3 * Zend Framework (http://framework.zend.com/)
4 *
5 * @link      http://github.com/zendframework/zf2 for the canonical source repository
6 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
7 * @license   http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
8 */
10namespace Zend\XmlRpc;
12use DOMDocument;
13use SimpleXMLElement;
14use Zend\Stdlib\ErrorHandler;
17 * XmlRpc Request object
18 *
19 * Encapsulates an XmlRpc request, holding the method call and all parameters.
20 * Provides accessors for these, as well as the ability to load from XML and to
21 * create the XML request string.
22 *
23 * Additionally, if errors occur setting the method or parsing XML, a fault is
24 * generated and stored in {@link $fault}; developers may check for it using
25 * {@link isFault()} and {@link getFault()}.
26 */
27class Request
29    /**
30     * Request character encoding
31     * @var string
32     */
33    protected $encoding = 'UTF-8';
35    /**
36     * Method to call
37     * @var string
38     */
39    protected $method;
41    /**
42     * XML request
43     * @var string
44     */
45    protected $xml;
47    /**
48     * Method parameters
49     * @var array
50     */
51    protected $params = array();
53    /**
54     * Fault object, if any
55     * @var \Zend\XmlRpc\Fault
56     */
57    protected $fault = null;
59    /**
60     * XML-RPC type for each param
61     * @var array
62     */
63    protected $types = array();
65    /**
66     * XML-RPC request params
67     * @var array
68     */
69    protected $xmlRpcParams = array();
71    /**
72     * Create a new XML-RPC request
73     *
74     * @param string $method (optional)
75     * @param array $params  (optional)
76     */
77    public function __construct($method = null, $params = null)
78    {
79        if ($method !== null) {
80            $this->setMethod($method);
81        }
83        if ($params !== null) {
84            $this->setParams($params);
85        }
86    }
88    /**
89     * Set encoding to use in request
90     *
91     * @param string $encoding
92     * @return \Zend\XmlRpc\Request
93     */
94    public function setEncoding($encoding)
95    {
96        $this->encoding = $encoding;
97        AbstractValue::setEncoding($encoding);
98        return $this;
99    }
101    /**
102     * Retrieve current request encoding
103     *
104     * @return string
105     */
106    public function getEncoding()
107    {
108        return $this->encoding;
109    }
111    /**
112     * Set method to call
113     *
114     * @param string $method
115     * @return bool Returns true on success, false if method name is invalid
116     */
117    public function setMethod($method)
118    {
119        if (!is_string($method) || !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_.:\\\\\/]+$/i', $method)) {
120            $this->fault = new Fault(634, 'Invalid method name ("' . $method . '")');
121            $this->fault->setEncoding($this->getEncoding());
122            return false;
123        }
125        $this->method = $method;
126        return true;
127    }
129    /**
130     * Retrieve call method
131     *
132     * @return string
133     */
134    public function getMethod()
135    {
136        return $this->method;
137    }
139    /**
140     * Add a parameter to the parameter stack
141     *
142     * Adds a parameter to the parameter stack, associating it with the type
143     * $type if provided
144     *
145     * @param mixed $value
146     * @param string $type Optional; type hinting
147     * @return void
148     */
149    public function addParam($value, $type = null)
150    {
151        $this->params[] = $value;
152        if (null === $type) {
153            // Detect type if not provided explicitly
154            if ($value instanceof AbstractValue) {
155                $type = $value->getType();
156            } else {
157                $xmlRpcValue = AbstractValue::getXmlRpcValue($value);
158                $type        = $xmlRpcValue->getType();
159            }
160        }
161        $this->types[]  = $type;
162        $this->xmlRpcParams[] = array('value' => $value, 'type' => $type);
163    }
165    /**
166     * Set the parameters array
167     *
168     * If called with a single, array value, that array is used to set the
169     * parameters stack. If called with multiple values or a single non-array
170     * value, the arguments are used to set the parameters stack.
171     *
172     * Best is to call with array of the format, in order to allow type hinting
173     * when creating the XMLRPC values for each parameter:
174     * <code>
175     * $array = array(
176     *     array(
177     *         'value' => $value,
178     *         'type'  => $type
179     *     )[, ... ]
180     * );
181     * </code>
182     *
183     * @access public
184     * @return void
185     */
186    public function setParams()
187    {
188        $argc = func_num_args();
189        $argv = func_get_args();
190        if (0 == $argc) {
191            return;
192        }
194        if ((1 == $argc) && is_array($argv[0])) {
195            $params     = array();
196            $types      = array();
197            $wellFormed = true;
198            foreach ($argv[0] as $arg) {
199                if (!is_array($arg) || !isset($arg['value'])) {
200                    $wellFormed = false;
201                    break;
202                }
203                $params[] = $arg['value'];
205                if (!isset($arg['type'])) {
206                    $xmlRpcValue = AbstractValue::getXmlRpcValue($arg['value']);
207                    $arg['type'] = $xmlRpcValue->getType();
208                }
209                $types[] = $arg['type'];
210            }
211            if ($wellFormed) {
212                $this->xmlRpcParams = $argv[0];
213                $this->params = $params;
214                $this->types  = $types;
215            } else {
216                $this->params = $argv[0];
217                $this->types  = array();
218                $xmlRpcParams  = array();
219                foreach ($argv[0] as $arg) {
220                    if ($arg instanceof AbstractValue) {
221                        $type = $arg->getType();
222                    } else {
223                        $xmlRpcValue = AbstractValue::getXmlRpcValue($arg);
224                        $type        = $xmlRpcValue->getType();
225                    }
226                    $xmlRpcParams[] = array('value' => $arg, 'type' => $type);
227                    $this->types[] = $type;
228                }
229                $this->xmlRpcParams = $xmlRpcParams;
230            }
231            return;
232        }
234        $this->params = $argv;
235        $this->types  = array();
236        $xmlRpcParams  = array();
237        foreach ($argv as $arg) {
238            if ($arg instanceof AbstractValue) {
239                $type = $arg->getType();
240            } else {
241                $xmlRpcValue = AbstractValue::getXmlRpcValue($arg);
242                $type        = $xmlRpcValue->getType();
243            }
244            $xmlRpcParams[] = array('value' => $arg, 'type' => $type);
245            $this->types[] = $type;
246        }
247        $this->xmlRpcParams = $xmlRpcParams;
248    }
250    /**
251     * Retrieve the array of parameters
252     *
253     * @return array
254     */
255    public function getParams()
256    {
257        return $this->params;
258    }
260    /**
261     * Return parameter types
262     *
263     * @return array
264     */
265    public function getTypes()
266    {
267        return $this->types;
268    }
270    /**
271     * Load XML and parse into request components
272     *
273     * @param string $request
274     * @throws Exception\ValueException if invalid XML
275     * @return bool True on success, false if an error occurred.
276     */
277    public function loadXml($request)
278    {
279        if (!is_string($request)) {
280            $this->fault = new Fault(635);
281            $this->fault->setEncoding($this->getEncoding());
282            return false;
283        }
285        // @see ZF-12293 - disable external entities for security purposes
286        $loadEntities  = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
287        $xmlErrorsFlag = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
288        try {
289            $dom = new DOMDocument;
290            $dom->loadXML($request);
291            foreach ($dom->childNodes as $child) {
292                if ($child->nodeType === XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) {
293                    throw new Exception\ValueException(
294                        'Invalid XML: Detected use of illegal DOCTYPE'
295                    );
296                }
297            }
298            ErrorHandler::start();
299            $xml   = simplexml_import_dom($dom);
300            $error = ErrorHandler::stop();
301            libxml_disable_entity_loader($loadEntities);
302            libxml_use_internal_errors($xmlErrorsFlag);
303        } catch (\Exception $e) {
304            // Not valid XML
305            $this->fault = new Fault(631);
306            $this->fault->setEncoding($this->getEncoding());
307            libxml_disable_entity_loader($loadEntities);
308            libxml_use_internal_errors($xmlErrorsFlag);
309            return false;
310        }
311        if (!$xml instanceof SimpleXMLElement || $error) {
312            // Not valid XML
313            $this->fault = new Fault(631);
314            $this->fault->setEncoding($this->getEncoding());
315            libxml_use_internal_errors($xmlErrorsFlag);
316            return false;
317        }
319        // Check for method name
320        if (empty($xml->methodName)) {
321            // Missing method name
322            $this->fault = new Fault(632);
323            $this->fault->setEncoding($this->getEncoding());
324            return false;
325        }
327        $this->method = (string) $xml->methodName;
329        // Check for parameters
330        if (!empty($xml->params)) {
331            $types = array();
332            $argv  = array();
333            foreach ($xml->params->children() as $param) {
334                if (!isset($param->value)) {
335                    $this->fault = new Fault(633);
336                    $this->fault->setEncoding($this->getEncoding());
337                    return false;
338                }
340                try {
341                    $param   = AbstractValue::getXmlRpcValue($param->value, AbstractValue::XML_STRING);
342                    $types[] = $param->getType();
343                    $argv[]  = $param->getValue();
344                } catch (\Exception $e) {
345                    $this->fault = new Fault(636);
346                    $this->fault->setEncoding($this->getEncoding());
347                    return false;
348                }
349            }
351            $this->types  = $types;
352            $this->params = $argv;
353        }
355        $this->xml = $request;
357        return true;
358    }
360    /**
361     * Does the current request contain errors and should it return a fault
362     * response?
363     *
364     * @return bool
365     */
366    public function isFault()
367    {
368        return $this->fault instanceof Fault;
369    }
371    /**
372     * Retrieve the fault response, if any
373     *
374     * @return null|\Zend\XmlRpc\Fault
375     */
376    public function getFault()
377    {
378        return $this->fault;
379    }
381    /**
382     * Retrieve method parameters as XMLRPC values
383     *
384     * @return array
385     */
386    protected function _getXmlRpcParams()
387    {
388        $params = array();
389        if (is_array($this->xmlRpcParams)) {
390            foreach ($this->xmlRpcParams as $param) {
391                $value = $param['value'];
392                $type  = $param['type'] ?: AbstractValue::AUTO_DETECT_TYPE;
394                if (!$value instanceof AbstractValue) {
395                    $value = AbstractValue::getXmlRpcValue($value, $type);
396                }
397                $params[] = $value;
398            }
399        }
401        return $params;
402    }
404    /**
405     * Create XML request
406     *
407     * @return string
408     */
409    public function saveXml()
410    {
411        $args   = $this->_getXmlRpcParams();
412        $method = $this->getMethod();
414        $generator = AbstractValue::getGenerator();
415        $generator->openElement('methodCall')
416                  ->openElement('methodName', $method)
417                  ->closeElement('methodName');
419        if (is_array($args) && count($args)) {
420            $generator->openElement('params');
422            foreach ($args as $arg) {
423                $generator->openElement('param');
424                $arg->generateXml();
425                $generator->closeElement('param');
426            }
427            $generator->closeElement('params');
428        }
429        $generator->closeElement('methodCall');
431        return $generator->flush();
432    }
434    /**
435     * Return XML request
436     *
437     * @return string
438     */
439    public function __toString()
440    {
441        return $this->saveXML();
442    }