2--              GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome                --
3--                                                                   --
4--                   Copyright (C) 2004-2013, AdaCore                --
5--                                                                   --
6-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
7-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
8-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
9-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
10--                                                                   --
11-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
12-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
14-- General Public License for more details.                          --
15--                                                                   --
16-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
17-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
18-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
19-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
20--                                                                   --
21-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
22-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
23-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
24-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
25-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
26-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --
29--  <description>
30--  Browse the available stock icons in the list of stock IDs found here. You
31--  can also use the gtk-demo application for this purpose.
33--  An icon factory manages a collection of Gtk_Icon_Set; a Gtk_Icon_Set
34--  manages set of variants of a particular icon (i.e. a Gtk_Icon_Set contains
35--  variants for different sizes and widget states). Icons in an icon factory
36--  are named by a stock ID, which is a simple string identifying the icon.
37--  Each Gtk_Style has a list of Gtk_Icon_Factory derived from the current
38--  theme; those icon factories are consulted first when searching for an icon.
39--  If the theme doesn't set a particular icon, GTK+ looks for the icon in a
40--  list of default icon factories, maintained by gtk.icon_factory.add_default
41--  and gtk.icon_factory.remove_default. Applications with icons should add
42--  default icon factory with their icons, which will allow themes to override
43--  the icons for the application.
45--  To display an icon, always use Lookup_Icon_Set on the widget that
46--  will display the icon, or the convenience function Gtk.Widget.Render_Icon.
47--  These functions take the theme into account when looking up the icon to use
48--  for a given stock ID.
49--  </description>
50--  <c_version>2.8.17</c_version>
51--  <see>Gtk.Icon_Theme</see>
53with Glib.Object;
54with Gdk.Pixbuf;
55with Gtk.Enums;
56with Gtk.Settings;
57with Gtk.Style;
58with Gtk.Widget;
60package Gtk.Icon_Factory is
62   --------------------
63   -- Icon factories --
64   --------------------
66   type Gtk_Icon_Factory_Record is new Glib.Object.GObject_Record with private;
67   type Gtk_Icon_Factory is access all Gtk_Icon_Factory_Record'Class;
69   procedure Gtk_New (Widget : out Gtk_Icon_Factory);
70   procedure Initialize (Widget : access Gtk_Icon_Factory_Record'Class);
71   --  Creates or initializes a new Icon_Factory.
73   function Get_Type return Glib.GType;
74   --  Return the internal value associated with a Icon_Factory.
76   procedure Add_Default (Factory : access Gtk_Icon_Factory_Record);
77   --  Adds an icon factory to the list of icon factories searched by
78   --  Lookup_Icon_Set. This means that, for example,
79   --  Gtk.Image.New_From_Stock will be able to find icons in Factory.
80   --  There will normally be an icon factory added for each library or
81   --  application that comes with icons. The default icon factories
82   --  can be overridden by themes.
84   procedure Remove_Default (Factory : access Gtk_Icon_Factory_Record);
85   --  Removes an icon factory from the list of default icon
86   --  factories. Not normally used; you might use it for a library that
87   --  can be unloaded or shut down.
89   ---------------
90   -- Icon sets --
91   ---------------
93   --  An icon set represents a single icon in various sizes and widget states.
94   --  It can provide a Gdk_Pixbuf for a given size and state on request, and
95   --  automatically caches some of the rendered Gdk_Pixbuf objects.
96   --
97   --  Normally you would use Gtk.Widget.Render_Icon instead of using icon sets
98   --  directly. The one case where you'd use an icon set is to create
99   --  application-specific icon sets to place in an icon factory.
101   type Gtk_Icon_Set is new Glib.C_Proxy;
103   function Gtk_New return Gtk_Icon_Set;
104   --  Create an empty Gtk_Icon_Set.
106   function Gtk_New (Pixbuf : Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf) return Gtk_Icon_Set;
107   --  Creates a new icon set with Pixbuf as the default/fallback source
108   --  image. If you don't add any additional icon sources (see below) to the
109   --  icon set, all variants of the icon will be created from Pixbuf,
110   --  using scaling, pixelation, etc. as required to adjust the icon size
111   --  or make the icon look insensitive/prelighted.
113   procedure Add
114     (Factory  : access Gtk_Icon_Factory_Record;
115      Stock_Id : String;
116      Set      : Gtk_Icon_Set);
117   --  Adds the given icon set to the icon factory, under the name Stock_Id.
118   --  Stock_Id should be namespaced for your application, e.g.
119   --  "myapp-whatever-icon".  Normally applications create an icon factory,
120   --  then add it to the list of default factories with Add_Default. Then they
121   --  pass the Stock_Id to widgets such as Gtk_Image to display the icon.
122   --  Themes can provide an icon with the same name (such as
123   --  "myapp-whatever-icon") to override your application's default icons. If
124   --  an icon already existed in Factory for Stock_Id, it is unreferenced and
125   --  replaced with the new icon set.
127   function Lookup_Icon_Set
128     (Style  : access Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style_Record'Class; Stock_Id : String)
129      return Gtk_Icon_Set;
130   --  Retrieve an icon set by its name. The icon might exist in various sizes,
131   --  that can be manipulated through the result set
133   function Lookup
134     (Factory  : access Gtk_Icon_Factory_Record;
135      Stock_Id : String) return Gtk_Icon_Set;
136   --  Looks up Stock_Id in the icon factory, returning an icon set if found,
137   --  otherwise null. For display to the user, you should use
138   --  Lookup_Icon_Set on the Gtk_Style for the widget that will
139   --  display the icon, instead of using this function directly, so that
140   --  themes are taken into account.
142   function Lookup_Default (Stock_Id : String) return Gtk_Icon_Set;
143   --  Looks for an icon in the list of default icon factories.  For
144   --  display to the user, you should use Lookup_Icon_Set on
145   --  the Gtk_Style for the widget that will display the icon, instead of
146   --  using this function directly, so that themes are taken into
147   --  account.
149   function Icon_Set_Get_Type return Glib.GType;
150   --  Return the internal type value for Gtk_Icon_Set
152   function Copy (Icon_Set : Gtk_Icon_Set) return Gtk_Icon_Set;
153   pragma Import (C, Copy, "gtk_icon_set_copy");
154   --  Copies Icon_Set by value.
156   function Get_Sizes (Icon_Set : Gtk_Icon_Set) return Gint_Array;
157   --  Obtains a list of icon sizes this icon set can render.
159   procedure Ref   (Icon_Set : Gtk_Icon_Set);
160   procedure Unref (Icon_Set : Gtk_Icon_Set);
161   pragma Import (C, Ref,   "gtk_icon_set_ref");
162   pragma Import (C, Unref, "gtk_icon_set_unref");
163   --  Increase or decrease the reference counting for the icon set. When this
164   --  reaches 0, the memory is reclaimed
166   function Render_Icon
167     (Icon_Set  : Gtk_Icon_Set;
168      Style     : access Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style_Record'Class;
169      Direction : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction;
170      State     : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
171      Size      : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size;
172      Widget    : Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget := null;
173      Detail    : String := "")
174      return Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf;
175   --  Renders an icon using Render_Icon below. In most cases, the other
176   --  version of Render_Icon is better, since it automatically provides most
177   --  of the arguments from the current widget settings. This function never
178   --  returns null; if the icon can't be rendered (perhaps because an image
179   --  file fails to load), a default "missing image" icon will be returned
180   --  instead.
181   --  Widget is the widget that will display the icon, or null. This is
182   --  typically used to determine the screen (and thus the colormap depth).
183   --  Detail is the string to pass to the theme engine to provide more
184   --  information. Passing anything but the empty string will disable
185   --  caching.
187   ------------------
188   -- Icon sources --
189   ------------------
191   --  An icon source contains a Gdk_Pixbuf (or image filename) that serves as
192   --  the base image for one or more of the icons in an icon set, along with a
193   --  specification for which icons in the icon set will be based on that
194   --  pixbuf or image file. An icon set contains a set of icons that represent
195   --  "the same" logical concept in different states, different global text
196   --  directions, and different sizes.
197   --
198   --  So for example a web browser's "Back to Previous Page" icon might point
199   --  in a different direction in Hebrew and in English; it might look
200   --  different when insensitive; and it might change size depending on
201   --  toolbar mode (small/large icons). So a single icon set would contain all
202   --  those variants of the icon. An icon set contains a list of icon sources
203   --  from which it can derive specific icon variants in the set.
204   --
205   --  In the simplest case, an icon set contains one source pixbuf from which
206   --  it derives all variants.
207   --
208   --  If you want to use a different base pixbuf for different icon variants,
209   --  you create multiple icon sources, mark which variants they'll be used to
210   --  create, and add them to the icon set with Add_Source (see below).
211   --
212   --  By default, the icon source has all parameters wildcarded. That is, the
213   --  icon source will be used as the base icon for any desired text
214   --  direction, widget state, or icon size.
216   type Gtk_Icon_Source is new Glib.C_Proxy;
218   function Gtk_New return Gtk_Icon_Source;
219   --  Create a new icon source.
221   function Icon_Source_Copy (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source) return Gtk_Icon_Source;
222   --  Returns a copy of Gtk_Icon_Source. This function is generally not
223   --  useful
225   function Icon_Source_Get_Type return Glib.GType;
226   --  Return the internal type used for Gtk_Icon_Source
228   function Render_Icon
229     (Style     : access Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style_Record'Class;
230      Source    : Gtk.Icon_Factory.Gtk_Icon_Source;
231      Direction : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction;
232      State     : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
233      Size      : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size;
234      Widget    : Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget := null;
235      Detail    : String := "")
236      return Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf;
237   --  Renders the icon specified by Source at the given Size according to the
238   --  given parameters and returns the result in pixbuf.
240   procedure Add_Source
241     (Set    : Gtk_Icon_Set;
242      Source : Gtk_Icon_Source);
243   --  Icon sets have a list of icon sources, which they use as base
244   --  icons for rendering icons in different states and sizes. Icons are
245   --  scaled, made to look insensitive, etc. in Gtk.Icon.Set_Render_Icon,
246   --  but an icon set needs base images to work with. The base images and
247   --  when to use them are described by an icon source.
248   --  This function copies Source, so you can reuse the same source
249   --  immediately without affecting the icon set.
251   procedure Free (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source);
252   --  Free memory allocated to Source.
254   procedure Set_Filename
255     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source; Filename : String);
256   function Get_Filename (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source) return String;
257   --  Set the name of an image file to use as a base image when creating
258   --  icon variants for an icon set. The filename must be absolute.
260   procedure Set_Pixbuf
261     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source; Pixbuf : Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf);
262   function Get_Pixbuf
263     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source) return Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf;
264   --  Set a pixbuf to use as a base image when creating icon variants
265   --  for an icon set. If an icon source has both a filename and a pixbuf
266   --  set, the pixbuf will take priority.
268   procedure Set_Size
269     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source; Size : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size);
270   function Get_Size
271     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source) return Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size;
272   --  Set the icon size this icon source is intended to be used with
274   procedure Set_Icon_Name (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source; Icon_Name : String);
275   function  Get_Icon_Name (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source) return String;
276   --  Retrieves the source icon name, or "" if none is set. The icon comes
277   --  from an icon theme in this case.
279   procedure Set_Size_Wildcarded
280     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source; Wildcarded : Boolean);
281   function Get_Size_Wildcarded (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source) return Boolean;
282   --  Change the wilcarded state of the size for the icon source.
283   --
284   --  If the icon size is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base
285   --  image for an icon of any size.  if the size is not wildcarded, then
286   --  the size the source applies to should be set with Set_Size,
287   --  and the icon source will only be used with that specific size.
288   --
289   --  Gtk prefers non-wildcarded sources (exact matches) over wildcarded
290   --  sources, and will use an exact match when possible.
291   --
292   --  Gtk will normally scale wildcarded source images to produce
293   --  an appropriate icon at a given size, but will not change the size
294   --  of source images that match exactly.
296   procedure Set_Direction_Wildcarded
297     (Source  : Gtk_Icon_Source;  Setting : Boolean);
298   function Get_Direction_Wildcarded
299     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source) return Boolean;
300   --  If the text direction is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base
301   --  image for an icon in any Gtk_Text_Direction.
302   --  If the text direction is not wildcarded, then the text direction the
303   --  icon source applies to should be set with Set_Direction(), and the icon
304   --  source will only be used with that text direction.
305   --  Gtk_Icon_Set prefers non-wildcarded sources (exact matches) over
306   --  wildcarded sources, and will use an exact match when possible
308   procedure Set_Direction
309     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source; Direction : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction);
310   function Get_Direction
311     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source) return Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction;
312   --  Sets the text direction this icon source is intended to be used
313   --  with.
314   --  Setting the text direction on an icon source makes no difference if the
315   --  text direction is wildcarded. Therefore, you should usually call
316   --  Set_Direction_Wildcarded() to un-wildcard it in addition to calling this
317   --  function.
319   procedure Set_State_Wildcarded
320     (Source  : Gtk_Icon_Source;  Setting : Boolean);
321   function Get_State_Wildcarded (Source  : Gtk_Icon_Source) return Boolean;
322   --  If the widget state is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base
323   --  image for an icon in any Gtk_State_Type. If the widget state is not
324   --  wildcarded, then the state the source applies to should be set with
325   --  Set_State and the icon source will only be used with that specific
326   --  state.
327   --  Gtk_Icon_Set prefers non-wildcarded sources (exact matches) over
328   --  wildcarded sources, and will use an exact match when possible.
329   --  Gtk_Icon_Set will normally transform wildcarded source images to produce
330   --  an appropriate icon for a given state, for example lightening an image
331   --  on prelight, but will not modify source images that match exactly.
333   procedure Set_State
334     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source; State  : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_State_Type);
335   function Get_State
336     (Source : Gtk_Icon_Source) return Gtk.Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
337   --  Sets the widget state this icon source is intended to be used
338   --  with.
339   --  Setting the widget state on an icon source makes no difference if the
340   --  state is wildcarded. Therefore, you should usually call
341   --  Set_State_Wildcarded to un-wildcard it in addition to calling this
342   --  function.
344   ----------------
345   -- Icon sizes --
346   ----------------
347   --  There are a number of predefined icon sizes (see gtk-enums.ads). These
348   --  are used in the various gtk+ contexts. However, you can also define your
349   --  own icon sizes to use in your application.
351   function Icon_Size_From_Name (Name : String) return Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size;
352   --  Looks up the icon size associated with Name.
353   --  Predefined icon sizes are associated with the following names:
354   --    Icon_Size_Menu          => "gtk-menu"          (16x16)
355   --    Icon_Size_Button        => "gtk-button"        (20x20)
356   --    Icon_Size_Small_Toolbar => "gtk-small-toolbar" (18x18)
357   --    Icon_Size_Large_Toolbar => "gtk-large-toolbar" (24x24)
358   --    Icon_Size_Dnd           => "gtk-dnd"           (32x32)
359   --    Icon_Size_Dialog        => "gtk-dialog"        (48x48)
360   --  You can also define your own names (see Icon_Size_Register)
362   function Icon_Size_Get_Name (Size : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size) return String;
363   --  Gets the canonical name of the given icon size
365   procedure Icon_Size_Lookup
366     (Size          : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size;
367      Width, Height : out Gint);
368   --  Obtains the pixel size of a semantic icon size, possibly
369   --  modified by user preferences for the default Gtk_Settings.
370   --  (See Icon_Size_Lookup_For_Settings).
371   --  This function isn't normally needed, Render_Icon is the usual way to get
372   --  an icon for rendering, then just look at the size of the rendered
373   --  pixbuf. The rendered pixbuf may not even correspond to the width/height
374   --  returned by Icon_Size_Lookup, because themes are free to render the
375   --  pixbuf however they like, including changing the usual size.
376   --  Sizes are set to -1 if Size is invalid.
378   procedure Icon_Size_Lookup_For_Settings
379     (Settings : access Gtk.Settings.Gtk_Settings_Record'Class;
380      Size     : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size;
381      Width    : out Gint;
382      Height   : out Gint);
383   --  Obtains the pixel size of a semantic icon size, possibly modified by
384   --  user preferences for a particular Gtk_Settings.
386   function Icon_Size_Register
387     (Name   : String;
388      Width  : Gint;
389      Height : Gint)
390      return Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size;
391   --  Registers a new icon size, along the same lines as Icon_Size_Menu,
392   --  etc. Returns the integer value for the size.
394   procedure Icon_Size_Register_Alias
395     (Alias : String;  Target : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size);
396   --  Registers Alias as another name for Target.
397   --  So calling Icon_Size_From_Name with Alias as argument will return Target
399   -------------
400   -- Signals --
401   -------------
403   --  <signals>
404   --  The following new signals are defined for this widget:
405   --  </signals>
408   type Gtk_Icon_Factory_Record is
409     new Glib.Object.GObject_Record with null record;
411   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_icon_factory_get_type");
412   pragma Import (C, Set_Size, "gtk_icon_source_set_size");
413   pragma Import (C, Get_Size, "gtk_icon_source_get_size");
414   pragma Import (C, Icon_Set_Get_Type, "gtk_icon_set_get_type");
415   pragma Import (C, Icon_Source_Get_Type, "gtk_icon_source_get_type");
416   pragma Import (C, Set_Direction, "gtk_icon_source_set_direction");
417   pragma Import (C, Get_Direction, "gtk_icon_source_get_direction");
418   pragma Import (C, Set_State, "gtk_icon_source_set_state");
419   pragma Import (C, Get_State, "gtk_icon_source_get_state");
420   pragma Import (C, Icon_Source_Copy, "gtk_icon_source_copy");
422end Gtk.Icon_Factory;