alert alert-warning"></div>
1433		<div id="carrier_form">
1434			<div class="form-group">
1435				<label class="control-label col-lg-3">
1436					{l s='Delivery option'}
1437				</label>
1438				<div class="col-lg-9">
1439					<select name="delivery_option" id="delivery_option">
1440					</select>
1441				</div>
1442			</div>
1443			<div class="form-group">
1444				<label class="control-label col-lg-3" for="shipping_price">
1445					{l s='Shipping price (Tax incl.)'}
1446				</label>
1447				<div class="col-lg-9">
1448					<p id="shipping_price" class="form-control-static" name="shipping_price"></p>
1449				</div>
1450			</div>
1451			<div class="form-group">
1452				<label class="control-label col-lg-3" for="free_shipping">
1453					{l s='Free shipping'}
1454				</label>
1455				<div class="input-group col-lg-9 fixed-width-lg">
1456					<span class="switch prestashop-switch">
1457						<input type="radio" name="free_shipping" id="free_shipping" value="1">
1458						<label for="free_shipping" class="radioCheck">
1459							{l s='yes'}
1460						</label>
1461						<input type="radio" name="free_shipping" id="free_shipping_off" value="0" checked="checked">
1462						<label for="free_shipping_off" class="radioCheck">
1463							{l s='No'}
1464						</label>
1465						<a class="slide-button btn"></a>
1466					</span>
1467				</div>
1468			</div>
1470			{if $recyclable_pack}
1471			<div class="form-group">
1472				<div class="checkbox col-lg-9 col-offset-3">
1473					<label for="carrier_recycled_package">
1474						<input type="checkbox" name="carrier_recycled_package" value="1" id="carrier_recycled_package" />
1475						{l s='Recycled package'}
1476					</label>
1477				</div>
1478			</div>
1479			{/if}
1481			{if $gift_wrapping}
1482			<div class="form-group">
1483				<div class="checkbox col-lg-9 col-offset-3">
1484					<label for="order_gift">
1485						<input type="checkbox" name="order_gift" id="order_gift" value="1" />
1486						{l s='Gift'}
1487					</label>
1488				</div>
1489			</div>
1490			<div class="form-group">
1491				<label class="control-label col-lg-3" for="gift_message">{l s='Gift message'}</label>
1492				<div class="col-lg-9">
1493					<textarea id="gift_message" class="form-control" cols="40" rows="4"></textarea>
1494				</div>
1495			</div>
1496			{/if}
1497		</div>
1498	</div>
1499	<div class="panel" id="summary_part" style="display:none;">
1500		<div class="panel-heading">
1501			<i class="icon-align-justify"></i>
1502			{l s='Summary'}
1503		</div>
1505		<div id="send_email_feedback" class="hide alert"></div>
1507		<div id="cart_summary" class="panel row-margin-bottom text-center">
1508			<div class="row">
1509				<div class="col-lg-2">
1510					<div class="data-focus">
1511						<span>{l s='Total products'}</span><br/>
1512						<span id="total_products" class="size_l text-success"></span>
1513					</div>
1514				</div>
1515				<div class="col-lg-2">
1516					<div class="data-focus">
1517						<span>{l s='Total vouchers (Tax excl.)'}</span><br/>
1518						<span id="total_vouchers" class="size_l text-danger"></span>
1519					</div>
1520				</div>
1521				<div class="col-lg-2">
1522					<div class="data-focus">
1523						<span>{l s='Total shipping (Tax excl.)'}</span><br/>
1524						<span id="total_shipping" class="size_l"></span>
1525					</div>
1526				</div>
1527				<div class="col-lg-2">
1528					<div class="data-focus">
1529						<span>{l s='Total taxes'}</span><br/>
1530						<span id="total_taxes" class="size_l"></span>
1531					</div>
1532				</div>
1533				<div class="col-lg-2">
1534					<div class="data-focus">
1535						<span>{l s='Total (Tax excl.)'}</span><br/>
1536						<span id="total_without_taxes" class="size_l"></span>
1537					</div>
1538				</div>
1539				<div class="col-lg-2">
1540					<div class="data-focus data-focus-primary">
1541						<span>{l s='Total (Tax incl.)'}</span><br/>
1542						<span id="total_with_taxes" class="size_l"></span>
1543					</div>
1544				</div>
1545			</div>
1546		</div>
1548		<div class="row">
1549			<div class="order_message_right col-lg-12">
1550				<div class="form-group">
1551					<label class="control-label col-lg-3" for="order_message">{l s='Order message'}</label>
1552					<div class="col-lg-6">
1553						<textarea name="order_message" id="order_message" rows="3" cols="45"></textarea>
1554					</div>
1555				</div>
1556				<div class="form-group">
1557					{if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}
1558					<div class="col-lg-9 col-lg-offset-3">
1559						<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="send_email_to_customer" class="btn btn-default">
1560							<i class="icon-credit-card"></i>
1561							{l s='Send an email to the customer with the link to process the payment.'}
1562						</a>
1563						<a id="go_order_process" href="" class="btn btn-link _blank">
1564							{l s='Go on payment page to process the payment.'}
1565							<i class="icon-external-link"></i>
1566						</a>
1567					</div>
1568					{/if}
1569				</div>
1570				<div class="form-group">
1571					<label class="control-label col-lg-3">{l s='Payment'}</label>
1572					<div class="col-lg-9">
1573						<select name="payment_module_name" id="payment_module_name">
1574							{if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}
1575							{foreach from=$payment_modules item='module'}
1576								<option value="{$module->name}" {if isset($smarty.post.payment_module_name) && $module->name == $smarty.post.payment_module_name}selected="selected"{/if}>{$module->displayName}</option>
1577							{/foreach}
1578							{else}
1579								<option value="boorder">{l s='Back office order'}</option>
1580							{/if}
1581						</select>
1582					</div>
1583				</div>
1584				<div class="form-group">
1585					<label class="control-label col-lg-3">{l s='Order status'}</label>
1586					<div class="col-lg-9">
1587						<select name="id_order_state" id="id_order_state">
1588							{foreach from=$order_states item='order_state'}
1589								<option value="{$order_state.id_order_state}" {if isset($smarty.post.id_order_state) && $order_state.id_order_state == $smarty.post.id_order_state}selected="selected"{/if}>{$order_state.name}</option>
1590							{/foreach}
1591						</select>
1592					</div>
1593				</div>
1594				<div class="form-group">
1595					<div class="col-lg-9 col-lg-offset-3">
1596						<button type="submit" name="submitAddOrder" class="btn btn-default" />
1597							<i class="icon-check"></i>
1598							{l s='Create the order'}
1599						</button>
1600					</div>
1601				</div>
1602			</div>
1603		</div>
1604	</div>
1607<div id="loader_container">
1608	<div id="loader"></div>