4 * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
5 *
6 * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
8 * of the License, or any later version.
9 *
10 * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
11 * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
12 *
13 * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
14 */
16namespace TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database;
18use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception as DBALException;
19use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
20use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface;
21use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait;
22use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
23use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility;
24use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\ProgressListenerInterface;
25use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Configuration\FlexForm\FlexFormTools;
26use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Platform\PlatformInformation;
27use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\Restriction\DeletedRestriction;
28use TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler;
29use TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\Event\IsTableExcludedFromReferenceIndexEvent;
30use TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\SoftReference\SoftReferenceParserFactory;
31use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Registry;
32use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility;
33use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility;
34use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
37 * Reference index processing and relation extraction
38 *
39 * @internal Extensions shouldn't fiddle with the reference index themselves, it's task of DataHandler to do this.
40 */
41class ReferenceIndex implements LoggerAwareInterface
43    use LoggerAwareTrait;
45    /**
46     * Definition of tables to exclude from the ReferenceIndex
47     *
48     * Only tables which do not contain any relations and never did so far since references also won't be deleted for
49     * these. Since only tables with an entry in $GLOBALS['TCA] are handled by ReferenceIndex there is no need to add
50     * *_mm-tables.
51     *
52     * Implemented as array with fields as keys and booleans as values for fast isset() lookup instead of slow in_array()
53     *
54     * @var array
55     * @see updateRefIndexTable()
56     * @see shouldExcludeTableFromReferenceIndex()
57     */
58    protected array $excludedTables = [
59        'sys_log' => true,
60        'tx_extensionmanager_domain_model_extension' => true,
61    ];
63    /**
64     * Definition of fields to exclude from ReferenceIndex in *every* table
65     *
66     * Implemented as array with fields as keys and booleans as values for fast isset() lookup instead of slow in_array()
67     *
68     * @var array
69     * @see getRelations()
70     * @see fetchTableRelationFields()
71     * @see shouldExcludeTableColumnFromReferenceIndex()
72     */
73    protected array $excludedColumns = [
74        'uid' => true,
75        'perms_userid' => true,
76        'perms_groupid' => true,
77        'perms_user' => true,
78        'perms_group' => true,
79        'perms_everybody' => true,
80        'pid' => true,
81    ];
83    /**
84     * This array holds the FlexForm references of a record
85     *
86     * @var array
87     * @see getRelations()
88     * @see FlexFormTools::traverseFlexFormXMLData()
89     * @see getRelations_flexFormCallBack()
90     */
91    protected $temp_flexRelations = [];
93    /**
94     * An index of all found references of a single record
95     *
96     * @var array
97     */
98    protected $relations = [];
100    /**
101     * Number which we can increase if a change in the code means we will have to force a re-generation of the index.
102     *
103     * @var int
104     * @see updateRefIndexTable()
105     */
106    protected $hashVersion = 1;
108    /**
109     * Current workspace id
110     */
111    protected int $workspaceId = 0;
113    /**
114     * A list of fields that may contain relations per TCA table.
115     * This is either ['*'] or an array of single field names. The list
116     * depends on TCA and is built when a first table row is handled.
117     */
118    protected array $tableRelationFieldCache = [];
120    protected EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher;
121    protected SoftReferenceParserFactory $softReferenceParserFactory;
123    public function __construct(EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher = null, SoftReferenceParserFactory $softReferenceParserFactory = null)
124    {
125        $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(EventDispatcherInterface::class);
126        $this->softReferenceParserFactory = $softReferenceParserFactory ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SoftReferenceParserFactory::class);
127    }
129    /**
130     * Sets the current workspace id
131     *
132     * @param int $workspaceId
133     * @see updateIndex()
134     */
135    public function setWorkspaceId($workspaceId)
136    {
137        $this->workspaceId = (int)$workspaceId;
138    }
140    /**
141     * Gets the current workspace id
142     *
143     * @return int
144     * @see updateRefIndexTable()
145     */
146    protected function getWorkspaceId()
147    {
148        return $this->workspaceId;
149    }
151    /**
152     * Call this function to update the sys_refindex table for a record (even one just deleted)
153     * NOTICE: Currently, references updated for a deleted-flagged record will not include those from within FlexForm
154     * fields in some cases where the data structure is defined by another record since the resolving process ignores
155     * deleted records! This will also result in bad cleaning up in DataHandler I think... Anyway, that's the story of
156     * FlexForms; as long as the DS can change, lots of references can get lost in no time.
157     *
158     * @param string $tableName Table name
159     * @param int $uid UID of record
160     * @param bool $testOnly If set, nothing will be written to the index but the result value will still report statistics on what is added, deleted and kept. Can be used for mere analysis.
161     * @return array Array with statistics about how many index records were added, deleted and not altered plus the complete reference set for the record.
162     */
163    public function updateRefIndexTable($tableName, $uid, $testOnly = false)
164    {
165        $result = [
166            'keptNodes' => 0,
167            'deletedNodes' => 0,
168            'addedNodes' => 0,
169        ];
171        $uid = $uid ? (int)$uid : 0;
172        if (!$uid) {
173            return $result;
174        }
176        // If this table cannot contain relations, skip it
177        if ($this->shouldExcludeTableFromReferenceIndex($tableName)) {
178            return $result;
179        }
181        $tableRelationFields = $this->fetchTableRelationFields($tableName);
183        $connectionPool = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class);
184        $connection = $connectionPool->getConnectionForTable('sys_refindex');
186        // Get current index from Database with hash as index using $uidIndexField
187        // no restrictions are needed, since sys_refindex is not a TCA table
188        $queryBuilder = $connection->createQueryBuilder();
189        $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll();
190        $queryResult = $queryBuilder->select('hash')->from('sys_refindex')->where(
191            $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('tablename', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($tableName, \PDO::PARAM_STR)),
192            $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('recuid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($uid, \PDO::PARAM_INT)),
193            $queryBuilder->expr()->eq(
194                'workspace',
195                $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($this->getWorkspaceId(), \PDO::PARAM_INT)
196            )
197        )->executeQuery();
198        $currentRelationHashes = [];
199        while ($relation = $queryResult->fetchAssociative()) {
200            $currentRelationHashes[$relation['hash']] = true;
201        }
203        // If the table has fields which could contain relations and the record does exist
204        if ($tableRelationFields !== []) {
205            $existingRecord = $this->getRecord($tableName, $uid);
206            if ($existingRecord) {
207                // Table has relation fields and record exists - get relations
208                $this->relations = [];
209                $relations = $this->generateDataUsingRecord($tableName, $existingRecord);
210                if (!is_array($relations)) {
211                    return $result;
212                }
213                // Traverse the generated index:
214                foreach ($relations as &$relation) {
215                    if (!is_array($relation)) {
216                        continue;
217                    }
218                    // Exclude any relations TO a specific table
219                    if (($relation['ref_table'] ?? '') && $this->shouldExcludeTableFromReferenceIndex($relation['ref_table'])) {
220                        continue;
221                    }
222                    $relation['hash'] = md5(implode('///', $relation) . '///' . $this->hashVersion);
223                    // First, check if already indexed and if so, unset that row (so in the end we know which rows to remove!)
224                    if (isset($currentRelationHashes[$relation['hash']])) {
225                        unset($currentRelationHashes[$relation['hash']]);
226                        $result['keptNodes']++;
227                        $relation['_ACTION'] = 'KEPT';
228                    } else {
229                        // If new, add it:
230                        if (!$testOnly) {
231                            $connection->insert('sys_refindex', $relation);
232                        }
233                        $result['addedNodes']++;
234                        $relation['_ACTION'] = 'ADDED';
235                    }
236                }
237                $result['relations'] = $relations;
238            }
239        }
241        // If any old are left, remove them:
242        if (!empty($currentRelationHashes)) {
243            $hashList = array_keys($currentRelationHashes);
244            if (!empty($hashList)) {
245                $result['deletedNodes'] = count($hashList);
246                $result['deletedNodes_hashList'] = implode(',', $hashList);
247                if (!$testOnly) {
248                    $maxBindParameters = PlatformInformation::getMaxBindParameters($connection->getDatabasePlatform());
249                    foreach (array_chunk($hashList, $maxBindParameters - 10, true) as $chunk) {
250                        if (empty($chunk)) {
251                            continue;
252                        }
253                        $queryBuilder = $connection->createQueryBuilder();
254                        $queryBuilder
255                            ->delete('sys_refindex')
256                            ->where(
257                                $queryBuilder->expr()->in(
258                                    'hash',
259                                    $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($chunk, Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY)
260                                )
261                            )
262                            ->executeStatement();
263                    }
264                }
265            }
266        }
268        return $result;
269    }
271    /**
272     * Returns the amount of references for the given record
273     *
274     * @param string $tableName
275     * @param int $uid
276     * @return int
277     */
278    public function getNumberOfReferencedRecords(string $tableName, int $uid): int
279    {
280        $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getQueryBuilderForTable('sys_refindex');
281        return (int)$queryBuilder
282            ->count('*')->from('sys_refindex')
283            ->where(
284                $queryBuilder->expr()->eq(
285                    'ref_table',
286                    $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($tableName, \PDO::PARAM_STR)
287                ),
288                $queryBuilder->expr()->eq(
289                    'ref_uid',
290                    $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($uid, \PDO::PARAM_INT)
291                )
292            )->executeQuery()->fetchOne();
293    }
295    /**
296     * Calculate the relations for a record of a given table
297     *
298     * @param string $tableName Table being processed
299     * @param array $record Record from $tableName
300     * @return array
301     */
302    protected function generateDataUsingRecord(string $tableName, array $record): array
303    {
304        $this->relations = [];
305        // Get all relations from record:
306        $recordRelations = $this->getRelations($tableName, $record);
307        // Traverse those relations, compile records to insert in table:
308        foreach ($recordRelations as $fieldName => $fieldRelations) {
309            // Based on type
310            switch ($fieldRelations['type'] ?? '') {
311                case 'db':
312                    $this->createEntryDataForDatabaseRelationsUsingRecord($tableName, $record, $fieldName, '', $fieldRelations['itemArray']);
313                    break;
314                case 'flex':
315                    // DB references in FlexForms
316                    if (is_array($fieldRelations['flexFormRels']['db'])) {
317                        foreach ($fieldRelations['flexFormRels']['db'] as $flexPointer => $subList) {
318                            $this->createEntryDataForDatabaseRelationsUsingRecord($tableName, $record, $fieldName, $flexPointer, $subList);
319                        }
320                    }
321                    // Soft references in FlexForms
322                    // @todo #65464 Test correct handling of soft references in FlexForms
323                    if (is_array($fieldRelations['flexFormRels']['softrefs'])) {
324                        foreach ($fieldRelations['flexFormRels']['softrefs'] as $flexPointer => $subList) {
325                            $this->createEntryDataForSoftReferencesUsingRecord($tableName, $record, $fieldName, $flexPointer, $subList['keys']);
326                        }
327                    }
328                    break;
329            }
330            // Soft references in the field
331            if (is_array($fieldRelations['softrefs']['keys'] ?? false)) {
332                $this->createEntryDataForSoftReferencesUsingRecord($tableName, $record, $fieldName, '', $fieldRelations['softrefs']['keys']);
333            }
334        }
336        return array_filter($this->relations);
337    }
339    /**
340     * Create array with field/value pairs ready to insert in database
341     *
342     * @param string $tableName Tablename of source record (where reference is located)
343     * @param array $record Record from $table
344     * @param string $fieldName Fieldname of source record (where reference is located)
345     * @param string $flexPointer Pointer to location inside FlexForm structure where reference is located in [$field]
346     * @param string $referencedTable In database references the tablename the reference points to. Keyword "_STRING" indicates special usage (typ. SoftReference) in $referenceString
347     * @param int $referencedUid In database references the UID of the record (zero $referencedTable is "_STRING")
348     * @param string $referenceString For "_STRING" references: The string.
349     * @param int $sort The sorting order of references if many (the "group" or "select" TCA types). -1 if no sorting order is specified.
350     * @param string $softReferenceKey If the reference is a soft reference, this is the soft reference parser key. Otherwise empty.
351     * @param string $softReferenceId Soft reference ID for key. Might be useful for replace operations.
352     * @return array|bool Array to insert in DB or false if record should not be processed
353     */
354    protected function createEntryDataUsingRecord(string $tableName, array $record, string $fieldName, string $flexPointer, string $referencedTable, int $referencedUid, string $referenceString = '', int $sort = -1, string $softReferenceKey = '', string $softReferenceId = '')
355    {
356        $currentWorkspace = $this->getWorkspaceId();
357        if (BackendUtility::isTableWorkspaceEnabled($tableName)) {
358            $fieldConfig = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$tableName]['columns'][$fieldName]['config'];
359            if (isset($record['t3ver_wsid']) && (int)$record['t3ver_wsid'] !== $currentWorkspace && empty($fieldConfig['MM'])) {
360                // The given record is workspace-enabled but doesn't live in the selected workspace. Don't add index, it's not actually there.
361                // We still add those rows if the record is a local side live record of an MM relation and can be a target of a workspace record.
362                // See workspaces ManyToMany Modify addCategoryRelation for details on this case.
363                return false;
364            }
365        }
366        return [
367            'tablename' => $tableName,
368            'recuid' => $record['uid'],
369            'field' => $fieldName,
370            'flexpointer' => $flexPointer,
371            'softref_key' => $softReferenceKey,
372            'softref_id' => $softReferenceId,
373            'sorting' => $sort,
374            'workspace' => $currentWorkspace,
375            'ref_table' => $referencedTable,
376            'ref_uid' => $referencedUid,
377            'ref_string' => mb_substr($referenceString, 0, 1024),
378        ];
379    }
381    /**
382     * Add database references to ->relations array based on fetched record
383     *
384     * @param string $tableName Tablename of source record (where reference is located)
385     * @param array $record Record from $tableName
386     * @param string $fieldName Fieldname of source record (where reference is located)
387     * @param string $flexPointer Pointer to location inside FlexForm structure where reference is located in $fieldName
388     * @param array $items Data array with database relations (table/id)
389     */
390    protected function createEntryDataForDatabaseRelationsUsingRecord(string $tableName, array $record, string $fieldName, string $flexPointer, array $items)
391    {
392        foreach ($items as $sort => $i) {
393            $this->relations[] = $this->createEntryDataUsingRecord($tableName, $record, $fieldName, $flexPointer, $i['table'], (int)$i['id'], '', $sort);
394        }
395    }
397    /**
398     * Add SoftReference references to ->relations array based on fetched record
399     *
400     * @param string $tableName Tablename of source record (where reference is located)
401     * @param array $record Record from $tableName
402     * @param string $fieldName Fieldname of source record (where reference is located)
403     * @param string $flexPointer Pointer to location inside FlexForm structure where reference is located in $fieldName
404     * @param array $keys Data array with soft reference keys
405     */
406    protected function createEntryDataForSoftReferencesUsingRecord(string $tableName, array $record, string $fieldName, string $flexPointer, array $keys)
407    {
408        foreach ($keys as $spKey => $elements) {
409            if (is_array($elements)) {
410                foreach ($elements as $subKey => $el) {
411                    if (is_array($el['subst'] ?? false)) {
412                        switch ((string)$el['subst']['type']) {
413                            case 'db':
414                                [$referencedTable, $referencedUid] = explode(':', $el['subst']['recordRef']);
415                                $this->relations[] = $this->createEntryDataUsingRecord($tableName, $record, $fieldName, $flexPointer, $referencedTable, (int)$referencedUid, '', -1, $spKey, $subKey);
416                                break;
417                            case 'string':
418                                $this->relations[] = $this->createEntryDataUsingRecord($tableName, $record, $fieldName, $flexPointer, '_STRING', 0, $el['subst']['tokenValue'], -1, $spKey, $subKey);
419                                break;
420                        }
421                    }
422                }
423            }
424        }
425    }
427    /*******************************
428     *
429     * Get relations from table row
430     *
431     *******************************/
433    /**
434     * Returns relation information for a $table/$row-array
435     * Traverses all fields in input row which are configured in TCA/columns
436     * It looks for hard relations to records in the TCA types "select" and "group"
437     *
438     * @param string $table Table name
439     * @param array $row Row from table
440     * @param string $onlyField Specific field to fetch for.
441     * @return array Array with information about relations
442     * @see export_addRecord()
443     */
444    public function getRelations($table, $row, $onlyField = '')
445    {
446        // Initialize:
447        $uid = $row['uid'];
448        $outRow = [];
449        foreach ($row as $field => $value) {
450            if ($this->shouldExcludeTableColumnFromReferenceIndex($table, $field, $onlyField) === false) {
451                $conf = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$field]['config'];
452                // Add a softref definition for link fields if the TCA does not specify one already
453                if ($conf['type'] === 'input' && isset($conf['renderType']) && $conf['renderType'] === 'inputLink' && empty($conf['softref'])) {
454                    $conf['softref'] = 'typolink';
455                }
456                // Add DB:
457                $resultsFromDatabase = $this->getRelations_procDB($value, $conf, $uid, $table, $row);
458                if (!empty($resultsFromDatabase)) {
459                    // Create an entry for the field with all DB relations:
460                    $outRow[$field] = [
461                        'type' => 'db',
462                        'itemArray' => $resultsFromDatabase,
463                    ];
464                }
465                // For "flex" fieldtypes we need to traverse the structure looking for db references of course!
466                if ($conf['type'] === 'flex') {
467                    // Get current value array:
468                    // NOTICE: failure to resolve Data Structures can lead to integrity problems with the reference index. Please look up
469                    // the note in the JavaDoc documentation for the function FlexFormTools->getDataStructureIdentifier()
470                    $currentValueArray = GeneralUtility::xml2array($value);
471                    // Traversing the XML structure, processing:
472                    if (is_array($currentValueArray)) {
473                        $this->temp_flexRelations = [
474                            'db' => [],
475                            'softrefs' => [],
476                        ];
477                        // Create and call iterator object:
478                        $flexFormTools = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlexFormTools::class);
479                        $flexFormTools->traverseFlexFormXMLData($table, $field, $row, $this, 'getRelations_flexFormCallBack');
480                        // Create an entry for the field:
481                        $outRow[$field] = [
482                            'type' => 'flex',
483                            'flexFormRels' => $this->temp_flexRelations,
484                        ];
485                    }
486                }
487                // Soft References:
488                if ((string)$value !== '') {
489                    $softRefValue = $value;
490                    if (!empty($conf['softref'])) {
491                        foreach ($this->softReferenceParserFactory->getParsersBySoftRefParserList($conf['softref']) as $softReferenceParser) {
492                            $parserResult = $softReferenceParser->parse($table, $field, $uid, $softRefValue);
493                            if ($parserResult->hasMatched()) {
494                                $outRow[$field]['softrefs']['keys'][$softReferenceParser->getParserKey()] = $parserResult->getMatchedElements();
495                                if ($parserResult->hasContent()) {
496                                    $softRefValue = $parserResult->getContent();
497                                }
498                            }
499                        }
500                    }
501                    if (!empty($outRow[$field]['softrefs']) && (string)$value !== (string)$softRefValue && str_contains($softRefValue, '{softref:')) {
502                        $outRow[$field]['softrefs']['tokenizedContent'] = $softRefValue;
503                    }
504                }
505            }
506        }
507        return $outRow;
508    }
510    /**
511     * Callback function for traversing the FlexForm structure in relation to finding DB references!
512     *
513     * @param array $dsArr Data structure for the current value
514     * @param mixed $dataValue Current value
515     * @param array $PA Additional configuration used in calling function
516     * @param string $structurePath Path of value in DS structure
517     * @see DataHandler::checkValue_flex_procInData_travDS()
518     * @see FlexFormTools::traverseFlexFormXMLData()
519     */
520    public function getRelations_flexFormCallBack($dsArr, $dataValue, $PA, $structurePath)
521    {
522        // Removing "data/" in the beginning of path (which points to location in data array)
523        $structurePath = substr($structurePath, 5) . '/';
524        $dsConf = $dsArr['TCEforms']['config'];
525        // Implode parameter values:
526        [$table, $uid, $field] = [
527            $PA['table'],
528            $PA['uid'],
529            $PA['field'],
530        ];
531        // Add a softref definition for link fields if the TCA does not specify one already
532        if (($dsConf['type'] ?? '') === 'input' && ($dsConf['renderType'] ?? '') === 'inputLink' && empty($dsConf['softref'])) {
533            $dsConf['softref'] = 'typolink';
534        }
535        // Add DB:
536        $resultsFromDatabase = $this->getRelations_procDB($dataValue, $dsConf, $uid, $table);
537        if (!empty($resultsFromDatabase)) {
538            // Create an entry for the field with all DB relations:
539            $this->temp_flexRelations['db'][$structurePath] = $resultsFromDatabase;
540        }
541        // Soft References:
542        if (is_array($dataValue) || (string)$dataValue !== '') {
543            $softRefValue = $dataValue;
544            foreach ($this->softReferenceParserFactory->getParsersBySoftRefParserList($dsConf['softref'] ?? '') as $softReferenceParser) {
545                $parserResult = $softReferenceParser->parse($table, $field, $uid, $softRefValue, $structurePath);
546                if ($parserResult->hasMatched()) {
547                    $this->temp_flexRelations['softrefs'][$structurePath]['keys'][$softReferenceParser->getParserKey()] = $parserResult->getMatchedElements();
548                    if ($parserResult->hasContent()) {
549                        $softRefValue = $parserResult->getContent();
550                    }
551                }
552            }
553            if (!empty($this->temp_flexRelations['softrefs']) && (string)$dataValue !== (string)$softRefValue) {
554                $this->temp_flexRelations['softrefs'][$structurePath]['tokenizedContent'] = $softRefValue;
555            }
556        }
557    }
559    /**
560     * Check field configuration if it is a DB relation field and extract DB relations if any
561     *
562     * @param string $value Field value
563     * @param array $conf Field configuration array of type "TCA/columns
564     * @param int $uid Field uid
565     * @param string $table Table name
566     * @param array $row
567     * @return array|bool If field type is OK it will return an array with the database relations. Else FALSE
568     */
569    protected function getRelations_procDB($value, $conf, $uid, $table = '', array $row = [])
570    {
571        // Get IRRE relations
572        if (empty($conf)) {
573            return false;
574        }
575        if ($conf['type'] === 'inline' && !empty($conf['foreign_table']) && empty($conf['MM'])) {
576            $dbAnalysis = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(RelationHandler::class);
577            $dbAnalysis->setUseLiveReferenceIds(false);
578            $dbAnalysis->setWorkspaceId($this->getWorkspaceId());
579            $dbAnalysis->start($value, $conf['foreign_table'], '', $uid, $table, $conf);
580            return $dbAnalysis->itemArray;
581            // DB record lists:
582        }
583        if ($this->isDbReferenceField($conf)) {
584            $allowedTables = $conf['type'] === 'group' ? $conf['allowed'] : $conf['foreign_table'];
585            if ($conf['MM_opposite_field'] ?? false) {
586                // Never handle sys_refindex when looking at MM from foreign side
587                return [];
588            }
590            $dbAnalysis = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(RelationHandler::class);
591            $dbAnalysis->setWorkspaceId($this->getWorkspaceId());
592            $dbAnalysis->start($value, $allowedTables, $conf['MM'] ?? '', $uid, $table, $conf);
593            $itemArray = $dbAnalysis->itemArray;
595            if (ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('workspaces')
596                && $this->getWorkspaceId() > 0
597                && !empty($conf['MM'] ?? '')
598                && !empty($conf['allowed'] ?? '')
599                && empty($conf['MM_opposite_field'] ?? '')
600                && (int)($row['t3ver_wsid'] ?? 0) === 0
601            ) {
602                // When dealing with local side mm relations in workspace 0, there may be workspace records on the foreign
603                // side, for instance when those got an additional category. See ManyToMany Modify addCategoryRelations test.
604                // In those cases, the full set of relations must be written to sys_refindex as workspace rows.
605                // But, if the relations in this workspace and live are identical, no sys_refindex workspace rows
606                // have to be added.
607                $dbAnalysis = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(RelationHandler::class);
608                $dbAnalysis->setWorkspaceId(0);
609                $dbAnalysis->start($value, $allowedTables, $conf['MM'], $uid, $table, $conf);
610                $itemArrayLive = $dbAnalysis->itemArray;
611                if ($itemArrayLive === $itemArray) {
612                    $itemArray = false;
613                }
614            }
615            return $itemArray;
616        }
617        return false;
618    }
620    /*******************************
621     *
622     * Setting values
623     *
624     *******************************/
626    /**
627     * Setting the value of a reference or removing it completely.
628     * Usage: For lowlevel clean up operations!
629     * WARNING: With this you can set values that are not allowed in the database since it will bypass all checks for validity!
630     * Hence it is targeted at clean-up operations. Please use DataHandler in the usual ways if you wish to manipulate references.
631     * Since this interface allows updates to soft reference values (which DataHandler does not directly) you may like to use it
632     * for that as an exception to the warning above.
633     * Notice; If you want to remove multiple references from the same field, you MUST start with the one having the highest
634     * sorting number. If you don't the removal of a reference with a lower number will recreate an index in which the remaining
635     * references in that field has new hash-keys due to new sorting numbers - and you will get errors for the remaining operations
636     * which cannot find the hash you feed it!
637     * To ensure proper working only admin-BE_USERS in live workspace should use this function
638     *
639     * @param string $hash 32-byte hash string identifying the record from sys_refindex which you wish to change the value for
640     * @param mixed $newValue Value you wish to set for reference. If NULL, the reference is removed (unless a soft-reference in which case it can only be set to a blank string). If you wish to set a database reference, use the format "[table]:[uid]". Any other case, the input value is set as-is
641     * @param bool $returnDataArray Return $dataArray only, do not submit it to database.
642     * @param bool $bypassWorkspaceAdminCheck If set, it will bypass check for workspace-zero and admin user
643     * @return string|bool|array FALSE (=OK), error message string or array (if $returnDataArray is set!)
644     */
645    public function setReferenceValue($hash, $newValue, $returnDataArray = false, $bypassWorkspaceAdminCheck = false)
646    {
647        $backendUser = $this->getBackendUser();
648        if ($backendUser->workspace === 0 && $backendUser->isAdmin() || $bypassWorkspaceAdminCheck) {
649            $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getQueryBuilderForTable('sys_refindex');
650            $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll();
652            // Get current index from Database
653            $referenceRecord = $queryBuilder
654                ->select('*')
655                ->from('sys_refindex')
656                ->where(
657                    $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('hash', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($hash, \PDO::PARAM_STR))
658                )
659                ->setMaxResults(1)
660                ->executeQuery()
661                ->fetchAssociative();
663            // Check if reference existed.
664            if (!is_array($referenceRecord)) {
665                return 'ERROR: No reference record with hash="' . $hash . '" was found!';
666            }
668            if (empty($GLOBALS['TCA'][$referenceRecord['tablename']])) {
669                return 'ERROR: Table "' . $referenceRecord['tablename'] . '" was not in TCA!';
670            }
672            // Get that record from database
673            $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
674                ->getQueryBuilderForTable($referenceRecord['tablename']);
675            $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll();
676            $record = $queryBuilder
677                ->select('*')
678                ->from($referenceRecord['tablename'])
679                ->where(
680                    $queryBuilder->expr()->eq(
681                        'uid',
682                        $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($referenceRecord['recuid'], \PDO::PARAM_INT)
683                    )
684                )
685                ->setMaxResults(1)
686                ->executeQuery()
687                ->fetchAssociative();
689            if (is_array($record)) {
690                // Get relation for single field from record
691                $recordRelations = $this->getRelations($referenceRecord['tablename'], $record, $referenceRecord['field']);
692                if ($fieldRelation = $recordRelations[$referenceRecord['field']]) {
693                    // Initialize data array that is to be sent to DataHandler afterwards:
694                    $dataArray = [];
695                    // Based on type
696                    switch ((string)$fieldRelation['type']) {
697                        case 'db':
698                            $error = $this->setReferenceValue_dbRels($referenceRecord, $fieldRelation['itemArray'], $newValue, $dataArray);
699                            if ($error) {
700                                return $error;
701                            }
702                            break;
703                        case 'flex':
704                            // DB references in FlexForms
705                            if (is_array($fieldRelation['flexFormRels']['db'][$referenceRecord['flexpointer']])) {
706                                $error = $this->setReferenceValue_dbRels($referenceRecord, $fieldRelation['flexFormRels']['db'][$referenceRecord['flexpointer']], $newValue, $dataArray, $referenceRecord['flexpointer']);
707                                if ($error) {
708                                    return $error;
709                                }
710                            }
711                            // Soft references in FlexForms
712                            if ($referenceRecord['softref_key'] && is_array($fieldRelation['flexFormRels']['softrefs'][$referenceRecord['flexpointer']]['keys'][$referenceRecord['softref_key']])) {
713                                $error = $this->setReferenceValue_softreferences($referenceRecord, $fieldRelation['flexFormRels']['softrefs'][$referenceRecord['flexpointer']], $newValue, $dataArray, $referenceRecord['flexpointer']);
714                                if ($error) {
715                                    return $error;
716                                }
717                            }
718                            break;
719                    }
720                    // Soft references in the field:
721                    if ($referenceRecord['softref_key'] && is_array($fieldRelation['softrefs']['keys'][$referenceRecord['softref_key']])) {
722                        $error = $this->setReferenceValue_softreferences($referenceRecord, $fieldRelation['softrefs'], $newValue, $dataArray);
723                        if ($error) {
724                            return $error;
725                        }
726                    }
727                    // Data Array, now ready to be sent to DataHandler
728                    if ($returnDataArray) {
729                        return $dataArray;
730                    }
731                    // Execute CMD array:
732                    $dataHandler = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(DataHandler::class);
733                    $dataHandler->dontProcessTransformations = true;
734                    $dataHandler->bypassWorkspaceRestrictions = true;
735                    // Otherwise this may lead to permission issues if user is not admin
736                    $dataHandler->bypassAccessCheckForRecords = true;
737                    // Check has been done previously that there is a backend user which is Admin and also in live workspace
738                    $dataHandler->start($dataArray, []);
739                    $dataHandler->process_datamap();
740                    // Return errors if any:
741                    if (!empty($dataHandler->errorLog)) {
742                        return LF . 'DataHandler:' . implode(LF . 'DataHandler:', $dataHandler->errorLog);
743                    }
744                }
745            }
746        } else {
747            return 'ERROR: BE_USER object is not admin OR not in workspace 0 (Live)';
748        }
750        return false;
751    }
753    /**
754     * Setting a value for a reference for a DB field:
755     *
756     * @param array $refRec sys_refindex record
757     * @param array $itemArray Array of references from that field
758     * @param string $newValue Value to substitute current value with (or NULL to unset it)
759     * @param array $dataArray Data array in which the new value is set (passed by reference)
760     * @param string $flexPointer Flexform pointer, if in a flex form field.
761     * @return string Error message if any, otherwise FALSE = OK
762     */
763    protected function setReferenceValue_dbRels($refRec, $itemArray, $newValue, &$dataArray, $flexPointer = '')
764    {
765        if ((int)$itemArray[$refRec['sorting']]['id'] === (int)$refRec['ref_uid'] && (string)$itemArray[$refRec['sorting']]['table'] === (string)$refRec['ref_table']) {
766            // Setting or removing value:
767            // Remove value:
768            if ($newValue === null) {
769                unset($itemArray[$refRec['sorting']]);
770            } else {
771                [$itemArray[$refRec['sorting']]['table'], $itemArray[$refRec['sorting']]['id']] = explode(':', $newValue);
772            }
773            // Traverse and compile new list of records:
774            $saveValue = [];
775            foreach ($itemArray as $pair) {
776                $saveValue[] = $pair['table'] . '_' . $pair['id'];
777            }
778            // Set in data array:
779            if ($flexPointer) {
780                $dataArray[$refRec['tablename']][$refRec['recuid']][$refRec['field']]['data'] = ArrayUtility::setValueByPath(
781                    [],
782                    substr($flexPointer, 0, -1),
783                    implode(',', $saveValue)
784                );
785            } else {
786                $dataArray[$refRec['tablename']][$refRec['recuid']][$refRec['field']] = implode(',', $saveValue);
787            }
788        } else {
789            return 'ERROR: table:id pair "' . $refRec['ref_table'] . ':' . $refRec['ref_uid'] . '" did not match that of the record ("' . $itemArray[$refRec['sorting']]['table'] . ':' . $itemArray[$refRec['sorting']]['id'] . '") in sorting index "' . $refRec['sorting'] . '"';
790        }
792        return false;
793    }
795    /**
796     * Setting a value for a soft reference token
797     *
798     * @param array $refRec sys_refindex record
799     * @param array $softref Array of soft reference occurrences
800     * @param string $newValue Value to substitute current value with
801     * @param array $dataArray Data array in which the new value is set (passed by reference)
802     * @param string $flexPointer Flexform pointer, if in a flex form field.
803     * @return string Error message if any, otherwise FALSE = OK
804     */
805    protected function setReferenceValue_softreferences($refRec, $softref, $newValue, &$dataArray, $flexPointer = '')
806    {
807        if (!is_array($softref['keys'][$refRec['softref_key']][$refRec['softref_id']])) {
808            return 'ERROR: Soft reference parser key "' . $refRec['softref_key'] . '" or the index "' . $refRec['softref_id'] . '" was not found.';
809        }
811        // Set new value:
812        $softref['keys'][$refRec['softref_key']][$refRec['softref_id']]['subst']['tokenValue'] = '' . $newValue;
813        // Traverse softreferences and replace in tokenized content to rebuild it with new value inside:
814        foreach ($softref['keys'] as $sfIndexes) {
815            foreach ($sfIndexes as $data) {
816                $softref['tokenizedContent'] = str_replace('{softref:' . $data['subst']['tokenID'] . '}', $data['subst']['tokenValue'], $softref['tokenizedContent']);
817            }
818        }
819        // Set in data array:
820        if (!str_contains($softref['tokenizedContent'], '{softref:')) {
821            if ($flexPointer) {
822                $dataArray[$refRec['tablename']][$refRec['recuid']][$refRec['field']]['data'] = ArrayUtility::setValueByPath(
823                    [],
824                    substr($flexPointer, 0, -1),
825                    $softref['tokenizedContent']
826                );
827            } else {
828                $dataArray[$refRec['tablename']][$refRec['recuid']][$refRec['field']] = $softref['tokenizedContent'];
829            }
830        } else {
831            return 'ERROR: After substituting all found soft references there were still soft reference tokens in the text. (theoretically this does not have to be an error if the string "{softref:" happens to be in the field for another reason.)';
832        }
834        return false;
835    }
837    /*******************************
838     *
839     * Helper functions
840     *
841     *******************************/
843    /**
844     * Returns TRUE if the TCA/columns field type is a DB reference field
845     *
846     * @param array $configuration Config array for TCA/columns field
847     * @return bool TRUE if DB reference field (group/db or select with foreign-table)
848     */
849    protected function isDbReferenceField(array $configuration): bool
850    {
851        return
852            ($configuration['type'] === 'group' && ($configuration['internal_type'] ?? '') !== 'folder')
853            || (
854                in_array($configuration['type'], ['select', 'category', 'inline'], true)
855                && !empty($configuration['foreign_table'])
856            );
857    }
859    /**
860     * Returns TRUE if the TCA/columns field type is a reference field
861     *
862     * @param array $configuration Config array for TCA/columns field
863     * @return bool TRUE if reference field
864     */
865    protected function isReferenceField(array $configuration): bool
866    {
867        return
868            $this->isDbReferenceField($configuration)
869            || ($configuration['type'] === 'input' && isset($configuration['renderType']) && $configuration['renderType'] === 'inputLink')
870            || $configuration['type'] === 'flex'
871            || isset($configuration['softref'])
872            ;
873    }
875    /**
876     * Returns all fields of a table which could contain a relation
877     *
878     * @param string $tableName Name of the table
879     * @return array Fields which may contain relations
880     */
881    protected function fetchTableRelationFields(string $tableName): array
882    {
883        if (!empty($this->tableRelationFieldCache[$tableName])) {
884            return $this->tableRelationFieldCache[$tableName];
885        }
886        if (!isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$tableName]['columns'])) {
887            return [];
888        }
889        $fields = [];
890        foreach ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$tableName]['columns'] as $field => $fieldDefinition) {
891            if (is_array($fieldDefinition['config'])) {
892                // Check for flex field
893                if (isset($fieldDefinition['config']['type']) && $fieldDefinition['config']['type'] === 'flex') {
894                    // Fetch all fields if the is a field of type flex in the table definition because the complete row is passed to
895                    // FlexFormTools->getDataStructureIdentifier() in the end and might be needed in ds_pointerField or a hook
896                    $this->tableRelationFieldCache[$tableName] = ['*'];
897                    return ['*'];
898                }
899                // Only fetch this field if it can contain a reference
900                if ($this->isReferenceField($fieldDefinition['config'])) {
901                    $fields[] = $field;
902                }
903            }
904        }
905        $this->tableRelationFieldCache[$tableName] = $fields;
906        return $fields;
907    }
909    /**
910     * Updating Index (External API)
911     *
912     * @param bool $testOnly If set, only a test
913     * @param ProgressListenerInterface|null $progressListener If set, the current progress is added to the listener
914     * @return array Header and body status content
915     * @todo: Consider moving this together with the helper methods to a dedicated class.
916     */
917    public function updateIndex($testOnly, ?ProgressListenerInterface $progressListener = null)
918    {
919        $errors = [];
920        $tableNames = [];
921        $recCount = 0;
922        $isWorkspacesLoaded = ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('workspaces');
923        $connectionPool = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class);
924        $refIndexConnectionName = empty($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB']['TableMapping']['sys_refindex'])
925                ? ConnectionPool::DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME
926                : $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB']['TableMapping']['sys_refindex'];
928        // Drop sys_refindex rows from deleted workspaces
929        $listOfActiveWorkspaces = $this->getListOfActiveWorkspaces();
930        $unusedWorkspaceRows = $this->getAmountOfUnusedWorkspaceRowsInReferenceIndex($listOfActiveWorkspaces);
931        if ($unusedWorkspaceRows > 0) {
932            $error = 'Index table hosted ' . $unusedWorkspaceRows . ' indexes for non-existing or deleted workspaces, now removed.';
933            $errors[] = $error;
934            if ($progressListener) {
935                $progressListener->log($error, LogLevel::WARNING);
936            }
937            if (!$testOnly) {
938                $this->removeUnusedWorkspaceRowsFromReferenceIndex($listOfActiveWorkspaces);
939            }
940        }
942        // Main loop traverses all records of all TCA tables
943        foreach ($GLOBALS['TCA'] as $tableName => $cfg) {
944            if ($this->shouldExcludeTableFromReferenceIndex($tableName)) {
945                continue;
946            }
947            $tableConnectionName = empty($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB']['TableMapping'][$tableName])
948                ? ConnectionPool::DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME
949                : $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB']['TableMapping'][$tableName];
951            // Some additional magic is needed if the table has a field that is the local side of
952            // a mm relation. See the variable usage below for details.
953            $tableHasLocalSideMmRelation = false;
954            foreach (($cfg['columns'] ?? []) as $fieldConfig) {
955                if (!empty($fieldConfig['config']['MM'] ?? '')
956                    && !empty($fieldConfig['config']['allowed'] ?? '')
957                    && empty($fieldConfig['config']['MM_opposite_field'] ?? '')
958                ) {
959                    $tableHasLocalSideMmRelation = true;
960                }
961            }
963            $fields = ['uid'];
964            if (BackendUtility::isTableWorkspaceEnabled($tableName)) {
965                $fields[] = 't3ver_wsid';
966            }
967            // Traverse all records in tables, including deleted records
968            $queryBuilder = $connectionPool->getQueryBuilderForTable($tableName);
969            $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll();
970            try {
971                $queryResult = $queryBuilder
972                    ->select(...$fields)
973                    ->from($tableName)
974                    ->orderBy('uid')
975                    ->executeQuery();
976            } catch (DBALException $e) {
977                // Table exists in TCA but does not exist in the database
978                $this->logger->error('Table {table_name} exists in TCA but does not exist in the database. You should run the Database Analyzer in the Install Tool to fix this.', [
979                    'table_name' => $tableName,
980                    'exception' => $e,
981                ]);
982                continue;
983            }
985            if ($progressListener) {
986                $progressListener->start($queryResult->rowCount(), $tableName);
987            }
988            $tableNames[] = $tableName;
989            while ($record = $queryResult->fetchAssociative()) {
990                if ($progressListener) {
991                    $progressListener->advance();
992                }
994                if ($isWorkspacesLoaded && $tableHasLocalSideMmRelation && (int)($record['t3ver_wsid'] ?? 0) === 0) {
995                    // If we have record that can be the local side of a workspace relation, workspace records
996                    // may point to it, even though the record has no workspace overlay. See workspace ManyToMany
997                    // Modify addCategoryRelation as example. In those cases, we need to iterate all active workspaces
998                    // and update refindex for all foreign workspace records that point to it.
999                    foreach ($listOfActiveWorkspaces as $workspaceId) {
1000                        $refIndexObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(self::class);
1001                        $refIndexObj->setWorkspaceId($workspaceId);
1002                        $result = $refIndexObj->updateRefIndexTable($tableName, $record['uid'], $testOnly);
1003                        $recCount++;
1004                        if ($result['addedNodes'] || $result['deletedNodes']) {
1005                            $error = 'Record ' . $tableName . ':' . $record['uid'] . ' had ' . $result['addedNodes'] . ' added indexes and ' . $result['deletedNodes'] . ' deleted indexes';
1006                            $errors[] = $error;
1007                            if ($progressListener) {
1008                                $progressListener->log($error, LogLevel::WARNING);
1009                            }
1010                        }
1011                    }
1012                } else {
1013                    $refIndexObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(self::class);
1014                    if (isset($record['t3ver_wsid'])) {
1015                        $refIndexObj->setWorkspaceId($record['t3ver_wsid']);
1016                    }
1017                    $result = $refIndexObj->updateRefIndexTable($tableName, $record['uid'], $testOnly);
1018                    $recCount++;
1019                    if ($result['addedNodes'] || $result['deletedNodes']) {
1020                        $error = 'Record ' . $tableName . ':' . $record['uid'] . ' had ' . $result['addedNodes'] . ' added indexes and ' . $result['deletedNodes'] . ' deleted indexes';
1021                        $errors[] = $error;
1022                        if ($progressListener) {
1023                            $progressListener->log($error, LogLevel::WARNING);
1024                        }
1025                    }
1026                }
1027            }
1028            if ($progressListener) {
1029                $progressListener->finish();
1030            }
1032            // Subselect based queries only work on the same connection
1033            // @todo: Consider dropping this in v12 and always use sub select: The base set of tables should
1034            //        be in exactly one DB and only tables like caches should be "extractable" to a different DB?!
1035            //        Even though sys_refindex is a "cache-like" table since it only holds secondary information that
1036            //        can always be re-created by analyzing the entire data set, it shouldn't be possible to run it
1037            //        on a different database since that prevents quick joins between sys_refindex and target relations.
1038            //        We should probably have some report and/or install tool check to make sure all main tables
1039            //        are on the same connection in v12.
1040            if ($refIndexConnectionName !== $tableConnectionName) {
1041                $this->logger->error('Not checking table {table_name} for lost indexes, "sys_refindex" table uses a different connection', ['table_name' => $tableName]);
1042                continue;
1043            }
1045            // Searching for lost indexes for this table
1046            // Build sub-query to find lost records
1047            $subQueryBuilder = $connectionPool->getQueryBuilderForTable($tableName);
1048            $subQueryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll();
1049            $subQueryBuilder
1050                ->select('uid')
1051                ->from($tableName, 'sub_' . $tableName)
1052                ->where(
1053                    $subQueryBuilder->expr()->eq(
1054                        'sub_' . $tableName . '.uid',
1055                        $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('sys_refindex.recuid')
1056                    )
1057                );
1059            // Main query to find lost records
1060            $queryBuilder = $connectionPool->getQueryBuilderForTable('sys_refindex');
1061            $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll();
1062            $lostIndexes = $queryBuilder
1063                ->count('hash')
1064                ->from('sys_refindex')
1065                ->where(
1066                    $queryBuilder->expr()->eq(
1067                        'tablename',
1068                        $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($tableName, \PDO::PARAM_STR)
1069                    ),
1070                    'NOT EXISTS (' . $subQueryBuilder->getSQL() . ')'
1071                )
1072                ->executeQuery()
1073                ->fetchOne();
1075            if ($lostIndexes > 0) {
1076                $error = 'Table ' . $tableName . ' has ' . $lostIndexes . ' lost indexes which are now deleted';
1077                $errors[] = $error;
1078                if ($progressListener) {
1079                    $progressListener->log($error, LogLevel::WARNING);
1080                }
1081                if (!$testOnly) {
1082                    $queryBuilder = $connectionPool->getQueryBuilderForTable('sys_refindex');
1083                    $queryBuilder->delete('sys_refindex')
1084                        ->where(
1085                            $queryBuilder->expr()->eq(
1086                                'tablename',
1087                                $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($tableName, \PDO::PARAM_STR)
1088                            ),
1089                            'NOT EXISTS (' . $subQueryBuilder->getSQL() . ')'
1090                        )
1091                        ->executeStatement();
1092                }
1093            }
1094        }
1096        // Searching lost indexes for non-existing tables
1097        // @todo: Consider moving this *before* the main re-index logic to have a smaller
1098        //        dataset when starting with heavy lifting.
1099        $lostTables = $this->getAmountOfUnusedTablesInReferenceIndex($tableNames);
1100        if ($lostTables > 0) {
1101            $error = 'Index table hosted ' . $lostTables . ' indexes for non-existing tables, now removed';
1102            $errors[] = $error;
1103            if ($progressListener) {
1104                $progressListener->log($error, LogLevel::WARNING);
1105            }
1106            if (!$testOnly) {
1107                $this->removeReferenceIndexDataFromUnusedDatabaseTables($tableNames);
1108            }
1109        }
1110        $errorCount = count($errors);
1111        $recordsCheckedString = $recCount . ' records from ' . count($tableNames) . ' tables were checked/updated.';
1112        if ($progressListener) {
1113            if ($errorCount) {
1114                $progressListener->log($recordsCheckedString . 'Updates: ' . $errorCount, LogLevel::WARNING);
1115            } else {
1116                $progressListener->log($recordsCheckedString . 'Index Integrity was perfect!', LogLevel::INFO);
1117            }
1118        }
1119        if (!$testOnly) {
1120            $registry = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Registry::class);
1121            $registry->set('core', 'sys_refindex_lastUpdate', $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME']);
1122        }
1123        return ['resultText' => trim($recordsCheckedString), 'errors' => $errors];
1124    }
1126    /**
1127     * Helper method of updateIndex().
1128     * Create list of non-deleted "active" workspace uid's. This contains at least 0 "live workspace".
1129     *
1130     * @return int[]
1131     */
1132    private function getListOfActiveWorkspaces(): array
1133    {
1134        if (!ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('workspaces')) {
1135            // If ext:workspaces is not loaded, "0" is the only valid one.
1136            return [0];
1137        }
1138        $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getQueryBuilderForTable('sys_workspace');
1139        // There are no "hidden" workspaces, which wouldn't make much sense anyways.
1140        $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll()->add(GeneralUtility::makeInstance(DeletedRestriction::class));
1141        $result = $queryBuilder->select('uid')->from('sys_workspace')->orderBy('uid')->executeQuery();
1142        // "0", plus non-deleted workspaces are active
1143        $activeWorkspaces = [0];
1144        while ($row = $result->fetchFirstColumn()) {
1145            $activeWorkspaces[] = (int)$row[0];
1146        }
1147        return $activeWorkspaces;
1148    }
1150    /**
1151     * Helper method of updateIndex() to find number of rows in sys_refindex that
1152     * relate to a non-existing or deleted workspace record, even if workspaces is
1153     * not loaded at all, but has been loaded somewhere in the past and sys_refindex
1154     * rows have been created.
1155     */
1156    private function getAmountOfUnusedWorkspaceRowsInReferenceIndex(array $activeWorkspaces): int
1157    {
1158        $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getQueryBuilderForTable('sys_refindex');
1159        $numberOfInvalidWorkspaceRecords = $queryBuilder->count('hash')
1160            ->from('sys_refindex')
1161            ->where(
1162                $queryBuilder->expr()->notIn(
1163                    'workspace',
1164                    $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($activeWorkspaces, Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)
1165                )
1166            )
1167            ->executeQuery()
1168            ->fetchOne();
1169        return (int)$numberOfInvalidWorkspaceRecords;
1170    }
1172    /**
1173     * Pair method of getAmountOfUnusedWorkspaceRowsInReferenceIndex() to actually delete
1174     * sys_refindex rows of deleted workspace records, or all if ext:workspace is not loaded.
1175     */
1176    private function removeUnusedWorkspaceRowsFromReferenceIndex(array $activeWorkspaces): void
1177    {
1178        $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getQueryBuilderForTable('sys_refindex');
1179        $queryBuilder->delete('sys_refindex')
1180            ->where(
1181                $queryBuilder->expr()->notIn(
1182                    'workspace',
1183                    $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($activeWorkspaces, Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)
1184                )
1185            )
1186            ->executeStatement();
1187    }
1189    protected function getAmountOfUnusedTablesInReferenceIndex(array $tableNames): int
1190    {
1191        $connectionPool = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class);
1192        $queryBuilder = $connectionPool->getQueryBuilderForTable('sys_refindex');
1193        $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll();
1194        $lostTables = $queryBuilder
1195            ->count('hash')
1196            ->from('sys_refindex')
1197            ->where(
1198                $queryBuilder->expr()->notIn(
1199                    'tablename',
1200                    $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($tableNames, Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY)
1201                )
1202            )->executeQuery()
1203            ->fetchOne();
1204        return (int)$lostTables;
1205    }
1207    protected function removeReferenceIndexDataFromUnusedDatabaseTables(array $tableNames): void
1208    {
1209        $connectionPool = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class);
1210        $queryBuilder = $connectionPool->getQueryBuilderForTable('sys_refindex');
1211        $queryBuilder->delete('sys_refindex')
1212            ->where(
1213                $queryBuilder->expr()->notIn(
1214                    'tablename',
1215                    $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($tableNames, Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY)
1216                )
1217            )->executeStatement();
1218    }
1220    /**
1221     * Get one record from database.
1222     *
1223     * @param string $tableName
1224     * @param int $uid
1225     * @return array|false
1226     */
1227    protected function getRecord(string $tableName, int $uid)
1228    {
1229        // Fetch fields of the table which might contain relations
1230        $tableRelationFields = $this->fetchTableRelationFields($tableName);
1232        if ($tableRelationFields === []) {
1233            // Return if there are no fields which could contain relations
1234            return $this->relations;
1235        }
1236        if ($tableRelationFields !== ['*']) {
1237            // Only fields that might contain relations are fetched
1238            $tableRelationFields[] = 'uid';
1239            if (BackendUtility::isTableWorkspaceEnabled($tableName)) {
1240                $tableRelationFields = array_merge($tableRelationFields, ['t3ver_wsid', 't3ver_state']);
1241            }
1242        }
1244        $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
1245            ->getQueryBuilderForTable($tableName);
1246        $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll();
1247        $queryBuilder
1248            ->select(...array_unique($tableRelationFields))
1249            ->from($tableName)
1250            ->where(
1251                $queryBuilder->expr()->eq(
1252                    'uid',
1253                    $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($uid, \PDO::PARAM_INT)
1254                )
1255            );
1256        // Do not fetch soft deleted records
1257        $deleteField = (string)($GLOBALS['TCA'][$tableName]['ctrl']['delete'] ?? '');
1258        if ($deleteField !== '') {
1259            $queryBuilder->andWhere(
1260                $queryBuilder->expr()->eq(
1261                    $deleteField,
1262                    $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(0, \PDO::PARAM_INT)
1263                )
1264            );
1265        }
1266        return $queryBuilder->executeQuery()->fetchAssociative();
1267    }
1269    /**
1270     * Checks if a given table should be excluded from ReferenceIndex
1271     *
1272     * @param string $tableName Name of the table
1273     * @return bool true if it should be excluded
1274     */
1275    protected function shouldExcludeTableFromReferenceIndex(string $tableName): bool
1276    {
1277        if (isset($this->excludedTables[$tableName])) {
1278            return $this->excludedTables[$tableName];
1279        }
1280        // Only exclude tables from ReferenceIndex which do not contain any relations and never
1281        // did since existing references won't be deleted!
1282        $event = new IsTableExcludedFromReferenceIndexEvent($tableName);
1283        $event = $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($event);
1284        $this->excludedTables[$tableName] = $event->isTableExcluded();
1285        return $this->excludedTables[$tableName];
1286    }
1288    /**
1289     * Checks if a given column in a given table should be excluded in the ReferenceIndex process
1290     *
1291     * @param string $tableName Name of the table
1292     * @param string $column Name of the column
1293     * @param string $onlyColumn Name of a specific column to fetch
1294     * @return bool true if it should be excluded
1295     */
1296    protected function shouldExcludeTableColumnFromReferenceIndex(
1297        string $tableName,
1298        string $column,
1299        string $onlyColumn
1300    ): bool {
1301        if (isset($this->excludedColumns[$column])) {
1302            return true;
1303        }
1304        if (is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'][$tableName]['columns'][$column] ?? false)
1305            && (!$onlyColumn || $onlyColumn === $column)
1306        ) {
1307            return false;
1308        }
1309        return true;
1310    }
1312    /**
1313     * Enables the runtime-based caches
1314     * Could lead to side effects, depending if the reference index instance is run multiple times
1315     * while records would be changed.
1316     *
1317     * @deprecated since v11, will be removed in v12.
1318     */
1319    public function enableRuntimeCache()
1320    {
1321        trigger_error('Calling ReferenceIndex->enableRuntimeCache() is obsolete and should be dropped.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
1322    }
1324    /**
1325     * Disables the runtime-based cache
1326     *
1327     * @deprecated since v11, will be removed in v12.
1328     */
1329    public function disableRuntimeCache()
1330    {
1331        trigger_error('Calling ReferenceIndex->disableRuntimeCache() is obsolete and should be dropped.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
1332    }
1334    /**
1335     * Returns the current BE user.
1336     *
1337     * @return \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication
1338     */
1339    protected function getBackendUser()
1340    {
1341        return $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
1342    }