1 #ifndef __GSK_GL_RENDER_OPS_H__
2 #define __GSK_GL_RENDER_OPS_H__
4 #include <glib.h>
5 #include <graphene.h>
6 #include <gdk/gdk.h>
8 #include "gskgldriverprivate.h"
9 #include "gskroundedrectprivate.h"
10 #include "gskglrenderer.h"
11 #include "gskrendernodeprivate.h"
13 #include "opbuffer.h"
15 #define GL_N_VERTICES 6
16 #define GL_N_PROGRAMS 15
19 typedef struct
20 {
21   float scale_x;
22   float scale_y;
24   float dx_before;
25   float dy_before;
26 } OpsMatrixMetadata;
28 typedef struct
29 {
30   GskTransform *transform;
31   OpsMatrixMetadata metadata;
32 } MatrixStackEntry;
34 typedef struct
35 {
36   GskTransform *modelview;
37   GskRoundedRect clip;
38   graphene_matrix_t projection;
39   int source_texture;
40   graphene_rect_t viewport;
41   float opacity;
42   /* Per-program state */
43   union {
44     GdkRGBA color;
45     struct {
46       graphene_matrix_t matrix;
47       graphene_vec4_t offset;
48     } color_matrix;
49     struct {
50       float widths[4];
51       GdkRGBA color;
52       GskRoundedRect outline;
53     } border;
54     struct {
55       GskRoundedRect outline;
56       float dx;
57       float dy;
58       float spread;
59       GdkRGBA color;
60     } inset_shadow;
61     struct {
62       GskRoundedRect outline;
63       float dx;
64       float dy;
65       float spread;
66       GdkRGBA color;
67     } unblurred_outset_shadow;
68     struct {
69       int n_color_stops;
70       GskColorStop color_stops[GL_MAX_GRADIENT_STOPS];
71       float start_point[2];
72       float end_point[2];
73     } linear_gradient;
74     struct {
75       int n_color_stops;
76       GskColorStop color_stops[GL_MAX_GRADIENT_STOPS];
77       float center[2];
78       float start;
79       float end;
80       float radius[2]; /* h/v */
81     } radial_gradient;
82     struct {
83       float width;
84       float height;
85       int uniform_data_len;
86       guchar uniform_data[32];
87     } gl_shader;
88   };
89 } ProgramState;
91 struct _Program
92 {
93   const char *name;
95   int index;        /* Into the renderer's program array -1 for custom */
97   int id;
98   /* Common locations (gl_common)*/
99   int source_location;
100   int position_location;
101   int uv_location;
102   int alpha_location;
103   int viewport_location;
104   int projection_location;
105   int modelview_location;
106   int clip_rect_location;
107   union {
108     struct {
109       int color_location;
110     } color;
111     struct {
112       int color_location;
113     } coloring;
114     struct {
115       int color_matrix_location;
116       int color_offset_location;
117     } color_matrix;
118     struct {
119       int num_color_stops_location;
120       int color_stops_location;
121       int points_location;
122       int repeat_location;
123     } linear_gradient;
124     struct {
125       int num_color_stops_location;
126       int color_stops_location;
127       int geometry_location;
128       int range_location;
129       int repeat_location;
130     } radial_gradient;
131     struct {
132       int num_color_stops_location;
133       int color_stops_location;
134       int geometry_location;
135     } conic_gradient;
136     struct {
137       int blur_radius_location;
138       int blur_size_location;
139       int blur_dir_location;
140     } blur;
141     struct {
142       int color_location;
143       int spread_location;
144       int offset_location;
145       int outline_rect_location;
146     } inset_shadow;
147     struct {
148       int color_location;
149       int outline_rect_location;
150     } outset_shadow;
151     struct {
152       int outline_rect_location;
153       int color_location;
154       int spread_location;
155       int offset_location;
156     } unblurred_outset_shadow;
157     struct {
158       int color_location;
159       int widths_location;
160       int outline_rect_location;
161     } border;
162     struct {
163       int source2_location;
164       int progress_location;
165     } cross_fade;
166     struct {
167       int source2_location;
168       int mode_location;
169     } blend;
170     struct {
171       int child_bounds_location;
172       int texture_rect_location;
173     } repeat;
174     struct {
175       int size_location;
176       int args_locations[8];
177       int texture_locations[4];
178       GError *compile_error;
179     } glshader;
180   };
181   ProgramState state;
182 };
184 typedef struct {
185   int ref_count;
186   union {
187     Program programs[GL_N_PROGRAMS];
188     struct {
189       Program blend_program;
190       Program blit_program;
191       Program blur_program;
192       Program border_program;
193       Program color_matrix_program;
194       Program color_program;
195       Program coloring_program;
196       Program cross_fade_program;
197       Program inset_shadow_program;
198       Program linear_gradient_program;
199       Program radial_gradient_program;
200       Program conic_gradient_program;
201       Program outset_shadow_program;
202       Program repeat_program;
203       Program unblurred_outset_shadow_program;
204     };
205   };
206   GHashTable *custom_programs; /* GskGLShader -> Program* */
207 } GskGLRendererPrograms;
209 typedef struct
210 {
211   GskGLRendererPrograms *programs;
212   Program *current_program;
213   int current_render_target;
214   int current_texture;
216   graphene_matrix_t current_projection;
217   graphene_rect_t current_viewport;
218   float current_opacity;
219   float dx, dy;
220   float scale_x, scale_y;
222   OpBuffer render_ops;
223   GArray *vertices;
225   GskGLRenderer *renderer;
227   /* Stack of modelview matrices */
228   GArray *mv_stack;
229   GskTransform *current_modelview;
231   /* Same thing */
232   GArray *clip_stack;
233   /* Pointer into clip_stack */
234   const GskRoundedRect *current_clip;
235   bool clip_is_rectilinear;
236 } RenderOpBuilder;
239 void              ops_dump_framebuffer   (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
240                                           const char              *filename,
241                                           int                      width,
242                                           int                      height);
243 void              ops_init               (RenderOpBuilder         *builder);
244 void              ops_free               (RenderOpBuilder         *builder);
245 void              ops_reset              (RenderOpBuilder         *builder);
246 void              ops_push_debug_group    (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
247                                            const char              *text);
248 void              ops_pop_debug_group     (RenderOpBuilder         *builder);
250 void              ops_finish             (RenderOpBuilder         *builder);
251 void              ops_push_modelview     (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
252                                           GskTransform            *transform);
253 void              ops_set_modelview      (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
254                                           GskTransform            *transform);
255 void              ops_pop_modelview      (RenderOpBuilder         *builder);
256 void              ops_set_program        (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
257                                           Program                 *program);
259 void              ops_push_clip          (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
260                                           const GskRoundedRect    *clip);
261 void              ops_pop_clip           (RenderOpBuilder         *builder);
262 gboolean          ops_has_clip           (RenderOpBuilder         *builder);
264 void              ops_transform_bounds_modelview (const RenderOpBuilder *builder,
265                                                   const graphene_rect_t *src,
266                                                   graphene_rect_t       *dst);
268 graphene_matrix_t ops_set_projection     (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
269                                           const graphene_matrix_t *projection);
271 graphene_rect_t   ops_set_viewport       (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
272                                           const graphene_rect_t   *viewport);
274 void              ops_set_texture        (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
275                                           int                      texture_id);
276 void              ops_set_extra_texture  (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
277                                           int                      texture_id,
278                                           int                      idx);
280 int               ops_set_render_target  (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
281                                           int                      render_target_id);
283 float             ops_set_opacity        (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
284                                           float                    opacity);
285 void              ops_set_color          (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
286                                           const GdkRGBA           *color);
288 void              ops_set_color_matrix   (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
289                                           const graphene_matrix_t *matrix,
290                                           const graphene_vec4_t   *offset);
292 void              ops_set_border         (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
293                                           const GskRoundedRect    *outline);
294 void              ops_set_border_width   (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
295                                           const float             *widths);
297 void              ops_set_border_color   (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
298                                           const GdkRGBA           *color);
299 void              ops_set_inset_shadow   (RenderOpBuilder         *self,
300                                           const GskRoundedRect     outline,
301                                           float                    spread,
302                                           const GdkRGBA           *color,
303                                           float                    dx,
304                                           float                    dy);
305 void              ops_set_gl_shader_args (RenderOpBuilder         *builder,
306                                           GskGLShader             *shader,
307                                           float                    width,
308                                           float                    height,
309                                           const guchar            *uniform_data);
310 void              ops_set_unblurred_outset_shadow   (RenderOpBuilder         *self,
311                                                      const GskRoundedRect     outline,
312                                                      float                    spread,
313                                                      const GdkRGBA           *color,
314                                                      float                    dx,
315                                                      float                    dy);
317 void              ops_set_linear_gradient (RenderOpBuilder     *self,
318                                            guint                n_color_stops,
319                                            const GskColorStop  *color_stops,
320                                            gboolean             repeat,
321                                            float                start_x,
322                                            float                start_y,
323                                            float                end_x,
324                                            float                end_y);
325 void              ops_set_radial_gradient (RenderOpBuilder        *self,
326                                            guint                   n_color_stops,
327                                            const GskColorStop     *color_stops,
328                                            gboolean                repeat,
329                                            float                   center_x,
330                                            float                   center_y,
331                                            float                   start,
332                                            float                   end,
333                                            float                   hradius,
334                                            float                   vradius);
335 void              ops_set_conic_gradient  (RenderOpBuilder        *self,
336                                            guint                   n_color_stops,
337                                            const GskColorStop     *color_stops,
338                                            float                   center_x,
339                                            float                   center_y,
340                                            float                   angle);
342 GskQuadVertex *   ops_draw               (RenderOpBuilder        *builder,
343                                           const GskQuadVertex     vertex_data[GL_N_VERTICES]);
345 void              ops_offset             (RenderOpBuilder        *builder,
346                                           float                   x,
347                                           float                   y);
349 gpointer          ops_begin              (RenderOpBuilder        *builder,
350                                           OpKind                  kind);
351 OpBuffer         *ops_get_buffer         (RenderOpBuilder        *builder);
353 #endif