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2<!DOCTYPE gsdoc PUBLIC "-//GNUstep//DTD gsdoc 1.0.3//EN" "http://www.gnustep.org/gsdoc-1_0_3.xml">
3<gsdoc base="OpenStepCompliance" up="Base">
4  <head>
5    <title>OpenStep Compliance</title>
6    <author name="Adam Fedor"></author>
7    <copy>2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.</copy>
8  </head>
9  <body>
10    <chapter>
11      <heading>Classes</heading>
12      <p>
13      This file documents the compliance of all the classes in the
14      GNUstep Gui library. Note that the following is just a best guess
15      as to the compliance of the classes. Each class was checked to make
16      sure it implemented all the documented OpenStep methods and functions.
17      In addition, extensive testing has been performed on the GNUstep Gui
18      Library, and it is believed, to the best of our knowledge, that it
19      operates according to the OpenStep specification, with the caveat that
20      there are always bugs in any implementation and there are most likely
21      bugs in the current implementation that we are not aware of.
22      </p>
23      <p>
24      The following classes conform to the OpenStep specification:
25      </p>
26      <list>
27	<item>NSActionCell</item>
28	<item>NSBox</item>
29	<item>NSBrowser</item>
30	<item>NSBrowserCell</item>
31	<item>NSBundleAdditions</item>
32	<item>NSButton</item>
33	<item>NSButtonCell</item>
34	<item>NSCachedImageRep</item>
35	<item>NSClipView</item>
36	<item>NSColor</item>
37	<item>NSColorList</item>
38	<item>NSColorPanel</item>
39	<item>NSColorPicker</item>
40	<item>NSColorWell</item>
41	<item>NSControl</item>
42	<item>NSCursor</item>
43	<item>NSCustomImageRep</item>
44	<item>NSEvent</item>
45	<item>NSFont</item>
46	<item>NSFontManager</item>
47	<item>NSFontPanel</item>
48	<item>NSForm</item>
49	<item>NSFormCell</item>
50	<item>NSImage</item>
51	<item>NSImageRep</item>
52	<item>NSMenu</item>
53	<item>NSOpenPanel</item>
54	<item>NSPanel</item>
55	<item>NSPasteboard</item>
56	<item>NSPopUpButton</item>
57	<item>NSPrintInfo</item>
58	<item>NSPrintOperation</item>
59	<item>NSResponder</item>
60	<item>NSScreen</item>
61	<item>NSScroller</item>
62	<item>NSSelection</item>
63	<item>NSSlider</item>
64	<item>NSSliderCell</item>
65	<item>NSSpellChecker</item>
66	<item>NSSpellServer</item>
67	<item>NSSplitView</item>
68	<item>NSText</item>
69	<item>NSTextField</item>
70	<item>NSTextFieldCell</item>
71	<item>NSView</item>
72	<item>All Protocols</item>
73      </list>
74      <p>
75      The following classes are only partially implemented
76      </p>
77      <deflist>
78	<term>NSApplication</term>
79	<desc>-preventWindowOrdering not implemented.
80	In -activateIgnoringOtherApps:, the flag is ignored.</desc>
81	<term>NSBitmapImageRep</term>
82	<desc>+TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray:usingCompression:factor:
83	not fully implemented.</desc>
84	<term>NSCell</term>
85	<desc>-setFloatingPointFormat:left:right: not implemented.
86	-setEntryType: not complete.</desc>
87	<term>NSDataLinkManager</term>
88	<desc>Missing noteDocumentSaved... methods.</desc>
89	<term>NSDataLinkPanel</term>
90	<desc>-setAccessoryView: not implemented.</desc>
91	<term>NSEPSImageRep</term>
92	<desc>Cannot interpret/draw EPS images</desc>
93	<term>NSMatrix</term>
94	<desc>-setValidateSize: not implemented</desc>
95	<term>NSPageLayout</term>
96	<desc>-setAccessoryView: not implemented. Several methods have been
97	depreciated because they don't do anything useful.</desc>
98	<term>NSPrintPanel</term>
99	<desc>-setAccessoryView: not implemented. Several methods have been
100	depreciated because they don't do anything useful.</desc>
101	<term>NSPrinter</term>
102	<desc>Doesn't really get all the information it needs correctly.</desc>
103	<term>NSSavePanel</term>
104	<desc>NSCoding protocol not implemented. </desc>
105	<term>NSScrollView</term>
106	<desc>-toggleRuler: and -isRulerVisible: not
107	implemented. (Replaced by similar methods). </desc>
108	<term>NSWindow</term>
109	<desc>-resizeFlags not implemented.</desc>
110	<term>NSWorkspace</term>
111	<desc>Many methods require a proper window and workspace
112	manager application to be used.</desc>
113	<term>Functions</term>
114	<desc>Following are not implemented: NSReadPixel, all text functions.
115	  </desc>
116      </deflist>
117      <p>
118      The following OpenStep classes are not implemented. These classes
119      are either not very useful or have been replaced by classes with
120      better APIs.
121      </p>
122      <list>
123	<item>NSCStringText (Unecessary NEXTSTEP compatibility)</item>
124	<item>NSCoderAdditions (Unecessary NEXTSTEP compatibility)</item>
125	<item>NSHelpPanel (Replaced by NSHelpManager)</item>
126	<item>NSMenuCell (Replaced by NSMenuItem[Cell])</item>
127      </list>
129    </chapter>
130  </body>