1#! /usr/local/bin/wish8.6
2# -*- tcl -*-
3# <20190703.1805.26>
5lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "First light"]
7#  Copyright � 2010-20** Tom Turkey     (see var Copyright or About for latest year)
8#  Copyright � 1996-1999 Henrik Harmsen
9# So we don't have to tell about the GPL again...
11proc About {} {
12  global glob
13  smart_dialog .apop[incr ::uni] .\
14      [_ "About FileRunner"] \
15      [list [_ "FileRunner version %s
17 %s
19FileRunner is Free Software distributed under the
20GNU General Public License. FileRunner comes with
22See menu Help/Copying for further details.
23" $glob(displayVersion) $::Copyright]] 0 1 [_ "OK"] \
24      [list -font -Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-* \
25	   tag {config tag -justify center} \
26	  -borderwidth 10\
27	  -flashon 0]
31proc indexFor {what} {
32  return [lsearch -exact $::glob(fListEl) $what]
36proc _ {s {p1 ""} {p2 ""} {p3 ""} {p4 ""} } {
37  return [::msgcat::mc $s $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4]};
38proc _b {s {p1 ""} {p2 ""} {p3 ""} } {return [::msgcat::mc $s $p1 $p2 $p3]};
40proc bgerror {err} {
41  global errorInfo env glob tcl_patchLevel tk_patchLevel ignor_error_flag
43  # IsKnownError returns for us on known errors
44  while {$::DoProtLevel > 0} {UnDoProtCmd}
45  IsKnownError $err
47  if {$glob(abortcmd) > 0} {
48    # note it and ignor it...
49    frputs "Ignoring error during abort: $errorInfo"
50    LogSilent "Error: during abort, ignoring: $errorInfo"
51    return
52  }
53  if {[info exists ignor_error_flag] } {
54    smart_dialog .bgerrorDialog[incr ::uni] .\
55	[_ "no-no"]\
56	[list $ignor_error_flag] \
57	0 1 [_ "OK"]
58    return
59  }
60  set info "${errorInfo}"
61  set button [smart_dialog .bgerrorDialog[incr ::uni] .\
62		  [_ "Fatal error in Tcl Script"] \
63                  [list [_ "You have found a bug. It might be in FileRunner.\n\
64                         \n"] \
65		  "$err" \
66		       [_ "\n\nPlease send a bugreport to the author."]] \
67		  0 4 [list [_ "Exit"] [_ "See Stack Trace"] \
68			   [_ "Prepare bugreport"] [_ "Ignor" ]]]
69#  puts "$button"
70  switch $button {
71    3 {return}
72    0 {exit 1}
73    2 { buildBugReport $err $info}
74    1 {
75      set ans [smart_dialog .bgerrorTrace[incr ::uni] . [_ "Stack Trace for Error"]\
76		   [list $info ]\
77		   -1 3 [list [_ "Exit"] [_ "Prepare bugreport"] [_ "Continue"]]]
78      switch $ans {
79	0 {exit 1}
80	1 {
81	  buildBugReport $err $info
82	}
83      }
84    }
85  }
86  return
90# The buildStop routine builds a small window with a Stop button and a
91# one line static message. It is assumed that the message ids the button so
92# several may be on the display at one time. 'w' is name used as the
93# parent of the stop window which will be inserted as the first entry in 'w
94# A dynamic line is also provided to display status. This line is written
95# (and over written) by calling "StopProgress w mess"
97# The name of the frame of the stop window is returned,
99# The stop command/button has 3 states 0, 1 and 2. It has a color to match
100# its state: 0 normal button color, 1 flash color, 2 select fg color
102# Stop will normally be in state 0 when the window is created (see over ride)
103# When pushed,  call back to call back function with parm = 0 move to state 1
105# When pushed, call back to call back function with parm = 1 moves to state 2
107# when pushed, call back to call back function with parm = 2 stays in state 2
109# We keep the call back script and state in the button command script
111# When called, this routine measures the window "w" and returns this measure
112# As part of popping the stop button into the window, the rest of the window
113# is hidden by sizeing it.
114# When the caller wishs to remove the stop button s/he should do:
115# StopButRemov w      where 'w' is the window passed in
116#                     This will resize the window and remove the
117#                     stop button pane.
119proc buildStop {w mess callback {stopState 0}} {
120  global config glob
121  set wf [frame $w.f -bg $glob(gui,color_bg)]
122  if {$mess != {}} {
123    set mb [label $wf.l -text $mess  -bg $glob(gui,color_bg) -justify left]
124    grid $mb -in $wf -row 1 -column 2 -sticky w
125  }
126  set sb [button $wf.b -text [_ "Stop"]]
127  grid $sb -in $wf -row 1 -column 1 -sticky ew
128  grid columnconfigure $wf 1 -weight 0
129  grid columnconfigure $wf 2 -weight 1
130  $sb config -activebackground $glob(gui,color_select_fg)
131  switch $stopState {
132    1  {$sb config -bg $glob(gui,color_flash)}
133    2  {$sb config -bg $glob(gui,color_select_fg)}
134  }
135  while {[lassign [split [winfo geo $w] x+] p q f] == 0} {
136    update
137    if {! [winfo exists $w]} {return {}}
138    if {[incr loop] > 100} {break}
139  }
140  frputs loop
141  #after idle "frputs \"[wm geo $w]  \""
142  lassign [split [wm geo $w] x+] wd h
143  lassign [split [winfo geo $w] x+] d d px py
145  wm geo $w ${wd}x2+$px+$py
146  # It is possible that this window is already gone... so...
147  if {[catch "grid $wf -in $w -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew"] == 0} {
148    bind $w.f.b <Destroy> "stopDestroy $w $callback"
149    $sb config -command "StopBut $sb ${wd}x$h $callback $stopState"
150  }
151  return ${wd}x$h+$px+$py
154# the following routine is provided for those cases where we don't
155# know the callback function until after the 'buildStop' call
156# Because 'buildStop' calls update, for example, it needs to be
157# called prior to 'pipeoExec' which returns a fid that one
158# might want to put in the callback.
160proc stopReSetCallBack {w callback {stopState 0}} {
161  if {![winfo exists $w.f.b]} {return}
162  set old [bind $w.f.b <Destroy>]
163  bind $w.f.b <Destroy> [lreplace $old end end {*}$callback]
164  set old [$w.f.b cget -command]
165  $w.f.b config -command [lreplace $old end-1 end {*}$callback $stopState]
168proc stopDestroy {w args} {
169  # if the stop button is already gone, just return
170  frputs "stopDestroy [winfo exists $w.f.b]  " w args
171  if {![winfo exists $w.f.b]} {return}
172  # prevent a second entry
173  # destroy $w.f
174  # do the stop call back with a "2", should stop the process
175  eval "$args 2"
178proc StopBut {sb geo args} {
179  global config glob
180  set stopState [lindex $args end]
181  switch [incr stopState] {
182    1  {$sb config -bg $glob(gui,color_flash)}
183    2  {$sb config -bg $glob(gui,color_select_fg)}
184    default {set stopState 2}
185  }
186  $sb config -command "StopBut $sb $geo [lreplace $args end end $stopState]"
187  # must do this last as the window may not exist after
188  frputs "StopBut  "  stopState args
189  eval $args
192# this code resizes the window and removes the stop button frame
193# given the toplevel window name
195proc StopButRemove {w} {
196  set r [catch {$w.f.b config -command} cmd]
197  if {$r != 0} {frputs "StopButRemove  " cmd ;return}
198  bind $w.f.b <Destroy> {}
199  lassign [split [wm geo $w] x+] d h
200  # only mess with the size if it is still just the stop button
201  if {$h == 0} {
202    wm geo $w [lindex $cmd 4 2]
203  }
204  destroy $w.f
207# this function writes progress messages to the stop subwindow
208proc StopProgress {w mess} {
209  global glob
210  if {![winfo exist $w.f.p]} {
211    set pb [label $w.f.p -bg $glob(gui,color_bg) -justify left]
212    grid $pb -in $w.f -row 2 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
213  }
214  $w.f.p config -text $mess
217# a debug function to print lists one entry per line
218proc pls {s} {
219  foreach l $s {
220    puts "$l"
221  }
225proc buildBugReport {err info} {
226  global glob env
227  set count {}
228  while {[file exists $env(HOME)/filerunner_bugreport$count.txt]} {
229    if {$count == {}} {
230      set count 0
231    }
232    incr count
233  }
235  set r [catch {open $env(HOME)/filerunner_bugreport$count.txt w} fid]
236  if {$r} {
237    smart_dialog .bugrepinfo[incr ::uni] .\
238	[_ "Error"] \
239	[list [_ "Can't create file:\n"]\
240	     "$env(HOME)/filerunner_bugreport$count.txt" \
241	     [_ "\nto dump bugreport. Error:\n"] \
242	     " $fid" ] \
243	0 1 [_ "Exit"]
244    exit 1
245  }
246  puts $fid [_ "\nBugreport for FileRunner version %s\
247                created %s.\n" $glob(displayVersion) [clock format [clock seconds]]]
248  puts $fid [_ "Please fill in/correct the rest of this and send\
249               it to %s.\n\n" tom@wildturkeyranch.net]
250  set r [catch { exec uname -a } output]
251  if {$r} { set output "" }
252  puts $fid [_ "Operating System : %s" $output]
253  puts $fid [_ "Tcl/Tk version   : %s / %s" $::tcl_patchLevel $::tk_patchLevel]
254  puts $fid [_ "Comments         : "]
255  puts $fid [_ "\nError string : %s" $err]
256  puts $fid [_ "\nStack trace follows:\n--------------------\n%s" $info]
257  catch {close $fid}
258  if {[smart_dialog .bugrepinfo[incr ::ini] .\
259	   [_ "Error"] \
260	   [list [_ "Bug report file saved to:\n"] \
261		$env(HOME)/filerunner_bugreport \
262		[_ ".\nPlease fill in the rest of it\
263                        and send it to the author."]] \
264	   0 2 [list [_ "Exit"] [_ "Continue"]]] == 0 } {
265    exit 1
266  }
269# here is a routine to generate a large button window with a small bitmap
270# The issue is that 'openbox' does not properly render such windows
271# We avoid this by creating 3 button windows two of which are blank
272# and can be expanded to fill the space.  All do the same thing...
274# First a helper routine to change color of the fill
276proc buttonWbitmapColor {path ent} {
277  set whichColor [expr {$ent ? "-activebackground" : "-bg"}]
278  set newColor [$path.mid cget $whichColor]
279  $path.pre config -bg $newColor
280  $path.post config -bg $newColor
281  $path.mid config -state [expr {$ent ? "active" : "normal"}]
284# version 1:
285proc buttonWbitmap {path args} {
286  # If there is a command, remove it from the list. We will use bind..
287  set ops {}
288  set border {}
289  foreach {op val} $args {
290    switch -glob $op {
291      "-com*" {set command $val}
292      "-bd"   -
293      "-rel*" -
294      "-bord*" {lappend border  $op $val}
295      default { lappend ops $op $val}
296    }
297  }
298  frame $path {*}$border
299  #puts "$path $border"
300  button $path.mid {*}$ops -borderwidth 0 -default disabled
301  canvas $path.pre -borderwidth 0 -height 0 -width 0
302  canvas $path.post -borderwidth 0 -height 0 -width 0
303  grid $path.pre $path.mid $path.post -row 1 -sticky nsew
304  grid columnconfigure $path [list $path.pre $path.post] -weight 1 -minsize 1
305  grid columnconfigure $path $path.mid -weight 0
307  bind $path.pre <ButtonRelease-1> $command
308  bind $path.mid <ButtonRelease-1> $command
309  bind $path.post <ButtonRelease-1> $command
311  bind $path.pre <Enter>  "buttonWbitmapColor $path 1"
312  bind $path.mid <Enter>  "buttonWbitmapColor $path 1"
313  bind $path.post <Enter> "buttonWbitmapColor $path 1"
315  bind $path.pre <Leave>  "buttonWbitmapColor $path 0"
316  bind $path.mid <Leave>  "buttonWbitmapColor $path 0"
317  bind $path.post <Leave> "buttonWbitmapColor $path 0"
318  return $path
320#################################### Map of our windows #####################
321# A map of the filerunner windows, well, most of them:
323# .fupper
324#   .ftop  aka glob(win,top)
325#      .menu_frame  (short term aka wf )
326#         .file_but
327#            .m     (a menu)
328#         .configuration_but
329#            .m     (a menu)
330#         .utils_but
331#            .m     (a menu)
332#         .help_but
333#            .m     (a menu)
334#         .fasync_cmds   (short term aka w)
335#            .1 --- one for each fast checkbox
336#         .abort
337#         .clone  (moved to utils menu)
338#         .clock
339#         .user
340#   .selectTex aka glob(selectWindow) this window is never displayed
341#   .can       aka glob(win,can) (a canvas) (short term aka wc)
342#       .fmiddle aka glob(win,middle)  (short term aka wm)
343#          .1 --- one of these for each middle button
344#   .scroll         Top 7 buttons in middle col (short term aka wscr)
345#     .up
346#     .down
347#     .left
348#     .right
349#     .fs
350#        .1
351#        .2
352#        .3
353#   .fleft    aka glob(win,left)  (to the left of the buttons)
354#      .frame_listb (passed to multilist)
355#          .top
356#             .c
357#                .file, .mode, .mtime, .owner, .size, .slink (and scrolls)
358#             .ca
359#          .sb
360#          .v
361#              .but
362#              .vs
363#      .top  (short term aka wft)
364#         .button_back
365#         .button_update
366#         .stat          (label shows disk size, etc.)
367#         .button_frterm (opens bottom window)
368#         .button_xterm
369#      .dirmenu_frame  (short term aks wf)
370#         .dir_but  (tree button not in MSW version)
371#            .m      (this is the tree.bit button)
372#         .hotlist_but
373#            .m
374#         .history_but
375#            .m
376#         .etc_but
377#            .m
378#         .button_parentdir
379#      .entry_dir
380#          .c (returned from multilist)
382#   .fright   aka glob(win,right) (to the right of the buttons) (same as .fleft)
385# .flower aka glob(win,bottom)
386#    .fcmdwinleft (also .fcmdwinright)
387#       .text
388#       .scroll
389#       .bot
390#           .label (contains pwd)
391#           .entry
392#           .max
393#           .smaller
394#           .larger
395#           .running
397  #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
398proc setBalloon {} {
399  global glob
400  set wf $glob(win,top).menu_frame
401  balloonhelp_for $wf.file_but {[_b "Push it to see..." ]}
402  balloonhelp_for $wf.configuration_but {[_b "Push it to see..." ]}
403  balloonhelp_for $wf.utils_but {[_b "Push it to see..." ]}
404  balloonhelp_for $wf.help_but {[_b "Push it to see..." ]}
405  balloonhelp_for $wf.abort \
406      {[_b "Attempts to abort a running async command" ]}
407  # balloonhelp_for $wf.clone \
408  #     {[_b "Creats a clone of filerunner in the same dirs as this one." ]}
409  balloonhelp_for $wf.clock \
410      {[_b "Current date & time of day." ]}
411  balloonhelp_for $glob(win,top).status \
412      {[_b "Status message line.\
413          \nFull info on selected file appears here.\
414          \nAlso other progress messages show up here." ]}
415  balloonhelp_for $wf.user \
416      {[_b "Current user & machine names." ]}
417  set wscr .fupper.scroll
418  foreach ud {up down} {
419    balloonhelp_for  $wscr.$ud \
420	{[_b "Scroll the center buttons\
421          \n(mouse wheel anywhere on buttons does this too)." ]}
422    # balloonhelp_for  $wscr.up \
423	#     {[_b "Scroll the center buttons\
424	#    	     \n(mouse wheel anywhere on buttons does this too)." ]}
425  }
426  balloonhelp_for $wscr.fs.mid {[_b "Lock/unlock left/right column order & \
427                                      sizes\nIf locked, changing one changes both.\n"]}
428  foreach {inst ninst} {left right right left} {
429    set wft $glob(win,$inst).top
430    set f {}
431    balloonhelp_for $wscr.$inst  "\[_b \"Dup $ninst dir list in $inst.\"]"
432    balloonhelp_for $wscr.fs.$inst\
433	"\[_b \"Dup $ninst column order and size on $inst.\"]"
434  }
435  balloonhelp_for $wft.button_back \
436      {[_b "Go back thru the push down stack of dir visits." ]}
437  balloonhelp_for $wft.button_xterm \
438      {[_b "Launch the user specified\n terminal\
439          program in a new window." ]}
440  balloonhelp_for $wft.button_frterm \
441      {[_b "Open/Close a command sub\n window\
442         at the bottom of this one." ]}
443  balloonhelp_for $wft.button_update \
444      {[_b "Update the dir list." ]}
445  balloonhelp_for $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir \
446      {[_b "Dir line.\nFollows dir changes.\nEnter\
447          a new dir here if desired.\nAlso\
448          used as input by MkDir and Select\n buttons.\
449          Button 2 (paste) of a file name here\nwill\
450          open the referenced dir and select\nthe\
451          file after traceing links." ]}
455proc buildConfigMenu {configmenu} {
456  global glob config
457  # Create CONFIGURATION menu
458  if {[$configmenu index end] != "none"} {return}
459  $configmenu add command \
460      -label {Save Configuration} -command SaveConfig
461  $configmenu add command \
462      -label {Edit Configuration...} -command ConfigBrowser
463  $configmenu add command \
464      -label {Reread Configuration} -command {
465	ReadConfig;ForceUpdate;Log [_ "Configuration re-read"]
466      }
467  $configmenu add separator
469  $configmenu add check \
470      -label [_ "Expanded Error Messages"] -variable glob(debug) \
471      -command "setupDebug \$glob(debug)"
472  $configmenu add check \
473      -label [_ "Balloon Help"] -variable config(balloonhelp) \
474      -command {set ::balloon_help::enable $config(balloonhelp)}
475  set ::balloon_help::enable $config(balloonhelp)
476  $configmenu add check \
477      -label [_ "Position to directories"] -variable config(positiondirs)
478  $configmenu add check \
479      -label [_ "Show All Files"] -variable config(fileshow,all) \
480      -command ForceUpdate
481  #bind $configmenu <ButtonRelease> "$configmenu invoke active; break"
482  if { !$::MSW } {
483    $configmenu add check \
484	-label [_ "Create Relative Links"] \
485	-variable config(create_relative_links)
486  }
487  $configmenu add check \
488      -label [_ "Run Pwd After Cd"] -variable config(cd_pwd)
489  $configmenu add check \
490      -label [_ "Run Pwd After Cd (VFS)"] -variable config(ftp,cd_pwd)
492  # Contrary to the documentation the variable seems to get updated
493  # after the command.  The 1ms wait fixes things...
494  $configmenu add check \
495      -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
496      -label [_ "Focus Follows Mouse"] -variable config(focusFollowsMouse) \
497      -command {after 1 "if {$config(focusFollowsMouse)== 1} \
498                         {tk_focusFollowsMouse} "}
499  $configmenu add check \
500      -label [_ "Use FTP Proxy"] -variable config(ftp,useproxy)
501  $configmenu add separator
502  $configmenu add cascade -menu $configmenu.sortOps -label "Sort Options"
503  menu $configmenu.sortOps -tearoff true -tearoffcommand FixTearoff\
504      -title "Sort OptionsMenu" -font $glob(gui,GuiFont)
505  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
506      -label [_ "ASCII sort"] -variable config(sortoption) \
507      -value "-ascii" -command ForceUpdate
508  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
509      -label [_ "Ignore case on sort"] -variable config(sortoption) \
510      -value "-nocase" -command ForceUpdate
511  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
512      -label [_ "Dictionary sort"] -variable config(sortoption) \
513      -value "-dictionary" -command ForceUpdate
515  $configmenu.sortOps add separator
516  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
517      -label [_ "Sort Dirs First"] -variable config(fileshow,dirs) \
518      -value dirsfirst -command ForceUpdate
519  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
520      -label [_ "Sort Dirs Last"] -variable config(fileshow,dirs) \
521      -value dirslast -command ForceUpdate
522  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
523      -label [_ "Dirs Mixed"] -variable config(fileshow,dirs) \
524      -value mixed -command ForceUpdate
525  $configmenu.sortOps add separator
526  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
527      -label [_ "Sort On Name"] -variable config(fileshow,sort) \
528      -value nameonly -command ForceUpdate
529  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
530      -label [_ "Sort On Modify Time"] -variable config(fileshow,sort) \
531      -value mtime -command ForceUpdate
532  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
533      -label [_ "Sort On Access Time"] -variable config(fileshow,sort) \
534      -value atime -command ForceUpdate
535  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
536      -label [_ "Sort On Create Time"] -variable config(fileshow,sort) \
537      -value ctime -command ForceUpdate
538  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
539      -label [_ "Sort On Reverse Modify Time"] -variable config(fileshow,sort) \
540      -value rmtime -command ForceUpdate
541  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
542      -label [_ "Sort On Reverse Access Time"] -variable config(fileshow,sort) \
543      -value ratime -command ForceUpdate
544  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
545      -label [_ "Sort On Reverse Access Time"] -variable config(fileshow,sort) \
546      -value rctime -command ForceUpdate
547  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
548      -label [_ "Sort On Size"] -variable config(fileshow,sort) \
549      -value size -command ForceUpdate
550  $configmenu.sortOps add radio \
551      -label [_ "Sort On Extension"] -variable config(fileshow,sort)\
552      -value extension -command ForceUpdate
553  $configmenu add separator
554  $configmenu add cascade -menu $configmenu.color -label "Color Edit Menu"
555  menu $configmenu.color -tearoff true -tearoffcommand FixTearoff \
556      -title "Color Edit Menu" -font $glob(gui,GuiFont)
557  $configmenu add separator
558  $configmenu.color add command \
559      -label {Edit Entry BG Color...} -command "EditColor color_bg"
560  $configmenu.color add command   \
561      -label {Edit Entry FG Color...} -command "EditColor color_fg"
562  $configmenu.color add command \
563      -label {Edit Selection BG Color...} -command "EditColor color_select_bg"
564  $configmenu.color add command \
565      -label {Edit Selection FG Color...} -command "EditColor color_select_fg"
566  $configmenu.color add command \
567      -label {Edit Highlight BG Color...} -command "EditColor color_highlight_bg"
568  $configmenu.color add command   \
569      -label {Edit Highlight FG Color...} -command "EditColor color_highlight_fg"
570  $configmenu.color add command \
571      -label {Edit Lisbox handle Color...} -command "EditColor color_handle"
572  $configmenu.color add command \
573      -label {Edit Shell Cmd Color...} -command "EditColor color_cmd"
574  $configmenu.color add command \
575      -label {Edit Color Scheme...} -command "EditColor color_scheme"
576  $configmenu.color add command \
577      -label {Edit Cursor Color...} -command "EditColor color_cursor"
578  $configmenu.color add command \
579      -label {Edit Flash Color...} -command "EditColor color_flash"
580  $configmenu.color add command \
581      -label {Edit Balloon Help FG Color...} \
582      -command "EditColor color_balloonHelp_fg"
583  $configmenu.color add command \
584      -label {Edit Balloon Help BG Color...} \
585      -command "EditColor color_balloonHelp_bg"
586  $configmenu add command \
587      -label {Edit Fonts} -command "DoEditFont"
588  $configmenu add separator
589  $configmenu add command \
590      -label {Set Start Dir Left} -command "DoProtCmd \"SetStartDir left\""
591  $configmenu add command \
592      -label {Set Start Dir Right} -command "DoProtCmd \"SetStartDir right\""
593  $configmenu add radio \
594      -label [_ "Set Column Scroll Bar Off"] -variable config(columnScroll) \
595      -value 0 -command "BuildListBoxes"
596  $configmenu add radio \
597      -label [_ "Set Column Scroll Bar Top"] -variable config(columnScroll) \
598      -value 1 -command "BuildListBoxes"
599  $configmenu add radio \
600      -label [_ "Set Column Scroll Bar Bottom"] -variable config(columnScroll) \
601      -value 3 -command "BuildListBoxes"
602  $configmenu add command \
603      -label {Set Window Pos/Size} -command "SetWinPos"
605proc buildFileMenu {wf} {
606  # Create FILE menu
607  $wf.file_but.m delete 0 end
608  $wf.file_but.m add command \
609      -label About... \
610      -command About
611  $wf.file_but.m add command \
612      -label [_ "View Log..."] \
613      -command { ViewLog }
614  $wf.file_but.m add command\
615      -label [_ "View Error Window"]\
616      -command {PopError {}}
618  $wf.file_but.m add command \
619      -label Quit -command { CleanUp 0 }
621proc buildUtilsMenu {wf} {
622  # Create Utilities menu
623  # A "+" in the following list means that the command and its label will be
624  # added to the list of command available to user configured menues.
625  # We want the first item in the utilites menu on MSW to be the start menu
626  # and, at the same time, the 3ed item to be the elevate/root command. So...
627  set opClean {}
628  $wf.utils_but.m delete 0 end
629  set startMenuHook [list {-label {Clean (destroy View windows)} -command {Clean}}\
630			 {-label {Prob monitor(s) workspace}\
631			      -command {Try {::displays::init} -a}}]
632  if {$::MSW} {
633    # set this when we have the code...
634    set startMenuHook {}
635    # set startMenuHook [list {-label  {Start Menu}   -command {winStartMenu}}]
636    set opClean [list {-label {Clean (destroy View windows)} -command {Clean}}]
637  }
638  ButtonAdd $wf.utils_but.m {} \
639      [concat \
640	   [list {*}$startMenuHook\
641		{+-label {Swap Windows} -command {P CmdSwapWindows}}\
642	   {+-label {[lindex $::config(cmd,ucmd) 0]}\
643		-command {eval [lindex $::config(cmd,ucmd) 1]}}\
644	   {*}$opClean\
645	   {+-label {What Is?...}                  -command {P CmdWhatIs}}\
646	   {+-label {Select On Contents...}        -command {P CmdCSelect}}\
647	   {+-label {Run Command}                  -command {P CmdRunCmd}}\
648	   {+-label {Check Size Of Selected...}    -command {P CmdCheckSize}}\
649	   {-label {Clone}                         -command {Clone}}\
650	   {-label {Show Console}                  -command\
651		{catch {
652		  if {![winfo exists .tkcon]} {
653		    Log "loading tkconrc"
654		    set tkconrcVer [package require tkconrc]
655		    Log "tkconrc $tkconrcVer loaded"
656		    after 20
657		  }
658		  tkcon show
659		  realWaitForIdle
660		  # here is a little jig we dance to get the
661		  # window on top but not fixed there
662		  wm withdraw .tkcon
663		  wm attribute .tkcon -topmost 1
664		  wm deiconify .tkcon
665		  wm attribute .tkcon -topmost 0
666		} duh; frputs duh
667		}}] \
668	   $::UtilsMenu::ents]
671  #bind $wf.configuration_but <1> "::tk_popup $wf.configuration_but.m  %X %Y;break"
672proc ShowWindow {} {
673  global glob tk_version argv argv0 config env win fast_checkboxes tcl_platform
674  lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "Start Main Window build"]
675  wm positionfrom . user
676  wm sizefrom . ""
677  wm title . "FileRunner  v$glob(displayVersion)"
678  wm geometry . [getGeo $config(geometry,main) .]
679  wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW { CleanUp 0 }
680  wm iconname . "FileRunner v$glob(displayVersion)"
681  wm command . [concat $argv0 $argv]
682  wm group . .
684  frame .fupper -bd 0
685  frame .flower -bd 0
686  .flower config -background blue
687  #  puts "$glob(win,top)"
688  frame $glob(win,top) -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
690  # Just for those who want to know (mainly me) we don't use a menubar because:
691  # a) we want some simple buttons here, e.g. "stop"
692  # b) we want checkboxes here (fast check boxes)
693  # c) we are also putting various bits of info here (name@machine, current time)
694  #
695  # To get the cascade to work in menus we want it, we change the <Motion> binding
696  # to use to conditionally alter (actually define) an ::tk:: internal.
698  # In an attempt to speed up the start up code (or what is so perceived) we defer
699  # building the menu contents until after we have the main window up (or until
700  # called for some). We do the same thing for the balloonhelp...
701  set wf [frame $glob(win,top).menu_frame]
702  # File menu
703  menubutton $wf.file_but\
704      -menu $wf.file_but.m \
705      -takefocus 0 \
706      -text [_ "File"]
707  menu $wf.file_but.m -tearoff false\
708      -font $glob(gui,GuiFont)\
709      -postcommand [list buildFileMenu $wf]
710  # Configuration menu
711  menubutton $wf.configuration_but -takefocus 0 \
712      -menu $wf.configuration_but.m \
713      -text [_ "Configuration"]
714  set configmenu $wf.configuration_but.m
715  menu $configmenu -tearoff false\
716      -font $glob(gui,GuiFont)\
717      -postcommand [list buildConfigMenu $configmenu]
718  #======================= Here is the Motion work around ====================
719  bind $wf.configuration_but <Motion> {+
720    if {$::tk::Priv(postedMb) == "%W"} {
721      set ::tk::Priv(menuActivated) 1
722    }
723  }
724  #======================= End of  the Motion work around ====================
725  # Utilities menu
726  menubutton $wf.utils_but -takefocus 0\
727      -menu $wf.utils_but.m\
728      -text [_ "Utilities"]
729  menu $wf.utils_but.m -tearoff true \
730      -tearoffcommand FixTearoff \
731      -font $glob(gui,GuiFont)\
732      -postcommand [list buildUtilsMenu $wf]
733  # Help menu
734  menubutton $wf.help_but\
735      -takefocus 0\
736      -menu $wf.help_but.m\
737      -text [_ "Help"]
738  menu $wf.help_but.m \
739      -tearoff false\
740      -font $glob(gui,GuiFont)\
741      -postcommand CreateHelpMenu
743  # Raised buttons
744  frame $wf.fasync_cmds -bd 0
745  # Stop button
746  button $wf.abort -takefocus 0 \
747      -borderwidth 1 \
748      -text [_ "Stop"] \
749      -command {CmdAbort}
750  label $wf.async -text [_ "Async 0"]
751  # Clone button
752  #    -state disabled \
753  # button $wf.clone\
754  #     -takefocus 0\
755  #     -borderwidth 1\
756  #     -text [_ "Clone"]\
757  #     -command Clone
759  # Lay out the menus on the top of the window
760  label $wf.clock -text [Time]
761  # pack $wf.clock -side right
762  # Put in who we are and what machine...
763  if {!$::MSW}  {
764    set user [exec whoami]
765    set host [expr {[info exists env(HOST)] ? $env(HOST) : \
766			[info exist env(HOSTNAME)] ? $env(HOSTNAME) : "??"}]
767  } else {
768    set user $env(USERNAME)
769    set host [expr {[info exists env(COMPUTERNAME)] ? $env(COMPUTERNAME) : "??"}]
770  }
771  label $wf.user -text "$user@$host  "
772  # Reserve our status line just below the menu bar
773  label $glob(win,top).status -relief groove -bd 2 -text {} -anchor e
774		     # $wf.clone \
775  # grid the menu line at the top...
776  set fixedLeft [list \
777		     $wf.file_but \
778		     $wf.configuration_but \
779		     $wf.utils_but \
780		     $wf.abort \
781		     $wf.async\
782		     $wf.fasync_cmds ]
783  set varRight [list \
784		    $wf.user \
785		    $wf.clock \
786		    $wf.help_but]
787  lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "Start griding main window"]
788  foreach win $fixedLeft {
789    grid $win -row 0 -column [incr col] -sticky w
790  }
791  foreach win $varRight {
792    grid $win -row 0 -column [incr col] -sticky e
793  }
794  #
795  grid columnconfigure $wf $fixedLeft -weight 0
796  grid columnconfigure $wf $col -weight 0; # help menu
797  grid columnconfigure $wf [incr col -1] -weight 1 ; # clock
798  grid columnconfigure $wf [incr col -1] -weight 100 ; # user
799  # Now the status line
800  grid $wf -sticky ew -row 2
801  grid $glob(win,top).status -row 4 -sticky ew
802  grid columnconfigure $glob(win,top) 0 -weight 1
803  # This completes the .fupper window, two lines
805  # Build the left and right panels
807  BuildFileListPanel left
808  BuildFileListPanel right
809    lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After list Panel build"]
811  set glob(selectFileList) {}
812  # This window is NEVER displayed.  It is only used to pass the selection
813  # to the window system.
814  set glob(selectWindow) [listbox .fupper.selectTex \
815			      -listvariable glob(selectFileList)]\
817  # build widget .fm
818  # The "width" below is overridden later, but here now because
819  # we want this window to be near the right size when it shows
820  # during start up. Orange is just a debug feature so we know
821  # what window we are looking at.
822  set wc [canvas .fupper.can -background orange -width 0]
823  set glob(win,can) $wc
824  set wm [frame $glob(win,middle) ] ; # -background gold
825  #
827  set glob(cmds,cur) 0
829  set wscr [frame .fupper.scroll -borderwidth 0 -relief raised]
830  buttonWbitmap $wscr.up \
831      -relief raised \
832      -borderwidth 1\
833      -command "whatDoesTheFoxSay $wc -1" \
834      {*}[getImage -bitmap pgup  @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/pgup.bit]
837  buttonWbitmap $wscr.down \
838      -relief raised \
839      -borderwidth 1\
840      {*}[getImage -bitmap pgdown @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/pgdown.bit]\
841      -command "whatDoesTheFoxSay $wc 1"
844  # the <- -> middle buttons...
845  set c [lindex $glob(cmds,list) 0]
846  set n 1
847  frame $wm.$n -bd 0 ; # -background red
848  frame $wscr.fs -bd 0
849  incr n
850  set c [lindex $glob(cmds,list) 1]
851  foreach inst {left right} {
852    buttonWbitmap $wscr.$inst \
853	-relief raised \
854	-borderwidth 1\
855	{*}[getImage -bitmap $inst @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/$inst.bit] \
856	-command "DoProtCmd CmdTo$inst"
858    # buttonWbitmap $wscr.left \
859	#     -relief raised \
860	#     -borderwidth 1\
861	#     {*}[getImage -bitmap left @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/left.bit]\
862	#     -command "DoProtCmd CmdToleft"
864    button $wscr.fs.$inst  \
865	-command "DoProtCmd ColTo$inst" \
866	{*}[getImage -bitmap small-$inst\
867		@$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/small-$inst.bit]
870    # button $wscr.fs.left \
871    # 	-command "DoProtCmd ColToleft" \
872    # 	{*}[getImage -bitmap small-left\
873    # 		@$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/small-left.bit]
874  }
875  button $wscr.fs.mid \
876      -command "DoProtCmd ToggleCollock"\
877      {*}[getImage -bitmap lock\
878	      @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/lock.bit]
880  #$wscr config -height [winfo reqheight $wscr.up]
881  grid  $wscr.up $wscr.down -row 1 -sticky nsew
882  grid  $wscr.left $wscr.right -row 2 -sticky nsew
883  grid  $wscr.fs.left $wscr.fs.mid $wscr.fs.right -sticky nsew
884  grid  $wscr.fs -row 3 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
885  grid columnconfigure $wscr all -weight 1
886  grid columnconfigure $wscr.fs all -weight 1
888  grid columnconfigure $wm all -weight 1
890  $wc create window 0 0 -window $wm -anchor nw
892  #grid columnconfigure $glob(win,bottom) all -weight 0
893  grid columnconfigure $glob(win,bottom) all -weight 0
894  grid columnconfigure $glob(win,bottom) 0 -weight 1
895  grid .fupper -sticky news -row 2
896  grid propagate .fupper 0
898  lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "Start CmdWindow build"]
900  BuildCmdWindow left
901  BuildCmdWindow right
902  lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After CmdWindow build"]
903  # Grid the top window "."
904  grid rowconfigure . 2 -weight 1
905  grid columnconfigure . all -weight 1
906  # grid $glob(win,bottom) -sticky news -row 6
907  # By using the grid routine we can force the middle buttons to stay
908  # after all else is gone (well that is better than loosing them early
909  # when the window width is decreased.  We also keep the two list widths
910  # balanced.
911  grid $glob(win,top) -column 0 -columnspan 3 -row 0 -sticky ew
912  grid $glob(win,left) -column 0 -rowspan 2 -row 1 -sticky nsew
913  grid $wscr -column 1 -columnspan 1 -row 1 -sticky news
914  grid $wc -column 1 -row 2 -sticky news
915  grid $glob(win,right) -column 2 -rowspan 2 -row 1 -sticky nsew
916  grid rowconfigure .fupper all -weight 0
917  grid rowconfigure .fupper  $wc -weight 1
918  grid columnconfigure .fupper all -weight 1
919  grid columnconfigure .fupper $wc -weight 0
922  # grid remove $glob(win,bottom)
923  set glob(TraceColToEnabled) 0
924  set glob(panelsLocked) \
925      [expr {$config(ListBoxColumns,left) != $config(ListBoxColumns,right)}]
926  ToggleCollock
927  trace add variable config(ListBoxColumns,left) write \
928      "after idle {TraceColTo left right}"
929  trace add variable config(ListBoxColumns,right) write \
930      "after idle {TraceColTo right left}"
934# This bit gets called after reading a new config file. It fixes/sets up
935# the stuff that depends on config options.
936# It needs to be able to be re-executed each time we read config
938proc postConfigShow {} {
939  global glob config win fast_checkboxes
940  #  proc what {in } { puts "$in"}
941  Log "glob(init_done) $glob(init_done)"
942  if {!$glob(init_done)} {
943    # don't do this except on initial load
944    lassign [split [getGeo $config(geometry,main) .] x+] W H X Y
945    # check if we are to do other
946    set mon [::displays::get {*}[winfo pointerxy .]]
947    frputs mon
948    Log "mon $mon"
949    switch -glob $config(geometry,mainops) {
950      ra* {wm geo . ${W}x${H} }
951      re* {
952	set mon2 [::displays::get $X $Y]
953	if {$mon2 != $mon} {
954	  set X [expr {$X - [lindex $mon2 0] + [lindex $mon 0]}]
955	  set Y [expr {$Y - [lindex $mon2 2] + [lindex $mon 2]}]
956	}
957	wm  geo . ${W}x${H}+${X}+$Y
958      }
959      c*  {centerWin . $mon}
960      a* -
961      default {wm geo . ${W}x${H}+${X}+$Y }
962    }
963    wm att . -al 1.0
964  }
965  set n 0
966  set w  $glob(win,top).menu_frame.fasync_cmds
967  set savcon 0
968  set newConfig {}
969  # A paranoid check. If the length is not exactly 4, remove it.
970  foreach ent $config(fast_checkboxes) {
971    if {[llength $ent] != 4} {continue}
972    lappend newConfig $ent
973  }
974  set config(fast_checkboxes) $newConfig
975  set newConfig {}
976  # Make sure all fast_checkbox buttons appear in the list.
977  # Add any missing ones at the end and disabled.
978  foreach fcb $fast_checkboxes {
979    set nam [lindex $fcb 0]
980    if {[lsearch -exact -index 0 $config(fast_checkboxes) $nam] == -1} {
981      lappend config(fast_checkboxes) [list $nam $nam d \
982					   [subst [lindex $fcb 3]]]
983      incr savcon
984      frputs savcon
985    }
986  }
987  #puts "added $savcon fast check boxes"
988  set deletedFCB "The following \"check box\" entries have \
989                      \nbeen removed from config(fast_checkboxes):"
990  foreach k $config(fast_checkboxes) {
991    destroy $w.$n
992    if {[set kn [lsearch -index 0 -exact \
993		     $fast_checkboxes [lindex $k 0]]] != -1 } {
994      #puts "$k [lindex $k 2]"
995      if { [lindex $k 2] != "d" } {
996	set kk [lindex $fast_checkboxes $kn]
997	lassign [lindex $kk 2] var onVal offVal initVal
998	set onVal [expr {$onVal == {} ? 1 : $onVal}]
999	set offVal [expr {$offVal == {} ? 0 : $offVal}]
1000	#puts "$w.$n checkbox [lindex $k 1] $var $onVal $offVal"
1001	checkbutton $w.$n -takefocus 0 -variable $var \
1002 	    -text "[lindex $k 1]" \
1003	    -onvalue $onVal \
1004	    -offvalue $offVal \
1005            -command "[lindex $kk 1]"
1006        #   -selectcolor #fffffe
1007	balloonhelp_for $w.$n  [lindex $kk 3]
1008	grid $w.$n -row 0 -column [incr col]
1009	# if an initial value is provided, set up oppsit and invoke
1010	if {$initVal != {}} {
1011	  set [set var] [expr {$initVal == $offVal ? $onVal : $offVal}]
1012	  $w.$n invoke
1013	}
1014 	incr n
1015      }
1016      if {[lsearch -index 0 -exact $newConfig [lindex $k 0]] == -1} {
1017	lappend newConfig $k
1018      }
1019    } else {
1020      # this config entry was not found in our list, we
1021      # drop it with a PopWarn later...
1022      # but it does mean we need to save the new one
1023      # puts "marked $k for delete"
1024      set someDeleted 1
1025      append deletedFCB "\n[lindex $k 0]"
1026      set savcon 1
1027      frputs savcon
1028    }
1029  }
1030  set config(fast_checkboxes) $newConfig
1031  lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After checkbox set up "]
1033  # Middle button management. There are 3 sources of middle
1034  # buttons:
1035  # 1) glob(cmds,list)       (The built in commands)
1036  # 2) config(usercommands)  (Built as defined in the "User's Guide")
1037  # 3) config(userButton,*)  (Configured in the configuration script)
1038  #
1039  # All buttons appear (or will appear) in the config(middle_button_list)
1040  # which defines the order used in the middle button column.
1041  # If a button is not in config(middle_button_list) it is added at the
1042  # end and is enabled (so the user is aware of it)
1043  # On type 3:
1044  # The button name will be what ever is used for "*". The label text
1045  # will be either the "label <text>" or the name with the first char.
1046  # in caps. The button name is passed to the command so it can access
1047  # the config info.
1049  # Purge old user commands from the cmds,list
1050  while {[lindex $glob(cmds,list) end 1 0] in {DoUsrCmd DoUsrButton}} {
1051    set glob(cmds,list) [lreplace $glob(cmds,list) end end]
1052  }
1053  # Now add the new set
1054  set foo {}
1055  set butMess {}
1056  # the following code makes sure that the config button list is complete
1057  # missing entries are supplied as disabled.
1058  foreach cmd $glob(cmds,list) {
1059    # localize to commpare with config which has to be localized...
1060    set text [_ [lindex $cmd 0]]
1061#    puts "[lindex $cmd 0] $cmd "
1062    if {[lsearch -index 0 -exact $config(middle_button_list) $text] == -1 } {
1063      lappend config(middle_button_list) [list $text ]
1064      lappend foo $text
1065      set savcon 1
1066      # puts "savcon 1"
1067    }
1068  }
1069  # This cleans any entries in the config button list that we don't know
1070  # about.
1071  set userButtons {}
1072  foreach {name val} [array get config "userButton,*"] {
1073    lappend userButtons [string range $name 11 end]
1074  }
1075  foreach cmd $config(middle_button_list) {
1076    set cmd0 [lindex $cmd 0]
1077    if {[lsearch -exact -index 0 $config(usercommands) $cmd0] != -1} {
1078      lappend newcmds $cmd
1079      continue
1080    }
1081    set incmdslist 0
1082    foreach ent $glob(cmds,list) {
1083      set text [_ [lindex $ent 0]]
1084      #puts "testing $text<>[lindex $cmd 0]"
1085      if {$cmd0 == $text } {
1086	#puts "yes $text"
1087	lappend newcmds $cmd
1088	set incmdslist 1
1089	break
1090      }
1091    }
1092    if {!$incmdslist && $cmd in $userButtons} {
1093      lappend newcmds $cmd
1094    }
1095  }
1096  # Use lnorm to prevent white space from messing with the compare.
1097  if {[lnorm $config(middle_button_list)] != $newcmds} {
1098    set config(middle_button_list) $newcmds
1099    set savcon 1
1100    # puts "savcon 2"
1101  }
1102  set foobar {}
1103  foreach k $config(usercommands) {
1104    lappend foobar [list [lindex $k 0] \
1105			[list DoUsrCmd [lindex $k 1]] \
1106			{} {} \
1107			[lindex $k 2]]
1108  }
1109  foreach k $userButtons {
1110    lappend foobar [list $k [list DoUsrButton $k]]
1111  }
1112  foreach k $foobar {
1113    if {[lsearch -index 0 -exact $config(middle_button_list) \
1114	     [lindex $k 0]] == -1 } {
1115      lappend config(middle_button_list)  [lindex $k 0]
1116      lappend foo [lindex $k 0]
1117      set savcon 1
1118      # puts "savcon 3"
1119    }
1120  }
1121  if {$foo != {}} {
1122    set butMess  "Added these buttons:\n"
1123    foreach but $foo {
1124      append butMess "\"$but\" "
1125    }
1126    append butMess "\nto the middle button list"
1127    set foo {}
1128  }
1129  if {$savcon != 0} {
1130    #puts "saving new config"
1131    SaveConfig
1132    lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After save Config "]
1133  }
1134  set glob(cmds,list) [concat $glob(cmds,list) $foobar]
1135  set n 1
1136  set wc $glob(win,can)
1137  set wm $glob(win,middle)
1138  for {set nn $n} \
1139      {$nn <= [expr {2 * [llength $config(middle_button_list)]}]} \
1140      {incr nn} {
1141	destroy $wm.$nn
1142      }
1143  # build a translated glob(cmds,list) to speed searching...
1144  foreach cmd $glob(cmds,list) {
1145    lappend tCmds [_ [lindex $cmd 0]]
1146  }
1147  lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "Begin build middle buttons "]
1148  # button entry list can have 1, 2 or 3 entries
1149  # The first MUST be the formal button name
1150  #
1151  set glob(winButName) {}
1152  foreach b $config(middle_button_list) {
1153    lassign $b name dtxt disable
1154    if {$disable != "d" && ($disable != {} || $dtxt != "d")} {
1155      set cc [lsearch -exact $tCmds $name] ;#[lindex $b 0]]
1156      #puts "$b<>[lindex $b 0] is index $cc"
1157      if { $cc != -1 } {
1158	# Found it.
1159	set c [lindex $glob(cmds,list) $cc]
1160#	puts "doing button [lindex $c 0]"
1161	# if the middle_button_list has a display name...
1162	# userButtons have the display name somewhat hidden
1163	if {[lindex $c 1 0] == "DoUsrButton"} {
1164	  set dtxt [string totitle $name]
1165	  foreach {key value} $config(userButton,$name) {
1166	    if {[string match "l*" $key]} {
1167	      set dtxt $value
1168	      break
1169	    }
1170	  }
1171	}
1172	set text [expr {$dtxt == {} ? [_ [lindex $c 0]] : $dtxt}]
1173	button $wm.$n -text $text -command \
1174	    "set glob(mbutton) 1; DoProtCmd \"[lindex $c 1]\""
1175	balloonhelp_for $wm.$n [expr {[lindex $c 4] == {} ? \
1176					  "No help for $text" : [lindex $c 4]}]
1177	set kc [lindex $c 2]
1178	if {$kc != "" && $config(keyb_support)} {
1179	  # The char # was based on the orgional name..
1180	  # See if we have such a char now
1181	  # find caps first..
1182	  set kcU [string toupper $kc]
1183	  set uc [string first $kcU $text]
1184	  if {$uc == -1} {
1185	    set uc [string first $kc $text]
1186	  }
1187	  if {$uc != -1} {
1188	    $wm.$n configure -underline [lindex $c 3]
1189	  }
1190	}
1191	# colors in 'middle_button_colors are indexed by button name
1192	# which is, well, lost once we leave this loop so
1193	# save them...
1194	lappend glob(winButName)  $wm.$n $name
1196	# Windows does not activate a button when the mouse enters
1197	# We effort to fix that WRT color.
1198	bind $wm.$n <Enter> +[list doButColor $wm.$n -activebackground]
1199	bind $wm.$n <Leave> +[list doButColor $wm.$n -highlightbackground]
1201	bind $wm.$n <ButtonRelease-3> "set glob(mbutton) 2
1202                         set glob(async) {-a}
1203                         DoProtCmd \"[lindex $c 1]\""
1204	bind $wm.$n <ButtonRelease-2> "set glob(mbutton) 3
1205                         DoProtCmd \"[lindex $c 1]\""
1206	grid $wm.$n -row $n -sticky ew
1207	#pack $wm.$n -side top -fill x
1208	incr n
1209      }
1210    }
1211  }
1212  lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "End build middle buttons "]
1213  # update idletasks
1214  set i 1
1215  while {$i < $n} {
1216    bind $wm.$i <MouseWheel> "whatDoesTheFoxSay $wc -%D;break"
1217    bind $wm.$i $config(mwheel,neg) "whatDoesTheFoxSay $wc -1 ;break"
1218    bind $wm.$i $config(mwheel,pos) "whatDoesTheFoxSay $wc  1 ;break"
1219    incr i
1220  }
1221  set glob(cmds,number) $n
1222  # buttoncmds are possible bindings for the three mouse presses on dir
1223  # listings.
1224  foreach c $glob(cmds,list) {
1225    set name [_ [lindex $c 0]]
1226    switch -regexp $name {
1227      ^[[:alnum:]].* {
1228	lappend glob(middlebuttoncmds) [list [_ [lindex $c 0]] \
1229					 [lindex $c 1] [lindex $c 4]]
1230      }
1231    }
1232  }
1233  setMidButColor
1234  # we need this wait to get good info on heigth and width
1235  lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After wait for button info "]
1237  if {![info exists someDeleted] || !$someDeleted} {
1238    set deletedFCB {}
1239  }
1240  # set glob(TraceColToEnabled) 1
1241  # if {$config(ListBoxColumns,left) !=\
1242  # 	  $config(ListBoxColumns,right)} {
1243  #   TraceColTo left right
1244  # }
1245  return [list $deletedFCB $butMess]
1247# We put the following here to be called later when (we hope)
1248# the windows are well enough defined that winfo will return
1249# correct information. With out a delay, the middle column is
1250# too narrow and too long.
1251proc finishButtonScroll {} {
1252  global glob
1253  set wc $glob(win,can)
1254  set wm $glob(win,middle)
1255  set rq [winfo reqheight $wm]
1256  $wc config -scrollregion [list 0 0 0 $rq] \
1257      -width [winfo reqwidth $wm]\
1258      -yscrollincrement [winfo reqheight $wm.1]
1260# ====================== End of post config show ===================
1262proc doButColor {w which} {
1263  $w config -bg [$w cget $which]
1266proc setMidButColor {} {
1267  global glob config
1268  foreach {w name} $glob(winButName) {
1269    set indx [lsearch -exact -index 0 -all $config(middle_button_colors) $name]
1270    if {$indx == -1} {continue}
1271    foreach ind $indx {
1272      foreach color [lrange [lindex $config(middle_button_colors) $ind] 1 end] {
1273	if { [string index $color 0] == "-" } {
1274	  $w configure -activebackground [set color [string range $color 1 end]]
1275	} else {
1276	  $w configure -background $color\
1277	      -activebackground [LighterColor2 $color]\
1278	      -highlightbackground $color
1279	}
1280      }
1281    }
1282  }
1285# This function decides if it it cool to pass a scroll request to the
1286# window this function is designed to catch a problem of scrolling down
1287# such that the top is below zero (a canvas scroll issue)
1288proc whatDoesTheFoxSay {w scr {scrinc 1}} {
1289  set scr [regsub -- {--} $scr {}]
1290  set scrin [expr {$scr < 0 ? -$scrinc : $scrinc}]
1291  #Log "the fox says $scr $scrin [$w yview]"
1292  if {$scr < 0 && [lindex [$w yview] 0] == "0.0"} {
1293    $w yview moveto 0.0
1294  } else {
1295    $w yview scroll $scrin units
1296  }
1299proc ToggleCollock {} {
1300  global glob config
1301  set w .fupper.scroll.fs
1302  # only do something if eq/neq button is psudo enabled
1303  if {[$w.mid cget -wraplength]} {return}
1304  if {$glob(panelsLocked)} {
1305    set glob(panelsLocked) 0
1306    foreach inst {right left} {
1307      if {[$w.$inst cget -wraplength]} {
1308	$w.$inst conf -wraplength 0 -image \
1309	    [string range [$w.$inst cget -image] 0 end-1]
1310      }
1311      # if {[$w.left cget -wraplength]} {
1312      # 	$w.left conf -wraplength 0 -image \
1313      # 	    [string range [$w.left cget -image] 0 end-1]
1314      # }
1315    }
1316    $w.mid conf {*}[getImage -bitmap unlock \
1317		      @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/unlock.bit]
1318  } else {
1319#    if {$config(ListBoxColumns,left) != $config(ListBoxColumns,right) } {}
1320    set glob(panelsLocked) 1
1321    foreach inst {right left} {
1322      $w.$inst conf -wraplength 1\
1323	  {*}[getImage bitmap small-${inst}c\
1324		  -file $glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/small-$inst.bit\
1325		  -foreground $config(gui,color_highlight_fg)]
1326      # $w.left conf -wraplength 1\
1327      # 	  {*}[getImage bitmap small-leftc\
1328      # 		  -file $glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/small-left.bit\
1329      # 		  -foreground $config(gui,color_highlight_fg)]
1330    }
1331    $w.mid conf -wraplength 0\
1332	{*}[getImage -bitmap lock\
1333		@$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/lock.bit]
1334  }
1337proc ColToleft {} {
1338  ColTo right left
1341proc ColToright {} {
1342  ColTo left right
1344proc ColTo { from to args} {
1345  #  puts "ColTo $from $to $args"
1346  # setupDebug 1
1347  #frputs #1 #2 #3
1348  global glob config
1349  if {$config(ListBoxColumns,left) != $config(ListBoxColumns,right)} {
1350    set config(ListBoxColumns,$to) $config(ListBoxColumns,$from)
1351    #   $glob(listbox,$to)
1352    set w .fupper.scroll.fs.mid
1353    if {[$w cget -wraplength]} {
1354      $w conf -wraplength 0\
1355	  -image [string range [$w cget -image] 0 end-1]
1356    }
1357    buildListBox $to
1358    # wait for the dust to settle...
1359    update idletasks
1360    ReConfigColors foo
1361    ReConfigFont
1362  }
1365# This gets called when the list  box colums are changed.
1366proc TraceColTo { from to args} {
1367  global glob config
1368  if {!$glob(TraceColToEnabled)} {return}
1369  set glob(TraceColToEnabled) 0
1370  if {$glob(panelsLocked)} {
1371    ColTo $from $to
1372  } else {
1373    set nstate [expr {$config(ListBoxColumns,left) !=\
1374			  $config(ListBoxColumns,right)}]
1375    # we keep the logical state in wraplength as disable messes
1376    # with the image
1377    # 1 is disabled and we display the colored image which must be not-eq
1378    set image [lindex [getImage bitmap unlockc\
1379			   -file $glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/unlock.bit\
1380			   -foreground $config(gui,color_highlight_fg)]\
1381		   1]
1382    if {!$nstate} {
1383      # color images have a "c" added to the end of the name
1384      set image [string range $image 0 end-1]
1385    }
1386    .fupper.scroll.fs.mid conf -wraplength $nstate \
1387	-image $image
1388  }
1389  set glob(TraceColToEnabled) 1
1392# ================================ Color and Font stuff ===============
1393proc EditColor { color } {
1394  global config glob
1395  set c $glob(gui,$color)
1396  if {$c == ""} {set c [set glob(gui,$color) grey85]}
1397  ColorEditor $color "global glob;\
1398      set glob(gui,$color) %%;ReConfigColors" $c $config(gray)
1401proc DoEditFont {} {
1402  set newGui [EditFont ListBoxFont]
1403  if {$newGui != 0} {
1404    SaveConfig
1405  }
1406  if {$newGui > 1} {
1407    ReadConfig
1408  }
1411proc ReConfigFont {} {
1412  global glob config
1413  if {$glob(gui,GuiFont) == "" } {
1414    set $glob(gui,GuiFont) $config(gui,GuiFont)
1415  }
1416  catch {tk_setFont $glob(gui,GuiFont)} out
1417    # set glob(gui,GuiFont) $config(gui,GuiFont)
1419  #  if {$config(gui,ListBoxFont) != $glob(gui,ListBoxFont)} {}
1420  foreach k $glob(winlist,color_xx) {
1421    catch {$k configure -font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont)}
1422  }
1423  foreach inst {left right} {
1424    setListBoxFont $glob(listbox,$inst) {$glob(gui,ListBoxFont)}
1425  }
1426  foreach class {Entry Text Listbox} {
1427    option add *$class.Font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont)
1428  }
1429  set glob(gui,ListBoxFont) $glob(gui,ListBoxFont)
1430  foreach w [list $glob(win,top).status \
1431		 $glob(win,left).top.stat \
1432		 $glob(win,right).top.stat] {
1433    $w  config -font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont)
1434  }
1435  # balloon window may not have been set up yet...
1436#  catch {set ::balloon_help::font $glob(gui,BalloonHelpFont)}
1437  balloon_help_config font $glob(gui,BalloonHelpFont)
1438  #{  }
1441# Arguments:
1442# color -	Name of starting color.
1443# perecent -	Integer telling how much to brighten or darken as a
1444#		percent: 50 means darken by 50%, 110 means brighten
1445#		by 10%. Default is lighter by 15%.
1446# (shamelessly adapted from tk::Darken)
1448proc LighterColor { color {percent 115}} {
1449  lassign [winfo rgb . $color] r g b
1450  set p [expr {$percent / 100.}]
1451  foreach i {rr gg bb} c [winfo rgb . $color] {
1452    set $i [expr {int(($c/256) * $p)}]
1453    if {[set $i] > 255} {
1454      set $i 255
1455    }
1456  }
1457  return [format #%02x%02x%02x $rr $gg $bb]
1460# In this version we use an absolute value (i.e. a % of the full range
1461# rather than the current value)
1463proc LighterColor2 { color {percent 115}} {
1464  lassign [winfo rgb . $color] r g b
1465  set p [expr {$percent < 100 ? -$percent * 2.56 : ($percent - 100) *2.56}]
1466  foreach i {rr gg bb} c [winfo rgb . $color] {
1467    set $i [expr {int(($c/256) + $p)}]
1468    if {[set $i] > 255} {
1469      set $i 255
1470    }
1471    if {[set $i] < 0} {
1472      set $i 0
1473    }
1474  }
1475  return [format #%02x%02x%02x $rr $gg $bb]
1479# The following is shamelessly lifted from tk_setPalette which we
1480# don't use because we only want to do selected widgets, by class
1482proc makePalette {bg cnames result {fg {}}} {
1483  upvar $result new
1484  upvar $cnames colornames
1486  # we build these color names:
1487  set colornames [list foreground background selectBackground troughColor \
1488		      highlightBackground activeForeground selectForeground \
1489		      selectColor highlightColor disabledForeground \
1490		      activeBackground ]
1492  lassign [winfo rgb . $bg] bg_r bg_g bg_b
1493  # r g & b range 0-65535 and your eyes are more sensitive to
1494  # green than to red, and more to red than to blue.
1495  set new(background) $bg
1496  set new(foreground) $fg
1497  if {$fg == {}} {
1498    # foreground will be either black or white depending on
1499    # perceived brightness of the bg.
1500    if {$bg_r+1.5*$bg_g+0.5*$bg_b > 100000} {
1501      set new(foreground) black
1502    } else {
1503      set new(foreground) white
1504    }
1505  }
1506  set new(selectBackground) \
1507      [format #%02x%02x%02x [expr {(9*$bg_r)/2560}] \
1508	   [expr {(9*$bg_g)/2560}] [expr {(9*$bg_b)/2560}]]
1510  # do we need this????
1511  set new(troughColor) $new(selectBackground)
1512  set new(highlightBackground) $new(background)
1513  foreach i {activeForeground  \
1514		 selectForeground highlightColor} {
1515    set new($i) $new(foreground)
1516  }
1517  lassign [winfo rgb . $new(foreground)] fg_r fg_g fg_b
1518  ##  ??
1519  set new(disabledForeground) [format #%02x%02x%02x \
1520				   [expr {(3*$bg_r + $fg_r)/1024}] \
1521				   [expr {(3*$bg_g + $fg_g)/1024}] \
1522				   [expr {(3*$bg_b + $fg_b)/1024}]]
1523  set new(activeBackground) [LighterColor2 $bg]
1524  set new(selectColor) $new(activeBackground)
1525  return
1528# colorBaseLine is basically a been here for each color.
1529# we set it to the given color as we do the work of updateing each.
1530# If args != {} we do all the colors, otherwise only those that differ
1531# from the baseLine (or if the baseLine does not yet exist.
1533proc ReConfigColors {args} {
1534  global glob config beenHere colorBaseLine
1535  unset -nocomplain beenHere
1536  set do {}
1537  foreach c {color_scheme color_bg color_fg color_select_bg\
1538		 color_select_fg color_cursor color_cmd \
1539		 color_highlight_fg color_highlight_bg \
1540		 color_balloonHelp_fg color_balloonHelp_bg\
1541		 color_handle} {
1542    if {![info exist colorBaseLine($c)] ||\
1543	    $colorBaseLine($c) != $glob(gui,$c) || \
1544	    $args != {} || \
1545	    $c in $do} {
1546      switch $c {
1547	color_scheme {
1548	  set Cl {Button Checkbutton Menubutton Radiobutton Canvas
1549		      Scrollbar Label Menu Frame Scale Dialog}
1550	  makePalette $glob(gui,$c) cols new
1551	  foreach cl $cols {
1552	    setOptionF $Cl [list .tkcon.* *Tear*] $cl $new($cl)
1553	  }
1554	  # gui exceptions... here we undo what we want different
1556	  # bit of a conflict between the Menu and the Checkbutton/Radiobutton
1557	  setOptionF Menu [list .tkcon.* *Tear*] selectColor $new(foreground)
1558	  # set the special middle button colors, if any
1559	  setMidButColor
1560	  # let the other color sections take the Label and handles..
1561	  # this line requires that 'color_scheme' is before these int
1562	  # the foreach loop.
1563	  lappend do color_fg color_bg color_handle
1564	}
1565	color_bg {
1566	  frputs  glob(gui,$c)
1567	  setOption background $glob(gui,$c)
1568	  doWidget .fupper Label [list .fupper.ftop* .fupper.*.top.s* .tkcon.*] $args\
1569	      "\[set wd] config -background $glob(gui,$c)"
1570	}
1572	color_fg {
1573	  setOption foreground $glob(gui,$c)
1574	  doWidget  .fupper Label [list .fupper.ftop* .fupper.*.top.s* .tkcon.* ] $args\
1575	      "\[set wd] config -foreground $glob(gui,$c)"
1576	}
1578	color_select_fg	{
1579	  setOption {selectForeground activeForeground} $glob(gui,$c)
1580	  foreach inst {left right} {
1581	    $glob(win,bottom).fcmdwin$inst.text tag config complete \
1582		-foreground $glob(gui,$c)
1583	  }
1584	}
1586	color_select_bg	{
1587	  setOption {selectBackground activeBackground inactiveSelectBackground}\
1588	      $glob(gui,$c)
1589	  foreach inst {left right} {
1590	    $glob(win,bottom).fcmdwin$inst.text tag config complete \
1591		-background $glob(gui,$c)
1592	  }
1593	}
1594	color_cursor {setOption insertBackground $glob(gui,$c)}
1595	color_cmd {
1596	  foreach inst {left right} {
1597	   $glob(win,bottom).fcmdwin$inst.text tag config command  \
1598	       -background $glob(gui,$c)
1599	  }
1600	}
1601	color_highlight_fg -
1602	color_highlight_bg {
1603	  if {$glob(select_pry_lr) != {}} {
1604	    twidleHighlight $glob(select_pry_lr) on $glob(select_pry_s)
1605	  }
1606	  setOption [expr {$c == "color_highlight_fg" ? "highlightColor" : \
1607			       "highlightBackground"}] $glob(gui,$c)
1608	}
1609	color_balloonHelp_fg {balloon_help_config fg $glob(gui,$c)}
1610	color_balloonHelp_bg {balloon_help_config bg $glob(gui,$c)}
1611	color_handle {
1612	  $glob(listbox,left)  config -bg $glob(gui,color_handle)
1613	  $glob(listbox,right) config -bg $glob(gui,color_handle)
1614	}
1615      }
1616    }
1617    set colorBaseLine($c) $glob(gui,$c)
1618  }
1622proc setOption {ops val} {
1623  setOptionF {Entry Listbox Text} [list .tkcon.* *Tear*] $ops $val
1626proc setOptionF {class except ops val} {
1627  foreach op $ops {
1628    foreach clas $class {
1629      # frputs clas op val
1630      option add *$clas.$op $val 90
1631      # puts "set option *$class.$op $val"
1632    }
1633    doWidget . $class $except {}\
1634	"\[set wd] config -[string tolower $op] $val"
1635  }
1638# This function executes the passed in script on each widget in the process
1639# that is in the given class list and not in the given except list
1640# It keeps a list of the qualifying windows so any subsequent run is
1641# faster.
1643proc doWidget {w class except new args} {
1644  global glob
1645  if {![info exists beenHere($w,$class)] || $new == {}} {
1646    set beenHere($w,$class) [BuildSelectWidgetList $w $class $except]
1647  } else {
1648    # frputs "doWidget HAVE list for $w,$class "
1649  }
1650  foreach wd $beenHere($w,$class) {
1651    foreach arg $args {
1652      set r [catch "eval $arg" out]
1653      # # debug only....
1654      # if {$r == 0 && [catch "$wd config -bitmap" out] == 0 && [lindex $out 4] != {} } {
1655      # 	puts "Changing $wd: [lindex $out 4]<>$arg"
1656      # }
1657      # # end debug
1658   }
1659  }
1663proc BuildSelectWidgetList {wd class except} {
1664  set rtn {}
1665  if {[patternListSearch $except $wd] == {} && [winfo class $wd] in $class} {
1666    lappend rtn $wd
1667  }
1668  foreach ch [winfo child $wd] {
1669    set srtn [BuildSelectWidgetList $ch $class $except]
1670    if {$srtn != {} } {
1671      lappend rtn {*}$srtn
1672    }
1673  }
1674  return $rtn
1676# ============================= End of the Color and Font management stuff ======
1678#             'linux wish +source' 'linux fr'  'win wrap' 'win wish +source'
1679# info nameofex fpt wish             fpt wish   fr.exe      fpt wish
1680# argv0          ?  wish             ?   fr     \fr.exe     fpt wish
1681# glob(program)  ?  fr               fpt fr     wrap p fr   fpt fr
1683proc Clone  {} {
1684  global glob argv argv0
1685  cd  $glob(start_path)
1686  set target [file normalize [info nameofex]]
1687  set script [file norm [file join $glob(start_path) $glob(program)]]
1688  if {([file extension $target] == ".exe" && \
1689	  [string match -nocase *fr* [file tail $target]]) || \
1690	$target == $script  } {
1691    set script ""
1692  }
1693  frECF {exec %b &} [list $target $script $glob(left,pwd) $glob(right,pwd)]
1697# ======================== Command window stuff ==========================
1699proc ToggleCmdWin { inst } {
1700  global glob config
1701  set w $glob(win,bottom).fcmdwin$inst
1702  if {$glob($inst,shell,grided)} {
1703    grid remove $w
1704    if {!$glob([Opposite $inst],shell,grided)} {
1705      grid remove $glob(win,bottom)
1706    }
1707    set glob($inst,shell,grided) 0
1708    set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping) 0
1709  } else {
1710    if {!$glob([Opposite $inst],shell,grided)} {
1711      grid $glob(win,bottom)  -sticky news -row 6
1712    }
1713    $w.text configure -height $config(shell,height,$inst)
1714    set glob($inst,shell,maxed) 0
1715    grid $w -column 0 -sticky news -row [expr {$inst == "left" ? 10 : 20}]
1716    # grid rowconfig $w $w.text -weight 1
1717    # grid rowconfig $w $w.bot  -weight 0 -minsize 22
1718    set glob($inst,shell,grided) 1
1719  }
1720  update
1721  # grid command seems to forget this so we remind it.
1722  grid rowconfigure . 2 -weight 1
1725proc MaxWin {inst } {
1726  global glob config
1727  if {$glob($inst,shell,maxed)} {
1728    $glob(win,bottom).fcmdwin$inst.text configure \
1729	-height $config(shell,height,$inst)
1730    set glob($inst,shell,maxed) 0
1731  } else {
1732    # $glob(win,bottom).fcmdwin$inst.text configure -height 2000
1733    MaxCmdText $inst
1734    #set glob($inst,shell,maxed) 1
1735  }
1738# It seems that pack use to do this for us, but grid, not so much
1739# This routine computes and adjusts the given command window such
1740# that the command line will always be displayed. If the result is
1741# less than 1, it tries to take from the other command window
1742# (if it is open). This needs to be called when ever the command
1743# line is obscured. This may happen as a result of resizing
1744# either the main window or the command window.
1745# The total size of the text part of the command window must be
1746# less than: Main-window - other-cmd - bottom - bd of cmd and text
1749proc MaxCmdText {inst {rq 0}} {
1750  global glob config
1751  # rq is true if this is the result of pushing the button larger button
1753  set w $glob(win,bottom).fcmdwin
1755  set botSz [winfo height $w$inst.bot ]
1756  set mainSz [winfo height .]
1757  if {$glob([Opposite $inst],shell,grided)} {
1758    set otherSz [winfo height $w[Opposite $inst]]
1759  } else {
1760    set otherSz 0
1761  }
1762  set pixPerLine [font metric [$w$inst.text cget -font] -line]
1763  frputs inst pixPerLine otherSz mainSz botSz
1764  set maxSz [expr {max(($mainSz - $otherSz - $botSz - 8) / $pixPerLine , 1)}]
1765  if {$rq} {
1766    $w$inst.text config -height [expr {min($config(shell,height,$inst),$maxSz)}]
1767    return
1768  }
1769  # Only mess with this if we are making it smaller...
1770  if {[$w$inst.text cget -height] <= $maxSz} {return}
1771  $w$inst.text config -height $maxSz
1772  set config(shell,height,$inst) [expr {min($config(shell,height,$inst),$maxSz)}]
1773  set glob($inst,shell,maxed) 1
1774  if {$maxSz == 1 && $otherSz > 1} {
1775    MaxCmdText [Opposite $inst]
1776  }
1779proc CmdWinVis {inst vis} {
1780  global glob
1781  # There is a timing issue here, lets try to smooth things out...
1782  set glob(lastVis) [list $inst $vis]
1783  if {[info exists glob(VisAfter)]} {
1784    after cancel $glob(VisAfter)
1785  }
1786  set glob(VisAfter) [after 500 CmdWinVisComp]
1787  frputs vis
1790proc CmdWinVisComp {} {
1791  global glob
1792  unset -nocomplain glob(VisAfter)
1793  if {[info exists glob(lastVis)]} {
1794    lassign $glob(lastVis) inst obs
1795    if {$obs != "VisibilityUnobscured"} {
1796      MaxCmdText $inst
1797    }
1798  }
1801#================================ Build command windows ====================
1802proc BuildCmdWindow { inst } {
1803  global glob config
1805  set w $glob(win,bottom).fcmdwin$inst
1806  #destroy $w
1807  frame $w -bg green
1808  text $w.text \
1809      -relief sunken \
1810      -bd 2 \
1811      -yscrollcommand "$w.scroll set"\
1812      -font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont)
1813      # -height $config(shell,height,$inst)
1814  lappend glob(winlist,color_xx) $w.text
1815  #frame $w.fr -bd 0
1816  scrollbar $w.scroll -command "$w.text yview"
1817  frame $w.bot -bd 0 -background yellow
1818  entry $w.bot.entry \
1819      -relief ridge \
1820      -font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont) \
1821      -highlightthickness 1
1822  lappend glob(winlist,color_xx) $w.bot.entry
1823  # lappend glob(winlist,color_cmd) $w.text
1824  label $w.bot.label -textvariable glob($inst,pwdTail) \
1825      -font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont) \
1826      -relief ridge \
1827      -padx 5
1828  button $w.bot.max \
1829      {*}[getImage -bitmap max @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/max.bit] \
1830      -command "MaxWin $inst" \
1831      -bd 1
1832  button $w.bot.smaller \
1833      {*}[getImage -bitmap smaller @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/smaller.bit] \
1834      -command "
1835               incr config(shell,height,$inst) -2
1836               if \"\$config(shell,height,$inst)<1\" \"
1837                 set config(shell,height,$inst) 1
1838               \"
1839               $w.text configure -height \$config(shell,height,$inst)"\
1840      -bd 1
1841  button $w.bot.larger \
1842      {*}[getImage -bitmap larger @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/larger.bit] \
1843      -command "incr config(shell,height,$inst) 2;\
1844               MaxCmdText $inst 1" \
1845      -bd 1
1846  # balloonhelp_for $w.text [_ "Enter commands here, view results above.\
1847      #                                  \n<Right Mouse button> brings up menu."]
1848  balloonhelp_for $w.bot.max [_ "Toggles this command window between maximum and normal size"]
1849  balloonhelp_for $w.bot.smaller [_ "Makes this command window smaller"]
1850  balloonhelp_for $w.bot.larger [_ "Makes this command window larger"]
1851  label  $w.bot.running -text [_ "R"]
1853  #grid rowconfigure $w all -weight 0
1854  grid rowconfigure $w 2 -minsize 20
1855  grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
1857  grid $w.scroll -row 1 -column [expr {$inst == "left" ? 0 : 2}] -sticky ns
1858  grid $w.text   -row 1 -column 1 -sticky news
1859  #grid rowconfig $w $w.text -weight 1
1860  #grid columnconfigure $w
1861  #pack $w.fr -side $inst -fill y
1862  set fixedR [list  $w.bot.label $w.bot.entry \
1863		  $w.bot.running $w.bot.smaller $w.bot.larger $w.bot.max]
1864  foreach win $fixedR {
1865    grid $win -row 0 -column [incr col] -sticky ew
1866    grid columnconfig $w.bot $col -weight [expr {$col == 2 ? 1 : 0}]
1868  }
1869  grid $w.bot  -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 4 -sticky ew
1870  # grid rowconfig $w 2 -weight 0 -minsize 22
1871  grid columnconfig $w all -weight 0
1872  grid columnconfig $w 1  -weight 1
1874  #grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
1876  bind $w.bot <Visibility> [list CmdWinVis $inst %s]
1878  textSearch $w.text [_ "Cmd %s" $inst] "+buildViewConfig CmdConfStrings" {} \
1879      [list  {Save As...} [list ? "SaveToFile $w.text {} 1 " -accelerator C-S]]
1880  # Lower case C-s usually means we have file, but we don't so sent to C-S
1881  bind $w.text      <Control-s> "SaveToFile $w.text {} 1 "
1882  bind $w.text      <Control-S> "SaveToFile $w.text {} 1 "
1883  # since we don't focus on this window, we need the binds on the one we do
1884  bind $w.bot.entry <Control-s> "SaveToFile $w.text {} 1 "
1885  bind $w.bot.entry <Control-S> "SaveToFile $w.text {} 1 "
1886  set nspace [regsub -all {\.} $w.text {_}]_Sp
1887  bind $w.bot.entry <F3>        [list ::${nspace}::SearchView    $w.text "+buildViewConfig" 1]
1888  bind $w.bot.entry <Shift-F3>  [list ::${nspace}::SearchView    $w.text "+buildViewConfig" 2]
1889  bind $w.bot.entry <Control-f> [list ::${nspace}::SearchViewSet $w.text "+buildViewConfig" 0]
1891  bind $w.bot.entry <Return> \
1892      "ExecCmdInWin $inst $w; catch \"focus $w.bot.entry\" out;break"
1893  bind $w.bot.entry <KP_Enter> \
1894      "ExecCmdInWin $inst $w;catch \"focus $w.bot.entry\" out; break"
1895  bind $w.bot.entry <Tab> "preComplete $inst $w;break"
1896  bind $w.bot.entry <Control-d> "CompleteDoubleTab $w.bot.entry;break"
1897  bind $w.bot.entry <Control-p> "FlipShellHistory $w.bot.entry $inst searchback
1898                                 break"
1899  bind $w.bot.entry <Control-c> "DoControlCthing $w $inst;break"
1900  bind $w.bot.entry <Up> "FlipShellHistory $w.bot.entry $inst up;break"
1901  bind $w.bot.entry <Down> "FlipShellHistory $w.bot.entry $inst down;break"
1902  bind $w.bot.entry <Enter> "focus $w.bot.entry"
1903  bind $w.bot.entry <Leave> "focus ."
1904  bind $w.bot.entry <3> "CompleteWithBrowse $w.bot.entry;break"
1906  #bind $w.text <3> "tk_popup $w.text.p %X %Y;break"
1907  bind $w.text <Enter> "focus $w.bot.entry"
1908  bind $w.text <Leave> "focus ."
1909  bind $w.text <FocusIn> "focus $w.bot.entry"
1910  # In windows the MouseWheel events are delivered to the window that
1911  # has focus. Since (because of the above <Enter> sequence) the text
1912  # window MouseWheel events will be delivered to the entry window.
1913  # Thus the following actually works (Magic enough for you?).
1914  bind $w.bot.entry <MouseWheel>  "$w.text yview scroll \
1915                          \[expr %D > 0 ? -\$config(mwheel,delta) : \
1916                          $config(mwheel,delta)] units;break"
1917  # In linux, it would appear that the following are not needed, however,
1918  # if we want to control the scroll distance, well...
1919  bind $w.text $config(mwheel,neg) \
1920      "$w.text yview scroll \
1921       -\$config(mwheel,delta) units;break"
1922  bind $w.text \
1923      $config(mwheel,pos) \
1924      "$w.text yview scroll \
1925       \$config(mwheel,delta) units;break"
1926  bind $w.bot.entry $config(mwheel,neg) \
1927      "$w.text yview scroll \
1928       -\$config(mwheel,delta) units;break"
1929  bind $w.bot.entry \
1930      $config(mwheel,pos) \
1931      "$w.text yview scroll \
1932       \$config(mwheel,delta) units;break"
1933  balloonhelp_for $w.bot.entry \
1934      {[_b "Command entry window. Bindings:
1935<Return> execute the entered command.
1936<Tab>  \tAttempt command completion second
1937       \t<Tab> or <Cntl d> lists possible
1938       \tcompletions in above window.
1939<3>    \tcomplete with browser.
1940<Cntl c>\tIf empty entry line abort the
1941        \tlast command else clear the entry line.
1942<Up>   \tMove back in shell history.
1943<Down> \tMove forward in shell history.
1944<Cntl p>\tSearch back in command stack for
1945        \tcommand using entry as a pattern." ]}
1947#====================================== End of command window build ==================
1950# Here we close the channel that is controlling the shell
1951# We always close the first entry and the command puts
1952# new entries last, thus we always do the oldest first.
1953# the command code needs to remove entries in random order depending
1954# of the order of compeltion.
1955# We assume serial running, i.e. the command will not interrupt us
1956# with its completion, thus no locks are needed.
1958proc DoControlCthing { w inst } {
1959  global glob
1960  if {  [$w.bot.entry get] != "" } {
1961    $w.bot.entry delete 0 end
1962  } else {
1963    if { [info exists glob($inst,fid)] && [llength $glob($inst,fid)]} {
1964      set fi [lrange $glob($inst,fid) 0 0]
1965      Log [_ "^C on %s" $glob($inst,fid)]
1966      pipeoAbort $fi
1967    } else {
1968      Log [_ "Command does not exist"]
1969    }
1970  }
1974proc buildViewConfig {{which {}}} {
1975  global config glob
1976  set vl {}
1977  if {$which !={}} {
1978    set vl [list values ::config(search,$which)\
1979		valueCount $config(search,limit)]
1980  }
1981  return  [list -flashcolor $glob(gui,color_flash)\
1982	      -foreground $glob(gui,color_select_fg)\
1983	      -background $glob(gui,color_select_bg)\
1984	      -state disabled\
1985	       position cent\
1986	       {*}$vl
1987	      ]
1989proc buildDialogConfig {} {
1990  global  config glob
1991  set maxw [expr {70 * [font measure $glob(gui,ListBoxFont) {0}]}]
1992  return [list -font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont) \
1993	      -foreground $glob(gui,color_select_fg)\
1994	      -background $glob(gui,color_select_bg)\
1995	      -width 70 \
1996	      -state disabled\
1997	      position cent\
1998	      maxw $maxw]
2001proc preComplete {inst w} {
2002  global glob config
2003  if { [catch {cd $glob($inst,pwd)} out]} {
2004    PopError "$out"
2005    return ""
2006  }
2007  Complete $w.bot.entry $w.text $config(shell,aliases) \
2008      $glob(localCmds) type
2011proc CmdType {w inst args} {
2012  global env config glob
2013  foreach ag $args {
2014    foreach arg $ag {
2015      set indx [lsearch -exact -index 0 $config(shell,aliases) $arg]
2016      if {$indx != -1} {
2017	ToShellBuffer $w "[_ {%s is aliased to} $arg] \
2018                 `[lrange [lindex $config(shell,aliases) $indx] 1 end]'\n"
2019	continue
2020      }
2021      set indx [lsearch -exact $glob(localCmds) $arg]
2022      if {$indx != -1} {
2023	ToShellBuffer $w [_ "%s is a filerunner builtin\n" $arg]
2024	continue
2025      }
2026      if {$::MSW} {
2027	ToShellBuffer $w [windowsAutoExecOk $arg]
2028      } else {
2029	set cmd [list {*}$config(cmd,sh) "type $arg"]
2031      	lassign [pipeoExec "$cmd 2>@1" r \
2032		     [list "backTalk $inst $w"]] r fid
2034	#set r [catch {open "|$config(cmd,sh)  \{$cmd 2>&1\}" r} fid]
2035	if {$r} {
2036	  ToShellBuffer $w [_ "Exec error: %s\n" $fid]
2037	} else {
2038	  # fconfigure $fid -buffering none
2039	  # fconfigure $fid -blocking 0
2040	  # fconfigure $fid -translation auto
2041	  # lappend glob($inst,fid) $fid
2042	  # # schedule the completer...
2043	  # chan event $fid readable "CompleteShell_pipe $inst $w $fid"
2044	  incr glob($inst,shellcount)
2045	  set glob($inst,runlabel,bg) [$w.bot.running cget -bg]
2046	  $w.bot.running configure -bg red
2047	  lappend glob($inst,fid) $fid
2048	  vwait glob($inst,shellcount)
2049	}
2050      }
2051    }
2052  }
2056proc ExecCmdInWin { inst w } {
2057  global glob config env errorInfo
2058  #  focus $w.bot.entry
2059  destroy $w.bot.complete
2060  set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping) 0
2061  set glob($inst,shell,complete,flipping) 0
2062  set cmd [string trim [$w.bot.entry get]]
2063  if {$cmd == ""} return
2064  $w.bot.entry delete 0 end
2065  $w.text mark set insert end
2066  $w.text see insert
2067  if {[set idx [lsearch -exact $glob($inst,shell,history) $cmd]] != -1} {
2068    set glob($inst,shell,history) [lreplace $glob($inst,shell,history) $idx $idx]
2069  }
2070  lappend glob($inst,shell,history) $cmd
2072#  if {[IsVFS $glob($inst,pwd)] && ![string match "%*" $verb ]} {
2073#    PopError [_ "Sorry, can't execute commands in ftp directories"]
2074#    return
2075#  }
2076  if { [IsVFS $glob($inst,pwd)] } {
2077    set r [catch {VFScd $glob($inst,pwd)} out]
2078  } else {
2079    set r [catch {cd $glob($inst,pwd)} out]
2080  }
2081  if {$r } {
2082    PopError "$out"
2083    return
2084  }
2085  # use double quotes to round up the spaces...
2086  # We have to be VERY careful not to use list structure things here
2087  # as they introduce {}'s and miss handle []'
2088  # we want to convert 'x\ y' to '"x y"'
2089  # AND we want to convert other '\' so that they stay around...
2090  # Mostly for Windows
2092  set cmd [bslashSpcToQuot $cmd]
2093  set r [catch {set verb [lindex $cmd 0]} out]
2094  if {$r } {
2095    ToShellBuffer $w "\n$glob($inst,pwdTail) > $cmd\n" 1
2096    eval {ToShellBuffer $w [_ "tcl error: %s" $out]}
2097    if {$glob(debug)} {
2098      ToShellBuffer $w $::errorInfo
2099    }
2100    return
2101  }
2102  # expand aliases
2103  set alias ""
2104  foreach k $config(shell,aliases) {
2105    if {$verb == [lindex $k 0]} {
2106      set alias [lindex $k 1]
2107      break
2108    }
2109  }
2110  if {$alias != ""} {
2111    # This way of replacing 'verb' does not mess with the quoted
2112    # spaces.
2113    set cmd [regsub $verb $cmd $alias]
2114    set verb [lindex $cmd 0]
2115  }
2116  # echo command to the window
2117  ToShellBuffer $w "\n$glob($inst,pwdTail) > $cmd\n" 1
2118  update
2119  set len [llength $glob($inst,shell,history)]
2120  if {$len > 250} {
2121    set glob($inst,shell,history) \
2122	[lrange $glob($inst,shell,history) [expr $len - 200] end]
2123  }
2124  set prefix " "
2125  Log [_ "switch on %s" $verb]
2126  switch -glob $verb {
2127    %* {
2128      # Tcl commands
2129      set prefix "Tcl: "
2130      set r [catch {
2131	uplevel #0 [string range [regsub {\\} $cmd {\\\\}] 1 end] } out]
2132      if {$r} {
2133	ToShellBuffer $w [_ "tcl error: %s" $out]
2134	if {$glob(debug)} {
2135	  ToShellBuffer $w  "$errorInfo"
2136	}
2137      } else {
2138	ToShellBuffer $w "$out"
2139      }
2140    }
2141    cd {
2142      # this code is a little extra fluffy, because we want
2143      # to avoid the error handling in NewPwd/UpdateWindow
2144      # which we could have used also, but it doesn't look
2145      # as neat. (It pops up an error popup...)
2146      Log "cd"
2147      set newpwd [lindex $cmd 1]
2148      if {[IsVFS $glob($inst,pwd)]} {
2149	ToShellBuffer $w [_ "cd not supported as a\
2150                             shell command in VFS directories"]
2151	#	  NewPwd $inst $newpwd
2152	#	  UpdateWindow $inst
2153	#	  ToShellBuffer $w [_ "ok"]
2154      } else {
2155	if {$newpwd == ""} {set newpwd $env(HOME)}
2156	set r [catch {cd $newpwd} out]
2157	if {!$r} {
2158	  set r [catch {cd $glob($inst,pwd)} out]
2159	  NewPwd $inst $newpwd
2160	  UpdateWindow $inst
2161	  ToShellBuffer $w [_ "ok"]
2162	} else {
2163	  ToShellBuffer $w [_ "cd error: %s" $out]
2164	}
2165      }
2166    }
2167    view {
2168      Log $cmd
2169      if {[IsVFS $glob($inst,pwd)]} {
2170	ToShellBuffer $w [_ "view not supported as \
2171                             shell command in VFS directories"]
2172      } else {
2173	ViewAny [lrange $cmd 1 end]
2174      }
2175    }
2176    history {
2177      Log [_ "history"]
2178      ToShellBuffer $w [join $glob($inst,shell,history) \n]
2179    }
2180    type {
2181      Log $cmd
2182      CmdType $w $inst [lrange $cmd 1 end]
2183    }
2185    default {
2186      Log [_ "\"%s\" default" $cmd]
2187      # check for special commands...
2188      #  a background command?
2189      # Note: this sneaks through to the local system even if VFS
2190      if {[string match *& $cmd]} {
2191	set prefix [_ "Background shell: "]
2192	catch {puts "$cmd"}
2193	set cmd [regsub {\\} $cmd {\\\\}]
2194	set cmd [string replace $cmd end end]
2195	if {$::MSW && $config(cmd,sh) == {}} {
2196	  set pre [lindex $cmd 0]
2197	  set cmd [string trim [regsub $pre $cmd {}]]
2199	  set r [catch [list fixMSWcommand "exec $pre &" $cmd -b 1] out]
2200	} else {
2201	  catch {eval exec "$cmd &"} out
2202	}
2203	if {$out != 0} {
2204	  ToShellBuffer $w $out
2205	}
2206      } elseif {[IsVFS $glob($inst,pwd)] } {
2207	set prefix [_ "VFS command: "]
2208	ToShellBuffer $w [VFScommand $VFStok $cmd]
2209      } else {
2210	# not "&" and not VFS
2211	set prefix [_ "Shell: "]
2212	if {$glob(os) == "Unix"} {
2213	  set cmd [regsub -all {\\} $cmd {\\\\}]
2214	}
2215	if {$::MSW} {
2216	  if {$config(cmd,sh) == {}} {
2217	    # puts "Send this $cmd"
2218	    set pre [lindex $cmd 0]
2219	    set cmd [string trim [regsub $pre $cmd {}]]
2220	    frputs pre cmd
2221	    set r [catch [list fixMSWcommand $pre $cmd -fonly 1] cmd]
2222	    # puts "This command $cmd"
2223	    if {$r != 0} {
2224	      ToShellBuffer $w $cmd
2225	      return
2226	    }
2227	  } else {
2228	    set cmd [fixMSWcommand "$config(cmd,sh)" $cmd -fonly 1]
2229	    #set cmd [regsub -all {\\} $cmd {\\}]
2230	  }
2231	} else {
2232	  # not windows...
2233	  set cmd [list {*}$config(cmd,sh) $cmd]
2234	}
2235	lassign [pipeoExec "$cmd 2>@1" r \
2236		     [list "backTalk $inst $w"]] r fid
2237        if {$r} {
2238	  ToShellBuffer $w [_ "Exec error: %s\n" $fid]
2239	} else {
2240	  incr glob($inst,shellcount)
2241	  if {$glob($inst,shellcount) == 1} {
2242	    set glob($inst,runlabel,bg) [$w.bot.running cget -bg]
2243	    $w.bot.running configure -bg red
2244	  }
2245	  lappend glob($inst,fid) $fid
2246	}
2247      }
2248    }
2249  }
2250  Log $prefix$cmd
2253proc backTalk {inst w fid why {mess {}}} {
2254  global glob
2255  switch -glob $why {
2256    a*  -
2257    en* -
2258    k*  -
2259    do*  {
2260      Log "Shell pipe: $why $mess"
2261    }
2262    da*  {
2263      ToShellBuffer $w $mess
2264    }
2265    eo*  {
2266      set id [lsearch -exact $glob($inst,fid) $fid]
2267      if { $id >= 0 } {
2268	set glob($inst,fid) [lreplace $glob($inst,fid) $id $id]
2269      }
2270      incr glob($inst,shellcount) -1
2271      if {$glob($inst,shellcount) == 0} {
2272	$w.bot.running configure -bg $glob($inst,runlabel,bg)
2273      }
2274    }
2275  }
2279proc ToShellBuffer { w  chars {cmd 0}} {
2280  global config
2281  $w.text insert end $chars
2282  if { $cmd } {
2283    $w.text tag add command "insert - 1 lines" "insert - 1 chars"
2284  }
2285  $w.text see "insert - 1 chars"
2286  set size_text [file rootname [$w.text index end]]
2287  if {$size_text > [expr ($config(shell,buffer) * 4) / 3]} {
2288    $w.text delete 0.1 [expr ${size_text} - $config(shell,buffer)].1
2289  }
2292proc ReadDelay { i } {
2293  #puts -nonewline "@"
2294  flush stdout
2295  set len [expr 200 + ($i * 50)]
2296  if {$len > 1000} {set len 1000}
2297  return $len
2301proc FlipShellHistory { w inst direction } {
2302  global glob
2303  frputs "flip  " direction
2304  switch $direction {
2305    up {
2306        if {!$glob($inst,shell,history,flipping)} {
2307          set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index) \
2308	      [expr [llength $glob($inst,shell,history)] - 1]
2309          set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping) 1
2310        } else {
2311          incr glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index) -1
2312          if {$glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index) < -1} {
2313	    set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index) -1
2314	  }
2315        }
2316      }
2317    down {
2318        if {!$glob($inst,shell,history,flipping)} {
2319          set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index) 0
2320          set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping) 1
2321        } else {
2322          incr glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index) 1
2323          set len [llength $glob($inst,shell,history)]
2324          if {$glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index) > $len} {
2325	    set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index) [expr $len]
2326	  }
2327        }
2328      }
2329    searchback {
2330      set cmd [string trim [$w get]]
2331        if {$glob($inst,shell,history,flipping) && \
2332	    [string first $glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,cmd) $cmd] == 0} {
2333	  # been here before with same command
2334	  set cmd $glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,cmd)
2335	  set start [expr $glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index) -1]
2336          if {$start < -1} {set start -1}
2337          #set cmd $glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,cmd)
2338        } else {
2339	  # first time here, save current cmd line
2340          set start [expr [llength $glob($inst,shell,history)] - 1]
2341          set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,cmd) $cmd
2342         }
2343#        puts "$cmd $start"
2344        for {set i $start} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
2345	  if {[string first $cmd [lindex $glob($inst,shell,history) $i]] == 0} {
2346            set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index) $i
2347            set glob($inst,shell,history,flipping) 1
2348            break
2349          }
2350        }
2351        if {!$glob($inst,shell,history,flipping)} return
2352      }
2353  }
2354  $w delete 0 end
2355  $w insert end [lindex $glob($inst,shell,history) \
2356		     $glob($inst,shell,history,flipping,index)]
2358# ========================= End of the Command window code ================
2361proc CheckGrab { r reason } {
2362  if {$r} {
2363    LogStatusOnly [_ "%s (non fatal)" $reason]
2364  }
2367# This routine is for commands that don't want the autoupdater to run
2368# and invoke "update" during operation
2369proc DoProtCmd { cmd } {
2370  DoProtCmd_ $cmd
2372proc DoProtCmd_NoGrab { cmd } {
2373  DoProtCmd_ $cmd 1
2376proc DoProtCmd_ {cmd {nograb 0}} {
2377  global glob DoProtLevel
2378  if {! $nograb} {
2379    focus $glob(win,top).status
2380    frgrab $glob(win,top).menu_frame.fasync_cmds
2381  }
2382  set glob(doprot,$DoProtLevel) \
2383      [list [. cget -cursor] $glob(enableautoupdate)]
2384  incr DoProtLevel
2385  lappend ::DoProtProc $cmd
2386  set ::MaxDoProtLevel [expr {max($DoProtLevel,$::MaxDoProtLevel)}]
2387  # if { ! [info exists glob(oldcur)] || [. cget -cursor] != $glob(oldcur)} {
2388  #   set glob(oldcur) [. cget -cursor]
2389  # }
2390#  puts "saved $glob(oldcur) $cmd"
2391  # set glob(oldautoup) $glob(enableautoupdate)
2392  . config -cursor circle
2393  #wm iconname . "FileRunner v$glob(displayVersion) - busy"
2394  update idletasks
2395  if {$glob(enableautoupdate) != 0} {
2396    # we do this to avoid extra trace calls (see list updater)
2397    set glob(enableautoupdate) 0
2398  }
2399  # frputs "DoProtCmd:  " cmd
2400  uplevel 2 $cmd
2401  UnDoProtCmd
2404# This is used by the continue button after an error...
2405proc UnDoProtCmd { } {
2406  global glob config DoProtLevel
2407  if {!$DoProtLevel} {return}
2408  incr DoProtLevel -1
2409  set ::DoProtProc [lrange $::DoProtProc 0 end-1]
2410  lassign $glob(doprot,$DoProtLevel) curser update
2411  if {$update != $glob(enableautoupdate) } {
2412    set glob(enableautoupdate) $update
2413  }
2414  set glob(async) 0
2415  . config -cursor $curser
2416#  puts "set $glob(oldcur)"
2417  catch {grab release [grab current $glob(win,top).menu_frame.fasync_cmds]}
2418  #catch {focus $glob(focus_before_doprotcmd)}
2419  unset -nocomplain glob(whichdir)
2420  # Not sure if the following line is needed.  Be not having it we can
2421  # do much more with Left & Right Up & Down keys even in normal mode.
2422  if {$config(focusFollowsMouse) != 1} {
2423    focus $glob(win,top).status
2424  }
2425  set glob(mbutton) 0
2428# This is for the simple case where we just want to protect things like
2429# entry_dialog.  We just turn off the updateing and in addition allow
2430# a return value.  We do NOT mess with grab and focus...
2432proc simpDoProt {cmd} {
2433  global glob DoProtLevel
2434  set glob(doprot,$DoProtLevel) [list [. cget -cursor] $glob(enableautoupdate)]
2435  incr DoProtLevel
2436  lappend ::DoProtProc "$cmd -S"
2437  if {$glob(enableautoupdate) != 0} {
2438    # we do this to avoid extra trace calls (see list updater)
2439    set glob(enableautoupdate) 0
2440  }
2441  set rt [uplevel $cmd]
2442  lassign $glob(doprot,[incr DoProtLevel -1]) cursor update
2443  set ::DoProtProc [lrange $::DoProtProc 0 end-1]
2444  if {$update != $glob(enableautoupdate) } {
2445    set glob(enableautoupdate) $update
2446  }
2447  . config -cursor $curser
2448  return $rt
2451proc SetStartDir { inst } {
2452  global glob config
2453  set config(startpwd,$inst) $glob($inst,pwd)
2454  LogStatusOnly [_ "% set. Do\
2455       \"Configuration->Save configuration\" if\
2456        you want to store it to the .fr file" sconfig(startpwd,$inst)]
2457  #SaveConfig
2460proc SetWinPos {} {
2461  global glob config
2462  if {[wm grid .] == {}} {
2463    set config(geometry,main) [wm geo .]
2464  } else {
2465    set config(geometry,main) [getGeo g[wm geometry .] . -out p]
2466  }
2467  LogStatusOnly \
2468      [_ "%s set. Do\
2469       \"Configuration->Save configuration\" if\
2470       you want to store it to the .fr file" config(geometry,main)]
2473proc ConstructFileList { inst } {
2474  global glob config
2475  set dirlist $glob($inst,filelist)
2476  set dir $glob($inst,pwd)
2478  foreach flist $glob(listboxNames) {
2479	 set glob($inst,lv$flist) {}
2480  }
2481  foreach k $dirlist {
2482#    puts "$k"
2483    # asseble the bits the scripts will need.
2484    #lassign $k sortval file type size mtime mode usergroup link nlink atime ctime
2485    lassign $k {*}$glob(fListEl)
2486    #frputs file type
2487    set ffile $file[switch -glob -- $type {
2488      *ld {expr {"@/"}}
2489      *d  {expr {[string index $file end] == "/" ? "" : "/"}}
2490      *l  {expr {"@"}}
2491      *n  {expr {""}}
2492    }]
2493    if {$size == {}} {
2494      set ffile "${ffile}??"
2495    }
2496    foreach lbentry $config(ListBoxColumns,$inst) {
2497      set flist [lindex $lbentry 0]
2498      lappend glob($inst,lv$flist) [eval $glob(lbscript,$flist)]
2499    }
2500  }
2503proc InitWindows {} {
2504  global glob
2505  set glob(select_cur_lr) {}
2506  set glob(select_pry_s) {}
2507  set glob(select_cur_s) {}
2508  highlightOff
2509  #UpdateWindow both
2512proc Back { inst } {
2513  global glob
2514  while {[llength $glob($inst,dirstack)] > 0 } {
2515    set dir [lindex  $glob($inst,dirstack) 0 0]
2516    if {$dir == $glob($inst,pwd)} {
2517      # if {[llength $glob($inst,dirstack)] == 1} break
2518      set glob($inst,dirstack) [lrange $glob($inst,dirstack) 1 end]
2519       frputs dir glob($inst,dirstack)
2520      continue
2521    }
2522      frputs dir glob($inst,dirstack)
2523    NewPwd $inst $dir
2524    UpdateWindow $inst
2525    set glob($inst,dirstack) [lrange $glob($inst,dirstack) 2 end]
2526    frputs dir glob($inst,dirstack)
2527    break
2528  }
2529  #puts "back: $glob(left,dirstack)\n$glob(right,dirstack)\n"
2532proc ForceUpdate {{inst  both}} {
2533  global glob
2534  set glob(forceupdate) 1
2535  UpdateWindow $inst
2536  set glob(forceupdate) 0
2539proc ButtonAdd {w inst args} {
2540  global glob config
2541  # each element is args generates a menu entry
2542  # If the first char is '+' the command is added to the
2543  # buttoncmds list.
2544  # if an entry is empty a seperator is generated
2545  # if an entry contains -o (part of -on or -off) a check button is generated
2546  # if neither of the above a command button is generated.
2547  # if an entry contains $inst, it is replaced with the inst parm value
2548  foreach arg $args {
2549    foreach ent $arg {
2550      set butCmd 0
2551      if {[string index $ent 0] == "+"} {
2552	set ent [string range $ent 1 end]
2553	incr butCmd
2554      }
2555      array unset tmp
2556      array set tmp $ent
2557      set tmp(-label) [subst $tmp(-label)]
2558      set tmp(-command) [regsub {P } $tmp(-command) {DoProtCmd }]
2559      set tmp(-command) [regsub {\$inst} $tmp(-command) "$inst"]
2560      set ent [array get tmp]
2561      set type [expr {[string match {* -o*} $ent] ? "check" :
2562		      [string match {* -value*} $ent] ? "radio" : "command"}]
2563      $w add $type {*}$ent
2564      if {$butCmd && [list $tmp(-label) $tmp(-command)] ni $glob(buttoncmds)} {
2565	lappend glob(buttoncmds) [list $tmp(-label) $tmp(-command)]
2566      }
2567    }
2568  }
2571proc BuildFileListPanel { inst } {
2573  global glob config
2575  frame $glob(win,$inst) -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
2576  set wf [frame $glob(win,$inst).dirmenu_frame -borderwidth 1 -relief raised]
2577  set wft [frame $glob(win,$inst).top -bd 1 -relief raised]
2578  # frame $wft.t -bd 0 -relief raised
2580  # The tree button (code is in frUnixBits as MSW version of tk does not
2581  # support the required cascade.
2582  buildTree $wf $inst
2584  # Hotlist button
2585  menubutton $wf.hotlist_but -takefocus 0 -menu \
2586      $wf.hotlist_but.m -text [_ "Hotlist"]
2587  bind $wf.hotlist_but <Motion> {+
2588    if {$::tk::Priv(postedMb) == "%W"} {
2589      set ::tk::Priv(menuActivated) 1
2590    }
2591  }
2593  # by specifying tk_popup here we get the desired cascade action
2594  #bind $wf.hotlist_but <1> "::tk_popup $wf.hotlist_but.m %X %Y; break"
2596  menu $wf.hotlist_but.m  -font $glob(gui,GuiFont)\
2597      -tearoff false -postcommand "CreateHotListMenu $inst"
2598  # History button
2599  menubutton $wf.history_but -menu \
2600      $wf.history_but.m -text [_ "History"]
2602  menu $wf.history_but.m  -font $glob(gui,GuiFont)\
2603      -tearoff false -postcommand "CreateHistoryMenu $inst"
2605  # Etc button
2606  menubutton $wf.etc_but -takefocus 0 -menu \
2607      $wf.etc_but.m -text [_ "Etc"]
2608  # Build the Etc menu
2609  menu $wf.etc_but.m -tearoff false \
2610      -font $glob(gui,GuiFont) -postcommand "CreateEtcMenu $wf.etc_but.m $inst"
2612  # Create buttons
2613  #  the ^ button
2614  buttonWbitmap $wf.button_parentdir \
2615      -relief raised \
2616      -borderwidth 1\
2617      {*}[getImage -bitmap up @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/up.bit] \
2618      -command "UpDirTree $inst %X %Y"
2620  # the <- button
2621  button $wft.button_back -takefocus 0 -borderwidth 1 \
2622      {*}[getImage -bitmap left @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/left.bit] \
2623      -command  "DoProtCmd \"  Back ${inst}\"" -width 22
2625  # Start a terminal program button
2626  button $wft.button_xterm -takefocus 0 \
2627      -borderwidth 1 \
2628      {*}[getImage -bitmap xterm @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/xterm.bit] \
2629      -command "StartTerm  $inst"
2631  # The command at the bottom button
2632  button $wft.button_frterm -takefocus 0 \
2633      -borderwidth 1\
2634      {*}[getImage -bitmap frterm @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/frterm.bit] \
2635      -command "ToggleCmdWin $inst"
2637  # The update button
2638  button $wft.button_update -takefocus 0 \
2639      -borderwidth 1\
2640      {*}[getImage -bitmap update @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/update.bit] \
2641      -command \
2642      "DoProtCmd \"set glob(forceupdate) 1; \
2643       UpdateWindow $inst; set glob(forceupdate) 0\""
2645  # The dir line window
2646  entry $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir -takefocus 0 \
2647      -relief {ridge} \
2648      -font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont) \
2649      -selectbackground $glob(gui,color_select_bg) \
2650      -selectforeground $glob(gui,color_select_fg) \
2651      -background $glob(gui,color_bg) \
2652      -foreground $glob(gui,color_fg) \
2653      -highlightthickness 1
2654  lappend glob(winlist,color_xx) $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir
2657  label $wft.stat -text ""\
2658      -justify center\
2659      -bd 0\
2660      -relief raised\
2661      -font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont)
2662  # The tree entry is first (if unix) and is put here
2663  # by buildTree.
2664  # grid $wf.dir_but     -row 1 -sticky ew -column 0
2665  grid $wf.hotlist_but -row 1 -sticky e -column 1
2666  grid $wf.history_but -row 1 -sticky e -column 2
2667  grid $wf.etc_but     -row 1 -sticky e -column 3
2668  grid $wf.button_parentdir -row 1 -sticky ew -column 10
2670  grid columnconfigure $wf all -weight 1
2671  grid columnconfigure $wf $wf.button_parentdir \
2672      -weight 1000 -uniform 0 -minsize 16
2674  grid $wf  -row 1 -sticky ew
2675  grid $wft -row 2 -sticky ew
2676  grid $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir -row 3 -sticky ew
2677  # row 4 is the listbox...
2678  grid columnconfigure $glob(win,$inst) all -weight 1
2679  grid rowconfigure    $glob(win,$inst) 10  -weight 1
2682  grid $wft.button_back   -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew
2683  grid $wft.button_update -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ew
2684  grid $wft.stat          -row 1 -column 3 -sticky ew
2685  grid $wft.button_frterm -row 1 -column 4 -sticky ew
2686  grid $wft.button_xterm  -row 1 -column 5 -sticky ew
2688  grid columnconfigure $wft $wft.stat -weight 1
2690#  pack $glob(win,$inst).frame_listb -side top -fill both -expand 1
2691#  we do the build from the config file read...
2692#  buildListBox $inst
2695proc BuildListBoxes {} {
2696  global glob config
2697  # prevent trying to update while rebuilding
2698  set glob(panelsLocked) 1
2699  ToggleCollock
2700  buildListBox left
2701  buildListBox right
2702  set glob(panelsLocked) \
2703      [expr {$config(ListBoxColumns,left) != $config(ListBoxColumns,right)}]
2704  ToggleCollock
2705  # ReconfigFont wants to mess with listbox fonts so the listboxes must exist first
2706  ReConfigColors foo
2707  ReConfigFont
2709  foreach men $glob(userMenuList) {
2710    destroy $men
2711  }
2712  set glob(userMenuList) {}
2713  set glob(menus,left) {}
2714  set glob(menus,right) {}
2716  foreach {add ref} [concat [array get config "bind,*"]\
2717			 [array get config "global-bind,*"]] {
2718    switch -glob $ref {
2719      DoMenu,* {}
2720      default { continue }
2721    }
2722    lassign [split $ref ","] junk name
2723    if {![info exists config(menu,$name)]} {
2724      PopError \
2725	  [_ "Config error: config($add) refers to a menu ( config(menu,$name) )\
2726             \n that does not exist. Binding $add will throw error."]
2727      continue
2728    }
2729    # Build the user menu...
2730    foreach inst {left right} {
2731      if {[lsearch -exact $glob(userMenuList) \
2732	       "$glob(listbox,$inst).file.$name"] == -1} {
2733	lappend glob(menus,$inst) \
2734	    [buildMenu $name $glob(listbox,$inst).file $inst $config(menu,$name)]
2735      }
2736    }
2737  }
2738  # Here we look up the bindings for each of the configured buttons
2739  foreach {but val} [array get config "bind,*"] {
2740    foreach inst {left right} {
2741      set glob($but,$inst) [findCommand $val $inst]
2742    }
2743  }
2746proc buildMenu {name w inst val} {
2747  global glob config
2748  menu $w.$name \
2749      -tearoffcommand FixTearoff \
2750      -title $name \
2751      -tearoff true \
2752      -font $glob(gui,GuiFont)
2753  foreach it $val {
2754    lassign $it itm actual
2755    set actual [expr {$actual == {} ? $itm : $actual }]
2756    switch -glob $itm {
2757      {} { $w.$name add separator}
2758      menu,* {
2759	set cname [regsub {[^,]*,(.*)} $itm {\1}]
2760	if {![info exists config(menu,$cname)]} {
2761	  PopError "menu $cname refered to by menu $name does not exist. \
2762                  \nSkiping cascade menu."
2763	} else {
2764	  if {[string match "*.$cname.*" $w.$name]} {
2765	    PopError "menu '$name' makes a recursive reference to menu '$cname'. \
2766                  \nSkiping cascade menu."
2767	  } else {
2768	    $w.$name add cascade -menu $w.$name.$cname -label $cname
2769	    buildMenu $cname $w.$name $inst $config(menu,$cname)
2770	  }
2771	}
2772      }
2773      default {
2774	set cmd "[findCommand [lindex $actual 0] $inst] [lrange $actual 1 end]"
2775	$w.$name add command -label $itm \
2776	    -command "DoMenu [list $cmd $inst] "
2777	foreach entry $config(middle_button_colors) {
2778	  lassign $entry thename color
2779	  if {$thename == $actual} {
2780	    switch -glob $color {
2781	      -* {$w.$name entryconfigure end -activebackground \
2782		      [string range $color 1 end]}
2783	      default {$w.$name entryconfigure end -background $color}
2784	    }
2785	  }
2786	}
2787      }
2788    }
2789  }
2790  lappend glob(userMenuList) "$w.$name"
2791  return [list DoMenu,$name "RaiseMenu $w.$name"]
2794proc findCommand {name inst} {
2795  global glob
2796  foreach ent [concat $glob(buttoncmds) \
2797		   $glob(middlebuttoncmds) \
2798		   $glob(menus,$inst)] {
2799    lassign $ent nam cmd
2800    if {$nam == $name} {return $cmd}
2801  }
2802  #error "command $name not found"
2803  return $name
2806# Give 'this' a string containing either 'left' or 'right' return the
2807# same string with 'left' replaced by 'right' and 'right' replaced by 'left'
2809proc OpName {this} {
2810  return [string map {left right right left} $this]
2812  # Create listbox ==========================================================
2813proc buildListBox {inst} {
2814  global glob config
2815  destroy $glob(win,$inst).frame_listb
2816  frame $glob(win,$inst).frame_listb -bd 0
2819  set lbw [multilist $glob(win,$inst).frame_listb config(ListBoxColumns,$inst) \
2820	       -toptions [list  -relief {ridge} \
2821			      -bd 0]\
2822 	       -loptions [list  -relief {ridge} \
2823			      -selectmode extended] \
2824	       -boptions [list {*}[getImage -bitmap toggle\
2825				       @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/toggle.bit] \
2826			      -command "ToggleSelect $inst" \
2827			      -bd 1 -height 12]\
2828               -font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont) \
2829	       -selectscript "ListBoxSelected" \
2830	       -listcolumnscroll $config(columnScroll) \
2831	       -soptions "-width $config(columnScrollSize)"\
2832	   ]
2833  set glob(listbox,$inst) $lbw
2834#  puts "window name is $lbw"
2835  foreach lbentry $config(ListBoxColumns,$inst) {
2836    set swinn [lindex $lbentry 0]
2837    $lbw.$swinn config -listvariable glob($inst,lv$swinn)
2838  }
2839  set newcolorlist {}
2840  foreach entry $glob(winlist,color_xx) {
2841    if {[string match "$lbw.*" $entry] } continue
2842    lappend newcolorlist $entry
2843  }
2844  set glob(winlist,color_xx) $newcolorlist
2846  # set newtablist {}
2847  # foreach entry $glob(gui,tablist) {
2848  #   if {[string match "$lbw.*" $entry] } continue
2849  #   lappend newtablist $entry
2850  # }
2851  foreach winn $config(ListBoxColumns,$inst) {
2852    set swin [lindex $winn 0]
2853    set wd $lbw.$swin
2854    lappend glob(winlist,color_xx) $wd $lbw.label$swin
2855    balloonhelp_for $lbw.label$swin {[_b "List box entry labels." ]}
2857    balloonhelp_for $wd \
2858	{[_b "Dir list box. Button bindings:\n<Tab>\
2859         \t\tMove focus to other window
2860         \n<Shift Left Mouse>\
2861         Extend selection from last single selected entry\n<Cntl Left Mouse>\
2862         \tAdd the file under the mouse to the selection\n<drag Left Mouse>\
2863         Add files moved over to the selection\n<char>\
2864         \t\tScroll window to make files that start with\n\
2865         \t\t<char> visable.  If control <char> or 'Position to\n\
2866         \t\tdirectories' scroll to make directory entry visable\
2867         \n\n Mouse buttons 1, 2, & 3 combinations are\n\
2868         \tConfigurable see 'Mouse Bindings & menus'\n\
2869         " ]}
2870    # Bind the buttons
2871    bind $wd <Tab> "focus [OpName $wd];break"
2872    bind $wd $config(mwheel,neg) "$wd yview scroll -\$config(mwheel,delta) units
2873                                  break"
2874    bind $wd  config(mwheel,pos) "$wd yview scroll \$config(mwheel,delta)units
2875                                  break"
2876    bind $wd <2> "ToggleSelectEntry ${inst} %y;break"
2877    bind $wd <B2-Motion> "ToggleSelectEntryMotion ${inst} %y;break"
2878    foreach {but val} [array get config "bind,*"] {
2879      set button [regsub {bind,(.*)} $but {\1}]
2880      if {$val == {}} {continue}
2882      catch {bind $wd <$button> {} }
2883      if {[catch {
2884	bind $wd <$button> "DoBut $button ${inst} \[$wd nearest %y\] %X %Y
2885                            break"}  out] != 0 } {
2886	if {$inst == "left" } {
2887	  # only complain about this on one of the panes
2888	  lappend err  [list $button $out]
2889	}
2890      }
2892    }
2894    #bind $wd <ButtonRelease-1> "+UpdateStat"
2895    #bind $wd <ButtonRelease-2> "+UpdateStat"
2897    if {$config(keyb_support)} {
2898      #bind $wd <Any-1>  "+focus $wd"
2899      bind $wd <Escape> "focus ."
2900      bind $wd <Left> "DoProtCmd \"
2901          NewPwd $inst \\\$glob(${inst},pwd)/..
2902          UpdateWindow $inst\"
2903          catch \"focus $wd\"
2904          break
2905        "
2906      bind $wd <Right> "
2907          DoProtCmd CmdView
2908          catch \"focus $wd\"
2909           break
2910        "
2911      bind $wd <KeyPress>  "DoCommandOnKey $inst %A"
2912    } else {
2913      bind $wd <Escape> break
2914      bind $wd <KeyPress> "ShowListOnKey $inst %A"
2915    }
2916  }
2917  balloonhelp_for $glob(win,$inst).frame_listb.v.but \
2918      {[_b "Toggle the selection(s)." ]}
2919  # pack $glob(win,$inst).frame_listb -side top -fill both -expand 1
2920  grid $glob(win,$inst).frame_listb -row 10 -sticky news
2921  if {[info exists err]} {
2922    set errlist [lsort -unique $err]
2923    foreach ent $errlist {
2924      lassign $ent button out
2925      # puts "$ent $button $out"
2926      PopError [_ "In trying to bind '%s' in $inst list box \
2927                \nerror '%s' occured. \
2928                 \n Skipping this binding." $button $out]
2929    }
2930  }
2932#================ end of mulist listbox set up ========================
2934# This function seems not to be called and is likely why paste doesn't do
2935# what we would like.... in X, works in Windows...
2937proc GetFileListBoxSTRING_Selection {offset maxBytes } {
2938  global glob
2939  set l {}
2940#  puts "building selection responce"
2941  foreach inst {left right} {
2942    foreach sel [$glob(listbox,$inst).file curselection] {
2943      set l "$l $glob($inst,pwd)/[lindex [lindex $glob($inst,filelist) $sel] 1]"
2944    }
2945  }
2946#  puts "$l"
2947  return [string range $l 1 $maxBytes]
2950# called from the ^ button...
2951proc UpDirTree { inst x y} {
2952#  Log "$x $y $inst $w"
2953  global glob
2954  set priordir $glob($inst,pwd)
2955  DoProtCmd "NewPwd $inst [list $priordir/..] \;
2956             UpdateWindow $inst"
2957  # The intent here is to put a volume list in the hot list for Windows
2958  # which treats each volume as a totally separate thing...
2959  # Only do this if s/he is trying to go up from the root of the tree...
2960  if {$priordir == $glob($inst,pwd) } {
2961    # We add 10 so the mouse is not in the menu (causes the up event to
2962    # close the menu)
2963    $glob(win,$inst).dirmenu_frame.hotlist_but.m post [expr {$x + 10}] $y
2964  }
2965  return
2968proc wLinkName {inst fileEnt} {
2969  global glob
2970  lassign $fileEnt {*}$glob(fListEl)
2971  switch -glob $type {
2972    *l* {
2973      return  $link
2974    }
2975  }
2976  return {}
2979proc FTPDateStringToSeconds { date } {
2980  set r [catch {clock scan "$date"} out]
2981  if {!$r} {
2982    # Had to add heuristics here to get the correct year since it
2983    # doesn't say which year in the input string
2984    set today [clock seconds]
2985    # If the date looks like it's more than two months in the future,
2986    # let's subtract a year...
2987    if {$out > ($today+5184000)} {
2988      set t [clock format $out]
2989      set y [lindex $t end]
2990      incr y -1
2991      set t "[lrange $t 0 [expr [llength $t]-3]] $y"
2992      set r [catch {clock scan $t} out2]
2993      if {!$r} {
2994        set out $out2
2995      }
2996    }
2997    return $out
2998  }
2999  set r [catch {clock scan \
3000		    "[lindex $date 1] [lindex $date 0] [lindex $date 2]"} out]
3001  if {$r} {return 0}
3002  return "$out"
3005proc UpdateWindow { inst } {
3006  global glob
3007  if {$glob(async) == "-a"} return
3009  if {$glob(left,pwd) == $glob(right,pwd)} {
3010    set inst "both"
3011  }
3012  switch $inst {
3013    left  { UpdateWindow_ left 0  }
3014    right { UpdateWindow_ right 0 }
3015    both  { UpdateWindow_ left 0
3016            if {$glob(left,pwd) == $glob(right,pwd)} {
3017              UpdateWindow_ right 1
3018            } else {
3019              UpdateWindow_ right 0
3020            }
3021          }
3022  }
3023  UpdateStat
3026# UpdateIf takes zero or more file name(s)  and updates if it  is
3027# in one of the panel displays
3028proc UpdateIf {args} {
3029  global glob
3030  set done {}
3031  set doneDir {}
3032  frputs args
3033  foreach file $args {
3034    frputs #2 args
3035    set dir [URL norm $file/..]
3036    if {$dir in $doneDir} {continue}
3037    lappend doneDir $dir
3038    if {[IsVFS $dir]} {
3039      ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache $dir
3040    }
3041    frputs dir
3042    foreach inst {left right} {
3043      if {$inst ni $done && $dir == $glob($inst,pwd)} {
3044	ForceUpdate $inst
3045	lappend done $inst
3046      }
3047    }
3048  }
3051proc ForceUpdate {{inst  both}} {
3052  global glob
3053  set glob(forceupdate) 1
3054  UpdateWindow $inst
3055  set glob(forceupdate) 0
3058proc UpdateWindow_ { inst quick } {
3059  global glob config
3061  # clear the select history
3062  if {$inst == $glob(select_pry_lr)} {
3063    highlightOff
3064  }
3065  if {$inst == $glob(select_cur_lr)} {
3066    set glob(select_cur_lr) {}
3067  }
3069  # Up date the free bytes on the device...
3070  if {[IsVFS $glob($inst,pwd)]} {
3071    set glob($inst,df) ?
3072  }
3074  # entry_dir is the contents of the dir box at the head of the dir window
3075  # If ftp and not a fourced update and old==new, just update entry_dir
3076  if { [IsVFS $glob(${inst},pwd)] && (!$glob(forceupdate)) } {
3077    if {$glob(${inst},update_oldpwd) == $glob(${inst},pwd)} {
3078      setDisplayDir $inst
3079      return ""
3080    }
3081  }
3082  set Other [Opposite $inst]
3083  # next line for autoupdater
3084  # (quick => left==right this is right and just did left or visa versa)
3085  if {$quick} {
3086    set glob($inst,lastmtime) $glob($Other,lastmtime)
3087    set oldy [lindex [$glob(listbox,$Other).file yview] 0]
3088  } else {
3089    catch {set glob($inst,lastmtime) [file mtime $glob($inst,pwd)]}
3090    set oldy [lindex [$glob(listbox,$inst).file yview] 0]
3091  }
3093  set oldlist $glob(${inst},filelist)
3094  # use other window if it is the same and current...
3095  if {$quick} {
3096    set r 0
3097    set glob(${inst},filelist) $glob($Other,filelist)
3098    set glob($inst,df) $glob($Other,df)
3099  } else {
3100    if {[IsVFS $glob($inst,pwd)] && $glob(forceupdate) } {
3101      ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache $glob($inst,pwd)
3102    }
3103    while {[set r [catch {GetDirList $inst} glob(${inst},filelist)]] != 0} {
3104      # Failure to read a dir. Lets just go up the tree and try again.
3105      frputs glob(${inst},filelist)
3106      NewPwd $inst $glob($inst,pwd)/.. goUp
3107    }
3108  }
3109  setDisplayDir $inst
3111  # if old list is same as new and not forced... over and out.
3112  if {$oldlist == $glob(${inst},filelist) && (!$glob(forceupdate))} {
3113    set glob(${inst},update_oldpwd) $glob(${inst},pwd)
3114    return
3115  }
3116  # populate the list box
3117  if {$quick} {
3118    foreach flist $glob(listboxNames) {
3119      set glob($inst,lv$flist) $glob($Other,lv$flist)
3120    }
3121  } else {
3122    set start [clock mill]
3123    ConstructFileList $inst
3124    set DisTime [expr {[clock mill] - $start}]
3125    frputs DisTime
3126  }
3127  # Here is where we position the text in the window....
3128  # Not completly sure why we need the update, but if we don't the
3129  # yview moveto will not work correctly.
3130  update idletasks
3131  if {$glob(${inst},update_oldpwd) == $glob(${inst},pwd)} {
3132# How do we do this now?
3133    $glob(listbox,$inst).file yview moveto $oldy
3134  } else {
3135    # frputs glob($inst,dirstack)
3136    set idx \
3137	[lsearch -index 0 -exact -start 1 $glob($inst,dirstack) $glob(${inst},pwd)]
3138    if {$idx != -1} {
3139      set index [lindex $glob($inst,dirstack) $idx 1]
3140      $glob(listbox,$inst).file activate $index
3141      $glob(listbox,$inst).file see $index
3142      if {($config(keyb_support) || 1) && \
3143	      [$glob(listbox,$Other).file curselection] == {} } {
3144	$glob(listbox,$inst).file selection set $index
3145	propagateSelection $glob(listbox,$inst).file
3146      }
3147    }
3148    # if {[lindex $glob($inst,dirstack) 1 0] == $glob(${inst},pwd) } {
3149    # }
3150  }
3151  set glob(${inst},update_oldpwd) $glob(${inst},pwd)
3154################################## DisplayName code #####################
3155# We want this to be a two way street, dir -> dir with embeded display name
3156# and "display name" -> dir
3157# The first conversion should be fast while we don't want to slouch much
3158# on the the 2ed.
3159# For the first, since we will often get results that start with a DN and
3160# finish with a sub dir AND will have cases where the sub dir may also
3161# have a DN, we will set up a list of doublets {dir DN} and insure that
3162# the longest dirs are befor shorter ones. This also allows us to use
3163# the "string map" code to do the conversion. Using "string map" eliminates
3164# all the partial string work..
3165# To go the other way (DN to dir) we will just use the array notation.
3167# So, we mantain two reps, the list of doublets and the array.
3168# To keep every thing straight we do all the list/array stuff here.
3170# We have 4 routines:
3172# 1)   addDN list     {may add more than one, dublets, {dir name}}
3173#                     dir must be absolute and name unique
3174#                     error checking to insure absolute path and unique
3175# 1.1) addDNtoList    {No error checking, sorts on path length}
3176# 2)   delDN name     {only one at a time}
3177# 3)   dirToDN dir    {returns the dir with a DN inserted if needed}
3178# 3.1) dirToDNexact dir {only exact match returned. For building dir list
3179# 4)   DNtoDir     nam  {returns the dir with any DN expanded}
3180# 5)   DNtoDirtail nam  {returns dir using only the the tail, used by cmds}
3181# set  DNlist {}
3183# On CASE,      Display names have case, Dirs do not! Nuf said!
3185# On collision, if the dir already has a DN, we want to redefine it.
3186#               if the DN is already used, we want to throw an error
3187# In addition,  if the dir is not nil or absolute, throw an error.
3188# Mark our errors with "-" as first char. so they can be identified.
3191proc addDN {newDN} {
3192  global DNlist DNtoDir DirToDN
3193  # frputs #2 #1 newDN
3194  foreach {dir name} $newDN {
3195    # To avoid confusion we change the / and \ characters
3196    # to other UTF-8 chars that look the same (well really close)
3197    set name [regsub -all {/}  $name $::optionalSlash]
3198    set name [regsub -all {\\} $name $::optionalBackSlash]
3199    set oldName [dirToDNexact $dir]
3200    # if exact, its a dup, just skip
3201    # frputs oldName name
3202    if {$oldName == $name} {continue}
3203    # if the difference is only case and MSW, skip other tests
3204    if {[info exists DNtoDir($name)] ||\
3205	    $dir != {} && ![IsVFS $dir] &&\
3206	    (($::MSW && ![regexp -nocase {^([a-z]:|//)} $dir]) ||\
3207		 (!$::MSW && [string index $dir 0] != "/"))} {
3208      set ms [_ "\"%s\" not an absolute path or \"%s\" already exists" $dir $name]
3209      return -code error "- $ms"
3210    }
3211    # Volume names must have trailing /
3212    # if {$::MSW && [string match -nocase {[a-z]:} $dir]} {
3213    #   set dir $dir/
3214    # }
3215    if {$::MSW && [string match -nocase {[a-z]:/} $dir]} {
3216      set dir [string range $dir 0 end-1]
3217    }
3218    if {$oldName != {}} {
3219      delDN $oldName
3220    }
3221    addDNtoList [list $dir $name]
3222  }
3225# addDNtoList is called to add new entries and also to
3226# resort the list after a delete
3227# We could mess with case issues in the compare but it
3228# makes no real difference as the length is most important.
3232proc addDNtoList {newDN} {
3233  global DNlist DNtoDir DirToDN
3234  set DNlist [concat $DNlist $newDN]
3235  set nl {}
3236  foreach {dir name} $DNlist {
3237    lappend nl [list $dir $name]
3238  }
3239  # frputs #3 #2 #1 nl
3240  set nl [lsort -command {apply {{a b} {
3241    expr {[set l [expr {[string length $b] -\
3242			    [string length $a]}]] != 0 ? $l :\
3243 	      [string compare $b $a]}}}} \
3244	      -index 0 -unique $nl]
3245  set DNlist {}
3246  # frputs nl
3247  foreach nle $nl {
3248    lappend DNlist {*}$nle
3249  }
3250  # frputs nl DNlist
3251  array unset  DirToDN
3252  array unset  DNtoDir
3253  array set DNtoDir [lreverse $DNlist]
3254  array set DirToDN $DNlist
3257proc delDN {name} {
3258  global DNlist DNtoDir
3259  # I suppose this could be faster, but we don't expect to do this often
3260  unset -nocomplain DNtoDir($name)
3261  set DNlist {}
3262  # This depends on a full sort as well as the -unique...
3263  addDNtoList [lreverse [array get DNtoDir]]
3266# This version is exact only
3267# case issues here!
3268proc dirToDNexact {name} {
3269  global DirToDN
3270  if {[info exist DirToDN($name)]} {
3271    return $DirToDN($name)
3272  } else {
3273    return {}
3274  }
3277# Case issues here
3278proc dirToDN {name} {
3279  global DNlist
3280  # set opt [expr {$::MSW ? "-nocase" : ""}]
3281  set ln [string length $name]
3282  if {$ln == 0} {
3283    if {[lindex $DNlist end-1] == {}} {
3284      return [lindex $DNlist end]
3285    } else {
3286      return $name
3287    }
3288  }
3289  # The DNlist is a sorted dict list with the longest directorys
3290  # first. Thus if both /foo and /foo/bar are in the list we
3291  # will find /foo/bar. So we will do a search in a foreach...
3292  foreach {dir Dname} $DNlist {
3293    if {[set lt [string length $dir]] == 0} {
3294      break
3295    }
3296    # frputs lt dir Dname ln
3297    if {$lt <= $ln && [string equal {*}$::CASEops -length $lt $dir $name]} {
3298      # This is either it or it does not exist in our list
3299      if {[string index $name $lt] in {/ {}}} {
3300	return $Dname[string range $name $lt end]
3301      }
3302      break
3303    }
3304  }
3305  return $name
3308# In the below, any part of 'name' that is a display name
3309# has case.
3311proc DNtoDir {name} {
3312  global DNtoDir
3313  # again, we could mess arround with a string map, but...
3314  # that would require a new sort as well.
3315  # Here we take advantage of the fact that a DN must be the
3316  # first thing in a dir. We also have //sys to worry about.
3317  set idx [string first "/" $name]
3318  if {[string index $name $idx+1] == "/"} {
3319    set idx [string first "/" $name $idx+2]
3320  }
3321  incr idx -1
3322  if {$idx < 0} {
3323    set idx "end"
3324  }
3325 # frputs idx
3326  set fname [string range $name 0 $idx]
3327  if {[info exists DNtoDir($fname)]} {
3328    return $DNtoDir($fname)[string range $name $idx+1 end]
3329  } else {
3330    return $name
3331  }
3334# And this is for when we want to pull a name out of a dir list...
3335# We should have the full path/name and will return that if
3336# there is no DN, otherwise the Dir.
3337# We have a context issue here. If we find an entry for the tail
3338# we need to also insure that the rest of the path matches otherwise
3339# we will treating normal dir names as display names and going off
3340# to never never land...
3342proc DNtoDirTail {name} {
3343  global DNtoDir
3344  set tail [file tail $name]
3345  if {[info exist DNtoDir($tail)]} {
3346    set pos $DNtoDir($tail)
3347    if {[file dirname $name] in [list . [file dirname $pos]]} {
3348      return $pos
3349    }
3350  }
3351  return $name
3353############################### End of display name code ################
3355proc setDisplayDir {inst} {
3356  global glob
3357  $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir delete 0 end
3358  $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir insert end [dirToDN $glob(${inst},pwd)]
3359  $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir xview end
3360  $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir xview scroll 1 unit
3361  set glob(whichdir) $inst
3364proc GotoNewDir { inst { ask 0 } } {
3365  global glob
3366  if { ! $ask } {
3367    set newdir [DNtoDir [$glob(win,$inst).entry_dir get]]
3368  } else {
3369    # this takes us to the volume dir.
3370    set newdir ""
3371  }
3372  DoProtCmd {
3373    NewPwd  ${inst} $newdir
3374    UpdateWindow ${inst}
3375  }
3376  focus .
3380proc SelectThis {inst sel} {
3381  global glob
3382  if {$sel == {}} {return}
3383  foreach select $sel {
3384    $glob(listbox,$inst).file selection set $select
3385  }
3386  propagateSelection $glob(listbox,$inst).file
3387  UpdateStat_ $inst
3389# Here when a list box selection changes sel is a list of entries currently
3390# selected (may be empty).
3392proc ListBoxSelected { w sel} {
3393  global glob
3394#  puts "listboxselect $w $sel"
3395  if { $sel == "" } return
3396  if {$w != $glob(listbox,left)} {
3397    set inst right
3398    set other  $glob(listbox,left)
3399  } else {
3400    set inst left
3401    set other $glob(listbox,right)
3402  }
3403  set glob(selected) $inst
3404  $other.file selection clear 0 end
3405  propagateSelection $other.file
3406  set glob(selectFileList) {}
3407  foreach selent $sel {
3408    lappend glob(selectFileList) \
3409	$glob($inst,pwd)/[lindex $glob($inst,filelist) $selent 1]
3410  }
3411  # Make the selection available to the window system
3412  $glob(selectWindow) selection set 0 end
3413  # Arange to have the window system tell us when it is lost
3414  selection own -command "TextBoxSelect $w" $glob(selectWindow)
3415  UpdateStat
3417# We come here when ever we loose the selection.
3418proc TextBoxSelect {w } {
3419#  puts "TextBoxSelect $w"
3420  global glob
3421  $w.file selection clear 0 end
3422  propagateSelection $w.file
3423  highlightOff
3424  set glob(select_cur_lr) {}
3426proc ToggleSelectEntry { inst y } {
3427  global glob
3428#  puts "ToggleSelectEntry $inst $y"
3429  set index [$glob(listbox,$inst).file nearest $y]
3430  if {[$glob(listbox,$inst).file selection includes $index]} {
3431    $glob(listbox,$inst).file selection clear $index
3432    set glob(listbox,last) clear
3433    set glob(listbox,last,idx) $index
3434  } else {
3435    $glob(listbox,$inst).file selection set $index
3436    set glob(listbox,last) set
3437    set glob(listbox,last,idx) $index
3438  }
3439  propagateSelection $glob(listbox,$inst).file
3442proc ToggleSelectEntryMotion { inst y } {
3443  global glob
3444  # For some reason, sometimes the ToggleSelectEntry function
3445  # does not get called before this....
3446  if {[info exists glob(listbox,last)]} {
3447    set index [$glob(listbox,$inst).file nearest $y]
3448    $glob(listbox,$inst).file selection \
3449	$glob(listbox,last) $glob(listbox,last,idx) $index
3450    propagateSelection $glob(listbox,$inst).file
3451  }
3454proc InitBindings {} {
3455  global config glob
3457  foreach inst {left right} {
3458    bind $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir <Key>      "set glob(whichdir) $inst"
3459    bind $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir <Return>   "GotoNewDir $inst;break"
3460    bind $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir <KP_Enter> "GotoNewDir $inst;break"
3461    bind $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir <3>        "GotoNewDir $inst 1;break"
3462    bind $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir <<Paste>>  "Do_Paste_dir $inst CLIPBOARD"
3463    bind $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir <<PasteSelection>>  "Do_Paste_dir $inst"
3464    bind $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir <Escape>   "\
3465                                           DoProtCmd \"UpdateWindow ${inst}\"
3466                                           focus ."
3467  }
3470#bind $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir <B2-ButtonRelease> "Do_Paste_dir $inst B2"
3472# The get_Pasted command makes every attempt to decode a paste and return
3473# the "expected" result. While "selection" says it is for X11 it seems to work
3474# for MSW as well... We prefer UTF8 and CLIPBOARD
3476proc get_Pasted {{sel PRIMARY}} {
3477  foreach typ {UTF8_STRING STRING} {
3478    if {![catch {selection get -selection $sel -type $typ} select]} {
3479      return $select
3480    }
3481  }
3482  return {}
3485proc Do_Paste_dir { inst {t PRIMARY}} {
3486  global glob
3488  set dir "[get_Pasted $t]"
3489  # Do a normal paste if not a file (or not one we can look at)
3490  # take care of embeded newlines using only the first one
3491  set dir [lindex [split $dir \n] 0]
3492  if {![IsVFS $dir] && ![file exists $dir]} {return}
3493  frputs dir
3494  if  {[catch {LnkFile $dir to xdir} out] == 0 && $out} {
3495	  set dir $to
3496    #set filetype [expr {$xdir ? {wld} : {wl}}]
3497    # if {$xdir} {
3498    #   GotoFind
3499    # }
3500  }
3501  if {![file exists $dir]} {return}
3502  frputs dir
3503  # if it is a link, get that...
3504  set dir [URL dir [URL norm $dir/x]]
3505  DoProtCmd {
3506    GotoFind [URL dir $dir] [file tail $dir] $inst
3507  }
3508  return -code break
3511proc DoCommandOnKey { inst key } {
3512  global glob
3513  if {$key == ""} return
3514  if {$key == "\r"} {
3515    DoProtCmd "CmdView"
3516    catch {focus $glob(listbox,$inst).dir}
3517    return
3518  }
3519  foreach k $glob(cmds,list) {
3520    if {$key == [lindex $k 2]} {
3521      DoProtCmd "[lindex $k 1]"
3522      catch {focus $glob(listbox,$inst).dir}
3523      return
3524    }
3525  }
3526  LogStatusOnly [_ "Cannot recognize keyboard shortcut %s" $key]
3529proc UpdateStat { } {
3530  global glob
3531    if {! ([UpdateStat_ left] | [UpdateStat_ right]) } {
3532      set glob(select_cur_lr) {}
3533    }
3536proc twidleHighlight { inst onoff items } {
3537  global glob config
3538  if {$onoff == "off" } {
3539    set way "-bg {} -fg {}"
3540  } else {
3541    set way "-bg $glob(gui,color_highlight_bg)\
3542             -fg $glob(gui,color_highlight_fg)"
3543  }
3544  foreachButListbox $glob(listbox,$inst) \
3545      "\{ foreach ind \{$items\} {
3546           \$wc.\$win itemconfigure \$ind $way \
3547	     }\}" \
3548	".-"
3551proc highlightOff {} {
3552  global glob
3553  if {[info exists glob(select_pry_lr)] && $glob(select_pry_lr) != {}} {
3554    twidleHighlight $glob(select_pry_lr) off $glob(select_pry_s)
3555  }
3556  set glob(select_pry_lr) {}
3559proc UpdateStat_ { inst } {
3560  global glob config
3561  set oldena $glob(enableautoupdate)
3562  if {$oldena != 0 } {
3563    set glob(enableautoupdate) 0
3564  }
3566  # We want to keep track of the last selection (which we call pry for prior).
3567  # this is used in the diff command.  Want to add highlight......................
3568  # suffix 'lr' == left right
3569  # suffix 's'  == selection
3570  set extending 0
3571  set select [$glob(listbox,$inst).file curselection]
3572  if {$inst == $glob(select_cur_lr) } {
3573    foreach s  $select {
3574    # extending the selection..?
3575      if {$s in $glob(select_cur_s)} {
3576	set glob(select_cur_s) $select
3577	# if { $glob(enableautoupdate) != $oldena} {
3578	#   set glob(enableautoupdate) $oldena
3579	# }
3580	set extending 1
3581	break
3582      }
3583    }
3584  }
3585  if {[llength $select] && ! $extending} {
3586 #   puts "found selection $inst"
3587    if { $inst != $glob(select_cur_lr) ||
3588	 $select != $glob(select_cur_s)} {
3589      # Remove old highlight it any
3590      if {$glob(select_pry_lr) != {}} {
3591	twidleHighlight $glob(select_pry_lr) off $glob(select_pry_s)
3592      }
3594      if {$glob(select_cur_lr) != {} } {
3595	twidleHighlight $glob(select_cur_lr) on $glob(select_cur_s)
3596      }
3598      set glob(select_pry_lr) $glob(select_cur_lr)
3599      set glob(select_pry_s) $glob(select_cur_s)
3600      set glob(select_cur_lr) $inst
3601      set glob(select_cur_s) $select
3602      # Here we set up and display the first selected file
3603      # and all it bits ...
3604      set indx [lindex $select 0]
3605      set disp {}
3606      foreach lbentry $config(ListBoxColumns,$inst) {
3607	set flist [lindex $lbentry 0]
3608	set disp "$disp [lindex $glob($inst,lv$flist) $indx]"
3609      }
3610      LogStatusOnly $disp
3611    }
3612  }
3613  # sum the sizes of the selected files (depends on size being #3)
3614  set n 0
3615  set s 0
3616  foreach k $select {
3617    set e [lindex $glob($inst,filelist) $k 3]
3618    if {[string is digit -strict $e]} {
3619      incr s $e
3620    }
3621    incr n
3622  }
3623  if {$s > 1048576} {
3624    set s [format "%.1fM" [expr $s/1048576.0]]
3625  }
3626  set len [llength $glob($inst,filelist)]
3627  if { $glob(enableautoupdate) != $oldena} {
3628    set glob(enableautoupdate) $oldena
3629  }
3630  $glob(win,$inst).top.stat configure -text \
3631      "$n/$len = $s [lindex $glob($inst,df) 0]"
3632  # return indicates if there is a selection...
3633  return $n
3637proc ToggleSelect { inst } {
3638  global glob
3639  set selected [$glob(listbox,$inst).file curselection]
3640  $glob(listbox,$inst).file selection set 0 end
3641  foreach sel $selected {
3642    $glob(listbox,$inst).file selection clear $sel
3643  }
3644  propagateSelection $glob(listbox,$inst).file
3646  UpdateStat
3650proc ShowListOnKey { inst char } {
3651  global glob config
3652  if {$char == ""} return
3653  # set foc [focus]
3654  # switch -glob $foc {
3655  #   *entry* return
3656  # }
3657  # set inst ""
3658  # foreach in {left right} {
3659  #   if {[$glob(listbox,$in).file curselection] != ""} {set inst $in}
3660  # }
3661  # if {$inst == ""} return
3662  if {$config(fileshow,sort) != {nameonly} } {
3663    set ask [smart_dialog .apop[incr ::uni] .\
3664		 [_ "Permission to change.."]\
3665		 [list [_ "Find on first character depends on sorting by 'nameonly'\
3666                    \nOK to set 'nameonly' sort mode and continue?"]]\
3667		 0 1 [_ "Yes"] [_ "No"]]
3668    if {$ask != 0} {return}
3669    set config(fileshow,sort) nameonly
3670    ForceUpdate
3671  }
3672  ShowListOnKey_ $glob(listbox,$inst).file glob($inst,filelist) "$char"
3675proc ShowListOnKey_ { listb_name filelist_var char } {
3676  global glob config
3677  upvar $filelist_var filelist
3678  set first ""
3679  set last ""
3680  set mask $config(positiondirs)
3681  # For control characters we use the lower case version and
3682  # position as a directory entry.  We ignor the positiondirs in this case.
3683  if {[string is control $char]} {
3684    scan $char %c num
3685    set char [format %c [expr {$num + 96}]]
3686    set mask 1
3687  }
3688  set case [expr {$config(sortoption) == "-ascii" ? "" : "-nocase"}]
3689  set n -1
3690  foreach k $filelist {
3691    incr n
3692    if {[IsFile $k] ^ $mask } {
3693      switch [eval "string compare $case -length 1 {$char} {[lindex $k 1]}"] {
3694	1 { continue}
3695	0  { if {$first == ""} {set first $n}
3696	     set last $n
3697	     continue
3698           }
3699	-1  {
3700	     set last $n
3701	     break
3702	   }
3703      }
3704    }
3705  }
3706  #  puts "first $first last $last n $n"
3707  if {$first != "" } {
3708    # This is an attempt to dodge the "near visable" thing that see does
3709    # We want to center the center of the found group This could be better...
3710    # by looking at total n (llength $filelist)
3711    if {$first > 60} {
3712      $listb_name see 0
3713    } else {
3714      $listb_name see end
3715    }
3716    $listb_name see [expr {($first + $last) / 2}]
3717    return
3718  }
3719  $listb_name see $n
3722proc IsFile { elem } {
3723  return [expr {[lindex $elem 2] in {l n fl fn}}]
3729# # The cascade menu. Does NOT work on windows.
3733proc DoBut {which inst index X Y} {
3734  global glob config
3735  set glob(doBut,index) $index
3736  set glob(doBut,inst) $inst
3737  set cmd $glob(bind,$which,$inst)
3738  lassign $cmd isocmd parm
3739  if {($glob(select_cur_lr) != $inst || $glob(select_cur_s) == {}) && \
3740	  $cmd ni $config(no_selection) && $inst != "glob" } {
3741    SelectThis $inst $index
3742  }
3743  if {$isocmd == "RaiseMenu" } {
3744    tk_popup $parm $X $Y
3745#    puts "Raiseing menu $inst"
3746    return
3747  }
3748  DoProtCmd_NoGrab  $cmd
3751proc DoMenu { cmd inst {index 0} {X 0} {Y 0}} {
3752  global glob
3753  set glob(doBut,inst) $inst
3754  frputs "DoMenu >$cmd< $inst $glob(doBut,index) "
3755  DoProtCmd_NoGrab  $cmd
3758lappend glob(buttoncmds) {ViewOne ViewOne} {ViewDirOpposite ViewDirOpposite} \
3759    {UpDirTree {UpDirTree $inst $X $Y}} {Back {Back $inst}}
3761# Rather that repeat a hacked up version of CmdView
3762# we fake it into working with the file pointed to
3763# when the button was pressed.  We do this by setting
3764# up a fake select function which returns the index.
3766proc ViewOne {} {
3767  global glob
3768  set inst $glob(doBut,inst)
3769  $glob(listbox,$inst).file activate $glob(doBut,index)
3770#  puts "Viewone $inst $glob(doBut,index)"
3771  CmdView_ SelectFake  glob($inst,filelist) \
3772      $glob($inst,pwd) $glob([Opposite $inst],pwd) $inst
3775proc SelectFake {args} {
3776  global glob
3777  return $glob(doBut,index)
3780# The toggle function toggles config binary values.
3781# For use in 'bind' configure objects,
3782# e.g. config(bind,t) Toggle config(fileshow,all)
3783proc Toggle {what} {
3784  global config
3785  set $what [expr { ! [set $what]} ]
3786  ForceUpdate
3789proc ViewDirOpposite {{selected 0}} {
3790  global glob
3791  set inst $glob(doBut,inst)
3792  if {$selected} {
3793    set sel [$glob(listbox,$inst).file curselection]
3794    if {$sel == {}} {return}
3795    lassign $sel ind x
3796  } else {
3797    set indx $glob(doBut,index)
3798  }
3799  set fileelem [lindex $glob($inst,filelist) $indx]
3800#  puts "here $glob(doBut,inst) $glob(doBut,index) >$fileelem<"
3801  switch [lindex $fileelem 2] {
3802    wld {
3803      set newdir [TranslateLnk [wLinkName $inst $fileelem] \
3804		      [lindex $glob($inst,df) 1]]
3805      # frputs "TranslateLnk of [wLinkName $inst $fileelem] returns  " newdir
3806      if {$newdir != {}} {
3807	NewPwd [Opposite $inst] $newdir
3808	UpdateWindow [Opposite $inst]
3809      } else {
3810	PopInfo [_ "Failed to translate windows lnk:\
3811                    %s"  [wLinkName $inst $fileelem]]
3812	return
3813      }
3814    }
3815    fd  -
3816    fld -
3817    ld  -
3818    d   {
3819      NewPwd [Opposite $inst] [DNtoDirTail $glob($inst,pwd)/[lindex $fileelem 1]]
3820      UpdateWindow [Opposite $inst]
3821    }
3822  }
3825proc Opposite { inst } {
3826  return [expr {$inst == "left" ? "right" : $inst == "right" ? "left" : \
3827		    [error [_ "Internal error (%s)" $inst]]}]
3830proc CheckAbort { info } {
3831  global glob
3832  update
3833  if { $glob(abortcmd) > 0} {
3834    Log [_ "%s aborted" $info]
3835    # This indicates that the abort was delivered...
3836    set glob(abortcmd) 0
3837    return 1
3838  }
3839  return 0
3842proc CantDoThat { } {
3843  PopInfo [_ "It would be cool if FileRunner could do that, but it can't (yet)..."]
3846proc DoUsrCmd { proc } {
3847  global glob
3848  set r [DoUsrCmd_ $glob(listbox,left).file \
3849	     glob(left,filelist) $glob(left,pwd) $glob(right,pwd) $proc]
3850  if {$r} {
3851    UpdateWindow both
3852    return
3853  }
3854  set r [DoUsrCmd_ $glob(listbox,right).file \
3855	     glob(right,filelist) $glob(right,pwd) $glob(left,pwd) $proc]
3856  if {$r} {
3857    UpdateWindow both
3858    return
3859  }
3860  Try {$proc {} $glob(right,pwd) $glob(left,pwd) $glob(mbutton)}
3861  UpdateWindow both
3864proc DoUsrCmd_ { listb_name filelist_var frompwd topwd proc } {
3865  global config glob
3866  upvar $filelist_var filelist
3868  set fl {}
3869  foreach sel [$listb_name curselection] {
3870    if {[CheckAbort "UserCommand $proc"]} return
3871    set elem [lindex $filelist $sel]
3872    lappend fl [lindex $elem 1]
3873  }
3874  if {$fl == ""} {return 0}
3875  Try {$proc $fl $frompwd $topwd $glob(mbutton)}
3876  return 1
3879proc CheckWhoOwns { file action } {
3880  global config
3881  if {!$config(check_ownership)} {
3882    return 1
3883  }
3884  set r [CheckOwner $file]
3885  if {$r} {return 1}
3886  set r \
3887      [smart_dialog .apop[incr ::uni] . "!" \
3888	   [list {} $file [_ " is not owned by you.\
3889                         \nOK to try to %s anyway?" $action ]]\
3890	   0 2 \
3891	   [list [_ "Yes"] [_ "No"]]]
3892  if {$r == 0} {return 1}
3893  return 0
3896# 0 means yes
3897# 1 means no
3898# 2 means cancel or s/he destroyed the window
3899proc yesNoCancel {master title mess} {
3900  set r [smart_dialog .query[incr ::uni] $master $title \
3901	     [list $mess]\
3902	     0 3 [list [_ "Yes"] [_ "No"] [_ "Cancel"]]]
3903  return [expr {$r < 0 ? 2 : $r}]
3906proc simple_smart_dialog {master title mess hint {cancel {}}} {
3907  # This just makes a common call to smart_dialog to get a new value for
3908  # 'hint'.  master should be the master window, title the windows title,
3909  # mess the info message, and hint the suggested value.
3910  # return will be the new value for 'hint' which could be {} if
3911  # cancel or window abort or s/he actually clears the input field
3913  set ::ssdTmp $hint
3914  set r  [smart_dialog .window[incr ::uni] $master $title \
3915	      [list $mess] \
3916	      1 3 \
3917	      [list \
3918		   [list {} [list -textvariable ::ssdTmp -width 70]]\
3919		   [_ OK] [_ Cancel]] [buildDialogConfig] \
3920	     ]
3921  if {$r == -1 || $r == 2} {
3922    return $cancel
3923  }
3924  return $::ssdTmp
3927proc cent {w m} {
3928  centerWin $w $m
3929  centerMouse2 $w.0
3932proc FtpCheckSyntax { inst newpwd ask} {
3933  global glob config
3934  upvar newpwd newdir
3935  set newdir $newpwd
3936  set beenhere 0
3937#  puts "$newdir"
3938  while { 1 } {
3939    set r [IsVFS $newdir]
3940    #    puts "yet? match $match sftp $sftp VFStok $VFStok new $newpwd2 <"
3941    # By setting the cancel return to "/" we end up in a safe place.
3942    if {$r == 0 || $VFStok == ""} {
3943      set newdir [simple_smart_dialog "." \
3944		      [_ "Error in path"] \
3945		      [_ "Malformed URL: %s\nFormat:\
3946                         <protocol>://<user@site>/<path>\n\
3947                          Please edit new path or cancel." $newdir] \
3948		      $newpwd "/"]
3949      if { $newpwd == "" || ! [IsVFS $newpwd]  } {
3950	# OK, the path was malformed and we got back nil, or a non-VFS path.
3951	# Go round again..
3952	return  -code continue $newdir
3953      }
3954      # Something that 'may' be a decent path, back up to test again...
3955      continue
3956    }
3957    if {$VFStok != "" && $VFSpath == ""} {
3958      set newdir $newdir/
3959    } else {
3960      # we would like to do file normalize here, but it relates
3961      # ".." to [pwd] which is, well just not right in this
3962      # context.
3963      # set newdir [URL norm $newdir]
3964    }
3965#    puts "$VFStok<>$sftp"
3966    set r [catch {OpenVFS $newdir} out]
3967    set posUp [URL norm $newdir/..]
3968    if {$r} {
3969      frputs "OpenVFS error " out ::errorInfo
3970      if {$out == "ABORT_LOGIN" } {
3971	LogStatusOnly [_ "$newdir login aborted"]
3972	# lets try the old dir here....
3973	set newdir $glob($inst,pwd)
3974	return -code continue ""
3975      }
3976      if {$glob(debug)} {
3977	global errorInfo
3978	set info "\n errorInfo: $errorInfo"
3979      } else {
3980	set info ""
3981      }
3982      if {$ask == "goUp"} {
3983	set newdir $posUp
3984	return -code continue $newdir
3985      }
3987      # again cancel get us to '/'
3988      set newdir [simple_smart_dialog "."\
3989		      [_ "Error Connecting"] \
3990		      [_ "Error: %s\n\nPlease edit new path or cancel." \
3991			   $out$info] \
3992		      $newdir "/"]
3993      if {$newdir == {}} {
3994	#s/he  just wants to continue...
3995	set newdir $posUp
3996	return -code continue
3997      }
3998      if {! [IsVFS $newdir] } {
3999	return  -code continue
4000      }
4001      # Still FTP but a new path, have another look here...
4002      continue
4003    }
4004    # Can we 'cd' to it?
4005    frputs out
4006    # if we have a new URL, use it
4007    if {[IsVFS $out]} {
4008      set newdir $out
4009    }
4010    set r [catch {VFScd $newdir} out]
4012    #    puts "VFS cd to $newpwd2 ret= $r"
4013    if {$r || $out != 1 } {
4014      # NO!
4015      if {$beenhere == 1} {
4016	TryMakeNewDir $newdir
4017	incr beenhere
4018	continue
4019      }
4020      # See if s/he can help us with the path...
4021      if {$glob(debug)} {
4022	global errorInfo
4023	set info "\n errorInfo: $errorInfo"
4024      } else {
4025	set info ""
4026      }
4027#      puts "$r = r $out = out wd = $newpwd2"
4028      set newdir \
4029	  [simple_smart_dialog "."  \
4030	       [_ "Error in path, can not cd to it"] \
4031	       [_ "Error: %s\nPlease edit new path or cancel.\
4032                 OK or Return will create it if it does not exist." $out$info] \
4033	       $newdir {}]
4034      # The following is in order to make sure the connection
4035      # to the VFS site is not lost even though we didn't get
4036      # the initial path correct.
4038      set r [catch {VFSpwd $VFStok} out]
4039      if { $newdir == "" &&  $r == 0} {
4040	# s/he
4041	set newdir $out
4042      }
4043      frputs newdir r out
4044      if {$newdir == {}} {
4045	set newdir $posUp
4046	return -code continue
4047      }
4048      if { $newdir == ""  || ! [IsVFS $newdir] } {
4049 	return -code continue
4050      }
4051      set beenhere 1
4052      continue
4053    }
4054    break
4055  }
4057  # If we always want the true path, get that
4058  if { $config(ftp,cd_pwd) } {
4059    set r [catch {VFSpwd $VFStok} out]
4060    if {!$r} {
4061      set glob(${inst},pwd) $out
4062    } else {
4063      # not sure here.  we cd'd to the dir but failed the PWD???
4064      PopError "$out"
4065      set newdir $glob($inst,pwd)
4066      return -code continue
4067    }
4068  } else {
4069    # Evaluate xxx/yyy/zzz/../.. to xxx
4070    set glob(${inst},pwd) [URL norm $newpwd]
4071  }
4072  set newdir  $glob(${inst},pwd)
4073  return -code break
4078proc AppendToDirHistory {dir} {
4079  global glob
4080  set found_index [lsearch -exact $glob(history) $dir]
4081  if { $found_index >= 0} {
4082    set glob(history) [lreplace $glob(history) $found_index $found_index]
4083  }
4084  set glob(history) [linsert $glob(history) 0 $dir]
4085  set glob(history) [lrange $glob(history) 0 30]
4089proc CreateHistoryMenu { inst } {
4090  global glob
4091  set menun $glob(win,$inst).dirmenu_frame.history_but.m
4092  $menun delete 0 end
4093  # while we are here, purge entries for dirs that do not exist.
4094  set newH {}
4095  foreach dir $glob(history) {
4096    if {![IsVFS $dir] && ![file exists $dir] && $dir != {}} {continue}
4097    $menun add command -label [dirToDN $dir] -command "CdHistory ${inst} \{$dir\}"
4098    lappend newH $dir
4099  }
4100  set glob(history) $newH
4103proc CdHistory { inst dir } {
4104  global glob
4105  DoProtCmd "
4106    NewPwd ${inst} \{$dir\}
4107    UpdateWindow ${inst}
4108  "
4110proc ifExists {name file} {
4111  return [expr {[file exists $file] | [file exists $file.gz] ? \
4112		    [list [list [_ $name] $file]] : {}}]
4114proc CreateHelpMenu { } {
4115  global glob
4116  set thisMenu $glob(win,top).menu_frame.help_but.m
4117  $thisMenu delete 0 end
4118  buildCasMenu {}\
4119      [list \
4120	   {*}[ifExists "QuickStart"   $glob(doclib_fr)/QuickStart.txt]\
4121	   {*}[ifExists "User's Guide" $glob(doclib_fr)/Users_Guide.txt]\
4122	   {*}[ifExists "Copying"      $glob(doclib_fr)/COPYING]\
4123	   {*}[ifExists "Eula"         $glob(doclib_fr)/Eula]\
4124	   {*}[ifExists "History"      $glob(doclib_fr)/HISTORY]\
4125	   {*}[ifExists "Installation" $glob(doclib_fr)/README]\
4126	   {*}[ifExists "FAQ"          $glob(doclib_fr)/FAQ]\
4127	   {*}[ifExists "Tips"         $glob(doclib_fr)/Tips.txt]\
4128	   {*}[ifExists "Known Bugs"   $glob(doclib_fr)/KnownBugs.txt]\
4129	   {*}[ifExists "To Do"        $glob(doclib_fr)/To_Do.txt]\
4130	   {*}[ifExists "inotify"      $glob(conf_dir)/inotify-message]\
4131	  ] \
4132      $thisMenu\
4133      ViewTextH
4136proc ViewTextH {file args} {
4137  ViewHelp $file
4140proc CreateEtcMenu {w inst} {
4141  global glob
4142  # We only put up what is useful...
4143  set vfsMenu {}
4144  if {[IsVFS $glob($inst,pwd)]} {
4145    if {[catch {VFSmenu $VFStok} vfsMenu] != 0} {
4146      set vfsMenu {}
4147    }
4148    lappend vfsMenu \
4149	{-label {Add To VFS Batch List} -command {AddToBatchList $inst}}\
4150	{-label {View VFS Batch List}   -command ViewBatchList}\
4151	{-label {Clear VFS Batch List}  -command {set glob(batchlist) {}}}\
4152	{-label {VFS Copy With Resume}  -command {P {CmdCopy 1}}}\
4153	{-label {VFS Copy With Resume/Async}   -command\
4154	     {set glob(async) "-a"; P {CmdCopy 1}}}\
4155	{-label {HTTP Download}         -command {P {CmdGetHttp $inst}}}
4156  } else {
4157    # Local file system
4158    lappend vfsMenu \
4159	{+-label {Find File...}          -command {P {CmdFind $inst}}}\
4160	{+-label {Create Empty File...}  -command {P {CmdCreateEmptyFile $inst}}}\
4161	{+-label {Recurse Command...}    -command {P {CmdRecurseCommand $inst}}}\
4162	{-label {View VFS Batch List}    -command ViewBatchList}\
4163	{-label {Clear VFS Batch List}   -command {set glob(batchlist) {}}}\
4164	{-label {VFS Batch Receive}      -command {P {BatchReceiveVFS $inst}}}\
4165	{-label {HTTP Download}          -command {CmdGetHttp $inst}}
4166  }
4167  $w delete 0 end
4168  ButtonAdd $w $inst $vfsMenu
4171proc CreateHotListMenu {inst} {
4172  global glob config DNlist
4173  # We want to put the Display names first...
4174  set dnameList {}
4175  foreach {dir dname} $DNlist {
4176    lappend dnameList [list $dname $dir]
4177  }
4178  set dnameList [lsort -index 0 $dnameList]
4179  frputs dnameList
4180  buildCasMenu [list {} [list [_ "Dismiss"]] {} [list [_ "Add to hotlist"]] {}] \
4181      [concat $dnameList [list {}] $config(hotlist)] \
4182      $glob(win,$inst).dirmenu_frame.hotlist_but.m\
4183      [list hotlistHandler $inst]\
4184      -tearoffcommand FixTearoff\
4185      filter dirToDN
4187proc hotlistHandler {inst dir list ent} {
4188  frputs ent dir list
4189  global glob config
4190  if {$list == 2} {
4191    DoProtCmd "
4192      NewPwd $inst [list $dir]
4193      UpdateWindow $inst
4194    "
4195  } else {
4196    if {$ent == 3} {
4197      set config(hotlist) [linsert $config(hotlist) 0 [list $glob($inst,pwd)]]
4198    }
4199  }
4202proc getFileContent {filename content} {
4203  upvar $content MyContent
4204  if {[catch {open $filename r} fid] != 0} {
4205    PopError "$fid"
4206    return -code 2
4207  }
4208  # Here is a trick. If the file name ends with .gz or .zip,
4209  # put a conversion filter in place to decompress the file
4210  set ext [string tolower [file ext $filename]]
4211  if {$ext == ".zip"} {
4212    zlib push decompress $fid
4213  } elseif {$ext == ".gz"} {
4214    zlib push gunzip $fid
4215  }
4216  # Check file size here and if LARGE, ask...
4217  if {[set r [catch {file size $filename} an]] != 0 || $an > 1000000} {
4218    # over a megabyte, lets ask...
4219    if {$r != 0} {
4220      set mes "Error trying to get file size. Continue to try and display?"
4221    } else {
4222      set mes "File size is $an. Do you really want to try and display it?"
4223    }
4224    if {[yesNoCancel . {Really big} $mes] != 0} {
4225      return -code error  "NoReport"
4226    }
4227  }
4228  if {[catch {read -nonewline $fid} MyContent] != 0} {
4229    PopError "$MyContent"
4230    catch {close $fid}
4231    return -code 2
4232  }
4233  close $fid
4234  return
4237proc ViewText { filename {realName {}}  args} {
4238  set realName [expr {$realName == {} ? $filename : $realName}]
4239  getFileContent $filename content
4240  frputs realName
4241  set title [_ "Viewing %s" $realName]
4242  foreach {item var} $args {
4243    set $item $var
4244  }
4245  ViewString  $title content filename $realName
4248proc undoHelp {w undo} {
4249  global glob
4250  catch {destroy .apop}
4251  set r [catch {$w edit $undo} err]
4252  if {$r} {
4253    smart_dialog .apop[incr ::uni] $w {Info} [list {} $err] \
4254	0 0 {} [list -flashcolor $glob(gui,color_flash)]
4255  }
4258# in ViewString 'args' (optional) list of pairs. Ones we recognize:
4259# filename <filename>  defaults to {}
4260# SearchConfig <script>  if present call script to set search options
4261# optionFlags  boolean   0 to remove 'follow' from the <3> manu
4262# utf16        first element in the <3> menu, default is 'Convert UTF16'
4263#              {} eliminates. Could also put something else here (but we don't)
4264# geo          config(geometry,$geo) is used as window geometry (must exist)
4265#              default is 'textviewer' intended option is 'qedit'
4267proc ViewString { title var_string args} {
4268  global glob config
4269  upvar $var_string string
4270  set w .toplevel_$glob(toplevelidx)
4271  set filename {}
4272  # set minText "75x5"
4273  set SearchConfig {}
4274  set optionFlags 1
4275  set utf16 [list [_ "Convert UTF-16"] "ReReadUTF16 $w.text [list $filename]" ]
4276  set geo "textviewer"
4278  foreach {item val} $args {
4279    set $item $val
4280  }
4282  incr glob(toplevelidx)
4284  # frputs "View String window  " w
4285  toplevel $w
4286  wm att $w -alpha 0.0
4287  wm title $w "$title"
4288  wm iconname $w "$title"
4289  # wm geometry $w [getGeo $config(geometry,$geo) $w]
4290  wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "EditTextCheckPoint [list $filename] $w.text"
4291      #
4292  scrollbar $w.scroll -command "$w.text yview"
4293  text $w.text \
4294      -relief sunken -bd 2 \
4295      -yscrollcommand "$w.scroll set" \
4296      -wrap word \
4297       -undo 1 \
4298      -font $glob(gui,ListBoxFont) \
4299      -highlightthickness 0
4300  frputs "[$w.text cget -height] [$w.text cget -width] "
4301  button $w.quit\
4302      {*}[getImage -bitmap cross @$glob(lib_fr)/bitmaps/cross.bit]\
4303      -command "destroy $w"\
4304      -width 11\
4305      -height 11\
4306      -bd 1
4308  set seGrip [segrip $w]
4309  set swGrip [swgrip $w]
4310  $swGrip config -width 3 -height 3 -anchor sw
4311  grid $w.quit -in $w -row 3 -column 2 -sticky news
4312  grid $w.quit          -row 3 -column 2               -sticky ne
4313  grid $w.scroll -in $w -row 4 -column 2 -columnspan 2 -sticky nse
4314  grid $seGrip   -in $w   -row 5 -column 2               -sticky se
4315  grid $swGrip   -in $w   -row 5 -column 0               -sticky sw
4316  grid $w.text   -in $w   -row 3 -column 0 -rowspan 3    -sticky news
4317  grid columnconfig $w 0 -weight 1
4318  grid rowconfig $w 4 -weight 1
4319  $w.text insert 0.0 $string
4320  $w.text mark set insert 0.0
4321  $w.text edit reset
4322  $w.text edit modified 0
4323  ::autoscroll::autoscroll $w.scroll
4324  destroy $w.text.p
4325  intelWinSize $config(geometry,$geo) $w.text
4326  wm att $w -alpha 1.0
4327  set redo [expr {$::MSW ? "C-y" : "C-Z"}]
4328  if {$SearchConfig == {}} {
4329    textSearch $w.text "$title" "+buildViewConfig ViewEditStrings" \
4330	[list {*}$utf16]\
4331	[list [_ "Undo"] [list ? "undoHelp $w.text undo" -accelerator C-z]\
4332	     [_ "Redo"]  [list ? "undoHelp $w.text redo" -accelerator $redo] \
4333	     {*}[spellCheckText $w.text -log LogStatusOnly -file $filename\
4334		     -filter $config(spellingFilter)\
4335		     -expect $config(spellcheck,expect)]\
4336	     {*}[ViewOptionsIfFile $filename $w $optionFlags]\
4337	     [_ "Save As..."] [list ? [list SaveToFile $w.text $filename 1] \
4338				   -accelerator C-S]\
4339	     [_ Quit] [list ? [list EditTextCheckPoint $filename $w.text]\
4340			   -accelerator C-q]]
4342    #bind $w.text <Control-s> [list SaveToFile $w.text  $filename 0]
4343    bind $w.text <Control-S> [list SaveToFile $w.text [list $filename] 1]
4344    bind $w.text <Control-q> [list EditTextCheckPoint [list $filename] $w.text]
4345 } else {
4346   eval [list {*}$SearchConfig $w $title $filename $var_string]
4347  }
4348  bind $w.text $config(mwheel,neg) \
4349      "$w.text yview scroll -$config(mwheel,delta) units;break"
4350  bind $w.text $config(mwheel,pos) \
4351      "$w.text yview scroll $config(mwheel,delta) units;break"
4352  # window name is returned for use by the log code.
4353  return $w
4356# Come here when the window is being wiped and it has been modified
4357proc reallyDone {w} {
4360# option is true if 'follow option is desired'
4361proc ViewOptionsIfFile {filename w options} {
4362  # These options only make sense if there is a filename...
4363  if {$filename != {}} {
4364    bind $w.text <Control-s> [list SaveToFile $w.text $filename 0]
4365    lassign [split [$w.text index "end-1 chars"] "."] next
4366    if {$options} {
4367      lappend ret  [_ "Follow end"] [list followFile $w.text $filename $next]
4368    }
4369    return [lappend ret \
4370		[_ "Revert File"] [list ReRead $w $filename] \
4371		[_ "Save"       ] [list ? [list SaveToFile $w.text $filename 0] \
4372				       -accelerator C-s]\
4373		[_ "Save&Quit"] [list SaveEditedText $filename $w.text]]
4374  }
4375  return {}
4378proc ReRead {w filename} {
4379  set index [$w.text index current]
4380  if {[$w.text edit modified]} {
4381    set r [yesNoCancel $w.text [_ "What to do?"]\
4382	       [_ "This will destroy your changes. Do you want to continue?"]]
4383    if {$r != 0} {
4384      focus $w
4385      return
4386    }
4387  }
4388  getFileContent [lindex $filename 0] content
4389  $w.text delete 0.0 end
4390  $w.text insert 0.0 $content
4391  $w.text mark set current $index
4392  $w.text edit reset
4393  $w.text edit modified 0
4396proc ReReadUTF16 {w filename } {
4397  set txt [regsub -all {\x00} [$w get 1.0 end] {}]
4398  $w replace 1.0 end $txt
4399  $w mark set insert 0.0
4403proc SaveToFile { w filename ask args } {
4404  # undo any "list" mods:
4405  set filename [lindex $filename 0]
4406  frputs w filename ask args
4407  global env glob
4408  if {$ask || $filename == {}} {
4409    if {$filename == {}} {
4410      set filename $env(HOME)/
4411    }
4412    set filename [simple_smart_dialog $w [_ "What file?"]\
4413       [_ "Enter name of file to save to"] $filename]
4414    if {$filename == ""} {return 0}
4415  } else {
4416    if {$filename == ""} {PopError [_ "Null filename"]}
4417  }
4418  set tmpFile $filename
4419  set r 0
4420  if {[IsVFS $filename]} {
4421    # For VFS we first save it in a tmp area
4422    if { ! [file exists $glob(tmpdir)] } {
4423      set r [Try { file mkdir $glob(tmpdir) }]
4424    }
4425    if {$r} {
4426      PopError [_ "Failed to create %s " $glob(tmpdir)]
4427      return 1
4428    }
4429    set tmpFile $glob(tmpdir)/[file tail $filename]
4430  }
4431  frputs w tmpFile
4432  set r [Try {
4433    set fid [open $tmpFile w]
4434    puts -nonewline $fid [$w get 0.0 end]
4435    close $fid}]
4437  if {!$r && $tmpFile != $filename} {
4438    # Now put the file to the VFS location
4439    set r [Try {VFSputFile $filename $tmpFile [file size $tmpFile] }]
4440  }
4441  if {$r} {
4442    return 1
4443  }
4444  $w edit modified 0
4445  Log [_ "Saved: %s" $filename]
4446  UpdateIf $filename
4447  return 0
4450proc EditText {filename {realName {}}} {
4451  set realName [expr {$realName == {} ? $filename : $realName}]
4452  getFileContent $filename content
4453  set w [ViewString [_ "Editing %s" $filename] content \
4454	     filename $realName \
4455	     optionFlags 0 \
4456	     utf16 {}\
4457	     geo qedit]
4458  set size_file [file size $filename]
4459  set size_text [string length [$w.text get 0.0 end]]
4460  if { $size_file != $size_text } {
4461    PopWarn [_ "Editing:\nCharacters lost/added when converting\
4462       %s to text.\nOld size: %s\nNew Size: %s" $filename $size_file $size_text]
4463    # puts "call2 $w"
4464  }
4467# w should be the text window...
4468proc EditTextCheckPoint { filename w  } {
4469  global config
4470  frputs filename w
4471  # Ask about saving only if modified
4472  if {![winfo exists $w]} {
4473    # puts "EditTextCheckPoint $filename $w"
4474    return
4475  }
4476  # puts "$w [$w.text edit modified]"
4477  if {[$w edit modified] && \
4478	  ($filename != {} || $config(ask,save_modified_file))} {
4479    set ms  [_ "Do you want to save before exiting?"]
4480    append ms\
4481	[expr {$config(ask,save_modified_file) && $filename == {} ? \
4482		   [_ "\n(Disable with \"config(ask,save_modified_file)\" option.)"]\
4483		   : {}}]
4484    set r [smart_dialog .editq[incr ::uni] $w [_ "What to do?"]\
4485	       [list $ms]\
4486	       0 3 [list [_ "Yes"] [_ "No"] [_ "Cancel"]]]
4487    switch $r {
4488      0 { SaveEditedText $filename $w}
4489      1 { catch { destroy [winfo parent $w] } }
4490      default {}
4491    }
4492  } else {
4493    catch { destroy [winfo parent $w] }
4494  }
4497proc SaveEditedText { filename w } {
4498  if {! [SaveToFile $w $filename 0]} {
4499    catch {destroy [winfo parent $w]}
4500  }
4501  UpdateWindow both
4504proc VFSEntryDialog { wm_title info_text start_entry } {
4505  global glob
4507  set glob(.vfs_usr) $start_entry
4508  set glob(.vfs_showpw) 0
4509  set rt [smart_dialog .vfs_entry_dialog[incr ::uni] . $wm_title \
4510	      [list [_ "%s\n\nOK activates, cancel or window-delete cancels."\
4511			 $info_text]]\
4512	      2 5 \
4513	      [list \
4514		   [list [_ "Username:"] {-textvariable glob(.vfs_usr)}]\
4515		   [list [_ "Password:"] {-textvariable glob(.vfs_paswd) \
4516					      -show "*" }]\
4517		   [list [_ "OK"]]\
4518		   [list [_ "Show password"] \
4519			{-variable glob(.vfs_showpw) -command vfsPwShow}]\
4520		   [list [_ "Cancel"]]\
4521		  ]\
4522	      [buildDialogConfig]\
4523	     ]
4524  if {$rt == -1 || $rt == 4} {return {}}
4525  return [list $glob(.vfs_usr) $glob(.vfs_paswd)]
4528proc vfsPwShow {} {
4529  global glob
4530  set showChar [expr {$glob(.vfs_showpw) ? {} : {*}}]
4531  .vfs_entry_dialog.1 config -show $showChar
4534# This little proc is passed to frECF as a post routine to post
4535# the the result in a ViewString window or what ever...
4536# At this point we only handle call by name for the data which
4537# works fine with ViewString ...
4539proc postOptions {where nodata data} {
4540  upvar $data string
4541  # frputs  where nodata data string
4543  if {[string index $where end-1] == "&" && \
4544	  [regexp {^[0-9 \n]*} $string] } {
4545    # background and only pids reported back
4546    return
4547  }
4549  if {$string == {}} {
4550    if {$nodata != "nop"} {
4551      eval [list {*}$nodata]
4552    }
4553    return
4554  }
4555  eval [list {*}$where string]
4558# The ViewAny routine is called (among other places) from open where,
4559# if in windows, we want the orgional filename to pass to the windows cmd
4560# thus, in that case, we hope to find an original file name in filenameorg
4561# which should be the same as filenamelist except in the case of a lnk file.
4563proc ViewAny { filenamelist {extensionList view} {filenameorg {}}} {
4564  global glob config
4565  #puts $filenamelist
4566  set firstfile [lindex $filenamelist 0]
4567  if {$firstfile == {}} {return}
4568  frputs "ViewAny file name list  " filenamelist
4569  while {[incr try] <= 2} {
4570    set found ""
4571    foreach k $config($extensionList,extensions) {
4572      foreach l [lindex $k 1] {
4573	if {[string match -nocase $l "$firstfile"]} {
4574	  set found [lindex $k 0]
4575	  break
4576	}
4577      }
4578      if {$found != ""} break
4579    }
4580    if {[string match -nocase $found "try open"] && $extensionList == "view"} {
4581      set extensionList "open"
4582      continue
4583    }
4584    break
4585  }
4586  if {$found != ""} {
4587    if {[lindex $k 2] == "-viewtext"} {
4588      foreach file $filenamelist {
4589	Log "Running exec [subst {*}$::stOps $found] $file"
4590	frECF [list exec {*}[subst {*}$::stOps $found]]\
4591	    [list $file]\
4592	    [list -post \
4593		 [list postOptions [list ViewString [_ "Viewing %s" $file]] nop]]
4594      }
4595    } else {
4596      frECF [list exec {*}[subst {*}$::stOps $found] %b &] \
4597	  $filenamelist
4598    }
4599    return
4600  }
4602  # Ok, we did not trap it above.  Try the open trick.
4603  if { $extensionList == "view" } {
4604    foreach filename $filenamelist {
4605      ViewText $filename $filenameorg
4606    }
4607    return
4608  }
4609  # if the file is executable, do that, else call the open thing
4610  # here is the only place we care about the filenameorg list
4611  set index -1
4612  set file {}
4613  foreach filename $filenamelist {
4614    incr index
4615    # set file [FixFileNameO [file native $filename] 1 {\[ $} ]
4616    frputs "in viewany- open  " filename "->  " file index
4617    if {! $::MSW && [file executable  $filename ]} {
4618      # verify executable by checking mime type
4619      Log "exec file -b $filename"
4620      # set r  [catch [ReSpaceString "exec file -b" "$file"] out]
4621      set rr [frECF {exec file -b} [list $filename]]
4622      lassign $rr r out
4623      frputs "After frECF:  " out r
4624      if {$r == 0} {
4625	if { [string match {*executable*} $out] && \
4626		 ![string match {*MS Windows*} $out]} {
4627	  Log "exec $filename &"
4628	  set rr [frECF {exec %b &} [list $filename]]
4629	  # set r [catch  [ReSpaceString "exec" "$file &"] out]
4630	}
4631      }
4632    } else {
4633      if {$::MSW && $filenameorg != {}} {
4634	# on windows, execute the original *.lnk if available
4635	set filename [lindex $filenameorg $index]
4636      }
4637      set cmd [list exec {*}[subst {*}$::stOps $config(cmd,open)] %b &]
4638      # see if we can find a proper file to run this with..
4639      if {$::MSW && [set cmdt [windowsAutoExecOk $filename]] != {}} {
4640	# if 'windowsAutoExecOk' passes something back it is either the
4641	# whole string to run or what to execute & the parm. This should
4642	# work either way...
4643	lassign $cmdt cmd file
4644	set cmd [list exec {*}$cmd %s &]
4645 	frputs cmdt cmd file
4646     }
4647      set rr [frECF $cmd [list $file]]
4648    }
4649    lassign $rr r out
4650    if {$r != 0} {
4651      Log "error: $out"
4652    }
4653  }
4654  return
4659proc UnArcPackAny { file dir which} {
4660  global config glob
4661  set found ""
4662  foreach k $config(cmd,$which,extensions) {
4663    foreach l [lindex $k 1] {
4664      if {[string match [string tolower $l] [string tolower "$file"]]} {
4665        set found $k
4666        break
4667      }
4668    }
4669    if {$found != ""} break
4670  }
4671  if {$found == ""} {
4672    PopWarn [_ "Cannot find %s rule for %s" $which $file]
4673    return
4674  }
4675  frputs file "[subst [lindex $k 0]] " k
4676  cd $dir
4677  if {$::MSW} {
4678    fixMSWcommand [list exec {*}[subst {*}$::stOps [lindex $k 0]]]\
4679	[list $file]\
4680	[list -b $glob(async)]
4681  } else {
4682    frECF [list exec {*}[subst {*}$::stOps [lindex $k 0]]]\
4683	[list $file] \
4684	[list -b $glob(async)]
4685  }
4686  # set ex [format [FixFormatString [lindex $k 0]] \
4687  # 	      [FixFileNameO [file native $file] 3 {\[ $}]]
4688  # set cmd [ReSpaceString exec $ex]
4689  #
4690  # frputs "unArc/Pack command:  " cmd
4691  # Try $cmd "" 1 $glob(async)
4694proc TabBind { list } {
4695  set i [lsearch -exact $list [focus]]
4696  incr i
4697  if {$i >= [llength $list]} {
4698    set i 0
4699  }
4700  catch {focus [lindex $list $i]} out
4701  #  catch {[lindex $list $i] }
4705proc PopInfo { info } {
4706  smart_dialog .apop[incr ::uni] . [_ "Info"] [list $info] 0 1 [_ "OK"]
4707  #LogSilent "**Info**\n$info"
4710proc PopWarn { warn } {
4711  global glob errorInfo
4712  if {$glob(debug)} {
4713    set this "*[regsub {\n.*} $errorInfo {}]*"
4714    if {[string match $this $warn]} {
4715      append warn "\n$errorInfo"
4716    }
4717  }
4718  smart_dialog .apop[incr ::uni] . [_ "Warning"] [list $warn] 0 1 [_ "OK"]
4719  LogStatusOnly "[lindex [split $warn \n] 0]"
4720  LogSilent [_ "**Warning**\n%s" $warn]
4723# The Clean proc destroys all toplevel windows except the
4724# Error window.
4726proc Clean {} {
4727  foreach win [winfo children .] {
4728    if {[string match ".toplevel_*" $win]} {
4729      destroy $win
4730    }
4731  }
4734proc PopError { error } {
4735  global glob config errorInfo
4736  #  tk_dialog_fr .apop "**Error**" "$error" "" 0 "OK"
4737  #  Try view instead.  Doesn't truncate error messages, cutable, saveable
4738  #  a "good thing" tm
4739  #  Even more, lets use just one window for all error messages...
4741  frputs #2 #1 "PopError  " error
4742  set er ""
4743  if {![info exists glob(errorWindow)] || ![winfo exists $glob(errorWindow)]} {
4744    set glob(errorWindow) [ViewString [_ "**Error**"] er ]
4745    set w $glob(errorWindow)
4746#    puts "window name is >$w<"
4747    wm protocol  $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW \
4748	 PopErrorClean
4749    $w.quit configure \
4750	-command PopErrorClean
4751    # Rewrite the 'Quit' command to save the window
4752    $w.text.p entryconfigure last \
4753	-command PopErrorClean
4754    $w.text.p insert 1 command \
4755	-label {Clear error window} \
4756	-command "$w.text delete 0.0 end"
4757    bind $w  <Escape> PopErrorClean
4758    # $w.text insert end [_ "Error window"]
4759  }
4760  set w $glob(errorWindow)
4761  if {$error != {}} {
4762    set error     [regsub -all {\r} $error     {}]
4763    set errorInfo [regsub -all {\r} $errorInfo {}]
4764    $w.text mark set insert end
4765    $w.text insert end "\n=============\n$error"
4766    if {$glob(debug)} {
4767      $w.text insert end "\n==errorInfo==\n${errorInfo}"
4768    }
4769    LogStatusOnly "[lindex [split $error \n] 0]"
4770    LogSilent [_ "**Error**\n%s" $error]
4771  }
4772  $w.text see end
4773  wm withdraw $w
4774  # resize the window
4775  intelWinSize $config(geometry,textviewer) $w.text min fxa2
4776  wm deiconify $w
4777  $w.text.p unpost
4778#  ViewString "**Error**" error ""
4780proc PopErrorClean {} {
4781  global glob
4782  wm  withdraw $glob(errorWindow)
4783  # clean up any lingering tearoffs
4784  eval {eval [bind $glob(errorWindow) <Destroy>]}
4786# This is a companion to the Try code. It manages the "Stop" button
4787# and keeps track of the number of async streams we have at any one time
4788# proc endAsync {} {
4789#   global glob
4790#   if {[incr glob(asyncCount) -1] <= 0} {
4791#     set glob(asyncCount) 0
4792#     # $glob(win,top).menu_frame.abort config -state disabled
4793#   }
4794# }
4796# This is a two part (i.e. proc) set up that launches and
4797# keeps track of (well for now, it knows when it ends) an async
4798# function call.  It is assumed that we get the 'script' to be
4799# executed which may have function calls and variable references
4800# in it. These calls and variables are dereferenced using 'subst'
4801# at the callers 'level' in the stack before the 'after 0' call
4802# which actually launches the async execution. The script is
4803# dereferenced at 'level' which defaults to 1. The 'level'
4804# parameter is provided for cases where the caller is a function
4805# acting on behalf of its caller.
4807# The script is "added to" with a call to 'endAsync' which clocks
4808# the async code out (notes that it completed). Also the script
4809# is executed in a 'catch' environment to allow us the trap
4810# errors.
4812proc tendAsync {script args} {
4813  global glob
4814  # we are in the async mode...
4815  frputs script
4816  # We catch errors so we can allow "error" on async stop
4817  # and to preserve some semblance of the asyncCount
4819  # At any given time there will be 'asyncCount' tasks running
4820  # The 'index' at level 1 (this level) points to the task's task
4821  # in ::asyncTasks which will be empty if no async tasks are running.
4823  # For async tasks which are polling we can set a flag they can find
4824  # using the value of index after 'upvar #1 index index' or
4825  # 'uplevel #1 {set index}'
4826  if {[set index [incr glob(asyncCount)]] >= 1} {
4827    $glob(win,top).menu_frame.async config\
4828	-text [_ "Async %s" $glob(asyncCount)]\
4829	-bg   $glob(gui,color_highlight_fg)
4830  }
4831  set ::asyncTasks($index) $script
4832  set r [catch {eval $script} out options]
4834  # End of async command. Dec the count and check for errors
4835  if {[incr glob(asyncCount) -1] <= 0} {
4836    set glob(asyncCount) 0
4837    $glob(win,top).menu_frame.async config -bg $glob(gui,color_scheme)
4838  }
4839  unset ::asyncTasks($index)
4840  $glob(win,top).menu_frame.async config -text [_ "Async %s" $glob(asyncCount)]
4842  if {$r == 0} {return}
4843  #
4844  # Some sort of error, could be an "async Stop"
4845  #
4846  frputs out "[info level] " ::errorInfo
4847  if {[string match {*async abort*} $out]} {
4848    set glob(abortcmd) 0
4849    LogSilent "Async Stop: $out"
4850    return
4851  }
4852  TryReportErrors $out $args
4853  return
4856# The CmdAbort commad is called by the "Stop" button.
4857# If the "DoProtProc" level is zero and the async count
4858# is 0, it resets "glob(abortcmd)".
4859# Otherwise it waits for both of these to go to zero
4860# and then resets "glob(abortcmd)".
4861# During this time it will ...
4862proc CmdAbort {} {
4863  global glob
4864  incr glob(abortcmd)
4865  #focus $glob(win,top).status
4866  #frgrab $glob(win,top).menu_frame.fasync_cmds
4867  set curser [. cget -cursor]
4868  . config -cursor circle
4869  while {$glob(abortcmd) != 0 && ($::DoProtLevel != 0 || $glob(asyncCount) != 0)} {
4870    realWaitForIdle
4871  }
4872  #catch {grab release [grab current $glob(win,top).menu_frame.fasync_cmds]}
4873  frputs
4874  . config -cursor $curser
4875  set glob(abortcmd) 0
4878# Try returns 0 if no error, else 1
4879# Lets try a cleaner interface:
4880# Was: tryscript<script> excuse<string> alsoPrintError<bool> ?async <bool>?
4881# Now: tryscript<script> args..
4882# Where args: each one of: -s<string> or -q or -a or
4883#             as the old call.
4884#           The -q means no error print, the majority of calls want errors printed
4885#           also the majority have no "excuse" string.
4886# Because of the need to evaluate variables (i.e. $v substution) in the callers
4887# context and, if "async" to run in a different context we have some rules on the
4888# construction of the "Try" script:
4890# 1.) do NOT put protected commands (i.e.{... [command...]...}) in the script.
4891# 2.) do NOT use {*} in the script, use quotes and not {} and the {*} is not
4892#     needed. I.e. {*} fails and {$x} where $x need to have {*}$x fails, but
4893#     "$x" does the right thing.
4894# 3.) more than one command is ok but they should be seperated in 1 of 2 ways:
4895#     if the script is in quotes, put semicolons between them. If the script is
4896#     protected, i.e. { script } just put in new lines.
4898# In short, enclose the script in quotes, avoid {*} (not needed) and seperate
4899# commands with ;'s.
4902# proc Try { tryscript excuse alsoPrintErrorInfo {async 0} } {}
4903proc Try {tryscript args} {
4904  global glob
4905  frputs #2 tryscript args
4906  if {[lindex $args 2] == 1 || "-a" in $args} {
4907    # If this is an exec command we use "&" for async
4908    # If not we will use "after 0" to launch the command
4909    # In this case we also keep track of how many we have out
4911    if {[string match "*exec*" $tryscript] &&\
4912	   [string index $tryscript end] != "&"} {
4913      append tryscript " &"
4914    } else {
4915      # A lot of sweat went into the following line....
4916      set deRcmd [uplevel subst  [list [list {*}$tryscript]]]
4917      frputs deRcmd
4918      set deRcmd [regsub -all {{;}} $deRcmd {;}]
4919      frputs deRcmd tryscript
4920      after 0 [list tendAsync $deRcmd $args]
4921      return 0
4922    }
4923  }
4924  set tryscript [regsub -all {{;}} $tryscript {;}]
4925  if {[catch {uplevel $tryscript} outp] == 0} {return 0}
4926  frputs outp ::errorInfo
4927  return [TryReportErrors $outp $args]
4930proc TryReportErrors {outp arg} {
4932  if {$::glob(abortcmd) > 0} {
4933    LogSilent "Ignoring error: $::errorInfo"
4934    return 0
4935  }
4937  # This is a really ugly hack, but I don't care... I can't
4938  # see another way around this. Email me if you got a solution.
4939  # (Problem shows up in Linux when unarchiving .tar.gz files
4940  # and the error is completely harmless)
4942  if {$outp == "child killed: write on pipe with no readers"} {
4943    return 0
4944  }
4945  # Time to decode the rest of the args
4946  # We know there is no "async flag" left... but we share so...
4947  set excuse {}
4948  set index -1
4949  set np 0
4950  foreach val $arg {
4951    incr index
4952    switch -exact [string range $val 0 1] {
4953      -s {set excuse [string range $val 2 end]}
4954      1  -
4955      -q {incr np}
4956      -a -
4957      0  {}
4958      default {
4959	if {$index == 0} {set excuse $val}
4960      }
4961    }
4962  }
4964  if {!$np} {
4965    if {$excuse != ""} {
4966      PopError "$excuse\n$outp"
4967    } else {
4968      PopError "$outp"
4969    }
4970  } else {
4971    if {$excuse != ""} {
4972      PopError "$excuse"
4973    }
4974  }
4976  return 1
4979proc StartTerm { inst } {
4980  global glob config
4981  set dir $glob($inst,pwd)
4982  Try {cd $dir; eval exec [format $config(cmd,term) $dir] & }
4987proc getOldNewVersions {} {
4988  global glob
4989  set r [catch {source $glob(conf_dir)/version} out]
4990  if {$r} {
4991    set version
4992  }
4993  # This is here to take care of old format version strings...
4994  if {![string match {[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]} $version]} {
4995    set version
4996  }
4997  # puts "[list $version $glob(version)] >$version $glob(version)"
4999  # take the "."s out... resolve to day only
5000  set oldv [string range [regsub -all {\.} $version {} ] 0 end-2]
5001  set newv [string range [regsub -all {\.} $glob(Sversion) {} ] 0 end-2]
5002  return [list $oldv $newv]
5005proc ShowRev { } {
5006  global glob env
5007  lassign [getOldNewVersions] oldv newv
5008  if {$newv > $oldv} {
5009    About
5010    #  show the history on a new rev
5011    set r [catch {
5012      set fid [open $glob(conf_dir)/version w]
5013      puts $fid "set version $glob(Sversion)"
5014      close $fid
5015    }]
5016    if {$r} {
5017      PopWarn [_ "Cannot create %s/version" $glob(conf_dir)]
5018    }
5019    return 1
5020  }
5021  return 0
5025# This logs to the log window and the top status bar.
5026proc Log { text } {
5027  global glob
5028  # Clean any returns from the string (usually from expect)
5029  set text [regsub -all {\r} $text {}]
5030  # It is possible to get here before we are up and ready
5031  # lets cache such lines and do them later
5032  lappend ::DeferedLog $text
5033  if {[info exist glob(init_done)] && $glob(init_done)} {
5034    foreach mes $::DeferedLog {
5035      LogStatusOnly $mes
5036      LogSilent $mes
5037    }
5038    unset ::DeferedLog
5039  }
5042# This logs only to the top window status frame
5043proc LogStatusOnly { text } {
5044  global glob
5045  set w $glob(win,top).status
5046  if { [winfo exists $w]} {
5047    set fsize [font measure [$w cget -font] -displayof $w "O"]
5048    set last {}
5049    set text [regsub -all {\n|\r} $text { }]
5050    set new [string trim [$w cget -text]]
5051    # frputs text "[string range $new end-2 end] "
5052    if {$text == "U" && [string range $new end-2 end] == "U ."} {return}
5053    if {$text == "." && [string range $new end-2 end] == "U ."} {return}
5055    append new " $text"
5056    set len [string length $new]
5057    lassign [split [winfo geo $w] x+] width
5058    set over [expr {$len - ($width / $fsize)}]
5059    if {$over >= 0} {
5060      set new [string range $new $over+1 end]
5061    }
5062    $w config -text $new
5063  } else {
5064#    puts "$text"
5065    PopError $text
5066  }
5069proc ViewLog {} {
5070  global glob env
5071  # Not sure it makes sense to provide a file name here.
5072  # It, most likely, does not exist.
5073  lappend glob(log_window) [ViewString [_ "Log"] glob(log)]
5076# The following writes to the log text window
5077proc LogSilent { text } {
5078  global glob config
5079  frputs #2 #1 "LOG: " text
5080  set glob(log)  "$glob(log)---[Time]---\" $text\"\n"
5081  set len [string length $glob(log)]
5082  if { $len > $config(logsize) } {
5083    set glob(log) \
5084	"...[string range $glob(log)\
5085         [expr $len - (($config(logsize) * 4) / 5)] end]"
5086  }
5087  if {[info exists glob(log_window)] } {
5088    set new {}
5089    foreach w $glob(log_window) {
5090      if {[catch {wm attributes $w} ] == 0} {
5091	$w.text insert end "---[Time]---\" $text\"\n"
5092	$w.text see end
5093	lappend new $w
5094      }
5095    }
5096    set glob(log_window) $new
5097  }
5101proc CleanUp { ret } {
5102  global env config glob
5103  catch {file delete -force -- $glob(tmpdir)}
5104  if { $ret } {
5105    puts [_ "FileRunner: aborting (return code %s)" $ret]
5106    bgerror $ret
5107    while {1} {update}
5108 }
5109  # save history to disk
5110  set r [catch {
5111    set fid [open $glob(conf_dir)/history w]
5112    puts $fid $glob(history)
5113    close $fid
5114  } out]
5115  if {$r} {
5116    puts [_ "FileRunner: Can't save directory history to disk: %s" $out]
5117  }
5118  if { $config(save_conf_at_exit) && !$r && !$ret } {
5119    SaveConfig
5120  }
5121  exit $ret
5124proc Time {} {
5125  global config
5126  if { $config(dateformat) == "yymmdd" } {
5127    return "[clock format [clock seconds] -format %y%m%d\ %R]"
5128  } elseif {$config(dateformat) == "ddmmyy" } {
5129    return "[clock format [clock seconds] -format %d%m%y\ %R]"
5130  } else {
5131    return "[clock format [clock seconds] -format $config(dateformat)]"
5132  }
5135proc TimeUpdater {} {
5136  global glob
5137  $glob(win,top).menu_frame.clock configure -text "[Time]      "
5138  after 30000 TimeUpdater
5141proc ClearWatch { inst newdir } {
5142  global glob config
5143  if { $glob(inotify_flags) != {} } {
5144    if {$glob(notify,$inst) != $newdir} {
5145      if {$glob(notify,left) != $glob(notify,right) } {
5146	if {[catch {$glob(notify,watchname) remove $glob(notify,$inst)} out] != 0} {
5147	  frputs  out
5148	}
5149      }
5150      set glob(notify,$inst) $newdir
5151      if {$glob(notify,left) != $glob(notify,right) } {
5152	set notifyFlags  [expr { ! [NonLocalDir $newdir] ? $config(inotify_flags) :\
5153				     $config(inotify_nlflags)}]
5154	if {$notifyFlags != {} && \
5155		[catch {$glob(notify,watchname) add $glob(notify,$inst)\
5156			      $notifyFlags} out] == 0 } {
5157	  set glob(notify_id,$inst) $out
5158	} elseif {$notifyFlags != {} } {
5159	  frputs out
5160	}
5161      } else {
5162	set glob(notify_id,$inst) $glob(notify_id,[Opposite $inst])
5163      }
5164    }
5165  }
5169set glob(capture_dir,left) [set glob(capture_pwd,left) ""]
5170set glob(capture_dir,right) [set glob(capture_pwd,right) ""]
5173proc ClearCherryPicker { inst } {
5174  global glob
5175#  puts "clear $inst"
5176  set glob(n_file_cache,$inst) {}
5177  set glob(n_files,$inst) {}
5180proc WakeListUpdater { args } {
5181  global glob
5182  if {$glob(enableautoupdate) != 0} {
5183    trace remove variable glob(enableautoupdate) write WakeListUpdater
5184    ListUpdater
5185  }
5188proc ListUpdater {} {
5189  global glob config
5190  set did 0
5191  # set f [focus]
5192  # set class ""
5193  # if {$f != ""} {
5194  #   set class [winfo class $f]
5195  # }
5196  if {$glob(enableautoupdate)} {    # && $class != "Entry"
5197    LogStatusOnly "U"
5198    # Prevent re-entry, only one update at a time
5199    set glob(enableautoupdate) 0
5200    foreach inst {left right} {
5201      if { ! [IsVFS $glob(${inst},pwd)] } {
5202        set r [catch { set mtime [file mtime $glob($inst,pwd)] }]
5203        if {!$r} {
5204          if {$mtime != $glob($inst,lastmtime)} {
5205             #DoProtCmd "UpdateWindow $inst"
5206	    # DoProtCmd "updateInPlace $inst"
5207	    updateInPlace $inst
5208 	    set did 1
5209            #set glob($inst,lastmtime) $mtime #done in updatewindow
5210          }
5211        }
5212      }
5213    }
5214    set glob(enableautoupdate) 1
5216    LogStatusOnly "."
5217  } else {
5218    trace remove variable glob(enableautoupdate) write WakeListUpdater
5219    trace add    variable glob(enableautoupdate) write WakeListUpdater
5220  }
5221  if {$config(autoupdate)} {
5222    after cancel ListUpdater
5223    after [expr $config(autoupdate) * 1000] ListUpdater
5224  }
5225  return $did
5228proc StartUpdaters {} {
5229  global glob config
5230  after 30000 TimeUpdater
5231  foreach lr {left right} {
5232    set glob($lr,lastmtime) 0
5233    set glob($lr,lasttime) 0
5234    set glob(inotify_after,$lr) {}
5235  }
5236  if {$config(autoupdate)} {
5237    # first update right away.
5238    after [expr $config(autoupdate) * 1000] ListUpdater
5239  }
5242proc frgrab { w } {
5243  for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
5244    set r [catch {grab $w} out]
5245    if {!$r} { return }
5246    after 50
5247  }
5248  if {$r} {
5249    LogStatusOnly "$out"
5250  }
5253proc CheckCmdLineArgs { } {
5254  # returns 1 if iconified by start up.  Always
5255  # iconified, unless debuging...
5256  global argv glob
5257  set ops {}
5258  foreach db {db -db tkcon -tkcon -iconified early -early} {
5259    if {[set i [lsearch -exact $argv $db]] != -1} {
5260      set argv [concat [lrange $argv 0 [expr $i - 1]] \
5261		    [lrange $argv [expr $i + 1] end]]
5262      if {[string index $db 0] == "-"} {
5263	set ops [string replace $db 0 0]
5264      }
5265      lappend ops $db
5266    }
5267  }
5268  if {"early" in $ops} {
5269    startTkDebug $ops
5270  } else {
5271    set glob(debug) 0
5272    setupDebug 0
5273    wm withdraw .
5274  }
5275  return $ops
5278proc startTkDebug {ops} {
5279  global glob
5280  set glob(debug) 0
5281  if {"db" in $ops} {
5282    set glob(debug) 1
5283  }
5284  setupDebug $glob(debug)
5285  expr {"tkcon" in $ops && [catch {package require tkconrc;tkcon show}]}
5286  #realWaitForIdle
5289proc ViewBatchList {} {
5290  global glob
5291  set tmp [join $glob(batchlist) \n]
5292  ViewString {VFS Batch List} tmp
5296proc AddToBatchList { inst } {
5297  global glob
5298  foreach sel [$glob(listbox,$inst).file curselection] {
5299    set elem [lindex $glob($inst,filelist) $sel]
5300    lassign $elem {*}$glob(fListEl)
5301    switch $type {
5302      fl -
5303      fn {
5304        set item [list $glob($inst,pwd)/$file $size]
5305        lappend glob(batchlist) $item
5306      }
5307      default {
5308        PopError [_ "You can only add VFS files to the batch"]
5309        return
5310      }
5311    }
5312  }
5316proc CheckOwner { file } {
5317  if {! [file exists $file]} {
5318    return 1
5319  }
5320  return [file owned $file]
5322#trace add variable glob(select_cur_lr) write TraceIt
5323proc TraceIt { a b c } {
5324  global glob
5325  puts " $a element $b set to $glob($b)"
5327proc dumpStartTimes {} {
5328  # if {! $glob(debug)} {return}
5329  set frputsOn $::frputs::on
5330  setupDebug 1
5331  frputs "All times in milliseconds "
5332  frputs " Incr  RunTotal "
5333  foreach ent $::startTimes {
5334    lassign $ent time mess
5335    if {![info exists st]} {
5336      set fr $time
5337      set st $time
5338    }
5339    frputs "[format {%5s %5s %s} [expr {$time - $st}] [expr {$time - $fr}]  $mess] "
5340    set st $time
5341  }
5342  frputs "[expr {$time - $fr}] Total start time "
5343  setupDebug $frputsOn
5344  return $frputsOn
5347# ------------------------------STARTUP------------------------------------
5350#      This is the boiler plate code ver <20180124.1808.36>         #
5352# This first script (the command 'unload_tclIndex') and the         #
5353# immediately following calls to it unload any files loaded by      #
5354# references to env(TCLLIBPATH).  This is done mostly to prevent    #
5355# shipping an application that depends on local files, AND so       #
5356# we/you get the right code when debugging. You may not care about  #
5357# this or may depend on such in which case you should code a 0 in   #
5358# the following if statement.                                       #
5359#                                                                   #
5360if {1} {                                                           ;#
5361  # This code will execute on loading/sourceing and should be in    #
5362  # the main source of your code. The command 'unload_tclIndex',    #
5363  # given the path to a tclIndex, attempts to source it, and, if    #
5364  # successful removes all traces of any proc indexed in it unless  #
5365  # it has already been called. This is why this code should be in  #
5366  # the first script loaded and before any other code executed in   #
5367  # that script. We assume that the caller has already removed it   #
5368  # from "auto_path"                                                #
5369  #                                                                 #
5370  proc unload_tclIndex {dir} {                                     ;#
5371    # The following test depends on un-documented variables in the  #
5372    # Tcl source and as such is at risk. Good through Tcl 8.6.6     #
5373    # Caution: Tcl 8.6.6 moves auto_oldpath to ::tcl, but prior     #
5374    # versions AND TclX have it as a global. If the given dir is    #
5375    # not in auto_oldpath, it means this dirs index has not been    #
5376    # sourced by the system yet, so we need do no more.             #
5377    variable ::tcl::auto_oldpath                                   ;#
5378    if {(![info exists auto_oldpath] || $dir ni $auto_oldpath) &&
5379	(![info exist ::auto_oldpath] || $dir ni $::auto_oldpath)} {
5380      return                                                       ;#
5381    }                                                              ;#
5382    #                                                               #
5383    # The following 'source' command will create a local auto_index #
5384    # which we then use to look at the global auto_index.           #
5385    #
5386    if {[catch {source [file join $dir tclIndex]}] != 0} {return}  ;#
5387    foreach {name script} [array get auto_index] {                 ;#
5388       if {[info exists ::auto_index($name)] &&\
5389	       $::auto_index($name) == $script} {                  ;#
5390	 unset ::auto_index($name)                                 ;#
5391	 # There is no way to know if this has been called already  #
5392	 # since it could be part of the core system. We MUST not   #
5393	 # rename it away. We know that a TCLLIBPATH set up a       #
5394	 # version, but NOT if the current program will set up its  #
5395	 # own. If it does not, a rename here would loose that      #
5396	 # functionality.                                           #
5397      }                                                            ;#
5398    }                                                              ;#
5399  }                                                                ;#
5400  # This script removes any special local dirs from auto_path and   #
5401  # calls the above to scrub any commands already loaded.           #
5402  #                                                                 #
5403  if {[info exists env(TCLLIBPATH)] } {                            ;#
5404    # We want to keep these even if in env(TCLLIBPATH)              #
5405    set notThese [list $::tcl_library [file dir $::tcl_library]]   ;#
5406    if {[info exists ::tcl_pkgPath]} {                             ;#
5407      lappend notThese {*}$::tcl_pkgPath                           ;#
5408    }                                                              ;#
5409    foreach path $env(TCLLIBPATH) {                                ;#
5410      if {$path in $notThese} {continue}                           ;#
5411      set indx [lsearch -exact $auto_path $path]                   ;#
5412      if {$indx != -1} {                                           ;#
5413	set auto_path [lreplace $auto_path $indx $indx]            ;#
5414	unload_tclIndex $path                                      ;#
5415      }                                                            ;#
5416    }                                                              ;#
5417  }                                                                ;#
5418}   ;# End of enabling if.                                          #
5419#                                                                   #
5420# This bit of code figures out where the rest of the routines are   #
5421# on the assumption that they are in the same directory as the      #
5422# initial code file. If 'setIt' is 1 or not coded auto_path is set  #
5423# in any case the resulting dir is returned to the caller. If this  #
5424# is in a 'freewrap' package, the windows leading C:/ (well really  #
5425# <drive letter>:/) is removed as required by Wrap code for windows.#
5426# To function correctly this code MUST be called prior to completion#
5427# of the 'source' command that brings it in. Also, since it is used #
5428# to set up auto_path it can not be auto loaded.  It may be sourced,#
5429# but again the from where issue is there. Therefor it is best if   #
5430# this is just merger with the using code in a location prior to its#
5431# call.                                                             #
5432#                                                                   #
5433proc cSetAutoPath {new} {                                          ;#
5434  if {$new ni $::auto_path} {lappend ::auto_path $new}             ;#
5435}                                                                  ;#
5436#                                                                   #
5437proc setAutoPath {{setIt 1}} {                                     ;#
5438  set it [info script]                                             ;#
5439  set it [expr {$it == "" ? "[pwd]/*" : $it}]                      ;#
5440  set it [file dir [file dir [file norm $it/*]]]                   ;#
5441  # Wrap code requires we not have the drive letter...              #
5442  if {[namespace exists freewrap]} {                               ;#
5443    set it [regsub {^[a-zA-Z]:/} $it {/}]                          ;#
5444  }                                                                ;#
5445  if {$setIt} {                                                    ;#
5446    cSetAutoPath $it                                               ;#
5447  }                                                                ;#
5448  return $it                                                       ;#
5449}                                                                  ;#
5451#                   End of boiler plate code                        #
5454proc doDeferedMessages {messages} {
5455  set rs {}
5456  foreach ms $messages {
5457    if {[set ms [string trim [regsub -all {\{|\}} $ms {}]]] != {}} {
5458      append rs $ms\n
5459    }
5460  }
5461  if {$rs != {}} {
5462    PopWarn $rs
5463  }
5464  # while {[llength $messages] > 1} {
5465  #   set messages [lassign $messages mess]
5466  #   if {[string trim $mess] != {}} {
5467  #     PopInfo $mess
5468  #   }
5469  # }
5470  # if {[set mess [lindex $messages 0]] != {}} {
5471  #   smart_dialog .amess . {Message...} [list {} $mess] 0 0 {}
5472  # }
5476proc FindLibfr {} {
5477  global glob config env argv argv0 auto_path
5478  # clean up argv0 (it is used in Clone and possibly for run as root)
5479  set ::argv0 [file norm $::argv0]
5480  set tail [file tail [file dir [file norm [info script]/*]]]
5481  if {$tail == "" } {
5482    set tail [expr {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" ? "fr.exe" : "fr"}]
5483  }
5484  set possible [pwd]
5486  lappend possible [set lc [setAutoPath 0]]
5487  set success 0
5488  # puts "searching $possible for $tail from [info script] autopath returns $lc"
5489  foreach testfile [lreverse $possible]  {
5490    #    puts "testing $testfile"
5491    if { [file exists $testfile/$tail]  == 1 } {
5492      lappend ::auto_path [set glob(lib_fr) $testfile]
5493      set success 1
5494      break
5495    }
5496  }
5497  if { $success != 1} {
5498    puts [_ "Can not find fr library. Looked in %s We quit!" \
5499	      $possible]
5500    exit 1
5501  }
5502  # just for grins...
5503  if {$lc != $testfile} {
5504    puts "Chose $testfile over $lc"
5505  }
5506  #set glob(catch) [glob -nocomplain $glob(lib_fr)/packages/*]
5508  foreach path [list $glob(lib_fr)/packages\
5509		    [set glob(conf_dir) [file normalize [findFrDir]]]] {
5510    cSetAutoPath $path
5511  }
5513  # From here on we can use all our normal error code.  We may not
5514  # have all the color, but it will work...
5515  # The wm command here moves the following question to the center
5516  #(or there about) of the screen rather that having it get lost on an edge.
5517  wm geometry . +500+500
5518  # bring in the global config stuff
5519  if {[file readable $glob(lib_fr)/config]} {
5520    #    puts "sourcing $glob(lib_fr)/config"
5521    set r [catch {source $glob(lib_fr)/config} out]
5522    if {$r} {
5523      PopInfo [_ "Reading system wide configuration from \
5524           %s:\n%s" $glob(lib_fr)/config $out]
5525    }
5526  }
5527  if { ! [info exists glob(doclib_fr)] } {
5528    foreach fhf [list $glob(lib_fr) $glob(lib_fr)/doc] {
5529      #puts "Trying $fhf/HISTORY [file isfile $fhf/HISTORY]"
5530      if {[file isfile $fhf/HISTORY]} {
5531	set  glob(doclib_fr) $fhf
5532	file lstat $fhf/HISTORY farry
5533	if {$farry(type) == "link"} {
5534	  set glob(doclib_fr) \
5535	    [file dirname [file normalize [file readlink $fhf/HISTORY]]]
5536	}
5537	break
5538      }
5539    }
5540    if {! [info exists glob(doclib_fr)] } {
5541	lappend ::mess [_ "Can not find document directory. Looked here\n%s\n\
5542                 %s\
5543                \nHelp menu items will not exist..." \
5544			    $glob(lib_fr) $glob(lib_fr)/doc]
5545      set glob(doclib_fr) {}
5546    }
5547  } else {
5548    if {![file readable $glob(doclib_fr)/HISTORY]} {
5549      lappend ::mess [_ "Document file %s is not readable \
5550              \n(possibly does not exist)\
5551              \nHelp menu \"Histroy\" will not exist" $glob(doclib_fr)/HISTORY]
5552    }
5553  }
5555# This allows re-sourceing of fr
5556if {[info exists glob(init_done)] && $glob(init_done)} {
5557  return
5559# What follows is (or should be) all initialization of globals
5560# followed by building the main window(s).
5561# Global package requirements...
5562# We require Tk for MS windows where we hope the package starts with
5563# tclsh and fr.tcl which sources this file (fr). It is important
5564# to have tclsh as that is how we get stdout pipes to work correctly.
5566# This bit removes any special local dirs from auto_path. This is done mostly
5567# to prevent shipping a filerunner that depends on local files...And so we get
5568# the right code when debugging. MUST BE BEFORE FIRST PROC.
5569# if {[info exists env(TCLLIBPATH)] } {
5570#   foreach path $env(TCLLIBPATH) {
5571#     set indx [lsearch -exact $auto_path $path]
5572#     if {$indx != -1} {
5573#       set auto_path [lreplace $auto_path $indx $indx]
5574#       # puts "removed $path from auto_path"
5575#     }
5576#   }
5577#   # Now clear any auto_index entries added from TCLLIBPATH
5578#   auto_reset
5579# }
5581lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "Begin start up"]
5582set mess {}
5583package require Tk
5584package require msgcat
5586lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After Tk start up"]
5588# not sure of what the 'subst' options should be (-nobackslashes or nil)
5589set stOps {}
5590# Here are a couple of UTF-8 characters that look like "/" and "\"
5591# but aren't. We use in places we want the look with out the effect.
5592set optionalSlash     [format %c 0x0338]
5593set optionalBackSlash [format %c 0x2216]
5594# this list is used to find elements in the file lists
5595set glob(fListEl) [list sortval file type size mtime mode usergroup \
5596		       link nlink atime ctime]
5598# command button labels are also use to find the command in this
5599# structure.  We localize after we decide to use a button...
5601# The middle button sublist (one for each button) has the following entries;
5602# 0  The displayed name
5603# 1  The command to call
5604# 2  For keyboard mode, the key that invokes this command
5605# 3  For keyboard mode, the number of the character in the command to underline
5606# 4  The message to display for the command in "tips" or "ballon help" mode
5608set glob(cmds,list)  {
5609  { {Copy}    CmdCopy c 0 \
5610	{[_b "Copy selected file(s) to other dir.\nif\
5611          the selected file is a dir, recursively\ncopies\
5612          all files in the tree under that dir." ] }}
5613  { {CopyAs}  CmdCopyAs "" 0 \
5614	{[_b "Copy selected file(s) to other dir with new name." ]} }
5615  { {Delete}  CmdDelete d 0 {[_b "Delete selected file(s)" ]} }
5616  { {Move}    CmdMove m 0 {[_b "Move selected file(s) to other dir." ]} }
5617  { {MoveAs}  CmdMoveAs "" 0 {
5618    [_b "Move selected file(s), to other dir with new name(s)."]}}
5619  { {Rename}  CmdRename r 0 \
5620	{[_b "Rename selected file(s).\nCan cause move." ]} }
5621  { {MkDir}   CmdMakeDir "" 0 \
5622	{[_b "Create new dir from modified dir line.\nIf\
5623           no modified dir line, prompts with\nleft dir as starter." ]} }
5624  { {S-Link}  CmdSoftLink s 0 {[_b "Create a symbolic link\
5625           to\nselected file(s) in other dir." ]} }
5626  { {S-LnAs}  CmdSoftLinkAs "" 0 {[_b "Create a symbolic link to\
5627           selected\nfile(s) in other dir.\
5628           prompting for a\nnew name for each file." ]} }
5629  { {Chmod}   CmdChmod h 1 \
5630	{[_b "Change the mode flags for selected file(s)." ]} }
5631  { {View}    CmdView v 0 \
5632	{[_b "For dirs, go to the selected dir,\nfor\
5633           files, execute the %s rule selected\nprogram\
5634           with the selected file." "View"]} }
5635  {{ViewAsTx} CmdViewAsText "" 0 \
5636	{[_b "Sends selected files directly to a View\n\
5637           window regardless of file type or extension."]} }
5638  { {Open}    CmdOpen o 0 \
5639	{[_b "For dirs, go to the selected dir,\nfor\
5640           files, execute the %s rule selected\nprogram\
5641           with the selected file." "Open"]} }
5642  { {Run}     CmdRunCmd "" 0 \
5643	{[_b "Run a program passing the selected file(s)."]} }
5644  { {Edit}    CmdEdit e 0 \
5645	{[_b "Pass the selected file(s) to\nthe\
5646           user definded editor." ]} }
5647  { {Q-Edit}  CmdQEdit q 0 \
5648	{[_b "Pass the selected file(s) to\nthe\
5649            internal (tcl) editor." ]} }
5650  { {Arc}     CmdArc a 0 \
5651	{[_b "Pass the selected file to the\n rule\
5652           defined archive program." ]} }
5653  { {UnArc}   CmdUnArc u 0 \
5654	{[_b "Pass the selected file to the\n rule\
5655           defined unarchive program." ]} }
5656  { {UnPack}  CmdUnPack p 2 \
5657	{[_b "Pass the selected file to the rule\ndefined\
5658           unpack/uncompress program." ]} }
5659  { {ForEach} CmdForEach "" 0 \
5660	{[_b "Run a selected (prompted for)\nprogram on\
5661          selected file(s)." ]} }
5662  { {Print}   CmdPrint "" 0 \
5663	{[_b "Pass the selected files to the\nuser\
5664         defined print program." ]} }
5665  { {Diff}    CmdDiff f 2 \
5666	{[_b "Pass the last two selected files or\ndirs\
5667         (may both be in the same dir) to\nthe user\
5668         defined diff program." ]} }
5669  {{Rsync copy} CmdRsync "" 0 \
5670	{[_b "Rsync copies files as does copy but if one\
5671           \ndirectory is not local (nfs cifs or vfs)\
5672           \nrsync will be called with the host address such\
5673           \nthat the transfer is using rsync's private connection\
5674           \nto the remote host." ]}}
5675  { {Select} CmdSelect "" 0 \
5676	{[_b "After you enter a pattern\n in\
5677          one of the dir lines,\n selects\
5678          all matching files." ]} }
5679  { {HardLink} CmdHardlnk h 0 \
5680	 {[_b "Creates hard links in the opposite dir\n of\
5681           selected files.  If the selection is a\n dir\
5682           recursively desends the dir creating hard\n links\
5683           for each file. Uses a user selected program." ]}}
5684  {  {HardLinkAs} CmdHardlnkAs "" 0 \
5685	 {[_b "Creates hard links, with a new name, in the opposite dir\n of\
5686           selected files.  If the selection is a\n dir\
5687           recursively desends the dir creating hard\n links\
5688           for each file. Uses a user selected program." ]}}
5689    {  {Mount VFS} CmdMount "" 0 \
5690	 {[_b "Mounts the selected file as a virtual file\
5691              \n system (VFS)."]} }
5692  {  {UMount VFS} CmdUMount "" 0 \
5693	 {[_b "Un Mounts the selected file as a virtual file\
5694              \n system (VFS)."]} }
5697# We want the doProt family to be re-entrant so we don't lose the cursor/
5698# update status...
5700set DoProtLevel 0
5701set MaxDoProtLevel 0
5702set DoProtProc {}
5704set DNlist {}
5706set glob(asyncCount) 0
5707set glob(mbutton) 0
5708set glob(start_path) [pwd]
5709set glob(ftp,debug) 0
5710set glob(userMenuList) {}
5711#puts "about to do cmdline args"
5713set startOps [CheckCmdLineArgs]
5714lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After cmd line args"]
5715#puts "icon is $icon"
5716source $glob(lib_fr)/frVersion.tcl
5717regsub {20([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])\.([0-9][0-9]).+} \
5718    $glob(version) {\1.\2.\3.\4} glob(Sversion)
5719set glob(displayVersion) $glob(Sversion)[expr {[namespace exists freewrap] ? "w" : ""}]
5720lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After finding libary"]
5721set Copyright [format "Copyright:
5722� 2010-%s Tom Turkey
5723� 1996-1999 Henrik Harmsen" [string range $glob(version) 0 3]]
5725# setupDebug $glob(debug)
5726lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After debug setup"]
5728#puts "about to do set platform"
5730set glob(notify,Available) 0
5734set glob(inotify_flags) {}
5736#puts "set up inotify"
5737set glob(cygwin) {}
5738if {[namespace exists freewrap]} {
5739  source $glob(lib_fr)/packageLinks.tcl
5743lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After check config dir"]
5745################################### Load platform code #######################
5746package require $tcl_platform(platform)
5748set glob(notify,left) [set glob(notify,right) ""]
5749set glob(init_done) 0
5751#puts "about to do home"
5753lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After platform setup"]
5755# Now the user commands and config stuff
5757set config(usercommands) ""
5758if { [file exists $glob(conf_dir)/cmds ] } {
5759  set r [catch { source $glob(conf_dir)/cmds } out]
5760  if { $r != 0 } {
5761    lappend ::mess\
5762	[_ "Error loading code from %s/cmds:\n\n%s" $glob(conf_dir) $out]
5763    # Lets treat this as non-fatal...
5764  }
5766lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After user commands setup"]
5768set glob(left,listhead) ""
5769set glob(right,listhead) ""
5770set glob(panelsLocked) 1
5771set glob(selected) left
5772set glob(localCmds) [list cd history view type]
5773lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After fast check box setup"]
5777# lh [array get glob gui*]
5778lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After init config setup"]
5779namespace eval ::autoscroll {proc autoscroll {args} {}}
5780set pak [catch {
5781  package require autoscroll
5782  package require cursor
5783  ::cursor::propagate . {}
5786lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After main window build"]
5787expr {"iconified" ni $startOps && [wm deiconify .] == {} && [wm att . -al 0.0] == {}}
5788lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After main window deiconify"]
5789# initialize the password locker (moved to config.tcl)
5790# ::pwLocker::init ::config(passwordLocker) \
5791#     [list encrypt $env(USER)] \
5792#     [list decrypt $env(USER)] \
5793#     [list SaveConfig]
5795frputs config(passwordLocker)
5796lappend mess [ReadConfig]
5797lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] \
5798   "After complete read config setup\
5799    [winfo viewable .fupper.fright.frame_listb.top.c.file]"]
5801lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] \
5802   "After config pwd [winfo viewable .fupper.fright.frame_listb.top.c.file]"]
5803# Wait for the window to materialize
5804while {![winfo viewable .fupper.fright.frame_listb.top.c.file]} {
5805  lappend ::startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "main not viewable"]
5806  frputs "[realWaitForIdle] "
5808lappend ::startTimes  [list [clock milliseconds] "After main viewable "]
5810lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After updaters started"]
5811if {$::tcl_platform(os) == "Linux"} {
5813set sr [ShowRev]
5815Try {setUpInotify} -a
5816if {!$::MSW && !$config(manualMonitors)} {
5817  Try {::displays::init} -a
5819if {$sr && [file exist $glob(doclib_fr)/HISTORY]} {
5820  ViewText $glob(doclib_fr)/HISTORY
5823after 0 cleanTmpFiles
5824after 0 setBalloon
5825# Check if we have a decent kill function...
5826set r [killInit]
5827if {$r != 0 } {
5828  if {$r == {}} {
5829    set notice "Because a \"kill\" function was not found a program has
5830been set up to do the \"kills\".  The \"kill\" function is available in
5831the Tclx package which you may want to install. Because this file now
5832exists in your \".fr\" directory, you will not see this message again."
5833  } else {
5834    set notice "Because a \"kill\" function was not found an attempt to set
5835up a program to replace this functionality. None of the following
5836acceptable programs were found: \n[split $r \n]
5837This means the stop button will not work. Please attempt to install either
5838the tcl package Tclx \(which implements a kill funtion\) or one of
5839these programs to fixthis problem. Because this file now
5840exists in your \".fr\" directory, you will not see this message again."
5841  }
5842  if {![file exists $glob(conf_dir)/killNotice.txt]} {
5843    PopInfo $notice
5844    set r [catch {open $glob(conf_dir)/killNotice.txt w} fid]
5845    if {$r != 0} {
5846      PopInfo "Error opening $glob(conf_dir)/killNotice.txt: $fid"
5847    } else {
5848      puts $fid $notice
5849      close $fid
5850    }
5851  }
5856# dumpStartTimes
5857startTkDebug $startOps
5858unset startOps
5859set glob(init_done) 1
5860Log [_ "Welcome to FileRunner v%s.\
5861        %s" $glob(displayVersion) $Copyright]
5862lappend startTimes [list [clock milliseconds] "After welcome"]
5864set glob(program) [info script]
5865doDeferedMessages $mess
5867# if {$mess != {}} {
5868#     smart_dialog .amess . {Message...} [list {} $mess] 0 0 {}
5869# }