$Header: /cvsroot/lesstif/lesstif/doc/lessdox/clients/lesstif.1,v 1.19 2009/04/29 12:23:30 paulgevers Exp $

Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 LessTif Development Team

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later

This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with
your Debian GNU/Linux system, in /usr/doc/copyright/GPL, or with the
dpkg source package as the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

LessTif 1x "March 2002" "LessTif Project" "LessTif Manuals"
LessTif - an open-source Motif replacement
LessTif is a free replacement for OSF/Motif\(rg.

As with Motif\(rg, LessTif consists of a widget set, a window manager, and a UIL implementation (libMrm and the UIL compiler). In LessTif, our main area of attention is the widget set. We also have a working window manager mwm, but UIL is not under very active development.

LessTif is licensed under the LGPL, the Library Gnu Public License. The license itself accompanies LessTif in the file COPYING.LIB. More information can be obtained from the Free Software Foundation.

For more info on Debugging check out our documentation in HTML format.
Colon-separated list of files from which debug output is generated. Special values "all"/"none" have obvious meaning. To block entries from a list, add a "-" prefix. You may use an asterisk "*" as a wildcard as well.
If this variable exists, then the file is being used for output. If "%p" is part of the value of DEBUG_FILE, then it is replaced by the current process id.
If this variable exists, then all widgets printed with XdbDebug() etc. will also print their widget ID. If the variable doesn't exist, then they only print their name for identification.
If this variable exists any output of _XmWarning() and equivalent functions is sent to the file specified by DEBUG_FILE
Specifies the name of the signal which should be used to switch the built-in LessTif debugging system. Valid values depend on the system on which LessTif was compiled and is running and are a subset of: SIGUNUSED, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGUSR3, SIGBREAK
Specifies the initial status of the built-in LessTif debugging system. Valid values are 'on' and 'off'
The following interfaces exist to Set, Toggle and Query the current status of the debugging subsystem: void _LtDebugSet (Boolean flag); void _LtDebugToggle (void); Boolean _LtDebugQueryState (void);
The major part of the source code which implements the debugging system of LessTif resides in /lib/Xm/DebugUtil.c Using the preprocessor define LESSTIF_PRODUCTION the relevant code sections are en-/disabled during the build process.

mwm (1) uil (1) xmbind (1)


ltversion (1)

"Other Widget Sets":

xbae (1) xlt (1)

"Motif Widgets":

XmFileSelectionBox (3) XmArrowButton (3) XmArrowButtonGadget (3) XmBulletinBoard (3) XmCascadeButton (3) XmCascadeButtonGCacheObj (3) XmCascadeButtonGadget (3) XmComboBox (3) XmCommand (3) XmDesktop (3) XmDialogShell (3) XmDialogShellExt (3) XmDisplay (3) XmDragContext (3) XmDragIcon (3) XmDragOverShell (3) XmDrawingArea (3) XmDrawnButton (3) XmDropSiteManager (3) XmDropTransfer (3) XmFileSelectionBox (3) XmForm (3) XmFrame (3) XmGadget (3) XmGrabShell (3) XmIconGCacheObj (3) XmIconGadget (3) XmLabel (3) XmLabelGCacheObj (3) XmLabelGadget (3) XmList (3) XmMainWindow (3) XmManager (3) XmMenuShell (3) XmMessageBox (3) XmNotebook (3) XmPanedWindow (3) XmPrimitive (3) XmProtocol (3) XmPushButton (3) XmPushButtonGCacheObj (3) XmPushButtonGadget (3) XmRowColumn (3) XmSash (3) XmScale (3) XmScreen (3) XmScrollBar (3) XmScrolledWindow (3) XmSelectionBox (3) XmSeparator (3) XmSeparatorGCacheObj (3) XmSeparatorGadget (3) XmSpinBox (3) XmTearOffButton (3) XmText (3) XmTextField (3) XmToggleButton (3) XmToggleButtonGCacheObj (3) XmToggleButtonGadget (3) XmVendorShellExt (3) XmWorld (3)

"Xt Widgets":

ApplicationShell (3) Composite (3) Core (3) Object (3) OverrideShell (3) Shell (3) TopLevelShell (3) TransientShell (3) WmShell (3) Rect (3) UnNamedObj (3) Constraint (3) VendorShell (3)

"File Formats":

mwmrc (5)

"Utility Functions":

XmClipboard (3) LessTifInternals (3)

"Internet Resources":

The LessTif home page: http://www.lesstif.org

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) home page: http://www.gnu.org

The OpenGroup (owners of OSF/Motif\(rg and the X Window System) home page: http://www.opengroup.org