1 /*
2     NanoGUI was developed by Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>.
3     The widget drawing code is based on the NanoVG demo application
4     by Mikko Mononen.
6     All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
7     BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
8 */
9 /**
10  * \file nanogui/checkbox.h
11  *
12  * \brief Two-state check box Widget.
13  */
15 #pragma once
17 #include <nanogui/widget.h>
21 /**
22  * \class CheckBox checkbox.h nanogui/checkbox.h
23  *
24  * \brief Two-state check box widget.
25  *
26  * \remark
27  *     This class overrides \ref nanogui::Widget::mIconExtraScale to be ``1.2f``,
28  *     which affects all subclasses of this Widget.  Subclasses must explicitly
29  *     set a different value if needed (e.g., in their constructor).
30  */
31 class NANOGUI_EXPORT CheckBox : public Widget {
32 public:
33     /**
34      * Adds a CheckBox to the specified ``parent``.
35      *
36      * \param parent
37      *     The Widget to add this CheckBox to.
38      *
39      * \param caption
40      *     The caption text of the CheckBox (default ``"Untitled"``).
41      *
42      * \param callback
43      *     If provided, the callback to execute when the CheckBox is checked or
44      *     unchecked.  Default parameter function does nothing.  See
45      *     \ref nanogui::CheckBox::mPushed for the difference between "pushed"
46      *     and "checked".
47      */
48     CheckBox(Widget *parent, const std::string &caption = "Untitled",
49              const std::function<void(bool)> &callback = std::function<void(bool)>());
51     /// The caption of this CheckBox.
52     const std::string &caption() const { return mCaption; }
54     /// Sets the caption of this CheckBox.
55     void setCaption(const std::string &caption) { mCaption = caption; }
57     /// Whether or not this CheckBox is currently checked.
58     const bool &checked() const { return mChecked; }
60     /// Sets whether or not this CheckBox is currently checked.
61     void setChecked(const bool &checked) { mChecked = checked; }
63     /// Whether or not this CheckBox is currently pushed.  See \ref nanogui::CheckBox::mPushed.
64     const bool &pushed() const { return mPushed; }
66     /// Sets whether or not this CheckBox is currently pushed.  See \ref nanogui::CheckBox::mPushed.
67     void setPushed(const bool &pushed) { mPushed = pushed; }
69     /// Returns the current callback of this CheckBox.
70     std::function<void(bool)> callback() const { return mCallback; }
72     /// Sets the callback to be executed when this CheckBox is checked / unchecked.
73     void setCallback(const std::function<void(bool)> &callback) { mCallback = callback; }
75     /**
76      * The mouse button callback will return ``true`` when all three conditions are met:
77      *
78      * 1. This CheckBox is "enabled" (see \ref nanogui::Widget::mEnabled).
79      * 2. ``p`` is inside this CheckBox.
80      * 3. ``button`` is ``GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1`` (left mouse click).
81      *
82      * Since a mouse button event is issued for both when the mouse is pressed, as well
83      * as released, this function sets \ref nanogui::CheckBox::mPushed to ``true`` when
84      * parameter ``down == true``.  When the second event (``down == false``) is fired,
85      * \ref nanogui::CheckBox::mChecked is inverted and \ref nanogui::CheckBox::mCallback
86      * is called.
87      *
88      * That is, the callback provided is only called when the mouse button is released,
89      * **and** the click location remains within the CheckBox boundaries.  If the user
90      * clicks on the CheckBox and releases away from the bounds of the CheckBox,
91      * \ref nanogui::CheckBox::mPushed is simply set back to ``false``.
92      */
93     virtual bool mouseButtonEvent(const Vector2i &p, int button, bool down, int modifiers) override;
95     /// The preferred size of this CheckBox.
96     virtual Vector2i preferredSize(NVGcontext *ctx) const override;
98     /// Draws this CheckBox.
99     virtual void draw(NVGcontext *ctx) override;
101     /// Saves this CheckBox to the specified Serializer.
102     virtual void save(Serializer &s) const override;
104     /// Loads the state of the specified Serializer to this CheckBox.
105     virtual bool load(Serializer &s) override;
107 protected:
108     /// The caption text of this CheckBox.
109     std::string mCaption;
111     /**
112      * Internal tracking variable to distinguish between mouse click and release.
113      * \ref nanogui::CheckBox::mCallback is only called upon release.  See
114      * \ref nanogui::CheckBox::mouseButtonEvent for specific conditions.
115      */
116     bool mPushed;
118     /// Whether or not this CheckBox is currently checked or unchecked.
119     bool mChecked;
121     /// The function to execute when \ref nanogui::CheckBox::mChecked is changed.
122     std::function<void(bool)> mCallback;
124 public:
126 };
128 NAMESPACE_END(nanogui)