1 /****************************************************************************
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6 ** This file is part of the QtQml module of the Qt Toolkit.
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38 ****************************************************************************/
40 #include "qqmlbind_p.h"
42 #include <private/qqmlnullablevalue_p.h>
43 #include <private/qqmlproperty_p.h>
44 #include <private/qqmlbinding_p.h>
45 #include <private/qqmlmetatype_p.h>
46 #include <private/qqmlvmemetaobject_p.h>
47 #include <private/qv4persistent_p.h>
49 #include <qqmlengine.h>
50 #include <qqmlcontext.h>
51 #include <qqmlproperty.h>
52 #include <qqmlinfo.h>
54 #include <QtCore/qfile.h>
55 #include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
56 #include <QtCore/qtimer.h>
57 #include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
59 #include <private/qobject_p.h>
64 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcQmlBindingRestoreMode, "qt.qml.binding.restoreMode")
66 class QQmlBindPrivate : public QObjectPrivate
67 {
68 public:
QQmlBindPrivate()69     QQmlBindPrivate()
70         : obj(nullptr)
71         , prevBind(QQmlAbstractBinding::Ptr())
72         , prevIsVariant(false)
73         , componentComplete(true)
74         , delayed(false)
75         , pendingEval(false)
76         , restoreBinding(true)
77         , restoreValue(false)
78         , restoreModeExplicit(false)
79         , writingProperty(false)
80     {}
~QQmlBindPrivate()81     ~QQmlBindPrivate() { }
83     QQmlNullableValue<bool> when;
84     QPointer<QObject> obj;
85     QString propName;
86     QQmlNullableValue<QJSValue> value;
87     QQmlProperty prop;
88     QQmlAbstractBinding::Ptr prevBind;
89     QV4::PersistentValue v4Value;
90     QVariant prevValue;
91     bool prevIsVariant:1;
92     bool componentComplete:1;
93     bool delayed:1;
94     bool pendingEval:1;
95     bool restoreBinding:1;
96     bool restoreValue:1;
97     bool restoreModeExplicit:1;
98     bool writingProperty: 1;
100     void validate(QObject *binding) const;
101     void clearPrev();
102 };
validate(QObject * binding) const104 void QQmlBindPrivate::validate(QObject *binding) const
105 {
106     if (!obj || (when.isValid() && !when))
107         return;
109     if (!prop.isValid()) {
110         qmlWarning(binding) << "Property '" << propName << "' does not exist on " << QQmlMetaType::prettyTypeName(obj) << ".";
111         return;
112     }
114     if (!prop.isWritable()) {
115         qmlWarning(binding) << "Property '" << propName << "' on " << QQmlMetaType::prettyTypeName(obj) << " is read-only.";
116         return;
117     }
118 }
120 /*!
121     \qmltype Binding
122     \instantiates QQmlBind
123     \inqmlmodule QtQml
124     \ingroup qtquick-interceptors
125     \brief Enables the arbitrary creation of property bindings.
127     In QML, property bindings result in a dependency between the properties of
128     different objects.
130     \section1 Binding to an Inaccessible Property
132     Sometimes it is necessary to bind an object's property to
133     that of another object that isn't directly instantiated by QML, such as a
134     property of a class exported to QML by C++. You can use the Binding type
135     to establish this dependency; binding any value to any object's property.
137     For example, in a C++ application that maps an "app.enteredText" property
138     into QML, you can use Binding to update the enteredText property.
140     \code
141     TextEdit { id: myTextField; text: "Please type here..." }
142     Binding { target: app; property: "enteredText"; value: myTextField.text }
143     \endcode
145     When \c{text} changes, the C++ property \c{enteredText} will update
146     automatically.
148     \section1 Conditional Bindings
150     In some cases you may want to modify the value of a property when a certain
151     condition is met but leave it unmodified otherwise. Often, it's not possible
152     to do this with direct bindings, as you have to supply values for all
153     possible branches.
155     For example, the code snippet below results in a warning whenever you
156     release the mouse. This is because the value of the binding is undefined
157     when the mouse isn't pressed.
159     \qml
160     // produces warning: "Unable to assign [undefined] to double value"
161     value: if (mouse.pressed) mouse.mouseX
162     \endqml
164     The Binding type can prevent this warning.
166     \qml
167     Binding on value {
168         when: mouse.pressed
169         value: mouse.mouseX
170     }
171     \endqml
173     The Binding type restores any previously set direct bindings on the
174     property.
176     \sa {Qt QML}
177 */
QQmlBind(QObject * parent)178 QQmlBind::QQmlBind(QObject *parent)
179     : QObject(*(new QQmlBindPrivate), parent)
180 {
181 }
~QQmlBind()183 QQmlBind::~QQmlBind()
184 {
185 }
187 /*!
188     \qmlproperty bool QtQml::Binding::when
190     This property holds when the binding is active.
191     This should be set to an expression that evaluates to true when you want the binding to be active.
193     \code
194     Binding {
195         target: contactName; property: 'text'
196         value: name; when: list.ListView.isCurrentItem
197     }
198     \endcode
200     When the binding becomes inactive again, any direct bindings that were previously
201     set on the property will be restored.
203     \note By default, a previously set literal value is not restored when the Binding becomes
204     inactive. Rather, the last value set by the now inactive Binding is retained. You can customize
205     the restoration behavior for literal values as well as bindings using the \l restoreMode
206     property. The default will change in Qt 6.0.
208     \sa restoreMode
209 */
when() const210 bool QQmlBind::when() const
211 {
212     Q_D(const QQmlBind);
213     return d->when;
214 }
setWhen(bool v)216 void QQmlBind::setWhen(bool v)
217 {
218     Q_D(QQmlBind);
219     if (!d->when.isNull && d->when == v)
220         return;
222     d->when = v;
223     if (v && d->componentComplete)
224         d->validate(this);
225     eval();
226 }
228 /*!
229     \qmlproperty Object QtQml::Binding::target
231     The object to be updated.
232 */
object()233 QObject *QQmlBind::object()
234 {
235     Q_D(const QQmlBind);
236     return d->obj;
237 }
setObject(QObject * obj)239 void QQmlBind::setObject(QObject *obj)
240 {
241     Q_D(QQmlBind);
242     if (d->obj && d->when.isValid() && d->when) {
243         /* if we switch the object at runtime, we need to restore the
244            previous binding on the old object before continuing */
245         d->when = false;
246         eval();
247         d->when = true;
248     }
249     d->obj = obj;
250     if (d->componentComplete) {
251         setTarget(QQmlProperty(d->obj, d->propName, qmlContext(this)));
252         d->validate(this);
253     }
254     eval();
255 }
257 /*!
258     \qmlproperty string QtQml::Binding::property
260     The property to be updated.
262     This can be a group property if the expression results in accessing a
263     property of a \l {QML Basic Types}{value type}. For example:
265     \qml
266     Item {
267         id: item
269         property rect rectangle: Qt.rect(0, 0, 200, 200)
270     }
272     Binding {
273         target: item
274         property: "rectangle.x"
275         value: 100
276     }
277     \endqml
278 */
property() const279 QString QQmlBind::property() const
280 {
281     Q_D(const QQmlBind);
282     return d->propName;
283 }
setProperty(const QString & p)285 void QQmlBind::setProperty(const QString &p)
286 {
287     Q_D(QQmlBind);
288     if (!d->propName.isEmpty() && d->when.isValid() && d->when) {
289         /* if we switch the property name at runtime, we need to restore the
290            previous binding on the old object before continuing */
291         d->when = false;
292         eval();
293         d->when = true;
294     }
295     d->propName = p;
296     if (d->componentComplete) {
297         setTarget(QQmlProperty(d->obj, d->propName, qmlContext(this)));
298         d->validate(this);
299     }
300     eval();
301 }
303 /*!
304     \qmlproperty any QtQml::Binding::value
306     The value to be set on the target object and property.  This can be a
307     constant (which isn't very useful), or a bound expression.
308 */
value() const309 QJSValue QQmlBind::value() const
310 {
311     Q_D(const QQmlBind);
312     return d->value.value;
313 }
setValue(const QJSValue & v)315 void QQmlBind::setValue(const QJSValue &v)
316 {
317     Q_D(QQmlBind);
318     d->value = v;
319     prepareEval();
320 }
322 /*!
323     \qmlproperty bool QtQml::Binding::delayed
324     \since 5.8
326     This property holds whether the binding should be delayed.
328     A delayed binding will not immediately update the target, but rather wait
329     until the event queue has been cleared. This can be used as an optimization,
330     or to prevent intermediary values from being assigned.
332     \code
333     Binding {
334         target: contactName; property: 'text'
335         value: givenName + " " + familyName; when: list.ListView.isCurrentItem
336         delayed: true
337     }
338     \endcode
339 */
delayed() const340 bool QQmlBind::delayed() const
341 {
342     Q_D(const QQmlBind);
343     return d->delayed;
344 }
setDelayed(bool delayed)346 void QQmlBind::setDelayed(bool delayed)
347 {
348     Q_D(QQmlBind);
349     if (d->delayed == delayed)
350         return;
352     d->delayed = delayed;
354     if (!d->delayed)
355         eval();
356 }
358 /*!
359     \qmlproperty enumeration QtQml::Binding::restoreMode
360     \since 5.14
362     This property can be used to describe if and how the original value should
363     be restored when the binding is disabled.
365     The possible values are:
366     \list
367     \li Binding.RestoreNone The original value is not restored at all
368     \li Binding.RestoreBinding The original value is restored if it was another
369         binding. In that case the old binding is in effect again.
370     \li Binding.RestoreValue The original value is restored if it was a plain
371         value rather than a binding.
372     \li Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue The original value is always restored.
373     \endlist
375     \warning The default value is Binding.RestoreBinding. This will change in
376     Qt 6.0 to Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue.
378     If you rely on any specific behavior regarding the restoration of plain
379     values when bindings get disabled you should migrate to explicitly set the
380     restoreMode.
382     Reliance on a restoreMode that doesn't restore the previous binding or value
383     for a specific property results in a run-time warning.
384 */
restoreMode() const385 QQmlBind::RestorationMode QQmlBind::restoreMode() const
386 {
387     Q_D(const QQmlBind);
388     unsigned result = RestoreNone;
389     if (d->restoreValue)
390         result |= RestoreValue;
391     if (d->restoreBinding)
392         result |= RestoreBinding;
393     return RestorationMode(result);
394 }
setRestoreMode(RestorationMode newMode)396 void QQmlBind::setRestoreMode(RestorationMode newMode)
397 {
398     Q_D(QQmlBind);
399     d->restoreModeExplicit = true;
400     if (newMode != restoreMode()) {
401         d->restoreValue = (newMode & RestoreValue);
402         d->restoreBinding = (newMode & RestoreBinding);
403         emit restoreModeChanged();
404     }
405 }
setTarget(const QQmlProperty & p)407 void QQmlBind::setTarget(const QQmlProperty &p)
408 {
409     Q_D(QQmlBind);
411     if (Q_UNLIKELY(lcBindingRemoval().isInfoEnabled())) {
412         if (QObject *oldObject = d->prop.object()) {
413             QMetaProperty prop = oldObject->metaObject()->property(d->prop.index());
414             if (prop.hasNotifySignal()) {
415                 QByteArray signal('2' + prop.notifySignal().methodSignature());
416                 QObject::disconnect(oldObject, signal.constData(),
417                                     this, SLOT(targetValueChanged()));
418             }
419         }
420         p.connectNotifySignal(this, SLOT(targetValueChanged()));
421     }
423     d->prop = p;
424 }
classBegin()426 void QQmlBind::classBegin()
427 {
428     Q_D(QQmlBind);
429     d->componentComplete = false;
430 }
componentComplete()432 void QQmlBind::componentComplete()
433 {
434     Q_D(QQmlBind);
435     d->componentComplete = true;
436     if (!d->prop.isValid()) {
437         setTarget(QQmlProperty(d->obj, d->propName, qmlContext(this)));
438         d->validate(this);
439     }
440     eval();
441 }
prepareEval()443 void QQmlBind::prepareEval()
444 {
445     Q_D(QQmlBind);
446     if (d->delayed) {
447         if (!d->pendingEval)
448             QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &QQmlBind::eval);
449         d->pendingEval = true;
450     } else {
451         eval();
452     }
453 }
clearPrev()455 void QQmlBindPrivate::clearPrev()
456 {
457     prevBind = nullptr;
458     v4Value.clear();
459     prevValue.clear();
460     prevIsVariant = false;
461 }
eval()463 void QQmlBind::eval()
464 {
465     Q_D(QQmlBind);
466     d->pendingEval = false;
467     if (!d->prop.isValid() || d->value.isNull || !d->componentComplete)
468         return;
470     if (d->when.isValid()) {
471         if (!d->when) {
472             //restore any previous binding
473             if (d->prevBind) {
474                 if (d->restoreBinding) {
475                     QQmlAbstractBinding::Ptr p = d->prevBind;
476                     d->clearPrev(); // Do that before setBinding(), as setBinding() may recurse.
477                     QQmlPropertyPrivate::setBinding(p.data());
478                 }
479             } else if (!d->v4Value.isEmpty()) {
480                 if (d->restoreValue) {
481                     auto propPriv = QQmlPropertyPrivate::get(d->prop);
482                     QQmlVMEMetaObject *vmemo = QQmlVMEMetaObject::get(propPriv->object);
483                     Q_ASSERT(vmemo);
484                     vmemo->setVMEProperty(propPriv->core.coreIndex(), *d->v4Value.valueRef());
485                     d->clearPrev();
486                 } else if (!d->restoreModeExplicit && lcQmlBindingRestoreMode().isWarningEnabled()) {
487                     qmlWarning(this)
488                             << "Not restoring previous value because restoreMode has not been set.\n"
489                             << "This behavior is deprecated.\n"
490                             << "You have to import QtQml 2.15 after any QtQuick imports and set\n"
491                             << "the restoreMode of the binding to fix this warning.\n"
492                             << "In Qt < 6.0 the default is Binding.RestoreBinding.\n"
493                             << "In Qt >= 6.0 the default is Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue.";
494                 }
495             } else if (d->prevIsVariant) {
496                 if (d->restoreValue) {
497                     d->prop.write(d->prevValue);
498                     d->clearPrev();
499                 } else if (!d->restoreModeExplicit  && lcQmlBindingRestoreMode().isWarningEnabled()) {
500                     qmlWarning(this)
501                             << "Not restoring previous value because restoreMode has not been set.\n"
502                             << "This behavior is deprecated.\n"
503                             << "You have to import QtQml 2.15 after any QtQuick imports and set\n"
504                             << "the restoreMode of the binding to fix this warning.\n"
505                             << "In Qt < 6.0 the default is Binding.RestoreBinding.\n"
506                             << "In Qt >= 6.0 the default is Binding.RestoreBindingOrValue.\n";
507                 }
508             }
509             return;
510         }
512         //save any set binding for restoration
513         if (!d->prevBind && d->v4Value.isEmpty() && !d->prevIsVariant) {
514             // try binding first
515             d->prevBind = QQmlPropertyPrivate::binding(d->prop);
517             if (!d->prevBind) { // nope, try a V4 value next
518                 auto propPriv = QQmlPropertyPrivate::get(d->prop);
519                 auto propData = propPriv->core;
520                 if (!propPriv->valueTypeData.isValid() && propData.isVarProperty()) {
521                     QQmlVMEMetaObject *vmemo = QQmlVMEMetaObject::get(propPriv->object);
522                     Q_ASSERT(vmemo);
523                     auto retVal = vmemo->vmeProperty(propData.coreIndex());
524                     d->v4Value = QV4::PersistentValue(vmemo->engine, retVal);
525                 } else { // nope, use the meta object to get a QVariant
526                     d->prevValue = d->prop.read();
527                     d->prevIsVariant = true;
528                 }
529             }
530         }
532         QQmlPropertyPrivate::removeBinding(d->prop);
533     }
535     d->writingProperty = true;
536     d->prop.write(d->value.value.toVariant());
537     d->writingProperty = false;
538 }
targetValueChanged()540 void QQmlBind::targetValueChanged()
541 {
542     Q_D(QQmlBind);
543     if (d->writingProperty)
544         return;
546     if (d->when.isValid() && !d->when)
547         return;
549     QUrl url;
550     quint16 line = 0;
552     const QQmlData *ddata = QQmlData::get(this, false);
553     if (ddata && ddata->outerContext) {
554         url = ddata->outerContext->url();
555         line = ddata->lineNumber;
556     }
558     qCInfo(lcBindingRemoval,
559            "The target property of the Binding element created at %s:%d was changed from "
560            "elsewhere. This does not overwrite the binding. The target property will still be "
561            "updated when the value of the Binding element changes.",
562            qPrintable(url.toString()), line);
563 }
567 #include "moc_qqmlbind_p.cpp"