1## Release Checklist
3- Update `README.md`'s Usage section with the output of `xh --help`
4- Make sure that all options/flags have corresponding negation in the `NEGATION_FLAGS` list found
5  in `cli.rs`. The following command should help in getting an up-to-date list.
6  ```
7  cargo expand --all-features cli | rg -o 'with_name\s*\("([^"]*)"\)' -r '    "--no-$1",' | rg -v 'raw-' | sort
8  ```
9- Update `CHANGELOG.md` (rename unreleased header to the current date, add any missing changes).
10- Bump up the version in `Cargo.toml` and run `cargo check` to update `Cargo.lock`.
11- Run `generate.sh` to update man pages and shell-completion files.
12- Commit changes and push them to remote.
13- Add git tag e.g `git tag v0.9.0`.
14- Push the local tags to remote i.e `git push --tags` which will start the CI release action.
15- Publish to crates.io by running `cargo publish`.