1 // Generated by gmmproc 2.60.0 -- DO NOT MODIFY!
6 #include <glibmm/ustring.h>
7 #include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
9 /*
10  * Copyright (C) 2002 The gtkmm Development Team
11  *
12  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
14  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
15  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
23  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
24  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
25  */
27 #include <vector>
29 #include <gdkmm/display.h>
30 #include <gdkmm/pixbuf.h>
31 #include <gtkmm/targetentry.h>
32 #include <gtkmm/selectiondata.h>
33 #include <glibmm/object.h>
37 using GtkClipboard = struct _GtkClipboard;
38 using GtkClipboardClass = struct _GtkClipboardClass;
43 namespace Gtk
44 { class Clipboard_Class; } // namespace Gtk
47 namespace Gtk
48 {
51 class TextBuffer;
54 /** The Clipboard object represents a clipboard of data shared between different processes or between
55  * different widgets in the same process. Each clipboard is identified by a name encoded as a GdkAtom. *
56  * (Conversion to and from strings can be done with gdk_atom_intern() and gdk_atom_name().) The default
57  * clipboard corresponds to the "CLIPBOARD" atom; another commonly used clipboard is the "PRIMARY" clipboard,
58  * which, in X, traditionally contains the currently selected text.
59  *
60  * To support having a number of different formats on the clipboard at the same time, the clipboard mechanism
61  * allows providing callbacks instead of the actual data. When you set the contents of the clipboard, you can
62  * either supply the data directly (via functions like set_text()), or you can supply a callback
63  * to be called at a later time when the data is needed (via set().) Providing a callback also avoids having to
64  * make copies of the data when it is not needed.
65  *
66  * Requesting the data from the clipboard is essentially asynchronous. If the contents of the clipboard are
67  * provided within the same process, then a direct function call will be made to retrieve the data, but if they
68  * are provided by another process, then the data needs to be retrieved from the other process, which may take
69  * some time. To avoid blocking the user interface, the call to request the selection, request_contents() takes
70  * a callback that will be called when the contents are received (or when the request fails.) If you don't want
71  * to deal with providing a separate callback, you can also use wait_for_contents(). This runs the
72  * GLib main loop recursively waiting for the contents. This can simplify the code flow, but you still have to
73  * be aware that other callbacks in your program can be called while this recursive mainloop is running.
74  *
75  * Along with the functions to get the clipboard contents as an arbitrary data chunk, there are also functions
76  * to retrieve it as text, request_text() and wait_for_text(). These functions take
77  * care of determining which formats are advertised by the clipboard provider, asking for the clipboard in the
78  * best available format and converting the results into the UTF-8 encoding.
79  */
81 class Clipboard : public Glib::Object
82 {
86 public:
87   using CppObjectType = Clipboard;
88   using CppClassType = Clipboard_Class;
89   using BaseObjectType = GtkClipboard;
90   using BaseClassType = GtkClipboardClass;
92   // noncopyable
93   Clipboard(const Clipboard&) = delete;
94   Clipboard& operator=(const Clipboard&) = delete;
96 private:  friend class Clipboard_Class;
97   static CppClassType clipboard_class_;
99 protected:
100   explicit Clipboard(const Glib::ConstructParams& construct_params);
101   explicit Clipboard(GtkClipboard* castitem);
105 public:
107   Clipboard(Clipboard&& src) noexcept;
108   Clipboard& operator=(Clipboard&& src) noexcept;
110   ~Clipboard() noexcept override;
112   /** Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system.
113    */
114   static GType get_type()      G_GNUC_CONST;
119   static GType get_base_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
120 #endif
122   ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
gobj()123   GtkClipboard*       gobj()       { return reinterpret_cast<GtkClipboard*>(gobject_); }
125   ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
gobj()126   const GtkClipboard* gobj() const { return reinterpret_cast<GtkClipboard*>(gobject_); }
128   ///Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
129   GtkClipboard* gobj_copy();
131 private:
133 public:
136   /**
137    */
138   static Glib::RefPtr<Clipboard> get(GdkAtom selection =  GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
140   /**
141    */
142   static Glib::RefPtr<Clipboard> get_for_display(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Display>& display, GdkAtom selection =  GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
145   /**
146    */
147   Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Display> get_display();
149   /**
150    */
151   Glib::RefPtr<const Gdk::Display> get_display() const;
153   /// For instance: void on_get(Gtk::SelectionData& selection_data, guint info);
154   typedef sigc::slot<void, SelectionData&, guint> SlotGet;
156   /// For instance: void on_clear();
157   typedef sigc::slot<void> SlotClear;
159  /** Virtually sets the contents of the specified clipboard by providing
160   * a list of supported formats for the clipboard data and a function
161   * to call to get the actual data when it is requested.
162   *
163   * @param targets Information about the available forms for the clipboard data.
164   * @param slot_get method to call to get the actual clipboard data.
165   * @param slot_clear When the clipboard contents are set again, this method will
166   *              be called, and slot_get will not be subsequently called.
167   *
168   * @return true if setting the clipboard data succeeded. If setting
169   *               the clipboard data failed then the provided callback methods
170   *               will be ignored.
171   */
172   bool set(const std::vector<TargetEntry>& targets, const SlotGet& slot_get, const SlotClear& slot_clear);
175   /**
176    */
177   Glib::RefPtr<Glib::Object> get_owner();
179   /**
180    */
181   Glib::RefPtr<const Glib::Object> get_owner() const;
184   /**
185    * Clears the contents of the clipboard. Generally this should only
186    * be called between the time you call set()
187    * and when the slot_clear you supplied is called. Otherwise, the
188    * clipboard may be owned by someone else.
189    */
190   void clear();
192   /**
193    * Sets the contents of the clipboard to the given UTF-8 string. GTK+ will
194    * make a copy of the text and take responsibility for responding
195    * for requests for the text, and for converting the text into
196    * the requested format.
197    *
198    * @param text  A UTF-8 string.
199    *
200    */
201   void set_text(const Glib::ustring& text);
204   /** Sets the contents of the clipboard to the given Gdk::Pixbuf.
205    * GTK+ will take responsibility for responding for requests
206    * for the image, and for converting the image into the
207    * requested format.
208    *
209    * @newin{2,6}
210    *
211    * @param pixbuf A Gdk::Pixbuf.
212    */
213   void set_image(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>& pixbuf);
215   /// For instance: void on_received(const SelectionData& selection_data);
216   typedef sigc::slot<void, const SelectionData&> SlotReceived;
218   /** Requests the contents of clipboard as the given target.
219    * When the results of the result are later received the supplied callback
220    * will be called.
221    *
222    * @param target The form into which the clipboard
223    *             owner should convert the selection.
224    * @param slot  A function to call when the results are received
225    *             (or the retrieval fails). If the retrieval fails
226    *             the length field of selection_data will be
227    *             negative.
228    **/
229   void request_contents(const Glib::ustring& target, const SlotReceived& slot);
232   /// For instance: void on_text_received(const Glib::ustring& text);
233   typedef sigc::slot<void, const Glib::ustring&> SlotTextReceived;
235   /** Requests the contents of the clipboard as text. When the text is
236    * later received, it will be converted to UTF-8 if necessary, and
237    * slot will be called.
238    *
239    * The text parameter to slot will contain the resulting text if
240    * the request succeeded, or will be empty if it failed. This could happen for
241    * various reasons, in particular if the clipboard was empty or if the
242    * contents of the clipboard could not be converted into text form.
243    *
244    * @param slot:  a function to call when the text is received,
245    *             or the retrieval fails. (It will always be called
246    *             one way or the other.)
247    */
248   void request_text(const SlotTextReceived& slot);
251   /// For instance: void on_rich_text_received(const Glib::ustring& format, const std::string& text);
252   typedef sigc::slot<void, const Glib::ustring&, const std::string&> SlotRichTextReceived;
254   /** Requests the contents of the clipboard as rich text. When the rich text is later received,
255    * @a slot will be called.
256    *
257    * The text parameter to the slot will contain the resulting rich text if the request succeeded, or
258    * an empty string if it failed. This function can fail for various reasons, in particular if the
259    * clipboard was empty or if the contents of the clipboard could not be converted into rich text form.
260    *
261    * @param buffer A Gtk::TextBuffer.
262    * @param slot A function to call when the text is received,
263    *             or the retrieval fails. (It will always be called
264    *             one way or the other.)
265    */
266   void request_rich_text(const Glib::RefPtr<TextBuffer>& buffer, const SlotRichTextReceived& slot);
269   /// For instance: void on_uris_received(const std::vector<Glib::ustring>& uris);
270   typedef sigc::slot<void, const std::vector<Glib::ustring>&> SlotUrisReceived;
272  /** Requests the contents of the clipboard as URIs. When the URIs are
273   * later received @a slot will be called.
274   *
275   * The uris parameter to @a slot will contain the resulting array of
276   * URIs if the request succeeded, or an empty list if it failed. This could happen
277   * for various reasons, in particular if the clipboard was empty or if the
278   * contents of the clipboard could not be converted into URI form.
279   *
280   * @param slot A slot to call when the URIs are received, or the retrieval fails. (It will always be called one way or the other.)
281   *
282   * @newin{2,14}
283   */
284   void request_uris(const SlotUrisReceived& slot);
287   /// For instance: void on_image_received(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>& text);
288   typedef sigc::slot<void, const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>&> SlotImageReceived;
290   /** Requests the contents of the clipboard as image. When the image is
291    * later received, it will be converted to a Gdk::Pixbuf.
292    * This function waits for
293    * the data to be received using the main loop, so events,
294    * timeouts, etc, may be dispatched during the wait.
295    *
296    * The pixbuf parameter to slot will contain the resulting pixbuf if
297    * the request succeeded, or will be empty if it failed. This could happen for
298    * various reasons, in particular if the clipboard was empty or if the
299    * contents of the clipboard could not be converted into image form.
300    *
301    * @param slot:  a function to call when the text is received,
302    *             or the retrieval fails. (It will always be called
303    *             one way or the other.)
304    */
305   void request_image(const SlotImageReceived& slot);
308   /// For instance: void on_targets_received(const std::vector<Glib::ustring>& targets);
309   typedef sigc::slot<void, const std::vector<Glib::ustring>&> SlotTargetsReceived;
311   /** Requests the contents of the clipboard as list of supported targets.
312    * When the list is later received, callback will be called.
313    *
314    * The targets parameter to slot will contain the resulting targets if
315    * the request succeeded.
316    *
317    * @param slot a function to call when the targets are received,
318    *             or the retrieval fails. (It will always be called
319    *             one way or the other.)
320    *
321    * @newin{2,4}
322    */
323   void request_targets(const SlotTargetsReceived& slot);
326   /**
327    * Requests the contents of the clipboard using the given target.
328    * This function waits for the data to be received using the main
329    * loop, so events, timeouts, etc, may be dispatched during the wait.
330    *
331    * @param target The form into which the clipboard owner should convert the selection.
332    *
333    * @return A SelectionData object, which will be invalid if retrieving the given target failed.
334    */
335   SelectionData wait_for_contents(const Glib::ustring& target) const;
338   /** @return A UTF-8 string, which is empty if retrieving
339    * the selection data failed. (This could happen
340    * for various reasons, in particular if the
341    * clipboard was empty or if the contents of the
342    * clipboard could not be converted into text form.).
343    */
344   Glib::ustring wait_for_text() const;
346   std::string wait_for_rich_text(const Glib::RefPtr<TextBuffer>& buffer, std::string& format);
349   //Maybe the result should be const, but constness is not so clear-cut here. murrayc
351   /**
352    */
353   Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> wait_for_image() const;
356   /** Test to see if there is text available to be pasted
357    * This is done by requesting the TARGETS atom and checking
358    * if it contains any of the supported text targets. This function
359    * waits for the data to be received using the main loop, so events,
360    * timeouts, etc, may be dispatched during the wait.
361    *
362    * This function is a little faster than calling
363    * wait_for_text() since it doesn’t need to retrieve
364    * the actual text.
365    *
366    * @return <tt>true</tt> is there is text available, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
367    */
368   bool wait_is_text_available() const;
370   /** Test to see if there is rich text available to be pasted
371    * This is done by requesting the TARGETS atom and checking
372    * if it contains any of the supported rich text targets. This function
373    * waits for the data to be received using the main loop, so events,
374    * timeouts, etc, may be dispatched during the wait.
375    *
376    * This function is a little faster than calling
377    * wait_for_rich_text() since it doesn’t need to retrieve
378    * the actual text.
379    *
380    * @newin{2,10}
381    *
382    * @param buffer A Gtk::TextBuffer.
383    * @return <tt>true</tt> is there is rich text available, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
384    */
385   bool wait_is_rich_text_available(const Glib::RefPtr<TextBuffer>& buffer) const;
387   /** Test to see if there is an image available to be pasted
388    * This is done by requesting the TARGETS atom and checking
389    * if it contains any of the supported image targets. This function
390    * waits for the data to be received using the main loop, so events,
391    * timeouts, etc, may be dispatched during the wait.
392    *
393    * This function is a little faster than calling
394    * wait_for_image() since it doesn’t need to retrieve
395    * the actual image data.
396    *
397    * @newin{2,6}
398    *
399    * @return <tt>true</tt> is there is an image available, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
400    */
401   bool wait_is_image_available() const;
403   /** Test to see if there is a list of URIs available to be pasted
404    * This is done by requesting the TARGETS atom and checking
405    * if it contains the URI targets. This function
406    * waits for the data to be received using the main loop, so events,
407    * timeouts, etc, may be dispatched during the wait.
408    *
409    * This function is a little faster than calling
410    * wait_for_uris() since it doesn’t need to retrieve
411    * the actual URI data.
412    *
413    * @newin{2,14}
414    *
415    * @return <tt>true</tt> is there is an URI list available, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
416    */
417   bool wait_is_uris_available() const;
419   /** Checks if a clipboard supports pasting data of a given type. This
420    * function can be used to determine if a “Paste” menu item should be
421    * insensitive or not.
422    *
423    * If you want to see if there’s text available on the clipboard, use
424    * wait_is_text_available() instead.
425    *
426    * @newin{2,6}
427    *
428    * @param target A Gdk::Atom indicating which target to look for.
429    * @return <tt>true</tt> if the target is available, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
430    */
431   bool wait_is_target_available(const Glib::ustring& target);
433   /** Returns a list of targets that are present on the clipboard.
434    * This function waits for the data to be received using the main
435    * loop, so events, timeouts, etc, may be dispatched during the wait.
436    *
437    * @result targets: The targets.
438    *
439    * @newin{2,4}
440    */
441   std::vector<Glib::ustring> wait_for_targets() const;
444   /** Requests the contents of the clipboard as URIs. This function waits
445    * for the data to be received using the main loop, so events,
446    * timeouts, etc, may be dispatched during the wait.
447    *
448    * @newin{2,14}
449    *
450    * @return A vector of strings, which is empty if retrieving the
451    * selection data failed. (This could happen for various reasons,
452    * in particular if the clipboard was empty or if the contents of
453    * the clipboard could not be converted into URI form.).
454    */
455   std::vector<Glib::ustring> wait_for_uris() const;
457   /** Hints that the clipboard data should be stored somewhere when the application exits or when store()
458    * is called.
459    *
460    * This value is reset when the clipboard owner changes. Where the clipboard data is stored is platform
461    * dependent, see Gdk::Display::store_clipboard() for more information.
462    *
463    * @param targets Array containing information about which forms should be stored.
464    */
465   void set_can_store(const std::vector<TargetEntry>& targets);
467   /** Hints that all forms of clipboard data should be stored somewhere when the application exits or when store()
468    * is called.
469    *
470    * This value is reset when the clipboard owner changes. Where the clipboard data is stored is platform
471    * dependent, see Gdk::Display::store_clipboard() for more information.
472    */
473   void set_can_store();
476   /** Stores the current clipboard data somewhere so that it will stay
477    * around after the application has quit.
478    *
479    * @newin{2,6}
480    */
481   void store();
483   /** @newin{3,22}
484    */
485   GdkAtom get_selection() const;
488   /**
489    * @par Slot Prototype:
490    * <tt>void on_my_%owner_change(GdkEventOwnerChange* event)</tt>
491    *
492    * Flags: Run First
493    *
494    *
495    */
497   Glib::SignalProxy< void,GdkEventOwnerChange* > signal_owner_change();
500 public:
502 public:
503   //C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions:
505 protected:
506   //GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour):
508   //Default Signal Handlers::
511 };
513 } //namespace Gtk
516 namespace Glib
517 {
518   /** A Glib::wrap() method for this object.
519    *
520    * @param object The C instance.
521    * @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
522    * @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
523    *
524    * @relates Gtk::Clipboard
525    */
526   Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Clipboard> wrap(GtkClipboard* object, bool take_copy = false);
527 }
530 #endif /* _GTKMM_CLIPBOARD_H */