1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        dataobj.h
3 // Purpose:     interface of wx*DataObject
4 // Author:      wxWidgets team
5 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
6 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10     @class wxDataFormat
12     A wxDataFormat is an encapsulation of a platform-specific format handle
13     which is used by the system for the clipboard and drag and drop operations.
14     The applications are usually only interested in, for example, pasting data
15     from the clipboard only if the data is in a format the program understands
16     and a data format is something which uniquely identifies this format.
18     On the system level, a data format is usually just a number (@c CLIPFORMAT
19     under Windows or @c Atom under X11, for example) and the standard formats
20     are, indeed, just numbers which can be implicitly converted to wxDataFormat.
21     The standard formats are:
23     @beginDefList
24     @itemdef{wxDF_INVALID,
25              An invalid format - used as default argument for functions taking
26              a wxDataFormat argument sometimes.}
27     @itemdef{wxDF_TEXT,
28              Text format (wxString).}
29     @itemdef{wxDF_BITMAP,
30              A bitmap (wxBitmap).}
31     @itemdef{wxDF_METAFILE,
32              A metafile (wxMetafile, Windows only).}
33     @itemdef{wxDF_FILENAME,
34              A list of filenames.}
35     @itemdef{wxDF_HTML,
36              An HTML string. This is currently only valid on Mac and MSW.}
37     @endDefList
39     As mentioned above, these standard formats may be passed to any function
40     taking wxDataFormat argument because wxDataFormat has an implicit
41     conversion from them (or, to be precise from the type
42     @c wxDataFormat::NativeFormat which is the type used by the underlying
43     platform for data formats).
45     Aside the standard formats, the application may also use custom formats
46     which are identified by their names (strings) and not numeric identifiers.
47     Although internally custom format must be created (or @e registered) first,
48     you shouldn't care about it because it is done automatically the first time
49     the wxDataFormat object corresponding to a given format name is created.
50     The only implication of this is that you should avoid having global
51     wxDataFormat objects with non-default constructor because their
52     constructors are executed before the program has time to perform all
53     necessary initialisations and so an attempt to do clipboard format
54     registration at this time will usually lead to a crash!
56     @library{wxcore}
57     @category{dnd}
59     @see @ref overview_dnd, @ref page_samples_dnd, wxDataObject
60 */
61 class wxDataFormat
62 {
63 public:
64     /**
65         Constructs a data format object for one of the standard data formats or
66         an empty data object (use SetType() or SetId() later in this case).
68         @beginWxPerlOnly
69         In wxPerl use Wx::Bitmap->newNative(format).
70         @endWxPerlOnly
71     */
72     wxDataFormat(wxDataFormatId format = wxDF_INVALID);
74     /**
75         Constructs a data format object for a custom format identified by its
76         name @a format.
78         @beginWxPerlOnly
79         In wxPerl use Wx::Bitmap->newUser(format).
80         @endWxPerlOnly
81     */
82     wxDataFormat(const wxString& format);
84     /**
85         Returns the name of a custom format (this function will fail for a
86         standard format).
87     */
88     wxString GetId() const;
90     /**
91         Returns the platform-specific number identifying the format.
92     */
93     wxDataFormatId GetType() const;
95     /**
96         Sets the format to be the custom format identified by the given name.
97     */
98     void SetId(const wxString& format);
100     /**
101         Sets the format to the given value, which should be one of wxDF_XXX
102         constants.
103     */
104     void SetType(wxDataFormatId type);
106     /**
107         Returns @true if the formats are different.
108     */
109     bool operator !=(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
111     /**
112         Returns @true if the formats are different.
113     */
114     bool operator !=(wxDataFormatId format) const;
116     /**
117         Returns @true if the formats are equal.
118     */
119     bool operator ==(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
121     /**
122         Returns @true if the formats are equal.
123     */
124     bool operator ==(wxDataFormatId format) const;
125 };
128 const wxDataFormat wxFormatInvalid;
131 /**
132     @class wxDataObject
134     A wxDataObject represents data that can be copied to or from the clipboard,
135     or dragged and dropped. The important thing about wxDataObject is that this
136     is a 'smart' piece of data unlike 'dumb' data containers such as memory
137     buffers or files. Being 'smart' here means that the data object itself
138     should know what data formats it supports and how to render itself in each
139     of its supported formats.
141     A supported format, incidentally, is exactly the format in which the data
142     can be requested from a data object or from which the data object may be
143     set. In the general case, an object may support different formats on
144     'input' and 'output', i.e. it may be able to render itself in a given
145     format but not be created from data on this format or vice versa.
146     wxDataObject defines the wxDataObject::Direction enumeration type which
147     distinguishes between them.
149     See wxDataFormat documentation for more about formats.
151     Not surprisingly, being 'smart' comes at a price of added complexity. This
152     is reasonable for the situations when you really need to support multiple
153     formats, but may be annoying if you only want to do something simple like
154     cut and paste text.
156     To provide a solution for both cases, wxWidgets has two predefined classes
157     which derive from wxDataObject: wxDataObjectSimple and
158     wxDataObjectComposite. wxDataObjectSimple is the simplest wxDataObject
159     possible and only holds data in a single format (such as HTML or text) and
160     wxDataObjectComposite is the simplest way to implement a wxDataObject that
161     does support multiple formats because it achieves this by simply holding
162     several wxDataObjectSimple objects.
164     So, you have several solutions when you need a wxDataObject class (and you
165     need one as soon as you want to transfer data via the clipboard or drag and
166     drop):
168     -# Use one of the built-in classes.
169         - You may use wxTextDataObject, wxBitmapDataObject wxFileDataObject,
170           wxURLDataObject in the simplest cases when you only need to support
171           one format and your data is either text, bitmap or list of files.
172     -# Use wxDataObjectSimple
173         - Deriving from wxDataObjectSimple is the simplest solution for custom
174           data - you will only support one format and so probably won't be able
175           to communicate with other programs, but data transfer will work in
176           your program (or between different instances of it).
177     -# Use wxDataObjectComposite
178         - This is a simple but powerful solution which allows you to support
179           any number of formats (either standard or custom if you combine it
180           with the previous solution).
181     -# Use wxDataObject directly
182         - This is the solution for maximum flexibility and efficiency, but it
183           is also the most difficult to implement.
185     Please note that the easiest way to use drag and drop and the clipboard
186     with multiple formats is by using wxDataObjectComposite, but it is not the
187     most efficient one as each wxDataObjectSimple would contain the whole data
188     in its respective formats. Now imagine that you want to paste 200 pages of
189     text in your proprietary format, as well as Word, RTF, HTML, Unicode and
190     plain text to the clipboard and even today's computers are in trouble. For
191     this case, you will have to derive from wxDataObject directly and make it
192     enumerate its formats and provide the data in the requested format on
193     demand.
195     Note that neither the GTK+ data transfer mechanisms for clipboard and drag
196     and drop, nor OLE data transfer, @e copies any data until another application
197     actually requests the data. This is in contrast to the 'feel' offered to
198     the user of a program who would normally think that the data resides in the
199     clipboard after having pressed 'Copy' - in reality it is only declared to
200     be @e available.
202     You may also derive your own data object classes from wxCustomDataObject
203     for user-defined types. The format of user-defined data is given as a
204     mime-type string literal, such as "application/word" or "image/png". These
205     strings are used as they are under Unix (so far only GTK+) to identify a
206     format and are translated into their Windows equivalent under Win32 (using
207     the OLE IDataObject for data exchange to and from the clipboard and for
208     drag and drop). Note that the format string translation under Windows is
209     not yet finished.
211     Each class derived directly from wxDataObject must override and implement
212     all of its functions which are pure virtual in the base class. The data
213     objects which only render their data or only set it (i.e. work in only one
214     direction), should return 0 from GetFormatCount().
216     @beginWxPerlOnly
217     This class is not currently usable from wxPerl; you may use
218     Wx::PlDataObjectSimple instead.
219     @endWxPerlOnly
221     @library{wxcore}
222     @category{dnd}
224     @see @ref overview_dnd, @ref page_samples_dnd, wxFileDataObject,
225          wxTextDataObject, wxBitmapDataObject, wxCustomDataObject,
226          wxDropTarget, wxDropSource, wxTextDropTarget, wxFileDropTarget
227 */
228 class wxDataObject
229 {
230 public:
231     enum Direction
232     {
233         /** Format is supported by GetDataHere() */
234         Get  = 0x01,
236         /** Format is supported by SetData() */
237         Set  = 0x02,
239         /**
240             Format is supported by both GetDataHere() and SetData()
241             (unused currently)
242          */
243         Both = 0x03
244     };
246     /**
247         Constructor.
248     */
249     wxDataObject();
251     /**
252         Destructor.
253     */
254     virtual ~wxDataObject();
256     /**
257         Copies all formats supported in the given direction @a dir to the array
258         pointed to by @a formats.
259         There must be enough space for GetFormatCount(dir) formats in it.
261         @beginWxPerlOnly
262         In wxPerl this method only takes the @a dir parameter.  In scalar
263         context it returns the first format in the list, in list
264         context it returns a list containing all the supported
265         formats.
266         @endWxPerlOnly
267     */
268     virtual void GetAllFormats(wxDataFormat* formats,
269                                Direction dir = Get) const = 0;
271     /**
272         The method will write the data of the format @a format to the buffer
273         @a buf.  In other words, copy the data from this object in the given
274         format to the supplied buffer. Returns @true on success, @false on
275         failure.
276     */
277     virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void* buf) const = 0;
279     /**
280         Returns the data size of the given format @a format.
281     */
282     virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const = 0;
284     /**
285         Returns the number of available formats for rendering or setting the
286         data.
287     */
288     virtual size_t GetFormatCount(Direction dir = Get) const = 0;
290     /**
291         Returns the preferred format for either rendering the data (if @a dir
292         is @c Get, its default value) or for setting it. Usually this will be
293         the native format of the wxDataObject.
294     */
295     virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat(Direction dir = Get) const = 0;
297     /**
298         Set the data in the format @a format of the length @a len provided in
299         the buffer @a buf.  In other words, copy length bytes of data from the
300         buffer to this data object.
302         @param format
303             The format for which to set the data.
304         @param len
305             The size of data in bytes.
306         @param buf
307             Non-@NULL pointer to the data.
308         @return
309             @true on success, @false on failure.
310     */
311     virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, size_t len, const void* buf);
313     /**
314        Returns true if this format is supported.
315     */
316     bool IsSupported(const wxDataFormat& format, Direction dir = Get) const;
317 };
320 /**
321     @class wxCustomDataObject
323     wxCustomDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObjectSimple for some
324     application-specific data in arbitrary (either custom or one of the
325     standard ones). The only restriction is that it is supposed that this data
326     can be copied bitwise (i.e. with @c memcpy()), so it would be a bad idea to
327     make it contain a C++ object (though C struct is fine).
329     By default, wxCustomDataObject stores the data inside in a buffer. To put
330     the data into the buffer you may use either SetData() or TakeData()
331     depending on whether you want the object to make a copy of data or not.
333     This class may be used as is, but if you don't want store the data inside
334     the object but provide it on demand instead, you should override GetSize(),
335     GetData() and SetData() (or may be only the first two or only the last one
336     if you only allow reading/writing the data).
338     @library{wxcore}
339     @category{dnd}
341     @see wxDataObject
342 */
343 class wxCustomDataObject : public wxDataObjectSimple
344 {
345 public:
346     /**
347         The constructor accepts a @a format argument which specifies the
348         (single) format supported by this object. If it isn't set here,
349         wxDataObjectSimple::SetFormat() should be used.
350     */
351     wxCustomDataObject(const wxDataFormat& format = wxFormatInvalid);
353     /**
354         The destructor will free the data held by the object. Notice that
355         although it calls the virtual Free() function, the base class version
356         will always be called (C++ doesn't allow calling virtual functions from
357         constructors or destructors), so if you override Free(), you should
358         override the destructor in your class as well (which would probably
359         just call the derived class' version of Free()).
360     */
361     virtual ~wxCustomDataObject();
363     /**
364         This function is called to allocate @a size bytes of memory from
365         SetData(). The default version just uses the operator new.
366     */
367     virtual void* Alloc(size_t size);
369     /**
370         This function is called when the data is freed, you may override it to
371         anything you want (or may be nothing at all). The default version calls
372         operator delete[] on the data.
373     */
374     virtual void Free();
376     /**
377         Returns a pointer to the data.
378     */
379     virtual void* GetData() const;
381     /**
382         Returns the data size in bytes.
383     */
384     virtual size_t GetSize() const;
386     /**
387         Set the data. The data object will make an internal copy.
388     */
389     virtual bool SetData(size_t size, const void* data);
391     /**
392         Like SetData(), but doesn't copy the data - instead the object takes
393         ownership of the pointer.
394     */
395     void TakeData(size_t size, void* data);
396 };
400 /**
401     @class wxDataObjectComposite
403     wxDataObjectComposite is the simplest wxDataObject derivation which may be
404     used to support multiple formats. It contains several wxDataObjectSimple
405     objects and supports any format supported by at least one of them. Only one
406     of these data objects is @e preferred (the first one if not explicitly
407     changed by using the second parameter of Add()) and its format determines
408     the preferred format of the composite data object as well.
410     See wxDataObject documentation for the reasons why you might prefer to use
411     wxDataObject directly instead of wxDataObjectComposite for efficiency
412     reasons.
414     This example shows how a composite data object capable of storing either
415     bitmaps or file names (presumably of bitmap files) can be initialized and
416     used:
418     @code
419     MyDropTarget::MyDropTarget()
420     {
421         wxDataObjectComposite* dataobj = new wxDataObjectComposite();
422         dataobj->Add(new wxBitmapDataObject(), true);
423         dataobj->Add(new wxFileDataObject());
424         SetDataObject(dataobj);
425     }
427     wxDragResult MyDropTarget::OnData(wxCoord x, wxCoord y,
428                                       wxDragResult defaultDragResult)
429     {
430         wxDragResult dragResult = wxDropTarget::OnData(x, y, defaultDragResult);
431         if ( dragResult == defaultDragResult )
432         {
433             wxDataObjectComposite *
434                 dataobjComp = static_cast<wxDataObjectComposite *>(GetDataObject());
436             wxDataFormat format = dataObjects->GetReceivedFormat();
437             wxDataObject *dataobj = dataobjComp->GetObject(format);
438             switch ( format.GetType() )
439             {
440                 case wxDF_BITMAP:
441                     {
442                         wxBitmapDataObject *
443                             dataobjBitmap = static_cast<wxBitmapDataObject *>(dataobj);
445                         ... use dataobj->GetBitmap() ...
446                     }
447                     break;
449                 case wxDF_FILENAME:
450                     {
451                         wxFileDataObject *
452                             dataobjFile = static_cast<wxFileDataObject *>(dataobj);
454                         ... use dataobj->GetFilenames() ...
455                     }
456                     break;
458                 default:
459                     wxFAIL_MSG( "unexpected data object format" );
460             }
461         }
463         return dragResult;
464     }
465     @endcode
467     @library{wxcore}
468     @category{dnd}
470     @see @ref overview_dnd, wxDataObject, wxDataObjectSimple, wxFileDataObject,
471          wxTextDataObject, wxBitmapDataObject
472 */
473 class wxDataObjectComposite : public wxDataObject
474 {
475 public:
476     /**
477         The default constructor.
478     */
479     wxDataObjectComposite();
481     /**
482         Adds the @a dataObject to the list of supported objects and it becomes
483         the preferred object if @a preferred is @true.
484     */
485     void Add(wxDataObjectSimple* dataObject, bool preferred = false);
487     /**
488         Report the format passed to the SetData() method.  This should be the
489         format of the data object within the composite that received data from
490         the clipboard or the DnD operation.  You can use this method to find
491         out what kind of data object was received.
492     */
493     wxDataFormat GetReceivedFormat() const;
495     /**
496         Returns the pointer to the object which supports the passed format for
497         the specified direction.
499         @NULL is returned if the specified @a format is not supported for this
500         direction @a dir. The returned pointer is owned by wxDataObjectComposite
501         itself and shouldn't be deleted by caller.
503         @since 2.9.1
504     */
505     wxDataObjectSimple *GetObject(const wxDataFormat& format,
506                                   wxDataObject::Direction dir = wxDataObject::Get) const;
507 };
511 /**
512     @class wxDataObjectSimple
514     This is the simplest possible implementation of the wxDataObject class.
515     The data object of (a class derived from) this class only supports
516     <strong>one format</strong>, so the number of virtual functions to
517     be implemented is reduced.
519     Notice that this is still an abstract base class and cannot be used
520     directly, it must be derived. The objects supporting rendering the data
521     must override GetDataSize() and GetDataHere() while the objects which may
522     be set must override SetData(). Of course, the objects supporting both
523     operations must override all three methods.
525     @beginWxPerlOnly
526     In wxPerl, you need to derive your data object class from
527     Wx::PlDataObjectSimple.
528     @endWxPerlOnly
530     @library{wxcore}
531     @category{dnd}
533     @see @ref overview_dnd, @ref page_samples_dnd, wxFileDataObject,
534          wxTextDataObject, wxBitmapDataObject
535 */
536 class wxDataObjectSimple : public wxDataObject
537 {
538 public:
539     /**
540         Constructor accepts the supported format (none by default) which may
541         also be set later with SetFormat().
542     */
543     wxDataObjectSimple(const wxDataFormat& format = wxFormatInvalid);
545     /**
546         Copy the data to the buffer, return @true on success.
547         Must be implemented in the derived class if the object supports rendering
548         its data.
549     */
550     virtual bool GetDataHere(void* buf) const;
552     /**
553         Gets the size of our data. Must be implemented in the derived class if
554         the object supports rendering its data.
555     */
556     virtual size_t GetDataSize() const;
558     /**
559         Returns the (one and only one) format supported by this object.
560         It is assumed that the format is supported in both directions.
561     */
562     const wxDataFormat& GetFormat() const;
564     /**
565         Copy the data from the buffer, return @true on success.
566         Must be implemented in the derived class if the object supports setting
567         its data.
568     */
569     virtual bool SetData(size_t len, const void* buf);
571     /**
572         Sets the supported format.
573     */
574     void SetFormat(const wxDataFormat& format);
575 };
579 /**
580     @class wxBitmapDataObject
582     wxBitmapDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for bitmap data. It
583     can be used without change to paste data into the wxClipboard or a
584     wxDropSource. A user may wish to derive a new class from this class for
585     providing a bitmap on-demand in order to minimize memory consumption when
586     offering data in several formats, such as a bitmap and GIF.
588     This class may be used as is, but GetBitmap() may be overridden to increase
589     efficiency.
591     @library{wxcore}
592     @category{dnd}
594     @see @ref overview_dnd, wxDataObject, wxDataObjectSimple, wxFileDataObject,
595          wxTextDataObject, wxDataObject
596 */
597 class wxBitmapDataObject : public wxDataObjectSimple
598 {
599 public:
600     /**
601         Constructor, optionally passing a bitmap (otherwise use SetBitmap()
602         later).
603     */
604     wxBitmapDataObject(const wxBitmap& bitmap = wxNullBitmap);
606     /**
607         Returns the bitmap associated with the data object. You may wish to
608         override this method when offering data on-demand, but this is not
609         required by wxWidgets' internals. Use this method to get data in bitmap
610         form from the wxClipboard.
611     */
612     virtual wxBitmap GetBitmap() const;
614     /**
615         Sets the bitmap associated with the data object. This method is called
616         when the data object receives data. Usually there will be no reason to
617         override this function.
618     */
619     virtual void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
620 };
624 /**
625     @class wxURLDataObject
627     wxURLDataObject is a wxDataObject containing an URL and can be used e.g.
628     when you need to put an URL on or retrieve it from the clipboard:
630     @code
631     wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxURLDataObject(url));
632     @endcode
634     @note This class is derived from wxDataObjectComposite on Windows rather
635           than wxTextDataObject on all other platforms.
637     @library{wxcore}
638     @category{dnd}
640     @see @ref overview_dnd, wxDataObject
641 */
642 class wxURLDataObject: public wxTextDataObject
643 {
644 public:
645     /**
646         Constructor, may be used to initialize the URL. If @a url is empty,
647         SetURL() can be used later.
648     */
649     wxURLDataObject(const wxString& url = wxEmptyString);
651     /**
652         Returns the URL stored by this object, as a string.
653     */
654     wxString GetURL() const;
656     /**
657         Sets the URL stored by this object.
658     */
659     void SetURL(const wxString& url);
660 };
663 /**
664     @class wxTextDataObject
666     wxTextDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObjectSimple for text data.
667     It can be used without change to paste data into the wxClipboard or a
668     wxDropSource. A user may wish to derive a new class from this class for
669     providing text on-demand in order to minimize memory consumption when
670     offering data in several formats, such as plain text and RTF because by
671     default the text is stored in a string in this class, but it might as well
672     be generated when requested. For this, GetTextLength() and GetText() will
673     have to be overridden.
675     Note that if you already have the text inside a string, you will not
676     achieve any efficiency gain by overriding these functions because copying
677     wxStrings is already a very efficient operation (data is not actually
678     copied because wxStrings are reference counted).
680     @library{wxcore}
681     @category{dnd}
683     @see @ref overview_dnd, wxDataObject, wxDataObjectSimple, wxFileDataObject,
684          wxBitmapDataObject
685 */
686 class wxTextDataObject : public wxDataObjectSimple
687 {
688 public:
689     /**
690         Constructor, may be used to initialise the text (otherwise SetText()
691         should be used later).
692     */
693     wxTextDataObject(const wxString& text = wxEmptyString);
695     /**
696         Returns the text associated with the data object. You may wish to
697         override this method when offering data on-demand, but this is not
698         required by wxWidgets' internals. Use this method to get data in text
699         form from the wxClipboard.
700     */
701     virtual wxString GetText() const;
703     /**
704         Returns the data size. By default, returns the size of the text data
705         set in the constructor or using SetText(). This can be overridden to
706         provide text size data on-demand. It is recommended to return the text
707         length plus 1 for a trailing zero, but this is not strictly required.
708     */
709     virtual size_t GetTextLength() const;
711     /**
712         Returns 2 under wxMac and wxGTK, where text data coming from the
713         clipboard may be provided as ANSI (@c wxDF_TEXT) or as Unicode text
714         (@c wxDF_UNICODETEXT, but only when @c wxUSE_UNICODE==1).
716         Returns 1 under other platforms (e.g. wxMSW) or when building in ANSI mode
717         (@c wxUSE_UNICODE==0).
718     */
719     virtual size_t GetFormatCount(wxDataObject::Direction dir = wxDataObject::Get) const;
721     /**
722         Returns the preferred format supported by this object.
724         This is @c wxDF_TEXT or @c wxDF_UNICODETEXT depending on the platform
725         and from the build mode (i.e. from @c wxUSE_UNICODE).
726     */
727     const wxDataFormat& GetFormat() const;
729     /**
730         Returns all the formats supported by wxTextDataObject.
732         Under wxMac and wxGTK they are @c wxDF_TEXT and @c wxDF_UNICODETEXT,
733         under other ports returns only one of the two, depending on the build mode.
734     */
735     virtual void GetAllFormats(wxDataFormat* formats,
736                                wxDataObject::Direction dir = wxDataObject::Get) const;
738     /**
739         Sets the text associated with the data object. This method is called
740         when the data object receives the data and, by default, copies the text
741         into the member variable. If you want to process the text on the fly
742         you may wish to override this function.
743     */
744     virtual void SetText(const wxString& strText);
745 };
749 /**
750     @class wxFileDataObject
752     wxFileDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for file names. The
753     program works with it just as if it were a list of absolute file names, but
754     internally it uses the same format as Explorer and other compatible
755     programs under Windows or GNOME/KDE filemanager under Unix which makes it
756     possible to receive files from them using this class.
758     @warning Under all non-Windows platforms this class is currently
759              "input-only", i.e. you can receive the files from another
760              application, but copying (or dragging) file(s) from a wxWidgets
761              application is not currently supported. PS: GTK2 should work as
762              well.
764     @library{wxcore}
765     @category{dnd}
767     @see wxDataObject, wxDataObjectSimple, wxTextDataObject,
768          wxBitmapDataObject, wxDataObject
769 */
770 class wxFileDataObject : public wxDataObjectSimple
771 {
772 public:
773     /**
774         Constructor.
775     */
776     wxFileDataObject();
778     /**
779         Adds a file to the file list represented by this data object (Windows only).
780     */
781     void AddFile(const wxString& file);
783     /**
784         Returns the array of file names.
785     */
786     const wxArrayString& GetFilenames() const;
787 };
789 /**
790     @class wxHTMLDataObject
792     wxHTMLDataObject is used for working with HTML-formatted text.
794     @library{wxcore}
795     @category{dnd}
797     @see wxDataObject, wxDataObjectSimple
798 */
799 class wxHTMLDataObject : public wxDataObjectSimple
800 {
801 public:
802     /**
803         Constructor.
804     */
805     wxHTMLDataObject(const wxString& html = wxEmptyString);
807     /**
808         Returns the HTML string.
809     */
810     virtual wxString GetHTML() const;
812     /**
813         Sets the HTML string.
814     */
815     virtual void SetHTML(const wxString& html);
816 };