1 /*
2     This file is part of the KDE libraries
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer <reggie@kde.org>
4     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Simon Hausmann <hausmann@kde.org>
5     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Nicolas Hadacek <haadcek@kde.org>
6     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Kurt Granroth <granroth@kde.org>
7     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Michael Koch <koch@kde.org>
8     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Holger Freyther <freyther@kde.org>
9     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Ellis Whitehead <ellis@kde.org>
10     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Andras Mantia <amantia@kde.org>
11     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2005-2006 Hamish Rodda <rodda@kde.org>
13     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only
14 */
19 #include <QAction>
20 #include <memory>
22 #include <kwidgetsaddons_export.h>
24 class KGuiItem;
25 class KToggleActionPrivate;
27 /**
28  *  @class KToggleAction ktoggleaction.h KToggleAction
29  *
30  *  @short Checkbox like action.
31  *
32  *  This action provides two states: checked or not.
33  *
34  */
35 class KWIDGETSADDONS_EXPORT KToggleAction : public QAction
36 {
37     Q_OBJECT
39 public:
40     /**
41      * Constructs an action with the specified parent.
42      *
43      * @param parent The action's parent object.
44      */
45     explicit KToggleAction(QObject *parent);
47     /**
48      * Constructs an action with text; a shortcut may be specified by
49      * the ampersand character (e.g.\ "&Option" creates a shortcut with key \e O )
50      *
51      * This is the most common QAction used when you do not have a
52      * corresponding icon (note that it won't appear in the current version
53      * of the "Edit ToolBar" dialog, because an action needs an icon to be
54      * plugged in a toolbar...).
55      *
56      * @param text The text that will be displayed.
57      * @param parent The action's parent object.
58      */
59     KToggleAction(const QString &text, QObject *parent);
61     /**
62      * Constructs an action with text and an icon; a shortcut may be specified by
63      * the ampersand character (e.g.\ "&Option" creates a shortcut with key \e O )
64      *
65      * This is the other common QAction used.  Use it when you
66      * \e do have a corresponding icon.
67      *
68      * @param icon The icon to display.
69      * @param text The text that will be displayed.
70      * @param parent The action's parent object.
71      */
72     KToggleAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, QObject *parent);
74     /**
75      * Destructor
76      */
77     ~KToggleAction() override;
79     /**
80      * Defines the text (and icon, tooltip, whatsthis) that should be displayed
81      * instead of the normal text, when the action is checked.
82      * Note that this does <em>not</em> replace the check box in front of the
83      * menu.  So you should not use it to replace the text "Show <foo>" with
84      * "Hide <foo>", for example.
85      *
86      * If hasIcon(), the icon is kept for the 'checked state', unless
87      * @p checkedItem defines an icon explicitly. Same thing for tooltip and whatsthis.
88      */
89     void setCheckedState(const KGuiItem &checkedItem);
91 protected Q_SLOTS:
92     virtual void slotToggled(bool checked);
94 protected:
95     KToggleAction(KToggleActionPrivate &dd, QObject *parent);
97 private:
98     friend class KToggleFullScreenAction;
99     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE_D(d, KToggleAction)
100     std::unique_ptr<class KToggleActionPrivate> const d;
101     // KF6 TODO: change private d to protected d_ptr, use normal Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE, remove friend
102 };
104 #endif